Author Topic: 25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion  (Read 7034 times)

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25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion
« on: October 21, 2021, 04:56:39 am »
I will give this till 12 am central US on the 26th before I lock in who can run and put up the thread for people to vote in.

Troll apps will not be added, and you must answer all of the questions in the app.  Consider this your warning.  I'll try and update the op daily, other mods can update it as well.  Check the stickied threads for help.

[b]EU or NA?:[/b]
[b]Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?:[/b]
[b]Why should you become CR?:[/b]
[b]What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term?[/b]


Name: Janne
EU or NA?: EU
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes I understand
Why should you become CR?:
I have been a long standing member of this community, as such I have the chance to play and talk with with the majority of the prominent community members. My familiarity with the community through its history, I feel gives me a very good grasp of the community's desires as a whole.

My moral and ethical values I believe would make me a good fit for CR. People turn a blind eye to prejudices and hateful behavior too often in this community, which can be extremely damaging. Especially when trying to nurture a positive environment for new community members. I do not believe in safe spaces as a concept, and have no intention of trying to accomplish anything of the sort. But when members of our community act in such a harmful manner, I vouch to set things straight so that these forums can be as welcoming as possible.

I have the dedication and commitment to take the role of CR seriously. The CR is supposed to be the face of the community, they are meant to listen to the player base and represent them. As such I will do my due diligence when handling community matters, and always go the extra mile for the betterment of the community.

My ability to get along with pretty much anyone, I believe will be essential to being the Community Representative. It doesn't matter how much I like or dislike someone, or how much I agree or disagree with them. I am still able to get on with them, and be amicable towards them despite our differences. This skill I believe is essential to represent the community in a fair manner.

What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term?
I plan to promote more forum interaction with the casual player base, I believe the more casual players making their voice heard the better. The casual side of the game holds the fast majority of the players. If they can be introduced to forum usage I believe they will be more inclined to integrate themselves with the community, thereby enriching the player base.

I also plan on taking a more active approach on listening to the community. I plan to set up more avenues for the community to vent their frustrations or spread their ideas directly to the CR. I will strive to connect the player base and the community organisers closer together.

Name: Vixtro
EU or NA?: EU
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes
Why should you become CR?: Because I want to make the community better and joyful
What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term?
Lately there have been much drama in the NW Community and i would like to end it, see me as a peacemaker. There have been unsuccessful regimental coups, disbanded regiments etc etc and many drama on FSE especially we have to end it now before the game completely dies because of the toxic community. Second of all more official events, like a public server must be in the game good for recruiting but also good for new players that doesnt have to play in the GF server or a toxic server in tropical paradise.

Name: Heinrich
EU or NA?: EU
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Naturally.
Why should you become CR?: Truthfully, it only stands to reason that I am qualified for the position. I graciously hold the unequivocal love and trust of both the NW and the Native community and maintain an unblemished unimpeachable standard of conduct matched by few. I also happen to be a person of great skill and adroitness and will no doubt be able to identify with the needs and desires of the competitive community. Moreover, I am intimately familiar with the more casual side of the game, so during my rule both the expertise forged throughout many years of play and convivial vivacity will intermingle in my decision making, thus ensuring that a happy medium is found in each and every situation. Finally, I am no slouch when it comes to organizational skills as I have hosted a number of events dedicated to the betterment of the community and have led a team of seasoned players. In summation, it will be great foolishness (bordering on insanity) to gainsay the superiority of my credentials, but I leave the final decision in the hands of the venerable administration.
What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term? I will propagate the ideals of common good amongst the members of the community and will coordinate their efforts in a way that secures it.

Scottish Unicorn
Name: Scottish Unicorn

EU or NA?: EU

Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yeah

Why should you become CR?:

After serving 2 highly successful terms, I believe that I can continue the excellent work that I have already done as CR. As CR I believe that I have helped a great amount of people and supported even more! I’ve support all of the major parts of the community.

For regiments I have provided servers the largest regimental tournaments this year, EIC and RGL, with all RGL servers being provided by myself in both France and Germany. For groupfighting teams and competitive players I’ve provided and still provide servers to WBMM. This allows players to strive to become the best version of themselves they possibly can! I also have provided servers to EGS, one of the most organised if not the most organised groupfighting tournament of all time. Again helping players test their might against some of the best groupfighting servers in NW history and to develop and hone their own skills. I have also provided servers to a number of smaller groupfighting tournaments and that were for one night or lasted a few weeks. I mean no disrespect when I say the names of these tournaments slip my mind but rest assured, they were there!
Alongside this I have also provided servers to regiments and groupfighting teams, not including the 92nd of course. In all honesty I cannot remember the exact number of teams or regiments that have or have used one of my servers but I will continue to do so!

