Author Topic: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2  (Read 55198 times)

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Offline ScreechingSeagull

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #165 on: January 21, 2018, 09:50:51 pm »
as for the other stuff.  it will take far more time to add in some sort of option for the servers to change regarding how long you have to wait before you can build than tweaking the time. tbh  i am not really seeing the need to add that option either.   The time was lowered to 1 second.  From what i seen, you can plant props fairly quickly with it.   I added a 2nd error message for when you are trying to plant too quickly.  These are from yesterday.   There isn't much of a point in writing you have to wait .2 seconds to plant a prop.  by the time you look and read the message, you could plant another prop.)

Thanks for revisiting and tweaking the value for the restriction.
The countdown is a moot point if the time is negligible, it looks good.

i am not really seeing a need to color code it either.  Even if you don't read the entire message, one is distinctly longer than the other.  So just out of the corner of your eye you will know which message it is.)

This looks great and easily distinguishable. However, there is still an edge-case that both errors are in effect. We'd get a time error, followed by an unplaceable error. Instead of cycling through 2 errors, it would be appreciated if it both messages showed. That way we only endure 1 error at the minimum, and can move on instead of staying still and failing attempts.

Note: I've re-arranged some quoted sentences to better respond to your points.
If you have a problem with a 2 seconds timer then you were probably spamming build stuff. I don't see how this can be a problem in any way. Moreover, considering that most servers have a very low amount of buildpoints, you must have been stealing quite a lot of buildpoints.
Having fixed the spamming and glitching issues, server owners can now safely increase the number of buildpoints.

I'd already addressed why the 2 second timer matters. The most "spam" I do is quickly correcting my position to place another prop (especially in sieges while under fire from the fortified defenders). I harvest BP from the misplaced/unbuilt props later.
I know how it feels to have no BP because of spammers, I don't use more than my share. My goal is always to be more BP efficient, to do more with less. Being more efficient -> less building to do.

The reason for the small hitbox is that big hitboxes allowed players to build big stacks of props, creating ramps over walls in siege mode, which is the game mode in which sappers are the most useful. It seems that you don't play siege at all as you haven't noticed that this major problem was fixed. The fact that sappers have to hit a smaller area seems to be a very secondary problem in comparison.

I did notice this problem was fixed, and said something along the lines of "the changes cause bigger problems than they fix". I learned most of my sapping from playing sieges. Sappers are very useful in sieges, but just as useful in normal battles.

The rest is a matter of skill, it's really not hard to tell how the sandbags will be built.
I must also add that an unbuilt sandbag at 90% is now a viable defense, so it can server to add another layer of sandbags on top of others.

It is not BP efficient to have unbuilt sandbags. Sandbags are significantly more useful built. Can you elaborate, because I'm baffled at that.

"Properly" built sandbag.
Too tall, blocking line-of-sight.


Build on the left or right?
Even taller/completely obscuring line of sight.

This is so fancy it even comes with a window you can get shot through!


Build slightly offcentre?
It's slanted and useless.

Players are huddled and blocking that intended spot: Do I kick them out of the way? Do I ask in chat to move?
What a waste of time; a negligible issue pre-patch made into a problem.
I could build at that opening instead, nope, slanted.

Where did it go?
Turns out I overshot the distance. I can barely notice this. I can't even fix this without getting in harms way.


Why can't I easily re-harvest that misplaced prop from behind cover like pre-patch let me do?
Even if I follow the instructions completely, and do nothing wrong in the most ideal circumstance, the new sandbags are flawed.

Bug-fixes are great.
Balances to gameplay are great.
Better integrating the time restriction is great.
Arbitrary and Illogical behavior is not.

The implementation of that bug-fix is fundamentally flawed because breaks tenets of game design. From a simple glance, the old sapper props gave an unmistakable expectations for the result. Two sandbags used to consistently and predictably provide useful defensive value. Props had the same width as the constructed one. When a prop was misplaced, you knew right away. You could fix it without much fear of damaging surrounding props.
Post-patch: the props are harder to distinguish, even hiding from you (overshot sandbag). They defy a player's reasonable expectation.

Teamwork is how teams succeed, how volleys/pikewalls succeed, how games are won. Making it harder for sappers to work together is inconsistent with the game. Removing visual context introduces guess-timation, increasing the chance of misplacing a prop (too far apart, and causing a hole in the barricade line). Reducing the hitbox making it much harder to build together, harder to rush-build fences.

