Flying Squirrel Entertainment

The Lounge => Historical Discussion => Topic started by: Skipper on April 25, 2013, 01:23:02 am

Title: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Skipper on April 25, 2013, 01:23:02 am
I found this

I didn't write it...

First off, let me just say that the United states of america played a vital role in the Allied military efforts of ww2. Many brave americans fought hand in hand with soldiers of my mother country, The United Kingdom of great britain. My gripe is not with the American soldiers, but with the media and film-makers that push a false version of history.

American citizens watching american movies such as Saving private ryan or TV shows such as Band of brothers would be justified in thinking that America won the war alone. They would be justified in thinking that europe was in trouble and that America came to save the day. That is the version of history that American movies portray and that is the version of history that many Americans believe.

A little knowledge fo history reveals a different story. The DDay landings were comprised of soldiers from the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New zealand. Over half of the soldiers were british.

Germany suffered more losses by far on its eastern front and if one military should be named as having won the WW2 alone it would surely have to be that of the Soviet Union.

In the American movie "Pearl harbour" an american pilot single Handel won the battle for

So why do Americans not credit the soldiers of other countries? Why do they tend to over inflate their achievements? Many Americans don't realize that they officially lost the conflict in vietnam.

The US fought the war mainly with japan. Over 50% of the DDay landing troops were british and britain also managed to defend against invasion. We destroyed the luftwaffe and were certainly not on a back foot. Not considering that we also fought the war in Africa and managed to defeat german and italian forces there to.

The soviet Union destroyed many more german troops than all the rest of the allied forces combined.

Also another person in the comments stated that "We win everything alone, that is us, the USA"... Really? The rest of the world exited WW2 having been extremely decimated, whereas the US was untouched. It is because of this that the USA rose to the position of the only superpower left in the world today. However, japan is second despite having been destroyed in WW2 and china is overtaking you. London is now the worlds

And seeing as this is one of USA's few responses:
Vietnam - War of Independence in USA

Both had crucial turning points- Saratoga and Tet. Both Civil Wars. Guerilla style warfare. Both were fighting over government. Outside countries were not supportive of wars. Only 1 of the 2 sides had issued uniforms. Both used guns and gun powder. Both were fought over vast distances with long lines of communication. Both wars triggered animosity among the common people. The undecided were alienated and the strategies were analogous.

Just to clear some things up and to tell USA that they are not the centre of the world and they did not win WW2 alone. We appreciate your support however.[/spoiler]

I didn't write it...
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 25, 2013, 01:35:32 am
Hardly any Americans think we won ww2 singlehandedly, so you're basing your counterargument off of arguments that never existed. However, you don't seem to be giving the US enough credit. If you think the war could have been won without the Americans, then you're just incorrect.

The US played a central role in literally every single one of the campaigns in western Europe. Allied high command was in part headed by Americans, and not any less than it was headed by the UK or France. The invasion of Normandy was masterminded by US, French, and British generals. While there were approximately 83,000 British troops at d-day to an American 73,000, Americans still played a very large role in the landings.

And actually, the US is the center of the world today, even though I dislike it and you probably do as well.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Docm30 on April 25, 2013, 01:37:25 am
I think maybe people shouldn't make sweeping generalisations about entire countries based on little actual evidence. Can anyone cite a proper study that shows Americans do generally believe they won the war single-handedly?

Over 50% of the DDay landing troops were british

Bullshit. 62,000 out of 156,000 is not 50%. Canadians are not British and the Canadians did not fight as part of a British army during the Battle of Normandy

And actually, the US is the center of the world today, even though I dislike it and you probably do as well.

What the crap? try telling that to the 6 billion+ people that don't live in the US.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Bluehawk on April 25, 2013, 01:42:53 am
Just to clear some things up and to tell USA that they are not the centre of the world and they did not win WW2 alone. We appreciate your support however.

Why do you hate freedom? Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party? Are you or is anyone in your family a Muslim?
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 25, 2013, 01:55:13 am
What the crap? try telling that to the 6 billion+ people that don't live in the US.

The US is the center of the military world, the political word, the economic world, the western cultural world, and at this point is basically the center of the anglosphere. Sorry UK, you no longer rule the waves.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty left leaning and I dislike all this USA imperialism bullshit, but it's hard to deny facts.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Pinball Wizard on April 25, 2013, 01:56:21 am
I Loled.
Every time I asked my grandfather (who served in the war) as a child "who won WW2?" He always answered "the Allies". Games like Call of Duty before all the modern warfare games always had American, British, Russian, even Canadians fighting the Germans. A lot of American movies focused on the American side to the war, because...we...are...Americas...(*gasp*)...

You bring up "Saving Private Ryan" and "Band of Brothers" which are about AMERICAN soldiers. Why the hell would they be showing Russians in the movie, or the British in North Africa?
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: munky-wunky on April 25, 2013, 01:57:15 am
We dont! your just to racist against america that you think we do.

but im not going to to start a flame war
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Docm30 on April 25, 2013, 02:03:11 am
The US is the center of the military world, the political word, the economic world, the western cultural world, and at this point is basically the center of the anglosphere. Sorry UK, you no longer rule the waves.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty left leaning and I dislike all this USA imperialism bullshit, but it's hard to deny facts.

If only those were facts.

The US may have the most powerful military on earth, they may hold a lot of sway politically and American culture is pretty widely exported (though perhaps not nearly as much as a lot of people seem to think). None of this, however, equates to them being the centre of the world. Actually, I'm not even sure what that means. Do you mean they're the most important country or what?
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: kpetschulat on April 25, 2013, 02:05:47 am
Just want to say, I wasn't born in the USA, but I have been here since I was very young, but I consider myself an American... With that aside, I'm growing really tired of all the US-hatred going on here. The only Americans that will say that "we" won the war single-handedly are the backwoods-toothless hicks that you find in the south and in mountain regions. Any American will say that it was a collaborated effort by the Allied forces to bring down the Axis. Now, not to toot the horn of the US of A, but if it wasn't for "us," Europe would be very different than it is today. Would there be a Fascist German Regime/Empire ruling over Europe? More than likely, no. But, you have to give credit where it is due. The French were almost entirely annihilated, and were forced into a surrender. Britain was bombed to shit, and could barely scrounge out enough men to take on the German War Machine of millions of soldiers, ready to die for their country...

You should thank the US for being there in the fight, giving the Allies some reassuring hope, and plenty of more men to fight the good fight. The blame for the US entering the war when it did is on the Japanese, it's an incident in history every educated person should know. I do personally feel that the US would have still entered the war, regardless of the Pearl Harbor attack. Obviously, the time that we entered was very early on, and enough to make a huge difference both in the European and the Pacific theater. If it was a year or two later, either WWII would have simply been longer, or Europe may have succumbed to Fascist Germany.

So, I personally suggest that this thread be closed, or heavily moderated... this is a thread that can easily turn into a flame fest and troll haven. Anything that's instantly attacking the US is not a good idea. Your title for this thread especially will attract the people we don't want here. Let's do our best to keep this civil, and have a clean discussion. Sound good?

Edit: I just want to add, the movies and series you see like Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers, are the same types of things you see in British-made movies about the Napoleonic Wars (Specifically the Waterloo campaign), where it puts heavy emphasis on the British winning Waterloo, or a major battle. It's propaganda. Shit to raise the the spirits of the nation it's made for, and to make people believe the country they are in is the best. Don't give too much into movies and books like that. Such things have been made since ancient times (disregarding movies and miniseries of course).

Side story: My great-grandfather served in WWII as a German Fallschirmjaeger Officer. He served in the 5th Fallschirmjaeger corps. He met his death during a German counter-attack in France where a few battalions of Fallschirmjaegers attacked behind the Allied lines, as to where, I haven't a clue. His parachute was shot, and he plummeted to his death. The only thing I have remaining from him is his Bayonet, a medal, and a badge that he wore on his collar. My Grandfather (the son of the great-grandfather in question), burned everything else. He was ashamed of his father, and he's a disgrace on Germany, to be ashamed of such a great nation.

My great-Grandfather on my Mother's side also served in WWII in the Italian Wolf Infantry, he survived the war... His story, I know very little about.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 25, 2013, 02:05:54 am
The US is the center of the military world, the political word, the economic world, the western cultural world, and at this point is basically the center of the anglosphere. Sorry UK, you no longer rule the waves.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty left leaning and I dislike all this USA imperialism bullshit, but it's hard to deny facts.

If only those were facts.

The US may have the most powerful military on earth, they may hold a lot of sway politically and American culture is pretty widely exported (though perhaps not nearly as much as a lot of people seem to think). None of this, however, equates to them being the centre of the world. Actually, I'm not even sure what that means. Do you mean they're the most important country or what?

Yes, the most important country I suppose.

You should thank the US for being there in the fight, giving the Allies some reassuring hope, and plenty of more men to fight the good fight.

Thankfully the older generation in Europe still likes the United States and appreciates us for the efforts and sacrifices of US soldiers during ww2. Unfortunately the younger generation seems to have been swept up in an anti-US bandwagon of sorts. I guess it's cool to hate the US in Europe now.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Docm30 on April 25, 2013, 02:11:34 am
Again, try telling that to the 6 billion+ people that don't really care about the US or what the US does, and probably don't often think about the US.

Besides, how can one country be more important than another? I'm sure just about everyone on earth regards their own country as the most important, and with good reason.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Pinball Wizard on April 25, 2013, 02:13:01 am
The US is the center of the military world, the political word, the economic world, the western cultural world, and at this point is basically the center of the anglosphere. Sorry UK, you no longer rule the waves.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty left leaning and I dislike all this USA imperialism bullshit, but it's hard to deny facts.

If only those were facts.

The US may have the most powerful military on earth, they may hold a lot of sway politically and American culture is pretty widely exported (though perhaps not nearly as much as a lot of people seem to think). None of this, however, equates to them being the centre of the world. Actually, I'm not even sure what that means. Do you mean they're the most important country or what?

Yes, the most important country I suppose.
Israel is probably the most important as of now. I mean look at all the hate feelings toward it in the middle east, and how people in congress get bashed if they don't side with them.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Docm30 on April 25, 2013, 02:14:47 am
Uh oh, the discussion has turned towards the middle-east. Get out while you can!
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: kpetschulat on April 25, 2013, 02:17:53 am
Told to change this. So, uhm... Don't talk about the Middle-east which has nothing to do with this threads' purpose!!!???
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: McEwan on April 25, 2013, 02:19:21 am
Interesting, interesting....


Watch your posts please....

Carry on on-topic otherwise...
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: munky-wunky on April 25, 2013, 02:20:56 am
Uh oh, the discussion has turned towards the middle-east. Get out while you can!

arguing about the middle-east is like fighting in the middle-east. it will never end
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: munky-wunky on April 25, 2013, 02:22:02 am
Told to change this. So, uhm... Don't talk about the Middle-east which has nothing to do with this threads' purpose!!!???

i dont know.....  the thred is already going downhill
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 25, 2013, 02:23:03 am
Again, try telling that to the 6 billion+ people that don't really care about the US or what the US does, and probably don't often think about the US.

Besides, how can one country be more important than another? I'm sure just about everyone on earth regards their own country as the most important, and with good reason.

-Top 10 stock exchanges in the world - top 2 are in the United states

-America has the most powerful military in the world, I don't need to provide any statistics for that.

-America has a permanent seat in the UN security council and veto power in practice over pretty much any nation (Notice I said "in practice". The USA could do whatever it wanted if it wasn't worried about the consequences, which it could probably deal with on its own anyway))

And a bunch of other things that I don't care to argue for right now. Whether or not 6 billion people in the world identify with the US is not relevant. These people are all affected by the United States and its decisions in one way or another, whether they are aware of it or not. The fact that many people dislike the US does not make it any less powerful or important on the world stage. Many, many people disliked and hated the Roman Empire as well, but did that make it any less powerful and influential? Any given thing that you enjoy or use in your daily life has probably had some influence by the United States put into its production, marketing, and circulation. Any company in any given country that wants to be successful has to have connections with the United States or it will fail.

Japan has one of the largest economies in the world, but Japan is a US protectorate. The US is responsible for the protection of Japan and therefore the US exercises complete and utter control over Japan. The European Union was created to act as a counterbalance to the US but it's becoming more and more influenced by the US every day, and it is quickly crumbling.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Skipper on April 25, 2013, 02:28:41 am
Guys please remember I found this off a website, I did not write it.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Millander on April 25, 2013, 02:29:42 am
I have found your posts rather silly as of late Skipper. Please keep it up
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: munky-wunky on April 25, 2013, 02:31:02 am
Again, try telling that to the 6 billion+ people that don't really care about the US or what the US does, and probably don't often think about the US.

Besides, how can one country be more important than another? I'm sure just about everyone on earth regards their own country as the most important, and with good reason.

-Top 10 stock exchanges in the world - top 2 are in the United states

-America has the most powerful military in the world, I don't need to provide any statistics for that.

-America has a permanent seat in the UN security council and veto power in practice over pretty much any nation (Notice I said "in practice". The USA could do whatever it wanted if it wasn't worried about the consequences, which it could probably deal with on its own anyway))

And a bunch of other things that I don't care to argue for right now. Whether or not 6 billion people in the world identify with the US is not relevant. These people are all affected by the United States and its decisions in one way or another, whether they are aware of it or not. The fact that many people dislike the US does not make it any less powerful or important on the world stage. Many, many people disliked and hated the Roman Empire as well, but did that make it any less powerful and influential? Any given thing that you enjoy or use in your daily life has probably had some influence by the United States put into its production, marketing, and circulation. Any company in any given country that wants to be successful has to have connections with the United States or it will fail.

Japan has one of the largest economies in the world, but Japan is a US protectorate. The US is responsible for the protection of Japan and therefore the US exercises complete and utter control over Japan. The European Union was created to act as a counterbalance to the US but it's becoming more and more influenced by the US every day, and it is quickly crumbling.

damn right you just gave me a freedom boner!

Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: kpetschulat on April 25, 2013, 02:33:05 am

It's sad, because as silly as this meme may be to other people, it's 100% true.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 25, 2013, 02:33:18 am
America circlejerk thread pls :3

Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: munky-wunky on April 25, 2013, 02:34:03 am
but Europe i still love you!  :D
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Docm30 on April 25, 2013, 02:34:55 am
Nipplestockings, you say you don't care for "US imperialism bullshit" but are willing to spread factually incorrect information in order to promote the idea that the US is most important country on earth. Do you not see a problem with that?
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 25, 2013, 02:38:20 am
Nipplestockings, you say you don't care for "US imperialism bullshit" but are willing to spread factually incorrect information in order to promote the idea that the US is most important country on earth. Do you not see a problem with that?

What did I say that was factually incorrect? It sounds to me like either you're delusional or you hate muh freedums. Don't worry, the UK has freedoms too *mhemm*

Freedom of religion!
Freedom to own weapons!
Freedom of privacy!
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Docm30 on April 25, 2013, 02:47:48 am
Well, not counting your totally unprovable claim that everything on earth is made with the US in mind, let's focus on your claim that Japan is a US-protectorate and that the US exerts complete and utter control over Japan.

This is completely and utterly (see what I did there?) untrue. The US and Japan have mutually defence agreements and Japan would definitely have hard time defending itself against a country like Russia or China, but if the US is completely responsible for the defence of Japan, how come Japan has the fifth highest military budget on earth? I'd like to see some sources for your claim that the US controls the Japanese government.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: kpetschulat on April 25, 2013, 02:53:37 am
I don't think that's what he meant Docm30... I think he meant military control over Japan. Japan has it's own economy, obviously. As you said it, Japan will not be able to hold its own from countries like Russia or China, which is why they are one of our protectorates in the pacific. We'll be there to help them, should the need arise...

Also, what does any of this have to do with the purpose of this thread? You guys fighting each other over "American being the best" is going to have this thread locked. If you want it locked, just report it to an admin ,rather than flaming each other, and spewing useless shit at each other as well.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on April 25, 2013, 02:55:37 am
@Nipple Oh joy, more people making Islam look bad.

Anyhow, saying the US won WWII on it's own is like saying Britain beat Napolean in the Penninsula on it's own.

It's not just false, it makes you and everyone where you comefrom look like complete IDIOTS.

I live in the US but I'm originally from Morocco, I had family in the FFL(French Foriegn Legion) an the FFF (Free French Forces) during WWII. I can tell you, when my Great Grandfather was with the Desert Rats over in Egypt he did NOT think the US was doing him any favors. My Great Uncle in Europe was in the Battle of the Bulde, and some 101st Airborne troops saved his life, so it's not like you can say the US did very little as I've actually heard some Europeans claim (This is also total BS).

I do think out of all the allies the US were carrying a decent amount of wieght in the war, I mean the Army was in Europe while the Marine Corps went through HELL in the Pacific going against Japan. etty much on their own. The ANZAC troops weren't helping on Iwo Jima guys.

Though honestly, I think the Soviets did the most in the war. ey did take on 4 German armies... on their own... and win. Plus they helped out in Japan by wiping them out in China where the US and the UK had stalled.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Millander on April 25, 2013, 02:56:06 am
Personally I dont get why we are arguing over some post this kid didnt even write. From what I have got from his recent posts he in quote

God you are heartless. I have been studying all day for exams which I am very nervous about, I have been having a hard time in the regiment and it is very stressful as well as losing my major, and I come on this server and am constantly abused and provoked. I please ask an admin to check the logs before confirming that I did the above, there were many witnesses who agreed with me when I said they were teamkilling throughout the maps, which they were (please check logs) and I did not get a single moment of peace, this is really not the thing I need at the moment and I hope someone out there has some sense, maybe someone who knows the stresses of forming a reg and doing exams.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 25, 2013, 03:01:26 am
Personally I dont get why we are arguing over some post this kid didnt even write. From what I have got from his recent posts he in quote

God you are heartless. I have been studying all day for exams which I am very nervous about, I have been having a hard time in the regiment and it is very stressful as well as losing my major, and I come on this server and am constantly abused and provoked. I please ask an admin to check the logs before confirming that I did the above, there were many witnesses who agreed with me when I said they were teamkilling throughout the maps, which they were (please check logs) and I did not get a single moment of peace, this is really not the thing I need at the moment and I hope someone out there has some sense, maybe someone who knows the stresses of forming a reg and doing exams.

I was responding to the bit of his post that he did write:

Epic eh?

And seeing as this is one of USA's few responses:

Just to clear some things up and to tell USA that they are not the centre of the world and they did not win WW2 alone. We appreciate your support however.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on April 25, 2013, 03:02:04 am
Well, not counting your totally unprovable claim that everything on earth is made with the US in mind, let's focus on your claim that Japan is a US-protectorate and that the US exerts complete and utter control over Japan.

This is completely and utterly (see what I did there?) untrue. The US and Japan have mutually defence agreements and Japan would definitely have hard time defending itself against a country like Russia or China, but if the US is completely responsible for the defence of Japan, how come Japan has the fifth highest military budget on earth? I'd like to see some sources for your claim that the US controls the Japanese government.

Well Docm, the Japanise constitution says they can't declare war or put their troops on foreign soil. In fact I think it's written there that if someone attacks Japan the US must act as the attack force...
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: McEwan on April 25, 2013, 03:05:11 am
Stay on topic please. Last time I will say this.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Kator Viridian on April 25, 2013, 03:07:52 am
Can I clear this up a little?

Instead of nations the 2 beligerants of D-day were the Americans and "Commonwealth Nations and its alliances".

The commonwealth nations consisted of Canada, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Indian troops, Free French, Polish, Czech and a few other nations. Quite a lot were involved with the Airforce and Navy rather than ground troops.

French Commandos played key roles in the D-day landings around Port En Bessin and really should not be ignored at all as it supported the link up between the Commonwealth landings and the American landings.

The Commonwealth had ups and downs for its success, Pegasus Bridge was taken in 8 minutes and Horsa followed up shortly afterwards (You would not beleive how close the Gliders landed, you can pace it out for about 40 steps, its not even a light jog) ... to a horrific assault on the Merville Battery of 50% casualties from a force that was already depleted to 25% from Ad-Hoc parachute drops ... which is quite scary.

If you think that Omaha and Utah beach were horrible? well the total losses were around 10% of the forces deployed to take the beaches ... they expected 60% losses ... its not really compareable. You can find the Current Cemetary on Google maps ... just imagine it 6 times bigger.

While some people are now saying "Europe would be beaten" well yes your right there, but America would of soon fallen, U-boats already at its doors only 10 miles from its shores, the 2 Biggest battleships ever built would still be at large. America would of been sandwiched between 2 nations, its ports on the east bloodied at the nose ... and to their west Pearl harbour funneled into a tiny gap.

America is fortunate never to have a war on its doorstep thus far, while most other nations have already sorted out defence measures and already have experiance in thus matters. America always suffered the most due to lack of experiance in tactical warefare, it is why its losses were so high in WWI, the same for WWII ... it joined in late and suffered for it in its soldiers and overzealous leaders. The Americans Criticised the British and canadians for being "Slow", well too right in my eyes, they had been fighting far longer, knew how to win their battles without sustained losses ... and this is where the overzealousness comes in, the losses on Omaha were so severe it dwarfed the combined effort of the 4 other beaches, it was not the hardest beach they were all relatively Equal.

The Use of DD Tanks were a key role, on the other beaches the commanders had opted to land the Tanks rather than Float them, but on Omaha well you can see the results. Of the near 50 tanks deployed only 2 made it to shore ... where other Beaches had had near all of their tanks land successfuly with landing them conventionaly. Would Omaha of been so bad with tanks on the Field? ... I think the losses would of been significantly less.

