Author Topic: NA1 Events. Public LB, Canceled Post if you want to continue in the future  (Read 132875 times)

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Offline Spatulot

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Re: NA1 Events. next Public LB, Thurs 9 Eastern. 8/4
« Reply #210 on: August 05, 2016, 09:24:23 am »
Sorry guys, the server is down and idk why it is that way.  Could be it had updates and decided it want to shut down, could be the company that hosts it, could be weather, could be vince.   No clue.  I cant connect to the box to look myself.     

nothing i can do about it. 

we are on the nw official back up server.

thought tonight would of been really good with the new maps and regs and all(minus the skirms who didnt show up).   hopefully i see everyone next week.

First time the 1stEPI came to this event and we had a great time despite server problems.  Hope to see you all again next week.

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: NA1 Events. next Public LB, Thurs 9 Eastern. 8/4
« Reply #211 on: August 05, 2016, 11:59:44 am »
Sucks about the server. My guys couldn't find the main or the backup so we couldn't come back sadly... hope to come next week though. Thanks to all the admins for their time.  :-*
  its ok, only about 80 made it back.   it didn't help that i was afk when the server went down.

Sucks about the server. My guys couldn't find the main or the backup so we couldn't come back sadly... hope to come next week though. Thanks to all the admins for their time.  :-*

NA1 teamspeak IP:
And apparently, Getty is setting up a Steam Group for the event right now? I think for better organization in the future.

yes, getty made a na1 pub lb steam group.  i havent had time to look, but i believe its open to all so feel free to join.  if not, i'll try and invite people and have others do so as well.

Sorry about not showing up but I fell asleep and just couldn't wake up in time.
its ok, i know that feeling.

because of what happened, i will not hold it against the specialist who had them in this week's assignment of them. (this does not apply to the chefs.  they were not there and had i had the chance, i would of given it to someone else.   you can still sign up for them and may even get them again seeing as how people are when it comes to asking for them.)

meaning, i normally give preference in assignment of specialist to those who didnt have them the week before or had a certain role the week before.  that way its fair to all and mixes things up.   i wont do that this week.  if you had it in last night's event, you get dibs on the role you had.  if you want to trade, talk to one of the other specialist slot's leader.  if you don't inform me you still want your role by the time i normally assign roles(wed night or thurs), you will lose your dibs.(that means sign up again)  chefs can sign up for skirms again, but they do not get dibs as they were not at the event. 

First time the 1stEPI came to this event and we had a great time despite server problems.  Hope to see you all again next week.

thanks.  i look forward to seeing you next week.  :)

I'll look into your god mode comment in a bit when i have more time and respond to it.(currently busy so i quickly threw this post together)

and thanks once again to getty for letting us use his server.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 12:03:31 pm by Thunderstormer »
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

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Re: NA1 Events. next Public LB, Thurs 9 Eastern. 8/4
« Reply #212 on: August 05, 2016, 01:11:52 pm »
I am going to request the ban on godmode for admins or less use of them during the event. My line was behind a hill getting ready to advance forward. A pub in my line FOL’s twice at an enemy line. My line advances to charge until 10 seconds after the last FOL, Getty uses godmode. And we have an enemy charging us at the speed of light. Getty attacks the pub and left my regiment alone, but it stopped everyone in their tracks. Having an enemy charge you at the speed of light is distracting; everyone turns, looks, and stares, and everyone becomes wtf is happening, what is Getty doing, some of my members trying to attack Getty. We eventually got mowed down because everyone was still distracted.

This is my message to Getty and any admins or regiment leaders reading this. This is a pub event. You will see rule breaking from pubs every round. If you expect a pub event to have no rule breaking, you are a fool. Pubs won’t know better. Some regiments won’t know better. There will be rule breaking. Don’t expect the event to be perfect. Just don’t. You will have much more fun during a pub event. Using godmode for one pub who is FOLing your line is not necessary and unprofessional. There are many ways to handle the situation. Either remind them there is no FOL/FOC =Fire out of line/Fire on charge. Who knows, maybe the pub just joined and missed the other 20 times an admin have said it. It’s a possibility. Or use the admin tool. Never used it, never seen it, could be wrong, but apparently you can see their name and it helps you admin. Slay the pub and say no Firing out of line. Getty can’t do that during a 30v30? How can he handle a 100v100? I’m joking, Getty. Just poking at you. The last way to handle it is for the admin can just live with it. It’s a pub event after all. There will be some FOL and FOC. One pub FOLing is harmless compare to what other pubs do. In all seriousness, no Nr9 member died during the FOL and I completely disagree the use of godmode in the situation as my regiment took the blow by being distracted from it.
typing on my phone.

