Author Topic: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers  (Read 44971 times)

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Offline Nipplestockings

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Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2013, 03:01:26 am »
Personally I dont get why we are arguing over some post this kid didnt even write. From what I have got from his recent posts he in quote

God you are heartless. I have been studying all day for exams which I am very nervous about, I have been having a hard time in the regiment and it is very stressful as well as losing my major, and I come on this server and am constantly abused and provoked. I please ask an admin to check the logs before confirming that I did the above, there were many witnesses who agreed with me when I said they were teamkilling throughout the maps, which they were (please check logs) and I did not get a single moment of peace, this is really not the thing I need at the moment and I hope someone out there has some sense, maybe someone who knows the stresses of forming a reg and doing exams.

I was responding to the bit of his post that he did write:

Epic eh?

And seeing as this is one of USA's few responses:

Just to clear some things up and to tell USA that they are not the centre of the world and they did not win WW2 alone. We appreciate your support however.

Offline ClearlyInvsible

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Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2013, 03:02:04 am »
Well, not counting your totally unprovable claim that everything on earth is made with the US in mind, let's focus on your claim that Japan is a US-protectorate and that the US exerts complete and utter control over Japan.

This is completely and utterly (see what I did there?) untrue. The US and Japan have mutually defence agreements and Japan would definitely have hard time defending itself against a country like Russia or China, but if the US is completely responsible for the defence of Japan, how come Japan has the fifth highest military budget on earth? I'd like to see some sources for your claim that the US controls the Japanese government.

Well Docm, the Japanise constitution says they can't declare war or put their troops on foreign soil. In fact I think it's written there that if someone attacks Japan the US must act as the attack force...
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Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2013, 03:05:11 am »
Stay on topic please. Last time I will say this.


Offline Kator Viridian

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Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
« Reply #33 on: April 25, 2013, 03:07:52 am »
Can I clear this up a little?

Instead of nations the 2 beligerants of D-day were the Americans and "Commonwealth Nations and its alliances".

The commonwealth nations consisted of Canada, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Indian troops, Free French, Polish, Czech and a few other nations. Quite a lot were involved with the Airforce and Navy rather than ground troops.

French Commandos played key roles in the D-day landings around Port En Bessin and really should not be ignored at all as it supported the link up between the Commonwealth landings and the American landings.

The Commonwealth had ups and downs for its success, Pegasus Bridge was taken in 8 minutes and Horsa followed up shortly afterwards (You would not beleive how close the Gliders landed, you can pace it out for about 40 steps, its not even a light jog) ... to a horrific assault on the Merville Battery of 50% casualties from a force that was already depleted to 25% from Ad-Hoc parachute drops ... which is quite scary.

If you think that Omaha and Utah beach were horrible? well the total losses were around 10% of the forces deployed to take the beaches ... they expected 60% losses ... its not really compareable. You can find the Current Cemetary on Google maps ... just imagine it 6 times bigger.

While some people are now saying "Europe would be beaten" well yes your right there, but America would of soon fallen, U-boats already at its doors only 10 miles from its shores, the 2 Biggest battleships ever built would still be at large. America would of been sandwiched between 2 nations, its ports on the east bloodied at the nose ... and to their west Pearl harbour funneled into a tiny gap.

America is fortunate never to have a war on its doorstep thus far, while most other nations have already sorted out defence measures and already have experiance in thus matters. America always suffered the most due to lack of experiance in tactical warefare, it is why its losses were so high in WWI, the same for WWII ... it joined in late and suffered for it in its soldiers and overzealous leaders. The Americans Criticised the British and canadians for being "Slow", well too right in my eyes, they had been fighting far longer, knew how to win their battles without sustained losses ... and this is where the overzealousness comes in, the losses on Omaha were so severe it dwarfed the combined effort of the 4 other beaches, it was not the hardest beach they were all relatively Equal.

The Use of DD Tanks were a key role, on the other beaches the commanders had opted to land the Tanks rather than Float them, but on Omaha well you can see the results. Of the near 50 tanks deployed only 2 made it to shore ... where other Beaches had had near all of their tanks land successfuly with landing them conventionaly. Would Omaha of been so bad with tanks on the Field? ... I think the losses would of been significantly less.

If you think America would of been fine without joining in at all, you would be sorely mistaken, what happened to the countries that Germany conquered? Well they joined it, there are various accounts of Polish and Czech regiments, even Russian regiments in the German army who were conscripted AFTER their conquest. Could America Survive a dual attack from 2 nations that have far more Experiance than it of Aqatic assaults, Naval Sieges and Experiance by the bucket load of Land experiance.

