Author Topic: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019  (Read 16739 times)

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Re: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019
« Reply #75 on: July 25, 2019, 10:28:22 pm »
Drake: wollah im the best. I can hold duel for 45 mins. Gf doesnt care cuz i go 4-18. Fuck herishey he is bias mennn. Yallah frenchies dominate scene men by winnink dualtoernie. Goldeen you are a shiet.

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Re: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019
« Reply #76 on: July 25, 2019, 10:29:16 pm »
Drake: wollah im the best. I can hold duel for 45 mins. Gf doesnt care cuz i go 4-18. Fuck herishey he is bias mennn. Yallah frenchies dominate scene men by winnink dualtoernie. Goldeen you are a shiet.
😂😂😂😂 I approve

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Re: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019
« Reply #77 on: July 25, 2019, 10:31:05 pm »
I actually thank you a lot golden, to use the "fact" word, that's a post i can happily answer too withtout too much worry :)
Open the spoiler to have the number featured.

Your post is mostly non-sense, trying to argue with things not related to my initial message, your message features also personal opinion about me and my team, which might be the sign of underneath bias.

1) My post is referring to your general attitude and other posts you have posted recently not just the one I quoted and I think it's fairly accurate to your current state of mind. It is not personal opinion about you and you team, when you and your team are losing every single recent group fighting tournament that is not opinion, that is fact.

the last community tournament, has actually be won by ak47 members, it's a fact which you can verify.

2)A 1v1 tournament this is about group fighting. Duels are and always will be completely irrelevant, go over to the FRA sub board and post a duel tournament there and get the pathetic recognition of your fellow duel enthusiasts.

So let's get back to the initial mean, which was that this lists tries to elaborate a mechanical skill list based on the fact that there would be "groupfighting skills", then lists up "block, chambers, etc.." which are the game skill, not gf skill, my whole point, is to say we have the same game mechcanical skill in both gf and duel and every other combat format, that skill is indivisible, pattern, camera moves, mouse handling are the same, that mechcanical skill is more accurately seen and evaluated under duel and 1v1 situation for simple reasons.

3)Mechanical skill which is completely irrelevant in duels because you are simply waiting for one person to attack so you can land the stun chamber or the block which  stuns them so you can attack this is not skill drake? How is this is anyway skill its a patience game tell me please!!! I'm dying to know how that is skill. All of those mechanical skill's are super relevant in GF.

2) In fact, whether you want it or not, GF is a compilation of one one situation, what happen in GF is the result of 2 dependant sources that influence each other at a given time t, Player A and Player B, you can kill only one person at a time, you will and can impact only one skeleton hitbox at a time, there's very fast 1v1 everytime. the "Groupfighting" and "Duel" are simple semantic to refers to combat type, the combat take place in the very same matrice, with the same rules, regarding speed, precision, blocking, etc....? Your mastering is globally the same, now the ending results might differs because of variables, which develop differently in GF or Duel situation.

4)Yes you can only hit one person at one time, but this is irrelevant. How is it fast 1v1 every time exactly? When 2v1's exist. when 3v1's exist explain to me how in gods name this is fast 1v1 ??? It is not. It is fucking not. Dueling and gf take place in the same game yes well done Drake yet one involves two people with two ways to attack and two ways to block. The other involves multiple people. This using basic logic makes it more complicated and allows for a higher skill ceiling.

3) Individual skill list, mean having an individual points of view, means we need to reduce the scope to one individual actions. in term of who's better than who, that means we get to see what people execute technically reduced to their own self only, without extra player influence, and then evaluate the viability and quality of the say moves and skills in the final results of the contest.
It's the basis of the game melee, but in gf, you got multi-source influx to decide who's winning. You can't extrapolate accurately individual mechanical skill from an unindividual contest.

5)This is instantly disproved by looking at any other sport or esport, does it require two footballers to 1v1 to understand their skill set, or two csgo players to 1v1 to understand their skill set no. GF is far more complex BECAUSE it's team based. Individual mechanical skill plays a far bigger part when there are multiple enemies to fight and teammates to work with. Stop lying to yourself and wake up.

