Author Topic: 23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion  (Read 12562 times)

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23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion
« on: April 20, 2021, 02:36:37 pm »
I will give this till 12 am central US on the 26th before I lock in who can run and put up the thread for people to vote in.

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[b]EU or NA?:[/b]
[b]Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?:[/b]
[b]Why should you become CR?:[/b]
[b]What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term?[/b]

Name: Hawkince
EU or NA?:  NA
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes
Why should you become CR?: I think that my last term has been pretty successful and I believe that the NA community has been more active than it has in a long time.
What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term? I will be hosting a new regimental groupfighting league and I will make sure to voice any community concerns to the moderators.

Lady Moraine
Name: Lady Moraine
EU or NA?:  NA
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: I do.
Why should you become CR?: Well to be quite honest I could just put everything I've done over the span of the 7 or so years I've played this game but everyone knows everyone at this point. So instead I'll lay out my goals and plans if I were to win CR.

First, I will be helping as I've always done with people who need help admining or want to learn how to admin events.

Second, I will do my best to help competitive event organizers maintain or populate their events.

Third and lastly, help maintain the forums to the best of my ability if I were to win.

Name: RussianFury
EU or NA?: NA
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: I understand.

Why should you become CR?:  I have been a long, active community member for the past nine years and I have many ideas that I would like to implement for the community If I were to be elected. I have been past friends with many former CRs as well as was a administrator for the most prestigious North American league called North American Napoleonic Wars League (or NANWL for short). Furthermore, I have been a prominent member of the competitive side of community as well as a recent up turn in participation in public events. I plan to implement many different tournament formats, modded events, and a possible cross community league that anybody can be apart of. Most of these plans are aimed at not reviving the game per say, but to give it a spark of creativity that I feel many players would enjoy and welcome.

What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term? I plan on creating new leagues, tournament ideas, and a new tournament format for the NA scene that will increase the number of tournament a week for the NA community. Additionally, new events such as the return of the Conquest Group-fighting event I hosted two years ago may be welcomed by regiments from all skill level. As well as the return of modded events which the NA community once had but ran aground as interest died out. However, I believe as though many want change in the current status quo and with summer time coming around the corner we may as well give the event hosting community a push.
Name: Maskman
EU or NA?: EU
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes, I do

Why should you become CR?:  I have already been CR, admittedly for half a term, and am finally getting to grips with the Job on the forum when it comes to snipping posts and putting my input in certain discussions with the moderation team regarding any issues or child board requests. I have been mostly leaving the forum moderation to the professionals - the moderation team, though I still keep myself in the loop with any discussions that do take place. I have good experience of being the CR and things have been going well I like to think. Lastly and most importantly I have been a consistent player and leader in the NW community for a year and half now straight and am a reliable friendly face anyone can approach for advice/help - I don't have plans to quit and I really do care for this community.

What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term? In regards to the groupfighting scene I will be hosting another rookie tournament come early June whilst also continuing to offer a helping hand when it comes to helping ref/organise tournaments - as seen with my support and organisation for VPE and Smylie 5v5 Tournaments respectively where last minute help was required.

Regimentally I will continue to be involved in the EIC moderation team as well as managing rosters referees and matches for EIC matches helping out Chriseh whenever I can. Furthermore I shall be still involved in the NWLA giving helpful constructive inputs to when Regimental tournaments should take place and how the rest of the year regimentally should be staggered and planned out.

I will continue striving working on a grassroots level amongst the community not only by accommodating both matchmaking and pickups on 45thN TS but also through getting more and more NW players involved in the competitive scene by thrusting players into the competitive scene through the use of the NPP Series and numerous other groupfighting teams that are available in the regiment. My involvement in getting people involved in the  groupfighting scene hasn't only been restricted through what I can do in my regiment, more importantly I have been very active promoting admining and managing WBMM for the past couple of months and have been working with LaPache on a new exciting feature coming to WBMM so stay tuned

Name: Pieter
EU or NA?: EU
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Aye Captain.

