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Offline Deofuta

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NW_Official Servers Administrative Applications
« on: January 19, 2014, 09:47:30 pm »
NW_Official Administration Applications

Applications are open!

The Napoleonic Wars Admin team have their roots in the old MM Mod. A team of Professional and mature Players, that strive to make sure that the official servers are well looked after.
We are looking for Mature and respected community members to help run the NW_Official servers (US/EU).
Admins are required to be active and have a neutral standing in all situations and look for the best outcome for the community.
A successful Applicant must follow the server rules at all times, while also adhering to the admin rules.
Once accepted a 2 week trial period will commence where your performance will be evaluated.
Only successful applicants will be responded to by pm or steam by MrTiki (for EU) or Thunderstormer (for US). This can take 1-4 weeks (or longer) to process.
Applications will be accepted on the fly and there is no set closing date for applications.
Applications are open to anyone. We will not announce when candidates are being selected for trials; they will be informed by PM only.

Application form
Community name:
Steam Name:
Applying for (Ts/Servers):
About yourself:
Why you would be a good admin:
Previous Experience (if any):

Nota Bene.
  • Only Formal Applications will be accepted
  • All Posts must be applications or your application will be rejected
  • 1 application per individual or your application will be rejected
  • Only successful applicants will be informed.

Thank you for your interest!

UPDATE: If you posted in the old thread, and are still interested in joining the team, please re apply in this thread.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 07:01:45 pm by MrTiki »

Offline William

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2014, 09:50:34 pm »
Community name: "CluelessWill"

Steam Name: CluelessWill

Age: 16

GMT -6 ; American Central Standard Time

Applying for (Ts/Servers):

33rd RoF, 63e, 1stCI, 18e, 44th, 23e

About yourself:
Well, my name is William and I'm a 16 year old male living in Texas. I'm a rather successful person in real life, I make good grades, in good standing with my classmates, nothing amazing but I pass with everyone. I spend most of my time when I get home playing games since I don't really go out to much. Mostly PC games and an occasional Xbox game when I'm in the mood for something different. In terms of PC games, I play almost entirely Mount and Blade I spend quite a bit of time on NA_1. Of that I spend most of it recruiting for my regiment and having fun with my teammates. So I would say roughly 1-2 hours a day, more on weekends, and holidays (up to 4 hours there).

Why you would be a good admin:
I think I can be a good admin for many reasons. One of the chief ones being that I do spend a lot of time on NA_1 playing hussar and practicing my cavalry skills. Not only this but I am very mad whenever I see trolls running rampant on the servers barricading defenses in doorways, teamkilling purposely, racial slurs, spawn killing then leaving, and delaying. I am very active and from the amount of ban requests I have to file, you can see that I do know the rules, and that I can enforce them if given the opportunity. Not only this, but I know most of the admin staff so I can definitely fit in and be an asset to the admin team, the head admins, and to FSE.

Previous Experience (if any):
33rd Groupfighting, Blood and Iron Official Server, my own linebattles, 63e Servers, and some private and personal servers
Check out my YT channel where I post NW com/c/CluelessWill
god damn, Anthony is smart, he was able to get the shit AEF to tie with the best reg in the game. The tactical geniusness needed to pull off such a feat is insane. He's the Erwin Rommel of NW.
i always get an erection when i check my subscrptions and see that phresh cluelesswill vid
It won't be FSE developing it, so it will come out!

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2014, 09:51:49 pm »
Community name: IXe[15e]Fus_Reaper, Reaper

Steam Name: [15e] Reaper

Age: 16

Location/Timezone: USA, US Central time

Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_NA_1

Regiments: I started out my NW career in the 57e. After a good amount of time in the 57e I left and started the 3rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry for the North and South mod. After the mod died, the 3rd switched to NW and became the 3rd KGL. After spending a good long amount leading regiments, I joined the 32nd Blackwatch. Soon after Blood and Iron came out and I led the 2e Marines for a short bit of time. Not long after my friends and I joined the 21e. I was in the 21e until the end, and we switched to the 15e Voltiguers. I am currently in the 15e and having a great time.

