Author Topic: I'm pissed (COVID thread)  (Read 21208 times)

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Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« Reply #30 on: April 15, 2021, 01:40:27 am »
Yes Hawkince, thank you, that’s why I said somewhat effective
If you wanna read a whole long article on why they’re somewhat effective read this
Nothing that I’ve said is incorrect, including about that mask wearing hasn’t been a 1-1 relation in terms of stopping covid spread

You are not arguing in good faith here, you had said "masks are.. somewhat effective at best" and "and a serious risk to any future return to normalcy" implying that you believe that masks aren't important or necessary. The statement "for most people, the risk of getting severe covid is already incredibly low" is not only false it is harmful and ignorant. If you consider 3 million dead not a lot then I don't know what to tell you. You have to understand that yes, in general for young people covid will most likely not cause you to be put in the ICU or be fatal, but just for your own selfish reasons wearing a mask can reduce viral load and aide in recovery time. However, if you're not a selfish asshole, preventing it from spreading to people who can "get severe covid" should be reason enough. I also call into question you're source here The Slate Star Codex which as far as I can see is a random blog by a Psychiatrist. There's no need to politicize this or try to be big brain here, if the government says I should wear a mask, then I will because I don't think I'm "enlightened" or being oppressed because I have to wear one.

But ok ok, let's say for arguments sake you're right Theodin. Wearing a mask does almost next to nothing or is "somewhat effective", then why not just do it if you could help save just a single person? Are you so self absorbed and selfish you can't be bothered to put on a piece of cloth? Even if it reduced transmission by .0001% (which is not the case) on the global scale, that is tens of thousands of transmissions avoided. People like you argue that a "return to normalcy" is important, yet you don't realize that in a pandemic maybe the most important thing isn't a return to normalcy.

Offline Rutger Müller

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Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« Reply #31 on: April 15, 2021, 02:31:03 am »
Yeah I know just don't wear a mask and spread a virus that is very efficient in killing old people and people with underlying medical conditions. Like if you can't survive covid why even live??
at this point these people are almost fully vaccinated. death rates are plummetting in countries with vaccination programs for a reason

Ok and? This isn't relevant to the fact that you should still just wear a mask, even young people can suffer long term conditions and there are plenty of at risk people who aren't vaccinated.
go live in a bubble and stay in your basement if your afraid of coughing a little bit

ok you're stupid
says the kid who cant talk lmao

Offline Rutger Müller

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Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« Reply #32 on: April 15, 2021, 02:33:13 am »

Yeah I know just don't wear a mask and spread a virus that is very efficient in killing old people and people with underlying medical conditions. Like if you can't survive covid why even live??

Jeez I hope you're infertile.

well we dont need to worry about you being infertile. your buddy Abdul will take good care of your life partner for you

Offline ZeroNight

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Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« Reply #33 on: April 15, 2021, 02:47:26 am »
Americans disgust me
Leo1032: Immer diese Menschen
Habe ich eigentlich schon mal erwähnt das es nichts gibt was retardeter ist als deutsche Regimenter in diesem Spiel - Link2luke 2k16
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Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« Reply #34 on: April 15, 2021, 02:56:15 am »
This thread made me re evaluate some IQ levels

Offline Marceaux

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Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« Reply #35 on: April 15, 2021, 03:09:10 am »
This thread made me re evaluate some IQ levels


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Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« Reply #36 on: April 15, 2021, 03:15:42 am »
COVID was just another plan in our governments history. Back in 1982 there was a book that talked about certain thing the US government was going to do to its population/people over time and one of those being COVID (remember this book was published in 1982 and no I don't remember the name of the book) and the publisher of this book got into a "car wreck"  ::) and the book was bought out by a government official who then changed the book a bit and republished it in 1989. I'm telling you this was pretty much all sorted out in a timeline. Not only was COVID talked about in the book but 9/11, Osama Bin Big Laden, and microchips were talked about. I'm not saying COVID is fake by any means it's a real thing but isn't kind of funny how the government put lockdowns in place for a virus you have a 99.7% chance of living from? Just my thoughts.

At the end of the day I think it's just a media jerk off circle and they're scaring the public on purpose because they're paid by the US government to do so. I don't see why the COVID vaccine needs a chip in it. I've never seen any other vaccine use a chip but I could be wrong. I think they're seeing what the masses would do when this was announced to strike fear so when the new world order comes... well, they'll be prepared and know what's going to happen. I'm not a tinfoil hat idiot either I just added it all up and this is just what I think.