For more casual players I helped develop and integrate the new flag spawning scripts on the 92nd and 33rd Linebattle Servers which has completely reinvented the linebattle scene and allows for a large scale competitive action like no other in the game currently or previously. At the moment we’re doing a weekly linebattle but very soon we’ll be progressing to the prolonged campaign and I highly recommend you and your regiment sign up for it!

For public and anyone else who wishes to play on it, I’ve recently brought back the Airplanes server. This was a public server in NW years ago. After a couple of test events with some pointers in improving the current formula of the server, it is nearly ready to take off (if you excuse the pun). This will be open to all players to enjoy and for regiments to maybe get a new player or 2 to join their ranks and help bolster the regimental community and keep it going just that little bit longer.

What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term?

The stuff above realistically is only the tip of the iceberg. My server boxes are fully optimised and more than stable enough to host many NW servers and I plan on fully utilising them all. My goals would be to provide more servers for more regiments and groupfighting teams as well as looking to reinvent the public scene again and just giving the community that little push it needs to keep it going until pastures new. The highest percentage of use I’ve seen on my server boxes has been 25% and I’m aiming to at least double that.

As well as all this I believe that I can bring a calming presence to the forums and the community as a whole and can step in to prevent or stop drama before it spirals out of control. I believe that because I can get on so well with so many people and have never been involved in any major beefs that would influence my decision, I can be fully impartial and can be used and abused for advice, help or any guidance with anything at all! After trying (and failing) with so many NW server related issues, I have fixes for 99% of any issues that any player runs into.

Of course if anyone wishes to privately contact me to discuss my record or ask anything at all, please feel free to do so! The best way to do this is Steam.

As an aside, I am pleased to see so many people apply for the position and if anyone is considering applying, then please go for it and apply! The more the merrier! I'm a massive fan of competition and wholeheartedly believe that's the only way to get the best out of anyone. So to my competition I say good luck but more importantly:
Name: Hunteh

EU or NA?: NA

Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: I do in full.

Why should you become CR?: As said above, I completely and utterly agree with everything Macbeth has said in his post. While I'm sure the other candidates have good intentions I don't believe they are looking out for pubs as much as the CR position should do so- And for the record I absolutely refuse to have another meme candidate as NA CR. unicorn shouldn't be the one moderating our FSE side. I believe that as a leader of a pub regiment, as a BBG admin, as someone who actively checks FSE and as an active member of the NA competitive side, I am a good middle ground candidate to be able to support the NA community however I can, be it in competitive, casual or pubs.

What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term? I would push for events including more and more of whatever community is left- Most likely on Sundays, host in close cooperation with the BBG admins and staff a Pros vs Joes event on Botsurvival, a Regimental Commander Battle night (Hopefully on BBG Commander Battle, and making it open to the public), and a Zombies Survival event, all done with the intention of getting as many players to populate a server as I can, both public and regimental. I will also not forget about the competitive side of the game, and pledge to host a 3v3 Groupfighting Tournament to be done on a single night of the communities choosing after the current draft league is over. Between regiments I would like to encourage more to go to public events, looking to maximize event attendance on perhaps a single event of the week in order to have at least a single large linebattle as opposed to 3 small ones. I would also seek to foster as much competition groupfighting and 1v1 wise as I can, involving more than 3 or 4 regiments as has recently been the case. Finally I will do my best to regulate NA FSE on a regular basis.

As a last note, I have not been very active in regards to being a BBG admin. I believe this to be a mistake on my part, and will begin to do regular shifts on Botsurvival and the other BBG servers, and I highly encourage other admins that have also perhaps slacked off like I have to begin returning to try and help what pubs we can.

Big Soulja
Name: Big Soulja
EU or NA?: NA
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes
Why should you become CR?: Because I will bring back NA events and try to make the community alive again
What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term? I plan to host a few more tournaments as well as trying to host more weekday events to help bolster our community


EU or NA?:NA

Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?:yes

Why should you become CR?:i am involved in the community for the past year. I believe I can give more to it by trying to bring back some old events and new ideas to the scene. I also know a lot of regimental leaders, so communication between me and them shouldn’t be an issue. I will be listening to their concerns since I have similar concerns about the future of the NA community.