That hitbox size all makes the difference between life or death; whether the cav charge bowls over your team, or it is halted by a fence. The small hitbox restricts positioning if you want to build. It lets opponents snipe you easier.

Every miss on the small hitbox/mis-swing of the axe is time not building.
Every second matters (in sieges especially). They might sound miniscule, but slightest mistake means you're dead; causing a long walk back to the front or waiting to respawn. Time that sappers aren't supporting the team.

Sandbags are too high? Visual inconsistency is confusing? Teamwork is hindered? You're just not good enough and unskilled.

Core sapper gameplay is not a "very secondary problem in comparison". Placing and building props is what sapping is! Calling it a "matter of skill" is a lazy excuse to dismiss the real and significant implications that disproportionately handicap sappers who are trying to build "normally".

Expecting sappers to cope with these changes; to be practically perfect with our swings and placement (under heavy fire) is unreasonable.

I agree that glitches are a problem, but implementing poorly designed props is not the answer. Those two goals should not be mutually exclusive of the other in an ideal setting. I would be more than happy to help the devs make props that BOTH remain intuitive/practical AND fix the glitch. However, there probably won't be more hotfixes to iterate and properly fix the flawed new props, which is why I want the pre-patch props to be restored.
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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #166 on: January 21, 2018, 10:05:41 pm »
I have already voted for changing sapper props back to what they were.
I actually do not know why they were changed from the props I made several years ago.
I did not make or approve this change. I actually believe that it is kinda silly, a half chevaux defrise not only looks stupid, it is also extremly difficult to guess where I am going to build...

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #167 on: January 21, 2018, 11:12:42 pm »
If a half cheval de frise "looks stupid", then what does a bridge made of 100 unbuilt chevaux de frise looks like? The way props were made had always been a problem, causing great imbalance in sieges. When I used to play as a sapper on 33rd siege, I could completely break a map with a few props put on the right place. You only needed 3 planks and a sandbag and you got a high ramp that could get you over a wall, or even an invisible wall. Players could spam chevaux-de-frise and build a flying bridge where there should be none. As a consequence the servers had to limit the number of buildpoints. On 33rd siege it was set to 50, which was ridiculously low for 200 players and would completely ruin the sapper experience. If it was put at a high level as it was on Minisiege, players would just build enormous ramps with stacks of unbuilt sandbags. When the unbuilt sandbags were modified and the planks removed, they would make ramps with the bugged unbuilt gabion combined with the unbuilt sandbags, and this ramp could go very high. It was ruining many maps. Something that wouldn't happen on battles.

Regarding deathmatch like Tropical paradise, trolls would also build big stacks of props that would eventually fly in the air and remain there as no one could break the props. No buildpoints would remain after the troll had made his work.

Now this problem is fixed, and sappers can still build things. They were nerfed and that's a good thing. I don't see any good reason to go back to the old props. And I believe that most players are satisfied with the new system. Of course those who liked to exploit glitches are not pleased.

Here, a compilation of the stupid stuff that could be done with the old props:

Also you can build straight sandbags walls without gaps:

That might be the difference between skill and no skill, and after less than a week of training, I guess that anyone can reach this level.  ::)
« Last Edit: January 21, 2018, 11:35:47 pm by MaxLam »

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #168 on: January 22, 2018, 12:04:27 am »
4299 is a gross number

I feel you man, I've been there.

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Offline Lilja Mariasdóttir

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #170 on: January 22, 2018, 01:55:41 am »
Found a problem.

Not sure if this is a problem with my server or what, but on Commander battle, no matter how large I set the bot Squad Size, it automatically resets it to the default of 20. Happens with all factions. This happened with anyone else?
hmmm i am not having that issue from what i seen.  are you able to reproduce it?   
I mean, do I need to? :D

Yeah it happens everytime. Also I was running a groupfight tonight and had this pop up again:


That was when I check and uncheck "Competitive Score Mode" in an attempt to reset the map. This happened before and after a server restart. Only way to work around it was do click Start Map instead of unchecking, resetting then checking again.
for the bolded part -   Well, in order to find out what is wrong and needs fixed, i need to be able to recreate it to see exactly where things went wrong.   yes, some things are quick and easy to find and fix, other stuff is not.(especially those inconsistent bugs that dont happen 100% of the time)  Which is why the more info the better.   server settings, pop, # of admins, game mode, anything of note going on, etc,.   anything that may be of help.  The less time i have to spend hunting for how to do a bug and the more time fixing it the better.  that is why we ask for ways to replicate it.
This will most likely just be a simple presentation bug. Make sure to set all overlay-variables that are used in a presentation (here the adminpanel) to -1 first, if they are not used everytime the presentation is opened (like the rambodistance). Most presentations do that at top of the presentation, however in the adminpanel it is done all over the presentation, so easy to miss some out.
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Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #171 on: January 22, 2018, 02:07:37 am »
Found a problem.

Not sure if this is a problem with my server or what, but on Commander battle, no matter how large I set the bot Squad Size, it automatically resets it to the default of 20. Happens with all factions. This happened with anyone else?
hmmm i am not having that issue from what i seen.  are you able to reproduce it?   
I mean, do I need to? :D

Yeah it happens everytime. Also I was running a groupfight tonight and had this pop up again:


That was when I check and uncheck "Competitive Score Mode" in an attempt to reset the map. This happened before and after a server restart. Only way to work around it was do click Start Map instead of unchecking, resetting then checking again.
for the bolded part -   Well, in order to find out what is wrong and needs fixed, i need to be able to recreate it to see exactly where things went wrong.   yes, some things are quick and easy to find and fix, other stuff is not.(especially those inconsistent bugs that dont happen 100% of the time)  Which is why the more info the better.   server settings, pop, # of admins, game mode, anything of note going on, etc,.   anything that may be of help.  The less time i have to spend hunting for how to do a bug and the more time fixing it the better.  that is why we ask for ways to replicate it.
This will most likely just be a simple presentation bug. Make sure to set all overlay-variables that are used in a presentation (here the adminpanel) to -1 first, if they are not used everytime the presentation is opened (like the rambodistance). Most presentations do that at top of the presentation, however in the adminpanel it is done all over the presentation, so easy to miss some out.
I wouldn't be suprised if it was something as simple as that.  we had 3-4 different people changing one thing or another in that file.  it's possible someone forgot something, or between the tweaking/redoing something depending on what we wanted out of a certain feature that something was forgotten.(like changing the # of custom maps)

i think i am the only one around right now to look at some of this stuff.  it is on my to do list. 
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.

Offline ScreechingSeagull

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #172 on: January 22, 2018, 02:38:17 am »
I think that's all I have to say about the new props without repeating myself.
Moving on to random/minor observations:

The warning message on the Rhinebund explosive crates are in French. Shouldn't it be in German? I haven't done any research on whether France supplied the Rhinebund w/ gunpowder, or if the German states themselves produced their own. Is this based on history, is it an oversight? Just out of pure curiosity.

The plank changes are welcome, but there's an annoyance when I try to fix something, and break a plank I didn't mean to. Could the strength be set to withstand 1 sapper axe hit? It just needs to survive by a miniscule amount, so I can nurse it back to life with repairs. It's frustrating having to go back and replace that plank.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 07:09:12 am by ScreechingSeagull »
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Offline Lilja Mariasdóttir

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #173 on: January 22, 2018, 04:07:06 am »
Found a problem.

Not sure if this is a problem with my server or what, but on Commander battle, no matter how large I set the bot Squad Size, it automatically resets it to the default of 20. Happens with all factions. This happened with anyone else?
hmmm i am not having that issue from what i seen.  are you able to reproduce it?   
I mean, do I need to? :D

Yeah it happens everytime. Also I was running a groupfight tonight and had this pop up again:


That was when I check and uncheck "Competitive Score Mode" in an attempt to reset the map. This happened before and after a server restart. Only way to work around it was do click Start Map instead of unchecking, resetting then checking again.
for the bolded part -   Well, in order to find out what is wrong and needs fixed, i need to be able to recreate it to see exactly where things went wrong.   yes, some things are quick and easy to find and fix, other stuff is not.(especially those inconsistent bugs that dont happen 100% of the time)  Which is why the more info the better.   server settings, pop, # of admins, game mode, anything of note going on, etc,.   anything that may be of help.  The less time i have to spend hunting for how to do a bug and the more time fixing it the better.  that is why we ask for ways to replicate it.
This will most likely just be a simple presentation bug. Make sure to set all overlay-variables that are used in a presentation (here the adminpanel) to -1 first, if they are not used everytime the presentation is opened (like the rambodistance). Most presentations do that at top of the presentation, however in the adminpanel it is done all over the presentation, so easy to miss some out.
I wouldn't be suprised if it was something as simple as that.  we had 3-4 different people changing one thing or another in that file.  it's possible someone forgot something, or between the tweaking/redoing something depending on what we wanted out of a certain feature that something was forgotten.(like changing the # of custom maps)