If you think America would of been fine without joining in at all, you would be sorely mistaken, what happened to the countries that Germany conquered? Well they joined it, there are various accounts of Polish and Czech regiments, even Russian regiments in the German army who were conscripted AFTER their conquest. Could America Survive a dual attack from 2 nations that have far more Experiance than it of Aqatic assaults, Naval Sieges and Experiance by the bucket load of Land experiance.

Michael Wittmann is a prime example, with over 100 russian tank kills before moving over the western front and totalling a British Armoured Collumn with his Comrades on his very first mission of the western front ... you think America would of been safe from him with its minimal Tank fighting experiance?

Would America of Survived without joining in the war? Doubtful - its lack of experiance and willingness to have U-boats so close to its borders pre-war point to sloppy mistakes which lead to thousands of deaths.

I would suggest going on a tour of the Battlefields you'll learn a lot about these "What if" Scenarios of WWII, after going around Normandy you can really judge how horrible and horrific it must of been for those people lost, not just on the Allies but Axis too ... the German Cemetary in La Cambe has 26,000 burried in it ... the American Cemetary has .... 26,000.

Quite an eye opener really when you go there and I would heavily suggest it to learn something and see what its like. Pay respects to both as Equals, neither side was better than the other, neither was braver, neither was more cowardly ... No matter how you look at it ... Thousands of people lost their lives ... and you probably knew none of them or what they were like ... but there they are all gathered in one place, its scary to imagine each stone as one person (Or in the German cemetary 2-5 people).
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Orcaryo on April 25, 2013, 03:09:05 am
While I was born in America and have a Colombian backround(I am reading this like a Colombian so I dont try to seem like I just simply want America to look good). Bottom line is that the Allies won WWII and the Nazis were defeated. I really dont see why it matters which country on the allies side won the war. Our ancestors were working together in WWII and here we are arguing over which one did more. Like a school project, doesnt matter who does the most work as long as the work gets done.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on April 25, 2013, 03:11:02 am
I like the two people above, they speak logic.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: kpetschulat on April 25, 2013, 03:25:30 am
Bottom line is that the Allies won WWII and the Nazis Axis were defeated.

Please, don't be an idiot. The Allies defeated the Axis, not the "Nazis." The "Nazis" weren't an army, it was a political movement in Germany during the 1930s-1940s. I'd say that more than 90% of the German army was simply, the German army. It was Germans fighting for their country. The "Nazis" were involved primarily in the SS and the Gestapo. That's it. And, obviously some of Hitler's right hand-men were "Nazis" as well.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Orcaryo on April 25, 2013, 03:31:54 am
Bottom line is that the Allies won WWII and the Nazis Axis were defeated.

Please, don't be an idiot. The Allies defeated the Axis, not the "Nazis." The "Nazis" weren't an army, it was a political movement in Germany during the 1930s-1940s. I'd say that more than 90% of the German army was simply, the German army. It was Germans fighting for their country. The "Nazis" were involved primarily in the SS and the Gestapo. That's it. And, obviously some of Hitler's right hand-men were "Nazis" as well.
Wow, you could have just simply said "I respect what you believe but I think you mean German army instead of "The Nazis". No need to call me an idiot
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: kpetschulat on April 25, 2013, 03:35:11 am
It felt right. I'm just tired of the people who don't know their facts. Lol. I apologize, it was rather harsh of me to say.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Docm30 on April 25, 2013, 03:37:33 am
Germans fighting for their country? bullshit. Every German in the army knew that their country had declared unprovoked wars on peaceful nations and that Germany had no legitimate reason to be fighting. They also must have known their country was committing crimes against humanity, or did they think all the Jews, homosexuals and ethnic and religious minorities just vanished into thin air?

There are also all the atrocities the Wehrmacht committed.

The myth of the "clean Wehrmacht" has been completely disproven and I recommend you do some reading on it. I'd start with the book The Wehrmacht: History, Myth, Reality. There are plenty of articles online, as well.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Orcaryo on April 25, 2013, 03:43:20 am
It felt right. I'm just tired of the people who don't know their facts. Lol. I apologize, it was rather harsh of me to say.
forgiven and btw 

Germans fighting for their country? bullshit. Every German in the army knew that their country had declared unprovoked wars on peaceful nations and that Germany had no legitimate reason to be fighting. They also must have known their country was committing crimes against humanity, or did they think all the Jews, homosexuals and ethnic and religious minorities just vanished into thin air?

There are also all the atrocities the Wehrmacht committed.

The myth of the "clean Wehrmacht" has been completely disproven and I recommend you do some reading on it. I'd start with the book The Wehrmacht: History, Myth, Reality. There are plenty of articles online, as well.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on April 25, 2013, 03:54:04 am
Germans fighting for their country? bullshit. Every German in the army knew that their country had declared unprovoked wars on peaceful nations and that Germany had no legitimate reason to be fighting. They also must have known their country was committing crimes against humanity, or did they think all the Jews, homosexuals and ethnic and religious minorities just vanished into thin air?

There are also all the atrocities the Wehrmacht committed.

The myth of the "clean Wehrmacht" has been completely disproven and I recommend you do some reading on it. I'd start with the book The Wehrmacht: History, Myth, Reality. There are plenty of articles online, as well.

Germany had just been through a Depression so bad their money was worth less than wallpaper, homes were desotried and looted, and most of the country was broke.

People do crazy things when their desperate. As much as I despise the Third Riech, I understand WHY Germans went by the "By whtever means" mindset.

Again, I understand, I do NOT condone.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: kpetschulat on April 25, 2013, 04:03:50 am
Germans fighting for their country? bullshit. Every German in the army knew that their country had declared unprovoked wars on peaceful nations and that Germany had no legitimate reason to be fighting. They also must have known their country was committing crimes against humanity, or did they think all the Jews, homosexuals and ethnic and religious minorities just vanished into thin air?

There are also all the atrocities the Wehrmacht committed.

The myth of the "clean Wehrmacht" has been completely disproven and I recommend you do some reading on it. I'd start with the book The Wehrmacht: History, Myth, Reality. There are plenty of articles online, as well.

I'm beginning to think you're delusional, as nipplestockings said. For you to say there were no Germans fighting for their country, is the most ridiculous thing I have seen anyone say in awhile. I also find it incredibly offensive that you would even dare to say such a thing. As a German myself, it truly pains me to hear anyone say such a ludicrous thing. Most of the Germans who fought in the army were simply Germans fighting for their country, exactly like I said before. I'm sure many of them knew of the atrocities that were going on, but they were not fighting to keep such things going, rather to keep Germany as a whole alive. Unfortunately, many of them made a sacrifice that was unnecessary, and was the cause of one man's actions. Do NOT EVER say such a thing again, about Germans. Put the blame where it belongs. My great-grandfather wanted nothing to do with the acts against the Jews, blacks, handicap, etc. He simply fought for Germany, and died for Germany.

I suggest that this thread get closed. This has gone too far, too fast.

Germany had just been through a Depression so bad their money was worth less than wallpaper, homes were desotried and looted, and most of the country was broke.

People do crazy things when their desperate. As much as I despise the Third Riech, I understand WHY Germans went by the "By whtever means" mindset.

Again, I understand, I do NOT condone.

This, is a logical, and understandable thing to say.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: OGNValjean on April 25, 2013, 04:05:07 am
Four things that could have allowed America to win alone.

1. Their Industrial Might was greater than the Russians, who are notrious for their speedy construction of the T-34

2. Their Man Power was largely due to Immigration and thus large families and could yield more troops than Germany and Italy

3. They're isolated from the rest of the world basically and yet they were the only ones able to deliver Invasions from across the oceans.

4. The Americans had yet to face a war of defeat and had a high sense of victory in fighting and thus had the determined mindset to win a long bloody war if needed.

Side Notes, they invented the best Bombers and Fighters(B-25, P-51 Mustang) And were the only nation to give a huge amount of firepower largely due to fielding the M1 Garand (8 Shot Semi Auto .30 cal)
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on April 25, 2013, 04:13:17 am
Four things that could have allowed America to win alone.

1. Their Industrial Might was greater than the Russians, who are notrious for their speedy construction of the T-34

2. Their Man Power was largely due to Immigration and thus large families and could yield more troops than Germany and Italy

3. They're isolated from the rest of the world basically and yet they were the only ones able to deliver Invasions from across the oceans.

4. The Americans had yet to face a war of defeat and had a high sense of victory in fighting and thus had the determined mindset to win a long bloody war if needed.

Side Notes, they invented the best Bombers and Fighters(B-25, P-51 Mustang) And were the only nation to give a huge amount of firepower largely due to fielding the M1 Garand (8 Shot Semi Auto .30 cal)

1. Incorrect, in 1941 US Industry was in a bad position compaired tot he rest of the world. There were many factories but they had HORRIBLE methods.

2. That also means plenty of people who'll fight for the other side. There are a recorded 1,015 Americans who fought for the Wehrmacht in France, plus America had a growing Nazi party of it's own.

3. This isn't 1812. The Germans had plenty of Falshrimjagers they could have used, or they could have attacked Canada and used that as a FOB against the US. The Atlantic and Pacific were no longer an excuse for saying that the US could stay out of war.

4. Ok I agree with this

Also, Germany and Italy? How about Romania, Bulgaria and Japan? Spain could have hopped in also, if they were pressured. The US would have been facing the AXIS POWERS, not two nations.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Docm30 on April 25, 2013, 04:15:04 am
kpetschulat, it's quite clear you can't look at the matter objectively, so I see no point in discussing this with you if you're going to blindly cling to preposterous myths. I'm sure your great-grandfather was no Nazi and hated the things they did and I mean no offence to him, but he still fought a pointless war which was started with the intent of spreading German imperialism and fascism, and he almost certainly knew that.

Side Notes, they invented the best Bombers and Fighters(B-25, P-51 Mustang) And were the only nation to give a huge amount of firepower largely due to fielding the M1 Garand (8 Shot Semi Auto .30 cal)

The notoriously sluggish and poorly performing P-51 the best fighter of the war? Soviet fighters like the La-7 and Yak-3 ran circles around American ones.

3. This isn't 1812. The Germans had plenty of Falshrimjagers they could have used, or they could have attacked Canada and used that as a FOB against the US. The Atlantic and Pacific were no longer an excuse for saying that the US could stay out of war.

Canada and the US had an agreement that if Canadian soil was attacked the US would consider it an attack on themselves and do all they could to stop it. The Canadians had agreed to do the same if the US was attack, and made good by declaring war on Japan as soon as news of the Pearl Harbour bombings reached the government.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 25, 2013, 04:18:48 am
Fucking christ. Just because a nation had the capability to get troops landed on American shores did not mean they had the capability to stage a full blown invasion.

Japan was in NO shape to invade the mainland US, and they knew it. They never had any intentions to invade the mainland US. The only reason they attacked pearl harbor was to buy themselves some time by attempting to destroy the US Pacific fleet so they could invade the Philippines and get themselves natural resources and precious metals that they needed desperately to continue their war effort in the asia-pacific region.

Germany could have possibly staged a small scale invasion of the US but they would never have made any progress. It would have been much like an invasion of Russia except for the fact that there was a huge Ocean in the way, there would be hostile naval activity all along the way, and then they would have to tackle the monolith that was the USA.

The US was fully prepared for an invasion, and there were so many obstacles preventing any Axis power from invading that it would never have been worth it.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Blobmania on April 25, 2013, 04:21:48 am
Germans fighting for their country? bullshit. Every German in the army knew that their country had declared unprovoked wars on peaceful nations and that Germany had no legitimate reason to be fighting. They also must have known their country was committing crimes against humanity, or did they think all the Jews, homosexuals and ethnic and religious minorities just vanished into thin air?

There are also all the atrocities the Wehrmacht committed.

The myth of the "clean Wehrmacht" has been completely disproven and I recommend you do some reading on it. I'd start with the book The Wehrmacht: History, Myth, Reality. There are plenty of articles online, as well.
That's a pretty extreme view. Whilst they may have been aware of it, I personally believe that the large majority of those directly involved only actually did what they did because of the relative lack of responsibility the idea of "following orders" gives. At the end of the day people can be pressured into doing almost anything at the request of an authority figure, even without the added incentive of being tried and shot if they refused. Those not directly involved may well have believed many of the stories to be exaggerated - after all, the army being what it was they can't have been given too much free time to mingle with civilians, and both world wars are notorious for the level of propaganda and censorship that many governments imposed upon their people.

If you've not looked into it before, I suggest reading up on Milgram's experiment on authority figures. I studied it in college a couple of years ago and it really helped me understand how events like the holocaust could have taken place when the majority of any population must surely see how disgusting those events were.

I'd also like to add before this topic gets out of hand that I've already been receiving reports about posts here. Please lets try and keep this as a reasonable discussion, and be open to tempering any extremist views on either side if there's a chance it may offend people.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on April 25, 2013, 04:22:42 am
Canada was a British Dominion. Take over Canada, you got a nice place to raid the US. Heck, if the Germans waited 5 years to replenish they could have taken out the western US WITH AID.

Why is everyone talking like each nation would work on their own? They're part of an ALLIANCE, they would COORDINATE. It would be 5/6 on 1!
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: kpetschulat on April 25, 2013, 04:23:29 am
I look at the matter in a literal way. You saying that Germans fighting for Germany is bullshit, that's just a whole level of stupid. If you don't think Germans were fighting to keep Germany afloat, then I don't know what to say. Mind you, Hitler brought Germany out of the one of the greatest depressions in history, where people had to haul a wheelbarrow of money to feed their family for the night. Germans fought for what they knew was right, not was right to one man.

I took extreme offense in what you said, and that's clear to all of us. Don't say shit like that... How would feel if someone said you're home country's soldiers fought for "bullshit" and were fighting a lost cause, whether present or past? How would you feel if someone generalized your country's army to the ideals and intentions of 1 man, whether present or past? I'm sure you'd be just as pissed off as I am.

And, don't tell me I can't look at something in an objective way, especially when all you're saying is ridiculous generalizations.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Docm30 on April 25, 2013, 04:38:30 am
Canada was a British Dominion. Take over Canada, you got a nice place to raid the US. Heck, if the Germans waited 5 years to replenish they could have taken out the western US WITH AID.

As I just said, the US and Canada had an agreement that any attack on Canadian soil would be regarded as a declaration of war on the US, so it wouldn't be possible to attack Canada without American intervention.

kpetschulat, how can you possibly say Hitler brought Germany out of the depression? Germany was left in absolute ruin by him. Any wartime boost to the economy was due to the use of hundreds of thousands of slave labourers and the driving of Jews and minorities out of their jobs, to be replaced by "Aryan" Germans.

When I say that the idea of Germans fight for their country is bullshit, I mean the idea that that was a innocent and justified thing to do is bullshit. They probably were fighting for the benefit of their country, but they knew it was at the cost of mankind and that horrible things were involved.

I don't mean to condemn every German that fought in the war, most were probably alright guys and there were some truly great humans in the armies of Germany and Japan, but their fighting in the war was, in my opinion, an inherently wrong thing to do and a great mark on anyone's reputation.

Oh, and don't take the word "bullshit" wrong. Where I'm from it's a fairly innocuous word used in the same way as "nonsense".
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Kator Viridian on April 25, 2013, 04:56:02 am
Germans fighting for their country? bullshit. Every German in the army knew that their country had declared unprovoked wars on peaceful nations and that Germany had no legitimate reason to be fighting. They also must have known their country was committing crimes against humanity, or did they think all the Jews, homosexuals and ethnic and religious minorities just vanished into thin air?

There are also all the atrocities the Wehrmacht committed.

The myth of the "clean Wehrmacht" has been completely disproven and I recommend you do some reading on it. I'd start with the book The Wehrmacht: History, Myth, Reality. There are plenty of articles online, as well.


You know the Wehrmacht stood for more than just "Those SS officers that commited atrocities".

After just stating "Don't lump all Americans together" you go and contradict that with your statements ... please re-assess.

Canada was a British Dominion. Take over Canada, you got a nice place to raid the US. Heck, if the Germans waited 5 years to replenish they could have taken out the western US WITH AID.

As I just said, the US and Canada had an agreement that any attack on Canadian soil would be regarded as a declaration of war on the US, so it wouldn't be possible to attack Canada without American intervention.

kpetschulat, how can you possibly say Hitler brought Germany out of the depression? Germany was left in absolute ruin by him. Any wartime boost to the economy was due to the use of hundreds of thousands of slave labourers and the driving of Jews and minorities out of their jobs, to be replaced by "Aryan" Germans.

When I say that the idea of Germans fight for their country is bullshit, I mean the idea that that was a innocent and justified thing to do is bullshit. They probably were fighting for the benefit of their country, but they knew it was at the cost of mankind and that horrible things were involved.

I don't mean to condemn every German that fought in the war, most were probably alright guys and there were some truly great humans in the armies of Germany and Japan, but their fighting in the war was, in my opinion, an inherently wrong thing to do and a great mark on anyone's reputation.

Oh, and don't take the word "bullshit" wrong. Where I'm from it's a fairly innocuous word used in the same way as "nonsense".

Ummm right, during the Depression caused by collapses in the US economy Germany along with Italy were the first to pull themselves out through dictatorship and re-organisation and re-instatement of currency. Also the concentration of building up industry and roadways allowed Allowed Germany and Italy to pull itself out of it whilst other democracies were struggling quite heavily.

The quick expansionism into a militaria state meant the Depression was near none existant in these countries.

Please note that the U-boat threat was already at America's door a whole 4 years before it declared war upon Germany ... and its convoys suffered horrifically for it.

Why would it be wrong to fight? Around more than likely 5% of the officers in the German army knew what was happening behind closed doors, you make it sound as if every man knew about what was happening. Tell me how many people in the US army knew Japan was going to be bombed with the Atomic bomb? or How many thousands of British knew about the "Chain home" project in Britain? or how many knew about the Summary officer executions of the SS? ... I would gurentee less than 5% of the officer classes on those current armies ... why? because it was a secret!

Some people don't even know when "Game station" has a sale on ... but you expect the whole german army to know exactly what is happening with the current situation of secrecy? Give me a break.

People in the Army fight because that is what they are paid, trained and told to do ... wether its morally wrong or not.


Enjoy Science and Pyschology at its greatest. Don't underestimate what people would do when they are "Ordered" to do it.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Bluehawk on April 25, 2013, 05:10:30 am
Right from the get-go, German regular army forces committed mass shootings against Polish civilians during the '39 invasion, and court-marshals were ceased by Hitler's personal intervention on 4th of October. An estimated 500 towns were burned to the ground and 700 mass-shootings occurred. These sorts of things didn't happen in 1914 when Germans moved into Belgium. The Wehrmacht was waging a different kind of war. I don't even want to get into what happened on the Eastern Front.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Docm30 on April 25, 2013, 05:13:39 am
You know the Wehrmacht stood for more than just "Those SS officers that commited atrocities".

Allow me to direct you to the Wehrmachtsausstellung ( and Wikipedia's article on War crimes of the Wehrmacht (

The Wehrmacht was responsible for a huge number of war crimes and violations of international law. There was also no way that the average German, and by extension the average German soldier, was ignorant of the crimes being committed by their country. There was no way they missed Kristallnacht or other mass removals of Jews and minorities, or the uses of hundreds of thousands of slave labourers. There's no way word didn't spread through the Wehrmachts ranks of the war crimes being committed by themselves and the political armies. There's no way they thought their country was defending itself. There was no way.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Japan on April 25, 2013, 05:16:59 am
Most Americans never say that America won WWII. They are taught in high school saying that the Allies won WWII.
And please move away from the war crimes. That is irrelevant to the thread.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Millander on April 25, 2013, 05:21:58 am
This thread is saying the same thing as if every American is fat and lazy. This kid made this thread on a principle that every single american thinks America won the war alone. Its obvious that this kid does not know what he is talking about and has never been to America and discussed this with anybody. 

 Its kind of a dead give away since he explained that he just copy and pasted the article anyways.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Duuring on April 25, 2013, 08:38:54 am
Well this was an intresting read.

Docm, I know you're just playing devils advocate, and it's impossible to convince you.

Anyway, world war 2 is NOT my forté, so I'm not gonna get involved. Btw, my family was liberated by Canadians, Brits and Gurkhas... So thank you, those people!
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Landrik on April 25, 2013, 09:19:11 am
With Docm's logic, American soldiers were intentionally fighting for American imperialism and FDR's warmongering bloodthirst. What about allied warcrimes? Not saying this to make anything the OKW and others did any less, but the victor is easily forgiven.

No Axis country would have EVER invaded mainland US or Canada. Too much sea and even if the Axis won in Europe and Asia, they would've had to rebuild and recuperate and deal with all the shitty politics that was going on, such as keeping allies and maintaining puppet states. There was a lot of partisans very much active in Axis occupied Europe. Hell, even Germany was ill-suited for war in 1939. Their aircraft were already outdated and they had a slim selection of shoddy tanks, with most of their force being "liberated" Czech tanks.

A very large portion of German soldiers in WWII were foreign, including Volksdeutsch (From a large assortment of nationalities), Czechs, Slovakians, and Spanish... in the Wehrmacht. Not to mention the 20-30 foreign divisions of SS "Freiwillige". A common phrase I've heard from many first person accounts and interviews in many different ways are, "We fought the Bolsheviks to keep Communism out of Europe." Many American-captured Germans were being trained and rearmed by orders from Patton to prepare to fight the Russians, however we all know what played out: immediate Cold War. Early on, that was just the people being swindled into Hitler's grand speeches, taking revenge on the French and English in a matter of pride and shoving the pain of losing WWI back on their conquerors. For Poland it was also supremely nationalistic, restoring Prussia and yes - recolonizing the "German lands" they were expelled from after WWI.


