Author Topic: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]  (Read 3476 times)

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Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« Reply #15 on: November 20, 2023, 12:29:12 am »
Looks very nice

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« Reply #16 on: November 20, 2023, 12:31:15 am »

Just dropping this in here since I didn't see a message from Nasse yet

[KSA] Åbo will be bringing 6-7 players into this event and co-operating with Svea on this. We will likely spread our players between cavalry and infantry. Sorry this is not in official form its just very late here and I'm now going to bed  :'(
Hi mate - the numbers assigned to Svea are set in stone at the moment (6 total) but can be expanded at a later date - this would need to coincide with a boost of players to France aswell as this would de-stabilise the player balance of the event. if the occasion called for it in the meantime the additional players beyond 6 could fill the spots of garrisons if they require standing in for during an event :) hope that makes sense if not just PM so we can chat!

Offline LastSpartan

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Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2023, 10:05:16 pm »
Name:  LastSpartan
Steam ID:
Class:  Infantry OR Light infantry
Faction:  ANY

I have read and understood the rules. I'll play any infantry, light infantry or garrison on ANY faction. Hook me up up any time anywhere  8)
Åbo = Turku

Offline nickmanVonWestfalia

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Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2023, 02:24:23 am »
CO Name:  nickman von Westfalia
CO Steam ID:

Brigade du Grand-Duché de Clèves-Berg

CO Name:  nickman von Westfalia
CO Steam ID:
Regiment:  1er Regt d' Infanterie du Grand-duché de Berg
Class: Infantry
Number of Companies: 2
Faction: Rheinbund / France

CO Name:  conner
CO Steam ID:
Regiment:  Chevau-légers du Grand-duché de Berg
Class: Cavalry
Number of Companies: 2
Faction: Rheinbund / France

Ps. We hope to participate in division strength in the future
« Last Edit: November 25, 2023, 10:02:56 pm by nickmanVonWestfalia »

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Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2023, 04:20:14 am »

Campaign Map  |  Troop Organisation  |  Weekly Schedule  |  Movement  |  Engagements
Skirmishes  |  Battles  |  Victory Conditions  |  Scripts & Credits  |  Sign-up


Welcome to the Napoleonic Wars Campaign Event, coordinated here on FSE, played in commander battle and hosted by the 33rd Regiment of Foot. For this event the details of the campaign and the movements of each factions troops will be recorded on a separate thread (link above), whilst sign-ups and conversation regarding the rules will take place here. The idea is to pitch organised groups of players against eachother in an interesting way, as all players will be assigned to larger battle groups which must work together as bot counts per player will be relatively small. Individual actions & battles will be fought in Commander battle mode on NW when troops come into contact on the campaign map. Each player signed up will represent a small company of men, which are then organised into larger groups to make up each factions forces.


1.1 - Sign-ups can be as little as a single player or as large as a Division, when the event starts troops will be organised into the following denominations:
.....Companies, individual players
..........Battalions, infantry groups of 2-4 companies*
..........Squadrons, Cavalry groups of 2-4 companies*
..........Batteries, Artillery groups of 2-4 artillery pieces*
...............Divisions, Mixed groups of 3-6 Battalions/Squadrons/Batteries
....................Corps, Mixed groups of 2-3 Divisions
(*referred to in short as Battle groups)

1.2  Infantry Battalion sign-ups can include a light company who can skirmish if they are at full compliment (4 companies/players).

1.3  Cavalry squadron sign-ups please keep the ratio between Lights and Heavies 1:1, same goes for Infantry in relation to Footguard Battalions.

1.4  Company players will be ranked as Captains, Battle group commanders as Majors/Colonels, Division commanders as Generals and Corp commanders ranked as Field Marshals.

1.5  For group sign-ups we do not require rosters with named players; The number assigned to each group must be exact however so that when that group participates in a battle the regiment or group of people responsible knows how many players it can bring along at maximum. These players do not have to be the same everytime. We simply request that if a regiment is signing up  that they sign-up with a total number they feel they are likely to be able to field on the event day.

2.1 On the campaign map (fse) each week will represent a turn of play for each team, both having the opportunity move.

2.2  Friday - Sunday: Commanders communicate the moves of their divisions/battle groups.

2.3  Monday: Moves and resulting engagements for that week announced on thread and groupchat.

2.4  Thursday: Event day where @19:00UK all engagements will be played if possible. If your battle groups are not in action you can stand-in for any available garrisons instead or take a week out of the fighting.


3.1  The smallest denominations of troop that can maneuver independently are Battle groups (Battalions/Squadrons/Batteries).