About yourself: I am currently in high school and am loving it. I enjoy hanging out with my friends, reading, and playing video games. I have been playing NW for a good long time and must say it is my favorite warband mod/DLC. I intend on going into the field of law when I graduate from highschool. I love to listen to music, classic rock and metal in particular.

Why you would be a good admin: I believe I would be a good admin because I have a lot of experience and I have been in the community for a good while. Along with that, I am a strict, but fair person. I can handle tough situations that can put me on the spot and situations that put a lot of pressure on. Also, I am very active and can be on the server in a moments notice. I play on NA_1 a lot and enjoy it very much.

Previous Experience (if any): I started out my administrating career in the Federal Army, in North and South. I was an admin on the Federal Army server, and I helped with the events run by them. When I returned to NW I was an admin on the Regimental Gaming server, and helped run the events run by RG as well, also moderating the Old Guard Linebattle. Currently I am an admin on Groupfighting_NA, Pirate_Battle_1, NA_Groupfighting (which is the different than Groupfighting_NA) Groupfighting_Server_14e as well as IE Official Servers.


« Last Edit: August 02, 2014, 07:33:25 am by Reaper »

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2014, 10:03:29 pm »
Community name: KHI_SrMaj_Ponsonby
Steam Name: Ham The Conqueror
Age: 14
Location/Timezone: Canada Eastern
Applying for (Ts/Servers): Server NA_1
Regiments: KHI Kings Hessian Infantry
About yourself: Im 14 and I have an absolute passion for History anything ranging from the Year 1700 to 1901 the end of the Victorian Era. I am a reenactor in the Canadian Fencible Infantry as a Fifer in the Drum Corps. I play Napoleonic Wars alot because the game lets me take out my anger against Frenchies (we all know why) and it's also a well produced DLC. I am also very active of NA 1 when im not on North & South.
Why you would be a good admin: Seriously, I have done admining before on 3 servers before, my on regiments and 1 other regiments and I am alslo currently an active admin in Anglo-Zulu War Mod for NW. I know during a situation when to warn, then if repeated a slay and if excessive and kick and if they return under a new alias and continue a Perma ban for destryoing the fun of the game.
Previous Experience (if any): 199th_Highland_Server. AZW_Developer_Server. 9th_Server

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2014, 10:30:06 pm »
Community name: The Becker

Steam Name: Becker [54th] (misguidedx(

Age: 20

Location/Timezone: Indiana/East

Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_NA_1

As of now, I have only been in three regiments. I started off in the 51st over across the pond, I was with them for almost three months then soon realized there was actually and NA community! From then on I spent the last three years with the 8th Kings Regiment of Foot under Jorge, after slowly realizing that the regiment was dying a slow death I decided to take my talents elsewhere and join a small yet up and coming regiment known as the 54th West Norfolk. The 54th has become the biggest regiment in the NA community housing over 121 active members. Being a Major in the regiment I serve and one of the "Big Three" when it comes to decision making inside and outside of the regiment.

About yourself:
Currently I am in my 6th semester at Indiana University studying Recreation and Sports management. Being in my sixth semester I am starting to wrap up my career as a undergraduate student taking three capstone classes this semester. This means that I only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, leaving me with tons of time on my hands. As I currently write as a intern for Bleacher Report ( I am always on my computer looking up stats as well as patrolling the forums and keeping in touch with members of the community. As far as my history goes with the actual Mount and Blade community I have been around for almost 4 years ranging back to the MM days, even though my forum posts do not show it. I have recently been reaching out more and more to members of the community trying to help in almost any way I possibly can mainly because I love doing so!

Why you would be a good admin:
Given my experience in administration and simply by being around the community I know who and what to look for, I'm not saying my goal is to ban anyone for any reason, but my goal is to bring a more friendly and encouraging place for new and veteran members of the community to enjoy their time. By encouraging I mean by influencing new players to stick around and get involved in the game. I think it is obvious to everyone that this game is dying a slow death but to those who still love the game wish to keep it going. I simply want to bring a less hostile environment to the server in order to influence new players to stick around. Lately I have been noticing a huge increase in trolls and antagonist of all kinds on the server, I simply wish to cut down on that and make it more fun for everyone.

