Author Topic: The James Grant archive, splendid threads from times of yore.  (Read 1862 times)

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The James Grant archive, splendid threads from times of yore.
« on: February 16, 2021, 04:41:51 pm »
Hello all,

Once upon a time when I was an active player in this wee community, I made threads for many people and I founded a surprisingly high number of regiments myself. Perhaps I founded them just so I could make pretty threads? One for my shrink I suppose.

Anyway, most of my old assets no longer exist, image hosting expires and what-not, but what remains might as well be used, if for no other reason so that I can again bask in the glory of photo editing skills I no longer possess. I repeat, no longer possess, I couldn't re-make these if I wanted to.

So if you would like to use any of this for your regiments, please do so. I would, however, appreciate if you just commented here saying you have done so and crediting me in your post.

Cheerio chaps, have fun sticking it to Bonaparte.

Number 1. 28th Regiment of Foot, I don't think this one was ever formed and that is why it includes some bits from 71st thread, but the image could easily be changed out.






A short history of the 28th Regiment of foot 1803-1815.
After almost 10 years fighting in India against the Mahratta's the 71st Regiment was finally returned to Britain, before
the regiments departure however 500 men were transferred to the 73rd & 74th in Madras, many of these men would
go on to fight with Wellesley at Assaye still at that time being a distinguishably independent cadre within the 74th.
Upon return to Britain a 2nd battalion was raised with the primary purpose of training fresh men for the 1st Battalion.
In 1806 the 1st Battalion was detached to the Cape of Good Hope under Sir Home Popham which for the final time was
taken from the Dutch. Popham then took his forces and those of Sir David Baird to South America and took the unwarranted
decision to attack Beunos Aires, though early success was achieved the local populace and scattered army units & militia's
rose against the British occupation and subsequently captured the 1/71st as well as a few hundred other men of the Royal Navy &
The Battalion was released in 1807 and eventually presented new Kings & Regimental colours in April 1808.
Later in that same year the 1/71st was sent to the Peninsula and fought in Portugal as well as advancing with Moore
into Spain and then participated in the infamous retreat to Corunna and the somewhat successful battle at the end of the campaign.
After being reformed into a Light Infantry Battalion after it's return to Britain the 71st was to endure more hardships
being embarked on the Walcheran expedition where thousands of the British army there were taken sick by Walcheran Fever.
In 1810 the regiment was again to see the dry lands of Spain and would fight at almost every major action following this in the
Peninsula war and afterwards Waterloo.

Detailed History of the 1/71st in the Peninsula & Waterloo 1811-15.
1st May 1811 (at the battleground of Fuentes d Onoro) PUA 497

Massena's men are put in to an attack at the village during the afternoon of 3rd May, General Ferey using a brigade of men initially, Wellington has filled the village buildings and its walls with Light infantry companies of 5 or 6 brigades from 1st and 3rd Divisions, it is in trying to get down to fine detail that we discover that in this series of engagements Oman is in difficulty identifying who has and who has not got Lt'companies available, he merely says that Howard Brigade sent in its own. How then do we treat a later stage when he says that 1/71st goes in as a fresh battalion, does he not see 1/71st as a battalion able to be utilised in full as individual light companies? In our own time we would expect 1/71st to have no less than 10 companies of Light infantry available from the beginning, this of course would throw his earlier calculations wildly out in much the same way as he treats the non-existent so-called Portuguese Line Light companies.

I digress, back in Fuentes d Onoro the combined Light companies are under some pressure down at the riverside, the enemy has come on with great dash and in large numbers forcing all who resist here to either retire back and up the slopes or fall killed and wounded or be captured. We know that six men of 1/71st are captured here, the struggle rolls along from house to house up to the top of the village but not until the local Commander Lieutenant Colonel William Williams of 5/60th has put in a serious counter-attack and been repulsed once again. Lieutenant Colonel Henry Cadogan is sent in with 1/71st, and here we must assume that this is at least 9 companies, he has two other battalions of 1st Division 2nd Brigade and with these is able to push back a second brigade of Ferey's but, only a part of the way down into the village. By now the day and the troops involved are well spent darkness falls and it is time to count heads, 1/71st have had Lieutenant John Cowsell killed and seven of the men, Captain James McIntyre, Lieutenant Humphrey Fox and Ensign Donald Kearns are seriously wounded, the last dying five days later, Adjutant/Lieutenant Robert Law and Lieutenant William McCraw are also wounded as are 33 of the men leaving 1/71st standing at:

3rd May 1811 (after the first fight in Fuentes d Onoro) PAB 445     

The next day the troops ensconced in the opposing buildings spend their time taking pot-shots at each other and building barricades across the streets not so on the 5th May however. On they come again but this day 1/71st, and 1/79th of 2nd Brigade 1st Division are all that the CIC is prepared to allocate to this area leaving 2/24th out at the top of the hill as a support.  Some two hours after sunrise the assault has re-commenced with a tussle at the lower end of the now well ruined houses, as the pattern is repeated 1/71st will have men surrounded and captured, 37 in all with two un-named officers, the rest of the battalion is slowly ejected going back a far as to where 2/24th is standing in reserve, these men drive the enemy troops back again to near their start point, all are exhausted, rest a while until a new force under General Drouet D‘Erlon is brought up, all grenadier companies, they sweep the remnants of those three battalions all the way up the village to the very top where yet again the impetus is lost.

The survivors of those Light Coy's of 1st & 3rd Div' used on the first day were now sent in again, the fight here by now has achieved major proportions and is about to get even more intense, D‘Erlon sends up nine fresh battalions who dash through the gory body strewn ruined alleys and over wrecked walls taking all before them to the very summit of the ground above the village. For a while there is a fire-fight around the tombstones in a churchyard, fortunately the ubiquitous Colonel Edward Packenham was close by with 3rd Division he rapidly summed up the situation, received permission to engage and sent in 1/88th at the charge who, with 1/74th in support drove the grenadiers all the way back whilst scraps of Light infantry companies rallied onto them sweeping the village ruins clear to the river edge. There was nothing more that could be achieved here this day, it was time to count the cost, Lieutenants William Graham and William Houston lay dead as did 11 of their men Adjutant/Lieutenant Law was hit again and Lieutenant Charles Stewart, Ensigns John Vandeleur and Charles Cox along with 71 of the men wounded, so:

5th May 1811 (after the second fight in Fuentes d Onoro) PAB 318

Meanwhile down in Estremadura a battle yet to be fought at Albuera will decide the fates of the men of 1/71st for some years afterwards, Wellington having just fought off the challenge from Massena is alerted to the danger of a force being drawn out of Andalusia by Marshal Nicholas Soult to threaten Beresford's siege of Badajoz. There is an almighty clash of arms at Albuera on 16th May which virtually destroys 2nd Division so that as soon as Wellington has been down there and made his decisions Major General Kenneth Howard's Brigade of 1st Division will be marched off and transferred to a re-built 2nd Division becoming its 1st Brigade, this being made official by 6th June 1811, that fragment of 3/95th Rifles goes to Light Division and Howard will receive a coy' of 5/60th to make up the deficit.

