Author Topic: Empire_Sunday_Event (EU) at 19:00 London Time! Next Event = Sunday June 9th  (Read 19828 times)

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Offline [Empire]Slavomir

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The Empire Sunday Event
Welcome to the Empire events!
Please note! This is not a regular Line Battle Event!
It has some rules and basic conventions, but it is a highly experimental event that tries everything
from rural village-battles, to urban city-battles, to experimental amphibious-battles, etc!
In this event 1 Army, the Empire, fights against everyone else (every other regiment)!
The Empire Community, after a 4+ month break, has also completed a list of much needed
reforms for this event! View the content below!

What Is The Event Like?
These events are unique, and largely experimental. In these events, one army with [Empire] tags fights against a team of regiments. The battles are usually balanced; however, events like 70 (Empire men) versus 120 (regular regiments), or 60v90s can happen time to time. The [Empire] is usually always outnumbered by a bit. In this event, you will experience unique battles: amphibious battles, countryside battles (with villages and houses), city battles (battle mode with city), mountain battles (ex: the Alps), and more! Unlike regular line-battle events, the Empire event is always changing in terms of gameplay style. The event focuses on providing a battle experience that allows you to use your creativity and fight at the same time. Garrisoning is prominent in the event: a regiment can take a village and hold, or a regiment can build a sapper-works defense, like a redoubt.

The Nature of the Empire Event
It is a unique Warband Napoleonic Wars event in which three key factors make it unique,
1st - one united army, the Empire army, fights against its enemies on the battlefield
2nd - the opposing sides have different army builds (one side can have more/less manpower and/or more/less specialty classes selected)
3rd - the battle map is a custom made (terrain advantages and disadvantages exist for the opposing sides)
In short, it is a event where the Empire army, fights against a group of regiments, where the
army builds differ from conventional Warband NW events, and where there is a custom made
map. These three notes are the key factors that make the Empire event unique.

Event Rules
The event rules are similar to the ones in regular line-battles, but there are some significant differences so please read carefully. In addition, obvious rules such as "be polite, no vulgarity, no spamming" and all of that is assumed to be a common norm in the event (just be polite people).

BASIC Empire Event Rules
1. NO FiC = Fire in Charge. NO RiC = Reload in Charge. NO FoL = Fire out-of Line Formation. NO RoL = Reload out-of Line. (Charge - refers to melee combat)
2. All Charge = no ranged combat/shooting/no-reloading, everyone goes into melee combat.
3. No Rambo = running off from a unit to attack alone. It is not rambo if the line youre with died and you are finding a friendly line.
4. Garrisoning/Holding-Defensive-Positions IS ALLOWED FOR ALL CLASSES/UNITS, the structure must be man-made (like a house or a sapper-work, not nature)
5. While a unit is in a Garrison it is allowed to FiC, RiC, FoL, and RoL while INSIDE the Garrison (5/10 men spacing next to garrison)
6. While a unit is ATTACKING a GARRISON it is allowed to FiC, RiC, FoL, and RoL while charging the Garrison (5/10 men spacing next to garrison)
HEADS-UP - These are the rules for all units that are moving/fighting around in the open nature/are-not garrisoned. In case they enter a garrison, the Basic Empire Event Rules above apply to each of them.

Rules For Line Infantry and Foot Guards
No FiC, no RiC, no FoL, no RoL,
- Must move and shoot in tight linear formation (half-man spacing max)

Rules For Light Infantry/Riflemen
No RiC, no FoL, no RoL . . . However, these units can FiC!
- Must move and shoot in at least a 1 to 4 men spacing from each other

Rules For Cavalry (all except Dragoons)
In Empire Events, cavalry can be often given carbines for usage,
In case they get guns, No RiC, no FoL, no RoL, but they are allowed to FiC!
- Must move and shoot in at least a 1 to 4 men spacing from each other

Rules For Dragoons
No RiC, no FoL, no RoL . . . However, these units can FiC!
- Must move and shoot in at least a 1 to 4 men spacing from each other

Rules For Dismounted Cavalry
If they are dismounted during battle, they must mount another horse to rejoin their cavalry unit,
in case they are unable to do so, dismounted cavalry men must join any nearby unit and follow
the rules of that unit (whether it is a line infantry or a light infantry or a artillery).