Previous Experience (if any):
My administration experience ranges over quite a long time period but I will try and remember all of it. The first time I was ever given admin was on the 51st Siege server, the server required admins to handle players in a free yet restricted game mode that simply required attention to detail. A lot like NA1 does. It was basically sitting in spectator and watching for those who broke rules and then following through with the punishment procedure. After then I started my NA career as I stated before with the 8th Kings where I took control of my own server for 5 months which was the 8th Kings Official where I ran events and tournaments within the regiment. After those three years took their time, I moved over to the 54th. With the 54th I have gained administration control for every server we have (54th Official, 54th Groupfighting, and now 54th NA Siege). Our group fighting server has become the most popular group fighting server in the NA community with the downfall of the 7NA Groupfighting, which I also held admin responsibilities with. On top of those, I also admin the Groupfighting_NA server ran by 63e Karth.
Like I said my experience ranges way back, I'm just hoping I got it all!


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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2014, 10:41:45 pm »
Community name: Furrnox

Steam Name: [79th] Furrnox

Age: 19

Location/Timezone: Sweden GMT+1

Applying for (Ts/Servers): Servers

Regiments: I've been playing in a bunch of different regiments both as a ranker and as a leader.
Currently I'm an officer in the 79th Cameron Highlanders.

About yourself: Well I'm currently a student who studies webdesign and technology. I've been obsessed with computer games since I was a small kiddo. Which means ill probably spend a lot of time admining. But I take time to do other stuff as well like being with my friends etc. Side note I've been playing the game since MM russia 3.

Why you would be a good admin: Well I consider myself a just individual who doesn't take hasty decisions which I think are one of the key components for a successful admin. Also I do have experience & I'm a fairly known community individual which I think can help in certain admin situations.

Previous Experience (if any): Blood & Iron official admin & I also used to host my own event which is still going I believe under the 90th logo on Fridays. Recently I have hosted 1 melee tournament and the 2nd one heading of in the end of this month (January 30th 2015).
I have also been accepted as a referee for the Napoleonic Wars Cup

I know I didn't write the largest of texts I'm no essay writer unfortunately but I feel that it's the content that matters not the amount of words I can fit on a paper.

Ensign James Cunningham of the 79th Cameron Highlanders.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 12:32:08 pm by Furrnox »

Offline SwissGronkh

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Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2014, 10:47:15 pm »
Community Name: 2Lhr_Gefr_SwissGronkh
Steam Name: [2Lhr/LpWG]SwissGronkh[ULR]
Age: 14 (31.12)
Location/Timezone: Switzerland (GMT +1)
Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_EU1
Regiments: 2Lhr, 12tesSLhr
About yourself: Hi i'm 14 years old. I live in switzerland. I love eating choccolat. I love playing on the Napoleonic Wars Server. I spend a lot of time on the NW_Official_EU1. In my freetime i play football. I live in a little village.
Why you would be a good admin: Because i play even every day on the Server. I have a little bit experience in admin a Server. I wanna give the best gaming experience.
Previous Experience (if any): Groupfight_Arena, Cav_GF8e

thanks for reading
« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 09:10:02 am by SwissGronkh »

1x3 years 2Lhr,  1xVerdienstkreuz 2. Klasse, 1xKleine Gefechtsspange, 1xSilver Star,  5xBronze Star

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2014, 11:04:11 pm »
Community name: Jishnu

Steam Name: Jishnu

Age: 22

Location/Timezone: St. Louis, MO / Central Standard Time

Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_NA_1

Regiments:  4teSLR

About yourself: I am a 22 year old college student currently in my senior year. I am studying history and decided to go into history after discovering that I did not want to do Computer Science for the rest of my life. After I graduate with my history degree, I plan on attending graduate school and going to get my doctorate so I can teach history at a university level. My only real hobby is video games. A football (American football.... not real football) injury has kept me from following my dreams of joining the military or even doing much physical activity. Some of my favorite games to play are NW, CK2, and Minecraft. NW is definitely my favorite game to play which is probably why it is the only game I have played nearly everyday since first joining the community in April 2012 (shortly after the DLC's release). From my time in the community, I have made a lot of friends and have met a lot of interesting people from all over the world which is also nice because I enjoy learning about other people's cultures.

