Author Topic: [RGL9] General Discussions  (Read 54779 times)

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Offline Janne

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Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« Reply #915 on: March 27, 2023, 02:00:47 pm »
listen while reading...

RGL S9 Lore :

Chapter 1

As Achilles sat in his tent, reading through the heated discussion on the forums, he couldn't help but feel frustrated. He was the captain of the 45thN regiment, and they had been awarded a default win over the 55th in a scheduled 15 vs 15 group fight.

The 55th captain was arguing that their delay had been due to unforeseen circumstances, but Achilles knew that the rules were clear. A default win was a legitimate victory, and the 45thN had earned it fair and square.

As Achilles read through the angry messages on the forums, he felt a sense of disappointment. He had been looking forward to a fair fight between the two regiments, but now the whole event had been marred by controversy and accusations.

He sighed and closed his tablet, knowing that there was little he could do to resolve the situation. He could only hope that the 55th captain would come to understand that the rules were the rules, and that a default win was a legitimate way to win a match.

Achilles knew that the 45thN had trained hard for this tournament, and they deserved to be recognized for their efforts. He would stand by his regiment and their victory, even in the face of controversy and anger from the opposing side.

Chapter 2:

The Amaterasu family had always been a proud and noble one, with a long history of domination and honor. But now, they were torn apart by a bitter civil war that threatened to destroy everything they held dear.

Jakob and Achilles were among the few who remained loyal to the 45thN regiment, while the rest of the family - Zeyden, Chuckster, and Hireaper - had joined the 55th. The split had been caused by a disagreement over tactics and strategy, and it had escalated into a full-blown conflict that neither side seemed willing to back down from.

As the war raged on, both sides suffered heavy losses. The once-great Amaterasu family was now a shell of its former self, with brother fighting against brother and father against son. The family's honor and legacy were being torn apart by the very people who were supposed to protect them.

Achilles could hardly bear to think about what was happening. He had grown up with the Amaterasu family, and he had always respected their traditions and values. But now, all of that was being thrown away in a senseless and brutal war that seemed to have no end in sight.

The 45thN had been hit hard by the conflict, losing many of their best soldiers to the other side. But Achilles remained steadfast in his loyalty, determined to see his regiment through the storm and emerge victorious.

As the war raged on, the once-close family became more and more divided, with bitter grudges and rivalries taking hold. The Amaterasu name was no longer a symbol of honor and pride, but a mark of shame and regret.

In the end, the civil war would leave scars that would never fully heal. The Amaterasu family would never be the same again, and the legacy of their once-great name would be forever tarnished by the senseless conflict that tore them apart.

Chapter 3

As the years passed, the once-great RGL tournament faded into obscurity, overshadowed by newer and more popular games. Achilles had retired from gaming, but he still couldn't shake the memories of the glory days.

He thought back to the battles he had fought, the victories he had won, and the friends he had made along the way. But now, all of that was gone. The tournament was nothing more than a distant memory, a relic of a bygone era.

Achilles had grown old and tired, and he knew that his time was running out. He looked out at the world around him, and all he saw was decay and ruin. The once-thriving gaming community was now a barren wasteland, a shadow of its former self.

And then, one day, Achilles knew that it was time. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh, ready to accept his fate. He had lived a long and fulfilling life, but now it was time for him to go.

As his spirit drifted away, he thought back to the friends he had lost along the way. Zeyden, Chuckster, Hireaper, and all the others who had fought and bled alongside him. They were gone now, lost to the passage of time and the ravages of war.

Achilles knew that his story was over, but he hoped that somewhere out there, a new generation of gamers was rising up to take his place. A new RGL tournament, with new battles to be fought and new victories to be won.

But for Achilles, it was the end of the line. His story had come to a close, and all that was left was the memories of a time long gone. He closed his eyes for the final time, at peace with the knowledge that he had done all that he could, and that his legacy would live on.

