Author Topic: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2  (Read 55204 times)

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #135 on: January 19, 2018, 06:26:19 pm »
smh Rheinbund is the faction that was implemented into the game and if you don't like it too bad. They aren't changing, removing, or adding another faction. The only thing that's left for the LAST NW UPDATE is a simple bugfix.

I'm talking about further updates, NOT THIS ONE
What do you not get about this being theLAST NW UPDATE

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Offline Mohawky

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #136 on: January 19, 2018, 06:50:46 pm »
smh Rheinbund is the faction that was implemented into the game and if you don't like it too bad. They aren't changing, removing, or adding another faction. The only thing that's left for the LAST NW UPDATE is a simple bugfix.

I'm talking about further updates, NOT THIS ONE
What do you not get about this being theLAST NW UPDATE

Ah you meant FINAL NW UPDATE  - wanker

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #137 on: January 19, 2018, 06:57:54 pm »
smh Rheinbund is the faction that was implemented into the game and if you don't like it too bad. They aren't changing, removing, or adding another faction. The only thing that's left for the LAST NW UPDATE is a simple bugfix.

I'm talking about further updates, NOT THIS ONE
What do you not get about this being theLAST NW UPDATE

Ah you meant FINAL NW UPDATE  - wanker
This is off-topic now but the words final and last aren't very different from each at all. They are actually very similar. In fact, you would even call it a synonym!

NAPL season 1 saw the greatest regiment winning
ribbit 🐸 cute? 😳 im not cute 😓 i mean my parents 👨‍👩‍👧 call me cute ☺️ but honestly 👉👈 ive never ❌ heard it 👂 from someone else 🗣 before 🥰 thanks i guess? 😳

Offline Duuring

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #138 on: January 19, 2018, 06:58:12 pm »
the war of 1812 USA, with native American allies would really please the USA audience, and i'd also cast another vote for the Ottomans - something different, yet in period and very colourful.

The game is about the Napoleonic wars. The Americans nor the Ottomans were in that conflict.

Offline Mohawky

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #139 on: January 19, 2018, 07:10:37 pm »
the war of 1812 USA, with native American allies would really please the USA audience, and i'd also cast another vote for the Ottomans - something different, yet in period and very colourful.

The game is about the Napoleonic wars. The Americans nor the Ottomans were in that conflict.

Splitting hairs

And your statement about not having the ottomans because NW is about NW wars and they were not in it, is absolute nonsense when the DLC has desert and arab style props in abundance and has just put in a new map called "Battle of the Pyramids"! and a pyramid prop?  Where were they used then ?  Moscow?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2018, 09:14:29 am by Mohawky »

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #140 on: January 19, 2018, 07:49:53 pm »
Ok so I just played 1 hour on NW with the new update and here is what I've noticed :

-Melee definetly feels slower, which I personnaly find really uncomfortable.
-I poke twice as much, and sometimes for no apparant reason.
-Now I have 60-90Fps on the Groupfighting_Server, on which I could easily go up to 200Fps before the update. I don't really understand that sudden change, since you guys apparently didn't modify anything as far as graphics are concerned. (Did I missread?  ???)

So yeah, I don't know exactly what you've done to the melee, but as the humble competitive player I am, I strongly recommend going back to the old NW melee.

In fact, I don't understand why you changed anything at all about the melee.
I mean, did anyone complain about it ? As far as I know, I'm pretty sure the vast majority of the community was satisfied with it.

Don't get me wrong, all the rest is great and all (Godmode is hilarious), but if the melee remains unchanged, well I don't think there's a point continuing playing the game.  :)

Just throwing in my 2 cents
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Offline Windflower

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #141 on: January 19, 2018, 07:56:57 pm »
I think the melee will take a used to get used to, especially for older + competitive players. But overall the update makes the melee more smooth and fluid imo. It's for the greater good.


NAPL season 1 saw the greatest regiment winning
ribbit 🐸 cute? 😳 im not cute 😓 i mean my parents 👨‍👩‍👧 call me cute ☺️ but honestly 👉👈 ive never ❌ heard it 👂 from someone else 🗣 before 🥰 thanks i guess? 😳

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #142 on: January 19, 2018, 09:33:07 pm »
In the German translation of the game, the name of the Rhine Confederation seems to be misplaced:

Offline Mohawky

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #143 on: January 19, 2018, 09:44:09 pm »
Has something changed with doors?  Its almost impossible to open most of the doors on our 42 maps now?  Whats happened?