Did America win WWII alone? Fuck no. Any half-wit knows that's bullshit. However, the American contributions both militarily and industrially were huge. Main point being the lend-lease programs to the UK and Russia, helping feed millions of Russian soldiers who would've probably starved with their communication networks being crushed early in Barbarossa and the winter of '41. They also helped clothe and supply the Russians with heavy weapons, paled in comparison to when the T-34 began in full production, its design being revolutionary both on the battlefield as well as in the factory plant.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Augy on April 25, 2013, 09:25:50 am
It was a combined effort by all means.
Americans were the Arsenal which kept the war funded and supplied, british intelligence for supporting resistance groups and their other duties, the Soviets bled the German warmachine dry.

What angers me is that Truman became Roosevelts successor, he was a total retard and is responsible for the way America demonised the Soviets and progressive ideas.
Henry Wallace would be a far greater president who wouldve made a different country than the US is known for and very likely no silly cold war.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Marsh on April 25, 2013, 09:30:12 am
Ok here's my view. I am British and I can understand why you'd like to think america thinks they won. But it's clear they don't.

On the subject of who won. It was a joint effort between all the nations. The British army could sill have lost in Agrica if America didn't step in. British would have lost the battle of British without the pressure buildin on the eastern front. America would not have won in the east without the british and Australian forces attacking the Japanese in Burma, making tem fight on two fronts.

It was an allied victory. Nothing more or less.

The final push on the German forces was the Russian push into Berlin, and they captured it. They, officially won the war but any soldier from

Any army fighting will tell you it's an allied victory and I agree.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Docm30 on April 25, 2013, 11:12:46 am
With Docm's logic, American soldiers were intentionally fighting for American imperialism and FDR's warmongering bloodthirst.

Completely different situation. The US was attacked. Germany was not.

Docm, I know you're just playing devils advocate, and it's impossible to convince you.

Anyway, world war 2 is NOT my forté, so I'm not gonna get involved. Btw, my family was liberated by Canadians, Brits and Gurkhas... So thank you, those people!

Convince me of what? that the Wehrmacht was innocent? anyone that's done even a small amount of reading knows that's a load of baloney. It's the kind of thing I'll always give people shit for. Just like I'll always give people shit when they claim the Armenian genocide or Holodomor didn't happen. Perhaps you'll disagree with my Sartrean belief that in failing to actively work against something you are complicit in it, but there's just no way anyone that's interested in legitimate history could defend the Wehrmacht.

The one thing that perhaps gets even more of my goat than the defence of murderers is the mixing up of the words 'forte' and 'forté'. You, Duuring, have committed a crime against language that I can perhaps never forgive. Remember, 'forte' as in someone's strong point is pronounced 'fort', no 'ey' sound. 'for-tey' is a musical term.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Duuring on April 25, 2013, 11:27:36 am
Completely different situation. The US was attacked. Germany was not.

Germany, in Hitlers opinion, was under attack by foreign 'powers'. It's part of the propaganda machina. They also said they were liberating the other nations, and when you are given the choice between believing your country is evil and imperial or liberating, well, what are you gonna choose?

Now, (Damned, I'm still getting involved!) you say that the Wehrmacht should have known they were being imperialistic. So? You expect them to rebel? To not follow orders given by high command? Let me ask you, how many US soldiers understood operation Iraqi freedom was actually Operation 'Get oil and get Bush re-elected? It was kinda obvious to most 'civilians', but the soldiers still went on, and they sure as hell didn't behave nicely. So, with your logic, and please correct me if I'm wrong, the entire USA militairy and population is respondsible for commited attrocities in the middle-east?

Of course, I'm not trying to defend anyone - But more to shed a different light on things. WW2 happend seven decades ago and it might be time to give things a rest.

The one thing that perhaps gets even more of my goat than the defence of murderers is the mixing up of the words 'forte' and 'forté'. You, Duuring, have committed a crime against language that I can perhaps never forgive. Remember, 'forte' as in someone's strong point is pronounced 'fort', no 'ey' sound. 'for-tey' is a musical term

He, who said I wasn't using the musical term? Hmm?
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Docm30 on April 25, 2013, 11:40:55 am
You're analogy would only work if Operation Iraqi Freedom was actually about getting oil. Duuring, that's the kind of nonsense people who think the WTC attacks were committed by the Bush administration say.

Oh, god, no! it's getting to the middle-east again! I'm bailing out for real this time.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Blobmania on April 25, 2013, 12:15:46 pm
You're analogy would only work if Operation Iraqi Freedom was actually about getting oil. Duuring, that's the kind of nonsense people who think the WTC attacks were committed by the Bush administration say.

A better example might have been the Vietnam war.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: zac on April 25, 2013, 12:16:05 pm
Bailing out before even joining ;)
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Olafson on April 25, 2013, 12:47:40 pm
Wat is this crap? WW2 discussion? Please...
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Duuring on April 25, 2013, 12:55:34 pm
You're analogy would only work if Operation Iraqi Freedom was actually about getting oil. Duuring, that's the kind of nonsense people who think the WTC attacks were committed by the Bush administration say.

Oh, god, no! it's getting to the middle-east again! I'm bailing out for real this time.

Y'all ain't telling me twas for freedum!

Especially considering the US supported Iraq in their war versus Iran.

All aboard the off-topic train! Choo choo!
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: joer5835 on April 25, 2013, 12:56:30 pm
The Allies won the war, that's it. Not Americans, not British and not the Soviets won it alone, the Allies did. Now, please stop the hating of each other.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: zac on April 25, 2013, 12:57:38 pm
All aboard the off-topic train! Choo choo!

Lol,,my new sig :)
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Brock on April 25, 2013, 02:49:11 pm
Ok here's my view. I am British and I can understand why you'd like to think america thinks they won. But it's clear they don't.

On the subject of who won. It was a joint effort between all the nations. The British army could sill have lost in Agrica if America didn't step in. British would have lost the battle of British without the pressure buildin on the eastern front. America would not have won in the east without the british and Australian forces attacking the Japanese in Burma, making tem fight on two fronts.

It was an allied victory. Nothing more or less.

The final push on the German forces was the Russian push into Berlin, and they captured it. They, officially won the war but any soldier from

Any army fighting will tell you it's an allied victory and I agree.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: KillerMongoose on April 25, 2013, 03:08:50 pm
the backwoods-toothless hicks that you find in the south
The north has backwoods-toothless hicks too.

Anyway, on topic, most Americans don't think that American single-handedly won WW2, and we most certainly didn't, however to say that America was not a major part in the victory is just silly nationalism. America couldn't have won without the other Allies and they could not have won without America. It's a mutually beneficial relationship. If the allies somehow could have won without America it still would have been a much more horrific and bloody conflict and would have been drawn out over many many more years.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: kpetschulat on April 25, 2013, 03:13:44 pm
the backwoods-toothless hicks that you find in the south
The north has backwoods-toothless hicks too.

You cut out the second part to change what I said... What else is new.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 25, 2013, 03:20:02 pm
Docm, while the Wehrmacht was not innocent, they committed no more crimes than were to be expected in an all out war. The SS was in control of the concentration camps, and while they were also far from innocent, but they had been brainwashed by their authority figures which have always been idolized in German society, so it was almost a crime to disrespect them.

Look up the rape of Berlin. Upon entering Berlin in 1945 Soviet soldiers raped around 100,000 German woman, many of whom committed suicide afterwards. Allied SOLDIERS were just as guilty of warcrimes as German soldiers. The crimes committed by the SS and Hitler's subordinates are not shared by the Wehrmacht.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Duuring on April 25, 2013, 03:46:26 pm
I think Docms point isn't that the soviets are innocent but that the wehrmacht isn't either.

It's hard to compare an entire army with another entire army, so Docm is right saying they(wehrmacht) weren't innocent, and Nipples is right saying they weren't considerably 'worse' then their enemies.

Eventually, war is shitty. Especially if people become targets just because they exist.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Jocam on April 25, 2013, 03:47:56 pm
Am I the only one that no-one, and absolutely no-one (not soldiers, not civs, nobody) is actually innoce in any war?
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 25, 2013, 03:53:45 pm
Am I the only one that no-one, and absolutely no-one (not soldiers, not civs, nobody) is actually innoce in any war?

Actually I would argue that everyone is innocent aside from the rich war monger politicians and war profitiers who start wars and keep them going.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: von_Bismarck on April 25, 2013, 04:10:45 pm
I took a little to see this thread, but now I have found it, here is my contribution.
Hollywood and a lot of persons here always paint the german soldiers as if they were some kind of religious fanatics obsessed with killing the jews and things of that kind, but they weren't. They were only fighting for their country not the ideology of the leader of Germany in that moment of the history.
But the SS, that's a different history.
I am sure that if the allies didn't declared the war to Germany when the invasion of Poland occurred then the Second World War might break out because the incessant tensions between the Allies and the Axis, by one  way or another all the roads lead to the second world war as the nationalism and the revanchism in Germany was already extremely high.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Walko on April 25, 2013, 04:16:11 pm
I found this and thought it was pretty awesome:

First off, let me just say that the United states of america played a vital role in the Allied military efforts of ww2. Many brave americans fought hand in hand with soldiers of my mother country, The United Kingdom of great britain. My gripe is not with the American soldiers, but with the media and film-makers that push a false version of history.

American citizens watching american movies such as Saving private ryan or TV shows such as Band of brothers would be justified in thinking that America won the war alone. They would be justified in thinking that europe was in trouble and that America came to save the day. That is the version of history that American movies portray and that is the version of history that many Americans believe.

A little knowledge fo history reveals a different story. The DDay landings were comprised of soldiers from the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New zealand. Over half of the soldiers were british.

Germany suffered more losses by far on its eastern front and if one military should be named as having won the WW2 alone it would surely have to be that of the Soviet Union.

In the American movie "Pearl harbour" an american pilot single Handel won the battle for

So why do Americans not credit the soldiers of other countries? Why do they tend to over inflate their achievements? Many Americans don't realize that they officially lost the conflict in vietnam.

The US fought the war mainly with japan. Over 50% of the DDay landing troops were british and britain also managed to defend against invasion. We destroyed the luftwaffe and were certainly not on a back foot. Not considering that we also fought the war in Africa and managed to defeat german and italian forces there to.

The soviet Union destroyed many more german troops than all the rest of the allied forces combined.

Also another person in the comments stated that "We win everything alone, that is us, the USA"... Really? The rest of the world exited WW2 having been extremely decimated, whereas the US was untouched. It is because of this that the USA rose to the position of the only superpower left in the world today. However, japan is second despite having been destroyed in WW2 and china is overtaking you. London is now the worlds

Epic eh?

And seeing as this is one of USA's few responses:
Vietnam - War of Independence in USA

Both had crucial turning points- Saratoga and Tet. Both Civil Wars. Guerilla style warfare. Both were fighting over government. Outside countries were not supportive of wars. Only 1 of the 2 sides had issued uniforms. Both used guns and gun powder. Both were fought over vast distances with long lines of communication. Both wars triggered animosity among the common people. The undecided were alienated and the strategies were analogous.

Just to clear some things up and to tell USA that they are not the centre of the world and they did not win WW2 alone. We appreciate your support however.

Dude, I don't even..... I loled at this, very hard, GG no re.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Karth on April 25, 2013, 04:17:55 pm
I think im already late in this "debate" but, to the OP I am pretty sure no American thinks that WWII was won on its own... it was a collaborative effort by all Allies, some which people dont recognize.  As for the movies such as Saving Private Ryan/Band of Brothers series, jesus christ, you wouldnt think that American directors with USA pride would not want to make war movies depicting the great American sacrifice? Hell, the British can make their own UK war movies without any Americans in it if they wanted to, the films which you mentioned are just "popular", but I will tell you that for several years back in 2006 I lived in the same exact town as the Band of Brothers series character (Captain Winters), and did not even know who he was until I watched BoB in 2007 lol, so it is always nice to know of some of these veteran's sacrifices who live a few blocks away.  MY grandfather (from Idaho at the time) fought in World War II against the Japanese in the Solomon Islands, and has never said that just America won the war, even though he pretty much only fought alongside fellow Americans and no other nationality.  Back on topic, America did play a major role in several campaigns of the war, something no one can deny, or deny the fact that nearly every country part of the Allies played a significant role, hell some people dont realize that actually India had the largest volunteer force of the entire war, rising over 2.5 million men (obviously under British rule at the time).  Some people dont recognize or really know about the battles fought in Egypt/Libya, Mongolian campaign with Russia/Japan, China, etc...  Main point is that there were so many involvements and campaigns in world war II that several heroic ones went unrecognized, while the "major" ones were propagandized.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 25, 2013, 04:22:58 pm
I took a little to see this thread, but now I have found it, here is my contribution.
Hollywood and a lot of persons here always paint the german soldiers as if they were some kind of religious fanatics obsessed with killing the jews and things of that kind, but they weren't. They were only fighting for their country not the ideology of the leader of Germany in that moment of the history.
But the SS, that's a different history.
I am sure that if the allies didn't declared the war to Germany when the invasion of Poland occurred then the Second World War might break out because the incessant tensions between the Allies and the Axis, by one  way or another all the roads lead to the second world war as the nationalism and the revanchism in Germany was already extremely high.

After the first world war the allies owed the US huge sums of money, as the bulk of the American war effort during the first world war had been loans of weapons and cash to the UK and France. Of course Europe was financially exhausted after the first world war, so France and UK could not pay back their debts. Of course, US businessmen needed *mhemm* that money, so they pushed the UK and France to pay back their debts. They cordially suggested that Germany would be a good source of income, since, after all they were to blame for the war ::). The UK and France were not so sure about this but the US businessmen assured them that all would be well. So that's a major reason why Germany had all its worth sucked out of it, and that's why its economy collapsed, and that's why Hitler was able to take power, and that's why ww2 started.

Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Duuring on April 25, 2013, 04:26:34 pm
but I consider myself an American... 
As a German myself

Jeez, Kpet, can't you stick to one nationality?  I mean, you switched nationality within two hours.

You can't manually change your nationality whenever you feel like it, so you can win an argument.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: von_Bismarck on April 25, 2013, 04:30:52 pm
I took a little to see this thread, but now I have found it, here is my contribution.
Hollywood and a lot of persons here always paint the german soldiers as if they were some kind of religious fanatics obsessed with killing the jews and things of that kind, but they weren't. They were only fighting for their country not the ideology of the leader of Germany in that moment of the history.
But the SS, that's a different history.
I am sure that if the allies didn't declared the war to Germany when the invasion of Poland occurred then the Second World War might break out because the incessant tensions between the Allies and the Axis, by one  way or another all the roads lead to the second world war as the nationalism and the revanchism in Germany was already extremely high.

After the first world war the allies owed the US huge sums of money, as the bulk of the American war effort during the first world war had been loans of weapons and cash to the UK and France. Of course Europe was financially exhausted after the first world war, so France and UK could not pay back their debts. Of course, US businessmen needed *mhemm* that money, so they pushed the UK and France to pay back their debts. They cordially suggested that Germany would be a good source of income, since, after all they were to blame for the war ::). The UK and France were not so sure about this but the US businessmen assured them that all would be well. So that's a major reason why Germany had all its worth sucked out of it, and that's why its economy collapsed, and that's why Hitler was able to take power, and that's why ww2 started.

Of course, the second world war was a unavoidable sequel of the first. The harsh terms of the treaty of Versailles left the doors open to the people's support to any person who said he was going to save the country from the financial crisis.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Scorpia on April 25, 2013, 04:45:50 pm
The US is the center of the military world, the political word, the economic world, the western cultural world, and at this point is basically the center of the anglosphere. Sorry UK, you no longer rule the waves.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty left leaning and I dislike all this USA imperialism bullshit, but it's hard to deny facts.

If only those were facts.

The US may have the most powerful military on earth, they may hold a lot of sway politically and American culture is pretty widely exported (though perhaps not nearly as much as a lot of people seem to think). None of this, however, equates to them being the centre of the world. Actually, I'm not even sure what that means. Do you mean they're the most important country or what?

Yes, the most important country I suppose.

You should thank the US for being there in the fight, giving the Allies some reassuring hope, and plenty of more men to fight the good fight.

Thankfully the older generation in Europe still likes the United States and appreciates us for the efforts and sacrifices of US soldiers during ww2. Unfortunately the younger generation seems to have been swept up in an anti-US bandwagon of sorts. I guess it's cool to hate the US in Europe now.
"Us" really? You probably weren't even born in WW2 pisses me off everytime someone says "we" or "us" won a war, or a football match, like "We destoryed you 2 nill" and that's some chav watching at home. Plus America is not the center of the world, if you think about it the more countries that do well is like Turkey and Japan. Turkey's economy is booming with Tourists and citys like Dubai are one of the richest in the world. And Japan can make some of the best devices and gadgets around, instance cars, TVs, Phones. And much.

I respect Amercia, and I like the country, like if I'm going on holiday or anything. But when people from America or Britain say either of them are the greatest in the world is probably bullshit. "All Amercians are fat, and lazy and eat Mcdonalds for breakfast, lunch and dinner", "All English drink tea and crumpets (Which are delicous.) with wooden teeth" and lets not forget "Scottish are bagpiping, haggis eating, skirt wearing, barbarian killing machines" The Scottish one is true after all I live there.

But all these things really are in mature. Can't you ALL just start being friends, WWII is over. all the Allies helped each other in it. The Axis lost yes. But nowadays Germany, Japan etc are some of the richest countries in the world. So stop bickering and be friends! :-)

Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Kator Viridian on April 25, 2013, 04:51:45 pm
You know the Wehrmacht stood for more than just "Those SS officers that commited atrocities".

Allow me to direct you to the Wehrmachtsausstellung ( and Wikipedia's article on War crimes of the Wehrmacht (

The Wehrmacht was responsible for a huge number of war crimes and violations of international law. There was also no way that the average German, and by extension the average German soldier, was ignorant of the crimes being committed by their country. There was no way they missed Kristallnacht or other mass removals of Jews and minorities, or the uses of hundreds of thousands of slave labourers. There's no way word didn't spread through the Wehrmachts ranks of the war crimes being committed by themselves and the political armies. There's no way they thought their country was defending itself. There was no way.

Well done now look up what that word means then what Wehrmacht actually was, the Wehrmacht was the entire German army, but those convicted of war crimes were a small majority of the Officer classes NOT the german NCO soldiers. The problem is because you are using Heinzeit of "We know this now so they must of known it then" as a thesis for your argument that the entire wehrmacht was responsible for those crimes when quite frankly it wasn't.

If you watched the test I gave you even a common citizen can easily be coherced with the reasoning of "Science" and much the same with "You've joined the military now your stuck with it so get on with it or face a firing squad". There have been many coverups over the Thousands of years that humanity has existed and keeping something like that quiet long enough is very simple, towards the end of the war the soldiers may of known but it dosn't matter because by then they are too deep to give up or leave based on morals.

The Concentration and death camps would of only probably been known to the lower german forces by around 1943-1944 such was the intelligance services of the German army for keeping secrets secret ... by then well your in too deep. There are quite a few instances of American and British soldiers killing POWs and Civilians on purpose due to high tensions and lack of commanding officers ... but these were never charged as it is unsure who did it and no commanding officer to blame.

The whole Geneva convention is not there to Prevent war crimes from happening, but it give justice after the war has ended for distinguishing war crimes.

If you think anything would of changed being the roles reversed for Allies and Axis that the Allies would stick to the Geneva convention or give up fighting when they knew people were being killed in such a way ... hell no, your a bit silly if you think so as the human mind is so very simplistic and idealistic in bending it to how you want.

For example America had Concentration camps for the Japenese prisoners, as well as the German prisoners it took during WWI and WWII. Britain still had concentration camps for Africans for christ sake. And lets not even get onto the Russians ... are these so easy to ignore over the "Defeated enemies" shame? Hell to the damned NO they are not to be ignored and are infact on equal footing ... lets not even get started onto what happened at these "Trials" for the war crimes commited.

The German army carried on fighting, just as the Russians, British and Americans did ... did any of the soldiers care about the camps? more than probably yes if they knew ... did it hinder them in carrying on fighting? Well the evidence is already there. Knowing about it is one thing, being able to do anything about it is something completely different.

NO soldier could walk away from his position in WWII or face court marshall and the firing squad ... not matter who or what you were fighting for.

I took a little to see this thread, but now I have found it, here is my contribution.
Hollywood and a lot of persons here always paint the german soldiers as if they were some kind of religious fanatics obsessed with killing the jews and things of that kind, but they weren't. They were only fighting for their country not the ideology of the leader of Germany in that moment of the history.
But the SS, that's a different history.
I am sure that if the allies didn't declared the war to Germany when the invasion of Poland occurred then the Second World War might break out because the incessant tensions between the Allies and the Axis, by one  way or another all the roads lead to the second world war as the nationalism and the revanchism in Germany was already extremely high.

After the first world war the allies owed the US huge sums of money, as the bulk of the American war effort during the first world war had been loans of weapons and cash to the UK and France. Of course Europe was financially exhausted after the first world war, so France and UK could not pay back their debts. Of course, US businessmen needed *mhemm* that money, so they pushed the UK and France to pay back their debts. They cordially suggested that Germany would be a good source of income, since, after all they were to blame for the war ::). The UK and France were not so sure about this but the US businessmen assured them that all would be well. So that's a major reason why Germany had all its worth sucked out of it, and that's why its economy collapsed, and that's why Hitler was able to take power, and that's why ww2 started.


