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Re: NW Decade Awards[Nominations Open]
« Reply #150 on: January 20, 2021, 09:49:36 pm »
I shall say more later but

Yes 63e did a lot and was very good for awhile but on the other hand they were also really bad for a long time also at points

ex LG 16-2 record vs 63e (while Karth was still around also)

It is true that the LG had a stronger roster than the 63e. But doesn't matter. The 12th had it too.
Dont worry, LG is a top 5 in NA :-*, but in our hearts we know 12th and 63e are the greatest regiments.

Cav is harder to master, thats for sure... but the community was always more infantry focused.
The best cav reg was the 12th cav detachment, with our flying dolphins.

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Re: NW Decade Awards[Nominations Open]
« Reply #151 on: January 20, 2021, 11:01:13 pm »
Where’s best casual regiment of the decade
Doesn't need to be included because everyone already knows it was the 29th without question
Former: 29th CSjt, 12th Cpl, Nr37 Kpl, 21eme SoD, 18th LtCol, 1stMN/64th SgtMaj, 23rdPA SgtMaj, 45e CplFo, 78th ESO, 29th Capt, 57th Kgm, LG Fus, 71st Cpl, 34e SoD, 2ndQF LCpl, LG Uffz, Nr4 Gmnr, 98e SoD, 75e Fus, 18e FusV, 47th Grd, and 21st Pte.

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Re: NW Decade Awards[Nominations Open]
« Reply #152 on: January 20, 2021, 11:14:56 pm »
I shall say more later but

Yes 63e did a lot and was very good for awhile but on the other hand they were also really bad for a long time also at points

ex LG 16-2 record vs 63e (while Karth was still around also)
Ah yes you mean after the entire community boycotted the regiment because we controlled the best/only active server which held the entirety of the public player base. And then we were forced to only play against regiments that would be willing to break the boycott, meaning we had to play a mega stacked LG over and over again until we were eventually dead once Holdfast released.
63e pawn in an anti-63e world.

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Re: NW Decade Awards[Nominations Open]
« Reply #153 on: January 20, 2021, 11:17:45 pm »
And @Xethos you’re right about the self sabotage in the cav community. When I was CR I tried to get more competitive events happening with Cav, but the amount of infighting and toxicity was unreal, especially from some of the big leaders. If cav had even tried to make a competitive scene I’d argue for their inclusion into the awards but it was a crazy amount of effort to even make one league work, even with a whole new cav reg comprised of just infantry

DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! I wish I coulda seen the aforementioned toxicity first hand because if it was anything like the old 1LH/PLG rivalry its pretty hilarious to look back on, granted we purposefully tried to stay out of any true drama as much as we could but id say from the lens of our guys looking at the rest of the cav community it was mostly just bullshitting with each other all around and not really any real animosity although I do recall some people having issues with each other but I never considered that very representative of their regiments overall dispositions towards each other, certainly nothing that would stop members from taking part in tournaments at the least.

What time period were you CR and pushing for events though Theo? was this during the time I was pushing for a competitive cav sub board? I just personally dont remember who it was at that time, but I do remember trying to spring board us further into public eye after the most successful string of cav tournaments by year ever in 2017 that I got denied. It is unfortunate that not as much of the public was aware as I would have liked that there was multiple large tournaments every week for cav 2v2s and sword 1v1s that the 1LH/PLG were hosting for years, eventually we joined the two together to make much larger brackets. The problem was that by the eye test nobody in large was interested in cav tournies so the easiest way to find yourself invited to them was to spend time in NA Cav groupfighting which routinely 2-4 times a week would be locked for tournies in which randoms would be notified were about to happen and in the case of our tournies often invited to them.

Overall I think I had a good relationship with pretty much every cav reg by the time we stopped regularly playing in mid 2019.. which also is apparently far back enough that people dont remember you for dominating pretty much every event multiple days a week that you went to for the previous 4-5 years, I do realize however this is partly my fault for not being buds with many of the newer regs/guys that popped up after the old guard were all retiring so it would be accurate to say our PR was lacking but it still sucks to see nonetheless.. If only I bumped their threads with memes like everyone else
I was CR back in 2017 and improving the integration was one of my biggest priorities. I was good pals with Lurvy at the time and helped Johann out with this league. Sadly it didn't seem like cav people either cared enough to deepen the ties - I publicized far and wide my goals but never got any engagement from the cav community in return, which was a shame since the 1stMI was actually enormously fun and got a lot of signups. Got some good suggestions for cav comp tournaments from Lurvy and Silly but never really went anywhere. Also the casual scene was so fucking petty at the time (s/o Getty and Karth) so that took up a lot of my time and effort. As well the LG and 3e were at the peak of group hate which I was also forced into. Knowing what I know now, though, I was probably talking to the wrong people!