The End :'(

RGL lore is done :'(

i cried

Offline MechIsGod

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Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« Reply #916 on: March 27, 2023, 02:00:57 pm »
listen while reading...

RGL S9 Lore :

Chapter 1

As Achilles sat in his tent, reading through the heated discussion on the forums, he couldn't help but feel frustrated. He was the captain of the 45thN regiment, and they had been awarded a default win over the 55th in a scheduled 15 vs 15 group fight.

The 55th captain was arguing that their delay had been due to unforeseen circumstances, but Achilles knew that the rules were clear. A default win was a legitimate victory, and the 45thN had earned it fair and square.

As Achilles read through the angry messages on the forums, he felt a sense of disappointment. He had been looking forward to a fair fight between the two regiments, but now the whole event had been marred by controversy and accusations.

He sighed and closed his tablet, knowing that there was little he could do to resolve the situation. He could only hope that the 55th captain would come to understand that the rules were the rules, and that a default win was a legitimate way to win a match.

Achilles knew that the 45thN had trained hard for this tournament, and they deserved to be recognized for their efforts. He would stand by his regiment and their victory, even in the face of controversy and anger from the opposing side.

Chapter 2:

The Amaterasu family had always been a proud and noble one, with a long history of domination and honor. But now, they were torn apart by a bitter civil war that threatened to destroy everything they held dear.

Jakob and Achilles were among the few who remained loyal to the 45thN regiment, while the rest of the family - Zeyden, Chuckster, and Hireaper - had joined the 55th. The split had been caused by a disagreement over tactics and strategy, and it had escalated into a full-blown conflict that neither side seemed willing to back down from.

As the war raged on, both sides suffered heavy losses. The once-great Amaterasu family was now a shell of its former self, with brother fighting against brother and father against son. The family's honor and legacy were being torn apart by the very people who were supposed to protect them.

Achilles could hardly bear to think about what was happening. He had grown up with the Amaterasu family, and he had always respected their traditions and values. But now, all of that was being thrown away in a senseless and brutal war that seemed to have no end in sight.

The 45thN had been hit hard by the conflict, losing many of their best soldiers to the other side. But Achilles remained steadfast in his loyalty, determined to see his regiment through the storm and emerge victorious.

As the war raged on, the once-close family became more and more divided, with bitter grudges and rivalries taking hold. The Amaterasu name was no longer a symbol of honor and pride, but a mark of shame and regret.

In the end, the civil war would leave scars that would never fully heal. The Amaterasu family would never be the same again, and the legacy of their once-great name would be forever tarnished by the senseless conflict that tore them apart.

Chapter 3

As the years passed, the once-great RGL tournament faded into obscurity, overshadowed by newer and more popular games. Achilles had retired from gaming, but he still couldn't shake the memories of the glory days.

He thought back to the battles he had fought, the victories he had won, and the friends he had made along the way. But now, all of that was gone. The tournament was nothing more than a distant memory, a relic of a bygone era.

Achilles had grown old and tired, and he knew that his time was running out. He looked out at the world around him, and all he saw was decay and ruin. The once-thriving gaming community was now a barren wasteland, a shadow of its former self.

And then, one day, Achilles knew that it was time. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh, ready to accept his fate. He had lived a long and fulfilling life, but now it was time for him to go.

As his spirit drifted away, he thought back to the friends he had lost along the way. Zeyden, Chuckster, Hireaper, and all the others who had fought and bled alongside him. They were gone now, lost to the passage of time and the ravages of war.

Achilles knew that his story was over, but he hoped that somewhere out there, a new generation of gamers was rising up to take his place. A new RGL tournament, with new battles to be fought and new victories to be won.

But for Achilles, it was the end of the line. His story had come to a close, and all that was left was the memories of a time long gone. He closed his eyes for the final time, at peace with the knowledge that he had done all that he could, and that his legacy would live on.

The End :'(

RGL lore is done :'(

i cried

Offline crazypro25.