The event will never be perfect.  I fully expect pubs or even regiments to break the rules at one time or another.  I find the regiments that break rules on a consistent basis to be more aggravating than when the pubs do it.  they are 100x more organized than the pub line will ever be.  They have all the benefits of preparing in advance and communicating with each other.(20% of the pub line on average is in ts.  Maybe higher some nights.  We had a very high percent today but those were just the pubs who made it to the back up server)  I don't think anyone thought it would be perfect.  I made several posts to make sure this was known.   it is why i wanted regs to know the rules and follow them as best they can, so all the admins can focus on getting the pubs where they should be. 

As for god mode.  I don't have a problem with my admins mowing down random pubs off in no man's land who aren't following the rules.  If they are near friendly lines, I try and warn them one more time to join, if theu dont, they are slayed. (Manually or admin panel.)

It isn't fair to the 120, 140 or whatever pop to be continually fol on.  I gave my admins permission to go ahead and revive those killed by random pubs who are off doing their own thing.  That way it minimizes the damage done.

If someone is trying to kill an admin in God mode.... Not really much I can say.  They can't die.  no point in wasting your time doing so.  Best to just ignore it.  If an admin is using god mode, it is because they feel it is the best way to handle whatever the situation is aND get back to their lines.  Can't say I am suprised he was manually slayed if he fol twice.  We have reg members who have a hard time firing in line.  No way for the admin to tell when they are on the opposite team. 

Admins cannot see names of players on opposite teams unless they have kannades script.(they also have to be in range)  Problem with that is that not everyone has it and many admins are using my scripts to revive people.  I have heard that the 2 can be merged and made compatible and I have also heard the opposite.  I don't use his scripts and never have so I can't say.

Even with your own team, you have to be close enough to see their names.  And if anyone has ever admins with 100+ people, they can tell you how big of a pain finding that one name can be.

if you want to recommend some guidelines on when it should be used and not used, feel free.  might implement what you or other day depending on what is brought up and the points raised.  currently, i dont have a problem with them killing those who are breaking the rules.(tho generally i would prefer it to be on those not in the middle of a melee or near combat if possible)

The IV Linebattle was the first event for me to use trusted regiment leaders to become admins to help moderate the linebattle. Two admins in spec can never see everything, but with the help of a few admins on the ground, everything becomes smoother and easier. However seeing my regiment leader having admin during the IV Linebattle, I can see some setbacks to the technique. They don’t give a shit about someone breaking the rules. They only care when the issue becomes conflict to their regiment. A regiment leader always want their regiment to have fun, always. I know this branches off my previous message and looks like against Getty but it proves how I feel towards regiment leaders having admin. The admins on NA1 Pub Event are separated. Thunderstormer organizing and watching the pubs. Getty watching over the Nr9. Savs would only watch over the 1stRddt if he comes back. RIP Savs. :(  I had Yooper watching for us. Whenever I had an issue, I would go to her on Steam. Unfortunately, she missed the past two events. I feel like every regiment needs a to-go admin because every admin is busy commanding and protecting their own regiment. And I can’t rely on Yooper forever so here is my admin application.

yep.  i see this a lot.(bolded)

admins being regiment leaders is more of a bi-product of who they are on na1.  Most of the staff are long time players, many of whom over time made their own reg or moved up and eventually took over.  i dont view rank as  a means to tell whether someone is responsible or not or if they should become an admin.  I think we all know/met some reg leaders who should never have admin powers over the years.

if someone applies and the staff feels they are worthy, and everything else passes my approval,  they will be added.  idc what their rank is.  at the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is if they are worthy and can be helpful to the team.   

having a admin per regiment(roughly) isnt really a bad thing imo.  it means there is a very high chance an admin will be at any given point of the battlefield.  it means they have a better chance at catching any trouble makers or rule breakers.  it also means that they can take care of any trouble they may have. 