Once down in the southern or right wing theatre it is not too long before Howard's Brigade are drawn back up into the valley of the Caya along with a concentration of the principal part of Wellington's army, they stand on defence against a combination of Soult's men from the south and Marshal Auguste Marmont's troops from the north-east. All of this comes to nothing in hard military terms but, standing anywhere close to the swamps and stagnant pools down the Caya during the heat of summer is bound to bring back for 1/71st the fevers buried deep in their bones. We are given no solid figures for this period of attrition other than that those ex-Walcheren men would suffer the greater losses in the army. When the French had departed from his front the CIC moved away into the uplands of the Portuguese frontier leaving Major General Rowland Hill to work back into Estremadura keeping D'Erlon and his little army on the move, a case of tactical manœuvre which paid off when General Girard extended a Brigade of his men too far forward, ostensibly foraging and collecting 'contributions' from the locality about Malpartida.  Hill no less that Wellington was well supplied with information as to enemy movements via the Partida of the district and set out from Portalegre on 22nd October taking Howard and others into the Sierras to see what could be done to put Girard in the way of harm. The late autumn rains made marching an uncomfortable task but this force was well led and motivated, they made prodigiously long day marches and occasionally extended these into the night going via Torremocha and Alcuescar until they came close to a largely unsuspecting Girard only 5miles away at Arroyo dos Molinos.

On the morning, and in fact before morning of 28th October, at 2.30am in pitch dark and pouring rain 1/71st in company with 1/92nd half ran the last five miles to catch the enemy in their beds, General Bron and several other commanding officers were caught and made prisoner while the rest made off with Girard as best they could leaving their baggage along with almost 1500 infantrymen captured.  We are only given collective casualties hereabouts but, considering the summer losses through fevers and this rapid marching attack we cannot expect 1/71st to muster any better than:

28th October 1811 (after the surprise at Arroyo dos Molinos) PAB 291

This unit of light infantrymen is down to very fragile figures and the toil is not yet over for the year. On a false alarm given by Major General William Erskine Hill brings his victorious little force back from the streaming Sierra's at full speed returning all the way to the comparative safety of his base at Portalegre and it is hereabouts that they will come to rest to see out 1811 and, with a long winter and slow start to their spring campaign in 1812 there is nothing to report until May of that year. Numbers have increased by perhaps a company draft and returning convalescents so that as Hill is ordered to take a force up the Tagus to attempt to destroy the bridge crossing and 'works at Almaraz 1/71st would, in all likelihood stand at:

May 1812 (prior to the attack on the Bridge at Almaraz) PUA 360

Howard's Brigade are to lead this affair which entails a march of some 160mls deep inland coming up to the strongly defended castle of Miravete straddling the road some few miles before the river crossing. Having reconnoitred the area and the approaches to their objective they are able to follow a country pathway out of sight of the enemy at the bridgeworks and circumventing the castle where a small force is left behind to keep this place busily occupied. With 1/50th to the fore and 1/71st immediately following these last few miles are covered halting only at a small settlement to arrange a number of scaling ladders, clearly the local inhabitants have been alerted to all of this as no great amount of time is lost before the real work begins. Howard's men have to cross the last 300yds of open terrain in full view of the defenders of a purpose built timbered strongpoint with several pieces of cannon able to pick them off during this dash to contact. It is 1/50th that take the brunt of this cannonade so that when the ladders are raised at points along the walls Major Charles Cother is able to lead 1/71st on and in close support of 1/50th who are beginning to win their way into this place, Captain Lewis Grant is mortally wounded here dying later in the day whilst the men storm into and through the defences. Their comrades of 1/50th who have succeeded in putting the little garrison to flight are joined by a jostling mob of 1/71st rolling the enemy, who are mainly of the Regiment de Prusse all the way down to the pontoon bridge and some way across until this structure is tipped over breaking its centre parts.

Of 1/71st Lieutenant William Lockwood has been seriously wounded and Lieutenant Donald Ross & Ensign Colin McKenzie lightly injured whilst all in all they have lost 57 men killed and wounded so that:

19th May 1812 (after the combat at Fort Napoleon, Almaraz) PAB 303

When the defensive works and the bridge have been destroyed Howard's Brigade are marched off a little down country via Truxillo to Merida in the Guadiana valley where they are able to remain while Wellington's main force is to be engaged in the Salamanca campaign. Following that sudden change in the fortunes of Marmont and his Army of Portugal and the consequent removal of Soult's Army of the South to Valencia Hill is able to collect his Corps and head for Madrid. There is no serious work for Howard's men during the march up the Tagus valley nor during their stay to the south west of the Capital when Wellington goes off to besiege Burgos, they will endure the retreat westward onto the old Arapiles position and then yet again going all the way back to the line of the Agueda before halting at the end of November in the safety of the Portuguese frontier.

During the earlier part of all this 1/71st would have increased their numbers perhaps to as much as 400 PUA but, along with the rest of the army this retreat, carried through at the latter stages in heavy early winter rain along ruined roads with minimal logistical support that figure would reduce to yet again bring them close to:

29th November 1812 (after the retreat to the Agueda) PUA 322

In the closing stages of this dismal trek Howard transfers back to 1st Division and the Brigade is taken up by Lieutenant Colonel Henry Cadogan of 1/71st whose task will be to take up a forward position screening the army about Coria.

The winter and spring of 1813 pass without event excepting that there are to be substantially massive reinforcements for the whole army, we are confidently assured that for 1/71st this would mean excellent numbers as early as;

26th April 1813 (cantoned behind the Portuguese frontier)  PUA 873

The army will only be put in motion towards the end of May 1813, at which time it appears that 1/71st will return to figures not seen since 1808, the great majority of which will obviously be new drafts from the recruiting areas back in many parts of the British Isles.