i think i am the only one around right now to look at some of this stuff.  it is on my to do list.
Some were not set to -1 at all and some were set to -1, but only inside a block, that was already conditioned:

Also all the classlimiting-overlay-variables are not set to -1 since forever (so an old issue). As they were almost last to be created, and not many were checked after them in the event_state_change-trigger, it probably never ever triggered a bug (maybe even not possible, as there were not so many hideable buttons like now). However, it was a pain for modders, if they added stuff in the end of the code (which is just logical). You then search your own new code for a few hours^^
Now with all the new hidden options, it would be adviseable to set them to -1 aswell (or just move them completly to the end in the on_load and event_state_change-trigger, probably nobody writing a new mod changing the Adminpanel anyway).

You dont have to go through the whole presentation and add all of the variables to the needed positions, just add it at the top, like in most other presentations.
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_3", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_4", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_79", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_54", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_55", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_max_teamkills_before_kick", -1),

#classlimiting vars
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_58", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_44", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_45", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_59", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_46", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_60", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_61", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_62", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_63", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_64", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_67", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_65", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_80", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_66", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_74", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_47", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_48", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_49", -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_50", -1),
« Last Edit: January 24, 2018, 12:56:31 pm by Kanade Tachibana »
Seehofer schafft das Heer ab.

Offline Mohawky

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #174 on: January 22, 2018, 07:37:50 am »
Ok, I have a problem with a map caused post patch and I have no idea why.

This is our "Trench War" map from our server:

It doesn't have, and never has had, any trees on it.

But since the patch, I now have 2 phantom trees appearing on it:



These trees just don't exist apart from visually, they are not models, they don't appear on the map editor list at all for the map, they have no collision and can be walked through by bots and players alike. They just suddenly appeared post patch.

Whats going on here?

- thunder added spoilers to pics
« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 08:43:18 am by Thunderstormer »

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #175 on: January 22, 2018, 08:44:48 am »
Ok, I have a problem with a map caused post patch and I have no idea why.

This is our "Trench War" map from our server:


It doesn't have, and never has had, any trees on it.

But since the patch, I now have 2 phantom trees appearing on it:



These trees just don't exist apart from visually, they are not models, they don't appear on the map editor list at all for the map, they have no collision and can be walked through by bots and players alike. They just suddenly appeared post patch.

Whats going on here?
heh, tbh idk.    might be an exe issue.  there are a few of those already.  i'll add it to the list and ask vince when he is back.

Some were not set to -1 at all and some were set to -1, but only inside a block, that was already conditioned:

Also all the classlimiting-overlay-variables are not set to -1 since forever (so an old issue). As they were almost last to be created, and not many were checked after them in the event_state_change-trigger, it probably never ever triggered a bug (maybe even not possible, as there were not so many hideable buttons like now). However, it was a pain for modders, if they added stuff in the end of the code (which is just logical). You then search your own new code for a few hours^^
Now with all the new hidden options, it would be adviseable to set them to -1 aswell (or just move them completly to the end in the on_load and event_state_change-trigger, probably nobody writing a new mod changing the Adminpanel anyway).