So out of Germany and the US who is currently struggling the most with its economy? I would say Germany is sat there laughing with a lady in power going "Well that was all rather quaint don't you think USA? want to borrow some more money we have plenty nowadays".

Actually the amount owed to the US was very small and paid off within 5 years, it was unified banks started by the Rothchilds who are infact ... well ... German ... finding it a bit of a conincidence that Germany has come out better than the US Economically at the moment?


Nothing like a bit of bean.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Augy on April 25, 2013, 04:53:48 pm
The US is the center of the military world, the political word, the economic world, the western cultural world, and at this point is basically the center of the anglosphere. Sorry UK, you no longer rule the waves.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty left leaning and I dislike all this USA imperialism bullshit, but it's hard to deny facts.

If only those were facts.

The US may have the most powerful military on earth, they may hold a lot of sway politically and American culture is pretty widely exported (though perhaps not nearly as much as a lot of people seem to think). None of this, however, equates to them being the centre of the world. Actually, I'm not even sure what that means. Do you mean they're the most important country or what?

Yes, the most important country I suppose.

You should thank the US for being there in the fight, giving the Allies some reassuring hope, and plenty of more men to fight the good fight.

Thankfully the older generation in Europe still likes the United States and appreciates us for the efforts and sacrifices of US soldiers during ww2. Unfortunately the younger generation seems to have been swept up in an anti-US bandwagon of sorts. I guess it's cool to hate the US in Europe now.
"Us" really? You probably weren't even born in WW2 pisses me off everytime someone says "we" or "us" won a war, or a football match, like "We destoryed you 2 nill" and that's some chav watching at home. Plus America is not the center of the world, if you think about it the more countries that do well is like Turkey and Japan. Turkey's economy is booming with Tourists and citys like Dubai are one of the richest in the world. And Japan can make some of the best devices and gadgets around, instance cars, TVs, Phones. And much.

I respect Amercia, and I like the country, like if I'm going on holiday or anything. But when people from America or Britain say either of them are the greatest in the world is probably bullshit. "All Amercians are fat, and lazy and eat Mcdonalds for breakfast, lunch and dinner", "All English drink tea and crumpets (Which are delicous.) with wooden teeth" and lets not forget "Scottish are bagpiping, haggis eating, skirt wearing, barbarian killing machines" The Scottish one is true after all I live there.

But all these things really are in mature. Can't you ALL just start being friends, WWII is over. all the Allies helped each other in it. The Axis lost yes. But nowadays Germany, Japan etc are some of the richest countries in the world. So stop bickering and be friends! :-)

Well said, Scorpia!

Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: von_Bismarck on April 25, 2013, 05:00:02 pm
The US is the center of the military world, the political word, the economic world, the western cultural world, and at this point is basically the center of the anglosphere. Sorry UK, you no longer rule the waves.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty left leaning and I dislike all this USA imperialism bullshit, but it's hard to deny facts.

If only those were facts.

The US may have the most powerful military on earth, they may hold a lot of sway politically and American culture is pretty widely exported (though perhaps not nearly as much as a lot of people seem to think). None of this, however, equates to them being the centre of the world. Actually, I'm not even sure what that means. Do you mean they're the most important country or what?

Yes, the most important country I suppose.

You should thank the US for being there in the fight, giving the Allies some reassuring hope, and plenty of more men to fight the good fight.

Thankfully the older generation in Europe still likes the United States and appreciates us for the efforts and sacrifices of US soldiers during ww2. Unfortunately the younger generation seems to have been swept up in an anti-US bandwagon of sorts. I guess it's cool to hate the US in Europe now.
"Us" really? You probably weren't even born in WW2 pisses me off everytime someone says "we" or "us" won a war, or a football match, like "We destoryed you 2 nill" and that's some chav watching at home. Plus America is not the center of the world, if you think about it the more countries that do well is like Turkey and Japan. Turkey's economy is booming with Tourists and citys like Dubai are one of the richest in the world. And Japan can make some of the best devices and gadgets around, instance cars, TVs, Phones. And much.

I respect Amercia, and I like the country, like if I'm going on holiday or anything. But when people from America or Britain say either of them are the greatest in the world is probably bullshit. "All Amercians are fat, and lazy and eat Mcdonalds for breakfast, lunch and dinner", "All English drink tea and crumpets (Which are delicous.) with wooden teeth" and lets not forget "Scottish are bagpiping, haggis eating, skirt wearing, barbarian killing machines" The Scottish one is true after all I live there.

But all these things really are in mature. Can't you ALL just start being friends, WWII is over. all the Allies helped each other in it. The Axis lost yes. But nowadays Germany, Japan etc are some of the richest countries in the world. So stop bickering and be friends! :-)

Well said, Scorpia!


I agree in most part, except in the part where he says Turkey and Japan being the countries with the highest development and crap like that.
Western Turkey is a good example of modernity and equality, Eastern Turkey is basically just like Iraq and Syria, with all those religious fanatics and suicide bombers. A real modern country can't be part modern and part ancient.  About Japan.. Japan has still not recovered from the economic crisis of the 80's and 90's, sure they create loads of modern appliances but the effects of those economic crisis are still deep.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Krotan on April 25, 2013, 05:48:55 pm
Time to put all those quotes in spoilers I think.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 25, 2013, 07:40:41 pm
The US is the center of the military world, the political word, the economic world, the western cultural world, and at this point is basically the center of the anglosphere. Sorry UK, you no longer rule the waves.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty left leaning and I dislike all this USA imperialism bullshit, but it's hard to deny facts.

If only those were facts.

The US may have the most powerful military on earth, they may hold a lot of sway politically and American culture is pretty widely exported (though perhaps not nearly as much as a lot of people seem to think). None of this, however, equates to them being the centre of the world. Actually, I'm not even sure what that means. Do you mean they're the most important country or what?

Yes, the most important country I suppose.

You should thank the US for being there in the fight, giving the Allies some reassuring hope, and plenty of more men to fight the good fight.

Thankfully the older generation in Europe still likes the United States and appreciates us for the efforts and sacrifices of US soldiers during ww2. Unfortunately the younger generation seems to have been swept up in an anti-US bandwagon of sorts. I guess it's cool to hate the US in Europe now.
"Us" really? You probably weren't even born in WW2 pisses me off everytime someone says "we" or "us" won a war, or a football match, like "We destoryed you 2 nill" and that's some chav watching at home. Plus America is not the center of the world, if you think about it the more countries that do well is like Turkey and Japan. Turkey's economy is booming with Tourists and citys like Dubai are one of the richest in the world. And Japan can make some of the best devices and gadgets around, instance cars, TVs, Phones. And much.

I respect Amercia, and I like the country, like if I'm going on holiday or anything. But when people from America or Britain say either of them are the greatest in the world is probably bullshit. "All Amercians are fat, and lazy and eat Mcdonalds for breakfast, lunch and dinner", "All English drink tea and crumpets (Which are delicous.) with wooden teeth" and lets not forget "Scottish are bagpiping, haggis eating, skirt wearing, barbarian killing machines" The Scottish one is true after all I live there.

But all these things really are in mature. Can't you ALL just start being friends, WWII is over. all the Allies helped each other in it. The Axis lost yes. But nowadays Germany, Japan etc are some of the richest countries in the world. So stop bickering and be friends! :-)

I knew someone would call me out for saying "us" and "we". Such a silly thing to get mad about, especially when it has nothing to do with the argument and you devoted an entire paragraph to ranting about it.

What a silly post in general... of course stereotypes are not all true, nobody was ever debating that. And I think you're misunderstanding me when I say America is the most powerful country in the world. I never said America is the best country in the world, and I'm not all that happy about America's imperialism, even though it does bring certain benefits with it.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Blobmania on April 25, 2013, 08:33:40 pm
Please guys can you start putting those quote pyramids in spoilers. I don't want to have to begin warning people for this thread.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 25, 2013, 08:46:26 pm
So out of Germany and the US who is currently struggling the most with its economy? I would say Germany is sat there laughing with a lady in power going "Well that was all rather quaint don't you think USA? want to borrow some more money we have plenty nowadays".

Actually the amount owed to the US was very small and paid off within 5 years, it was unified banks started by the Rothchilds who are infact ... well ... German ... finding it a bit of a conincidence that Germany has come out better than the US Economically at the moment?


Nothing like a bit of bean.

Uh, what? That has nothing to do with what I was saying. Please read this.

The US also has a stronger economy than Germany today with a GDP of 14.99 trillion USD (2011) compared to Germany's $81.73 million, so I have no idea what you're talking about. The USA also has a GDP per capita of $48,112 compared to Germany's $44,021.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Colbac on April 25, 2013, 09:17:33 pm
I think you should change the title to "Why do MOST Americans think that they won WW2 alone?", because I for one know that even without the US or even the UK, Russia could have won by themselves, and to be honest I don't like being stereotyped in this way.

Just sharing my opinion is all  ;)
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Hugh MacKay on April 25, 2013, 09:34:49 pm
Nah don't think Russia would have won the themselves. The amount of German troops in Western Europe would have made a difference, but then we also have all the troops in Africa and the huge amount of supplies the Russians received from their allies.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 25, 2013, 10:10:29 pm
I think you should change the title to "Why do MOST Americans think that they won WW2 alone?", because I for one know that even without the US or even the UK, Russia could have won by themselves, and to be honest I don't like being stereotyped in this way.

Just sharing my opinion is all  ;)

Correction: "Why does a minuscule, unremarkable percentage of the American population think America won ww2 on its own?"

I agree with Hugh though, Russia could not have won on their own either. 
Title: Re: A Rant About Non-Existent Americans that Think Americans Won Everything
Post by: TheBoberton on April 25, 2013, 10:44:19 pm
I feel like the guy who wrote the thing that started this entire debate was expecting a 'Hogan's Heroes'-esque cast of characters in Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan. While it may make for good, 'unbiased' TV, it doesn't make for an accurate depiction of an American rifle squad (Or airborne infantry company, in the case of BoB) at war.

And I personally think the name of the thread should be "A Rant About Non-Existent Americans that Think Americans Won Everything - Written by Someone on Yahoo Answers". Unfortunately, the title seems to not fit. What a shame.

On WW2; it was a collaborative effort by the Allies (And those damn Commies), that no single power could have accomplished on its own. Had the German's had the resources to pour their entire war machine into the Eastern Front, the Russians would have fallen as quickly as France, and the same with the Western Front. Had the British and Americans been unable to properly bomb German cities (Woo, warcrimes all around!) and factories, the Germans would have quickly recovered from their losses and won the war outright. It was only through the cooperation of all powers that the Germans were stopped and defeated.

And, as a final note, to piss everyone off; 'Merica!
I really need to get a picture of someone with two Thompsons shooting into the air, wrapped in an American flag whilst eagles fly around him for things like this. It would be quite fitting.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Augy on April 25, 2013, 11:01:47 pm
Man, i only got one thing to say my friends,

Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: OGNValjean on April 25, 2013, 11:26:34 pm
Four things that could have allowed America to win alone.

1. Their Industrial Might was greater than the Russians, who are notrious for their speedy construction of the T-34

2. Their Man Power was largely due to Immigration and thus large families and could yield more troops than Germany and Italy

3. They're isolated from the rest of the world basically and yet they were the only ones able to deliver Invasions from across the oceans.

4. The Americans had yet to face a war of defeat and had a high sense of victory in fighting and thus had the determined mindset to win a long bloody war if needed.

Side Notes, they invented the best Bombers and Fighters(B-25, P-51 Mustang) And were the only nation to give a huge amount of firepower largely due to fielding the M1 Garand (8 Shot Semi Auto .30 cal)

1. Incorrect, in 1941 US Industry was in a bad position compaired tot he rest of the world. There were many factories but they had HORRIBLE methods.

2. That also means plenty of people who'll fight for the other side. There are a recorded 1,015 Americans who fought for the Wehrmacht in France, plus America had a growing Nazi party of it's own.

3. This isn't 1812. The Germans had plenty of Falshrimjagers they could have used, or they could have attacked Canada and used that as a FOB against the US. The Atlantic and Pacific were no longer an excuse for saying that the US could stay out of war.

4. Ok I agree with this

Also, Germany and Italy? How about Romania, Bulgaria and Japan? Spain could have hopped in also, if they were pressured. The US would have been facing the AXIS POWERS, not two nations.

In reply to your comment on # 1, So was every other industry, mainly Russia, at the time, but still they pumped out quality genius in large scales, its not arguable, its fact.

And in reply to your closing statement.

Again, Manpower is actually in favor to the Americans As they all pretty much Left to Escape their home country
Also need I say even if we didnt have the manpower on our side, we still had the fire superiority in our M1 Garands and in our Mustangs and B-25s thus allowing us to cripple threats with ease, and if all else failed, well then Nuke em.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Kator Viridian on April 26, 2013, 12:52:53 am
So out of Germany and the US who is currently struggling the most with its economy? I would say Germany is sat there laughing with a lady in power going "Well that was all rather quaint don't you think USA? want to borrow some more money we have plenty nowadays".

Actually the amount owed to the US was very small and paid off within 5 years, it was unified banks started by the Rothchilds who are infact ... well ... German ... finding it a bit of a conincidence that Germany has come out better than the US Economically at the moment?


Nothing like a bit of bean.

Uh, what? That has nothing to do with what I was saying. Please read this.

The US also has a stronger economy than Germany today with a GDP of 14.99 trillion USD (2011) compared to Germany's $81.73 million, so I have no idea what you're talking about. The USA also has a GDP per capita of $48,112 compared to Germany's $44,021.

GDP and per capita has been quite a poor way of judging economy for quite a long time now as the league tables jump depending on the current state, the US and Germany operate on 2 different things, Germany is a manufacturing state where the US is a importing state. Germany is in comparison to the Chinese, it exports more than it imports.

If you still have that World bank website you still have up you can do a comparison Graph of the US, Germany and China through Exported goods. And you'll see how little the US actually exports, so in an economic crash we have currently who is surviving a lot better and having tax cuts instead of increases? ... well Germany and China seen as their exported goods in prices have skyrocketed since 2009.

Also have a look at Cash surplus/deficit, all countries currently are falling just below the black but ... Germany only had a
deficit of 0.4% where America well .. is trailing at 9.3%

As well as taking a look at GDP per Capita, last year Germany doubled America's earnings, if it happens again then Germany and America will have only a 2k gap, then again the same amount each ... quite scary really.

But anywho off the matter of Economy.

Four things that could have allowed America to win alone.

1. Their Industrial Might was greater than the Russians, who are notrious for their speedy construction of the T-34

2. Their Man Power was largely due to Immigration and thus large families and could yield more troops than Germany and Italy

3. They're isolated from the rest of the world basically and yet they were the only ones able to deliver Invasions from across the oceans.

4. The Americans had yet to face a war of defeat and had a high sense of victory in fighting and thus had the determined mindset to win a long bloody war if needed.

Side Notes, they invented the best Bombers and Fighters(B-25, P-51 Mustang) And were the only nation to give a huge amount of firepower largely due to fielding the M1 Garand (8 Shot Semi Auto .30 cal)

1. Incorrect, in 1941 US Industry was in a bad position compaired tot he rest of the world. There were many factories but they had HORRIBLE methods.

2. That also means plenty of people who'll fight for the other side. There are a recorded 1,015 Americans who fought for the Wehrmacht in France, plus America had a growing Nazi party of it's own.

3. This isn't 1812. The Germans had plenty of Falshrimjagers they could have used, or they could have attacked Canada and used that as a FOB against the US. The Atlantic and Pacific were no longer an excuse for saying that the US could stay out of war.

4. Ok I agree with this

Also, Germany and Italy? How about Romania, Bulgaria and Japan? Spain could have hopped in also, if they were pressured. The US would have been facing the AXIS POWERS, not two nations.

In reply to your comment on # 1, So was every other industry, mainly Russia, at the time, but still they pumped out quality genius in large scales, its not arguable, its fact.

And in reply to your closing statement.

Again, Manpower is actually in favor to the Americans As they all pretty much Left to Escape their home country
Also need I say even if we didnt have the manpower on our side, we still had the fire superiority in our M1 Garands and in our Mustangs and B-25s thus allowing us to cripple threats with ease, and if all else failed, well then Nuke em.

Here are some things you are missing:

American ships over the European Coastline before joining the war: 0
German ships over the American coastline before joining the war: Total 15 U-boats

Why were the Uboats there? To stop British and Canadian shipping ... will an M-1 garand or Mustang or B-25 sink a U-boat? nope none of them are designed to nor have the capabilities to do so. Considering most U-boats were armed with AA and HE shell firing guns like the Pak88 ... the vice versa would be quite surprising.

The problem with America VS Germany was the main problem ... the sea, and there is a VAST expanse of it, even if the Americans had managed to attack by themselves they would of had troops who have endured nearly a week at sea, there are very little people who would do that and begin a full on invasion. It took nearly a year to get the opertune moment for D-day and it was nearly postponed for a month longer but thanks to a momentary gap in the weather that changed all of that.

D-day required 2 operations an Airborne paratroop assault AND a sea invasion, without the 2 elements striking at once then it would of failed. The British were spread over a 50 square mile radius, the Americans spread over 250 square miles ... how did this turn into an advantage? Well for a complete blunder it stopped the German forces actually knowing what the objectives were and took men from vital places.

Seen as it required these 2 operations do you think America could launch a substantial attack without Britain? why do you think I say No?

It is because of 1 thing, the Germans WANT a frontal attack, it is where they are strongest, if the land of England was not there for use the American navy would of jumped up against fortress Europa and been slapped back into the sea from wence they came.

A Perfect military scenario does not exist, and without the mutual support of America, Britain, Russia, Canada, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, France ... None would exist to date .... the German initiative was based on the Roman Military Doctrines, make soldiers in one nation and move them to defend another ... and it worked, Russian, Polish and Czech regiments existed whilst fighting in normandy, most surrendered and switched sides but they still fought with bloody results none the less.

There is a Gross Misinterpretation and lack of understanding over how great and powerful Germany really was. Germany almost had Atomic bomb Capabilities long before the US even thought about it, it had working Jet Planes long before anyone else (A whole 10-20 years), the longest ranged warships and Uboats, the fastest firing guns, the toughest and most revered soldiers that even other nations had heard about before they had even met them in combat.

Germany to me during WWII was the better nation (Politics and idealogy aside of Nazism as thats just blergh), its Prussian styled effciency outshone every other nation and it proved that with rapid expansion, the 2 pronged attack on its nation would of resulted in the same results for any nation during that war ... it was an inevitable thing ... but only do-able by a coalition of nations ... not a singular nation.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on April 26, 2013, 01:23:13 am
My God, this thread turned into a warzone fast.

Well, I'm with kpel about the whole "Germans fighting for Germany" thing. I'm not saying Germans didn't know, but nationalism is a pretty hard thing to destroy. I mean look at the US nowadays. There are plenty of people here who would do pretty much anything for America, no matter what other people said.

Never underestimate Jingoism. Britain and France were guilty of this also, along with the older empired of Europe (Including the Turks).
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Brock on April 26, 2013, 01:27:39 am
My God, this thread turned into a warzone fast.

Well, I'm with kpel about the whole "Germans fighting for Germany" thing. I'm not saying Germans didn't know, but nationalism is a pretty hard thing to destroy. I mean look at the US nowadays. There are plenty of people here who would do pretty much anything for America, no matter what other people said.

Never underestimate Jingoism. Britain and France were guilty of this also, along with the older empired of Europe (Including the Turks).
How do you know what American's would do for their country?
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Skipper on April 26, 2013, 01:29:53 am
Wow, I may have triggered WW3 using Yahoo answers...
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on April 26, 2013, 01:31:22 am
My God, this thread turned into a warzone fast.

Well, I'm with kpel about the whole "Germans fighting for Germany" thing. I'm not saying Germans didn't know, but nationalism is a pretty hard thing to destroy. I mean look at the US nowadays. There are plenty of people here who would do pretty much anything for America, no matter what other people said.

Never underestimate Jingoism. Britain and France were guilty of this also, along with the older empired of Europe (Including the Turks).
How do you know what American's would do for their country?

I am an American, and I've spoken to many people who say they'd do anything for the US.

I'm not talking out of my ass here, I'm serious. And I'm not trying to demonize the US or ANY nation, I'm just saying what I know and have learned from my time in the US.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Brock on April 26, 2013, 01:32:51 am
My God, this thread turned into a warzone fast.

Well, I'm with kpel about the whole "Germans fighting for Germany" thing. I'm not saying Germans didn't know, but nationalism is a pretty hard thing to destroy. I mean look at the US nowadays. There are plenty of people here who would do pretty much anything for America, no matter what other people said.

Never underestimate Jingoism. Britain and France were guilty of this also, along with the older empired of Europe (Including the Turks).
How do you know what American's would do for their country?

I am an American, and I've spoken to many people who say they'd do anything for the US.

I'm not talking out of my ass here, I'm serious. And I'm not trying to demonize the US or ANY nation, I'm just saying what I know and have learned from my time in the US.
Have you spoken to 300+million people? I think not. Quit judging a full nation based on your experiences with a few Americans.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Skipper on April 26, 2013, 01:34:57 am
Well I know I should not be getting involved with this, but I have often been told the British are reknown for their stubborn pride.

I think this is mainly due to its victories against France and the British Empire

Slightly off topic though, lets return to the war...
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on April 26, 2013, 01:35:24 am
My God, this thread turned into a warzone fast.