Michael Wittmann is a prime example, with over 100 russian tank kills before moving over the western front and totalling a British Armoured Collumn with his Comrades on his very first mission of the western front ... you think America would of been safe from him with its minimal Tank fighting experiance?

Would America of Survived without joining in the war? Doubtful - its lack of experiance and willingness to have U-boats so close to its borders pre-war point to sloppy mistakes which lead to thousands of deaths.

I would suggest going on a tour of the Battlefields you'll learn a lot about these "What if" Scenarios of WWII, after going around Normandy you can really judge how horrible and horrific it must of been for those people lost, not just on the Allies but Axis too ... the German Cemetary in La Cambe has 26,000 burried in it ... the American Cemetary has .... 26,000.

Quite an eye opener really when you go there and I would heavily suggest it to learn something and see what its like. Pay respects to both as Equals, neither side was better than the other, neither was braver, neither was more cowardly ... No matter how you look at it ... Thousands of people lost their lives ... and you probably knew none of them or what they were like ... but there they are all gathered in one place, its scary to imagine each stone as one person (Or in the German cemetary 2-5 people).

Offline Orcaryo

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Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2013, 03:09:05 am »
While I was born in America and have a Colombian backround(I am reading this like a Colombian so I dont try to seem like I just simply want America to look good). Bottom line is that the Allies won WWII and the Nazis were defeated. I really dont see why it matters which country on the allies side won the war. Our ancestors were working together in WWII and here we are arguing over which one did more. Like a school project, doesnt matter who does the most work as long as the work gets done.

Offline ClearlyInvsible

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Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
« Reply #35 on: April 25, 2013, 03:11:02 am »
I like the two people above, they speak logic.
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Offline kpetschulat

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Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2013, 03:25:30 am »
Bottom line is that the Allies won WWII and the Nazis Axis were defeated.

Please, don't be an idiot. The Allies defeated the Axis, not the "Nazis." The "Nazis" weren't an army, it was a political movement in Germany during the 1930s-1940s. I'd say that more than 90% of the German army was simply, the German army. It was Germans fighting for their country. The "Nazis" were involved primarily in the SS and the Gestapo. That's it. And, obviously some of Hitler's right hand-men were "Nazis" as well.

Offline Orcaryo

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Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2013, 03:31:54 am »
Bottom line is that the Allies won WWII and the Nazis Axis were defeated.

Please, don't be an idiot. The Allies defeated the Axis, not the "Nazis." The "Nazis" weren't an army, it was a political movement in Germany during the 1930s-1940s. I'd say that more than 90% of the German army was simply, the German army. It was Germans fighting for their country. The "Nazis" were involved primarily in the SS and the Gestapo. That's it. And, obviously some of Hitler's right hand-men were "Nazis" as well.
Wow, you could have just simply said "I respect what you believe but I think you mean German army instead of "The Nazis". No need to call me an idiot

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Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2013, 03:35:11 am »
It felt right. I'm just tired of the people who don't know their facts. Lol. I apologize, it was rather harsh of me to say.

Offline Docm30

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Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2013, 03:37:33 am »
Germans fighting for their country? bullshit. Every German in the army knew that their country had declared unprovoked wars on peaceful nations and that Germany had no legitimate reason to be fighting. They also must have known their country was committing crimes against humanity, or did they think all the Jews, homosexuals and ethnic and religious minorities just vanished into thin air?

There are also all the atrocities the Wehrmacht committed.

The myth of the "clean Wehrmacht" has been completely disproven and I recommend you do some reading on it. I'd start with the book The Wehrmacht: History, Myth, Reality. There are plenty of articles online, as well.

Offline Orcaryo

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Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
« Reply #40 on: April 25, 2013, 03:43:20 am »
It felt right. I'm just tired of the people who don't know their facts. Lol. I apologize, it was rather harsh of me to say.
forgiven and btw 

Germans fighting for their country? bullshit. Every German in the army knew that their country had declared unprovoked wars on peaceful nations and that Germany had no legitimate reason to be fighting. They also must have known their country was committing crimes against humanity, or did they think all the Jews, homosexuals and ethnic and religious minorities just vanished into thin air?

There are also all the atrocities the Wehrmacht committed.

The myth of the "clean Wehrmacht" has been completely disproven and I recommend you do some reading on it. I'd start with the book The Wehrmacht: History, Myth, Reality. There are plenty of articles online, as well.

Offline ClearlyInvsible

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Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
« Reply #41 on: April 25, 2013, 03:54:04 am »
Germans fighting for their country? bullshit. Every German in the army knew that their country had declared unprovoked wars on peaceful nations and that Germany had no legitimate reason to be fighting. They also must have known their country was committing crimes against humanity, or did they think all the Jews, homosexuals and ethnic and religious minorities just vanished into thin air?

