Flying Squirrel Entertainment

The Lounge => Historical Discussion => Historical Reenactment => Topic started by: zac on June 22, 2013, 02:42:02 pm

Title: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: zac on June 22, 2013, 02:42:02 pm
Here is the place to discuss reenacting the Waffen-SS in Reenacting.

Let the Battle begin  ;D

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Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: zac on June 22, 2013, 02:42:08 pm
You aren't german right? So I think you have no right to judge. Im sure you have no idea what you are talking about ;)
I do not think I have ever seen a worse argument in the history of mankind. My nationality doesn't matter the slightest bit. Any German man could easily be more ignorant than me on this subject, and considering the phobia held by Germany regarding WW2... Easily more delusional.

Those soldiers killed their own People, which did not follow the nazi orders.[citation needed]
So, guys who dont live in Germany have no idea about the real meaning of the SS or about the crimes, which were made by SS soldiers (there was not a single SS Division/unit, which wasnt making war crimes against civilians).
You are looking for their pretty decent uniforms.. and foreign guys are wearing that uniform with proud it seems. this is the real shit and those guys don't think about that! ;)
Yeah yeah... Non Germans obviously know nothing of German history. At least according to you. You say all SS devisions commited crimes against civilians, well let me tell you something: There was not a single military devision that saw action during WW2 in urban areas that didn't commit "crimes" against civilians. Rules change during war, and the real criminals in terms of civilian casualties were the bombing pilots.
The SS were normal men, just like you and me. Just like Ivan from the east and Johnny from Yankeeland. They were soldiers like any other and just followed the bloody orders they were given and act under stress like humans do.

Ohh yeah, in case I didn't make it clear enough already: Please for the love of God, don't tell us we are not allowed to have opinions about German soldiers, about WW2, simply because we are not German. Because that is fucking stupid. Also veri rasis!!!!!111

Are you sure that all SS units committed war crimes? I though the Waffen SS was supposed to be Germany's "elite" infantry in ww2 (I know they where the one's to do most of the Jew killing). And I think that's what people want to resemble and there nice looking uniform. also I don't think it's right to be mad about it regardless since then you would be mad at every movie having ss in them it doesn't make any sense. People are way to sensitive now a days -_-
It was the German elite infantry. It was supposed to be a "united" European elite fighting force, but the elite had to slack a bit on their demands as the war progressed and towards the end nearly anyone without any serious handicaps could be taken in.

You are right though, serious "war crimes" were not commited by all, of course. The idea is quite absurd... And again, yes. The Gestapo worked as the secret police and had quite a reputation for being violent and brutal (often with a fatal end for their targets). Those were not the men doing door to door conscription though.

The WaffenSS members were often seen as complete idiots and absolute radicals by other german soldiers. Often they didn't fight as elite but as senceless suicide commands as the Volkssturm. For example an SS-Officer ordered his men to advance to an village hold by russian MGs in a proper line in marching pace....
The SS did most of the warcrimes, hunted jews and germans who still had an normal mind as Hinkel already told you.
And your point is?

well,,while i agree with all you've said i still believe the Waffen SS,not the SS, are a legitimate part of history and can therfore be reenacted,if u doing tlook  back and accept that what happened was int he past, i can guarantee anyone that the same will happen again, this has gone way off topic and im sorry for that, The Waffen SS btw was never designed to be a "german army" but a European army, and in war ALL sides committed atrocities, the USSR is now proven to have wiped out alot more than the Nazi regime, in all honesty, recent studies have shown that the WH committed its fair share of atrocities too,and the NKVD,and the Red Army when it entered Berlin, and the Americans. Now that doesn't make it right, but the fact that it happened, should i not reenact the British in the Nap wars due to what happened at Badajoz? The fact is many people over here at least, Polish/german immigrants who have moved to Australia, Seem to see the SS as the same as the NKVD etc,so we stop people reenacting certain soviet units? No.

History is history,if we like it or not, and trying to forget it we will ALL regret it in the end.