My point is also to say that GF is a mostly, not totally, but mostly flawed scope for judging mechanical game skill mastering accurately such as blocking, kicking, chambering, speed, range with way better solutions existing to do it accurately good.
Though, GF can be used as the top (and unique) way to judge others type of non-technical competence, behavioral competence, like teamwork, but this very list doesn't only do that, it tries to judge what it can't : it's flawed.
6)Duel's can not judge mechanical skill better when it's completely based on patience and TWO ATTACK DIRECTIONS TWO BLOCK DIRECTIONS. In group fighting you eliminate the extremely linear style of play by adding multiple people this forces more aggression forces use of more technical skill such as kicking, chambering speed, range. Range is completely useless in high tier duel unless your opponent just puts his block down which any high tier player wouldn't do in a duel. I could go through each and every mechanic and why it's more  relevant in group fighting, but alas I feel like it's pointless as you and the ak47 gang are about the only ones in the entire community who believe such utter bullshit.

1) First, there's no general attitude since i do come public very rarely those days, i never speak to you on steam, today is exceptional, you'll see, i don't go to fse, which is all argumentating with no insults, statistic shows, besides today argumentation for better truth, i've posted only 3 messages the past month, this can be prooven by going to my account and looking to messages. of the 3 messages  i posted, very marginal thing.

The last tournament i've played was the duel tournament i've played 4 days ago, before that, it's the 2019 m-nwwc which i dropped off few days ago, undefeated, after corrupted host decision directly impacting the tournament sanity and serious, then just before, we jump one year half baby, biggest tournament ever hosted, in early 2018 which i retired after had won it, these can be checked on challonge (real facts). My 3 last tournaments, experience, are both success, in the duel and the nwwc department with 1 years half distance. My actual team is named AK47, and hasn't formally participated in any tournament yet, then how could it have lost, i've personally not lead teams in tournament since 1 year and 7/8 month? So the word fact here is used falsely

1)  Do i really need to answer this ? your point number 2 doesn't make any sense related to the quoted sentence (which a fact stated without anything else), and it's filled with some brainless hostility, but i just feature the fact if any, look here, direct fact linking, :

hope the future points will have some materials please....

3) I could be a bad boy, and dismiss just by saying that block is a mechanical skill you use every day, or you wouldn't be relevant in both duel or gf situation. I could also say it's acknowledged by the lists makers, which my critics were aimed at in the first placed, they acknowledged themself that the blocking are a skill, since they feature it into the lists, but that wouldn't be fair.
Mechanical skill is relevant in any duel, because any mechanical moves (with your mouse, the very basis) you character apply in the game is the result of your own actions, therefore any outcome happening in the direct result of what you did or didnt. You might say that long series of duel favors some type of mechanical skill more than others, but arguing than mechanical skill isn't featured in duels is simply you absolute fake news of the day. Does chambering, kicking, ranging, swapstabing, blocking, stab ballistic, doesn't happen in duel ? No, it's incredible what your saying golden. Do theses skill are mastered the first day your playing nw? Isn't there anything to learn, is everyone chambering the same, with the same lethality ? Is everyone as good in kick ? Isn't there any learning curve from A to Z ? Of course, the answer to all theses question are obvious, and all of them dismiss your number 3 claim. Not only they happen in duel, but it's the only reasonable place you can for fuck sake, one for all golden, this is the only place you can compress, reduce these skills (in the observatory area) good enough that you can judge them accurately.
The most technical and precise nw skills are needed in the duel combat format, you need to be very precise and with good timing to avoid being chambered. I never throw high quality ballistic (and they're very aesthethic, you're happy to throw them) stab in gf. it's all rush because you need to be speedy. that's the true skill downfall, because rush stab mean we all stab kinda same, without beauty or excentricity and precision. GF stab are ugly, but GF interestings skill are elsewhere don't worry, but tho are unmechanical as i said.