Quote from: Yooper
You say this like infantry regiments aren’t the most toxic and get downright nasty to each other. Competitive cav was difficult since there wasn’t a large number and they didn’t really care enough. There’s a huge age gap and personality difference from cav and infantry. We also used to host our own 1v1s and group fighting things but honestly everyone just played for fun. The only real drama was probably with Les and banter between who was best which doesn’t even matter cause it’s not like many people played.
No doubt comp regs are more toxic, but that hasn't stopped them from actually cultivating a competitive scene. I can't tell you why cav didn't develop a real comp scene, but without it it's not worth putting cav regs as a competitive category now is it

1x NA Duel- Runner up |  3x 3v3- 3rd place (Seadderol Deflatriots) (Ez Money) (71st Guards + Russian) | 1x Duel League- 4th place | 1x Regimental Groupfighting- 1st place (71st)  l  1x 2v2- 3rd Place (Vortex/Theodin) | TNWL Season 2 - 1st Place l 1x 2v2- 1st Place (Theodin/Elite) l 2x NANWL-
 71st, Nr8(LG) l 1x 4v4- 1st Place (RussianFury, Waste, NickCole, Theodin) l 1x Cav Joust- 2nd Place l 1x 4v4-
 3rd Place (Theodin, AsianP, Sleek, Godfried, Lurvy) l 1x 5v5 - 1st Place (RussianFury, Yoshie, Krastinov, Jorge, Theodin - Thanos and his children)

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Re: NW Decade Awards[Nominations Open]
« Reply #154 on: January 20, 2021, 11:25:18 pm »
Where’s best casual regiment of the decade

1stReddit sweeps that category easily
Fireboy OP


63e N00bs

I’m still mad Jorge didn’t record that TNWL match that was literally a 1v17 I clutched vs siwis reg atleast u have the pic and DJ was ref lol
[AEF/55th]Anthony 7:12 PM:
you have such a basic style/skillset
but you have the highest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GFing IQ i know

Offline Wastee

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Re: NW Decade Awards[Nominations Open]
« Reply #155 on: January 20, 2021, 11:37:03 pm »
I shall say more later but

Yes 63e did a lot and was very good for awhile but on the other hand they were also really bad for a long time also at points

ex LG 16-2 record vs 63e (while Karth was still around also)
Ah yes you mean after the entire community boycotted the regiment because we controlled the best/only active server which held the entirety of the public player base. And then we were forced to only play against regiments that would be willing to break the boycott, meaning we had to play a mega stacked LG over and over again until we were eventually dead once Holdfast released.
Yeah get shit on nerd, it was before and after also

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Re: NW Decade Awards[Nominations Open]
« Reply #156 on: January 20, 2021, 11:45:02 pm »
anything other than competitive inf is literally irrelevant as musket infantry is arguably the hardest class to master.
Honestly I feel like the best players should be able to play anything. My point is cav players usually do it all. Infantry has a difficult time fighting people with swords. There’s also more to cav than just 50/50 fights. Blocking on horseback is pretty impressive. Mounted vs dismounted, groupfighting etc.

The best player in this game also has to be the best GroupFighter. Not that you would even understand what that is  :)

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Re: NW Decade Awards[Nominations Open]
« Reply #157 on: January 20, 2021, 11:47:25 pm »
@Theo, Yeah was definitely just talking to the wrong people. There’s was definitely a big cav group it just wasn’t really as loud or big as infantry. Like I said, the personalities were really different. Cav players are a lot more mature and weren’t as toxic. They genuinely liked playing and yeah there was banter but it never got personal.

I think many people miss the point I’m making of infantry players can really only play with muskets Bring out the swords and they do even worse. Look at LIR who can play everything despite being a mostly casual skirm reg. Nr9 isn’t the best, but Getty has always had solid numbers and they play everything as well. 1LH/33rd/2FA was mostly a casual group who played in league 1 of whatever NWL  and played pretty well against some “top skilled” regiments. It’s just silly that a lot of these lists are the same people who literally can’t play anything else.

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Re: NW Decade Awards[Nominations Open]
« Reply #158 on: January 20, 2021, 11:56:38 pm »
First of all forget the NA 20 man community. Take a look at the entire EU comp scene both regimental and group fighting based which has been running since the beginning of the game spanning thousands of players, ran tournaments cross module with €1000 prize pools and a fully running online match making system.

If we are going to include Cavalry then Shadey wins hands down but you probably don't even know who that is. "The best player" Should refer to the most skilled with the weapons in the game at deffeating his opponents, the best weapon in the game is the musket the best player with the musket is the best player.

You also have clearly never seen a sword + inf tournament. There have been many sword and bayonet tournaments, i've won about 5 myself we have had the top Native players playing as sword in these tournaments, Gibby, Maximou, Lapache etc I have beaten some of the top native with my musket and you want to talk about your 2 man na cav reg as if its relevant in this decade debate???