On another note some States down here are trying to ban redcoat reenactors at events,due to the "massacres" of locals back the in the late 1700's,,so ye someones gotta play the "bad guys"

If wanted, i will make a waffen SS section inthe Reenactment discussion area later, so we cannot clog up this thread

p.s. stuff grammar,its early here ;)
People can reenact the SS if they want, as long as they acknowledge what they did. Somebody has to play the bad guys, you can't censor them out or people will forget.

Also Zac, pls make seperate thread.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Millander on June 22, 2013, 05:07:23 pm
Its like freedom of speach. I may not agree with what your portraying but you have the right to do it.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Mekkil the Graet on June 22, 2013, 05:37:39 pm
But... I just wanted a general discussion thread... :(

Ohh well... How many (ww2 themed) reenactments have you partaken in, and do you have some pics?

Its like freedom of speach. I may not agree with what your portraying but you have the right to do it.
Put forwards your views then, mein liebsten.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: DeoVindice61 on June 22, 2013, 06:55:07 pm
I've been considering reenacting the SS since there was a great looking unit near me. the 2nd Pionier Battalion - 5th SS. I mean come on, Wiking and pioniers? Badass.

I do acknowledge the war crimes, and I do agree that not all SS did war crime. I believe 10th SS had a clean record. But I decided to go with Fallschrimjaeger or Heer. For the sake of my family. I dont feel like dealing with them.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Landrik on June 22, 2013, 11:41:03 pm
Only problem I have with SS reenactors are the pretty high collection of farbs they draw in because of their "uhleet soljurs ov da rike" appeal.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Docm30 on June 23, 2013, 01:53:31 am
I really can't imagine why any one would want to re-enact such awful people. If it's just the fancy uniform then all that does is make re-enacting look even shallower an activity than it's usually viewed as being.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: zac on June 23, 2013, 03:29:48 am
this will sound ignorant and stupid, but i reenact them because i want to,that's it, stuff everyone else. Ive been doing it for 2 years and the public,and many WW2 etc veterans, seem to have no issue after u explain the difference between the multicultural waffen SS and the allgemeine SS. Many seem to have more issue with reenacting certain Russian units.

The best thing ive learned as a reenactor, is not to care about peoples opinion. (i understand how this sounds)

and Mikkel ,do u still want a general discussion thread?

Only problem I have with SS reenactors are the pretty high collection of farbs they draw in because of their "uhleet soljurs ov da rike" appeal.

so true, so true. But seems to be a bigger problem in the US for varied reasons.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Duuring on June 23, 2013, 05:27:44 pm
I leave for Waterloo for two days and this happens. Can't I leave you guys alone for a while.

And for this subject! Of all things! Like anyone is going to give way...useless discussion.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Bluehawk on June 23, 2013, 06:09:10 pm
Making generalizations about the distinction between the Allgemeine and Waffen-SS isn't entire helpful either. If the token member of the former does nothing all day but stamp "annulled" on marriage certificates because one of the spouses is half-Jewish, he has much cleaner hands that the token member of the latter who may be a rapist and executioner between frontline duties.

A unit is as good as its record, not its collar tabs.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Riddlez on June 23, 2013, 06:54:05 pm
It's not like the re-enectors actually support or encourage the SS and what it stands for.
Only thing Riddlez knows is that quite some SS Soldiers were quite respectable, military speaking.

Why not? WW2 is literally decades ago, it's not from this time that you go on bickering if it is right to remembers and sometimes even respect all the sides of the war. As said before, Conveniently, the Russian won the war too, so many people tend to forget THEIR crimes of war.

this will sound ignorant and stupid, but i reenact them because i want to,that's it, stuff everyone else. Ive been doing it for 2 years and the public,and many WW2 etc veterans, seem to have no issue after u explain the difference between the multicultural waffen SS and the allgemeine SS. Many seem to have more issue with reenacting certain Russian units.