T = time. Understand even if you're 2v1, the coded game mechanics, consider can do only one thing at a time, if a person get stabbed twice, he can take both stabs at T1 and T2 but he can also take both stabs at the same time T1 A and T1 B. the game doesn't allow multiple action at time t1 for one given person. each one has a decision to make at any given time t. the difference in gf is you can be impacted by multiple influx in the ending results, you can be impacted by 2 sources (players), at time T1 A and T1 B, thats mean, you have one T1 to defend yourself, but others people have 2 T1 to kill you. Whatever the T1 skill move you apply, you will not have an accurate judgement of your T1 move since by the nature of the game, you can't answer properly the 2 opponent T1 moves since the game doesn't allow you to, and you inevitably die out.
It doesn't give you the environment to safely judges your basic mechanical abilities and skills, as "boring" as duel might eventually be, one on one situation are the basis for a safer view.

You've talked about gf skill ceiling, that's the best thing you've brought yet, good, it just has nothing to do with my whole argumentation, however in the behavioral area, gf has great skill ceiling,  simply because of mathematics, having more players, and more combination of possibilities, multiply by thousands the outcome possible of what will happen, but that come down to reality possibilities, that can't really be shaped by your individuality since it's a group based format, if i want to keep on math, i can say that math valid one on one aspect, since 100% of the contest ending results, are the consequences of both individualities, remembers the lists is a competition of individual player guessed abilities. Other than one on one,  the individual point of view can't be accurately seen because it will be impacted by thousand of variables, than even the opponents in the lists will not be able to shape, but that's not the biggest point.
The actual biggest point is that whatever happen in GF, it's the result of mechanical actions induced by your mouse from your neo cortex reflex, the fact that gf mathematic allows more possibilities doesn't make it unconnected to the only way, humans in nw, can influence a groupfighting, through individual mouse-action drive by your body motor skill. These motor skills coming from your brain, are the same both in the duel and gf combat type, because there's only one way the game understand your mouse orders, whatever the format.

You're wrong, top sports league test out skill of players aswell in individual stance, but what's most important is that your comparing sport with a coded informatic game, in which we all have same statistic and camera moves (besides if you play inverse) and possibilities . Your also comparing team based sports (under every rules) with a game that mechanics is designed for pure combat.

and last but not least, skill you use in actual reality, both in team sport or indivudal can be trained solo, why ? because they act with the same motor skill under solo situation reality than in group situation reality, look neymar (not as good, you need the results outcome of a contest), but you still can do it, see here :
As for the rest of your point 5, i've already told you why mechanical skill can't be judged as accurately under group situation, i've showed you that individual capability relevance, which is the base of my today argumentation, is negatively impacted when in group rather than one on one situation. How can you continue to argue, individual mechanical skill plays a bigger role in a groupfighting than in duels.
It's so simple. 2 players. One matrice (the game script by the server). 2 players sends information tho the matrice, (theirs moves), the matrice says who won contest. Cool. We're sure of who did great, there's only 2 player. We can tell to try out precise moves to judge them. 10 players. One matrice. 10 players sends information to the matrice. Cool we have a winners too, but...wait the results has been influenced by 10 people, ok cool why not...but wait, this is an individual mechanical skill lists, there's one rating per player, because ego is a solo story right, so 10 players information outcome, will show ..some very great variable bullshit when it comes to individual mechanical talent. I think at that point i've said any reasonable things possible to make you come closer to the truth golden and the others ones. You play the same mechanical melody in duel and gf combat, you changes your moves decision and behavior depending, but not the mechanical execution which is the talent skill lists should be about, absolutly needed in both type of combat, but with far more judging accuracy potential in one than in the other.

6) I've talked of one on one situations, didn't said an 1 hour ft duel would be best options (not at all), but even that it's far far better than any gf to judge individual mechanical skill, i have given hardly denyable arguments. If you want to make a list in which you are the best player based on recent tournaments win, it's alright once again, because that can relate to a checkable and coherent truth i can check myself, in a context i agree too. But the  mechanical skill's area is something different, hugely falsely viewed by many players, and it undermine the game, people would be better if they understand that, they would improve their own and friend's level, think and train slightly differently, we would have more competing duelist if lots would realize the importance of some skills tool they have to bring/develop rather than shitting on duels. People like me are here just to brough you closer to a more polished truth when it's come to the underlying realities of this game i've performed and studied more than many.