What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term? BRING BACK NA1, but on a real note continue living with what's left of NA community(i will make 1-2 tournaments for the competitive community) for the public scene I pledge to try to bring back the Sunday siege. There’s also a few options as far to the linebattles like trying to mix the NA and SA event on the same night so that we can bring close to 200 and have full specs. I will also pledge to organizing 3-4 community nights to play multiple types of games regiments will be invited to bring their community to those said events .

« Last Edit: October 27, 2021, 09:37:56 pm by Thunderstormer »
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.

Offline LEVIS

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Re: 25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2021, 05:09:21 am »

EU or NA?:NA

Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?:yes

Why should you become CR?:i am involved in the community for the past year. I believe I can give more to it by trying to bring back some old events and new ideas to the scene. I also know a lot of regimental leaders, so communication between me and them shouldn’t be an issue. I will be listening to their concerns since I have similar concerns about the future of the NA community.

What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term? BRING BACK NA1, but on a real note continue living with what's left of NA community(i will make 1-2 tournaments for the competitive community) for the public scene I pledge to try to bring back the Sunday siege. There’s also a few options as far to the linebattles like trying to mix the NA and SA event on the same night so that we can bring close to 200 and have full specs. I will also pledge to organizing 3-4 community nights to play multiple types of games regiments will be invited to bring their community to those said events .

« Last Edit: October 22, 2021, 05:28:49 pm by LEVIS »

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Re: 25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2021, 08:56:54 am »

Offline Dan the Seagull Chef

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Re: 25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2021, 09:49:48 am »
wow is that the 2x CR Scottish Unicorn?
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Re: 25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2021, 01:35:06 pm »
wow is that the 2x CR Scottish Unicorn?
You know it 8)

Offline John Price

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Re: 25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2021, 05:07:49 pm »
Nvm 45th Bandwagon incoming
« Last Edit: October 21, 2021, 05:14:16 pm by John Price »
Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

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Re: 25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2021, 05:13:42 pm »
Name: Janne
EU or NA?: EU
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes I understand
Why should you become CR?:
I have been a long standing member of this community, as such I have the chance to play and talk with with the majority of the prominent community members. My familiarity with the community through its history, I feel gives me a very good grasp of the community's desires as a whole.

My moral and ethical values I believe would make me a good fit for CR. People turn a blind eye to prejudices and hateful behavior too often in this community, which can be extremely damaging. Especially when trying to nurture a positive environment for new community members. I do not believe in safe spaces as a concept, and have no intention of trying to accomplish anything of the sort. But when members of our community act in such a harmful manner, I vouch to set things straight so that these forums can be as welcoming as possible.

I have the dedication and commitment to take the role of CR seriously. The CR is supposed to be the face of the community, they are meant to listen to the player base and represent them. As such I will do my due diligence when handling community matters, and always go the extra mile for the betterment of the community.

My ability to get along with pretty much anyone, I believe will be essential to being the Community Representative. It doesn't matter how much I like or dislike someone, or how much I agree or disagree with them. I am still able to get on with them, and be amicable towards them despite our differences. This skill I believe is essential to represent the community in a fair manner.

What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term?
I plan to promote more forum interaction with the casual player base, I believe the more casual players making their voice heard the better. The casual side of the game holds the fast majority of the players. If they can be introduced to forum usage I believe they will be more inclined to integrate themselves with the community, thereby enriching the player base.

I also plan on taking a more active approach on listening to the community. I plan to set up more avenues for the community to vent their frustrations or spread their ideas directly to the CR. I will strive to connect the player base and the community organisers closer together.

Offline Fietta

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Re: 25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2021, 05:16:28 pm »
Name: Fietta
EU or NA?: EU
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes
Why should you become CR?: During my time as an NW warrior, I've slain the greatest of men; if not the greatest, then I punish them by calling them dogshit on the daily
and ensuring that water excreets from their eye sockets. I live on my own, and I'm a bum which basically means I have all the time in the world to not only help the community
but to put it into turmoil when best suited.

I've played this game at top level for numerous years, some which many have attempted but fallen short as they have no mental capacity to improve and since I have the minerals to improve,
I am able to apply those minerals for the benefit of the community, I will swear an oath to ensure that I do rig tournaments for the 45thN as I'm a loyal maskmanite to the end and no one can stop me.

What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term?