The best thing ive learned as a reenactor, is not to care about peoples opinion. (i understand how this sounds)

Wel said, well said indeed

Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Duuring on June 23, 2013, 06:56:25 pm
Still, why would you want to re-enact a unit of cowards who betrayed their country and voluntarily supported the Nazi Regime?
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Riddlez on June 23, 2013, 07:07:28 pm
Still, why would you want to re-enact a unit of cowards who betrayed their country and voluntarily supported the Nazi Regime?

Why would you want to re-enect a country who in all history books are cowards who ran at Waterloo?

Who would want to re-enect a country that keeps saying they won their own revolution?

Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Kator Viridian on June 23, 2013, 07:19:05 pm
Still, why would you want to re-enact a unit of cowards who betrayed their country and voluntarily supported the Nazi Regime?

*face desk* The answer would come down to it "Why not?" much the same as "Why would you re-enact a bunch of belgian cowardly seperatist movements?".

Lets take Napoleon ... happily set people to their death for the sake of "Democracy" ... well "Imperialism" but same difference right? dosn't make him any less of a charasmatic tactful leader. The same would go for the SS divisions where killing civilians in "Opposing countries" was actually employed by the US to sanction the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagaski even though the Japenese were about to give up but the message was "never received".

A political state of mind does not entitle you well ... to a title put on you. I voted conservative last election in the UK, does that make me a ponce who trots around in suits? nope it still makes me a working class scumbag ... if only the dreams of politics would make me richer with a single vote ... curse you!

The problem is "They lost", if you lose its not sanctified ... the German nation lost the war thus "Murderers!" but the bombings on civilian sectors during the Gulf war AND WWII by the US "Tactful". Dosn't make any sense.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr T on June 23, 2013, 07:27:00 pm
Still, why would you want to re-enact a unit of cowards who betrayed their country and voluntarily supported the Nazi Regime?

Why would you want to re-enect a country who in all history books are cowards who ran at Waterloo?

Who would want to re-enect a country that keeps saying they won their own revolution?

Darkness falls across the land, the vengeful Dutchman is close at hand

Duuring comes in search of blood, for commenting something you never should
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Riddlez on June 23, 2013, 07:27:17 pm
Still, why would you want to re-enact a unit of cowards who betrayed their country and voluntarily supported the Nazi Regime?

*face desk* The answer would come down to it "Why not?" much the same as "Why would you re-enact a bunch of belgian cowardly seperatist movements?".

Lets take Napoleon ... happily set people to their death for the sake of "Democracy" ... well "Imperialism" but same difference right? dosn't make him any less of a charasmatic tactful leader. The same would go for the SS divisions where killing civilians in "Opposing countries" was actually employed by the US to sanction the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagaski even though the Japenese were about to give up but the message was "never received".

A political state of mind does not entitle you well ... to a title put on you. I voted conservative last election in the UK, does that make me a ponce who trots around in suits? nope it still makes me a working class scumbag ... if only the dreams of politics would make me richer with a single vote ... curse you!

The problem is "They lost", if you lose its not sanctified ... the German nation lost the war thus "Murderers!" but the bombings on civilian sectors during the Gulf war AND WWII by the US "Tactful". Dosn't make any sense.

Riddlez seconds.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Duuring on June 23, 2013, 07:28:22 pm
Why would you want to re-enect a country who in all history books are cowards who ran at Waterloo?

Who would want to re-enect a country that keeps saying they won their own revolution?

Not all history books say that and you and I both know that's complete bullshit.

What revolution are you referring to? The Batavian? It was won, but people sometimes forget the first one (in 1787) was put down by the Prussians.

Still, why would you want to re-enact a unit of cowards who betrayed their country and voluntarily supported the Nazi Regime?


Your first sentence makes sense, everything after that one again misses a point. What are you trying to say?

Oh and just in case you are wondering; I had a lovely weekend at Waterloo. Saddled the horses of the Duke of Wellington and the Prince of Orange, fired a few shots with a musket and touched the wall of Hougoumont. It rained from time to time, but that's re-enactment too.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Riddlez on June 23, 2013, 07:30:56 pm
I am referrong to the American Revolution
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Duuring on June 23, 2013, 07:40:41 pm
I am referrong to the American Revolution

Then it's a idiotic thing to say. They shouldn't re-enact it because they weren't the only ones fighting in the war? That's like saying people shouldn't re-enact the French in the Napoleonics because they had so many foreign units and allies.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: König on June 23, 2013, 07:41:18 pm
I am referrong to the American Revolution
Oh really now?  :P

Well, we did win it. Just not alone, if that's what you're referring to.