25th May 1813 (on the march north beginning the Vittoria campaign) PUA 905

Cadogan has the brigade still but the 2nd Division is in the hands of Major General William Stewart that well-known and dangerously impetuous warrior, even when closely overlooked by Hill.  Being used by the CIC as his right wing Hill's force is to face the enemy as he falls back ever threatened by Lieutenant General Thomas Graham's flanking marches on the left.

With only brief minor clashes with the enemy rearguard they will arrive; almost a month later, at the fighting ground chosen by King Joseph Bonaparte and Marshal Jean Baptiste Jourdan in defence of Vittoria, mainly in an attempt to keep secure the accumulated results of six years of systematic looting of Spain's treasures, and its inevitable hangers-on. Numbers have remained very much the same as at the beginning of the long 470mile march to reach this battlefield so, it only remains to tell the story. On 21st June Cadogan is to take his men forward up to the Pueblo Heights to engage the enemy to the far right flank of what will become the main action for a good part of the morning. They have Major General Pablo Morillo's Spaniards even further to their right again and are able to gain the high ground before meeting serious opposition remembering that for many of them this will be their first taste of battle although some training must have resulted in preparing them for light infantry work.

The fighting here although taking up a good deal of time must have been of a desultory nature as light infantryman faced voltigeur, the heights contained some wooded area so perhaps this gave a certain amount of cover. Meanwhile the rest of the brigade was working along the lower slopes and flat areas to their left attracting enemy reinforcements to this flank. On the hill Cadogan is mortally wounded early on, the command seemingly remaining open for a while as the action has become general on this flank, 1/71st and some of Morillo's battalions are able to take more ground along the ridge, thus enabling them to begin to turn the enemy left flank. They are violently counter-attacked falling back for a while but then holding and coming on again as 1/50th and 1/92nd absorb some of the attacks down on the lower ground. There is a pause of some duration while the two sides re-set themselves until a new force of the French under General Villatte come up to the heights. By now 1/71st are being led by some 'mystery leader' whose name has not been recorded, this officer orders a tired and partially unformed 1/71st to advance at the run down a steady slope with a rise beyond of the same gradient to sweep off a residue of scattered enemy on this opposite side.

They are set off at precisely the same time as Villatte's men are coming up, both from the front and the flank; these are veterans of many many years of fighting in Central Europe and the Peninsula even, on occasion under Napoleon's eye, arguably the best that France had to offer in the Peninsula at that time. Certainly they gave the new men of 1/71st a welcome to reality  completely covering their front and flank they delivered a single short-range volley which put an end to the Highland Light for that day! Fully 200 men were brought down in a flash the rest staggering back to flee in total disorder up their side of the hollow, fortunately the enemy brigadier made the same error bringing his victorious veterans up this rise as 1/50th and parts of 1/92nd were making their way to the scene. The same treatment, with only a little less result befell Villatte's men so that this hollow ground would become a body-strewn bowl for both friend and foe. A short stalemate ensued but, meanwhile the battle, which had developed across most of the field, was going badly for King Joseph and, up on this hill faltered as orders came up for Villatte to break off his engagement to plug gaps already looking ominous down by the Zadorra. Lieutenant Colonel John Cameron of 1/92nd eventually took over the brigade as they continued to advance against an enemy who by now was bent on a full retreat, meanwhile 1/71st had to become accustomed once more to figures close to those recorded whilst the battalion lay in the Lines of Torres Vedras back in 1810. With Cadogan now dead on the field along with Captain Henry Hall and Lieutenant Colin Mackenzie, Lieutenant Humphrey Fox mortally wounded, to die next day, Major Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Charles Cother injured, Captains Joseph Pidgeon and Samuel Reed, Lieutenants Norman Campbell, Thomas Commeline, Alexander Duff, John McIntyre, Loftus Richards, Charles Cox and William Torriano wounded, the last two being captured down in the hollow along with 38 of their men and another 260 light infantrymen wounded and a further 41 dead and dying 1/71st would finish the day at:

21st June 1813 (after the fight on the Pueblo Heights, Vittoria) PAB 559

The rout of the enemy leaving treasures beyond belief to the tender mercies of Wellington's men would perhaps be secondary to attending to their wounded comrades up in that fateful hollow, there is small evidence indeed to suspect that 1/71st amongst their brigade comrades had any appreciable numbers left here and the countryside generally to be making the best of this literally golden opportunity to reap their own rewards.   Whatever, the war must go on, so, we soon see Cameron's Brigade marching off into the plains running up to the Spanish Pyrenees. Within 10 days Hill's Division is to be found about the perimeter of the fortified city of Pamplona, the place is blockaded by degrees and on 2nd July 2nd Division receives its orders to move off westward into the Bastan where Gazan's remnants of the Army of the South are still in possession of the Pyrenean Passes. Two days later Cameron's Brigade comes upon the rearguard of the enemy at the crest of the Col de Villate; they were able to push them along through a few small hamlets on the northern side of the pass until meeting stiffer opposition from a stronger body of support troops who marched up towards them, all of this about Aniz. Both sides kept pushing more men forward in anticipation of a serious general action but meanwhile only ending the day in skirmishing/observation.  Next day up comes the CIC to assess his options hereabouts, this soon results in Cameron Brigade going off on a sharp climb on the right flank of the position to feel for the end of the enemy line and turn it. The day was spent with the French retiring by Divisions as Hill slowly took ground, reformed and repeated the process until standing before the Pass of Maya by night time, the next day was all to be a shuffling around of formations for the next regular attack. On 7th July Cameron was to take his men again to the far right, this time about the Peak of Atchiola, this turned out to be a 'soft' attack even when Villate came up from the opposite side in greater numbers, only sporadic shots were exchanged and Corps leader General Honore Gazan eventually removed himself and his Divisions from the whole line of defence after an early ground fog had descended. Through all of this forward manœuvre in the face of the enemy we are not able to get at any sure casualty figures light though they must have been, no-one it seems has yet returned from that mass of absentees following the wholesale looting by the many recalcitrants mentioned by the CIC in his diatribe to the army as a whole.   So it is that for a couple of weeks Cameron will settle down with his Brigade about the Pass of Maya we have only brigade figures to go on and these difficult to extract but, may say that here up in the fateful Maya Pass as July was ending and the new “man in charge” Marshal Nicholas Soult was mounting an assault into this and other associated Pyrenean Passes 1/71st would in all likelihood stand at:

25th July 1813 (at the Pass of Maya) PUA 550

The day began quietly enough for Cameron and his brigade, activity being mainly concentrated to their far right in a part of the 'Pass approached by a different pathway. As the noise of battle reached greater proportions away on this flank a senior Brigadier comes hurrying over to take away 1/50th and a half of 1/92nd from Cameron's array. Pickets of 1/71st are stationed well forward overlooking their own approaches, down their pathway can be just seen large concentrations far below of a veritable army which is picking its way toward them, not at this stage however with any urgency. To the right of Cameron's now weakened front the inclusion of that battalion and a half has been but a drop-in-the-bucket, they too are faced with massive forces on this other pathway being heavily engaged and slowly forced to give ground. Reluctantly Cameron further weakens his front by sending a half of 1/71st right to their urgent help, battle is joined and since this fight has been in progress for some long period they will come into it facing a furiously attacking enemy. These piecemeal reinforcements only serve to feed and prolong an inevitable slaughter at this summit of the 'Pass until Cameron's own front now comes under serious fire. The other halves of 1/71st and 1/92nd are closely involved here with no chance of drawing support at this juncture, they are pushed back little by little resisting valiantly all the way until they fall back onto their camping grounds of tents and baggage. Passing through and relinquishing this area there is a pause in the combat as the enemy takes its chance to plunder whatever they can find.  This gives the tired survivors some chance to fall back to a new defensive position, Cameron has been wounded and Lieutenant General William Stewart has arrived on the scene, on this occasion to sum it up correctly and get all of the wrecks of his brigades off this hill to a safer spot. By 4.30pm both sides are well sought into but there is continued contact against this ever diminishing British line until well over 1hour later two battalions of Major General Edward Barnes Brigade of 7th Division come up charging at the battleworn foes with such vigour that this tormenting pressure is cut short, reversed and, as Cameron's remnants join in the pursuit, chased back almost to the summit saddle itself. This ends the day's proceedings and the cost is counted, Lieutenant Duff is dead with 16 of his men, Lieutenant John Roberts whilst also reported killed has been captured remaining a prisoner until war's end, Major Maxwell Mackenzie, Captain William Grant, Lieutenants Anthony Pack, Thomas Park and William Peacocke are wounded along with 120 men whilst no less than 53 men have been captured during these fighting retreats, so:

25th July 1813 (after the fight at the Maya Pass) PAB 354

Unfortunately this is not to be the end of their share of fighting during Soult's adventures in the Pyrenees, when Wellington discovers the extent and geography of the enemy tactics Hill's Corps is set to defend his left flanks about Lizaso which temporarily gives Cameron's, now Lieutenant Colonel John Fitzgerald of 5/60th  Brigade a short breathing space, little or no chance for numbers to improve but with Stewart having received a leg wound which keeps him off the field there is a good chance that Major General William Pringle, the Division Commander  this day will conserve these wrecks in keeping with their fragile condition. Manœuvring against superior enemy numbers under General Drouet D'Erlon Hill, going by country roads uphill and down dale at times in torrential rain, takes up a defensive position four days later about Buenza and, on 30th July, is brought to battle here.  This fight is taken up in the main by Hill's Portuguese brigades with Fitzgerald's men supporting on the left, once again they have to deal with Abbe's Division those veteran warriors met so seriously before on the Pueblo Height's.

Being well drawn up on higher ground and in the partial cover of trees they put up a strong resistance until outflanked by an enemy which always had the numbers to extend into this undefended terrain. Retiring back to maintain itself its more seriously wounded men were picked up and made prisoner whilst the rest re-gathered a good mile back by the village of Yguaras putting up sufficient fight here to see out the day's work. Captain Leslie Walker and 28 of his men had been wounded, 8 killed and 13 made prisoner so that at the end they would stand down at:

30th July 1813 (after the battle of Buenza) PAB 304

By now the rest of Soult's offensive had turned out badly with two full scale actions about Sorauren failing and ending in total rout all of which compelled D'Erlon's force to take up a defensive role in his part of the field, for Fitzgerald's Brigade this meant more action and, with Stewart back in the saddle there would be an expectation that 2nd Division’s part of this action would be of a violent nature. The day was well advanced before 2nd Division was able to take up ground now being abandoned in their front however; as good defensive positions appeared Abbe's men were able to put in rearguard actions to delay enemy progress. At the beginning of the Donna Maria Passes by the village of Venta de Urroz he made a stand, unfortunately not only was it that Fitzgerald's Brigade was closest to hand here but, they were also in the company of blood-and-guts Stewart [who had had his wound bound and wrapped with cushions] Hill gave Stewart an order to keep this enemy occupied while others could be brought up to turn their flanks, the recklessly brave Sir William took this as to allow him to throw forward Fitzgerald and his brigade straight in once again uphill through tree covered slopes. As on the previous day the attackers were repulsed and counter-attacked, this time by a greatly superior number of defenders who turned back a second attempt before being slowly outflanked by others, a final outcome which would have occurred anyway without all of Stewart's preceding histrionics.

Fitzgerald had been brought down wounded sufficiently as to be left behind at the counter-attack and made prisoner, Stewart picked up another wound himself as did Captain  Grant and 34 of the men of 1/71st, just 2 others being killed, so:

31st July 1813 (after the combat at Venta de Urroz) PAB 267

The rest of the brigade had faired no better in these multiple encounters in the Pyrenean Passes so with total brigade numbers down at around 820 PUA surely a time of repose was not unreasonable? So it was, military action for this brigade only came to a steady re-occupation of the ground going north to Elizondo and their old camps on the saddle of the Maya Pass, Major General George Walker of 1/50th took up the brigade as they settled in and there they will remain until the first snow flurries of winter blow across these Alps. It is not surprising then that we shall not hear from 1/71st or Walker's Brigade for the next three months, what is to be of some surprise however is that the whole brigade will have brought up its numbers by such a large proportion in this time. Walker still has command and, through some remarkable work [suspiciously like the Adjutant’s pencil-work] men have flooded back to the ranks, some from as long ago perhaps as the Vittoria campaign, with maybe a company or so of new recruits but more than doubling the last PAB figures.