I didn't made the other list, nor asked everyone to.
Doing what i do, i help getting this game better, players more aware, fact right placed, and the ones that want to make fun of french ppl by telling fake news, don't listen at them. You guys are free to believe whoever you want.
Drake best compétence pattern masterer and founded the best high level anti-chamber meta the game has seen he dies amical mathces but palmares is all his for him

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Re: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019
« Reply #78 on: July 25, 2019, 10:36:48 pm »
I actually thank you a lot golden, to use the "fact" word, that's a post i can happily answer too withtout too much worry :)
Open the spoiler to have the number featured.

Your post is mostly non-sense, trying to argue with things not related to my initial message, your message features also personal opinion about me and my team, which might be the sign of underneath bias.

1) My post is referring to your general attitude and other posts you have posted recently not just the one I quoted and I think it's fairly accurate to your current state of mind. It is not personal opinion about you and you team, when you and your team are losing every single recent group fighting tournament that is not opinion, that is fact.

the last community tournament, has actually be won by ak47 members, it's a fact which you can verify.

2)A 1v1 tournament this is about group fighting. Duels are and always will be completely irrelevant, go over to the FRA sub board and post a duel tournament there and get the pathetic recognition of your fellow duel enthusiasts.

So let's get back to the initial mean, which was that this lists tries to elaborate a mechanical skill list based on the fact that there would be "groupfighting skills", then lists up "block, chambers, etc.." which are the game skill, not gf skill, my whole point, is to say we have the same game mechcanical skill in both gf and duel and every other combat format, that skill is indivisible, pattern, camera moves, mouse handling are the same, that mechcanical skill is more accurately seen and evaluated under duel and 1v1 situation for simple reasons.

3)Mechanical skill which is completely irrelevant in duels because you are simply waiting for one person to attack so you can land the stun chamber or the block which  stuns them so you can attack this is not skill drake? How is this is anyway skill its a patience game tell me please!!! I'm dying to know how that is skill. All of those mechanical skill's are super relevant in GF.

2) In fact, whether you want it or not, GF is a compilation of one one situation, what happen in GF is the result of 2 dependant sources that influence each other at a given time t, Player A and Player B, you can kill only one person at a time, you will and can impact only one skeleton hitbox at a time, there's very fast 1v1 everytime. the "Groupfighting" and "Duel" are simple semantic to refers to combat type, the combat take place in the very same matrice, with the same rules, regarding speed, precision, blocking, etc....? Your mastering is globally the same, now the ending results might differs because of variables, which develop differently in GF or Duel situation.

4)Yes you can only hit one person at one time, but this is irrelevant. How is it fast 1v1 every time exactly? When 2v1's exist. when 3v1's exist explain to me how in gods name this is fast 1v1 ??? It is not. It is fucking not. Dueling and gf take place in the same game yes well done Drake yet one involves two people with two ways to attack and two ways to block. The other involves multiple people. This using basic logic makes it more complicated and allows for a higher skill ceiling.

3) Individual skill list, mean having an individual points of view, means we need to reduce the scope to one individual actions. in term of who's better than who, that means we get to see what people execute technically reduced to their own self only, without extra player influence, and then evaluate the viability and quality of the say moves and skills in the final results of the contest.
It's the basis of the game melee, but in gf, you got multi-source influx to decide who's winning. You can't extrapolate accurately individual mechanical skill from an unindividual contest.

5)This is instantly disproved by looking at any other sport or esport, does it require two footballers to 1v1 to understand their skill set, or two csgo players to 1v1 to understand their skill set no. GF is far more complex BECAUSE it's team based. Individual mechanical skill plays a far bigger part when there are multiple enemies to fight and teammates to work with. Stop lying to yourself and wake up.