Why you would be a good admin: I would be a good admin because my class schedule allows me to be on times when many others cannot. I have some days where I have only one class. This allows me to be present on the server at times when other admins are not online due to class or work as well as during the peak hours in the evening. I am a fair and understanding person and do not hold personal grudges against people. I would be a good admin because I want the server to run smoothly and would be able to commit 100% to being an admin.

Previous Experience (if any): I have previous experience of being an admin in the following servers - 33rd_NW_Siege and multiple training servers including - 7NA_Official, 4teSLR_Train, Prussian Army Training, 2eCui Servers, and 1tes_Train.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2014, 08:24:47 am by Jishnu »

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2014, 11:32:25 pm »
Community name: Audiate
Steam Name: Audiate
Age: 16
Location/Timezone: EST
Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_NA_1
Regiments: 22ndLr, 31e, 33e, 11thNY (NaS), 44ste, RM, 93rd, 28th, [1tes]Pmrs (current)
About yourself: I'm a high school student in South Jersey, Junior year, and I'm looking for a career in music and art. I have been invited to a few music/fine arts schools, some of which I may consider enrolling/looking into. At the moment, I have a extremely-part-time job outside of school, giving guitar lessons to a few students (two lessons/two hours max per day; not every day), though, it should be noted that this does not take much of my time up as a whole. I reserve most of my weekend time to enjoying outings with friends, therefore I am most able to admin (but not limited to) the weekdays. I've been in this community since around mid-2012, and I've been playing M&B:W and its mods for months prior. I dabbled in MM early-2012 but never committed to a regiment. I've been conducting administrative and regulatory duties in regiments since around July of 2012, and I've been assisting linebattle events and minor-server administrations since that time. (Outside of regimental horsing-around) I have never been accused of admin-abuse at any time--something in which I take pride in. I enjoy the game of NW, its community, and I enjoy doing what I can to promote NW and make it a more enjoyable experience for others, as well (UCC, for example, before it unfortunately disassembled).
Why you would be a good admin: I have experience administrating events and servers, and I wish to see players of all varieties enjoying the game (without hindering the enjoyment for others).
Previous Experience (if any): Currently I admin the BBG_Public_NA and BBG_Groupfighting servers. I used to admin some events and other servers, but most are too obscure to note.

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2014, 11:53:47 pm »
Community name: George
Steam Name: araluen494
Age: 14 but close to 15
Location/Timezone: GMT+10 (AEST) Sydney, Australia.
Applying for (Ts/Servers): NA1
Regiments: 19te, 1stEPI, 75th, 63e (only one day), and 20thED (current)
About yourself: Well, as you already know from my timezone, I am from Australia. I do not like to play with the AU community. I am currently in grade nine in highschool. Ever since I was young, I have always wanted to serve my country, and I have always been the one not afraid to stand up, I plan to return to my home country of Canada and become a Canadian Army combat officer. But, for now, my job is to learn in school so I can get a degree and travel over there and enlist in the army. People ask me, why dont you join the Australian Army? Well, I feel like my duty is over there, where i grew up in my early childhood up until grade 3 and I feel that I cannot forget the kindness that they gave me over there, where I look at what Australia has offered me, its nowhere near as much as how much of a troublemaker i was over there, and what they put up with. Where I am getting at with this is that I am loyal to the people who have given me more than what other people have given to me, and I even go against my parents doing such things.
Why you would be a good admin: As I said above, I am loyal. But also, I have been admin on a few servers and never every been banned from any servers whatsoever. And ive been playing this since release. I am a good person who always obeys the rules. And for late nights, because of timezone differences, I can make and monitor people who are on, giving every other admin a break.
Previous Experience (if any): MOV servers, my own server for N&S (current) & the old 75th servers. Probably more but I cant think of any more.