When they stand ready for the taking of the line of the Nivelle early in November we see figures that include a small number of supernumerary's suggesting that of the combatant members of 1/71st there would be:

10th November 1813 (at the battle of the Nivelle) PUA 613

This 'reconstituted' battalion as also the rest of Walker's Brigade are only used this day as reserve troops walking off with not one recorded casualty, Walker will very shortly later move up to a new command to be replaced by the fire-eating Major General Edward Barnes a fighting Brigadier as ever was.  Presumably the CIC expected this brigade to be ready again for serious work. It is not to be the case for the first few days of the fragmented battles about the River Nive, but, when Soult takes advantage of the terrain features where that watercourse runs north into the Ardour before Bayonne the sword is once more pointed in their direction.  By now it can be no surprise that it will be Abbe's Division that will put them to the test, Barnes' men the day before their 'test' had to endure a march and counter-march from and back to their final place so that on 13th December when the morning came they would have rested but little. For this reason maybe it was Ashworth's Portuguese Brigade that had the front line at the high ground facing north towards St' Pierre d Arrube an outlying suburb of Bayonne, Barnes' Brigade lay back behind a battery of horse artillery which commanded the crest whilst Ashworth's Portuguese were some way forward amongst farm buildings, stone walls and any other good cover available.  To complete the picture there is Stewart large as life relishing a chance to give the enemy a sound thrashing!  The early attacks perforce involved swarms of skirmishers intent on ejecting Ashworth's Caçadores from their chosen places, with this task accomplished, [not easily however] the hill before them became the next objective, Stewart, well placed to observe his whole front sent down piecemeal all of Ashworth's infantrymen, the fight continued without abatement then down went the light 'companies of 1/50th, 1/92nd and 5/60th, these, once 'absorbed' received the whole of 1/71st and thus their battle commenced. They were still able to occupy the rising ground somewhat to the left of the spur and protecting this western edge, their first task to put in a counter-attack to hold up the French advance, soon Barnes had but 11companies of men in reserve from his whole brigade, these, parts of 1/50th and 1/92nd. Abbe's men would not be denied, pressing on relentlessly until the new leader of 1/71st could stand it no longer, Lieutenant Colonel Nathaniel Peacock gave his men the order to retire back while he himself did even worse, trotting off entirely to the rear to abandon his men and the position to the enemy. It was only 11.30am and this action had left a space through which the enemy skirmishers soon established themselves whereupon Barnes sent down his last handful of men, part of 1/92nd led by Colonel John Cameron, at the charge, which effectively plugged this gap for a short time. Abbe too was down to his final efforts, pausing to allow a horse artillery battery to set down and pepper this front he reformed his men onto his reserve coming on yet again for a last throw of the dice.  Pushing away these last crumbs of resistance he came onto the hilltop only to be confronted by a composite battery of horse and foot that kept up a damaging rate of fire until his skirmishers were near enough to pick off the toiling artillerymen at their task. Guessing that self preservation was becoming foremost in the minds of the diminishing gun crews Barnes rode about them exhorting them to stand to the last volley, down he went wounded, Ashworth thus taking over during this, the crisis of the fighting.

What then of 1/71st?           

Major Maxwell Mackenzie who had 'inherited' the command on Peacock's disappearance had already been killed during the retirement but, coming to the rescue was none other than the fiery Sir William and, on this occasion exactly the right man at the right time in the right place. Gathering together the disparate parts of battalions close at hand he led a charge ably supported by the remnants of 1/92nd sweeping into Abbe's battered array with such force that the whole mass was borne back, grudgingly accepting that on this hill today there was no way through. Retiring off the hill one of their parting shots brought down Ashworth but effectively that was to be the end of serious fighting on this part of the field; it remained to count the cost.

As seen Major Mackenzie was dead as were Lieutenants William Campbell, Charles Henderson and 7 of the men, Captains Robert Barclay and Alexander Grant, Lieutenants William Long, McIntyre, Ensign Richard Ashe and 96 of the men had been wounded and 10 more captured so:

13th December 1813 (after the battle at St'Pierre d Irrube) PAB 498

Thankfully the winter rains had already begun making movement for the army generally too arduous, the CIC bringing things to a halt while all scattered about this countryside in search of dry winter quarters. Barnes' Brigade settled down a little back from the scene of their recent tussle and it is of some comfort that when military affairs re-commenced Abbe's Division would be safely blockaded away inside the defences of the Bayonne fortress, future confrontations would be against much less resolute opposition. Going into the New Year figures are made available to show:

16th January 1814 (cantoned about the Nive valley) PUA 523

It will be mid-February before the roads are hard enough to take heavy traffic, on 13th February Barnes' Brigade are already on the move eastward but, tending southerly to be a part of Hill's tactical Corps forever nudging Soult and his little army off his line by successive turning of his southern flank. For only a paltry handful of casualties they cross the Saison river at Arriverayte outflanking the rearguard of the enemy at the next river crossing by the use of a pontoon bridge assembly and a freezing fording of the Gave d Oloron above Sauveterre leaving the way clear to advance up to the Gave de Pau upstream of Orthez. It is at this provincial town that Soult has decided for a stand to do battle at a position principally to the downstream of the place there being a strong defensive line of rising ground behind the river.   We are treated to no more than brigade numbers for this important encounter but, from these can at least see that this brigade of 2nd Division has very healthy figures considering that the winter still has not left the French side of the Pyrenean foothills, we can thus expect on this day that 1/71st may well stand at:

27th February 1814 (at the battle of Orthez) PUA 734

The task today is to threaten the enemy left flank in the usual way by getting across the river and turning his thin string of defenders, this was to take longer than the CIC might have expected but, was done and, quite cheaply in the end.