i will never ask my admins to just set in spec all game, or even for a while.  at the end of the day, this is a game.  they have every right like everyone else to play the game.  we aren't paid, we are vol.   now if an admin wants to sit in spec, they are more than welcome to do so. 

i was hoping at this point in time that the pub line would be a bit more organized by having the same core of 10-15 people every event.  we probably get the same 5 or so people(usually up to 10), and not all of them want to lead.  my goal was to have the pub line be more self sufficient so i don't always have to be there overlooking them.  sadly, when you get a line of 20,30, 40 people, there are just so many people who dont know what to do and need someone like me to watch over them.(we get a lot of new faces weekly) most of them never been to a lb or have very little experience.       the more self sufficient the pub line is, the more i can focus on the event as a whole.(which is where i would like to focus more on to make it run smoother.)

hopefully i didn't miss anything.  posting on my phone is a pain in the ass.

edit, na1 is back online
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 06:06:28 pm by Thunderstormer »
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.

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Re: NA1 Events. next Public LB, Thurs 9 Eastern. 8/4
« Reply #213 on: August 06, 2016, 08:10:19 pm »
As for the godmode, we have never seen it, I've never seen it. It's why everyone stopped to stare while the Nr9 gunned us down. I guess we're the good kids on the block.  8)   If we never seen it, there's a possibility another regiment never seen it.

if you want to recommend some guidelines on when it should be used and not used, feel free.  might implement what you or other day depending on what is brought up and the points raised.  currently, i dont have a problem with them killing those who are breaking the rules.(tho generally i would prefer it to be on those not in the middle of a melee or near combat if possible)

It is a pub event, you will see some rulebreaking. Warn them first. I don't care if it's the 50th time someone saying it. A pub could've just joined and don't know. If a regiment member is just trolling around, delaying, sapper towers, killing an arty horse, you should slay. They know better. I agree, regiments need to be a model for the pubs to look up to. If an enemy is breaking the rules, treat it as a pub. Every regiment should see one pub in their line, or at least we have. Most likely it's the pub. And the use of godmode should be used in the extreme cases. That is vague but I think everyone can agree that a pub who FOL twice, wasn't warned, and didn't kill anyone is not extreme. Godmode is a tool for admins to address something immediately and I don't believe that the case with Getty had to be fixed immediately.

i will never ask my admins to just set in spec all game, or even for a while.  at the end of the day, this is a game.  they have every right like everyone else to play the game.  we aren't paid, we are vol.   now if an admin wants to sit in spec, they are more than welcome to do so. 

I agree on no need to spec all game. They are just people, it is just a game, they want to have fun too, sitting in spec watching people isn't fun. I've been there. But I disagree with even for a while. Admins aren't players with some powers. Admins are admins. They have that responsibility on them. And everyone who applies to become admin should know this. They aren't applying just for some powers, but also applying for the responsibility on what it takes. If they need to go to spec, they should. You mentioned before about the use of godmode is the best way to handle the situation and get back to their lines. If they are focusing on getting back to their line to continue commanding, they shouldn't be admin. If an admin needs to leave their line, they should. The exception is you with the pubs.
[14th]Rkt,  [1aSvea]Vrvts,  MoskovGren_Ryad,  PrinzCarl_Kpl,  [PSG]Maj, [Sil]Sultan

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Re: NA1 Events. next Public LB, Thurs 9 Eastern. 8/4
« Reply #214 on: August 06, 2016, 08:12:07 pm »
And because the event went to all line, I will assume every regiment will want the same specialty role. So I will request Cav for the 11th.
[14th]Rkt,  [1aSvea]Vrvts,  MoskovGren_Ryad,  PrinzCarl_Kpl,  [PSG]Maj, [Sil]Sultan

Offline Xethos

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Re: NA1 Events. next Public LB, Thurs 9 Eastern. 8/11
« Reply #215 on: August 06, 2016, 09:35:34 pm »
Whenever I've used god mode to kill a rulebreaker, the idea wasn't that the rulebreaker needed to be punished. The idea was that killing him was the fastest way to make him stop breaking the rules.

Maybe third time will be the charm. Cannons again.
04:25:13 - [Cup_of_Tea] Hey Xethos! I bet you're a gentleman of less than reputable quality!