You dont have to go through the whole presentation and add all of the variables to the needed positions, just add it at the top, like in most other presentations.
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_3, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_4, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_79, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_54, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_55, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_max_teamkills_before_kick, -1),

#classlimiting vars
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_58, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_44, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_45, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_59, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_46, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_60, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_61, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_62, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_63, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_64, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_67, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_65, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_80, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_66, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_74, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_47, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_48, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_49, -1),
(assign, "$g_presentation_obj_admin_panel_50, -1),
yea, i'll probably be spending a lot of time jumping around the present file the next few days.   thanks for the help though. always appreciated.   i really don't like the present file compared to the MT and scripts file.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 09:05:24 am by Thunderstormer »
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

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Offline Olafson

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #176 on: January 22, 2018, 08:47:51 am »
If a half cheval de frise "looks stupid", then what does a bridge made of 100 unbuilt chevaux de frise looks like? The way props were made had always been a problem, causing great imbalance in sieges. When I used to play as a sapper on 33rd siege, I could completely break a map with a few props put on the right place. You only needed 3 planks and a sandbag and you got a high ramp that could get you over a wall, or even an invisible wall. Players could spam chevaux-de-frise and build a flying bridge where there should be none. As a consequence the servers had to limit the number of buildpoints. On 33rd siege it was set to 50, which was ridiculously low for 200 players and would completely ruin the sapper experience. If it was put at a high level as it was on Minisiege, players would just build enormous ramps with stacks of unbuilt sandbags. When the unbuilt sandbags were modified and the planks removed, they would make ramps with the bugged unbuilt gabion combined with the unbuilt sandbags, and this ramp could go very high. It was ruining many maps. Something that wouldn't happen on battles.

Regarding deathmatch like Tropical paradise, trolls would also build big stacks of props that would eventually fly in the air and remain there as no one could break the props. No buildpoints would remain after the troll had made his work.

Now this problem is fixed, and sappers can still build things. They were nerfed and that's a good thing. I don't see any good reason to go back to the old props. And I believe that most players are satisfied with the new system. Of course those who liked to exploit glitches are not pleased.

Here, a compilation of the stupid stuff that could be done with the old props:

Also you can build straight sandbags walls without gaps:

That might be the difference between skill and no skill, and after less than a week of training, I guess that anyone can reach this level.  ::)

I believe that we fixed the issue with being able to build towers/bridges out of these props, so the  old props will not cause any issues.
I will obviously not revert back if this issue is not fixed.

Offline Mohawky

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #177 on: January 22, 2018, 10:00:28 am »
Seem to be having a bit of a problem with the new teleport doors - they work fine in teleporting, but the teleported player spawn almost on top of the (vertical door) door - which means there is a distinct bump with the wall the door is attached to when the player arrives, and in 1 out of 5 teleports the player arrives inside the building the door is attached to - on the wrong side.

Is it possible to have a Variance 2 on the teleport props that limits the classes that can use them?  For example  1 = Only cav class can use the prop (without horses obviously)  2 = Only Infantry   etc   
This would be very useful to us for teleporting cav players to stables (on our server players spawn without horses and spawn them at stables - to prevent cav spawns in areas they cant get out of, and trolls blocking doors with horses) and areas where we want them to initiate charges from, but we don't want other classes to access these areas.

Plus is there a team assigned number for them like doors to limit which team can use them?

Also linking two teleport doors to each other makes a two way system of travel - is there a way to link a teleport door to another door prop that does not provide a teleport back to origin?  Or a variance of some sort to set that? Departure door > Arrival Door
« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 10:46:59 am by Mohawky »

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #178 on: January 22, 2018, 10:05:08 am »
Seem to be having a bit of a problem with the new teleport doors - they work fine in teleporting, but the teleported player spawn almost on top of the (vertical door) door - which means there is a distinct bump with the wall the door is attached to when the player arrives, and in 1 out of 5 teleports the player arrives inside the building the door is attached to - on the wrong side.
i'll add it to the list to be looked into.   i believe vince made them but if i get time, ill see what he was wanting to get out of them, how they work, and if there is anything i can do to improve them. 
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

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Offline Mohawky

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #179 on: January 22, 2018, 10:13:54 am »
Seem to be having a bit of a problem with the new teleport doors - they work fine in teleporting, but the teleported player spawn almost on top of the (vertical door) door - which means there is a distinct bump with the wall the door is attached to when the player arrives, and in 1 out of 5 teleports the player arrives inside the building the door is attached to - on the wrong side.
i'll add it to the list to be looked into.   i believe vince made them but if i get time, ill see what he was wanting to get out of them, how they work, and if there is anything i can do to improve them.

One of the things I'm also finding with that prop is that they are also very thin (depth) so positioning of door on building has to be so precise that its hit and miss if teleport door is outside buildings collision, and if its inside by a fraction door does not work. I'm having to increase the depth of the door so it sinks into the wall by at least double its normal depth.