Author Topic: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications  (Read 41695 times)

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Offline ZeroNight

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Re: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications
« Reply #720 on: October 12, 2021, 07:08:50 pm »
just transform the 45thN into an army with different regiments, problem solved ::)
Leo1032: Immer diese Menschen
Habe ich eigentlich schon mal erwähnt das es nichts gibt was retardeter ist als deutsche Regimenter in diesem Spiel - Link2luke 2k16
I'm 6'4 and play Tennis 4 times a week. Also have been doing a lot of MMA (about 5 times a week) and a bit of kickboxing for years. From time to time (twice a week) I go to the gym, more often during vacation. So add me or get kicked, u weak bastard.

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Re: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications
« Reply #721 on: October 12, 2021, 07:09:53 pm »
just transform the 45thN into an army with different regiments, problem solved ::)

Offline Keita

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Re: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications
« Reply #722 on: October 12, 2021, 07:10:27 pm »
I remember when 15th YR were supportive; times change once they've dropped off the top and the team they once supported now is competition. You could argue about our roster size all you want, but that isn't warranted considering that 'point' isn't actually a point, especially when it came to talking about how only 'X' members turn up and that it's a "fib", that almost certainly is a personal issue rather than one that proves any form of point.

The question remains if having a 'big' roster is harmful for the community, and that can be answered pretty clearly... no, there's plenty of recruits to go around if smaller regiments want to do that, there's no 'leeching' involved, especially if we're still able to get recruits weekly, most of which start playing casually, just because we have numbers, doesn't mean we've got the entire NW community in our regiment, that's just silly. Having a big regiment isn't detrimental to the community as these players are getting training and could easily go to another regiment if they wish, they're getting trained up and if they want to leave, they can. Want to know why 45thN is big and stays big? Because people want to be here, if regiments are unable to retain the recruits they get, then that's their own fault for not providing what they want, people we train up stay, but also many leave, so it's not in any case a big deal, if anything it brings more players to the smaller communities who are too lazy to do it themselves, any regiment can get big.

In regards to allowing centre teams into an RGL; that should be a non-ism, having more people play in a tournament is completely respectable and should be encourage, especially given that separate companies have their own leadership, training routine and players, essentially making them a completely separate community, it's just a community that shares the same name as 45thN, there would be absolutely no difference between the centre company being its own regiment and the centre company being in another regiment. It's very obvious people are more 'fed-up' and jealous of these larger regiments due to the potential of not allowing other regiments to win, but that shouldn't be an issue as these are the same teams that are formed and trained up as any other regiment; if other regiments are unable to compete, then that's their problem for potentially the lack of leader, effort or anything in-between.

It's plainly obvious that jealousy is almost certainly a key factor, especially thinking that potentially 92nd/45thN could not only have the potential to win League 1, but also League 2 with their centre companies, but unfortunately this is how competition works. Sure you could say it's a 'regimental' group fighting league, but the centre company is still part of a regiment and is still regimental, since when by definition does 'regimental' have any number plastered to it. Centre companies in general shouldn't have 'priority' over other smaller regiments, but shouldn't also be cast out if another regiment signs up over it, should be based on time signed up.
lol, you people are incredible, every single slight, every single critique made that even is slightly related to the 45thn has to be taken as some major beef, or betrayal (judging from your first paragraph). It's impossible to even have a reasonable discussion about this kind of stuff because you and other people like Ryan take every argument that goes against your regiment, as a signal that we're trying to force disband the 45thn or something. I explained in my first post about how allowing centre companies or regiments to place multiple teams in a tournament is a bad thing, which in reply to, you said makes sense, yet here you are arguing to the contrary now as though the very survival of the 45thn relies on this. And to be totally clear, we have supported you, helped (and continue to help) you when possible and assisted in ways that you can not even begin to understand, so for you people to push aside critique levelled your way as an act of jealousy or malintent is frankly ridiculous.

1 - Having a huge roster is damaging if it comes at the expense of the rest of the community, if you were to have a roster of 500 people, with 100 turning up to every event and your opponents bring 10 people to each event, then quite obviously that's a bad thing for all parties involved. Now in regards to the 45thn, the whole 300 active members stuff is just a meme at the end of the day, we know and you know that realistically you don't have 300 people turning up to an event, if you want to get mad at people taking the piss out of that, then be my guest.
Also as an add on to this particular point, if a regiment is monopolising recruits, then it does have a significant impact on the rest of the EU regimental community, I remember a number of years ago in NA, the 63e banned recruiting on their servers for any other regiments but the 63e, this was hugely damaging to the NA scene at the time, I'm not comparing you to the 63e in this case. But if a regiment is receiving the majority of available recruits in the community, then there will be repercussions for that upon the rest of the regiments that rely on servers such as tropical and minisiege for playerbase.

