
How much Iron is in Europe?

1 litre
99 (11.7%)
10 litres
11 (1.3%)
20 litres
10 (1.2%)
200 litres
16 (1.9%)
400 litres
48 (5.7%)
240.336.676,217765 litres
300 (35.5%) litres
362 (42.8%)

Total Members Voted: 838

Author Topic: [NW][M]Iron Europe - WWI Mod (RELEASED) - Old Thread  (Read 1000518 times)

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Offline Willhelm

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod (Update #13 German Weapons.2)
« Reply #615 on: January 22, 2013, 04:14:41 am »
Barbed wire would be good, as long as it can't be abused (such as barbed wire forts)
Barbed wire would be like sandbags. And sandbags can be abused.
Everything can be abused.
But I would make the height of the barbed wire higher so you can't jump over it. Because...it's barbed wire.

You can make the collision box follow the wire so it can't be used to hide behind as a wall, so a barbed wire fort would be useless and you could just shoot them through the giant gaps everywhere. Also making the collision box follow the wire would mean it would be hard to hit directly onto the wire in the heat of battle with a bayonet, meaning it isn't easily destroyable without a weapon which can swing, which most units won't have I believe.

Offline Landrik

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod (Update #13 German Weapons.2)
« Reply #616 on: January 22, 2013, 12:36:21 pm »
Honestly the barbed wire sections shouldn't be very long. If you have a guy who's going to cut a hole in the wire, it'd be silly if he destroys a large section of wire doing so. Also, it'd also fit inside of a trench, which attackers would do to hamper enemy reinforcements. Two in one. Badda bing.
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Offline Murray

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod (Update #13 German Weapons.2)
« Reply #617 on: January 22, 2013, 07:12:39 pm »
It would be good to have something, when forces pushed and took trenches, they often built barricades left and right so enemy still in the same trench couldn't reclaim them easily.

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Offline James Grant

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod (Update #13 German Weapons.2)
« Reply #618 on: January 22, 2013, 10:25:37 pm »
It would be good to have something, when forces pushed and took trenches, they often built barricades left and right so enemy still in the same trench couldn't reclaim them easily.

You do know of the Sapper class right?

Offline Jorvasker

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod (Update #13 German Weapons.2)
« Reply #619 on: January 23, 2013, 01:36:57 am »
This is like the most talked about mod i think ever in NW maybe NaS was but i think this one beats it :P

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod (Update #13 German Weapons.2)
« Reply #620 on: January 23, 2013, 01:44:05 am »
Off the forums, this mod is a very hot topic.
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Offline Rigadoon

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod (Update #13 German Weapons.2)
« Reply #621 on: January 23, 2013, 05:30:41 am »
I'll get an update out for you guys before the end of the month. That should stop you guys trying to murder each other for another couple weeks.  ;)

I found a cool WW1 picture and decided to make the best of it.
Much appreciated.  :)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 05:35:04 am by Rigadoon »

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod (Update #13 German Weapons.2)
« Reply #622 on: January 23, 2013, 06:46:01 pm »
Of course I've heard of sappers, I'm talking about sappers being allowed to lay down barbed wire, pay attention please.

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod (Update #13 German Weapons.2)
« Reply #623 on: January 24, 2013, 03:35:17 am »
We'll have plenty of time to settle our quarrels in the Trenches of France.

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Offline Wismar

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod (Update #13 German Weapons.2)
« Reply #624 on: January 27, 2013, 05:41:56 pm »

Mod Team
Most people in our mod team have extensive modding experience. Details on how to join are in the FAQ.


Rigadoon: Modeler|Texturer

Hampus Norlander: Modeler|Texturer|Art

Croosaid.R: Modeler|Texturer

Gaham: Coder

DiplexHeated: Sound Design|Art

Baillie: Texturer

Hudson: Modeler

BetaKnight: Modeler|Texturer

DiffusionXI: Modeler|Texturer

Cheesemcboots: Texturer|Art

Thanks goes to these incredible people for their contributions to the mod. If you should be on this list but aren't, notify me immediately so I can get you up here! Besides the first person, this list is not in any particular order.

Azrooh: Deserves a spot at the top of the list because of the amazing coding work that he has done and is still doing, for the mod.

Wolfstar97: Starting the original mod and doing a great job on it. His work on BF Europe is why Iron Europe exists.

Kapellan: Worked on BF Europe, we're using his beautiful weapon models

Lucke189: For his WWI OSP

AndreusAs: Allowing us to use sandbags from his mod.

ThatSillyLucas: Awesome guy who provided us tons of info on the French.