My point is also to say that GF is a mostly, not totally, but mostly flawed scope for judging mechanical game skill mastering accurately such as blocking, kicking, chambering, speed, range with way better solutions existing to do it accurately good.
Though, GF can be used as the top (and unique) way to judge others type of non-technical competence, behavioral competence, like teamwork, but this very list doesn't only do that, it tries to judge what it can't : it's flawed.
6)Duel's can not judge mechanical skill better when it's completely based on patience and TWO ATTACK DIRECTIONS TWO BLOCK DIRECTIONS. In group fighting you eliminate the extremely linear style of play by adding multiple people this forces more aggression forces use of more technical skill such as kicking, chambering speed, range. Range is completely useless in high tier duel unless your opponent just puts his block down which any high tier player wouldn't do in a duel. I could go through each and every mechanic and why it's more  relevant in group fighting, but alas I feel like it's pointless as you and the ak47 gang are about the only ones in the entire community who believe such utter bullshit.

1) First, there's no general attitude since i do come public very rarely those days, i never speak to you on steam, today is exceptional, you'll see, i don't go to fse, which is all argumentating with no insults, statistic shows, besides today argumentation for better truth, i've posted only 3 messages the past month, this can be prooven by going to my account and looking to messages. of the 3 messages  i posted, very marginal thing.

The last tournament i've played was the duel tournament i've played 4 days ago, before that, it's the 2019 m-nwwc which i dropped off few days ago, undefeated, after corrupted host decision directly impacting the tournament sanity and serious, then just before, we jump one year half baby, biggest tournament ever hosted, in early 2018 which i retired after had won it, these can be checked on challonge (real facts). My 3 last tournaments, experience, are both success, in the duel and the nwwc department with 1 years half distance. My actual team is named AK47, and hasn't formally participated in any tournament yet, then how could it have lost, i've personally not lead teams in tournament since 1 year and 7/8 month? So the word fact here is used falsely

1)  Do i really need to answer this ? your point number 2 doesn't make any sense related to the quoted sentence (which a fact stated without anything else), and it's filled with some brainless hostility, but i just feature the fact if any, look here, direct fact linking, :

hope the future points will have some materials please....

3) I could be a bad boy, and dismiss just by saying that block is a mechanical skill you use every day, or you wouldn't be relevant in both duel or gf situation. I could also say it's acknowledged by the lists makers, which my critics were aimed at in the first placed, they acknowledged themself that the blocking are a skill, since they feature it into the lists, but that wouldn't be fair.
Mechanical skill is relevant in any duel, because any mechanical moves (with your mouse, the very basis) you character apply in the game is the result of your own actions, therefore any outcome happening in the direct result of what you did or didnt. You might say that long series of duel favors some type of mechanical skill more than others, but arguing than mechanical skill isn't featured in duels is simply you absolute fake news of the day. Does chambering, kicking, ranging, swapstabing, blocking, stab ballistic, doesn't happen in duel ? No, it's incredible what your saying golden. Do theses skill are mastered the first day your playing nw? Isn't there anything to learn, is everyone chambering the same, with the same lethality ? Is everyone as good in kick ? Isn't there any learning curve from A to Z ? Of course, the answer to all theses question are obvious, and all of them dismiss your number 3 claim. Not only they happen in duel, but it's the only reasonable place you can for fuck sake, one for all golden, this is the only place you can compress, reduce these skills (in the observatory area) good enough that you can judge them accurately.
The most technical and precise nw skills are needed in the duel combat format, you need to be very precise and with good timing to avoid being chambered. I never throw high quality ballistic (and they're very aesthethic, you're happy to throw them) stab in gf. it's all rush because you need to be speedy. that's the true skill downfall, because rush stab mean we all stab kinda same, without beauty or excentricity and precision. GF stab are ugly, but GF interestings skill are elsewhere don't worry, but tho are unmechanical as i said.