Increasing the toxicity in-game to ensure extra chanter on the forums, something that all us dirty forum warrior slags love.

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Re: 25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2021, 05:17:16 pm »
Stop looking at my posts Fietta #RentFree

The Master of stack, the voice of racism.

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Re: 25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2021, 07:23:08 pm »
Name: Fietta
EU or NA?: EU
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes
Why should you become CR?: During my time as an NW warrior, I've slain the greatest of men; if not the greatest, then I punish them by calling them dogshit on the daily
and ensuring that water excreets from their eye sockets. I live on my own, and I'm a bum which basically means I have all the time in the world to not only help the community
but to put it into turmoil when best suited.

I've played this game at top level for numerous years, some which many have attempted but fallen short as they have no mental capacity to improve and since I have the minerals to improve,
I am able to apply those minerals for the benefit of the community, I will swear an oath to ensure that I do rig tournaments for the 45thN as I'm a loyal maskmanite to the end and no one can stop me.

What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term?

Increasing the toxicity in-game to ensure extra chanter on the forums, something that all us dirty forum warrior slags love.

I support the LGBT community

Offline IcePimpDaddy

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Re: 25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2021, 07:28:37 pm »
Name: Big Soulja
EU or NA?: NA
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes
Why should you become CR?: Because I will bring back NA events and try to make the community alive again
What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term? I plan to host a few more tournaments as well as trying to host more weekday events to help bolster our community
« Last Edit: October 21, 2021, 07:30:37 pm by Dolcebowler »
CoC > any other team


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Re: 25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2021, 07:50:31 pm »
Increasing the toxicity in-game to ensure extra chanter on the forums

have my vote already

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Re: 25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2021, 08:29:26 pm »
Name: Big Soulja
EU or NA?: NA
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes
Why should you become CR?: Because I will bring back NA events and try to make the community alive again
What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term? I plan to host a few more tournaments as well as trying to host more weekday events to help bolster our community

Just when i thought it couldn’t get worst than tired Jake boom this application appears
[AEF/55th]Anthony 7:12 PM:
you have such a basic style/skillset
but you have the highest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GFing IQ i know

Offline Dan the Seagull Chef

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Re: 25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2021, 08:38:37 pm »
Name: Big Soulja
EU or NA?: NA
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes
Why should you become CR?: Because I will bring back NA events and try to make the community alive again
What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term? I plan to host a few more tournaments as well as trying to host more weekday events to help bolster our community

Just when i thought it couldn’t get worst than tired Jake boom this application appears
classic fireboy racism, disliking big soulja because soulja is black
Wanna help the Wiki, join the Discord! Here are also the FSE Thread and Taleworlds Thread.

Offline Scottish Unicorn

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Re: 25th Election - Nov-Jan 2021-2022 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2021, 09:13:11 pm »
Name: Janne
EU or NA?: EU
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes I understand
Why should you become CR?:
I have been a long standing member of this community, as such I have the chance to play and talk with with the majority of the prominent community members. My familiarity with the community through its history, I feel gives me a very good grasp of the community's desires as a whole.

My moral and ethical values I believe would make me a good fit for CR. People turn a blind eye to prejudices and hateful behavior too often in this community, which can be extremely damaging. Especially when trying to nurture a positive environment for new community members. I do not believe in safe spaces as a concept, and have no intention of trying to accomplish anything of the sort. But when members of our community act in such a harmful manner, I vouch to set things straight so that these forums can be as welcoming as possible.

I have the dedication and commitment to take the role of CR seriously. The CR is supposed to be the face of the community, they are meant to listen to the player base and represent them. As such I will do my due diligence when handling community matters, and always go the extra mile for the betterment of the community.

My ability to get along with pretty much anyone, I believe will be essential to being the Community Representative. It doesn't matter how much I like or dislike someone, or how much I agree or disagree with them. I am still able to get on with them, and be amicable towards them despite our differences. This skill I believe is essential to represent the community in a fair manner.

What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term?
I plan to promote more forum interaction with the casual player base, I believe the more casual players making their voice heard the better. The casual side of the game holds the fast majority of the players. If they can be introduced to forum usage I believe they will be more inclined to integrate themselves with the community, thereby enriching the player base.

I also plan on taking a more active approach on listening to the community. I plan to set up more avenues for the community to vent their frustrations or spread their ideas directly to the CR. I will strive to connect the player base and the community organisers closer together.
Nice manifesto! 8)