Now how about steer this a bit closer to the original topic?

 Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.

Ninja'd by Duuring.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Riddlez on June 23, 2013, 07:49:09 pm
I am referrong to the American Revolution

Then it's a idiotic thing to say. They shouldn't re-enact it because they weren't the only ones fighting in the war? That's like saying people shouldn't re-enact the French in the Napoleonics because they had so many foreign units and allies.

Riddlez doesn't day he is agreeing to this reply, but it clarifies how some are thinking about other arguments, why not to re-enect the SS.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Duuring on June 23, 2013, 08:15:13 pm
No, you are just being fantasticly unclear. How about you stop with the 3rd person talk for a moment and respond like a normal person. Not only it will be easier to understand you, but we might also consider taking you serious.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: KillerMongoose on June 23, 2013, 08:24:08 pm
Forget the Waffen-SS, no unit is more elite and tasty than the Waffle-SS


Or the dreaded Luftwaffle!
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Hinkel on June 23, 2013, 09:28:28 pm
A love historical reenactors!  8)
When someone is reenacting such "elite troops" as some guys say, you should be Aware that there was a strict figure law in that Units. Wondering why some guys are still portraying them (I know that at least one guy is Luftwaffe on that Picture)...

Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: König on June 23, 2013, 09:34:01 pm
A love historical reenactors!  8)
When someone is reenacting such "elite troops" as some guys say, you should be Aware that there was a strict figure law in that Units. Wondering why some guys are still portraying them (I know that at least one guy is Luftwaffe on that Picture)...

Ah, that infamous picture...
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Millander on June 23, 2013, 10:13:20 pm
if were going to have a discussion about reenacting the SS then people who arent reenacters scram. Go make a thread in the main historical forum.

 As said before reenacters can reenact what they want even if I may not agree with it.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Riddlez on June 23, 2013, 10:13:55 pm
No, you are just being fantasticly unclear. How about you stop with the 3rd person talk for a moment and respond like a normal person. Not only it will be easier to understand you, but we might also consider taking you serious.

Just replace the 'Riddlez', with 'I', and the He, as well, sure you can figure it out.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Duuring on June 23, 2013, 10:43:57 pm
No, you are just being fantasticly unclear. How about you stop with the 3rd person talk for a moment and respond like a normal person. Not only it will be easier to understand you, but we might also consider taking you serious.

Just replace the 'Riddlez', with 'I', and the He, as well, sure you can figure it out.

I refuse to decode your posts. Want to be taken serious? Act serious.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Millander on June 24, 2013, 12:20:47 am
retarted posts like these is why people who arent reenacters should not be in the reenacter forum.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Docm30 on June 24, 2013, 01:32:53 am
if were going to have a discussion about reenacting the SS then people who arent reenacters scram. Go make a thread in the main historical forum.

I can see why you'd want to re-enact the Waffen-SS; Bigotry and segregation seem right up your alley.

...was actually employed by the US to sanction the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagaski even though the Japenese were about to give up but the message was "never received".

Japan had no intention of surrendering and was preparing to repel the invasion of Honshu and Kyushu right up until the end of the war. They had repeatedly refused Allied demands to surrender and had made it quite clear that they would never surrender while they could still fight.

Operation Downfall (the planned invasion of the mainland) was estimated by the Allied command to cause half a million American deaths and between five and ten million Japanese deaths. The entire populace would be hostile to the invaders and they had been strongly encouraged to fight (they even raised a corps of armed civilians that wound up numbering over 28 million. Like the Volkssturm, they'd have died in enormous numbers), not to mention the sizeable armies still in Japan. It would have been an absolute blood bath. The 200,000 or so deaths caused by the atomic bombings seem scant in comparison.