Well, I'm with kpel about the whole "Germans fighting for Germany" thing. I'm not saying Germans didn't know, but nationalism is a pretty hard thing to destroy. I mean look at the US nowadays. There are plenty of people here who would do pretty much anything for America, no matter what other people said.

Never underestimate Jingoism. Britain and France were guilty of this also, along with the older empired of Europe (Including the Turks).
How do you know what American's would do for their country?

I am an American, and I've spoken to many people who say they'd do anything for the US.

I'm not talking out of my ass here, I'm serious. And I'm not trying to demonize the US or ANY nation, I'm just saying what I know and have learned from my time in the US.
Have you spoken to 300+million people? I think not. Quit judging a full nation based on your experiences with a few Americans.

Last I checked the phrase "All Americans" was not in my post. I just said there are Americans who are willing. As in any other nation.

It's not like I called the US, MY nation, a group of warmongering killers. I'd love to write down one of my experiences with a person, if you want to know why I said what I said.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: SomeRandomTiger on April 26, 2013, 01:42:02 am
WW2 was an allied victory. The fact is that the americans didn't win everything because there was other nations there. (Although they did play a huge part)
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Kator Viridian on April 26, 2013, 03:07:34 am
WW2 was an allied victory. The fact is that the americans didn't win everything because there was other nations there. (Although they did play a huge part)

I would never Say "huge" as each country was as Vital as the next, if it wasn't for the Free French the Commonwealth and US forces would of been split in 2 as Port en Bassin would never of been covered as there were simply not enough forces.

The Americans played just as EQUAL role as the next nation supporting one another in a coalition force made up of lots of nations, their roles were as Equals in mutual support throughout the war and all of them knew without the other they would fail ... and failure would result in loss of the war.

Remember Bigger Casulaties of war does not equal contribution ... otherwise Russia would of contributed over 90% towards the war effort by that count.

The simple fact and underlaying fact is NO nation had a bigger or harder role than the next as just a mile or so down the line would be another fighting along side them.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Willhelm on April 26, 2013, 05:24:28 am
Children are innocent.

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Scorpia on April 26, 2013, 11:15:16 am
Children are innocent.
And so are ponys.
Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Ililsa on April 26, 2013, 01:49:12 pm
Turkey's economy is booming with Tourists and citys like Dubai are one of the richest in the world.

Dubai's in the UAE. Not a particularly nice place once you scratch the surface either.

Title: Re: Why do Americans think that they won WW2 alone?
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 26, 2013, 03:26:57 pm
Turkey's economy is booming with Tourists and citys like Dubai are one of the richest in the world.

Dubai's in the UAE. Not a particularly nice place once you scratch the surface either.

This. All these fallacious arguments don't prove anything. Most people are avoiding the points actually being argued and are trying to squeeze in their own agenda.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Willhelm on April 26, 2013, 03:59:42 pm
Well I think the only logical response is that many overly patriotic Americans do exaggerate the importance of the USA in the second world war (and sometimes the first), sometimes going as far as to claim they won the entire war themselves, but I think most Americans know that isn't the case, accept that the Soviet Union was the most important ally in the European theater, but that the USA was of vital importance in the second world war nonetheless and it would have gone quite differently without them, but that they did not win the war themselves. I think Americans should brag more about their involvement in the Pacific theater than the European one because they were the biggest allied force there.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on April 26, 2013, 04:25:22 pm
Well I think the only logical response is that many overly patriotic Americans do exaggerate the importance of the USA in the second world war (and sometimes the first), sometimes going as far as to claim they won the entire war themselves, but I think most Americans know that isn't the case, accept that the Soviet Union was the most important ally in the European theater, but that the USA was of vital importance in the second world war nonetheless and it would have gone quite differently without them, but that they did not win the war themselves. I think Americans should brag more about their involvement in the Pacific theater than the European one because they were the biggest allied force there.

Exactly. The only time they played an important role was in the Second World War, in the first they joined too late so it wouldn't make a difference in the course of the war.
There were many australians in the Pacific theater aswell.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: KillerMongoose on April 26, 2013, 04:34:09 pm
To say that they made no difference in WWI is for the most part true but it's not entirely true. The presence of thousands of fresh troops is an influential thing in any war. I'm not saying that it's because they're American or because they were more skilled or better equipped, neither of those things would be true, but that kind of extra push is something the Allies really could have used. They still would have won without America, this goes without saying, it just would have been later.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 26, 2013, 04:34:22 pm
Actually Bismarck while the Americans didn't play very large of a role in the first world war, they acted as a counterbalance to the Russian withdrawl, which was a serious turn of events. While the Germans were losing and they would probably still have lost even if the Americans didn't join in, Russian surrender gave the Germans serious new resolve and an opportunity to spring back, a resolve that was sundered when the Americans entered and filled the gap in power that the Russians had left in their wake.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Kator Viridian on April 26, 2013, 04:41:56 pm
Well I think the only logical response is that many overly patriotic Americans do exaggerate the importance of the USA in the second world war (and sometimes the first), sometimes going as far as to claim they won the entire war themselves, but I think most Americans know that isn't the case, accept that the Soviet Union was the most important ally in the European theater, but that the USA was of vital importance in the second world war nonetheless and it would have gone quite differently without them, but that they did not win the war themselves. I think Americans should brag more about their involvement in the Pacific theater than the European one because they were the biggest allied force there.

Exactly. The only time they played an important role was in the Second World War, in the first they joined too late so it wouldn't make a difference in the course of the war.
There were many australians in the Pacific theater aswell.

*still face desk*

Do people not understand that each member was as vital as the next, if it was not for the British and Australian forces in the Pacific Theatre America would of struggled just as much as the next country ... and more than likely lost. I don't think people understand the significance of water and the ocean in General.

Okay think of it like this, imagine attacking a fort with no cannon, your only option is to climb over the wall, but ontop of that wall are people lobbing rocks, poking you with sticks and throwing down your climbing equipment. Much was the same in all beach landings, and the Japenese/Germans had the advantage, the home defencive ... and they used it expertly inflicting 4 to 5 times the losses received and in some cases 10 times the losses.

Without each nations tactical pressure the forces would not of been spread so thinly, thus America would of likely lost pearl habour rather than just lost the battle over it. The japenese had to focus on multiple fronts, by sea they had the American, British and Australians down their necks, to the west were the rebelling chinese and Koreans. Without all these factors combined do you think America would of stood a chance alone as well as fighting the European front? ... hell no.

If America was so vital in the war it would of been able to stand alone, but could it? all wargame thesis point towards no.

No nation played a "Vital role" they were all equal to each others success, this is why it worked, not by having one powerful ally.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on April 26, 2013, 04:46:38 pm
Actually Bismarck while the Americans didn't play very large of a role in the first world war, they acted as a counterbalance to the Russian withdrawl, which was a serious turn of events. While the Germans were losing and they would probably still have lost even if the Americans didn't join in, Russian surrender gave the Germans serious new resolve and an opportunity to spring back, a resolve that was sundered when the Americans entered and filled the gap in power that the Russians had left in their wake.

The only things that the americans made and had a significant impact in the course of the war were the sell of supplies, the Meuse Argonne offensive which was important in the end of the war and as you have previously said the counterbalance to the Russian withdrawal.
Let's suppose like if the russians ever had any significant impact on the war, their forces were crushed in the first year of the war and the situation was worse when the bolsheviks started their revolution. They only kept busy the german forces in the eastern front without accomplishing anything significant. In any case fighting a one front war is easier than fighting two.
The Meuse-Argonne offensive had significant impact in the development of the technology aswell, since it was where the BAR machine gun was used first.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Jocam on April 26, 2013, 04:47:39 pm
This is the point in this conversation where all of the arguments get repeated again, but then with double the amount of insults.

Damn people, y'all sound like you all are discussing each other, and not the countries.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on April 26, 2013, 04:49:22 pm
Well I think the only logical response is that many overly patriotic Americans do exaggerate the importance of the USA in the second world war (and sometimes the first), sometimes going as far as to claim they won the entire war themselves, but I think most Americans know that isn't the case, accept that the Soviet Union was the most important ally in the European theater, but that the USA was of vital importance in the second world war nonetheless and it would have gone quite differently without them, but that they did not win the war themselves. I think Americans should brag more about their involvement in the Pacific theater than the European one because they were the biggest allied force there.

Exactly. The only time they played an important role was in the Second World War, in the first they joined too late so it wouldn't make a difference in the course of the war.
There were many australians in the Pacific theater aswell.

*still face desk*

Do people not understand that each member was as vital as the next, if it was not for the British and Australian forces in the Pacific Theatre America would of struggled just as much as the next country ... and more than likely lost. I don't think people understand the significance of water and the ocean in General.

Okay think of it like this, imagine attacking a fort with no cannon, your only option is to climb over the wall, but ontop of that wall are people lobbing rocks, poking you with sticks and throwing down your climbing equipment. Much was the same in all beach landings, and the Japenese/Germans had the advantage, the home defencive ... and they used it expertly inflicting 4 to 5 times the losses received and in some cases 10 times the losses.

Without each nations tactical pressure the forces would not of been spread so thinly, thus America would of likely lost pearl habour rather than just lost the battle over it. The japenese had to focus on multiple fronts, by sea they had the American, British and Australians down their necks, to the west were the rebelling chinese and Koreans. Without all these factors combined do you think America would of stood a chance alone as well as fighting the European front? ... hell no.

If America was so vital in the war it would of been able to stand alone, but could it? all wargame thesis point towards no.

No nation played a "Vital role" they were all equal to each others success, this is why it worked, not by having one powerful ally.

You are quoting to the wrong person, because that's what I mean, every nation in the allies played a significant role, not just America.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 26, 2013, 04:56:02 pm
Well I think the only logical response is that many overly patriotic Americans do exaggerate the importance of the USA in the second world war (and sometimes the first), sometimes going as far as to claim they won the entire war themselves, but I think most Americans know that isn't the case, accept that the Soviet Union was the most important ally in the European theater, but that the USA was of vital importance in the second world war nonetheless and it would have gone quite differently without them, but that they did not win the war themselves. I think Americans should brag more about their involvement in the Pacific theater than the European one because they were the biggest allied force there.

Exactly. The only time they played an important role was in the Second World War, in the first they joined too late so it wouldn't make a difference in the course of the war.
There were many australians in the Pacific theater aswell.

*still face desk*

Do people not understand that each member was as vital as the next, if it was not for the British and Australian forces in the Pacific Theatre America would of struggled just as much as the next country ... and more than likely lost. I don't think people understand the significance of water and the ocean in General.

Okay think of it like this, imagine attacking a fort with no cannon, your only option is to climb over the wall, but ontop of that wall are people lobbing rocks, poking you with sticks and throwing down your climbing equipment. Much was the same in all beach landings, and the Japenese/Germans had the advantage, the home defencive ... and they used it expertly inflicting 4 to 5 times the losses received and in some cases 10 times the losses.

Without each nations tactical pressure the forces would not of been spread so thinly, thus America would of likely lost pearl habour rather than just lost the battle over it. The japenese had to focus on multiple fronts, by sea they had the American, British and Australians down their necks, to the west were the rebelling chinese and Koreans. Without all these factors combined do you think America would of stood a chance alone as well as fighting the European front? ... hell no.

If America was so vital in the war it would of been able to stand alone, but could it? all wargame thesis point towards no.

No nation played a "Vital role" they were all equal to each others success, this is why it worked, not by having one powerful ally.

Australians and Brits in the Pacific theater were useful but not overly decisive.

The Japanese inflicted 4 to 5 times the causalities on the Americans than the Americans did on them? What are you going on about?

Iwo Jima:
Midway Island:
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Kator Viridian on April 26, 2013, 05:46:45 pm
Well I think the only logical response is that many overly patriotic Americans do exaggerate the importance of the USA in the second world war (and sometimes the first), sometimes going as far as to claim they won the entire war themselves, but I think most Americans know that isn't the case, accept that the Soviet Union was the most important ally in the European theater, but that the USA was of vital importance in the second world war nonetheless and it would have gone quite differently without them, but that they did not win the war themselves. I think Americans should brag more about their involvement in the Pacific theater than the European one because they were the biggest allied force there.

Exactly. The only time they played an important role was in the Second World War, in the first they joined too late so it wouldn't make a difference in the course of the war.
There were many australians in the Pacific theater aswell.

*still face desk*

Do people not understand that each member was as vital as the next, if it was not for the British and Australian forces in the Pacific Theatre America would of struggled just as much as the next country ... and more than likely lost. I don't think people understand the significance of water and the ocean in General.

Okay think of it like this, imagine attacking a fort with no cannon, your only option is to climb over the wall, but ontop of that wall are people lobbing rocks, poking you with sticks and throwing down your climbing equipment. Much was the same in all beach landings, and the Japenese/Germans had the advantage, the home defencive ... and they used it expertly inflicting 4 to 5 times the losses received and in some cases 10 times the losses.

Without each nations tactical pressure the forces would not of been spread so thinly, thus America would of likely lost pearl habour rather than just lost the battle over it. The japenese had to focus on multiple fronts, by sea they had the American, British and Australians down their necks, to the west were the rebelling chinese and Koreans. Without all these factors combined do you think America would of stood a chance alone as well as fighting the European front? ... hell no.

If America was so vital in the war it would of been able to stand alone, but could it? all wargame thesis point towards no.

No nation played a "Vital role" they were all equal to each others success, this is why it worked, not by having one powerful ally.

Australians and Brits in the Pacific theater were useful but not overly decisive.

The Japanese inflicted 4 to 5 times the causalities on the Americans than the Americans did on them? What are you going on about?

Iwo Jima:
Midway Island:

@ Von_Bismark: Yes I hit the wrong reply there ;) No point in editing really was for all to see ... again ... feeling like a parrot.

Enjoy the Phillippines:

Pearl Harbour:

And then there is HongKong:

Once again America was not even 2nd into that war either, infact it was more of around 6th so undoubtly would of been the better off but not the most vital at all, infact Russia and China appeared to be more vital standpoints ... but still once again if it had not been for a conglomerate effort we would probably not be discussing the same thing.

America was only decisive in certain battles but infact lost its opening battle quite Catistrophically, and if it hadn't been for an error by a japene scout plane the American navy never would of recovered enough either ... why? well the Yorktown was reported twice as 2 individual carries and subsequently attacked twice, allowing others to slip by and attack the Yamato, if this had not been reported the Yamato would of been able to help in Holding Okinawa probably changing the tide completely.

From what I have seen of American efforts in WWII they have mainly made successes out of blunders from their own accord or the enemy, not from actual military planning or success that was found with the British, Canadian, French, Polish, Czech, Russian ... ect the list goes on quite a bit.

Losses occured usually in such high amounts amungst Japenese forces due to their lack of willingness to surrender under any circumstance, and much the same for the SS Brigades to which Michael Wittmann answered with his own life and the life of his panzer corps.

Destroying the enemy in Japan never stopped them at all, infact were still willing to fight right into the heart of japan itself, it was only when its civilians were brutally attacked at Hiroshima and Nagasaki did peace eventually arise ... although peace had been offered by the Japenese beforehand but not suffcient land was being surrendered in China to be accepted and thus proved as a springboard for the testing on such weapons.

While you handpicked some successes of the US Army/navy/airforce, I picked the losses of the Japenese Army/navy/airforce ... not their Victories.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: SomeRandomTiger on April 26, 2013, 07:47:45 pm
The Americans played a huge part due to their economic power. They produced planes,ships,tanks,guns, subs e.t.c all to a massive degree - which Germany could not replicate.

I definitely agree that the Americans didn't play a bigger part than the next allied nation in terms of battles fought but their production of goods is what helped
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Kator Viridian on April 26, 2013, 07:58:55 pm
The Americans played a huge part due to their economic power. They produced planes,ships,tanks,guns, subs e.t.c all to a massive degree - which Germany could not replicate.

I definitely agree that the Americans didn't play a bigger part than the next allied nation in terms of battles fought but their production of goods is what helped

Umm Germany didn't replicate it as it valued Quality over Quantity, it had the fastest fighter planes known to the Monoplane world at the time, the biggest engine in the most compact space, German Engineering was so advanced that the Tiger tank didn't even get outclassed until 1944 with the KV-1S which had a major flaw of having to point the gun down to load it then aim back up at its oponent. Germany managed to create jet fighters and long range bombers before any other nation was capable of doing so ... its Engineering prowess made the largest battleship ever seen of its likes that took nearly an entire navy group to take down ... it took so much fire it was unbeleivable.

German Engineering far outstriped all of the Allied nations total and it was so far ahead of its time with logitical capabilties they are still replicated today, its Flight doctines of using 2 man fighter groups of 4 planes total are still in use today ... it layed down the path for underground fortress structures and how to set out effective lanes of fire for such fortresses.

German Urban warefare was near perfective using submachine guns and tactical placed explosives when leaving a location, as well as the artillery barrages on retreating areas to give cover for escape.

Germany was the peak nation of its time compared to the allies, this is why so many superpowers were needed to take it out. Quality not Quantity.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Thundersnow on April 26, 2013, 09:01:13 pm
One can only marvel at what the outcome would have been if they'd managed to secure the Arc of the Covenant.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Millander on April 26, 2013, 09:44:10 pm
I think the Master Cheif won world war 2
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: ClearlyInvsible on April 26, 2013, 09:46:02 pm
I think the Master Cheif won world war 2
No, it was Viktor Reznov along with Dimitri Prochenko!
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Millander on April 26, 2013, 09:46:55 pm
I think the Master Cheif won world war 2
No, it was Viktor Reznov along with Dimitri Prochenko!
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: SomeRandomTiger on April 26, 2013, 09:49:28 pm
Umm Germany didn't replicate it as it valued Quality over Quantity, it had the fastest fighter planes known to the Monoplane world at the time, the biggest engine in the most compact space, German Engineering was so advanced that the Tiger tank didn't even get outclassed until 1944 with the KV-1S which had a major flaw of having to point the gun down to load it then aim back up at its oponent. Germany managed to create jet fighters and long range bombers before any other nation was capable of doing so ... its Engineering prowess made the largest battleship ever seen of its likes that took nearly an entire navy group to take down ... it took so much fire it was unbeleivable.

German Engineering far outstriped all of the Allied nations total and it was so far ahead of its time with logitical capabilties they are still replicated today, its Flight doctines of using 2 man fighter groups of 4 planes total are still in use today ... it layed down the path for underground fortress structures and how to set out effective lanes of fire for such fortresses.

German Urban warefare was near perfective using submachine guns and tactical placed explosives when leaving a location, as well as the artillery barrages on retreating areas to give cover for escape.

Germany was the peak nation of its time compared to the allies, this is why so many superpowers were needed to take it out. Quality not Quantity.

German engineering preferred quality over quantity yes, but that was there main downfall. The tiger tank was too complicated to build and repair and produced in too low numbers. Germany's battleships were from a bigone age - they were destroyed by airpower. German logistics was good yes, but they lacked the supplies and the means to effectively transport it. German urban warfare wasn't revolutionary compared to other nations either. The Soviets used submachine guns to great effect, as did the Americans and the British.

Basically Germany produced quality good yes, but not in enough quantity (or quality) to match the Allied nations.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on April 26, 2013, 09:58:01 pm
Tiger is right, the germans had the quality, but not the quantity. That and the social and economic downfall were the main reasons of the defeat of Germany.

Germany tried to fight against the entire world in two devastating wars.. it didn't went too well.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Landrik on April 26, 2013, 09:59:42 pm
One can only marvel at what the outcome would have been if they'd managed to secure the Arc of the Covenant.

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Kator Viridian on April 27, 2013, 01:04:09 am
Umm Germany didn't replicate it as it valued Quality over Quantity, it had the fastest fighter planes known to the Monoplane world at the time, the biggest engine in the most compact space, German Engineering was so advanced that the Tiger tank didn't even get outclassed until 1944 with the KV-1S which had a major flaw of having to point the gun down to load it then aim back up at its oponent. Germany managed to create jet fighters and long range bombers before any other nation was capable of doing so ... its Engineering prowess made the largest battleship ever seen of its likes that took nearly an entire navy group to take down ... it took so much fire it was unbeleivable.

German Engineering far outstriped all of the Allied nations total and it was so far ahead of its time with logitical capabilties they are still replicated today, its Flight doctines of using 2 man fighter groups of 4 planes total are still in use today ... it layed down the path for underground fortress structures and how to set out effective lanes of fire for such fortresses.

German Urban warefare was near perfective using submachine guns and tactical placed explosives when leaving a location, as well as the artillery barrages on retreating areas to give cover for escape.

Germany was the peak nation of its time compared to the allies, this is why so many superpowers were needed to take it out. Quality not Quantity.

German engineering preferred quality over quantity yes, but that was there main downfall. The tiger tank was too complicated to build and repair and produced in too low numbers. Germany's battleships were from a bigone age - they were destroyed by airpower. German logistics was good yes, but they lacked the supplies and the means to effectively transport it. German urban warfare wasn't revolutionary compared to other nations either. The Soviets used submachine guns to great effect, as did the Americans and the British.

Basically Germany produced quality good yes, but not in enough quantity (or quality) to match the Allied nations.

I would suggest looking up the German train networks, which were not bombed until AFTER the D-day invasions as they were not even seen as a priority and they were the best in Europe, German communications and German logitical means were actually an afterthought for Eisenhower.

You'll find most British, American and Soviet machine guns and submachine guns were prone to jamming where Germans suffered from overheated barrels, much like the MG 42 for its high fire rate ... but was even turned on them due to the "easy to use" capabilities of the gun.