2 - A reason why the regimental scene has survived/thrived over the last years is the fact that we have maintained the high standards required to keep things going. If you wish for stuff like centre companies to take part in RGL, then where does the ball stop? Surely if a centre company can take part, then why shouldn't a regiments lights company take part, why should I be able to make an extended groupfighting team and take part in RGL? The division of regiments into centre companies, gren companies etc is meaningless at this point, what you guys basically are advocating for is a collection of regiments/gf teams loosely connected by the same name, this should not be a part of regimental play in this game. If you also wish top advocate for this to be implemented, you must also ask yourself, why is it necessary that your second team is limited to league 2? Regiments with a competitive spirit such as 45thn and 92nd do, in some way carry that on to their centre companies, who when placed in league 2, would most likely crush any opposition, why limit them to league 2 if you want them to take part? Surely that would just present a balancing issue for the less skilled regiments in league 2.
- Let's also be real here, the majority of matches will be played 15v15 - 20v20, what's to stop regiments with b teams just placing the half of their gren company that probably wouldn't play, in their second team?

3 - RGL is the premier tournament series left in this game, it is, and should continue to be a demonstration of the best that all the regiments have to offer, it is not the job of the hosts to accommodate your specific regimental challenges, such as autonomous companies that do not work together, or a gren company that, rather than taking people from the centre company, prefers to recruit from outside the regiment. Like I've already said, as regiment leaders/communities you have to face a number of challenges, and preparing/training your regiment and organising your team to take part is one of the many challenges. Just because you have a centre company that plays well or hundreds of members, does not give you any more worth than any of the other regiments trying to take part in RGL, and nor should it offer you the chance to place multiple regimental teams in RGL, thinking otherwise is an act of selfishness and should not be something encouraged within this community.
astaghfirullah, may god restore your health both of you
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Offline John Price

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Re: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications
« Reply #723 on: October 12, 2021, 07:11:11 pm »
Its only on this videogame website that EU people can post 10+ pages on a single night about an event on a 2012 dead game
You are part of the problem zzz

astaghfirullah, may god restore your health both of you
Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

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Re: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications
« Reply #724 on: October 12, 2021, 07:20:22 pm »
Just do a 4v4 ft5 about it.

Maskman, Stockholm, Fietta and Golden vs John Price, Nock, Gi and Hertz

Once again, you bring up my name on the table for no reason as I have been neutral the entire time and so has the 13e.

Genuine question, are you craving for my attention or ?
we all want your attention nock

Offline LEVIS

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Re: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications
« Reply #725 on: October 12, 2021, 07:24:20 pm »
at this point just make the 92nd split into the 65th and the 45thN into the 10th or 45thM

Offline AchillesTheOne

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Re: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications
« Reply #726 on: October 12, 2021, 07:42:26 pm »
I remember when 15th YR were supportive; times change once they've dropped off the top and the team they once supported now is competition. You could argue about our roster size all you want, but that isn't warranted considering that 'point' isn't actually a point, especially when it came to talking about how only 'X' members turn up and that it's a "fib", that almost certainly is a personal issue rather than one that proves any form of point.

The question remains if having a 'big' roster is harmful for the community, and that can be answered pretty clearly... no, there's plenty of recruits to go around if smaller regiments want to do that, there's no 'leeching' involved, especially if we're still able to get recruits weekly, most of which start playing casually, just because we have numbers, doesn't mean we've got the entire NW community in our regiment, that's just silly. Having a big regiment isn't detrimental to the community as these players are getting training and could easily go to another regiment if they wish, they're getting trained up and if they want to leave, they can. Want to know why 45thN is big and stays big? Because people want to be here, if regiments are unable to retain the recruits they get, then that's their own fault for not providing what they want, people we train up stay, but also many leave, so it's not in any case a big deal, if anything it brings more players to the smaller communities who are too lazy to do it themselves, any regiment can get big.

In regards to allowing centre teams into an RGL; that should be a non-ism, having more people play in a tournament is completely respectable and should be encourage, especially given that separate companies have their own leadership, training routine and players, essentially making them a completely separate community, it's just a community that shares the same name as 45thN, there would be absolutely no difference between the centre company being its own regiment and the centre company being in another regiment. It's very obvious people are more 'fed-up' and jealous of these larger regiments due to the potential of not allowing other regiments to win, but that shouldn't be an issue as these are the same teams that are formed and trained up as any other regiment; if other regiments are unable to compete, then that's their problem for potentially the lack of leader, effort or anything in-between.

It's plainly obvious that jealousy is almost certainly a key factor, especially thinking that potentially 92nd/45thN could not only have the potential to win League 1, but also League 2 with their centre companies, but unfortunately this is how competition works. Sure you could say it's a 'regimental' group fighting league, but the centre company is still part of a regiment and is still regimental, since when by definition does 'regimental' have any number plastered to it. Centre companies in general shouldn't have 'priority' over other smaller regiments, but shouldn't also be cast out if another regiment signs up over it, should be based on time signed up.
lol, you people are incredible, every single slight, every single critique made that even is slightly related to the 45thn has to be taken as some major beef, or betrayal (judging from your first paragraph). It's impossible to even have a reasonable discussion about this kind of stuff because you and other people like Ryan take every argument that goes against your regiment, as a signal that we're trying to force disband the 45thn or something. I explained in my first post about how allowing centre companies or regiments to place multiple teams in a tournament is a bad thing, which in reply to, you said makes sense, yet here you are arguing to the contrary now as though the very survival of the 45thn relies on this. And to be totally clear, we have supported you, helped (and continue to help) you when possible and assisted in ways that you can not even begin to understand, so for you people to push aside critique levelled your way as an act of jealousy or malintent is frankly ridiculous.