Rules For Artillery
No RiC, no FoL, no RoL, but they can FiC!
Artillery often makes sapper-works near their cannons, this results in making a
garrison and can be used as one (counts as any other garrison, like a house)!
- Artillery men are to shoot at least 1 to 4 men spacing from a cannon in case there is no artillery garrison.

In Game Rules
- no toxicity (tks, annoying others, etc) or spamming - it will result in first a kick, then a temporary ban...
- after first-blood (after the first team VS team death) there will be no more revives/heals unless requested (ex: purposeful tk's will get revives, just type in chats for it)
- no taking units that you did not sign up for/no-switchin in between game: unless you get admin's permissions to change (if you signed as a hussar, then
play as a hussar, the admins will most likely allow to change to heavy cav if you request mid-game, just type it in global or dm Slavomir)
- if you enter an area on the map that is inaccessible (glitch or super roof hack), then you will be requested to get off from there or be teleported,
otherwise there might be a slay (we always have new custom maps in each event so it could have some spots)

Sign Up List
A. Your regiment name -
B. Your regiment numbers and preferred class -
C. Your regiment leader contact information -
D. Do you agree with rules and are you ready to play (yes/no)

The Event Reform and Overhaul!
After playing for over two years of Empire events, the ideal formula for making Empire events is finally created!
We formalized the nature of the event, and have a list of completed actions that will show imporvement in the event.
1. the creation and effective function of an Empire staff member team
that will work on organization, community building and management
2. effective admins and stable admin team
3. appropriate responses during events (event circumstances) by the admins
4. recognize and formalize the nature of the event: it is a unique event where
there is no 1 to 1 balance: teams will often have different numbers of cannons,
cavalry, lights, and manpower, all that adjust to making the irregular event,
such a nature will demand polished up event rules
5. polished up event rules - all specialties (cav/lights/arty) that signs up is warned & noted
that they may be forced to play as line infantry during an event in case event circumstances demand it
6. ensure that the weekly event has every battle individually organized in a unique manner, from
the custom map to the class limits to the attendance number, all factors must be included in the planning stage
so that uptake "actions that address unforeseen circumstances" will be a highly unlikely action to occur

The Specialties Safeguard Rule - While Playing The Event
Since the event often does not have a basic one to one balance in terms of specialties and manpower―the two sides often have different amounts of light-infantry/riflemen, artillery, cavalry, and manpower on the teams―a safeguard rule is put in place to ensure that the balance of classes in the event does not ruin the gameplay. The Specialties Safeguard Rule: All regiments that play for specialties in the Empire event (light infantry, artillery, and cavalry) can be forced to play for line infantry in case there are circumstances that demand such an action in order to improve the overall gameplay balance. Why is this rule now in place? The nature of the Empire event is that both sides have specific advantages and disadvantages. This feature allows us to create unique battles. In real life battles opposing sides would often have different army compositions: some had more men, some had more cavalry, some had more artillery, some had more terrain advantages, etc (all sorts of circumstances can be listed). This uniqueness and type of realism is what allows Empire to create super fun and unique events that are not repetitive and boring like the standard Line Battle events. However, to ensure that such a battle is balanced in terms of gameplay is a difficult task. Because of this, we have a safeguard rule that will allow admins to interfere to fix any unforeseen issues & problems regarding the unique gameplay-balance of the event. All regiments signing up for specialties will be warned of this rule and obliged to obey it because the unique nature of the event demands it! Otherwise an event can go really wacky and not good.
The Planning Safeguard Policy - While Organizing The Event
In order to avoid the necessity to use the Specialties Safeguard Rule, the planning safeguard policy is put in place in order to prevent any event issues from even appearing at the event thanks to the remastered organization of the events. In short, a improved way of organizing the events will minimize the risk of gameplay problems arising in the event. Instead of organizing the event by just listing the attending enemy team, a chart that lists out the detailed strengths of both sides is employed. The Planning Safeguard Policy: For every event that takes place, the new organization chart will show both Empire and Enemy regiments, show their listed strengths in manpower, show their specialties, and show clear advantages and disadvantages that each side has on their side of the battle map and field (mainly the terrain and garrisons). How does it look like? Think of one of those historical battle documentaries where you get to see the strengths of both sides and their advantages & disadvantages: the same will be done for each Empire event and the chart will be shown to all groups taking part in the event. By having a chart like this one, the event will be able to make necessary balance edits (before the actual battle is fought) and decrease the chances that the specialties safeguard rule will have to be used. This way, we greatly decrease the chances of having any wackiness appear in the event.