Lieutenant George Horton of 1/71st and 9 of his men had been injured and 2 more lay dead leaving the battalion to finish a weary day chasing off an enemy that was intent on retreat as far as they would be pushed, so:

27th February (after the combat at the Gave de Pau, Orthez) PAB 722

Some three days later after a march of 35miles Hill's Corps came up to a strong defensive position to the south of and in front of Aire, the long hill chosen by General Bertrand Clausel to halt the advance seemed well held by no less than two Divisions of infantry and had below and in front a stream, the Grave which required that all of the attackers would have a cold plunge as they came up.  Set to assault the north-east end of this hill at what was seen to be its steepest incline Barnes and his men hardened by repeated fighting against tough opposition were able to clamber up, gain the top and force before them a much easer foe than of late, it fell to 1/71st to pursue these reluctant combatants down along the back of the high ground towards a bridge gaining access to the town. While others had been used to run off the rest of the hilltop units 1/71st became involved in some gentle street fighting, their enemy always giving back and looking for safe exits, this flowing action ended when sufficient supports had come up to more than balance the odds, all making off as soon as able. Once more casualties given are collective but with Lieutenant James Anderson killed and Lieutenants Henry Lockyer and Hector Munro wounded we can judge that no less that 50 of the men would be killed and wounded, so:

2nd March 1814 (after the combat at Aire) PAB 669

By now the game is almost up, the weather remains foul, there is still a maze of mountain streams and rivers to cross going always eastward until reaching the city of Toulouse, Soult and his tired army have been there for a while already arming and occupying the whole of its battlements and outlying strong features, there are two major water obstacles the Garonne River and the Canal de Midi, both of which wrap themselves round the city in a north-south aspect. On Hill's natural southern side there is a good deal of floundering about only to find that the rivers now discovered are embarrassingly wider than the pontoons brought to cross them, it will be only during the second week of April that the CIC is able to have his men closed up in fighting order ready to begin his last fight of the 'Peninsular War'. With figures presented only for the whole 2nd Division it is a mammoth task to break them down, however the exercise must be done and it is with some confidence that we can expect 1/71st to stand that day at:

10th April 1814 (at the battle for Toulouse) PUA 642

They are to have a gentle day's work following up Lieutenant colonel Robert O’Callaghan Brigade at the St'Cyprien battlements as a part of a demonstration intended to hold an appreciable number of the enemy defenders about that area, as specialist skirmishers 1/71st will man the most forward sharp-shooting positions to engage their opposite tirailleurs at the walls, this costs them 3 men killed and 13 wounded to end an otherwise quiet day, marching off from this last battle, all the way to the Biscay coast, their after battle figures at 626.

Credit to Ray Foster.






The 71st and the 79th repel a French
assault on the town of Fuentes de Onoro.

Officers of the Battalion.

Major Alexander Wallace

Captain John Kavanaugh
Lieutenant James MacDonald-Quartermaster.

Non Commissioned Officers
of the Battalion.

Sergeant William Burgh
Sergeant Nicholas Andrews
Corporal John Casey
Corporal Jacob Macnab
Corporal Philip Highland
Corporal George Creed
Cpt. Kavanaugh's Company.
Battalion company.
Captain John Kavanagh
Sergeant Nicholas Andrews
Corporal Philip Highland
Corporal George Creed
Lance Corporal Robert Dietfresky
Lance Corporal Jim Butwon

Lt. MacDonald's Company.
Light Company.
Lieutenant James Macdonald
Sergeant Nicholas Andrews
Corporal Philip Highland
Corporal George Creed
Lance Corporal Robert Dietfresky
Lance Corporal Jim Butwon

Enlisting within the 1/71st.

Here in the 1/71st we have a slightly different take on recruitment. You can join as one of two things, a Private man or a Soldier Gentleman. A Private man shall ascend the ranks in the usual fashion and shall be expected to be as good a fighter as he can be, he shall eventually advance to NCO and take charge of melee trainings. However, join as a Soldier Gentleman and you shall be taught the measures of command. You will be valued for your skill in tactics and record keeping. You shall eventually rise to Ensign at which point you shall be given true responsibility. However, becoming a Soldier Gentleman means much is expected of you.

Steam Name:
Previous Experience:
Country of Residence:
Private Man or Gentleman Soldier:
If the latter, please seek a reference saying why you are suitable for this position:

          MacDonald's Company.

Captain James MacDonald
Lieutenant Victor Burgh

Serjeant John Casey
Corporal Jacob Jones
Corporal Mathew Labbassee

Personnel under arms. 20.

Personnel on sick rolls. 4.

Corporal Reece Jones.
Lance Corporal William Smith.
Private Thomas Dobbs.
Private Cedric Bird.
Enlisted men.

Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal
Private Man Alexander
Private Man Walt_StoneHeart
Private Man M-Flamini
Private Man TORN
Private Man Jack Collins
Private Man Philip Johnson
Private Man Edward Falkner
Private Man Edgar Cholton
Private Man Jim Tims
Private Man Andrew Oak
Private Man Frank Ventura
Private Man John Fourier
Private Man Stephan James


Number 2. 71st Regiment of Foot. Don't think we ever formed this one?






A short history of the 71st Regiment of foot 1803-1815.
After almost 10 years fighting in India against the Mahratta's the 71st Regiment was finally returned to Britain, before
the regiments departure however 500 men were transferred to the 73rd & 74th in Madras, many of these men would
go on to fight with Wellesley at Assaye still at that time being a distinguishably independent cadre within the 74th.
Upon return to Britain a 2nd battalion was raised with the primary purpose of training fresh men for the 1st Battalion.
In 1806 the 1st Battalion was detached to the Cape of Good Hope under Sir Home Popham which for the final time was
taken from the Dutch. Popham then took his forces and those of Sir David Baird to South America and took the unwarranted
decision to attack Beunos Aires, though early success was achieved the local populace and scattered army units & militia's
rose against the British occupation and subsequently captured the 1/71st as well as a few hundred other men of the Royal Navy &
The Battalion was released in 1807 and eventually presented new Kings & Regimental colours in April 1808.
Later in that same year the 1/71st was sent to the Peninsula and fought in Portugal as well as advancing with Moore
into Spain and then participated in the infamous retreat to Corunna and the somewhat successful battle at the end of the campaign.
After being reformed into a Light Infantry Battalion after it's return to Britain the 71st was to endure more hardships
being embarked on the Walcheran expedition where thousands of the British army there were taken sick by Walcheran Fever.
In 1810 the regiment was again to see the dry lands of Spain and would fight at almost every major action following this in the
Peninsula war and afterwards Waterloo.







21st April. A new set of colours are presented to the
regiment by General Floyd, replacing those lost in the
ill-fated 1806 Buenos Aires campaign.

2nd August. PUA:903. The 1/71st arrives at Mondego
under the command of Lt Col Dennis Pack.