99.7% chance of living
World wide lockdowns
Vaccine with chips
Media spewing it out of proportion (everyone has a phone, pc, etc...) so everyone has access to the media

« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 03:18:21 am by VetroG »

Offline Pinoy12

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Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« Reply #37 on: April 15, 2021, 03:23:32 am »
Ya'll arguing over a virus that doesn't even exists. Couldn't be me!

Offline Hawkince

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Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« Reply #38 on: April 15, 2021, 03:44:56 am »
COVID was just another plan in our governments history. Back in 1982 there was a book that talked about certain thing the US government was going to do to its population/people over time and one of those being COVID (remember this book was published in 1982 and no I don't remember the name of the book) and the publisher of this book got into a "car wreck"  ::) and the book was bought out by a government official who then changed the book a bit and republished it in 1989. I'm telling you this was pretty much all sorted out in a timeline. Not only was COVID talked about in the book but 9/11, Osama Bin Big Laden, and microchips were talked about. I'm not saying COVID is fake by any means it's a real thing but isn't kind of funny how the government put lockdowns in place for a virus you have a 99.7% chance of living from? Just my thoughts.

At the end of the day I think it's just a media jerk off circle and they're scaring the public on purpose because they're paid by the US government to do so. I don't see why the COVID vaccine needs a chip in it. I've never seen any other vaccine use a chip but I could be wrong. I think they're seeing what the masses would do when this was announced to strike fear so when the new world order comes... well, they'll be prepared and know what's going to happen. I'm not a tinfoil hat idiot either I just added it all up and this is just what I think.

99.7% chance of living
World wide lockdowns
Vaccine with chips
Media spewing it out of proportion (everyone has a phone, pc, etc...) so everyone has access to the media


Offline Theodin

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Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« Reply #39 on: April 15, 2021, 03:52:57 am »
For Dan:
In the subgroups based on different study designs, protective effects of wearing mask were significant in cluster randomized trials and observational studies.
This is an interesting review of the literature surrounding masks - and shows that there is a great deal of variability in terms of what the scientific analysis says about the efficacy of masks. What I got from this study - obviously i'm an unqualified observer, so bear with me - is that the evidence for wearing a mask in healthcare settings to prevent HCWs from getting SARS is definitely relational - but the efficacy of wearing a mask to prevent SARS in community settings was less clear. I'm taking that from Table 1. This seems to be a reasonable assumption and I have no problem maintaining that somewhat effective masks are advisable in certain scenarios, like in healthcare environments. The limitations section also makes some good points about the certainty of it all:
This is a very nuanced issue with a lot of factors, and somewhat effective is still true!

The peer-reviewed scientific evidence for the protective effect of facemasks and respiratory virus infection in healthcare and community settings is overwhelming.

I would like to read all of these before commenting further; however, these summaries lead me to understand that "somewhat effective" is still quite certainly the case

Experimental and epidemiological data support community masking to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

The numbers in terms of effectiveness seem similar to the studies you linked previously; still somewhat effective in certain situations. Interesting to note that the different scenarios had different reductions in risk. I do not know why this is, but I'm guessing that due to every situation being notably different varies the effect of masking

Our review of the literature offers evidence in favor of widespread mask use as source control to reduce community transmission...
This study is especially interesting because it confirms what I previously insinuated - that masks are somewhat effective especially in conjunction with other public health measures, which would likely explain why countries with almost total mask compliance and intrusive public health measures like South Korea, Japan and Taiwan have been more effective than countries with high compliance like Canada and Europe and non-intrusive public health measures. However, as the study says, "Overall, evidence from RCTs and observational studies is informative, but not compelling on its own."

Also interesting to note that two areas in which mask mandates are not widespread - Florida and Texas - have not seen a significant jump in cases since the end of the second wave. Perhaps masking, while not mandated, remains widespread, but certainly more study is warranted to determine why no mask mandate or intrusive public health measures has not resulted in more cases, right?

For Hawkince:
You are not arguing in good faith here, you had said "masks are.. somewhat effective at best" and "and a serious risk to any future return to normalcy" implying that you believe that masks aren't important or necessary. The statement "for most people, the risk of getting severe covid is already incredibly low" is not only false it is harmful and ignorant.