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Re: NA1 Events. next Public LB, Thurs 9 Eastern. 8/11
« Reply #216 on: August 06, 2016, 10:01:00 pm »
Skrims please and I will remember to not fall asleep
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Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: NA1 Events. next Public LB, Thurs 9 Eastern. 8/4
« Reply #217 on: August 06, 2016, 10:04:00 pm »
As for the godmode, we have never seen it, I've never seen it. It's why everyone stopped to stare while the Nr9 gunned us down. I guess we're the good kids on the block.  8)   If we never seen it, there's a possibility another regiment never seen it.

if you want to recommend some guidelines on when it should be used and not used, feel free.  might implement what you or other day depending on what is brought up and the points raised.  currently, i dont have a problem with them killing those who are breaking the rules.(tho generally i would prefer it to be on those not in the middle of a melee or near combat if possible)

It is a pub event, you will see some rulebreaking. Warn them first. I don't care if it's the 50th time someone saying it. A pub could've just joined and don't know. If a regiment member is just trolling around, delaying, sapper towers, killing an arty horse, you should slay. They know better. I agree, regiments need to be a model for the pubs to look up to. If an enemy is breaking the rules, treat it as a pub. Every regiment should see one pub in their line, or at least we have. Most likely it's the pub. And the use of godmode should be used in the extreme cases. That is vague but I think everyone can agree that a pub who FOL twice, wasn't warned, and didn't kill anyone is not extreme. Godmode is a tool for admins to address something immediately and I don't believe that the case with Getty had to be fixed immediately.

i will never ask my admins to just set in spec all game, or even for a while.  at the end of the day, this is a game.  they have every right like everyone else to play the game.  we aren't paid, we are vol.   now if an admin wants to sit in spec, they are more than welcome to do so. 

I agree on no need to spec all game. They are just people, it is just a game, they want to have fun too, sitting in spec watching people isn't fun. I've been there. But I disagree with even for a while. Admins aren't players with some powers. Admins are admins. They have that responsibility on them. And everyone who applies to become admin should know this. They aren't applying just for some powers, but also applying for the responsibility on what it takes. If they need to go to spec, they should. You mentioned before about the use of godmode is the best way to handle the situation and get back to their lines. If they are focusing on getting back to their line to continue commanding, they shouldn't be admin. If an admin needs to leave their line, they should. The exception is you with the pubs.

it has been used in about all if not every lb for the last month and a half.(when i made it in june.)  i left in the sound effect in for a reason, so it stands out.  a brand new regiment may not know about it, but there are very few of those.  almost all the regiments who attend are regulars to the event and many of them attend one of getty's events where my scripts are also used.(or use to attend)  not counting extreme situations, it is used on one guy generally not near any friendly lines who decided to ignore the various warnings.  it can be used on someone "near" friendly lines

there are times one needs to warn and try to corral people to the right place, and there are times when you just need to kill(slay).  we do a lot of the former, even if you dont see it.  there are a lot of message telling people(mainly pubs) where to go and what to do. these can be in ts, steam, team chat, all chat, or admin chat.  some people, even after all the messages, decide to go off and do their own thing for one reason or another.  some could be ignorant,and some believe they dont have to listen.

 at the end of the day, the admin has to decide if that person can be "saved" or not.   the entire time an admin is taking care of that one guy, they are neglecting everything else.(if you are lucky, you can multi task in said situation but that isnt always possible) they are spending their "resources"(time).  there comes a point where you are wasting your time or you need to take care of something else more pressing.  in the ideal world, there are many things i would like to do.  in the real world, you have to make choices that you may not want to but have to.   if someone is breaking a rule, ignorant or not of its existence, they can be punished.  (we do warn way more often than we punish. we give a lot of breaks to pubs, sometimes more than we should)

and i will also make this one point.  you need not fear an admin running up and mowing your entire line down with god mode.(unless your line is continually and blatantly breaking the rules.  this hasnt happened as of yet)   the staff we have are better than that.  if someone on my staff does that unjustly, then action will be taken against them.  if you seen an admin using it, it is because they feel it is necessary for whatever they are handling.  if someone FOL twice, they can/should  be slayed.     i didn't see the incident first hand so im not going to go into it further. 

admins are players.  simple as that.  They get to play the game just like everyone else should they want to.  If something comes up, i would expect they do what they can to look into and take care of the issue. they are not required to sit in spec.(nor is sitting in spec required to admin properly)  it has been this way since i was made an admin.  if they feel they need to go spectator, they can.  i will leave it open to my admins on how they should handle something.