Why should you become CR?:
I have been around for a very long time and know this community extremely well with all its players both on the FSE forums and outside of it.
I am very objective focussed to get the best result possible, for example I have hosted in the past the EIC a tournament which till this date still is being hosted, granted I have not been part of the admin team ever since the first season but the foundations for that tournament which me and Price made are the core of 1v1 rules now a days.
Lately I have shifted my focus on bringing this community something more then just NW with its linebattles, GF's, 1v1's etc. for these events are our very foundation but many of our regimental communities have become so much more then just regiments existing for NW.
I started hosting a modded event every monday at 8 PM, as something to bring a majority of big regiments together that otherwise would face each other in these heated competitions and other events, as something to relax with and bound with one and other.
Together with Price and Tardet I have also been working hard to make a concept for a NW E-Sport and I am very positive that if anyone is going to pull it off it will be us, which will be a major game changer for how NW is going to look like in the future.

To put it short I will try my hardest for all the dedicated competitive players to achieve the competitive game you all have dreamed about, whilst also ensure that the players who play this game on a casual base will have their fun events be it modded events or something outside this game entirely.

*qeue the pirates of the Caribbean*

Let me be your captain as I sail us to glory, plunder and booty lads.

What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term?
- I will continue my work with my fellow mates Price and Tardet towards achieving NW E-Sport
- Make sure that the casual players in our community have a place among us, it being in modded and other fun events both in and outside warband, etc.
- A helping hand for anyone who needs it, anything related to regiments, tournaments, communities and more.
- Encourage the competitive scene to keep on doing what we do best, by organising/helping out new and existing tournaments, so we can keep on giving each other the challenges in melee and leading that we as competitive players seek.
- Getting Tardet a proper camera so he can be even more sexy on the stream with Price and myself
- Protecting those who need it from Fietta

- Last but not least grow my biceps to 22 inches so I can be the papa biceps of the NW community.

And yes I know the last few statements were a bit more banter related, but we need to be serious but also have the occassional banter now and then.

This was your captain speaking over and out. 

Name: Janne
EU or NA?: EU
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes I understand
Why should you become CR?:
I have been a long standing member of this community, as such I have the chance to play and talk with with the majority of the prominent community members. My familiarity with the community through its history, I feel gives me a very good grasp of the community's desires as a whole.

My moral and ethical values I believe would make me a good fit for CR. People turn a blind eye to prejudices and hateful behavior too often in this community, which can be extremely damaging. Especially when trying to nurture a positive environment for new community members. I do not believe in safe spaces as a concept, and have no intention of trying to accomplish anything of the sort. But when members of our community act in such a harmful manner, I vouch to set things straight so that these forums can be as welcoming as possible.

I have the dedication and commitment to take the role of CR seriously. The CR is supposed to be the face of the community, they are meant to listen to the player base and represent them. As such I will do my due diligence when handling community matters, and always go the extra mile for the betterment of the community.

My ability to get along with pretty much anyone, I believe will be essential to being the Community Representative. It doesn't matter how much I like or dislike someone, or how much I agree or disagree with them. I am still able to get on with them, and be amicable towards them despite our differences. This skill I believe is essential to represent the community in a fair manner.

What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term?
I plan to promote more forum interaction with the casual player base, I believe the more casual players making their voice heard the better. The casual side of the game holds the fast majority of the players. If they can be introduced to forum usage I believe they will be more inclined to integrate themselves with the community, thereby enriching the player base.

I also plan on taking a more active approach on listening to the community. I plan to set up more avenues for the community to vent their frustrations or spread their ideas directly to the CR. I will strive to connect the player base and the community organisers closer together.

Scottish Unicorn
Name: Scottish Unicorn

EU or NA?: EU

Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes

Why should you become CR?:

Although I may still be classed as a "Newgen" to the community, I believe that I've been around long enough that people know who I am and know what I'm like. I know I am an outgoing and likeable person, obviously I've had disagreements and don't deny that, but I have only ever been fair and respecting of people. I believe the CR should be someone that you should be able to report any issue to and be a supporting figure and I know that I have the correct skills to be this person.

