Author Topic: 9th New York Infantry Regiment (Hawkins' Zouaves)  (Read 2551 times)

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Re: 9th New York Infantry Regiment (Hawkins' Zouaves)
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2022, 03:40:00 am »
Hey dude, not a big deal but if you are going to use a graphic somebody else made in your thread, please credit them. In this case, credit goes to Windflower of the 79th.

Legit says "Roster" it's not like he painted the fricken mona lisa my guy...
Alright then why didn't he do it himself if it's that easy? If it is as no effort as you say then unless he's incredibly lazy why would he feel the need to take that.. oh wait yeah because you have to use  a custom font and import it into photoshop, and from there I have to edit the font so the design fits my thread (which the bbcode format of was also taken). So yeah I did put time into doing that, ask before you use someone elses designs it's not that hard and is a common courtesy.

Because it's too easy to make something like that it's not worth the energy to make one when there's like over 1K to choose from on google images?

I understand you make it and I agree you should get credit for your work but if you're concerned over a piece of "artwork" that says "Roster" you obviously aren't where you want to be rn in the art industry...

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Re: 9th New York Infantry Regiment (Hawkins' Zouaves)
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2022, 04:52:06 am »
Hey dude, not a big deal but if you are going to use a graphic somebody else made in your thread, please credit them. In this case, credit goes to Windflower of the 79th.

Legit says "Roster" it's not like he painted the fricken mona lisa my guy...
Alright then why didn't he do it himself if it's that easy? If it is as no effort as you say then unless he's incredibly lazy why would he feel the need to take that.. oh wait yeah because you have to use  a custom font and import it into photoshop, and from there I have to edit the font so the design fits my thread (which the bbcode format of was also taken). So yeah I did put time into doing that, ask before you use someone elses designs it's not that hard and is a common courtesy.

Because it's too easy to make something like that it's not worth the energy to make one when there's like over 1K to choose from on google images?

I understand you make it and I agree you should get credit for your work but if you're concerned over a piece of "artwork" that says "Roster" you obviously aren't where you want to be rn in the art industry...
So why didn't he choose the word "roster" from over 1k results on google images? "Not worth the energy", so you just mean lazy right? And if it's "too easy" to make then why dont you or anyone else make graphics like that and make bbcode threads in full, Is it because they lack the skill to do that or are they just lazy?

You making fun of it for being "art" is a bit obtuse/inconsiderate of you as well, it's literally graphic design which is a skill and if nobody made these graphics all your threads would look like shit.. o wait they all already do because no one knows how to do graphic design lmao.. also its a hobby, not concerned with "where I am" in the art industry you nonce

NAPL season 1 saw the greatest regiment winning
ribbit 🐸 cute? 😳 im not cute 😓 i mean my parents 👨‍👩‍👧 call me cute ☺️ but honestly 👉👈 ive never ❌ heard it 👂 from someone else 🗣 before 🥰 thanks i guess? 😳

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Re: 9th New York Infantry Regiment (Hawkins' Zouaves)
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2022, 07:01:24 am »
Updated roster, added some images, fixed the coding issues, and added some of our famous quotes