your last line makes it sound like i should just remove all admins who also lead their lines.  dk if that is your intent or not but the answer to that is no.  never going to happen.  majority of the admin staff are 3 years+ old in their na1 admining career.(i have been a senior admin for over 3 years now)  this event was made by me with the help of some of the staff a few months ago.  no where on the admin app did it say they had to do this event or the mini events i created.  i only recently put a line on there, just to see if any future apps would also be helpful for the event(s).  it is not required.(seeing as its regular na1 6 days and 23 hours of the week)  the only admins i expect at this event are the lb admins, who signed up solely for this event.(they are also vol)

i will not nerf my admins ability to leave their line to handle a situation.  if they feel they need to take care of something, they can.  Part of the reason i made god mode was to allow the admins to go out, take care of something,(admining) then come back and play without being screwed out of their chance to enjoy the game.  i did this the week before when i switched teams to babysit the USMC arty, then back to my team to be with the pubs. 

like i said before, we are a vol staff.  i will leave it to each admin on how they handle a situation.

And because the event went to all line, I will assume every regiment will want the same specialty role. So I will request Cav for the 11th.
they have to sign up to get it again.  if they dont, they dont get it.   you can trade with one of them should they want to.   

Whenever I've used god mode to kill a rulebreaker, the idea wasn't that the rulebreaker needed to be punished. The idea was that killing him was the fastest way to make him stop breaking the rules.
and this^^    its more to stop them from causing more trouble than a punishment like say teamkilling.(slaying them is still a punishment for breaking the rules)  if we can get them to stop fol or whatever without slaying, i prefer that route where possible. 

ill do a glance over on wednesday for specialists.   if you had it for the last event, showed up,and signed up for this thurs, you got it.  if there are any open slots, ill assign them them on wed.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 10:06:16 pm by Thunderstormer »
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

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Re: NA1 Events. next Public LB, Thurs 9 Eastern. 8/11
« Reply #218 on: August 07, 2016, 01:50:14 am »
Just want to apologize for my spotty attendance and hopefully will be there this upcoming event in which I'd like to request that Reddit have Cav if there is still a spot open.
Mommy's Pasta

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Re: NA1 Events. next Public LB, Thurs 9 Eastern. 8/4
« Reply #219 on: August 09, 2016, 01:47:21 pm »
Whenever I've used god mode to kill a rulebreaker, the idea wasn't that the rulebreaker needed to be punished. The idea was that killing him was the fastest way to make him stop breaking the rules.
and this^^    its more to stop them from causing more trouble than a punishment like say teamkilling.(slaying them is still a punishment for breaking the rules)  if we can get them to stop fol or whatever without slaying, i prefer that route where possible. 

I like this. There will be times when you do need to go fast. But I do encourage admins to go down the list of their options before they use godmode. I still believe my line was greatly affected by Getty's use of godmode because we were all too close. 20 paces away and charging with the pub right in the middle behind my line.

On a totally different note, I want to take advantage of recruiting pubs and one way to do that is using NA1's teamspeak. If we use NA1's teamspeak, would I have the power to rename the channel to Silahtars (Cav) or whatever specialty unit we go for that week, have the power to kick trolls, and set priority speaker? Or is using the teamspeak is just getting a channel named after the regiment? And any regiment that uses it, recommends it? Thinking about trying it out.
[14th]Rkt,  [1aSvea]Vrvts,  MoskovGren_Ryad,  PrinzCarl_Kpl,  [PSG]Maj, [Sil]Sultan

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: NA1 Events. next Public LB, Thurs 9 Eastern. 8/11
« Reply #220 on: August 10, 2016, 06:20:30 pm »
Whenever I've used god mode to kill a rulebreaker, the idea wasn't that the rulebreaker needed to be punished. The idea was that killing him was the fastest way to make him stop breaking the rules.
and this^^    its more to stop them from causing more trouble than a punishment like say teamkilling.(slaying them is still a punishment for breaking the rules)  if we can get them to stop fol or whatever without slaying, i prefer that route where possible. 

I like this. There will be times when you do need to go fast. But I do encourage admins to go down the list of their options before they use godmode. I still believe my line was greatly affected by Getty's use of godmode because we were all too close. 20 paces away and charging with the pub right in the middle behind my line.