3.2  All troop types can move two territories per turn, however if the first territory of their move causes an engagement then they must stop in that territory.

3.3  If two opposing, adjacent armies intend to move into each others territories, then the force with the greater numbers moves and the other does not; ie. the army with the lower numbers gets to defend and does not move.

3.4  Troops that have not moved (or forced not to move) during a turn are considered to have had time to prepare their defences and are considered 'fortified'. Defenders who are fortified may also choose to spring an ambush for the first round if they wish. In subsequent rounds they can revert to using their defences.

3.5  Some territories also have their own dedicated garrison (marked by crossed muskets - forts also have them) that cannot move; if the territory is attacked then any of the players on the defending faction can choose to stand-in for these units during a battle. They will not take casualties and are available to use by whichever faction controls the territory when attacked (4.2 for garrison details).

3.6  If at the end of movement enemy troops are in the same territory they are considered engaged. Unengaged Troops in territories adjacent can choose to reinforce them with a slightly delayed arrival to the battle (they may join from the 2nd round).
4.1  If one team does not wish to fight they may retreat to an adjacent friendly territory, forfeiting the contested territory to the other team without any penalties.

4.2  If an attacked territory is only defended by a 'Garrison' (not players) then any troops on the defender faction may choose to stand-in for garrison troops and organise an engagement like normal. Garrisons cannot move so if a defending army has a garrison to bolster their numbers they may consider themselves 'fortified'. Default Garrison size is 6 players, split amongst whichever battle groups the defenders wish to bring.

4.3  Each territory has an assigned terrain type that the defender can choose to fight on, each of these terrain types then has 3 custom maps which the defender can choose from. The attacker however has the advantage of being able to choose at what time they attack, choosing between morning, day or night map types.

4.4  The final part to consider with map selection is if the defender can 'fortify' the position (if they haven't moved that turn or if a garrison is present); if this is the case then the map chosen for the engagement can be edited by a mapper on the defending faction or a default fortified map can be used, the defenses that can be included are as follows:
  -  Stakes (12x)
  -  Cross stakes (8x)
  -  Earth mounds (8x)
  -  Large Trench Lines (4x)
* it is the defending teams responsibility to prepare a fortified map in time for the event unless they wish to use a pre-existing map on the server.

4.5  For engagements in territories where there are forts the defender has the option to play on specific fort maps. These maps have 4x meshed ladders to scale the walls and one gateway. If however the attacking force consists of at least one full battery of artillery then a variation of the map can be played that has a meshed breach aswell.


5.1  A 'skirmish' takes place when the engaged units in a territory number less than 30. If this number is exceeded then the engagement can be expanded into a 'battle', using multiple servers.

5.2  Upon resetting both teams have 1 minutes (2 for sieges) to untangle themselves from the spawn and deploy their troops parallel to their own map edge. Once this minute has elapsed troops can engage.

5.3  The primary rule is that all battle groups (Battalions, Squadrons & Batteries) must stay together at all times. All other basic rules are enforced by the server itself, preventing rambos and spread-out orders for Line infantry.

5.4  Officers are permitted to leave their units within reason, but only to scout since the server will not permit them to deal any damage when far away from their company.

5.5  Skirmishes are resolved in 3 rounds, win 2 rounds to secure 'victory' and force the enemy to retreat. Winning 3 rounds represents a 'decisive victory' where the enemy is 'routed'; routed units will take one week out of the campaign and then respawn at a fort of their choice.

5.6   Rounds where neither side is willing to engage can be resolved with an all-charge if absolutely necessary (at least 10mins into the round)

6.1  When the number of engaged players in a territory exceeds 30, the most senior officers on each team can decide whether they wish to fight a pitched battle with either one or two additional servers.

6.2  With both 2 and 3 servers involved the participating troops must decide where they are going to deploy. Battle groups swapping servers between rounds is permitted but they can only participate if they join the server in time to spawn in or they must wait until the next round.

6.3  3 rounds must be fought in all servers to determine an overall result.

6.4  A majority of rounds won overall results in a 'Victory' (4 wins for 2 servers, 5 wins for 3 servers) and one additional round past majority a 'Decisive Victory' (5 wins for 2 servers & 6 wins for 3 servers) in which case all players on the defeated team are routed.

6.5  If the attackers are victorious in a siege battle all defenders are considered casualties regardless of whether the victory was 'decisive' or not.

7.1  Victory when the Campaign comes to a close will be based on Territory ownership, some territories being worth more points than others:
  -  Basic Territory (1 points)
  -  Garrison Territory (2 points)
  -  Fort Territory (3 points)
  -  Home Territory (5 points)

7.2  The Campaign can come to a close upon an agreed point by the participants, but we estimate it lasting around 2-3 months (roughly 8-12 turns).