21st August. PUA:935. The Battalion serve in the North
of the Battle line at Vimiera where they withstand the
assault of Brennier's division, in this engagement the
Battalion captures 3 Guns.
9 Officers wounded, 103 men killed or wounded.

26th October. PUA:764. Wellesley has returned to England
after the scandal concerning the convention of Cintra, the
British army is placed under the command of General Sir
John Moore.
The 1/71st is brigaded with the 1/36th and 1/92nd.

19th December 1808 PUA:724 Like so many other
battalions the 1/71st suffers in the humiliating retreat to
Corunna yet do not take part in the culminating battle
in which they wait in the reserve.


26th January. PUA:626. Disembarking in England the
amount of men lost in the Corunna campaign has become
apparent, a most grievous loss for such little gain.

6th February. However not all those that didn't
embark at Corunna fell in the retreat, a large contingent
would become lost and eventually found to be placed into
the 2nd Battalion of Contingents forming a company of
107 men commanded by 3 Subalterns. This single
company would go on to fight at the Crossing of
the Douro
& the Battle of Talavera!

30th July. The 1st Battalion lands in Walcheran
where they participate in the capture of Flushing.
Monthly numbers show just how strickening the
dreaded Walcheran fever was to the army.
August: Effectives:862. Sick:82. Dead:11.
September: Effectives:327. Sick:527. Dead:38.
October: Effectives:269. Sick:359. Dead:50.
November: Effectives:390. Sick:94. Dead:55.
(These numbers are based off of official returns though
the number of men sent home throughout the campaign is
not listed.)


26th September PUA:687 After several months of rigorous
recruiting and re-training the 1/71st are finally able to take the
field again and land at Lisbon on this date.

13th October PUA:580. Having been once again brigaded
with the 50th and 1/92nd in the 1st Division the Battalion is soon
to find action at Sobral. After disguising the pickets as
Portuguese soldiers, Junot takes the bait and attacks.
The fight comes down to the Bayonet and the 1/71st throw
back the massive French force by the skin of their teeth!

December PUA:422, 151 men sick. And here we see the 1/71st
before the end of 1810 having recieved no reinforcements
presumably whilst the complete evacuation from Portugal
was still a very real possibility.

Piper George Clark of the 1/71st at Vimiera.

The 71st in action at Quatre Bras.


3rd May. PUA:497. The first day of the battle of
Fuentes de Onoro. As several French
battalions force the British Light companies from the village,
Lieutenant Colonel Cadogan is sent into the village and
throws the French back down to the lower reaches of the
5th May. PUA:318. On the second day of fighting
Wellington leaves but 3 battalions to hold the village as
D'Erlon sends 26 French battalions into the fray throughout
the day. They are eventually forced from the village and it
takes a counter attack by the 74th & 88th to tip the balance
back into the favour of the British.

28th October. PUA:291. After the disaster at Albuera
a new 2nd Division is assembled under General Rowland Hill.
Whilst shadowing D'Erlon's army Girard leaves a brigade too
far from the main force at Arroyo dos Molinos.
Meticulously planned the French force is left no avenue of
The 1/71st & 1/92nd run five miles in order to catch the
enemy off guard asleep. General Bron and almost the entire
commanding staff are captured alongst with nearly 1500
French troops.

And so the 1/71st would do little more of consequence
into the year with 200-300 men in hospital in the fall of
the year suffering from a resurfaced Walcheran fever.


18th May. PUA:360. Whilst the 2nd Division did not
get a chance to fight at Salamanca they had the crucial duty
of ensuring Soult could not take Wellington in the flank.
This was done by storming the Bridge at Almarez. The
1/71st & the 50th storm Fort Napoleon there sprinting
across 300 yards of open terrain under heavy fire.

29th October. PUA:690. After the disastrous siege
of Burgos Wellington endures a scathing retreat
while Hill is ordered to leave Madrid, the French army
under Soult finally catches Wellington on the Arapiles yet
much to the benefit of the British Soult declines the attack.
The army drags its feet back to the Portuguese frontier
and winter cantonments.

The Death of Lt Col Cadogan atop the
Pueblo heights from where he viewed the battle of
Vittoria until finally breathing his last at it's conclusion.

21st June. PUA:905. With the army not mobilised until
May there is a month of skirmishes before Joseph &
Marshal Jourdan finally choose their battleground at
Vittoria in a lame attempt to safeguard the results of
6 years of looted treasures. Initially the battalion is
to attack the French on the Pueblo heights where
they endure bitter skirmishing with French Voltigeurs,
here the spirited Lt Colonel Cadogan is mortally wounded.
An unknown officer takes command of the 71st and in
a foolish decision sends them charging a veteran French
force under General Villatte. Around 200 men are shot
down in this hot headed assault, Villatte however made
a similiar mistake in charging uphill at the 50th & 92nd.
His men are equally slaughtered. John Cameron of the
92nd assumed command of the brigade against an
enemy which was by now in full retreat.

25th July. PUA:550.
Following the victory at Vittoria the French army was
chased to the Pyrenees where the army was stopped as
the fortresses of San Sebastian and Pamplona were
invested. The Brigade is at the pass of Maya during
the Battle of the Pyrenees. As the French army pressed
the British line the 50th & 5 coys of the 92nd are taken by A
Brigadier leaving the 71st & half 1/92nd holding the pass.
Slowly but surely the French divisions push the tiny force
until they reach their own tents. As the enemy plunder the
camp the battalions manage to regroup and resist further
assaults until two more battalions arrive to push the French

30th July. PUA:304. After several skirmishes with the enemy,
one of which at Venta de Urroz which saw the 1/71st again
thrown recklessly at French forces as at Vittoria the corps
is given a few months repose as Soult loses the Battle of
the Pyrenees and Wellington again attempts the taking of
Pamplona and San Sebastian.

Muster Roll.

Battalion Staff.

Lieutenant Colonel Henry Cadogan.
Ensign John Stern.

          MacDonald's Company.

Captain James MacDonald
Lieutenant Victor Burgh

Serjeant John Casey
Corporal Jacob Jones
Corporal Mathew Labbassee

Personnel under arms. 20.

Personnel on sick rolls. 4.

Corporal Reece Jones.
Lance Corporal William Smith.
Private Thomas Dobbs.
Private Cedric Bird.
Enlisted men.