On a totally different note, I want to take advantage of recruiting pubs and one way to do that is using NA1's teamspeak. If we use NA1's teamspeak, would I have the power to rename the channel to Silahtars (Cav) or whatever specialty unit we go for that week, have the power to kick trolls, and set priority speaker? Or is using the teamspeak is just getting a channel named after the regiment? And any regiment that uses it, recommends it? Thinking about trying it out.

anyone can go in the fse ts, go into the public channel, right click on the channel, and make a sub channel.  You can choose the name and should you want, you could PW it.  Whoever makes the channel will have channel admin and they should be able to give that to other users in that channel.  the channel is temporary so you will have to remake it if everyone leaves it.  you should be able to use priority speaker and you would be able to kick people out of the channel.  tho, outside of one guy the other day, we haven't had really any problems in the ts since we have been doing events.(knock on wood) 

i was recently given admin in that ts, so there is more flexibility in what we can do there.  if you want a regular channel for your regiment, i could make one but it will be at the bottom part with all the other regiment channels.(but perma)

and a reminder, if you had a specialst role last week and still want that one, you have to sign up for it or you lose your dibs.  i will go over specialist tomorrow night, so sign up before then.  i made this post yesterday but i couldnt post it,  i will go over the specialist roles sometime early tomorrow or late tonight.(after midnight central) 

Just want to apologize for my spotty attendance and hopefully will be there this upcoming event in which I'd like to request that Reddit have Cav if there is still a spot open.
all good, i think some rddts tagged along with the pub line before the server took a dump.

and here is the pub lb steam group.  should be open to all.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2016, 06:22:13 pm by Thunderstormer »
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

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Re: NA1 Events. next Public LB, Thurs 9 Eastern. 8/11
« Reply #221 on: August 10, 2016, 07:11:49 pm »
In that case, 63e would like Cavalry again due to the server mishap from the previous week. Can't wait to come back, this time hopefully I'll test out the teamspeak and see if we can get any of the pubs who join our Cavalry detachment in channel to see if they like the atmosphere. Should be cool.

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Re: NA1 Events. next Public LB, Thurs 9 Eastern. 8/11
« Reply #222 on: August 11, 2016, 09:09:03 am »
Sil will request Cav because of last week as well. If anyone else wants Cav, we can go skirms.
[14th]Rkt,  [1aSvea]Vrvts,  MoskovGren_Ryad,  PrinzCarl_Kpl,  [PSG]Maj, [Sil]Sultan

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Re: NA1 Events. next Public LB, Thurs 9 Eastern. 8/11
« Reply #223 on: August 11, 2016, 01:30:32 pm »
We'd like skirms today please.

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Re: NA1 Events. next Public LB, Thurs 9 Eastern. 8/11
« Reply #224 on: August 11, 2016, 03:01:04 pm »
Whenever I've used god mode to kill a rulebreaker, the idea wasn't that the rulebreaker needed to be punished. The idea was that killing him was the fastest way to make him stop breaking the rules.

Maybe third time will be the charm. Cannons again.

In that case, 63e would like Cavalry again due to the server mishap from the previous week. Can't wait to come back, this time hopefully I'll test out the teamspeak and see if we can get any of the pubs who join our Cavalry detachment in channel to see if they like the atmosphere. Should be cool.

We'd like skirms today please.
you go it

Skrims please and I will remember to not fall asleep

Just want to apologize for my spotty attendance and hopefully will be there this upcoming event in which I'd like to request that Reddit have Cav if there is still a spot open.


Sil will request Cav because of last week as well. If anyone else wants Cav, we can go skirms.

rddt asked for cav, but you get dibs sil if you want it as you had it last week and were there.  if you want skirms, i can grant that and rddt skirms.  that will leave 1 arty slot open.

another possibility is chefs skirms, sil cav, and rddt arty.     or chefs arty, sil skirms, and rddt cav.  or maybe other possibilities. 

i will let you determine what you want.  you can talk to each other.

if i dont hear back by tonight, i will make it rddt cav, sil skirms, and open arty(chefs would get dibs on this)

trying to balance out people's wishes with fairness to those who showed up last week and who had what previously.  please post what you would prefer at the very least.
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.