8.1  Wüstenkrieger has kindly offered use of scripts he had to hand to enhance this campaign and the commander battle gamemode it will use, details on these will be listed here later. All servers & maps used are courtesy of the 33rd Regiment of Foot.

8.2  Troop reskins will be employed to make the units appear authentic to the campaign and period we play for the campaign.

Sign-up Templates

(Single member sign-up)

[b]Name:[/b]  [i]intended in-game name[/i]
[b]Steam ID:[/b]
[b]Faction:[/b]  [i]UK,Spain,Portugal,France[/i]

Battle group

[b]CO Name:[/b]  
[b]CO Steam ID:[/b]
[b]Number of Companies:[/b]

(minimum of 3 battle groups)

[b]CO Name:[/b] 
[b]CO Steam ID:[/b]

[b]#1 Regiment:[/b]
[b]Number of Companies:[/b]

[b]#2 Regiment:[/b]
[b]Number of Companies:[/b] 

[b]#3 Regiment:[/b]
[b]Number of Companies:[/b] 


I would unironically sign up for this but it's EU
Wanna help the Wiki, join the Discord! Here are also the FSE Thread and Taleworlds Thread.

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2023, 10:40:59 am »

Just dropping this in here since I didn't see a message from Nasse yet

[KSA] Åbo will be bringing 6-7 players into this event and co-operating with Svea on this. We will likely spread our players between cavalry and infantry. Sorry this is not in official form its just very late here and I'm now going to bed  :'(

CO Name:  nickman von Westfalia
CO Steam ID:

Brigade du Grand-Duché de Clèves-Berg

CO Name:  nickman von Westfalia
CO Steam ID:
Regiment:  1er Regt d' Infanterie du Grand-duché de Berg
Class: Infantry
Number of Companies: 2
Faction: Rheinbund / France

CO Name:  conner
CO Steam ID:
Regiment:  Chevau-légers du Grand-duché de Berg
Class: Cavalry
Number of Companies: 2
Faction: Rheinbund / France

Ps. We hope to participate in division strength in the future

Both accepted as reinforcing each faction on turn 3 - Abo sign-up to be max of 4 players.

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2023, 05:32:00 pm »
I would unironically sign up for this but it's EU
Always welcome if you change your mind ;)

Looks very nice

Offline LastSpartan

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Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2023, 07:19:56 pm »
Ok, finally our official registration for the entire battle group. Sorry it took a while:

CO Name: (Last)Spartan
CO Steam ID:
Regiment:  [KSA] Åbo
Class: Infantry
Number of Companies: 4
Faction: Austria
Åbo = Turku

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Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« Reply #23 on: January 01, 2024, 03:17:34 pm »

In the next couple of weeks we will be commencing the new campaign! Details of the new map showing the changes in territory can be found here on the Campaign Map thread, though there are no troops listed at the moment and the map is for the moment a work in progress. We (the participants) are also working on some changes to the ruleset which will be shared soon but do please sign-up if this looks of interest! Any questions as before just ask! :D

Offline nickmanVonWestfalia

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Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2024, 02:18:57 am »
CO Name:  nickman von Westfalia
CO Steam ID:

Division du Grand-duché de Berg

Battalion:  1er Regt d' Infanterie du Grand-duché de Berg, 1st Battalion
Class: Infantry
Number of Companies: 4
Faction: Rheinbund / France

Squadron:  Chevau-légers du Grand-duché de Berg, 1st Squadron
Class: Cavalry
Number of Companies: 3
Faction: Rheinbund / France

ps. If possible we would like to use this modified division emblem / with the corresponding number, of course
« Last Edit: January 09, 2024, 06:31:05 am by nickmanVonWestfalia »

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2024, 05:55:05 pm »

Please see below updates to the ruleset for the upcoming campaign, we have chosen to implement some suggestions (thankyou for the numerous ones we had!) but didn't want to put too much through in one go so for now have just picked what we deemed essential. We will reassess before the next campaign, any questions please let us know and now please do sign-up your units! :D

1.2  Infantry Battalion sign-ups can include a light company who can skirmish if they are at full compliment (3 companies/players). In every other type of battle group all companies therein must be the same.
Battle groups must now be the standard amount of 3 players and consist of one unit type. This is primarily for simplicity but also to enable us to implement a simple casualty system, which would otherwise be unfair if battle groups were all different sizes. We opted for 3 companies as opposed to the originally suggested 4 to offer some of the smaller sign-ups greater flexebility.

