Hey guys, and staff of the 15th humans vs bots server.
I know you guys would not probably permit me a unban request but I want you guys to at least hear me out.
So, I've been putting off asking about this since I've been banned 5 months ago, I love this server, I used to go on this server regularly due to the fact that none of my friends would ever play with me on this game. Now, I was banned because of running past a cannon to get to the other side. Unfortunately I was told off, and immediately banned. At that time I was completely fuming why I was even banned. If you guys consider that was a ban able reason, please accept my apologies.
I really want to get back to this server as I have been putting off this for 5 months, I ask you guys to please consider my unban request as I wont do it again.
Thank you.