I won't say that I'm the friendliest in the community but I'm definitely up there as one of them and go out of my way to help people as much as I can in the community. I pride myself on my approachability and I'm always open to chat to people and offer help or assistance whenever or wherever it is required.
As part of the 92nd, a regiment that I've been in since I got into the regimental scene, I rebuilt and re-established our light company and creating a mini-community of its own that thrives and hopefully will thrive for as long as this great game lasts. I can use this experience and the skills I learned to advise and support anyone, mainly newer regiments into keeping themselves afloat and active as their own mini communities.

I've already helped support the community by hosting some servers for tournaments, EIC and NWWC being the biggest tournaments as well as community projects as WBMM and I don't have any plans of stopping anytime soon! The community can only ever be as good as the infrastructure is and I aim to provide the best infrastructure possible. I have only ever wanted the community to flourish and I don't play competitively enough to warrant hosting, hosting servers for far more competent hosts is a small thing that I can do to help as well as encourage people to play the game.
I’m quite a laid back person and although I’d have certain moderation duties to carry out, I would never abuse this or use the power to my own advantage, I would also hold myself accountable if any misdeeds were to happen that I was involved in.

What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term?

As I’ve touched on in the above question, I have hosted a few servers for the community and as CR I will go further with this. I must say, if I don’t get CR, I will still provide servers for the community, they are not mutually exclusive but I would use the CR post as a shout-box to make as many people aware that these servers are here.
For the casual side of the community, I will edit my rules on hosting linebattle servers and will host as many as possible in both locations. I will still provide groupfighting teams and smaller regimental servers as well if they are required. I will offer full mod and technical support to those who use one of my servers and will be only a steam message away and will provide as much support as I possibly can. These 2 server boxes are absolutely huge and being in a position to offer servers in France as well as Germany will only be beneficial.

For the competitive side of the community, I will provide servers for as many tournaments as I can with no limitations or anything. These can be for one night groupfighting tournaments or events that go on for a while like NWWC and EIC. This would be my way of supporting the competitive side as I previously said, I don’t play enough competitively to actually host or act like an expert on this side of the community. I will take a step back and allow the comp side of the community to handle themselves like I know they can and have done so and will continue to do so.

Although public side of NW is a bit dead and the regimental scene is where most of the community plays, if anyone has an idea of a public server or ran one in NWs prime and wishes to bring it back, I can and will support that endeavour as much as possible and will provide a server and support to anyone who wishes to pursue this.
To conclude, NW can feel like a toxic cesspit at times and as CR, I’m not promising to completely overhaul that but if I can do my little bit to help clear up that mess and be a friendly face that people can depend on, I would consider that a success.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2021, 07:59:38 am by Thunderstormer »
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Offline maskmanmarks

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Re: 23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2021, 02:52:00 pm »
Name: Maskman
EU or NA?: EU
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes, I do

Why should you become CR?:  I have already been CR, admittedly for half a term, and am finally getting to grips with the Job on the forum when it comes to snipping posts and putting my input in certain discussions with the moderation team regarding any issues or child board requests. I have been mostly leaving the forum moderation to the professionals - the moderation team, though I still keep myself in the loop with any discussions that do take place. I have good experience of being the CR and things have been going well I like to think. Lastly and most importantly I have been a consistent player and leader in the NW community for a year and half now straight and am a reliable friendly face anyone can approach for advice/help - I don't have plans to quit and I really do care for this community.

What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term? In regards to the groupfighting scene I will be hosting another rookie tournament come early June whilst also continuing to offer a helping hand when it comes to helping ref/organise tournaments - as seen with my support and organisation for VPE and Smylie 5v5 Tournaments respectively where last minute help was required.