This is really odd - on my machine in test - in game - all the doors and gates open fine - but in game on server sometimes the doors can be opened and then suddenly they cant? Really don't know whats happening there.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2018, 10:27:37 pm by Mohawky »

Offline ScreechingSeagull

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #144 on: January 19, 2018, 10:14:14 pm »
Time Restriction:
as for the time delay between planting stuff.  that will stay.  the time between planting stuff can be possibly adjusted.  anyways, i will point out, outside of planks, you can plant then build, which takes longer than the time to wait for you to be able to plant another con prop.
Why would I want to place-place instead of place-build?
I am trying to build a second layer of sandbags. It is lopsided/misplaced. I move slightly to try again (all happening in less than 1 second). Likewise if a chevaux, fence, etc is not placed well and I do not have the time to destroy that misplaced prop. The team and I are under fire, we need that cover ASAP.

The time restriction b/w placing props we can agree to disagree on. But in terms of balancing/play-testing it, I believe it would take a disproportionate amt of dev time to get right. It should left to the servers to set as an option on their menu. That option should be granular to 2 decimal points (ex: 2.52s) because its such a short time-frame.

I would like context in the form of a countdown timer visible to sapper on the time-delay. It will at least let sappers time when to expose ourselves to fire and place a prop. If Build(fail), wait(dodge bullets), Build is here to stay, we need a heads up.

For the error message, there are 3 cases I'd like to see covered: BLUE - Time delay, RED - Unable to place prop, BLUE - Time delay AND RED - Unable to place prop
Different colours are appreciated, so an instanteous glance will let us know. We don't have the luxury of slowly reading (every second counts). Colours I chose were arbitrary, but just to indicate how they should be colour-coded.

Sapper Props:
The new sapper props cause bigger problems than the ones they fix.

The small build hitbox impedes teamwork; making it harder for 2+ sappers to build the same object. Under enemy fire, you can realistically only build from one side, halving the "space" you can stand in to build.

One could argue the smaller hitbox means it's harder to destroy, but that's also a hindrance. Sappers make mistakes, and if we can, we will destroy/harvest BP from misplaced props. The small hitbox makes it difficult to hit, more likely resulting in damaging the preexisting defences. The same goes for large chevaux, to stack 2-3 at a gate (standard siege practice).

I had mentioned previously that the small hitbox forces sappers into a certain area, which is great for the opposing team. The point about the lack of visual context regarding the constructed prop's width and whether I have placed it properly still remain. The new props blend in too well to the point that distinguishing where it is placed and to build is difficult.
Hard to reach if team is huddled behind for cover, let alone work with another sapper to rush-build.
Hard to distinguish the second prop is, harder to fix mistakes and easier to accidentally hit sandbag

The new constructed sandbag prop is too tall. 2 stacked sandbags (standard fort construction) restricts line of sight. It is also uneven at the top, stacking on the two taller parts results in an even taller sandbag wall and a hole.
Line of Sight blocked (when built "properly")

Hole in sandbags, even taller and no Line of Sight
Therefore, it is difficult to layer sandbags. Unless placed just right, it is usually too tall, slanted badly, or has a hole in it. In battle, the team is huddled behind the sandbags, and most likely blocking that intended build spot in the centre. I'd go as far to say sandbags are as finicky to place as planks are.
Hard to place, not useful in a fort
At the present state, the new sapper props are user-hostile (however unintentional it may be). These seem like nitpicks, but small issues (these new props especially) build up into big issues for what is the bread and butter of sapping. I feel like I don't have control, and that I'm fighting the game every step of the way.

I've been trying to think of how to fix these new props, but restoring the hitbox also means having a consistent visible model and physical presence. The current props are unfixable without significant dev time and iteration through user playtesting. If the time restriction and plank changes stay to prevent sapper spam, restore the pre-patch props.

I really appreciate all that your team has done in supporting an "old" game, and that you have to balance.

I don't want to ask for hotfix #2 because the props haven't been properly fixed. To sum up: let the servers balance time restriction, add ingame indicators for that restriction, keep the plank fixes, and restore the pre-patch props.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2018, 11:14:42 pm by ScreechingSeagull »
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Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #145 on: January 19, 2018, 10:24:26 pm »
Is it possible to disable bots being able to cap the flag in siege mode?