The Atomic bombings may have been among the worst things Man has ever had to do, but they saved millions of lives. To claim that they were equivalent to Nazi war-crimes is ridiculous.

Basically every wartime army in history has committed crimes against humanity. The difference is that the Waffen-SS was an armed political group who were officially tasked with committing war-crimes (among other things. I do realise they were soldiers that fought proper). I don't know of any other such group that is widely re-enacted. Napoleon's army may have committed war-crimes, but does anyone re-enact a unit that killed as many civilians and POWs with official sanction as the Waffen-SS?
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Highlander on June 24, 2013, 02:01:23 am
I really do not understand why anyone would want to portray the SS. Ever been to Oradour-sur-Glane?
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: zac on June 24, 2013, 03:48:58 am
Non-Reenactors,while we respect your views and opinions they really arent needed. and your only clogging this up :)   welcome back Duuring ;)
( (

Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Millander on June 24, 2013, 08:43:39 am
if were going to have a discussion about reenacting the SS then people who arent reenacters scram. Go make a thread in the main historical forum.

I can see why you'd want to re-enact the Waffen-SS; Bigotry and segregation seem right up your alley.

Right up my alley? If I thought people who arent admins should post in an admin forum would that also mean I support segregation? Plus I would never do SS. Do overportrayed

 I swear idiotic posts sp,e here is why non reenacters shouldn't be posting on topics regarding reenacting in the reenactment forum.
Go make a thread is the main historical forum then you guys can debate your butts of.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: zac on June 24, 2013, 09:21:34 am
Exactly, as much as i enjoy  Docm30's help in regards to history etc, he starting to sound very much like how Duuring did (before he assimilated and we all became best buds xD )
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Docm30 on June 24, 2013, 09:36:19 am
Right up my alley? If I thought people who arent admins should post in an admin forum would that also mean I support segregation? Plus I would never do SS. Do overportrayed

Surely you realised I was joking when I compared your not wanting norms posting here to the bigotry of the SS? much as i enjoy  Docm30's help in regards to history etc, he starting to sound very much like how Duuring did...

What the hell's that supposed to mean? besides being the most insulting thing anyone has ever said to me.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: zac on June 24, 2013, 09:58:28 am
this may be just the fact that i haven't slept for 2 days, but it just sounds as if your one sided, no insult was intended,


Someone make a seperate discussion,or ill make it ,,in the historical discussion thread
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Docm30 on June 24, 2013, 10:04:37 am
I don't rightly recall taking any side. I couldn't care less if people want to re-enact the Waffen-SS. I don't see why they'd want to, but it doesn't really bother me that they do.

I'd have to take a side before anyone could justifiably call me "one sided".
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Duuring on June 24, 2013, 10:07:20 am
Why shouldn't Docm comment? His post makes perfect sense to me. It's clear and to-the-point, and I fully agree.

Zac, get some sleep. Oh and don't talk to Landrik when drunk again - See the result?  ::)
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: zac on June 24, 2013, 10:17:56 am

Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Duuring on June 24, 2013, 10:19:29 am
Then don't mention the war!

(I'll slap anyone not getting the joke)
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: zac on June 24, 2013, 10:23:37 am
ahh,, faulty towers xD
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Completenoob on June 24, 2013, 02:49:16 pm
I really do not understand why anyone would want to portray the SS. Ever been to Oradour-sur-Glane?

Considering that Waffen-SS was (primarily) combat arm in an organisation with three main pieces (and few other child organisations), of which Allgemeine-SS (or ASS) and SS-Totenkopfverbände was more often responsible for certain atrocities than WSS was, though obviously they tend to go somewhat in hand to hand, depending on the unit which they choose to portray it may be entirely appropriate presuming it is handled with sufficient care. Yes, I am all too aware WSS doesn't exactly has that nice reputation but it also is fairly diverse between small (or even larger) formations which had nothing to do with any kind of bullshit besides bearing different insignia and might have had better training than some other folk something which would make Volkssturm look elite, or had its own share with certain events.