We've also had a Inf + Cav tournament with the top Cav from EU playing in at the time so if you want to count that sure I'm happy since I won that too  :D
« Last Edit: January 21, 2021, 12:02:12 am by Golden. »

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Re: NW Decade Awards[Nominations Open]
« Reply #159 on: January 21, 2021, 12:00:14 am »
well it would have been nice to have some comp connected cav players like yourself yooper to help integrate the communities but no one ever tried

1x NA Duel- Runner up |  3x 3v3- 3rd place (Seadderol Deflatriots) (Ez Money) (71st Guards + Russian) | 1x Duel League- 4th place | 1x Regimental Groupfighting- 1st place (71st)  l  1x 2v2- 3rd Place (Vortex/Theodin) | TNWL Season 2 - 1st Place l 1x 2v2- 1st Place (Theodin/Elite) l 2x NANWL-
 71st, Nr8(LG) l 1x 4v4- 1st Place (RussianFury, Waste, NickCole, Theodin) l 1x Cav Joust- 2nd Place l 1x 4v4-
 3rd Place (Theodin, AsianP, Sleek, Godfried, Lurvy) l 1x 5v5 - 1st Place (RussianFury, Yoshie, Krastinov, Jorge, Theodin - Thanos and his children)

Offline Fartknocker

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Re: NW Decade Awards[Nominations Open]
« Reply #160 on: January 21, 2021, 12:05:58 am »
I shall say more later but

Yes 63e did a lot and was very good for awhile but on the other hand they were also really bad for a long time also at points

ex LG 16-2 record vs 63e (while Karth was still around also)
Ah yes you mean after the entire community boycotted the regiment because we controlled the best/only active server which held the entirety of the public player base. And then we were forced to only play against regiments that would be willing to break the boycott, meaning we had to play a mega stacked LG over and over again until we were eventually dead once Holdfast released.
Yeah get shit on nerd, it was before and after also
Haven’t seen any other regiment get boycotted because of how much they ran the game 🤷🏻‍♂️
63e pawn in an anti-63e world.

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Re: NW Decade Awards[Nominations Open]
« Reply #161 on: January 21, 2021, 12:15:04 am »
well it would have been nice to have some comp connected cav players like yourself yooper to help integrate the communities but no one ever tried

God only knows my son will be playing this game in a few years since this game won’t die already. And I’m sure the lists will still be the same lol


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Re: NW Decade Awards[Nominations Open]
« Reply #162 on: January 21, 2021, 12:15:29 am »
I shall say more later but

Yes 63e did a lot and was very good for awhile but on the other hand they were also really bad for a long time also at points

ex LG 16-2 record vs 63e (while Karth was still around also)
Ah yes you mean after the entire community boycotted the regiment because we controlled the best/only active server which held the entirety of the public player base. And then we were forced to only play against regiments that would be willing to break the boycott, meaning we had to play a mega stacked LG over and over again until we were eventually dead once Holdfast released.
Yeah get shit on nerd, it was before and after also
Haven’t seen any other regiment get boycotted because of how much they ran the game 🤷🏻‍♂️
The best, biggest, and most strategic monopoly of all-time. 63e_NA_Groupfighting was lit though.

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Re: NW Decade Awards[Nominations Open]
« Reply #163 on: January 21, 2021, 12:44:41 am »
3eVolt is a top 5 NA regiment all time or top 3 (debatable), but its a joke to say it was the best during the decade. 3e was always on 12th's and 63e's shadow. Those 2 regiments had to disband to finally achieve something. (2012-2015?). I could be wrong, havent played anything competetive after 2015.

I agree AsianP (duel/gf)/Tammo(duel) as the best player of the decade.
Russian indeed is the best player after 2016.

Or just start bringing "palmares" of all regiments, and make a real comparison.

3eVolt literally dismantled 63e in NANWL S6. Yes it spent 1.5 years in 12ths shadow, and if it was a best of 2012-15, you'd have a point, but with the games entire history in consideration you're way off.

Jackie is overall best pre-2016, AsianP was overall best post-2016.
Putting Tammo as best duelist of the decade is bad cap.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2021, 12:46:51 am by Stroke0fd34th »

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Re: NW Decade Awards[Nominations Open]
« Reply #164 on: January 21, 2021, 12:53:29 am »
anything other than competitive inf is literally irrelevant as musket infantry is arguably the hardest class to master.
Honestly I feel like the best players should be able to play anything. My point is cav players usually do it all. Infantry has a difficult time fighting people with swords. There’s also more to cav than just 50/50 fights. Blocking on horseback is pretty impressive. Mounted vs dismounted, groupfighting etc.

I can do all you mentioned and I'm an inf main  8)
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