T = time. Understand even if you're 2v1, the coded game mechanics, consider can do only one thing at a time, if a person get stabbed twice, he can take both stabs at T1 and T2 but he can also take both stabs at the same time T1 A and T1 B. the game doesn't allow multiple action at time t1 for one given person. each one has a decision to make at any given time t. the difference in gf is you can be impacted by multiple influx in the ending results, you can be impacted by 2 sources (players), at time T1 A and T1 B, thats mean, you have one T1 to defend yourself, but others people have 2 T1 to kill you. Whatever the T1 skill move you apply, you will not have an accurate judgement of your T1 move since by the nature of the game, you can't answer properly the 2 opponent T1 moves since the game doesn't allow you to, and you inevitably die out.
It doesn't give you the environment to safely judges your basic mechanical abilities and skills, as "boring" as duel might eventually be, one on one situation are the basis for a safer view.

You've talked about gf skill ceiling, that's the best thing you've brought yet, good, it just has nothing to do with my whole argumentation, however in the behavioral area, gf has great skill ceiling,  simply because of mathematics, having more players, and more combination of possibilities, multiply by thousands the outcome possible of what will happen, but that come down to reality possibilities, that can't really be shaped by your individuality since it's a group based format, if i want to keep on math, i can say that math valid one on one aspect, since 100% of the contest ending results, are the consequences of both individualities, remembers the lists is a competition of individual player guessed abilities. Other than one on one,  the individual point of view can't be accurately seen because it will be impacted by thousand of variables, than even the opponents in the lists will not be able to shape, but that's not the biggest point.
The actual biggest point is that whatever happen in GF, it's the result of mechanical actions induced by your mouse from your neo cortex reflex, the fact that gf mathematic allows more possibilities doesn't make it unconnected to the only way, humans in nw, can influence a groupfighting, through individual mouse-action drive by your body motor skill. These motor skills coming from your brain, are the same both in the duel and gf combat type, because there's only one way the game understand your mouse orders, whatever the format.

You're wrong, top sports league test out skill of players aswell in individual stance, but what's most important is that your comparing sport with a coded informatic game, in which we all have same statistic and camera moves (besides if you play inverse) and possibilities . Your also comparing team based sports (under every rules) with a game that mechanics is designed for pure combat.

and last but not least, skill you use in actual reality, both in team sport or indivudal can be trained solo, why ? because they act with the same motor skill under solo situation reality than in group situation reality, look neymar (not as good, you need the results outcome of a contest), but you still can do it, see here :
As for the rest of your point 5, i've already told you why mechanical skill can't be judged as accurately under group situation, i've showed you that individual capability relevance, which is the base of my today argumentation, is negatively impacted when in group rather than one on one situation. How can you continue to argue, individual mechanical skill plays a bigger role in a groupfighting than in duels.
It's so simple. 2 players. One matrice (the game script by the server). 2 players sends information tho the matrice, (theirs moves), the matrice says who won contest. Cool. We're sure of who did great, there's only 2 player. We can tell to try out precise moves to judge them. 10 players. One matrice. 10 players sends information to the matrice. Cool we have a winners too, but...wait the results has been influenced by 10 people, ok cool why not...but wait, this is an individual mechanical skill lists, there's one rating per player, because ego is a solo story right, so 10 players information outcome, will show ..some very great variable bullshit when it comes to individual mechanical talent. I think at that point i've said any reasonable things possible to make you come closer to the truth golden and the others ones. You play the same mechanical melody in duel and gf combat, you changes your moves decision and behavior depending, but not the mechanical execution which is the talent skill lists should be about, absolutly needed in both type of combat, but with far more judging accuracy potential in one than in the other.

6) I've talked of one on one situations, didn't said an 1 hour ft duel would be best options (not at all), but even that it's far far better than any gf to judge individual mechanical skill, i have given hardly denyable arguments. If you want to make a list in which you are the best player based on recent tournaments win, it's alright once again, because that can relate to a checkable and coherent truth i can check myself, in a context i agree too. But the  mechanical skill's area is something different, hugely falsely viewed by many players, and it undermine the game, people would be better if they understand that, they would improve their own and friend's level, think and train slightly differently, we would have more competing duelist if lots would realize the importance of some skills tool they have to bring/develop rather than shitting on duels. People like me are here just to brough you closer to a more polished truth when it's come to the underlying realities of this game i've performed and studied more than many.