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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2014, 12:00:25 am »
Community name: Renzo

Steam Name: [29th]Sjt_Renzo

Age: 18

Location/Timezone: United States/EST

Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_NA_1

Regiments: 29th Worcestershire Regiment of Foot. I've only been in the 29th. Right now I'm a Master Corporal but the 29th is my home.

About yourself: Well I don't wish to get too into it but basically I originate from Denver, Colorado but now live in sunny (sometimes) Florida. In my past time I play Garry's Mod (TTT) and NW. I'm a High School/College Student (Duel Enrollment), I like to play my acoustic guitar when I feel mellow, my favorite color is green, currently employed (stick it up your ass government shutdown!), and I've been playing PC games since I was 7. I've been in Boy Scouts since 1st grade and have acquired the hard rank of Eagle Scout. I also love to go kayaking and to enjoy summer to the fullest and to chill with my friends. And finally, I love to make friends and hate to have enemies. I'm a friendly, fair, professional, and above all respectful.

Why you would be a good admin: Why would I make a good admin? Good question. Well if you look at it in a theoretical standpoint, being an administrator requires a good amount of responsibility and dedication to obeying the rules. The rules are the code of law to make a structural server to which an admin is there to supervise and do the duties that are bestowed onto him/her. If I had to look at it from a side-view standpoint, a good percent of the admins (not all of them, some of them are pretty good at there job) don't even do there job or investigate a situation. I know first hand on how to be a successful admin. Being an admin requires that responsibility and maturity that the job calls for. Especially about being fair and enforcing the rules how they're suppose to be enforced.

Previous Experience (if any):I'm gonna go a head and give you a resume of my past admin experience. Well lets see... Bare with me because this will be a lot and most of these communities have either died out or just do not exist anymore for some reason. My first admin position was as an operator on Relenteless Roleplay (Back when they were Nexus base). As I became more mature into the position I got promoted to Admin and then Superadmin and then the community died due to lack of funds. Another community is Light4Ever Gaming which I started out again as an Operator and then got promoted to Superadmin when I was needed (Again, another Nexus base server). There was JackedUpGaming Inc. that was an OK OpenAura server, Can't Stand Idiots, another OpenAura server, then Tactical Surge Gaming, OpenAura then Clockwork, Teegee's Serious RP, OpenAura (HL2RP, Severence, Phase Four), and a lot more to name. Just to make this shorter, about 5 Counter-Strike: Source servers, a couple of TF2 and Day of Defeat: Source servers. And finally I've been admin of a couple of M&B Warband and NW servers including our own 29th server's and the 54th server's as well, administrating them when needed.

Based upon my past experiences and the information that's been provided, I am an optimal candidate for the position for which I am applying for. Thank you in advance to those who read this application and I look forward to the feedback.

Sincerely, 29th_A_Sjt_Renzo

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2014, 12:24:51 am »
**Due to my retirement, I wish to withdraw my application, though I will leave it here to use as a format if I ever decide to resubmit.**

Community name: Newkirk

Steam Name: Newkirk

Age: 19

Location/Timezone: US, EST

Applying for (Ts/Servers): NW_Official_NA_1

Regiments: 2de, 77y, 35te Infanterie, 27th (Inniskilling) Regiment of Foot

About yourself: I live in a relatively small town in the mountains of North Carolina. I love my heritage, I play folk/traditional music, and I was brass captain and band president in my local marching band. I travel around a bit to some different local music festivals, but I spend most of my free time in the NW community. I started as a recruit in the 2de 3 years ago, before migrating to the NA community in the 35te. Working my way through the ranks I became a Major and 2nd in command, often filling in for our absent leader. Since December of 2012 I have led my own regiment, the 27th (Inniskilling) until I retired on September 16th, 2014.

Why you would be a good admin: If there's one thing that bothers me it's the NW community being harassed by those who think it to be a joke. I want to be able to do my part to help keep our servers clean. Often times when I get on, I see no other admins online, though that may change with the recent selection of new administrators. I know what I'm doing, I know the rules, and I'm often reminding others to abide by them. Any of my regiment members will tell you that I don't put up with any kind of tomfoolery or trolling in my regiment, and it bugs me to see it happen on NA_1. In short, I just want to do my part.