You'll actually find that most German battleships were actually torpedoed and shelling them was sheerly not enough ... look at the bismarck for example, not airforce involved but on ship vs ship warefare it had to be outgunned in order to be defeated as it blew the Hood out of the water no problem. The Tirpitz was only engaged by air because ships couldn't do the job or had no chance to do the job, they would of probably struggled just the same and torpedoes would of had to be deployed in order to sink it ... where the Tirpitz would only of had to fire its main guns at anything the British had.

While you concede that Germany had quality you contradict that in the same sentence with "()", German Quality was even accepted by the commanders of the day, whole battleplans and gun placements had to be changed due to this German engineering feat as the tiger tank was feared right up until the end of the war, it paved the way for standards or tanks ... for example the British removed the standard gun of the sherman and replaced it with an Artillery 17 pounder to even combat the German Tiger tank ... this is how advanced it was, it forced opposing forces to change their tactics and fittings ... this meant before the Tiger tank was taking out multiple targets and withdrawing before a single shot could penetrate it ... and on the russian front it was far worse, Michael Wittman (I know I keep using his name but a prime example) destroyed over 100 tanks by 1944 on the russian front ... without even loosing his Tiger I (Which had been marked with 101). Only when ambushed was his tank destroyed in normandy, possibly a firefly we will never known as reports differ.

But for the allied forces German engineering had forced them to utmost limits in changing tactics in the Air, Land and Sea in order to take down its might ...

If one or maybe 2 nations from the Allies were not involved, then German engineering had the upperhand in a lot of circumstances and this is where it outshone the allies.

Tiger is right, the germans had the quality, but not the quantity. That and the social and economic downfall were the main reasons of the defeat of Germany.

Germany tried to fight against the entire world in two devastating wars.. it didn't went too well.

Like almost all defeated nations to this day ... it cannot cope with 2 fronts at the same time ... Egypt, Rome, France, Britain, America, Russia, China, Japan, India ... there is no nation that survives a 2 front war.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: SomeRandomTiger on April 27, 2013, 03:24:21 am
Yes the Tiger I tank was very advanced in battle with its heavy armor  and 88mm anti-tank gun. However due to its complex design, mass production and repairing in the field was severely hindered. Good engineering doesn't just include a tanks combat specifications, being easy to repair and able to produce relatively quickly also play a large role. No matter how good the Tiger I tank was, it was not enough to combat the 50,000 M4 Shermans and 80,000 T-34s.

Also you have to remember that when the Germans first went into Russia in 1941; the Russian T-34 and the KV-1 completely outmatched (and out produced) the current germans Pz III and Pz IVs. It was then that the Germans rushed the production of the Tiger I tank to combat the new Russian tanks. However, again, it was not produced in large enough quantity and was unreliable.

Japanese battleships were larger and more powerful than German battleships, yet they were almost defenseless against massed air attacks. The Bismark was sunk from a combination of the Royal Navy and the Swordfish torpedo bomber. Yes the Tirpitz had massive guns which would blow any British ship out of the water - yet they didn't have to face it head to head; they had the air power to destroy the Tirpitz  before it even got out of port.

The MP40 wasn't prone to damage no, but it lacked the rate of fire and capacity of the PPSH-41 and the Thompson submachine gun (although the MP-40 out matched the Thompson in production terms). Also the M1 Garand was a very advanced weapon - employed while the Germans (and the other allied nations) were still using bolt-actions weapons.

But we are getting far off topic - USA played one of the biggest roles in WW2 next to Britain and Russia. However they didn't do it alone and probably (its completely impossible to know) couldn't have done it themselves.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Landrik on April 27, 2013, 08:22:26 am
While the Germans had really good quality in some areas, they lacked in others.

Germany's airpower was outdated by the time of the start of the war. While the ME-262 was a fantastic invention, it was just as hazardous to the pilot as the target with frequent engine explosions, terrifying landing procedures, and when out of fuel it was a sitting duck as a glider. When the end of the war was very near, pilots were more precious assets than aircraft and many very young and inexperienced pilots were finding themselves in the cockpit. It's no wonder there are so many allied late-war aces when Germany's airpower was a mix between brutal and legendary aces and pilots probable to kill themselves trying to land.

The tanks are another thing, all of the early and mid-war tanks were also outclassed by their enemies. There was no possible way for the Germans to be able to take out the Soviet KV-1 or KV-2 unless taken out by an 88 flak, artillery, or airstrike. There are horror stories of Matildas crushing German lines in France during the invasion of 1940. Also, with the introduction of the T-34 the Germans had a terrible time dealing with the tanks all the way up until the end. Now the saving grace was the Panther - it being cheaper to produce and a far better tank than the Pz.III and Pz.IV. The StuG was uparmored and upgunned and the Tiger introduced in early '43 was a godsend for the troops. For example the Tiger striking fear into the hearts of Americans in North Africa and crushing tank columns in the East. However, the Tiger was very expensive and high-maintenance. The engineers at the front were miracle workers being able to repair these tanks so quickly.

As for infantry arms, the focus on the squad MG was brilliant. At the same time the German army started off with barely any submachineguns and had to rely on captured SMGs to bolster their firepower until MP40 and later MP44 production was able to saturate the army on the front. The G-41 and G-43 were terrible semi-automatic rifles copied off of the far superior SVT-40 model. They had feeding problems as well as frequent jams and very small internal pieces. Now the MP-40 is a decent SMG with a nice rate of fire easy to control, but when faced against a PPSh-41 with 72 rounds, more reliable, and higher rate of fire - its easy to see what comes out on top. The MG-34 is a great MG compared to what was fielded by other armies during the time, but it also had maintenance issues and a time-consuming way of replacing the barrel. When the MG-42 came around it was a godsend. Barrel could be replaced from the side instead of turning the receiver upside-down, very high rate of fire, and streamlined production and design more durable for the harsh environments of all of the theatres.

If I have to straight up hand anything out to the German armies it was their ground-breaking tactics and strategic warfare. However their operational warfare lacked heavily and couldn't hold up to the Americans or Russians, such as having no operational bombers. It's mystifying how war production could've continued with the operational bombings day and night by the allies.


By the way, the Thompson fired .45 ammunition with a 20 round magazine. Such a large round meant ridiculous recoil and such a short magazine meant lolspam had to be concentrated with frequent reloads.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: TheBoberton on April 27, 2013, 09:02:40 am
By the way, the Thompson fired .45 ammunition with a 20 round magazine. Such a large round meant ridiculous recoil and such a short magazine meant lolspam had to be concentrated with frequent reloads.

Thomas' Small Thompson Clarification Rant, do not open if you don't wish to learn a bit about the M1928A1/M1/M1A1 Submachineguns
A .45ACP cartridge in a ten pound weapon results in a weapon that is relatively easy to control, even during automatic fire. As for the ammunition capacity, it could use a twenty or thirty round stick magazine, with the 1928A1 being able to use the older drum magazines as well.

Anyways, given the role the weapons had, twenty and thirty rounds worked perfectly; Submachineguns weren't made for 'lolspam', as you put it, but rather to give a unit breathing room for maneuvers, provide fire when the riflemen and machine-gunners were unable to do so, and of course to defend the man carrying the weapon.

An interesting aside;
The PPSH-41 was most often seen with a 35 round magazine, because the drums they're so famous for using are quite bulky. If I remember correctly, a Soviet soldier would carry one drum for initial use, and then once that was dry, he'd start using the 35 rounders. I could be mistaken on that though, so don't quote me on it.

Forgive me for any terrible mistakes I may have made grammatically, as I'm quite tired and have no idea why I'm still awake. And now, back to your regularly scheduled debating, now that I'm done being an idiot about this.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Kator Viridian on April 27, 2013, 06:01:38 pm
Yes the Tiger I tank was very advanced in battle with its heavy armor  and 88mm anti-tank gun. However due to its complex design, mass production and repairing in the field was severely hindered. Good engineering doesn't just include a tanks combat specifications, being easy to repair and able to produce relatively quickly also play a large role. No matter how good the Tiger I tank was, it was not enough to combat the 50,000 M4 Shermans and 80,000 T-34s.

Also you have to remember that when the Germans first went into Russia in 1941; the Russian T-34 and the KV-1 completely outmatched (and out produced) the current germans Pz III and Pz IVs. It was then that the Germans rushed the production of the Tiger I tank to combat the new Russian tanks. However, again, it was not produced in large enough quantity and was unreliable.

Japanese battleships were larger and more powerful than German battleships, yet they were almost defenseless against massed air attacks. The Bismark was sunk from a combination of the Royal Navy and the Swordfish torpedo bomber. Yes the Tirpitz had massive guns which would blow any British ship out of the water - yet they didn't have to face it head to head; they had the air power to destroy the Tirpitz  before it even got out of port.

The MP40 wasn't prone to damage no, but it lacked the rate of fire and capacity of the PPSH-41 and the Thompson submachine gun (although the MP-40 out matched the Thompson in production terms). Also the M1 Garand was a very advanced weapon - employed while the Germans (and the other allied nations) were still using bolt-actions weapons.

But we are getting far off topic - USA played one of the biggest roles in WW2 next to Britain and Russia. However they didn't do it alone and probably (its completely impossible to know) couldn't have done it themselves.

Umm the T-34 and Sherman tanks could not even penetrate a Tiger tank from the front, at all it was only until the KV-1S and its accomplice the Firefly could it actually begin to penetrate the Tiger tank from the front. But such was the awsome firepower and armour of the tiger tank that only groups of 6 could stare down entire collumns of Russian tanks unphased ... even Wittmann only really feared the anti tank guns that were capable of piercing his tank as explain here:


The sherman is incompareable to the Tiger tank ... and the later Tiger 2, it was only until the firefly came along did the sherman even become effective at all unless in large groups versus a single Tiger they had spotted and knew was there.


Obiously the time it took to build was the problem but with the Tiger able to take out so many tanks and if in a group could survive the assault. Most Tigers were taken out with artillery, or being outflanked by larger numbers ... but in a supported armoured collumn the Tiger always had the advantage.

If you read up on some of Michael Wittmanns stories you'll find his tiger was rammed by a T-34 ... which subsequently exploded against his tank leaving his crew ... only shaken.

The Tiger was the most feared tank on any battlefield of its time, and rightly so, just its presence could turn the tide of battles.

Also about the bismark the Swordfish was not enough, it required near 4 torpedoes and an naval artillery bombardment to destroy the bismark, a Swordfish carries a single torpedo, the others came from the battleships in the attack.

The M1 Garand was as prone to jamming as its counterpart the M1 Carbine and was still yet to be fixed, it was not a superior weapon apart from its fire power capabilities. The Gewehr 43 was introduced pre D-day on the german side to match the American Garand, although not in big numbers it found that the MP44(renamed STG 44) and M40 were covering it, so more than likely most assault squads and paratroopers would be armed with mainly submachine guns than the faster firing rifle ... where the American forces would find the singular Thompson spread out across the line.

Also slower firing means less fire power overall the far more reliable Kar 98k meant a lot more optical lense attachments were used, rather than the American forces having designated snipers would would find that German snipers were a lot more common as fighting progressed inland. Also the 98k during 1944 had an actual sound suppressor which I cannot seem to find on the M1 garand, which would of make the Kar98k the ideal sniper rifle of its time.

I'm not saying the Germans had the advantage at all but neither did the US, there are times when one is better than the other ... but no matter how you look at it it took a COMBINED effort of the world to attempt to take down Germany ... and it nearly failed ... miserably ... even post D-day it could of swung either way ... if the SS divisions had come in D-day +1 ... well I doubt the beach holdings would of stood up to it.

The US only as much as the country to its left and right, no more, no less ... while America had contributed in manpower and armaments at the right time you cannot deny the fact it was completely untouched at home, America was the only nation to have a total of 4 mainland deaths ... where Civilians in every other were far far far higher ... without a threat to the mainland it could continue, but had operation sealion been put into operation in 1940 ... America would be having the hardest time of them all.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Landrik on April 27, 2013, 09:55:01 pm
If I remember correctly, a Soviet soldier would carry one drum for initial use, and then once that was dry, he'd start using the 35 rounders. I could be mistaken on that though, so don't quote me on it.

Mwuhahaha. I will quote you on it, because you are correct. The average man who was issued a PPSh-41 was issued one drum and three stick magazines. Later in the war, those issued the PPS-43 were just issued stick magazines.


The Sherman 75 and 76 were primarily designed as infantry support tanks and not to engage enemy tanks. However, they were thrown into situations where they needed to engage enemy armor and took heavy losses for it.

I would have to say the worst enemy of the Tiger I and II are themselves. High maintenance, terrible gas mileage, and too damn heavy. For example, the Tiger II would find itself not being able to cross bridges because it was too large or fit down European roads and streets. While there are stories of Tiger IIs surviving direct hits by artillery, the tank itself (IMO) just wasn't worth the time, money, and resources.

If we're talking about Normandy, the STG44 did not have any decent saturation into the Normandy divisions - it not being until Battle of the Bulge where they were fielded in numbers. I'm not saying they weren't there, they just didn't have any good fielding because most of the weapon was being focused on the Eastern Front. The G-43 was a bit more common, but anything but the regular man's rifle which was never replaced... the K98k.

You say more attachments were used and there was a greater ratio of designated marksmen as well as trained snipers from schools. It was probably comparable to what the Americans fielded, but paled in comparison to the Russians. You'd see plenty of pictures of German soldiers with captured scoped moist nuggets to compete with enemy snipers. Also, by all means the Zf-41 scope was pretty trash with hardly any magnification and the ZF-39 and ZF-42 scopes weren't as widespread.

The suppressor only saw any real usage at the very end of the war where you could include all kinds of weird shit like liebermuster, tan and water being more common as well as bright green plastic cups for canteens and folded entrenching tools. Not to mention all of the chassis conversions for Panthers, Tigers, and Tiger IIs into self-propelled artillery.


Honestly, if England was taken, I really doubt the US would've done any kind of major invasion into Europe.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Kator Viridian on April 28, 2013, 12:08:59 am
I do agree with all that is said don't doubt that, if the Germans had probably tried to use more Artillery it would of done a little better than trying to force in the Tigers. But a KV-1 or Sherman in comparison to a Tiger was nothing but a pea shooter, the Tiger with its better optics was more of a mobile anti tank gun, most of its attacks were nearly over a mile and used its range to great effect ... its armour made it near impenetrable at the range it could accurately fire at.

The T-34's and KV-1s on the russian fronts were struggling against simple attack groups of Hetzers with just the standard assault guns let alone coming face to face with a Tiger group. The IS-1 seemed to solve this problem engaging the tigers at much longer range but suffered a massive flaw, when it had to reload the gun had to be pointed down then raised again in order to fire it next round, unfortuantly too the Pak88 could still puncture it so it became a slogging match of the most accurate shooters.

The Firefly counterpart on the was produced in too little number to be really effective against the German tank groups, so what would usually happen is just using artillery and anti tank guns to shell the positions of the Tiger Tanks, with the tendancy to break it meant most groups would just abandon the tanks.

But where Tiger groups did engage head on they would find themselves the Victors with more experiance and better tanks for the job of head to heads.

Numbers were the Tigers main downfall and being ambushed, but if sat stationary just turned into an anti tank emplacement.


I don't think its understood how Pivitol the geology of England was, Iceland would of been the closest but it would mean attacking the rocky areas of Scotland or Ireland ... which on Point du Hoc you see the outcome. The German forces were very capable at counter attacking, unfortuantly the main battleplan was attacking multiple super powers at the same time, if Russia had been allowed to make the opening moves in taking land it may of been crushed in the counter offencive leaving literally no armies to the tactical abilities of the German commanders.

Too many objectives over too many fronts against too many super powers. The downfall of every nation.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Allasaphore on April 28, 2013, 06:10:13 am
Going to stop in briefly, to give my two cents. To generalize America, as the author of the OP's copied document did, is an erroneous practice that won't lead to a valid answer. However, it is reasonable to assume that some Americans think in such a manner. I have met a few, though they usually (usually) stop bleating after one asks them to read a book concerning the period.

As a reminder, remember in your discussion of history to keep emotions out of it. That would be the queue for a fog to fall upon what actually happened, and it would be nice to avoid such a conundrum.

Warm regards, folks.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Skipper on April 28, 2013, 11:59:00 am
Going to stop in briefly, to give my two cents. To generalize America, as the author of the OP's copied document did, is an erroneous practice that won't lead to a valid answer. However, it is reasonable to assume that some Americans think in such a manner. I have met a few, though they usually (usually) stop bleating after one asks them to read a book concerning the period.

As a reminder, remember in your discussion of history to keep emotions out of it. That would be the queue for a fog to fall upon what actually happened, and it would be nice to avoid such a conundrum.

Warm regards, folks.

As much as many of you might argue against it, he is right. Now recently my war has died down, can someone please start posting more so that WW3 lives on in this thread.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: TheBoberton on April 28, 2013, 08:55:30 pm
Going to stop in briefly, to give my two cents. To generalize America, as the author of the OP's copied document did, is an erroneous practice that won't lead to a valid answer. However, it is reasonable to assume that some Americans think in such a manner. I have met a few, though they usually (usually) stop bleating after one asks them to read a book concerning the period.

So the behavior of a few is cause to create a thread titled to lead people to believe the author thinks every American thinks/acts so? Perhaps if I created a thread about those damn imperialist British, always complaining about their rebellious colonies, would that go over well with the large portion of the community that is British, but are by and large not imperialistic assholes?
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Jocam on April 28, 2013, 09:01:01 pm
Going to stop in briefly, to give my two cents. To generalize America, as the author of the OP's copied document did, is an erroneous practice that won't lead to a valid answer. However, it is reasonable to assume that some Americans think in such a manner. I have met a few, though they usually (usually) stop bleating after one asks them to read a book concerning the period.

So the behavior of a few is cause to create a thread titled to lead people to believe the author thinks every American thinks/acts so? Perhaps if I created a thread about those damn imperialist British, always complaining about their rebellious colonies, would that go over well with the large portion of the community that is British, but are by and large not imperialistic assholes?

Do correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I do have the answer:

The reason the community doesn't view (many) of the Brits imperialistic, is because there are no well-known cases in which a British community member described the Brits as 'The Best'. There were however, some good examples of Americans.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: TheBoberton on April 28, 2013, 09:08:32 pm
Do correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I do have the answer:

The reason the community doesn't view (many) of the Brits imperialistic, is because there are no well-known cases in which a British community member described the Brits as 'The Best'. There were however, some good examples of Americans.

Could you furnish me with a couple of these examples?
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 28, 2013, 09:12:54 pm
Going to stop in briefly, to give my two cents. To generalize America, as the author of the OP's copied document did, is an erroneous practice that won't lead to a valid answer. However, it is reasonable to assume that some Americans think in such a manner. I have met a few, though they usually (usually) stop bleating after one asks them to read a book concerning the period.

So the behavior of a few is cause to create a thread titled to lead people to believe the author thinks every American thinks/acts so? Perhaps if I created a thread about those damn imperialist British, always complaining about their rebellious colonies, would that go over well with the large portion of the community that is British, but are by and large not imperialistic assholes?

Do correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I do have the answer:

The reason the community doesn't view (many) of the Brits imperialistic, is because there are no well-known cases in which a British community member described the Brits as 'The Best'. There were however, some good examples of Americans.

I can't recall any non-sarcastic or satirical instances where someone claimed America won ww2 singlehandedly, or that they were the "best".
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Jocam on April 28, 2013, 09:38:40 pm
Going to stop in briefly, to give my two cents. To generalize America, as the author of the OP's copied document did, is an erroneous practice that won't lead to a valid answer. However, it is reasonable to assume that some Americans think in such a manner. I have met a few, though they usually (usually) stop bleating after one asks them to read a book concerning the period.

So the behavior of a few is cause to create a thread titled to lead people to believe the author thinks every American thinks/acts so? Perhaps if I created a thread about those damn imperialist British, always complaining about their rebellious colonies, would that go over well with the large portion of the community that is British, but are by and large not imperialistic assholes?

Do correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I do have the answer:

The reason the community doesn't view (many) of the Brits imperialistic, is because there are no well-known cases in which a British community member described the Brits as 'The Best'. There were however, some good examples of Americans.

I can't recall any non-sarcastic or satirical instances where someone claimed America won ww2 singlehandedly, or that they were the "best".

Oh, please.

You know damn well that I am not implying said arguments. It's more like overly overpraising ones country. Fir the examples, I am not going to name anyone, for that will almost certainly mean trouble once my examples would find out.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Pinball Wizard on April 28, 2013, 09:53:58 pm
Oh, please.

You know damn well that I am not implying said arguments. It's more like overly overpraising ones country. Fir the examples, I am not going to name anyone, for that will almost certainly mean trouble once my examples would find out.

Example please? Just give a quote, not the name.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Jocam on April 28, 2013, 10:51:32 pm
Oh, please.

You know damn well that I am not implying said arguments. It's more like overly overpraising ones country. Fir the examples, I am not going to name anyone, for that will almost certainly mean trouble once my examples would find out.

Example please? Just give a quote, not the name.

Sure, quotes show the names, and as soon as they do find out, Its screwedjust as hard.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 28, 2013, 10:53:04 pm
Oh, please.

You know damn well that I am not implying said arguments. It's more like overly overpraising ones country. Fir the examples, I am not going to name anyone, for that will almost certainly mean trouble once my examples would find out.

Example please? Just give a quote, not the name.

Sure, quotes show the names, and as soon as they do find out, Its screwedjust as hard.

Just copy paste the posts and put them in quotes manually. That way it doesn't show the names.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Jocam on April 28, 2013, 10:54:08 pm
Still, I will neither quote nor name.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: kpetschulat on April 28, 2013, 11:14:46 pm
Still, I will neither quote nor name.