Oh - and thanks for the different textured ground squares / rectangles - they are making mapping so much easier. Can I suggest another?  Ice.
I believe the game looks for all human agents near the flag, not just players.  you might be able to change it to only human players?

i would say that is probably better left to any one server to decide if they want or not rather than us changing it on all servers in a hotfix. 

I think you might have misunderstood?  Bots could not cap the flag before the update - they can now - this is something that was done in the update and seriously skews the gameplay on vs bots siege server such as ours - what I'm asking is - can it be disabled (what you have done) or changed back? and how?
ah.   I didn't change that code personally.   I would say it's possible.  Just do what I said above.  Have it only search for players and not count each bot near by.  Or go look at the code from the old.patch and try to bring it over if it was like that before.  I'm not at my comp right now so I can't look at the code.  i never really played on the various bot siege servers.   
« Last Edit: January 19, 2018, 11:39:51 pm by Thunderstormer »
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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #146 on: January 19, 2018, 11:22:14 pm »
Time Restriction:
as for the time delay between planting stuff.  that will stay.  the time between planting stuff can be possibly adjusted.  anyways, i will point out, outside of planks, you can plant then build, which takes longer than the time to wait for you to be able to plant another con prop.
Why would I want to place-place instead of place-build?
I am trying to build a second layer of sandbags. It is lopsided/misplaced. I move slightly to try again (all happening in less than 1 second). Likewise if a chevaux, fence, etc is not placed well and I do not have the time to destroy that misplaced prop. The team and I are under fire, we need that cover ASAP.

The time restriction b/w placing props we can agree to disagree on. But in terms of balancing/play-testing it, I believe it would take a disproportionate amt of dev time to get right. It should left to the servers to set as an option on their menu. That option should be granular to 2 decimal points (ex: 2.52s) because its such a short time-frame.

I would like context in the form of a countdown timer visible to sapper on the time-delay. It will at least let sappers time when to expose ourselves to fire and place a prop. If Build(fail), wait(dodge bullets), Build is here to stay, we need a heads up.

For the error message, there are 3 cases I'd like to see covered: BLUE - Time delay, RED - Unable to place prop, BLUE - Time delay AND BLUE - Unable to place prop
Different colours are appreciated, so an instanteous glance will let us know. We don't have the luxury of slowly reading (every second counts). Colours I chose were arbitrary, but just to indicate how they should be colour-coded.

I really appreciate all that your team has done in supporting an "old" game, and that you have to balance.

I don't want to ask for hotfix #2 because the props haven't been properly fixed. To sum up: let the servers balance time restriction, add ingame indicators for that restriction, keep the plank fixes, and restore the pre-patch props.
i cant speak on the changes of the actual props themselves, as i wasn't the one that changed them.   

as for the other stuff.  it will take far more time to add in some sort of option for the servers to change regarding how long you have to wait before you can build than tweaking the time.  tbh  i am not really seeing the need to add that option either.   The time was lowered to 1 second.  From what i seen, you can plant props fairly quickly with it.   I added a 2nd error message for when you are trying to plant too quickly.  These are from yesterday.   There isn't much of a point in writing you have to wait .2 seconds to plant a prop.  by the time you look and read the message, you could plant another prop.   



i am not really seeing a need to color code it either.  Even if you don't read the entire message, one is distinctly longer than the other.  So just out of the corner of your eye you will know which message it is. 
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.

Offline Duuring

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #147 on: January 19, 2018, 11:32:19 pm »
the war of 1812 USA, with native American allies would really please the USA audience, and i'd also cast another vote for the Ottomans - something different, yet in period and very colourful.

The game is about the Napoleonic wars. The Americans nor the Ottomans were in that conflict.

Splitting hairs

There's an 1812 mod, yes, just like there's a Spanish Civil war mod or a WW1 mod.

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #148 on: January 20, 2018, 12:04:33 am »
I think the glitch that allowed for up-attacking with lances on horseback should stay. This also allowed for some special swings to be done with swords on horseback that otherwise were not possible. These swings could be used as a strategic tactic in certain situations, although they were not overpowered in any way. I feel that fixing this harmless bug only served to remove an additional feature from cavalry gameplay that made the game more entertaining.

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Re: Developer Blog 28 - Napoleonic Wars Patch 1.2
« Reply #149 on: January 20, 2018, 01:54:39 am »
We are seeing a lot of players getting stuck on the Hougomont walls when they jump over them, where they never got stuck before. This is particularly bad in corners where two wall from that model set have been used to make a right-angled corner.

And doors are still very bugged.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2018, 08:43:23 am by Mohawky »