I'm not arguing in good faith but you take me out of context? I said
obviously not suggesting we all pretend it doesn't exist but the attitude of extreme caution is overblown and a serious risk to any future return to normalcy.

The statement is correct, actually: the WHO estimates that "Among those who develop symptoms, most (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing hospital treatment."
About 1 in 5 cases are aysymptomatic as well!

If you consider 3 million dead not a lot then I don't know what to tell you. You have to understand that yes, in general for young people covid will most likely not cause you to be put in the ICU or be fatal, but just for your own selfish reasons wearing a mask can reduce viral load and aide in recovery time.

Who says I don't wear a mask or believe 3 million dead to be a travesty? Where is this coming from? And please don't say I'm "insinuating" anything, because my argument this whole time has been 1) there are situations where masks aren't required 2) vaccinations have impacted death rates (yay!) and 3) there are situations where mask mandates don't seem to be effective in stopping the spread of cases, and therefore mask mandates aren't a guarantee of a reduction in cases! There's nothing incorrect about that! For reference, here's everything I've said so far about this:


However, if you're not a selfish asshole, preventing it from spreading to people who can "get severe covid" should be reason enough.
I will certainly try my best; however, wearing a mask may not prevent this from occuring.

I also call into question you're source here The Slate Star Codex which as far as I can see is a random blog by a Psychiatrist. There's no need to politicize this or try to be big brain here, if the government says I should wear a mask, then I will because I don't think I'm "enlightened" or being oppressed because I have to wear one.

I encourage you to actually read the article; every claim is sourced scientifically. I recommended the article because of the way its written, which I find more effective in explaining the somewhat in somewhat effective. I must admit to not reading all the studies he referenced, but if you want to do so, I included them all in this pastebin. If you find a discrepancy between what he claims in the blog post vs what is said in the articles, please do so and I will stop recommending this article at once!

But ok ok, let's say for arguments sake you're right Theodin. Wearing a mask does almost next to nothing or is "somewhat effective", then why not just do it if you could help save just a single person? Are you so self absorbed and selfish you can't be bothered to put on a piece of cloth? Even if it reduced transmission by .0001% (which is not the case) on the global scale, that is tens of thousands of transmissions avoided. People like you argue that a "return to normalcy" is important, yet you don't realize that in a pandemic maybe the most important thing isn't a return to normalcy.

I do do it. I'm not that self absorbed, and before he was vaccinated, I avoided visiting my at risk family member - and wore a surgical mask when I did. I have not denied the efficacy of masks here. Please remember that! But there is a prevailing attitude that incorporates two ideas: that masks = no covid, which is not the case, and that no masks = covid, which is also not entirely correct. Masks are a factor in the spread of covid, not the factor, and treating them as such is not reasonable. A return to normalcy is actually extremely important, because the negative effects of lockdowns and "not normalcy" are extreme. Less so in Western countries, but we also have rapidly progressing vaccinations, so the return to normalcy is in many places upon us. And also, lol, returning to normalcy is actually the goal in a pandemic!

1x NA Duel- Runner up |  3x 3v3- 3rd place (Seadderol Deflatriots) (Ez Money) (71st Guards + Russian) | 1x Duel League- 4th place | 1x Regimental Groupfighting- 1st place (71st)  l  1x 2v2- 3rd Place (Vortex/Theodin) | TNWL Season 2 - 1st Place l 1x 2v2- 1st Place (Theodin/Elite) l 2x NANWL-
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Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« Reply #40 on: April 15, 2021, 06:21:19 am »
It's simple, we stop eating meat at such an industrial level. The virus occurred due to our unrestrained consumption and wet markets. I know people won't stop eating meat entirely, so the best we can hope for is lab-grown or other alternatives.

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Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« Reply #41 on: April 15, 2021, 06:34:59 am »
Bollox  - all a con  dillusion tactics.

Offline sidney crosby

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Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« Reply #42 on: April 15, 2021, 08:26:56 am »
natural selection bro if you dont wanna die just take your vitamin d supplements


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Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« Reply #43 on: April 15, 2021, 08:38:49 am »
This thread made me re evaluate some IQ levels

Offline Cazasar

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Re: I'm pissed (COVID thread)
« Reply #44 on: April 15, 2021, 01:00:28 pm »
I thank this Virus for showing us who is actually retarded
Cazasar interacting with the boys
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