2.5  Any Battle groups which have been under-strength for at least one whole turn (not had casualties in that turn) will have the opportunity to replenish 1 company at the end of the turn, provided they are connected to a fort via friendly territory; divisions which are cut-off and are not connected to a fort through friendly territory cannot re-supply and will not replenish lost companies.
Replenishing system for battle group casualties; it was mentioned that the re spawning rule was pretty disliked, with the casualty system in place the amount of occurrences that this re-spawning rule will be required should be few and far between.

4.1  If one team does not wish to fight they may retreat to an adjacent friendly territory, forfeiting the contested territory to the other team. The attackers can opt to pursue the enemy and the defenders must fight a rear-guard action (see section 6.7).
Rear-guard rule, see below.

5.6  A defeated army will lose either 1 company from all its Battle groups for the next campaign turn in a 'standard' defeat or lose 2 companies from each Battle group for being defeated 'decisively'.
Casualty rule to make battles feel more impactful but with less complete wipes. Should keep participants in the action week after week even with a few less players.

6.4  A majority of rounds won overall results in a 'Victory' (4 wins for 2 servers, 5 wins for 3 servers) and one additional round past majority a 'Decisive Victory' (5 wins for 2 servers & 6 wins for 3 servers). There is the possibility in a 2 server Battle for a draw (3-3) to occur, should this could be the case keep all players on both servers until both have fought 3 rounds, then have both servers go 'Live' at the same time; the first server to win a round determines the overall winner.
Unwritten rule we tested last campaign, worked well to resolve 2 server draws.

6.7  If the defenders choose to retreat and the attackers wish to pursue then a 'rear-guard action' will take place. In this case each side of the engagement chooses up to 3 battle groups to take part in a small skirmish. Once fought the retreating force moves to a friendly territory but both sides still determine casualties using the normal rules for those battle groups involved.
Due to the nature of the campaign the likelihood of two mismatched forces meeting eachother is fairly high. This rear-guard rule should resolve this as any engagements which are hopeless for one side can still involve some fighting but with a capped number of battle groups per side. In this way each side can put forward their best suited (full strength or otherwise!) units for the fight and defenders could even inflict some parting casualties on the attackers as they retreat.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2024, 10:22:57 am by 33rdKincaid »

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Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« Reply #26 on: January 12, 2024, 12:33:38 am »
CO Name: Gen. Robert Craufurd (TheBaker)
CO Steam ID:
Faction: UK
Light Divison

#1 Regiment: 43rd (Monmouthshire) Regiment of Foot
Class: Infantry
Number of Companies: 3

#2 Regiment: 52nd (Oxfordshire) Regiment of Foot
Class: Infantry
Number of Companies: 3

#3 Regiment: 95th (Rifle) Regiment of Foot
Class: Rifles
Number of Companies: 3

#3 Regiment: 1st KGL Hussars
Class: Light Cavalry
Number of Companies: 3

#3 Regiment: 2nd KGL Dragoons
Class: Heavy Cavalry
Number of Companies: 3

#4 Regiment: Royal Horse Artillery, Chestnut troop
Class: Artillery
Number of Companies: 3

Offline czRabixel

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Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« Reply #27 on: January 12, 2024, 12:44:29 pm »
CO Name: Gen. Rabi
CO Steam ID:
Faction:  France

#1 Regiment: 19e Regiment d'Infanterie de Ligne
Class: Infantry
Number of Companies: 3

#2 Regiment: 24e Chasseurs-à-Cheval Regiment
Class:  Cavalry
Number of Companies:  3

#3 Regiment: 2e Regiment d’Artillerie-à-Cheval
Class:  Artillery
Number of Companies:  3

reg names still subject to change

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Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2024, 02:49:59 pm »
CO Name: Ben
CO Steam ID:
Faction: UK
#1 Regiment: King's German Legion 5th Foot "the Fighting battalion"
Class: Line Infantry
Number of Companies: 3

#2 Regiment: Brunswick Rifles (Els Jaegers "The Owls")
Class: Rifle
Number of Companies: 3

#3 Regiment: King's German Legion 2nd Hussars
Class: Light Cav
Number of Companies: 3

#4 Regiment: 3rd King's German Legion Artillery Company (C. von Rettberg's)
Class: Artillery
Number of Companies: 3

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: Commander Battle Campaign [Rules & Sign-up]
« Reply #29 on: January 16, 2024, 01:13:56 pm »

Still looking for more sign-ups! - we are maybe 10 or so players short of starting so please do get in touch if you would like to participate :) we will be doing a mock battle between all the participants this week (as the campaign hasn't formally started) but we should be getting teams assigned and turn 1 moves in time for next week!