Quotes, or gtfo. Nuff' said.  8)
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Skipper on April 28, 2013, 11:23:25 pm
Well technically following that rules he could quote anything... ANYTHING!!!! =o
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Duuring on April 28, 2013, 11:27:55 pm
Anything posted in a public place on this forum (or any other forum in fact) can be quoted.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Jocam on April 29, 2013, 12:11:50 am
That does, however not make it recommendable
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 29, 2013, 12:19:15 am
That does, however not make it recommendable

Haha, is about me when I said that American was the most powerful country on earth? I never said it was the best, only the most powerful.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Pinball Wizard on April 29, 2013, 12:19:56 am
That does, however not make it recommendable
No. What are they going to do? Hack you  ::). Move to America so you can feel free while enlightening us.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Jocam on April 29, 2013, 12:26:23 am
I was not meanig you, nippestockings.
And, for the third time (for gods sake, read my entire post), I wish not to start hate arguments and I-didnt-do-it arguments because of whaf I said.

Now, as for me, 'nuff said about m reasons.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: TheBoberton on April 29, 2013, 12:36:31 am
If you're not willing to provide any proof, then you shouldn't speak at all, because your word then means absolutely nothing, and you've contributed nothing to the conversation.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Jocam on April 29, 2013, 12:39:28 am
Depends on your POV, and if you Have any idea of who I meant, e.a. If you were in dem concersations
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Duuring on April 29, 2013, 12:46:53 am
Jocam, either make a solid point or go away.

I'm running out of popcorn here...
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Dekkers on April 29, 2013, 12:51:05 am
A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers

I actually thought about one word/war when I saw this.


I love Americans though ;D
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 29, 2013, 12:56:49 am
A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers

I actually thought about one word/war when I saw this.


I love Americans though ;D

I'm actually surprised how many Americans actually think we won the Vietnam war. How could anyone possibly think that? We withdrew and the communists took over the entire country, and Vietnam is still communist today. We clearly failed to achieve what we came for, yet many brainwashed Americans still think it was a victory...
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: McEwan on April 29, 2013, 01:45:28 am
Many Americans are not history junkies like us, which would explain why they have that Vietnam mindset, as well as the "win everything" mindset.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 29, 2013, 03:37:47 am
Many Americans are not history junkies like us, which would explain why they have that Vietnam mindset, as well as the "win everything" mindset.

But you don't have to be a history junkie to know we lost. Read a tiny part of the wikipedia article? Pay attention in class? Read the textbook that you're supposed to read for school anyway?
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Windbusche on April 29, 2013, 03:51:11 am
You act like most people do the above.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: KillerMongoose on April 29, 2013, 04:09:19 am
While it is true that we lost the war, I feel that it should be pointed out that the US was not defeated through military means. It was lack of support for the war at home that dealt the death blow.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on April 29, 2013, 04:15:19 am
While it is true that we lost the war, I feel that it should be pointed out that the US was not defeated through military means. It was lack of support for the war at home that dealt the death blow.

Yes I know, and it was a guerrilla war, so things changed significantly.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Skipper on April 29, 2013, 12:26:58 pm
Haha, it was a political war, a conscript war, a guerrilla war, a psychological war. Been doing this at school recently and is good watching Platoon over and over. The military defeat was obvious, the VietCong were using guerrilla tactics, they were ambushing the American soldiers who were fighting a conventional war, using punji and also by building huge tunnel networks underground. the most famous being Cu Chi which was an underground city so hidden that the Americans actually built a base on top of it (teach you not to use guerrilla like you did to us Brits). This lead to a psychological war as during the Tet offensive it seemed like the VC had an inexhaustible supply of troops and the Western soldiers felt like they would be killed in every step, especially because of punji, and the tunnels were terrifying, the tunnel rats who went down must have been brave. This also links to conscript war as most of the soldiers were lower class conscripts who did not want to be there, this lead to dampened morale. Some of them were psychopathic and they were given guns and drugs, this didn't turn out too well for some. A good example of this is Sergeant Barnes from Platoon. And finally it was political as the Americans kept making mistakes and making themselves look bad, the My Lai massacre lead to protests across the world, so did the bombing of Cambodia. Both to the US people, and the rest of the world. This war was lost on every front.


-My Dad (first commercial pilot into Vietnam, set up Vietnam airways, lived there for a bit)
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: TheBoberton on April 29, 2013, 01:20:56 pm
You know, it's pretty easy to win on a political front when you aren't held to the same standards as your enemy. Have you perhaps heard of the Massacre at Hue? Probably not, as the Americans didn't do it. And yet, there was no one to demonize the NVA troops, no one protesting their slaughter of thousands of unarmed civilians and POWs.. It's nigh impossible to win a war where your enemy has no comprehension of 'rules of engagement', because you simply cannot respond with anything resembling the same magnitude of brutality and ruthlessness.

And in the future, try to find sources that don't involve a movie from the 80s.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: KillerMongoose on April 29, 2013, 01:33:48 pm
You realize that the Tet Offensive was an American victory right? The vietnamese came out to play and got spanked. Yes they used very vicious guerrilla tactics however guerrilla tactics can only kill so many men over so much time. The only reason the Tet Offensive turned against the americans is because the population at home was surprised t hat they could launch such a big attack.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Skipper on April 29, 2013, 02:16:32 pm
I said it was part of psychological loss, they won but it was the turning point in the war and it made them feel like the VC had an endless supply of troops.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: kpetschulat on April 29, 2013, 02:58:46 pm
... in the future, try to find sources that don't involve a comical movie from the 80s.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Ililsa on April 29, 2013, 05:57:43 pm
I think what shocked me most about the Vietnam war is that American special forces Colonel who went rogue in Cambodia, he ended up living in a village where the natives believed he was a god. Pretty scary stuff.

Source: Apocalypse Now.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: kpetschulat on April 29, 2013, 05:59:54 pm
Source: Apocalypse Now.

Great movie... Lol.  ;D
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: munky-wunky on April 29, 2013, 06:01:31 pm
I think what shocked me most about the Vietnam war is that American special forces Colonel who went rogue in Cambodia, he ended up living in a village where the natives believed he was a god. Pretty scary stuff.

Source: Apocalypse Now.

o yea thats a most definitely good soure you got right there

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Allasaphore on April 29, 2013, 08:40:09 pm
Going to stop in briefly, to give my two cents. To generalize America, as the author of the OP's copied document did, is an erroneous practice that won't lead to a valid answer. However, it is reasonable to assume that some Americans think in such a manner. I have met a few, though they usually (usually) stop bleating after one asks them to read a book concerning the period.

So the behavior of a few is cause to create a thread titled to lead people to believe the author thinks every American thinks/acts so? Perhaps if I created a thread about those damn imperialist British, always complaining about their rebellious colonies, would that go over well with the large portion of the community that is British, but are by and large not imperialistic assholes?

You should reread what I typed. "To generalize America, as the author of the OP's copied document did, is an erroneous practice..."

To dull it down for you (because you clearly missed it the first time), it ISN'T okay to generalize people. I know they don't sell brains, but please make sure you know exactly what's being said before you make such a pointless comment.

With regards to Vietnam, we would never have been able to secure a long-standing victory there with conventional warfare. To be simple, it just wasn't possible...the fact that we had horrified viewers at home staunchly opposed to the war as well helped sound the death knells of our war effort.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: masterborn12 on May 05, 2013, 08:31:59 pm
guys can i say something who the hell cares ? 
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: kpetschulat on May 05, 2013, 11:05:52 pm
guys can i say something who the hell cares ?

Top quality thread contribution. You won an internet!

Your prize, inside...
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Allasaphore on May 05, 2013, 11:22:50 pm
guys can i say something who the hell cares ?

Apparently, quite a few people. It is the internet, though. Never underestimate the internet.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: masterborn12 on May 06, 2013, 05:07:01 pm
i dont ment to be rude but you guys are talking about something 70 years ago
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on May 06, 2013, 05:09:55 pm
i dont ment to be rude but you guys are talking about something 70 years ago


Where do you think you are? This is a history based forum.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: masterborn12 on May 06, 2013, 05:11:14 pm
ur ttalking about who the fuck contributed most all that matters is that WERE FUCKING lucky that hitler didnt won so you stfu
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on May 06, 2013, 05:12:06 pm
ur ttalking about who the fuck contributed most all that matters is that WERE FUCKING lucky that hitler didnt won so you stfu

You are so unintelligent it hurts to read your incoherent sentences.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Dekkers on May 06, 2013, 05:13:29 pm
Keep the peace in here ;)
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on May 06, 2013, 05:16:21 pm
Keep the peace in here ;)

Why'd you edit your post?
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Dekkers on May 06, 2013, 05:18:13 pm
Keep the peace in here ;)

Why'd you edit your post?

Ill be honest, didn't read back first time. And I change my mind allot  ::) Sorry  :-[
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Augy on May 06, 2013, 05:18:20 pm

The European campaign ended when the Allies, consisting of the British Empire, Free France, USA and the USSR forced the Axis forces back to Germany and eventually back to Berlin where Hilter killed himself in his command bunker.

The Asian campaign ended when the Americans dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Russian army attacked the Japanese in Manchuria roughly three months later.

Joint Effort like bro's, too bad they weren't ready to stay friends with our soviet comrades.

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Dekkers on May 06, 2013, 05:20:08 pm

The European campaign ended when the Allies, consisting of the British Empire, Free France, USA and the USSR forced the Axis forces back to Germany and eventually back to Berlin where Hilter killed himself in his command bunker.

The Asian campaign ended when the Americans dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Russian army attacked the Japanese in Manchuria roughly three months later.

Joint Effort like bro's, too bad they weren't ready to stay friends with our soviet comrades.

Btw, uhm. Japan quit the war not because of the bombs ;). They didn't really care about their civilians. They surrendered because the Soviets started to attack from the North. That in combination with the war going in the south of Japan (Against the USA) made them surrender ;).

Btw, what do you guys think: If America/Brittain etc. didn't attack from the West, could Russia have broken through?
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: kpetschulat on May 06, 2013, 05:25:59 pm
Btw, what do you guys think: If America/Brittain etc. didn't attack from the West, could Russia have broken through?

I'm sure they would have. Russia had what seemed to be an almost expendable supply of soldiers. They mustered millions, upon millions, upon millions of men. However, if it were not for the combined efforts for the Allies in the European theater, I assure you, the Siege of Berlin would have ended in utter annihilation of the Russian forces. Germany would have had so many men to spare to fight as a defense force.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on May 06, 2013, 05:29:55 pm
Btw, what do you guys think: If America/Brittain etc. didn't attack from the West, could Russia have broken through?

I'm sure they would have. Russia had what seemed to be an almost expendable supply of soldiers. They mustered millions, upon millions, upon millions of men. However, if it were not for the combined efforts for the Allies in the European theater, I assure you, the Siege of Berlin would have ended in utter annihilation of the Russian forces. Germany would have had so many men to spare to fight as a defense force.

I really don't think Russia would have been able to break through the German forces without the help of the allies on the western front. If Germany were not fighting a two-front war they would have been able to focus their power completely on the eastern front, and while the Russians had an almost endless supply of manpower they did not have the supplies or training to fight an enemy like the Germans. A huge reason the Russians were able to break through the German lines was because of the failed German offensive, but one reason the German offensive failed was because they were pressed on two fronts and they could not afford to carry out a prolonged winter war. If the Germans were not pressed on the western front they could have afforded to send fresh troops and supplies to the eastern front and their invasion could possibly have succeeded.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Augy on May 06, 2013, 05:31:11 pm
The Japanese high command was ready to surrender, the nuclear bombings were totally unneccesary.

The Soviet Union was winning the ground war pretty much on its own till the 1944 Normandy Landings, maybe 1943 with the Italy campaign being a minor nuissance to the Axis.

Stalin however knew he probably couldn't win alone so he urged the British and Americans for a Western front for years.

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on May 06, 2013, 05:35:01 pm
The Japanese high command was ready to surrender, the nuclear bombings were totally unneccesary.

The Soviet Union was winning the ground war pretty much on its own till the 1944 Normandy Landings, maybe 1943 with the Italy campaign being a minor nuissance to the Axis.

Japanese high command was ready to surrender on the condition that they would have been able to keep the emperor in power. This would have created problems later down the line.

And the soviet union was winning the ground war in that they repelled the Nazi invasion. They regained most of their occupied land but they did not manage to push into German territory until they got much needed support from the allies on the opposite front.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Augy on May 06, 2013, 05:36:03 pm
Exactly man
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on May 06, 2013, 05:37:10 pm
Exactly man

Not exactly. I disagree that the nuclear bombings were unnecessary because the Japanese would not have agreed to an unconditional surrender without them.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: masterborn12 on May 06, 2013, 05:39:31 pm
what did i say wrong im saying thats its stupid to argue which country contributed the most everyone contributed well
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Duuring on May 06, 2013, 05:42:50 pm
And the soviet union was winning the ground war in that they repelled the Nazi invasion. They regained most of their occupied land but they did not manage to push into German territory until they got much needed support from the allies on the opposite front.

It must be said that it was Stalin himself who kept pushing and asking for a second (western) front.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Augy on May 06, 2013, 06:00:20 pm
Exactly man

Not exactly. I disagree that the nuclear bombings were unnecessary because the Japanese would not have agreed to an unconditional surrender without them.

aside from that, it was also a major message to Stalin.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on May 06, 2013, 06:24:38 pm
The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were totally needed for the inconditional surrender of Japan in the Second World War. You all lads can have that for sure, otherwise the war could have lasted a couple of years more until the surrender of Japan, that means, more unnecessary bloodshed.

Anyone who disagree to this is either a hippie or a silly idealist.


von Bismarck

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Menelaos on May 06, 2013, 06:39:03 pm
Or the pressure of the soviets would have led them to surrender..
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Augy on May 06, 2013, 07:00:55 pm
Throughout most of World War 2, the United States and Britain were fighting ten German Divisions combined. The Soviets were fighting 200.
The United States lost about 300,000 people in combat, 400,000 overall, which was terrible but the Ruskies lost 27 million of their people.

There's a good reason Churchill says it was the Russians who tore the guts out of the German army, and Roosevelt recognized that, and Americans at the time recognized it which is partly why the Soviets were viewed so positively in the United States and by American people during World War 2.

Its part of the reason why there was a possibility for post-war friendship and collaboration as Henry Wallace and Roosevelt envisioned after the war and as Stalin desperately hoped for.

The whole Russian vision after the war was based upon this idea that the United States and the Soviets would remain allies.
That was essential for Stalin' political dreams aswell for his economical vision of how you rebuild the Soviet Economy, which was devastated.

Or the pressure of the soviets would have led them to surrender..

Aye, the Japanese armed forces was already crumbling there.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Menelaos on May 07, 2013, 06:56:21 pm
I don't understand why the atomic bomb is classified as a an unconditional civilian killer, I'd like to actually would like to find out how many Chinese died in firebombs and pillage compared to two bombs.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Landrik on May 07, 2013, 09:06:02 pm
I'm sure plenty more died in the Tokyo fire raids and Dresden fire bombings than what was the final death toll for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs, both being industrial cities.

It was more of the idea. One little plane sneaking in and dropping one bomb as opposed to an air fleet dropping thousands. A very political weapon, even today.

Also, at first the topic heading was understood. Now I think OP is just trying to piss me off.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: masterborn12 on May 07, 2013, 09:19:14 pm
its not about how many died its that they used a nuke which is a mass killer bomb and it was the first of its kind. now the world got advanced nukes which can contaminate the area for 100k years. so nothing will ever grrow there and its dangerous. at this point defending america is very stupid as they invented a bomb that might make an end for humanity thanks usa
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on May 07, 2013, 09:52:24 pm
its not about how many died its that they used a nuke which is a mass killer bomb and it was the first of its kind. now the world got advanced nukes which can contaminate the area for 100k years. so nothing will ever grrow there and its dangerous. at this point defending america is very stupid as they invented a bomb that might make an end for humanity thanks usa

Actually the USA stole scientists from Germany who were in the process of researching an atomic weapon and we used their knowledge to make one of our own. So thanks Germans!
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on May 07, 2013, 09:56:45 pm
its not about how many died its that they used a nuke which is a mass killer bomb and it was the first of its kind. now the world got advanced nukes which can contaminate the area for 100k years. so nothing will ever grrow there and its dangerous. at this point defending america is very stupid as they invented a bomb that might make an end for humanity thanks usa

Oh... such a naive child. If america didn't invented the nuclear bomb then it could be Germany, if the germans didn't invented the nuclear bomb then perhaps the british or the soviets could have invented it. It was just question of time until someone created the bomb.

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Jocam on May 08, 2013, 12:18:45 pm
If America OR Germany hadn't invented it, another country, eventually, would have.
It's just a matter of time.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Menelaos on May 08, 2013, 02:30:29 pm
Clearly the Germans could only use hydrogen for their balloons.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: KillerMongoose on May 08, 2013, 03:00:26 pm
Clearly the Germans could only use hydrogen for their balloons.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: masterborn12 on May 08, 2013, 04:26:59 pm
still my point is that nukes are dangerous
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on May 08, 2013, 04:29:18 pm
still my point is that nukes are dangerous

And what point are you trying to make by making the point that nukes are dangerous? Nukes are indeed dangerous, thank you.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Augy on May 08, 2013, 04:32:47 pm
Nukes will wake up Godzilla.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on May 08, 2013, 04:37:33 pm
Nukes will wake up Godzilla.

Don't scare me so early in the morning :'(
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: KillerMongoose on May 08, 2013, 04:50:38 pm
Nobody will ever use a nuke on another country and here's why.

Mutually assured destruction. If I go down we all go down. Nobody would ever launch a nuke because if they do then they know that they're bound to get twice as many fired back at them.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Duuring on May 08, 2013, 05:20:48 pm
Nobody will ever use a nuke on another country and here's why.

Mutually assured destruction. If I go down we all go down. Nobody would ever launch a nuke because if they do then they know that they're bound to get twice as many fired back at them.

Yes, in the cold war. In WWII, someone was bound to be the first and only maker of nuclear bombs. Just imagine what would have happened if the Germans had made it.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on May 08, 2013, 05:31:41 pm
Nobody will ever use a nuke on another country and here's why.

Mutually assured destruction. If I go down we all go down. Nobody would ever launch a nuke because if they do then they know that they're bound to get twice as many fired back at them.

Yes, in the cold war. In WWII, someone was bound to be the first and only maker of nuclear bombs. Just imagine what would have happened if the Germans had made it.

They would have sent it to London most likely. It would have ended the same way that it did when the Americans got it, except reversed. Of course more people would have cared if it was dropped on London. Eurocentrism at its finest.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Duuring on May 08, 2013, 05:36:01 pm
I think the USA would have been a far more logical decision. Without US, UK would have presumably given up anyway, and it's further away.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Augy on May 08, 2013, 05:37:38 pm
 by December 1942, it was already apparent that the German nuclear energy project would not make a decisive contribution to ending the German war effort.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Duuring on May 08, 2013, 05:39:35 pm
Yes, and three days before Pearl harbour the US admiral said their navy would never be caught be a surprise attack.

What they said and thought has very little to do with actual facts.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on May 08, 2013, 06:00:09 pm
Yes, and three days before Pearl harbour the US admiral said their navy would never be caught be a surprise attack.

What they said and thought has very little to do with actual facts.
What can you expect? Those japs are sneaky.

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Skipper on May 09, 2013, 05:01:24 pm
I think the USA would have been a far more logical decision. Without US, UK would have presumably given up anyway, and it's further away.

This is a good example of what the thread was about! The Nazi's had given up on Britain as their only effective tactic, Blitzkrieg, had failed in the sky's against the RAF, the Luftwaffe were meant to clear a path for the heavy vehicles to go in but this island will hold no matter what is thrown at it.

Also In north Africa the Nazi's had been defeated by the British. And in Malta the people held against the constant Italian air attacks and remained loyal to Britain.

Britain would not give up, D-Day was already being planned and Churchill was a very powerful figure who made sure the British people did not give up.

America did contribute greatly, together Britain and USA defeated a lot of Nazi's but the real heroes were the Soviets.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on May 09, 2013, 05:09:56 pm
I think the USA would have been a far more logical decision. Without US, UK would have presumably given up anyway, and it's further away.

This is a good example of what the thread was about! The Nazi's had given up on Britain as their only effective tactic, Blitzkrieg, had failed in the sky's against the RAF, the Luftwaffe were meant to clear a path for the heavy vehicles to go in but this island will hold no matter what is thrown at it.

Also In north Africa the Nazi's had been defeated by the British. And in Malta the people held against the constant Italian air attacks and remained loyal to Britain.

Britain would not give up, D-Day was already being planned and Churchill was a very powerful figure who made sure the British people did not give up.

America did contribute greatly, together Britain and USA defeated a lot of Nazi's but the real heroes were the Soviets.

Everyone in the allies contributed to the defeat of the axis. That's the point of our argument.
The soviets lost a terrible number of soldiers and civilians in the war but they didn't fought the war alone, it was a joint war where everyone contributed.

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on May 09, 2013, 05:12:25 pm
I think the USA would have been a far more logical decision. Without US, UK would have presumably given up anyway, and it's further away.

This is a good example of what the thread was about! The Nazi's had given up on Britain as their only effective tactic, Blitzkrieg, had failed in the sky's against the RAF, the Luftwaffe were meant to clear a path for the heavy vehicles to go in but this island will hold no matter what is thrown at it.

Also In north Africa the Nazi's had been defeated by the British. And in Malta the people held against the constant Italian air attacks and remained loyal to Britain.