That being said I still find WSS overrated and derpy since the ratio to “proper” (read = actually doing re-enactments out in the field without burgers at hand's reach and are not going down Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain caricature route) re-enactment to just walking around in camouflage and “roleplaying” is easily 642632854353243753632453906843295093142134230:1 against the proper side. Of course if you want to re-enact (or rant about) ASS or just do the whole thing wrong of course, that's another story and I sincerely doubt is the primary purpose of this thread.

Oh, and of course it tends to attract folk you'd rather not see in re-enacting circles as well.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: zac on June 24, 2013, 03:03:35 pm
Agreed,thats an issue one of the groups p North has ,AGS ,,we stay away from them as some are suspected of actually being NS , and some even seem to be the 14/88 type,if u know what i mean, but my group is good ;) u deal with them as they come,and we stay away from them

your right about the size ratios too,,and many do join due to the camo

on another note i tend to find the Nap Reenacting community more "friendly" to people from other periods too
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Kator Viridian on June 28, 2013, 08:10:42 pm
if were going to have a discussion about reenacting the SS then people who arent reenacters scram. Go make a thread in the main historical forum.

I can see why you'd want to re-enact the Waffen-SS; Bigotry and segregation seem right up your alley.

...was actually employed by the US to sanction the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagaski even though the Japenese were about to give up but the message was "never received".

Japan had no intention of surrendering and was preparing to repel the invasion of Honshu and Kyushu right up until the end of the war. They had repeatedly refused Allied demands to surrender and had made it quite clear that they would never surrender while they could still fight.

Operation Downfall (the planned invasion of the mainland) was estimated by the Allied command to cause half a million American deaths and between five and ten million Japanese deaths. The entire populace would be hostile to the invaders and they had been strongly encouraged to fight (they even raised a corps of armed civilians that wound up numbering over 28 million. Like the Volkssturm, they'd have died in enormous numbers), not to mention the sizeable armies still in Japan. It would have been an absolute blood bath. The 200,000 or so deaths caused by the atomic bombings seem scant in comparison.

The Atomic bombings may have been among the worst things Man has ever had to do, but they saved millions of lives. To claim that they were equivalent to Nazi war-crimes is ridiculous.

Basically every wartime army in history has committed crimes against humanity. The difference is that the Waffen-SS was an armed political group who were officially tasked with committing war-crimes (among other things. I do realise they were soldiers that fought proper). I don't know of any other such group that is widely re-enacted. Napoleon's army may have committed war-crimes, but does anyone re-enact a unit that killed as many civilians and POWs with official sanction as the Waffen-SS?

Hypotheical millions that do not exist, at the time the war was already won. American and allied forces had pretty much freed china as well as the russians entering the conflict ... it was at an end for the Japenese and they sure as hell knew it. With Americans already on the close and the bomb finished there was still no live test as yet, thus the bombings commenced which ended the war but ONLY because it was already ended, the Japenese could NOT counter attack at all they had no fleet, they had no air force, their man power was dwindling quickly on the isolated islands.

So these hypothetical "Millions" is absolute crap and you know that for a fact, there was going to be no counter attack at all there was no-where viable to attempt to. The Bomb drop was a live test and nothing more to see the devastation it would cause AND evalutate the long term effects of such on a populace, the war was just a "Reason" behind it when clearly there was no war at that point.

Japan was a floating siege works, there was no-way in or out by sea thanks to intensive mine laying, its like if the Germans had dropped an atomic bomb upon Leningrad during the siege ... its not just at all, its just a means for a test and a way to stop attempting of a landing upon japan and cause further losses to the forces.

It was far from Saving Millions at all ...

Warcrimes are only put to people who have lost a war, have you ever noticed that?
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Duuring on June 29, 2013, 12:34:45 am
Warcrimes are only put to people who have lost a war, have you ever noticed that?

Bullshit. At first, yes, but we now know about many Allied warcrimes.

