Author Topic: 39th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment "Garibaldi Guards"  (Read 683 times)

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Offline Zanderthegreat

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39th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment "Garibaldi Guards"
« on: September 10, 2021, 03:23:37 am »

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On January 16th, 2021, Captain Stryker authorized the official formation of the 39th New York Volunteers, nicknamed the Garibaldi Guard. With a loyal and dedicated regimental base from the RSL, 20th, and various other groups in the NW and North and South communities as well as holdfast, the 39thNY has a primary goal to ensure the mistakes of previous regimental games shall not become prominent in this game by providing stability within the community. Outside of BCOF, the 39thNY will often play other games and hang out within our regimental discord. We pride ourselves on professionalism and experience within the ranks as well as creating a new home for many newer players.


The 39th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment "Garibaldi Guards" [NA/EU] are recruiting today! 
We are an experienced regiment who has formed up for BCoF. Comprised mostly of experienced NW players we are a fun regiment.

What can we offer?

Not only do we play BCoF but we play a lot of Arma, NW, Total war and much more. We have a strong community bond with all the regiments in Excelsior Brigade and we have community game nights too!

So why not enlist today? Arouse! Arouse! Arouse! And Defend the Union. Yell the battle cry "Dio e Popolo" and charge the enemy lines.

To enlist today contact an officer below or click on the Discord icon below!




This regiment was mustered (assembled) in New York City by the Union Défense Committee, under the leadership of Col. Frederick George D'Utassy by special authority from the War Department during the Civil War of the United States. On May 27, 1861, they deployed to Washington D.C., having been authorized for a period of three years by New York State.

Initially, the regiment was divided into eleven companies of men of different national heritage: three German, three Hungarian, one Swiss, one Italian, one French, one Spanish, and one Portuguese. On May 31, 1863, the regiment was consolidated into four companies: A, B, C and D. The regiment expanded as new companies were recruited in the field. On December 8, 1863, Company E was added; on December 14, 1863, Company F joined. On December 19, 1863, Company G was added; and on December 30, 1863 Company H joined. Companies I and K joined in January, 1864.

Companies A, B, C and D were mustered out in New York city June 24, 1864. Enlistees who were not entitled to be discharged were transferred to other companies within the regiment. Six companies: E, F, G, H, I and K, remained in service. In October, 1864, a new Company D, mustered mostly from Malone, New York joined the regiment for one year. On June 2, 1865, the members of the regiment not eligible to be mustered out were transferred into the 185th Infantry.

During its period of service, 5 officers and 62 enlisted men were killed in action; 3 officers and 49 enlisted men died of wounds received in action; 1 officer and 158 enlisted men died of disease and other causes. In total, 278 men (9 officers and 269 enlistees) died while in service in the regiment. Of those, 1 officer and 99 enlisted men died while captured by the Rebel army.

The regiment left the New York State May 28, 1861; served at and near Washington, D. C., from June 1, 1861; in the 1st Brigade, 5th Division, Army of Northeastern Virginia, from July 13, 1861; in Blenker's Brigade, Division of Potomac, from August 4, 1861; in Stahel's Brigade, Blenker's Division, Army of the Potomac, from October 15, 1861; in 1st Brigade, same division, Mountain Department, from April, 1862; in White's Brigade, Army of Virginia, at Winchester, Va., from July, 1862; at Harper's Ferry, W. Va., from September, 1862; at Camp Douglass, Chicago, Ill., from September 27, 1862; near Washington, D.C., 1st Brigade, Casey's Division, defenses of Washington, from December, 1862; in January, 1863, in 3d Brigade, Casey's, later Abercrombie's Division, 22d Corps; in 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, from June 25, 1863; in the 3d, and for a time in the Consolidated, Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, from March, 1864; and was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Augustus Funk, July I, 1865, except (new) Company D, which had been mustered out, June 7, 1865, at Alexandria, Va.

First Battle of Bull Run
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Bristoe Station
Battle of the Wilderness
Siege of Petersburg
First Battle of Deep Bottom

Commissioned Officers
1st Lieutenant
2nd Lieutenant

        Non-Commissioned Officers
Colour Sergeant 
Staff Sergeant

Lance Corporal
Private First Class

        Special Ranks
Red Coat Veteran


39th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment
Commissioned Officers- 5
Non-Commissioned Officers- 4
Enlisted- 56

Thread made by Zanderthegreat
« Last Edit: September 10, 2021, 10:49:22 am by Zanderthegreat »