Britain would not give up, D-Day was already being planned and Churchill was a very powerful figure who made sure the British people did not give up.

America did contribute greatly, together Britain and USA defeated a lot of Nazi's but the real heroes were the Soviets.

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Skipper on May 09, 2013, 05:59:38 pm
I think the USA would have been a far more logical decision. Without US, UK would have presumably given up anyway, and it's further away.

This is a good example of what the thread was about! The Nazi's had given up on Britain as their only effective tactic, Blitzkrieg, had failed in the sky's against the RAF, the Luftwaffe were meant to clear a path for the heavy vehicles to go in but this island will hold no matter what is thrown at it.

Also In north Africa the Nazi's had been defeated by the British. And in Malta the people held against the constant Italian air attacks and remained loyal to Britain.

Britain would not give up, D-Day was already being planned and Churchill was a very powerful figure who made sure the British people did not give up.

America did contribute greatly, together Britain and USA defeated a lot of Nazi's but the real heroes were the Soviets.


You know what I mean.

I think the USA would have been a far more logical decision. Without US, UK would have presumably given up anyway, and it's further away.

This is a good example of what the thread was about! The Nazi's had given up on Britain as their only effective tactic, Blitzkrieg, had failed in the sky's against the RAF, the Luftwaffe were meant to clear a path for the heavy vehicles to go in but this island will hold no matter what is thrown at it.

Also In north Africa the Nazi's had been defeated by the British. And in Malta the people held against the constant Italian air attacks and remained loyal to Britain.

Britain would not give up, D-Day was already being planned and Churchill was a very powerful figure who made sure the British people did not give up.

America did contribute greatly, together Britain and USA defeated a lot of Nazi's but the real heroes were the Soviets.

Everyone in the allies contributed to the defeat of the axis. That's the point of our argument.
The soviets lost a terrible number of soldiers and civilians in the war but they didn't fought the war alone, it was a joint war where everyone contributed.

That's what I said... America did contribute greatly, together Britain and USA defeated a lot of Nazi's But I am implying the Soviets killed more, i'm not pro Soviet or anything. In-fact on cRPG forums someone decided to call me a "British Nationalistic Retard" :L
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on May 09, 2013, 06:29:19 pm
I think the USA would have been a far more logical decision. Without US, UK would have presumably given up anyway, and it's further away.

This is a good example of what the thread was about! The Nazi's had given up on Britain as their only effective tactic, Blitzkrieg, had failed in the sky's against the RAF, the Luftwaffe were meant to clear a path for the heavy vehicles to go in but this island will hold no matter what is thrown at it.

Also In north Africa the Nazi's had been defeated by the British. And in Malta the people held against the constant Italian air attacks and remained loyal to Britain.

Britain would not give up, D-Day was already being planned and Churchill was a very powerful figure who made sure the British people did not give up.

America did contribute greatly, together Britain and USA defeated a lot of Nazi's but the real heroes were the Soviets.


You know what I mean.

I think the USA would have been a far more logical decision. Without US, UK would have presumably given up anyway, and it's further away.

This is a good example of what the thread was about! The Nazi's had given up on Britain as their only effective tactic, Blitzkrieg, had failed in the sky's against the RAF, the Luftwaffe were meant to clear a path for the heavy vehicles to go in but this island will hold no matter what is thrown at it.

Also In north Africa the Nazi's had been defeated by the British. And in Malta the people held against the constant Italian air attacks and remained loyal to Britain.

Britain would not give up, D-Day was already being planned and Churchill was a very powerful figure who made sure the British people did not give up.

America did contribute greatly, together Britain and USA defeated a lot of Nazi's but the real heroes were the Soviets.

Everyone in the allies contributed to the defeat of the axis. That's the point of our argument.
The soviets lost a terrible number of soldiers and civilians in the war but they didn't fought the war alone, it was a joint war where everyone contributed.

 But I am implying the Soviets killed more, i'm not pro Soviet or anything. In-fact on cRPG forums someone decided to call me a "British Nationalistic Retard" :L

And then again the axis powers inflicted more casualties to the allies but however they lost the war. Why was that? A couple of countries can not defeat the entire world and due to the devastating effects of the war, the german economy was collapsing and therefore no one was satisfied.


Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Walko on May 09, 2013, 08:39:39 pm
its not about how many died its that they used a nuke which is a mass killer bomb and it was the first of its kind. now the world got advanced nukes which can contaminate the area for 100k years. so nothing will ever grrow there and its dangerous. at this point defending america is very stupid as they invented a bomb that might make an end for humanity thanks usa

I guess capitalization and punctation are optional where you live. Besides that, what are you talking about? Could you please show me evidence of a atomic weapon that irradiates an area for 100,000 years? As far as I know, that doesn't exist. This leads me to the end of your statement, "at this point defending america is very stupid as they invented a bomb that might make an end for humanity thanks usa". What? What does that even mean?
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Jocam on May 09, 2013, 08:42:56 pm
its not about how many died its that they used a nuke which is a mass killer bomb and it was the first of its kind. now the world got advanced nukes which can contaminate the area for 100k years. so nothing will ever grrow there and its dangerous. at this point defending america is very stupid as they invented a bomb that might make an end for humanity thanks usa

I guess capitalization and punctation are optional where you live. Besides that, what are you talking about? Could you please show me evidence of a atomic weapon that irradiates an area for 100,000 years? As far as I know, that doesn't exist. This leads me to the end of your statement, "at this point defending america is very stupid as they invented a bomb that might make an end for humanity thanks usa". What? What does that even mean?

Tsernobyl, it's very well possible that a bomb may do the same.

Now, there is a difference between supidity, and bravoury. Sovjet (mostly officers) were of the stupid kind.

And, Walko, it does seem like you haven't got anything useful to say, when your first sentence is a grammar statement.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Allasaphore on May 10, 2013, 12:28:08 am
Let's just try to look at this from an unemotional perspective. Numbers and facts argue much better than opinions and whims.

This has been my attempt to prevent future derailment. Good day.

On another note, if anyone does tell you this, direct them to the nearest book on the Eastern Front of WWII.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: masterborn12 on May 10, 2013, 10:57:00 am
i made a mistake but im not completely wrong  first off the chernobyl accident will take 48k years before the radiation is removed. Its still a long time
And second of all the reason why Usa detonated that bomb was to show that they were the greatest and the biggest. And walko i think ur the first one that didnt realiase that i was sarcastic congratulations. what i was meaning is that thank you usa its ur fault that u made the bomb that will kill millions or maybe billions.

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Walko on May 10, 2013, 04:03:21 pm
i made a mistake but i'm not completely wrong  first off the chernobyl accident will take 48k years before the radiation is removed. Its still a long time
And second of all the reason why Usa detonated that bomb was to show that they were the greatest and the biggest. And walko i think ur the first one that didnt realiase that i was sarcastic congratulations. what i was meaning is that thank you usa its ur fault that u made the bomb that will kill millions or maybe billions.

Source on Chernobyl please? Well, I believe the reason the United States dropped the bomb was to prevent a land invasion of Japan. This operation was to be called  Operation Downfall. Many Americans hypothesized that the land invasion of Japan would cost almost half a million men (Lauris Norstad, Joint Chiefs,  William Shockley). The Japanese were ready to fight to the death for their homeland. In 1945 they established the "volunteer Fighting Corps" as a sort of civilian defense units. These were women, children, and others, ready to fight to the death for Nihon. On top of that, the Japanese had thousands of Kamikaze fighters (~10,000 I think?). The American's wanted to end the war, but did not want to invade japan, for all of the reasons stated above. President Truman made the choice to drop fat man and little boy. This killed 200,000 people a great loss of life, and a great sadness, but It was either destroy two cities and 200,000 people, or loose 500,000 American lives, plus hundreds of thousands of Japanese soldiers, plus millions of civilians, and destroying the country completely. There was no easy choice but I believe America made the right one.

Sources: ( ( (

Maybe you should know what you are talking about before you make blanket statements.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: masterborn12 on May 10, 2013, 04:09:11 pm
i read it on a book and chernobyl was an accident it wasnt a bomb
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on May 10, 2013, 04:16:57 pm
i read it on a book and chernobyl was an accident it wasnt a bomb

Your reading comprehension is extremely weak, when he said "bomb" he was refering to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki not Chernobyl.

Source on Chernobyl please? Well, I believe the reason the United States dropped the bomb was to prevent a land invasion of Japan.
Maybe you should know what you are talking about before you make blanket statements.

Come back when you learn to make reasonable arguments.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: TORN on May 10, 2013, 04:21:45 pm
^^ i've yet to see something usefull coming from you.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: joer5835 on May 10, 2013, 04:22:29 pm
The US dropped the bombs on japan because they feared invading the mainland would cause the Japanese forces to fight themm till the death. It probably would have cost many, many lives more and alot of time to fight. Personally, I would hate to be facing such a question, because both ways means you will kill so many people......about what exactly?
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Skipper on May 10, 2013, 05:03:04 pm
Let's just try to look at this from an unemotional perspective. Numbers and facts argue much better than opinions and whims.

This has been my attempt to prevent future derailment. Good day.

On another note, if anyone does tell you this, direct them to the nearest book on the Eastern Front of WWII.

I'm afraid we don't want this World War 3 to end. Stop trying to end it. Speaking of which you are not arguing so bad now, someone argue.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Landrik on May 10, 2013, 05:55:24 pm
thank you usa its ur fault that u made the bomb that will kill millions or maybe billions.

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Menelaos on May 10, 2013, 06:50:25 pm
Developing cancer trying to comprehend the italics and ignorance.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on May 10, 2013, 06:57:22 pm
Developing cancer trying to comprehend the italics and ignorance.

This reply is hilarious, I was only correcting Masterborn's error so I don't know what you mean by "ignorance".

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: TheBoberton on May 10, 2013, 07:07:30 pm
Developing cancer trying to comprehend the italics and ignorance.

I've had cancer for quite some time, due to the simply laughable state of some of the community's historical knowledge, so don't worry; you're not alone.

This reply is hilarious, I was only correcting Masterborn's error so I don't know what you mean by "ignorance".

I don't think he was referring to your posts when he mentioned ignorance. (Though I might be wrong.)
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on May 10, 2013, 07:15:16 pm
This reply is hilarious, I was only correcting Masterborn's error so I don't know what you mean by "ignorance".

I don't think he was referring to your posts when he mentioned ignorance. (Though I might be wrong.)

Perhaps. It's easy to misunderstand when one is writing instead of talking.

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Walko on May 10, 2013, 08:28:38 pm
i read it on a book and chernobyl was an accident it wasnt a bomb

Your reading comprehension is extremely weak, when he said "bomb" he was refering to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki not Chernobyl.

Source on Chernobyl please? Well, I believe the reason the United States dropped the bomb was to prevent a land invasion of Japan.
Maybe you should know what you are talking about before you make blanket statements.

Come back when you learn to make reasonable arguments.

What do you mean? I thought my argument was rather reasonable.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on May 10, 2013, 08:33:12 pm
i read it on a book and chernobyl was an accident it wasnt a bomb

Your reading comprehension is extremely weak, when he said "bomb" he was refering to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki not Chernobyl.

Source on Chernobyl please? Well, I believe the reason the United States dropped the bomb was to prevent a land invasion of Japan.
Maybe you should know what you are talking about before you make blanket statements.

Come back when you learn to make reasonable arguments.

What do you mean? I thought my argument was rather reasonable.

Jesus christ.. I was talking to Masterborn not you, Walko.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: masterborn12 on May 10, 2013, 08:58:50 pm
its funny that u quote walko just sayin
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on May 10, 2013, 09:17:00 pm

I find this appropiate for the moment...

its funny that u quote walko just sayin
Top quality thread contribution.

If you don't understand the irony you should go to the doctor.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on May 10, 2013, 09:21:52 pm
And I am not going to reply to you anymore. since I could find more intelligent arguments from a brick than from you.

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: masterborn12 on May 10, 2013, 09:44:23 pm
whatever wannabe smartass
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: McEwan on May 10, 2013, 09:51:49 pm
Keep the discussion, on topic, about the topic (not people), and keep it respectful. This is the last warning.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Tucky on May 10, 2013, 10:57:45 pm
I think the USA would have been a far more logical decision. Without US, UK would have presumably given up anyway, and it's further away.

This is a good example of what the thread was about! The Nazi's had given up on Britain as their only effective tactic, Blitzkrieg, had failed in the sky's against the RAF, the Luftwaffe were meant to clear a path for the heavy vehicles to go in but this island will hold no matter what is thrown at it.

Also In north Africa the Nazi's had been defeated by the British. And in Malta the people held against the constant Italian air attacks and remained loyal to Britain.

Britain would not give up, D-Day was already being planned and Churchill was a very powerful figure who made sure the British people did not give up.

America did contribute greatly, together Britain and USA defeated a lot of Nazi's but the real heroes were the Soviets.


Your countries troops weren't so nice either.

- Canicattì Massacre: At least 8 unarmed Italian civilians killed by US troops. One of the civilians being an 11 year old girl.

- Dachau Massacre: Around 123 German POWs executed at the Dachau concentration camp.


- Biscari Massacre: Two instances of mass murder, killing roughly 75 POWs at Biscari.

- Operation Teardrop: Captured crewmen from the sunk German submarine, the U-546, were tortured by US Military Personnel.

-  After the Malmedy massacre, a written order from the HQ of the 328th US Army Infantry Regiment stated that: No SS troops or paratroopers will be taken prisoner but will be shot on sight.

Major-General Raymond Hufft gave instructions to his men to not take prisoners when they cross the Rhine in 1945. Later on after the war, he reflected on the war crimes he authorized, saying: 'if the Germans had won, I would have been on trial at Nuremberg instead of them.'

Stephen Ambrose also said "I've interviewed well over 1000 combat veterans. Only one of them said he shot a prisoner... Perhaps as many as one-third of the veterans...however, related incidents in which they saw other GIs shooting unarmed German prisoners who had their hands up."

- The town of Audouville-la-Hubert was the scene of a murder of around 30 disarmed POWs by American paratroopers in 1944. It is strongly believed that it was the 101st Airborne Division.

- Wartime films only made public in 2006, show that American GIs committed over 400 sexual offenses, including 126 rapes in England, between 1942 and 1945.

 Also, a study by Robert J. Lilly estimates that a total of 14,000 civilian women in England, France and Germany were raped by American  GIs during the Second World War.

Oh, yeah, that was only in Europe.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on May 10, 2013, 11:06:45 pm
We can agree that both factions committed war crimes. That happened  in all of the wars and will keep happening, either as an strategy or as the beast that is in every human being.

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Augy on May 10, 2013, 11:17:17 pm
Although the nuclear bombings were certainly a factor in Japanese surrender but the reason they surrendered was because of the Russian invasion of Japan which was going on simultaneously.

It was done to send a message to Stalin.

And the other reason why they didnt open a second front earlier was because Churchil didn't want it because he was reacquiring their british colonies.

Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Duuring on May 11, 2013, 12:06:30 am
Although the nuclear bombings were certainly a factor in Japanese surrender but the reason they surrendered was because of the Russian invasion of Japan which was going on simultaneously.

It was done to send a message to Stalin.

And the other reason why they didnt open a second front earlier was because Churchil didn't want it because he was reacquiring their british colonies.

It was the emperor himself who decided to surrender, overruling most of his ministers who still wanted to fight on. So it can be considered a deciding factor.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Walko on May 11, 2013, 01:44:47 am
Although the nuclear bombings were certainly a factor in Japanese surrender but the reason they surrendered was because of the Russian invasion of Japan which was going on simultaneously.

It was done to send a message to Stalin.

And the other reason why they didnt open a second front earlier was because Churchil didn't want it because he was reacquiring their british colonies.

I think the inter-allied relationships during WW2 were very interesting :P.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Rival Ze GOD on May 12, 2013, 09:16:37 pm

Please read my post above.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Menelaos on May 14, 2013, 05:38:53 am
And the other reason why they didnt open a second front earlier was because Churchil didn't want it because he was reacquiring their british colonies.

What? I'm pretty sure early war they gave up military bases for old ships for a reason. What was the mindset in maintaining colonies if it was going to be lost eventually?
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on May 14, 2013, 04:31:00 pm
And the other reason why they didnt open a second front earlier was because Churchil didn't want it because he was reacquiring their british colonies.

 What was the mindset in maintaining colonies if it was going to be lost eventually?

Resources, prestige, strategic positions for the war.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on May 14, 2013, 04:36:41 pm
I think the USA would have been a far more logical decision. Without US, UK would have presumably given up anyway, and it's further away.

This is a good example of what the thread was about! The Nazi's had given up on Britain as their only effective tactic, Blitzkrieg, had failed in the sky's against the RAF, the Luftwaffe were meant to clear a path for the heavy vehicles to go in but this island will hold no matter what is thrown at it.

Also In north Africa the Nazi's had been defeated by the British. And in Malta the people held against the constant Italian air attacks and remained loyal to Britain.

Britain would not give up, D-Day was already being planned and Churchill was a very powerful figure who made sure the British people did not give up.

America did contribute greatly, together Britain and USA defeated a lot of Nazi's but the real heroes were the Soviets.


Your countries troops weren't so nice either.

- Canicattì Massacre: At least 8 unarmed Italian civilians killed by US troops. One of the civilians being an 11 year old girl.

- Dachau Massacre: Around 123 German POWs executed at the Dachau concentration camp.


- Biscari Massacre: Two instances of mass murder, killing roughly 75 POWs at Biscari.

- Operation Teardrop: Captured crewmen from the sunk German submarine, the U-546, were tortured by US Military Personnel.

-  After the Malmedy massacre, a written order from the HQ of the 328th US Army Infantry Regiment stated that: No SS troops or paratroopers will be taken prisoner but will be shot on sight.

Major-General Raymond Hufft gave instructions to his men to not take prisoners when they cross the Rhine in 1945. Later on after the war, he reflected on the war crimes he authorized, saying: 'if the Germans had won, I would have been on trial at Nuremberg instead of them.'

Stephen Ambrose also said "I've interviewed well over 1000 combat veterans. Only one of them said he shot a prisoner... Perhaps as many as one-third of the veterans...however, related incidents in which they saw other GIs shooting unarmed German prisoners who had their hands up."

- The town of Audouville-la-Hubert was the scene of a murder of around 30 disarmed POWs by American paratroopers in 1944. It is strongly believed that it was the 101st Airborne Division.

- Wartime films only made public in 2006, show that American GIs committed over 400 sexual offenses, including 126 rapes in England, between 1942 and 1945.

 Also, a study by Robert J. Lilly estimates that a total of 14,000 civilian women in England, France and Germany were raped by American  GIs during the Second World War.

Oh, yeah, that was only in Europe.

Yes, that's war for you. Soviet War crimes far surpassed any other allied powers' warcrimes though. Read this:

A wave of rapes and sexual violence occurred in Central Europe in 1944–45, as the Western Allies and the Red Army fought their way into the Third Reich.[1] On the territory of the Nazi Germany, it began on 21 October 1944 when troops of the Red Army crossed the bridge over the Angerapp creek (marking the border) and committed the Nemmersdorf massacre before they were beaten back a few hours later.

The majority of the assaults were committed in the Soviet occupation zone; estimates of the numbers of German women raped by Soviet soldiers range from the tens of thousands to 2 million.[2][3][4][5][6] In many cases women were the victims of repeated rapes, some as many as 60 to 70 times.[7] At least 100,000 women are believed to have been raped in Berlin, based on surging abortion rates in the following months and contemporary hospital reports,[4] with an estimated 10,000 women dying in the aftermath.[8] Female deaths in connection with the rapes in Germany, overall, are estimated at 240,000.[9][10]Antony Beevor describes it as the "greatest phenomenon of mass rape in history", and has concluded that at least 1.4 million women were raped in East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia alone.[11]
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Skipper on May 14, 2013, 08:26:06 pm
What about the Nazi war crimes:

And of course the holocaust, this may not be considered a war crime but the national socialists only got away with it because of the war.

I am not posting any links on the holocaust for respectful reasons.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Nipplestockings on May 14, 2013, 09:06:15 pm
I was talking about war crimes amongst the Allied powers. Of course Nazi war crimes surpass them all.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Riddlez on May 14, 2013, 11:16:29 pm
Will make a statenent here, in seriousness:

Riddlez already claricied he also likes philosophy.
He is of the opinion that all subjects are to be discussed, not judged.

Why would the holocaust be an exception?
It wouldn't, though Riddlez thinks this particular matter must be discussed in a civilised manner,
 And Riddlez os of the opinion that that mightn't be possible here.

Even so, there are quite a few things which may very well be some explanetions as of why it happended.though take note: no excuses and justifying reasons.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: von_Bismarck on May 14, 2013, 11:21:05 pm
Will make a statenent here, in seriousness:

Riddlez already claricied he also likes philosophy.

I will not be harsh with you because I like philosophy as well.
But edit that "statenent", please.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Riddlez on May 14, 2013, 11:23:17 pm
Will make a statenent here, in seriousness:

Riddlez already claricied he also likes philosophy.

I will not be harsh with you because I like philosophy as well.
But edit that "statenent", please.

That's awkward, but with statement, Riddlez meant his entire post.

off topic remark
Bugger this iPod keyboard
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Duuring on May 15, 2013, 12:35:42 am
You know, if you'd stop talking in third person, people might take you a whole lot more serious.
Title: Re: A rant about Americans that think they won everything - Written by yahoo answers
Post by: Skipper on May 15, 2013, 01:12:59 am
Or maybe understand what you are blabbing about O_O