Docm is right - The allies were not going to let Japan off, and that would have resulted in a bloodbath. As much as the nuclear bomb was terrible, it saved both Allied and Japanese lives.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Docm30 on June 29, 2013, 02:02:16 am
I'm done with you, Kator Viridian. You're getting into conspiracy theory territory with this live test crap.

I will say this, though. You are right about the Japanese not being able to counter-attack, They couldn't have and I never said they intended to. They intended to fight a defensive ground-war on the mainland, where there were not only hundreds of thousands of soldiers still stationed, but over 30 million armed civilians each of whom swore an oath to fight to the death before surrendering any Japanese soil.

The Japanese government had itself sworn never to surrender while they were still capable of fighting. The Emperor may have wished to surrender, but he was a puppet that was silenced by the real government. The Japanese had unquestionably intended to draw the war out as long as possible, just as the Germans had done.

But of course, you know better than about 10 different (and top-secret, thus useless for propaganda) studies done by the Allied high-command, all of which estimated millions of deaths. You know the real history, not the rubbish written by the victors.

Japan was a floating siege works, there was no-way in or out by sea thanks to intensive mine laying...

You know that's my point, right? that the invasion of mainland Japan (if necessary, and it certainly was without the atomic bombings) was going to be an absolute bloodbath, but it was inevitable without the atomic bombs.

Do bear in mind that the Japanese had no idea the atomic bombs existed before the actual bombings. That shit was as top-secret as anything ever has been.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Kator Viridian on June 29, 2013, 02:24:38 am
Warcrimes are only put to people who have lost a war, have you ever noticed that?

Bullshit. At first, yes, but we now know about many Allied warcrimes.

Docm is right - The allies were not going to let Japan off, and that would have resulted in a bloodbath. As much as the nuclear bomb was terrible, it saved both Allied and Japanese lives.

Killing civilians which IS a warcrime to hypothetically "Save millions" is not a rational decision at all .. it IS a warcrime no matter how you look at it. A simple Airaid upon industrial town areas would of sufficed the lack of airforce for the japenese was the clincher. The surrender would of been instantanious if the Bombs were the clincher for the victory but they didn't the surrender came a whole month later, not as if it could not of been given before hand.

The surrender came of fear of futher detriment to the country of Japan, not necessarily because of the bombs, afterall it would of been a while before another operation could of happened and the Japenese probably knew this with the long time deliberating the decision to surrender.

Costing lives to save "in Theory" lives does not make it a tactical choice nor necessary to victory ... for example why not just nuke the middle east? in theory you could save "Billions" of lives all over the world for the cost of a few million ... because it is not rational, for the cost of 240,000 lives ... 0 were actually saved as a direct cause of the event. but "millions" were saved in hypothetically ... well you could say that the execution of 64 canadian soldiers in Normandy by SS troops hypotheically saved hundreds of thousands of German civilians.

No matter how you look at it 240,000 helpless civilians and troops lost their lives because of a "Live test" and hypotheical threats that never existed.

There needed to be no invasion of Japan at all anyway, that was the point being made, the Japenese could not invade from Japan anymore in their current state. It came down to the American and allied forces Generals wishes to end the war swiftly (As was later to backfire in Korea just 10 years later when the Chinese jumped in).

You'll find that pretty much all Allied war crimes even noted "No prosectution". Feel free to contridict me with a Warcrime commited by the Allies in WWII where a prosecution followed. There are pllenty of Cases ... no prosecutions nor re-opened cases ... unless of course your German.

I'm done with you, Kator Viridian. You're getting into conspiracy theory territory with this live test crap.

I will say this, though. You are right about the Japanese not being able to counter-attack, They couldn't have and I never said they intended to. They intended to fight a defensive ground-war on the mainland, where there were not only hundreds of thousands of soldiers still stationed, but over 30 million armed civilians each of whom swore an oath to fight to the death before surrendering any Japanese soil.

The Japanese government had itself sworn never to surrender while they were still capable of fighting. The Emperor may have wished to surrender, but he was a puppet that was silenced by the real government. The Japanese had unquestionably intended to draw the war out as long as possible, just as the Germans had done.