1 - Having a huge roster is damaging if it comes at the expense of the rest of the community, if you were to have a roster of 500 people, with 100 turning up to every event and your opponents bring 10 people to each event, then quite obviously that's a bad thing for all parties involved. Now in regards to the 45thn, the whole 300 active members stuff is just a meme at the end of the day, we know and you know that realistically you don't have 300 people turning up to an event, if you want to get mad at people taking the piss out of that, then be my guest.
Also as an add on to this particular point, if a regiment is monopolising recruits, then it does have a significant impact on the rest of the EU regimental community, I remember a number of years ago in NA, the 63e banned recruiting on their servers for any other regiments but the 63e, this was hugely damaging to the NA scene at the time, I'm not comparing you to the 63e in this case. But if a regiment is receiving the majority of available recruits in the community, then there will be repercussions for that upon the rest of the regiments that rely on servers such as tropical and minisiege for playerbase.

2 - A reason why the regimental scene has survived/thrived over the last years is the fact that we have maintained the high standards required to keep things going. If you wish for stuff like centre companies to take part in RGL, then where does the ball stop? Surely if a centre company can take part, then why shouldn't a regiments lights company take part, why should I be able to make an extended groupfighting team and take part in RGL? The division of regiments into centre companies, gren companies etc is meaningless at this point, what you guys basically are advocating for is a collection of regiments/gf teams loosely connected by the same name, this should not be a part of regimental play in this game. If you also wish top advocate for this to be implemented, you must also ask yourself, why is it necessary that your second team is limited to league 2? Regiments with a competitive spirit such as 45thn and 92nd do, in some way carry that on to their centre companies, who when placed in league 2, would most likely crush any opposition, why limit them to league 2 if you want them to take part? Surely that would just present a balancing issue for the less skilled regiments in league 2.
- Let's also be real here, the majority of matches will be played 15v15 - 20v20, what's to stop regiments with b teams just placing the half of their gren company that probably wouldn't play, in their second team?

3 - RGL is the premier tournament series left in this game, it is, and should continue to be a demonstration of the best that all the regiments have to offer, it is not the job of the hosts to accommodate your specific regimental challenges, such as autonomous companies that do not work together, or a gren company that, rather than taking people from the centre company, prefers to recruit from outside the regiment. Like I've already said, as regiment leaders/communities you have to face a number of challenges, and preparing/training your regiment and organising your team to take part is one of the many challenges. Just because you have a centre company that plays well or hundreds of members, does not give you any more worth than any of the other regiments trying to take part in RGL, and nor should it offer you the chance to place multiple regimental teams in RGL, thinking otherwise is an act of selfishness and should not be something encouraged within this community.
astaghfirullah, may god restore your health both of you

på gud bre vilken shunooo

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Re: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications
« Reply #727 on: October 12, 2021, 07:49:22 pm »
^^ I agree with Golden here

15th and 13e are just scared of 92nd and 45thN Centre Companies.
cronge stuff you're saying there
Achilles most cringe 2021?
Lit triple post enyoy ban noob
Im a noob because your mad about what I post lol thats toxic as fuck and your a hypocrite to trying to team up with me with mad people your the noob kid, you wouldn't be acting this big by yourself. Go run back to your posse you pussy you ain't shit by yourself.

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Re: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications
« Reply #728 on: October 12, 2021, 08:33:28 pm »
at this point just make the 92nd split into the 65th and the 45thN into the 10th or 45thM
Shut up.

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Re: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications
« Reply #729 on: October 12, 2021, 09:31:05 pm »

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Re: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications
« Reply #730 on: October 12, 2021, 10:50:38 pm »
It would be interesting to see the entire 92nd vs entire 45thN no cap

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Re: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications
« Reply #731 on: October 12, 2021, 11:10:22 pm »
It would be interesting to see the entire 92nd vs entire 45thN no cap
2v2 was pretty large already
Stop looking at my posts Fietta #RentFree

The Master of stack, the voice of racism.

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Re: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications
« Reply #732 on: October 12, 2021, 11:14:15 pm »
It would be interesting to see the entire 92nd vs entire 45thN no cap

Basically the 2vs2 tournament semi final match where either side brought 60+
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

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Re: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications
« Reply #733 on: October 12, 2021, 11:19:08 pm »
It would be interesting to see the entire 92nd vs entire 45thN no cap
No Gf map is big enough

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Re: [RGL8] Introduction & Applications
« Reply #734 on: October 12, 2021, 11:59:36 pm »
Well as chriseh is busy preparing the play off of his CSGO tournament i'll take over the RGL, first matches tonight good luck lads


I guess it's time for Spacekiller and me to come back as organization geniuses

Regiment Name: 14e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Regiment Location: France
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