Previous Experience (if any): I am currently head admin of our own siege server, 27th_Official_Siege, the success of which has greatly surprised me. I was an admin on Groupfighting_NA and selected as a judge for the NANWC. I helped co-admin one NA Duel tournament and a 3v3 tournament. I ran the Regimental Gaming linebattles for several weeks before our servers crashed, and was a Senior Admin in the RG community. I left RG, however, to join the Seven Nation Army. During my time there I helped upkeep their servers, including 7NA_Groopfootin, and helped co-admin several of their events. I've done a bit of work with the NEC servers and teamspeak back in the 35te, and as former president in our local band I'm used to handling large groups of people.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2016, 10:36:52 pm by Newkirk »

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2014, 12:27:45 am »
Community name: 1er_Gren_Sgt_ChrisTF

Steam Name: Christopher The Fallen

Age: 16

Location/Timezone: U.S Central

Applying for (Ts/Servers): Nw_Official_Na1

Regiments: 1er Grenadiers

About yourself: I live in Wisconsin, U.S.A and I have an obsessions with the history of wars although I'm to lazy to go and do reenactments. I spend most of my free time on Napoleonic Wars recruiting or playing Total War Shogun 2 and World of Tanks. I am a Sophomore in highschool and hope to go into business or computer applications once I graduate. I work at a Golf course very rarely any other time than weekends.

Why you would be a good admin: I feel that I would be a good admin because I spend most of my time on NW on Nw_Official_Na1 and often see people breaking the rules and sometimes the admin is online and is able to handle them but more often then not they are AFK or there are none in the server. Also, I know how to get around the admin menu.

Previous Experience (if any): The 1er Grenadiers server.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2014, 03:48:07 am by Christopher »
“It is the way of the Guard. We stay as long as we can. Fight as hard as we can. Kill as much as we can. Only when we can do no more do we move on.”
"La garde meurt mais ne se rend pas! (Translation: The guard dies but does not surrender!)"

Wisconsin best state of Sin

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2014, 12:37:34 am »
Community name:[VII]Nr8_Rtmr_NickG

Steam Name:[Nr8]NickG


Location/Timezone:California (pst)

Applying for (Ts/Servers):NW_Official_NA_1

Regiments: current:VII Brigade Nr.8 past;1te,Nr.59,1stFKI,4thRs

About yourself: i'm a high school student junior aiming to go take premed and maybe doble in coding at a cal-state or UC. i am the leader of the Nr.8 and VII Brigade. I've had a lot of experience with servers and admining even ran an event for a while

Why you would be a good admin:I am on NW a lot especially NA1 and i would like to provide that server with fair and just admining. i have the ability to make rational decisions and been in the community for quite a while now

Previous Experience (if any):ran  22-i event, 7th_Brig_Official server

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Re: Napoleonic Wars: Administrative Applications
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2014, 12:42:34 am »
Community name: Ser_Elliott, Elliott, IXe[1erPLG]App_Elliott

Steam Name: [1erPLG] Elliott

Age: 21

Location/Timezone: US, PST

Applying for (Ts/Servers): NA1

Regiments: 2ndMarCoy, 60th Rifles(MM), 1stEPI, 1stFKI, 15e, 3eVolt(Old), 1erPLG, Nr6, 58th Rutlandshire, 24th

About yourself: I'm just some guy who has played since MM because my life was in the dump around then. There's no fancy lie I can place here to make it seem like I'm some super cool person that likes to kick faces in.

Why you would be a good admin: I've been a part of this community for close to four years now. I've seen all sorts of nonsense happen in NW and none of it really phases anymore. As certain people may be able to back up, I really do not care about feelings getting hurt or regimental tags causing me to think twice about enforcing the rules. I'm just a person who doesn't want to see NA1 be even worse than I've already seen it.

Previous Experience (if any): Never really admined a gaming server before, so it may be interesting.
You have no idea how much cavalry players put practice in taking down grounded units, if the infantry regiments put in half the practice they would never complain about cavalry in the first place. Instead we get "oh cav is just op any retard can do it" thats just you being shit, not us being op.