Rojen: Former team member that had to leave due to work/school reasons.

The Great War Team: Allowing us to use their research.

Harry: Providing incredibly detailed diagrams on a bunch of WWI weapons.

Skot the Sanguine: Gave us very useful information and photos of German equipment.

Signature makers: Helping us advertise the mod.


Poll Results
Poll results help us get an idea of what the community wants but do not make the final decisions.

Should there be females?
Yes:53 (31.9%)
No:113 (68.1%)
Total Members Voted: 166

Units Poll
Variety of different units: 61 (52.1%)
Standard unit but with uniform randomization: 56 (47.9%)
Total Members Voted: 117

Other Links
Total War Center Thread
For the TWC forumers. This one is usually out of date.

Steam Group
Join up to get notifications on updates and be able to ask questions to developers! In the future we hope that the steam group will also make event hosting easier.

Mod DB Page
Pretty much the same as the page here. We just want to reach out to more people.

French Thread
For French speakers.

The Great War
A WWI mod for Napoleon: Total War. They've made tons of new things including tanks!

Gallipoli 1915-1916
A WWI mod for Mount&Blade Warband. They've shown some very high quality work. Definitely worth checking out.

Iron Europe is a mod in progress for Mount&Blade Napoleonic Wars. We aim to fully immerse players in the brutal battlefields of World War I with new gameplay features, weapons, sounds, scene props, maps and animations. You'll be able to pick from a variety of classes with different weapon sets, strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to decide how you want to play. Then you'll be thrown into muddy, worn down trenches where you'll either be fighting off enemy assault troops, cowering from artillery fire, or preparing attacks to punch through enemy lines.

Some history of the mod. The first WWI mod for Warband to ever be completed was The Vast Fields of Europe. While it had many interesting features, it was killed by buggy releases and lack of interest. Several months after the death of TVFoE, the team created Battlefield Europe 1916 with a whole new vision in mind. Iron Europe continues that vision and we grow ever closer delivering a grand WWI mod.

For those who remember Battlefield Europe 1916
Well here it is. Battlefield Europe is finally back but under a new name and some changes. Big change number one is that we'll be making our mod for Napoleonic Wars. Also, Wolfstar has moved on so the mod is no longer under his leadership. Our goals remain mostly the same and we hope to deliver you a mod that makes the long wait worth it. Thanks so much to those who have followed us since The Vast Fields of Europe or Battlefield Europe.

Planned Features
These are the features we'd like to have for our first public release. We'll definitely expand the mod to include more features in the future.
-New Factions; French Third Republic, German Empire
-A wide variety of classes to choose from providing different strenghts and weaknesses
-Tons and tons of new weapons including revolvers, semi-autos, machine guns, and bolt action rifles
-New sounds for firing, shooting, melee and background music
-Grenades with timer
-Working whistles and binoculars
-Attachable and detachable bayonets
-Mortars, infantry support guns, and other short range artillery
-Poison gas shells and gasmasks

Frequently Asked Questions
1.How can I help?
   a.I don't have any modding skills at all but I still want to do what I can to help.
Even without modding skills you can be tons of help to the mod. Just spread the word around and wear one of our signatures. This will help us tons because every mod/game needs a strong player base to succeed. Also, posts on the thread are very encouraging to our team. Criticism helps us know how to improve our work and praise encourages us to work harder.
   b.I can research and/or map.
Sorry but we don't allow researchers or mappers into the team officially. It would just be too easy to abuse since that would mean that anyone who can provide a couple google links or a couple maps would have access to early testing versions. However, research and mapping help is still appreciated and of course, you'll be credited. For mappers, we've made a mapping module(NW with WWI props) so that mappers can get started before the release of the mod. However, it is currently bugged and it's best to wait until we fix it up.
   c.I have actual modding skills like modeling, coding, or animating.
We accept modders that are serious about helping the mod and have some modding experience. If you want to join, make a post on the forums(pm if you prefer) showing the position you want, past experiences, and some work you've done.

2.When does the mod take place?
We want to be flexible to allow us more options so we're going for a 1916-17 time frame.

3.When will this mod be released?
Short Answer: We don't know
At this point in the development of the mod, there is really no way to determine when this mod will be released. Since we arn't getting paid to do this, we can only work on this in our freetime, still needing to worry about real work and school. There are also things that can put team members out of action for a long time. So for now, any release date that we give out will most likely be wrong and we'd rather not disappoint anyone.
    b.Will this mod be out by ------ ?
Again, we don't know. Asking "when will this release," in a slightly different way will not yield you a better answer.