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Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« Reply #917 on: March 27, 2023, 02:01:36 pm »
In Germany we say

"Fünf Minuten vor der Zeit, ist des Deutschen Pünktlichkeit."
                                                                    ~ Deutsches Sprichwort

          "Five minutes before the time, is the German punctuality."
                                                                              ~ German proverb

And i think that's beautiful.

Offline John Price

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Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« Reply #918 on: March 27, 2023, 02:02:12 pm »
In Germany we say

"Fünf Minuten vor der Zeit ist des Deutschen Pünktlichkeit."
                                                                    ~ Deutsches Sprichwort

          "Five minutes before the time, is the German punctuality."
                                                                              ~ German proverb

And i think that's beautiful.
*Insert German efficiency meme*
Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

Offline Miloradovich

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Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« Reply #919 on: March 27, 2023, 02:03:36 pm »
@maskman Does this photo remind you of something?

« Last Edit: March 27, 2023, 02:08:24 pm by LeMilo »

Offline maskmanmarks

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Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« Reply #920 on: March 27, 2023, 02:06:18 pm »
listen while reading...

RGL S9 Lore :

Chapter 1

As Achilles sat in his tent, reading through the heated discussion on the forums, he couldn't help but feel frustrated. He was the captain of the 45thN regiment, and they had been awarded a default win over the 55th in a scheduled 15 vs 15 group fight.

The 55th captain was arguing that their delay had been due to unforeseen circumstances, but Achilles knew that the rules were clear. A default win was a legitimate victory, and the 45thN had earned it fair and square.

As Achilles read through the angry messages on the forums, he felt a sense of disappointment. He had been looking forward to a fair fight between the two regiments, but now the whole event had been marred by controversy and accusations.

He sighed and closed his tablet, knowing that there was little he could do to resolve the situation. He could only hope that the 55th captain would come to understand that the rules were the rules, and that a default win was a legitimate way to win a match.

Achilles knew that the 45thN had trained hard for this tournament, and they deserved to be recognized for their efforts. He would stand by his regiment and their victory, even in the face of controversy and anger from the opposing side.

Chapter 2:

The Amaterasu family had always been a proud and noble one, with a long history of domination and honor. But now, they were torn apart by a bitter civil war that threatened to destroy everything they held dear.

Jakob and Achilles were among the few who remained loyal to the 45thN regiment, while the rest of the family - Zeyden, Chuckster, and Hireaper - had joined the 55th. The split had been caused by a disagreement over tactics and strategy, and it had escalated into a full-blown conflict that neither side seemed willing to back down from.

As the war raged on, both sides suffered heavy losses. The once-great Amaterasu family was now a shell of its former self, with brother fighting against brother and father against son. The family's honor and legacy were being torn apart by the very people who were supposed to protect them.

Achilles could hardly bear to think about what was happening. He had grown up with the Amaterasu family, and he had always respected their traditions and values. But now, all of that was being thrown away in a senseless and brutal war that seemed to have no end in sight.

The 45thN had been hit hard by the conflict, losing many of their best soldiers to the other side. But Achilles remained steadfast in his loyalty, determined to see his regiment through the storm and emerge victorious.

As the war raged on, the once-close family became more and more divided, with bitter grudges and rivalries taking hold. The Amaterasu name was no longer a symbol of honor and pride, but a mark of shame and regret.

In the end, the civil war would leave scars that would never fully heal. The Amaterasu family would never be the same again, and the legacy of their once-great name would be forever tarnished by the senseless conflict that tore them apart.

Chapter 3

As the years passed, the once-great RGL tournament faded into obscurity, overshadowed by newer and more popular games. Achilles had retired from gaming, but he still couldn't shake the memories of the glory days.

He thought back to the battles he had fought, the victories he had won, and the friends he had made along the way. But now, all of that was gone. The tournament was nothing more than a distant memory, a relic of a bygone era.