Event Discord and CONTACT Information
If you do not want to do the forum sign up then simply hop into the discord server and/or add+dm Slavomir#1534 in discord. The events are often concluded on a "hand-shake" type of deal with many regiments (it is quite un-formal). Additionally, the discord has a lot of content and extra information on the event in interested!

The Empire VS Regiments Event discord also offers you to promote your own events (we allow it and give admin roles there)! Here is the link
For Steam "Arroslin" is the Steam Contact. You will find it super easy it is a unique name.

Some Event Videos and Pictures:

(there is a lot more videos and pictures on the discord)

If you have any questions just
add and dm Slavomir#1534 in discord. Thank you!
« Last Edit: May 25, 2024, 02:17:17 am by [Empire]Slavomir »


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Re: Empire_Sunday_Event (EU) at 19:00 GMT
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2021, 12:46:56 am »
fun event. been there before. very historical and very fun

Offline [Empire]Slavomir

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Re: Empire_Sunday_Event (EU) at 19:00 GMT
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2021, 10:38:20 pm »
Thank you! Events are super fun, but there is a level of risk because sometimes events can get messy.
We just had a great streak of 4 events going super well recently. Grijo, Lisbon, Switzerland, and the Schleswig und Holstein,
One full video on how the boys manage to win a 72 versus 126 fight in Switzerland.

Her is a video from another battle. It is a meme-y video of me leading famous LoftedLuke Empire Lights into a charge xD

And new video of a compilation of epic Light Inf, led by the mighty warrior Marshal LoftedLuke!  8)
Most recent event - Battle of Copenhagen - went well but wasn't as fun as the big 4 ones. Nonetheless, it is really fun and full of players (either 80v80 or 70v100 or 70v126)
« Last Edit: March 30, 2021, 10:41:33 pm by [Empire]Slavomir »

Offline Balder/Enrique

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Re: Empire_Sunday_Event (EU) at 19:00 London Time
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2021, 06:29:39 pm »
A. Your regiment name - Almogavares
B. Your regiment numbers and preferred class - 10 & Light Inf.
C. Your regiment leader contact information -
D. Do you agree with rules and are you ready to play (yes/no) - yes

Offline [Empire]Slavomir

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Re: Empire_Sunday_Event (EU) at 19:00 London Time
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2021, 01:39:53 am »
A. Your regiment name - Almogavares
B. Your regiment numbers and preferred class - 10 & Light Inf.
C. Your regiment leader contact information -
D. Do you agree with rules and are you ready to play (yes/no) - yes
Accepted! We will have our representatives contact you right now to give server information to you!!