There are also all the atrocities the Wehrmacht committed.

The myth of the "clean Wehrmacht" has been completely disproven and I recommend you do some reading on it. I'd start with the book The Wehrmacht: History, Myth, Reality. There are plenty of articles online, as well.

Germany had just been through a Depression so bad their money was worth less than wallpaper, homes were desotried and looted, and most of the country was broke.

People do crazy things when their desperate. As much as I despise the Third Riech, I understand WHY Germans went by the "By whtever means" mindset.

Again, I understand, I do NOT condone.
"No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it."- Andrew Carnegie
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Offline kpetschulat

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Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
« Reply #42 on: April 25, 2013, 04:03:50 am »
Germans fighting for their country? bullshit. Every German in the army knew that their country had declared unprovoked wars on peaceful nations and that Germany had no legitimate reason to be fighting. They also must have known their country was committing crimes against humanity, or did they think all the Jews, homosexuals and ethnic and religious minorities just vanished into thin air?

There are also all the atrocities the Wehrmacht committed.

The myth of the "clean Wehrmacht" has been completely disproven and I recommend you do some reading on it. I'd start with the book The Wehrmacht: History, Myth, Reality. There are plenty of articles online, as well.

I'm beginning to think you're delusional, as nipplestockings said. For you to say there were no Germans fighting for their country, is the most ridiculous thing I have seen anyone say in awhile. I also find it incredibly offensive that you would even dare to say such a thing. As a German myself, it truly pains me to hear anyone say such a ludicrous thing. Most of the Germans who fought in the army were simply Germans fighting for their country, exactly like I said before. I'm sure many of them knew of the atrocities that were going on, but they were not fighting to keep such things going, rather to keep Germany as a whole alive. Unfortunately, many of them made a sacrifice that was unnecessary, and was the cause of one man's actions. Do NOT EVER say such a thing again, about Germans. Put the blame where it belongs. My great-grandfather wanted nothing to do with the acts against the Jews, blacks, handicap, etc. He simply fought for Germany, and died for Germany.

I suggest that this thread get closed. This has gone too far, too fast.

Germany had just been through a Depression so bad their money was worth less than wallpaper, homes were desotried and looted, and most of the country was broke.

People do crazy things when their desperate. As much as I despise the Third Riech, I understand WHY Germans went by the "By whtever means" mindset.

Again, I understand, I do NOT condone.

This, is a logical, and understandable thing to say.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 04:05:36 am by kpetschulat »

Offline OGNValjean

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Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2013, 04:05:07 am »
Four things that could have allowed America to win alone.

1. Their Industrial Might was greater than the Russians, who are notrious for their speedy construction of the T-34

2. Their Man Power was largely due to Immigration and thus large families and could yield more troops than Germany and Italy

3. They're isolated from the rest of the world basically and yet they were the only ones able to deliver Invasions from across the oceans.

4. The Americans had yet to face a war of defeat and had a high sense of victory in fighting and thus had the determined mindset to win a long bloody war if needed.

Side Notes, they invented the best Bombers and Fighters(B-25, P-51 Mustang) And were the only nation to give a huge amount of firepower largely due to fielding the M1 Garand (8 Shot Semi Auto .30 cal)

Offline ClearlyInvsible

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Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
« Reply #44 on: April 25, 2013, 04:13:17 am »
Four things that could have allowed America to win alone.

1. Their Industrial Might was greater than the Russians, who are notrious for their speedy construction of the T-34

2. Their Man Power was largely due to Immigration and thus large families and could yield more troops than Germany and Italy

3. They're isolated from the rest of the world basically and yet they were the only ones able to deliver Invasions from across the oceans.

4. The Americans had yet to face a war of defeat and had a high sense of victory in fighting and thus had the determined mindset to win a long bloody war if needed.

Side Notes, they invented the best Bombers and Fighters(B-25, P-51 Mustang) And were the only nation to give a huge amount of firepower largely due to fielding the M1 Garand (8 Shot Semi Auto .30 cal)

1. Incorrect, in 1941 US Industry was in a bad position compaired tot he rest of the world. There were many factories but they had HORRIBLE methods.

2. That also means plenty of people who'll fight for the other side. There are a recorded 1,015 Americans who fought for the Wehrmacht in France, plus America had a growing Nazi party of it's own.

3. This isn't 1812. The Germans had plenty of Falshrimjagers they could have used, or they could have attacked Canada and used that as a FOB against the US. The Atlantic and Pacific were no longer an excuse for saying that the US could stay out of war.

4. Ok I agree with this

Also, Germany and Italy? How about Romania, Bulgaria and Japan? Spain could have hopped in also, if they were pressured. The US would have been facing the AXIS POWERS, not two nations.
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