Achilles had grown old and tired, and he knew that his time was running out. He looked out at the world around him, and all he saw was decay and ruin. The once-thriving gaming community was now a barren wasteland, a shadow of its former self.

And then, one day, Achilles knew that it was time. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh, ready to accept his fate. He had lived a long and fulfilling life, but now it was time for him to go.

As his spirit drifted away, he thought back to the friends he had lost along the way. Zeyden, Chuckster, Hireaper, and all the others who had fought and bled alongside him. They were gone now, lost to the passage of time and the ravages of war.

Achilles knew that his story was over, but he hoped that somewhere out there, a new generation of gamers was rising up to take his place. A new RGL tournament, with new battles to be fought and new victories to be won.

But for Achilles, it was the end of the line. His story had come to a close, and all that was left was the memories of a time long gone. He closed his eyes for the final time, at peace with the knowledge that he had done all that he could, and that his legacy would live on.

The End :'(

RGL lore is done :'(

Chapter 4 incoming?

Don't think the RGL saga is gonna be over   ;)
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

Offline Fietta

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Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« Reply #921 on: March 27, 2023, 02:17:14 pm »
listen while reading...

RGL S9 Lore :

Chapter 1

As Achilles sat in his tent, reading through the heated discussion on the forums, he couldn't help but feel frustrated. He was the captain of the 45thN regiment, and they had been awarded a default win over the 55th in a scheduled 15 vs 15 group fight.

The 55th captain was arguing that their delay had been due to unforeseen circumstances, but Achilles knew that the rules were clear. A default win was a legitimate victory, and the 45thN had earned it fair and square.

As Achilles read through the angry messages on the forums, he felt a sense of disappointment. He had been looking forward to a fair fight between the two regiments, but now the whole event had been marred by controversy and accusations.

He sighed and closed his tablet, knowing that there was little he could do to resolve the situation. He could only hope that the 55th captain would come to understand that the rules were the rules, and that a default win was a legitimate way to win a match.

Achilles knew that the 45thN had trained hard for this tournament, and they deserved to be recognized for their efforts. He would stand by his regiment and their victory, even in the face of controversy and anger from the opposing side.

Chapter 2:

The Amaterasu family had always been a proud and noble one, with a long history of domination and honor. But now, they were torn apart by a bitter civil war that threatened to destroy everything they held dear.

Jakob and Achilles were among the few who remained loyal to the 45thN regiment, while the rest of the family - Zeyden, Chuckster, and Hireaper - had joined the 55th. The split had been caused by a disagreement over tactics and strategy, and it had escalated into a full-blown conflict that neither side seemed willing to back down from.

As the war raged on, both sides suffered heavy losses. The once-great Amaterasu family was now a shell of its former self, with brother fighting against brother and father against son. The family's honor and legacy were being torn apart by the very people who were supposed to protect them.

Achilles could hardly bear to think about what was happening. He had grown up with the Amaterasu family, and he had always respected their traditions and values. But now, all of that was being thrown away in a senseless and brutal war that seemed to have no end in sight.

The 45thN had been hit hard by the conflict, losing many of their best soldiers to the other side. But Achilles remained steadfast in his loyalty, determined to see his regiment through the storm and emerge victorious.

As the war raged on, the once-close family became more and more divided, with bitter grudges and rivalries taking hold. The Amaterasu name was no longer a symbol of honor and pride, but a mark of shame and regret.

In the end, the civil war would leave scars that would never fully heal. The Amaterasu family would never be the same again, and the legacy of their once-great name would be forever tarnished by the senseless conflict that tore them apart.

Chapter 3

As the years passed, the once-great RGL tournament faded into obscurity, overshadowed by newer and more popular games. Achilles had retired from gaming, but he still couldn't shake the memories of the glory days.

He thought back to the battles he had fought, the victories he had won, and the friends he had made along the way. But now, all of that was gone. The tournament was nothing more than a distant memory, a relic of a bygone era.