But of course, you know better than about 10 different (and top-secret, thus useless for propaganda) studies done by the Allied high-command, all of which estimated millions of deaths. You know the real history, not the rubbish written by the victors.

Japan was a floating siege works, there was no-way in or out by sea thanks to intensive mine laying...

You know that's my point, right? that the invasion of mainland Japan (if necessary, and it certainly was without the atomic bombings) was going to be an absolute bloodbath, but it was inevitable without the atomic bombs.

Do bear in mind that the Japanese had no idea the atomic bombs existed before the actual bombings. That shit was as top-secret as anything ever has been.

Yep those studies won't be biased at all honestly. Not written by the Victors but ... you just ... oh nvm ;)

If you were done dude that would of been your end line, but it just wasn't to be. Why keep arguing? why keep just reading opinonated bits of history?

Lets take a bit of construded history a totally hypothetical bit of blah that will never exist. The attacks on the Norwegian heavy water plants failed, the Germans were the first to create the nuclear bomb and their first attack is upon Britain, landing bombs upon Liverpool and Manchester, 2 heavy industrial and heavily populated areas. Britain surrenders 1 month later ... War crime or not?

Now there is also something to bare in mind, swearing an oath to defend your homeland or not does not mean you are now a soldier, any person would say "Yes i'd defend my home just give me a weapon". The French did it in WWII, the Chinese did it, the Russians did it ... does it mean their civilian deaths are okay? I mean they took up arms too, women, children the whole shebang ... but because it was the Americans doing the killing it is suddenly okay because of an "Oath" ... pull the other one.

But the funny thing is all Americans who are citizens are currently sworn under an oath to take up arms against any invader, would that mean nuclear bombs would be justifiable at any time?

Its a bit of mind bending really .. what do you see as good and bad? humanitarian and unhumanitarian? Evil and Just? It still is all decided by the victors.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Millander on June 29, 2013, 05:05:58 am
I went through as I have come to the conclusion this thread is now not about reenacting...
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: zac on June 29, 2013, 06:01:42 am
Japan????  hmmm plse leave his discussion to reenactors only
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Docm30 on June 29, 2013, 11:48:14 am
Kator Viridian, please do not take this as an attack, because I mean it honestly. I simply cannot understand most of your post. Your English is of a brand I've never encountered and I find it effectively unreadable.

Please, and I again mean this in a helpful way with no intended malice at all, brush up on how sentences and clauses are formed. Your grammar in general needs help.

I legitimately find your post very, very difficult to parse. I am stupid, though, so maybe it's my fault.
Title: Re: Reenacting the Waffen-SS Discussion Thread
Post by: Kator Viridian on June 30, 2013, 05:02:42 am
Kator Viridian, please do not take this as an attack, because I mean it honestly. I simply cannot understand most of your post. Your English is of a brand I've never encountered and I find it effectively unreadable.

Please, and I again mean this in a helpful way with no intended malice at all, brush up on how sentences and clauses are formed. Your grammar in general needs help.

I legitimately find your post very, very difficult to parse. I am stupid, though, so maybe it's my fault.

I know your on Duurings band wagon of "Anti British" but thats a little too far don't you think? My English is a brand of speaking not of writing, and the fact you were comprehending it before leads me to the fact of "Blah blah blah slag off session type type type" with this post.

"Not offence but ..." is just a contradiction, if your going to be hurtful atleast try with "Take this you ******!".

But in all cases never to listen to what you are told, current history could all be a lie, the facts are ... your told you listen, forming your own thesis of history are part of history itself.

If you can't understand simply read this "NO", whatever your thinking to reply with just "NO" in big red shiny letters hanging from the old Neon sign of "Fish & Chips" ... its just not worth the effort if you think of yourself so highly to attempt to slum it, so just don't.

Anywho to the topic at hand again, Why no?t re-enacting them the main part "Acting" does not partake in "I hold the same standards of the Political and Ethical attitude of the worst". Here comes the standard Psychology again "The bad guys".