4.Will there be machineguns?
Yes. We'll have light machine guns that can be moved around quickly and heavy machine guns that you need to deploy to use. Update #9 shows a placeholder French Chauchat LMG in action.

5.Will there be artillery?
Yes! We'll have a variety of shorter range artillery like mortars, infantry support guns, and light field guns. Anything heavier than those wouldn't make any sense because of the small size of Warband maps. There will also be a wide variety of ammunition like explosive and gas.

6.What about stuff like flamethrowers, tanks, armored cars and planes?
As you can probably guess, stuff like this is very difficult to do. Other mods have proven that such features are possible so you may see them in the far future but it's definitely not a priority at the moment.

7.What other factions will there be?
Once France and Germany are fleshed out we'll work on the UK. After that we're thinking of doing the other major powers in this order; Austria-Hungarian Empire, Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire. If we actually make it that far, we may even try to include some minor factions.  :wink:

8.Will German troops be able to wear the Pickelhaube?
Unfortunately, no. It was not used during combat during the mod's time frame.

9.Will there be cavalry?
For the first few versions, no. We're starting with creating the Western Front which means maps covered with trenches, barbed wire, and craters. Cavalry would hardly be able to maneuver. Machine guns and accurate rifles would annihilate horses at the start of every round. Cavalry is simply not good for game play. Furthermore, historically there are several countries that did not use cavalry significantly on the Western Front. Even the countries that did use cavalry found little use for them and they were often dismounted to fight in the trenches.

10.Can I be apart of the closed beta?
Closed beta will be very small, exclusive to the team, contributors, and a few others. Don't ask to be one of the 'few others', you will be denied.

Come on the pickelhaubes was used in WW1! But that is not the point. I am sure of that most of the people here want to be able to wear pickelhaubes because they are really awesome looking. If anyone know of any pickelhaube reskin for NW I would be very greatfull if you told me.

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod (Update #13 German Weapons.2)
« Reply #625 on: January 27, 2013, 05:49:11 pm »
Come on, look at the signature I am using. You can see that the Germans wear pickelhaube. I will admit I have a pickelhaube fetish but there has been no skin or mods that uses pickelhaubes. I doesn't make it that I can't create mods.

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod (Update #13 German Weapons.2)
« Reply #626 on: January 27, 2013, 06:49:19 pm »
If you could not triple post, that would be excellent. Although, I do agree, many grenadiers did wear pickelhaubes.

Offline Rigadoon

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod (Update #13 German Weapons.2)
« Reply #627 on: January 27, 2013, 07:29:53 pm »
Come on the pickelhaubes was used in WW1! But that is not the point. I am sure of that most of the people here want to be able to wear pickelhaubes because they are really awesome looking. If anyone know of any pickelhaube reskin for NW I would be very greatfull if you told me.
I don't recall where I said pickelhaubes weren't used in WWI. If people want a pickelhaube in the mod, they are free to reskin it. I'd even be up for making it myself. Also, use the edit button, it's there for a reason.  ;)

If you could not triple post, that would be excellent. Although, I do agree, many grenadiers did wear pickelhaubes.
On the Western Front, in late 1916 and beyond, the Pickelhaube was already restricted to being worn by high ranking officers away from the front lines.

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod (Update #13 German Weapons.2)
« Reply #628 on: January 28, 2013, 11:08:04 am »
Come on the pickelhaubes was used in WW1! But that is not the point. I am sure of that most of the people here want to be able to wear pickelhaubes because they are really awesome looking. If anyone know of any pickelhaube reskin for NW I would be very greatfull if you told me.
I don't recall where I said pickelhaubes weren't used in WWI. If people want a pickelhaube in the mod, they are free to reskin it. I'd even be up for making it myself. Also, use the edit button, it's there for a reason.  ;)

If you could not triple post, that would be excellent. Although, I do agree, many grenadiers did wear pickelhaubes.
On the Western Front, in late 1916 and beyond, the Pickelhaube was already restricted to being worn by high ranking officers away from the front lines.

Would you like to make a pickelhaube reskin? I would like to pay you some for the service, pm me if you are interested.

Sorry for posting alot, I am just so eager to play this and I was a bit dissapointed that pickelhaubs wouldn't make it through. I wish you good luck with this mod and I hope to play it soon.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 11:17:06 am by Oscar XI Hederlööf »

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod (Update #13 German Weapons.2)
« Reply #629 on: January 28, 2013, 04:25:00 pm »
We know all swedens like Pickelhaube  ;D