Achilles had grown old and tired, and he knew that his time was running out. He looked out at the world around him, and all he saw was decay and ruin. The once-thriving gaming community was now a barren wasteland, a shadow of its former self.

And then, one day, Achilles knew that it was time. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh, ready to accept his fate. He had lived a long and fulfilling life, but now it was time for him to go.

As his spirit drifted away, he thought back to the friends he had lost along the way. Zeyden, Chuckster, Hireaper, and all the others who had fought and bled alongside him. They were gone now, lost to the passage of time and the ravages of war.

Achilles knew that his story was over, but he hoped that somewhere out there, a new generation of gamers was rising up to take his place. A new RGL tournament, with new battles to be fought and new victories to be won.

But for Achilles, it was the end of the line. His story had come to a close, and all that was left was the memories of a time long gone. He closed his eyes for the final time, at peace with the knowledge that he had done all that he could, and that his legacy would live on.

The End :'(

long history of domination being 2 months, I think you meant RT

Chapter 4 incoming?

Don't think the RGL saga is gonna be over   ;)

who even wants one at this point
« Last Edit: March 27, 2023, 02:21:35 pm by Fietta »

Offline Chuckster

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Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« Reply #922 on: March 27, 2023, 02:39:01 pm »
« Last Edit: March 27, 2023, 03:14:17 pm by Fietta »

Offline Miloradovich

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Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« Reply #923 on: March 27, 2023, 02:48:47 pm »

Online Vegi.

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Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« Reply #924 on: March 27, 2023, 02:52:09 pm »
dear lord
Stop looking at my posts Fietta #RentFree

The Master of stack, the voice of racism.

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Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« Reply #925 on: March 27, 2023, 02:53:07 pm »

Offline Chuckster

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Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« Reply #926 on: March 27, 2023, 02:54:03 pm »

Offline MarxeiL

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Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« Reply #927 on: March 27, 2023, 02:56:51 pm »
zelensky is cringe
woooooow man you are going wrong path now come back and say sorry
| 1x 10v10 Winner | 2x 9v9 Winner | 2x 8v8 Winner | 1x 7v7 Winner | 1x 6v6 Winner | 2x 5v5 Winner | 1x 4v4 Winner | 1x 3v3 Winner |
| 1x TDT Winner | 1x NWL (2nd L) Winner | 1x NWL (1st L) Winner | 1x RGT Winner | 2x RGL Winner |
| 1x TDT Runner-up | 1x 8v8 Runner-up | 1x 7v7 Runner-up | 1x NWFL Runner-up | 1x EIC Runner-up | 1x 2v2 Runner-up |

Online Vegi.

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Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« Reply #928 on: March 27, 2023, 02:58:08 pm »
zelensky is cringe
woooooow man you are going wrong path now come back and say sorry
You're lucky that he didnt start mentioning missiles  ;D
Stop looking at my posts Fietta #RentFree

The Master of stack, the voice of racism.

Offline MarxeiL

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Re: [RGL9] General Discussions
« Reply #929 on: March 27, 2023, 02:58:34 pm »
zelensky is cringe
woooooow man you are going wrong path now come back and say sorry
You're lucky that he didnt start mentioning missiles  ;D
it’s not me lucky in this case tbf
| 1x 10v10 Winner | 2x 9v9 Winner | 2x 8v8 Winner | 1x 7v7 Winner | 1x 6v6 Winner | 2x 5v5 Winner | 1x 4v4 Winner | 1x 3v3 Winner |
| 1x TDT Winner | 1x NWL (2nd L) Winner | 1x NWL (1st L) Winner | 1x RGT Winner | 2x RGL Winner |
| 1x TDT Runner-up | 1x 8v8 Runner-up | 1x 7v7 Runner-up | 1x NWFL Runner-up | 1x EIC Runner-up | 1x 2v2 Runner-up |