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Re: Empire_Sunday_Event (EU) at 19:00 London Time
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2021, 02:24:49 am »
A. Your regiment name - 55th Regiment of Foot
B. Your regiment numbers and preferred class - 5-10
C. Your regiment leader contact information -
D. Do you agree with rules and are you ready to play (yes/no) - yes

Offline [Empire]Slavomir

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Re: Empire_Sunday_Event (EU) at 19:00 London Time
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2021, 12:47:41 am »
A. Your regiment name - 55th Regiment of Foot
B. Your regiment numbers and preferred class - 5-10
C. Your regiment leader contact information -
D. Do you agree with rules and are you ready to play (yes/no) - yes
Accepted and signed up and all good. The Easter event (today) was a very light/meme not serious one please remember that fact. Organization for it was neglected because attendance was thought to be low. The upcoming big event is on April 11th, with over 13/15 enemy regs signing up for the team (details in the discord)! Battle in Sweden stuff coming up!

Offline Lefty

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Re: Empire_Sunday_Event (EU) at 19:00 London Time
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2021, 07:02:27 pm »

A. Your regiment name - 45th 'Nottinghamshire' Regiment of Foot (Light Company)
B. Your regiment numbers and preferred class - 12-18 (Lights / Riflemen)
C. Your regiment leader contact information -
D. Do you agree with rules and are you ready to play (yes/no) - Yes and yes :)

Offline JosephMarte

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Re: Empire_Sunday_Event (EU) at 19:00 London Time
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2021, 07:15:28 pm »
A. Your regiment name - 5e régiment d'artillerie
B. Your regiment numbers and preferred class - 5 and arty
C. Your regiment leader contact information -
D. Do you agree with rules and are you ready to play (yes/no) - yes

Offline [Empire]Slavomir

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Re: Empire_Sunday_Event (EU) at 19:00 London Time
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2021, 07:26:04 pm »

A. Your regiment name - 45th 'Nottinghamshire' Regiment of Foot (Light Company)
B. Your regiment numbers and preferred class - 12-18 (Lights / Riflemen)
C. Your regiment leader contact information -
D. Do you agree with rules and are you ready to play (yes/no) - Yes and yes :)
Would be glad to accept you, but currently the lights list is full. It resets each week though so don't worry about it. Maybe we can figure something out for this weekend - please add Arroslin on steam or Slavomir#1534 in discord / or join the discord event group. All details are in discord but steam chat can work too, just contact em whenever you can

Offline [Empire]Slavomir

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Re: Empire_Sunday_Event (EU) at 19:00 London Time
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2021, 07:28:30 pm »
A. Your regiment name - 5e régiment d'artillerie
B. Your regiment numbers and preferred class - 5 and arty
C. Your regiment leader contact information -
D. Do you agree with rules and are you ready to play (yes/no) - yes
Yep all good - we in discord let's figure out the rest there, welcome to da event!

Offline [Empire]Slavomir

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Re: Empire_Sunday_Event (EU) at 19:00 London Time
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2021, 05:27:16 am »
Update on event - here is most recent event (last Sunday April 25th) with the epic 85v95 fight
NEWS - Event really needs 1/2 more cavalry regiments for the ENEMY team (10 to 20 needed) - if you would be up for it just post here or add me in discord: Slavomir#1534 - for direct contact!

Offline Louisss

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Re: Empire_Sunday_Event (EU) at 19:00 London Time (CAV NEEDED)
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2021, 04:59:36 pm »
Still need cav for this?  :)

Offline [Empire]Slavomir

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Re: Empire_Sunday_Event (EU) at 19:00 London Time (CAV NEEDED)
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2021, 09:37:25 pm »
We got one, but we need 2, so ye, there's a slot but not for dragoons (those are taken, people take em right away because drags can fic). Lancers, hussars, heavies, open. Add me in discord Slavomir#1534 (quickest contact) or in steam (also wokrs) if interested

Offline [Empire]Slavomir

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Re: Empire_Sunday_Event (EU) at 19:00 London Time (CAV NEEDED)
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2021, 06:52:04 am »
Update - here is most recent event on June 6th  -

Still looking for some extra enemy cav to spice things up (and more slots open dm Slavomir#1534 in discord or add me in steam, contact is above in event-info)!
« Last Edit: February 17, 2022, 05:28:00 pm by [Empire]Slavomir »