Regimentally I will continue to be involved in the EIC moderation team as well as managing rosters referees and matches for EIC matches helping out Chriseh whenever I can. Furthermore I shall be still involved in the NWLA giving helpful constructive inputs to when Regimental tournaments should take place and how the rest of the year regimentally should be staggered and planned out.

I will continue striving working on a grassroots level amongst the community not only by accommodating both matchmaking and pickups on 45thN TS but also through getting more and more NW players involved in the competitive scene by thrusting players into the competitive scene through the use of the NPP Series and numerous other groupfighting teams that are available in the regiment. My involvement in getting people involved in the  groupfighting scene hasn't only been restricted through what I can do in my regiment, more importantly I have been very active promoting admining and managing WBMM for the past couple of months and have been working with LaPache on a new exciting feature coming to WBMM so stay tuned ::)
« Last Edit: April 20, 2021, 02:55:02 pm by maskmanmarks »
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

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Re: 23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2021, 03:09:03 pm »
Maskman can you answer allegations that you will be forming a European 45thN super league exclusive only to 45th minisiege recruits and sucking the life out of the rest of the community?

Offline Poberta

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Re: 23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2021, 03:19:03 pm »
Maskman can you answer allegations that you will be forming a European 45thN super league exclusive only to 45th minisiege recruits and sucking the life out of the rest of the community?
45thN super league coming soon? :)

Offline maskmanmarks

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Re: 23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2021, 03:19:49 pm »
Maskman can you answer allegations that you will be forming a European 45thN super league exclusive only to 45th minisiege recruits and sucking the life out of the rest of the community?

What I will say is that me running for CR is the best thing that can happen for NW and will serve the greater NW pyramid. You can go so far to say that I am here to save NW, thank you very much
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

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Re: 23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2021, 03:21:49 pm »
Maskman can you answer allegations that you will be forming a European 45thN super league exclusive only to 45th minisiege recruits and sucking the life out of the rest of the community?

What I will say is that me running for CR is the best thing that can happen for NW and will serve the greater NW pyramid. You can go so far to say that I am here to save NW, thank you very much
by reffing tournaments and updating EIC rosters?
Stop looking at my posts Fietta #RentFree

The Master of stack, the voice of racism.

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Re: 23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2021, 03:24:52 pm »

I am a poberta stan personally and will be voting him.

Offline maskmanmarks

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Re: 23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2021, 03:25:34 pm »
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

Offline Poberta

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Re: 23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2021, 06:02:27 pm »

I am a poberta stan personally and will be voting him.
vote me?

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Re: 23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2021, 06:22:49 pm »
Yes. I vote Poberta.

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Re: 23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2021, 06:24:08 pm »
I have been very active promoting admining and managing WBMM for the past couple of months and have been working with LaPache on a new exciting feature coming to WBMM so stay tuned ::)

pls delete it :D

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Re: 23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2021, 07:02:37 pm »
Name: Hawkince
EU or NA?:  NA
Are you aware that the position of Community Representative is one of trust and confidence, and do you understand you can be punished for breaking that trust?: Yes
Why should you become CR?: I think that my last term has been pretty successful and I believe that the NA community has been more active than it has in a long time.
What are one or two things you commit to doing as CR this term? I will be hosting a new regimental groupfighting league and I will make sure to voice any community concerns to the moderators.

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Re: 23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #12 on: April 20, 2021, 08:04:26 pm »
Why should you become CR?: I think that my last term has been pretty successful and I believe that the NA community has been more active than it has in a long time.
Only hawkince would try and take credit for something he can't control
5x NACR Elect | Current: Glenn's Husband|ex- 84th/15e/17th/30th(OG)/USMC/58e/26e/

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Re: 23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #13 on: April 20, 2021, 08:15:08 pm »

Offline ~NickCole~

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Re: 23rd Election - May-Jul 2021 Candidates and Discussion
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2021, 09:04:33 pm »
Why should you become CR?: I think that my last term has been pretty successful and I believe that the NA community has been more active than it has in a long time.
Only hawkince would try and take credit for something he can't control