I didn't made the other list, nor asked everyone to.
Doing what i do, i help getting this game better, players more aware, fact right placed, and the ones that want to make fun of french ppl by telling fake news, don't listen at them. You guys are free to believe whoever you want.

I never throw high quality ballistic (and they're very aesthethic, you're happy to throw them) stab in gf

When you write sentences such as these I simply can not debate with you anymore. Any fluent English speaker will tell you it doesn't make sense. Don't just grab a thesaurus and try replacing every word with it and btw whatever translate app your using isn't working.

I'm sorry but even if I can squeeze out a tiny amount of intelligence out of this it would be at a lost because I presume I'd receive another novel on the philosophy of melee from Professor Drake. Good luck next tournament :)


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Re: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019
« Reply #79 on: July 25, 2019, 10:44:50 pm »

Yeah man, my last document on that bullshit, i've done it one for all, you'll be able to get back to it or not.
See ya next tourny

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Re: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019
« Reply #80 on: July 25, 2019, 10:58:35 pm »
NW: uses mouse buttons and WASD



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Re: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019
« Reply #81 on: July 25, 2019, 11:46:39 pm »
Drake: wollah im the best. I can hold duel for 45 mins. Gf doesnt care cuz i go 4-18. Fuck herishey he is bias mennn. Yallah frenchies dominate scene men by winnink dualtoernie. Goldeen you are a shiet.

wollah best player is and will always be lebrave

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Re: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019
« Reply #82 on: July 26, 2019, 03:30:54 am »
dueling = boring holding s keying 
5v5's = boring up and down farming

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Re: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019
« Reply #83 on: July 26, 2019, 08:37:51 am »
Stop putting me on lists when im not active for like months already just going through normal GF's lmao

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Re: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019
« Reply #84 on: July 26, 2019, 10:02:39 am »

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Re: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019
« Reply #85 on: July 26, 2019, 11:07:09 am »

NW is a team based game. One could argue Mount & Blade in and of itself is a team based game.
Just like in CS or League. Sure there are 1v1s in both those games but that doesn't define the game, it's only a part of it.

Can't speak for CS or League. M&B has a team based competition scene but remember fralla, i've said the game mechanics is 2 player induced, Player A and Player B. Only player can kill or impact only one else at a time t. it's how the game is designed.

even that is tecnically not true :

0:35 dude literally chambers two guys at the same time T


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Re: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019
« Reply #86 on: July 26, 2019, 12:16:12 pm »
You can literally block more than 1 stab at one time.

  bUt iTs pLaYer A vs B u cAnT dEny gf iS jUst fAst 1V1

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Re: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019
« Reply #87 on: July 26, 2019, 12:53:32 pm »
You can literally block more than 1 stab at one time.

  bUt iTs pLaYer A vs B u cAnT dEny gf iS jUst fAst 1V1

yes if your name is Hokej MrDixon Rune Ironine, Russia, Turk, Ukrainian
1x Duel Champion (5x podiums)/ 5x NWWC champions / 74x tournaments finalists

1vs1-10vs10 champion and 3x golds RGL L1, 4x golds NWGFL L1 and 1x gold NLC.

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Re: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019
« Reply #88 on: July 26, 2019, 01:20:37 pm »
You can literally block more than 1 stab at one time.

  bUt iTs pLaYer A vs B u cAnT dEny gf iS jUst fAst 1V1

yes if your name is Hokej MrDixon Rune Ironine, Russia, Turk, Ukrainian

boohoo he beat me so he's hacking
One of the best side blockers in the game. Often reffered as 'the Sideblock King'.

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Re: The Council's Melee Rankings | Official | 2019
« Reply #89 on: July 26, 2019, 01:22:10 pm »
You can literally block more than 1 stab at one time.

  bUt iTs pLaYer A vs B u cAnT dEny gf iS jUst fAst 1V1

yes if your name is Hokej MrDixon Rune Ironine, Russia, Turk, Ukrainian

boohoo he beat me so he's hacking
Do you know who you're speaking too? He invented the chamber!!!11!