Lance Corporal
Lance Corporal
Private Man Alexander
Private Man Walt_StoneHeart
Private Man M-Flamini
Private Man TORN
Private Man Jack Collins
Private Man Philip Johnson
Private Man Edward Falkner
Private Man Edgar Cholton
Private Man Jim Tims
Private Man Andrew Oak
Private Man Frank Ventura
Private Man John Fourier
Private Man Stephan James

Enlisting within the 1/71st.

Here in the 1/71st we have a slightly different take on recruitment. You can join as one of two things, a Private man or a Soldier Gentleman. A Private man shall ascend the ranks in the usual fashion and shall be expected to be as good a fighter as he can be, he shall eventually advance to NCO and take charge of melee trainings. However, join as a Soldier Gentleman and you shall be taught the measures of command. You will be valued for your skill in tactics and record keeping. You shall eventually rise to Ensign at which point you shall be given true responsibility. However, becoming a Soldier Gentleman means much is expected of you.

Steam Name:
Previous Experience:
Country of Residence:
Private Man or Gentleman Soldier:
If the latter, please seek a reference saying why you are suitable for this position:


Number 3. The rank tabs I made, personally I really like these.




Colour Serjeant.


Private man.




Lance Corporal.



Number 4. My table of people in the regiment with nice icons.

Officers of the Battalion.

Major Alexander Wallace

Captain John Kavanaugh
Lieutenant James MacDonald-Quartermaster.

Non Commissioned Officers
of the Battalion.

Sergeant William Burgh
Sergeant Nicholas Andrews
Corporal John Casey
Corporal Jacob Macnab
Corporal Philip Highland
Corporal George Creed
Cpt. Kavanaugh's Company.
Battalion company.
Captain John Kavanagh
Sergeant Nicholas Andrews
Corporal Philip Highland
Corporal George Creed
Lance Corporal Robert Dietfresky
Lance Corporal Jim Butwon

Lt. MacDonald's Company.
Light Company.
Lieutenant James Macdonald
Sergeant Nicholas Andrews
Corporal Philip Highland
Corporal George Creed
Lance Corporal Robert Dietfresky
Lance Corporal Jim Butwon


Number 5. 88th Regiment of Foot 'Connaught Rangers'. This one I ran with some other really top guys for about 3-4 months. I based the design off of a bottle of Jim Bean Bourbon.












The 88th at the Battle of Bussaco in the repulse of Reyniers division.

Throughout their time in the Peninsula the 88th performed many courageous and memorable deeds in several battles, whilst not a full history below I shall offer a mere glimpse into the courageous men of the Connaught Rangers during the Peninsula war.

An account of the 88th regiment at the Battle of Bussaco.

The haze was so thick that little could be seen at any great distance, but the fire of the light troops along the face of the hill put it beyond doubt that a battle would take place. Lord Wellington was close up with the brigade of Lightburne and from the bustle amongst his staff; it was manifest that the point held by Picton's division was about to be attacked. Two guns belonging to Captain Lane's troop of Artillery were ordered upon the left of the 88th Regiment, and immediately opened their fire, while the Portuguese battery, under the German major, Arantchild, passed at a trot towards the Saint Antonio Pass, in front of the 74th British.
A rolling fire of musketry, and some discharges of cannon, in the direction of Saint Antonio, announced what was taking place in that quarter, and the face of the hill immeditaely in front of the brigade of Lightburne, and to the left of the 88th Regiment, was beginning to show that the efforts of the enemy were about to be directed against this portion of the ground held by the Third Division.

The fog cleared away and a bright sun enabled us to see what was passing before us. A vast crowd of tirailleurs were pressing onwards with great ardour, and their fire, as well as their numbers, was so superior to that of our advance, that some men of the brigade of Lightburne, as also a few of the 88th Regiment were killed while standing in line; a colour-sergeant named Macnamara was shot through the head close beside myself and Ensign Owgan. Colonel King, commanding of the 5th Regiment, which was one of those belonging to Lightburne's brigade, oppressed by a desultory fire he was unable to reply to without disturbing the formation of his batallion, brought his regiment a little out of its range, while Colonel Aexander Wallace, of the 88th, took a file of men, from each company of his regiment, and placing them under the command of Major George Bury and Lieutenant William Mackie, ordered them to advance to the aid of our people, who were overmatched and roughly handled at the moment.
Our Artillery still continued to discharge showers of Grape and canister at half range, but the French light troops, fighting at open distance heeded it not, and continued to multiply in great force. Nevertheless, in place of coming up direct in front of the 88th, they edged off to their left, out of sight of that corps, and far away from Lightburnes brigade, and from the nature of the ground, they could be neither seen or their exact object defined; as they went to their left, our advance inclined to the right, making a corresponding movement; but though nothing certain could be known, as we soon lost sight of both parties, the roll of musketry never ceased, and many of Bur's and Mackie's men returned wounded.
Those two officers greatly distinguished themselves, and Bury though badly wounded, refused to quit the field. A soldier of Bury's company, of the name of Pollard, was shot through the shoulder, but seeing his captain wounded, and continue at the head of his men, threw off his knapsack, and fought beside his officer; but this brave fellows career of glory was short, a bullet penetrated the plate of his cap, passed through his brain, and he fell dead at Bury's feet. These were the sort of materials the 88th were formed of, and these were the sort of men that were unnoticed by their general!
Lord Wellington was no longer to be seen, and Wallace and his regiment standing alone without orders, had to act for themselves. The colonel sent his captain of grenadiers (Dunne) to the right, where the rocks were highest, to ascertain how matters stood, for he did not wish, at his own peril, to quit the ground he had been ordered to occupy without some strong reason for so doing.
In a few moments, Dunne returned almost breathless,; he said the rocks were filling fast with Frenchmen, that a heavy column was coming up the hill beyond the rocks, and that the four companies of the 45th were about to be attacked. Wallace asked if he thought half the 88th would be able to do the business? "You will want every man." was the reply.
Wallace with a steady but cheerful countenance, turned to his men, and looking them full in the face, said, "Now, Connaught Rangers, mind what you are going to do; pay attention to what I have so often told you, and when I bring you face to face with those French rascals, drive them down the hill - don't give the false touch, but push home to the muzzle! I have nothing more to say and if I had, it would be of no use, for in a minit or two there'll be such an infernal noise about your ears, that you won't be able to hear yourselves."
Wallace then threw the battalion from line into column, right in front, and moved on our side of the rocky point at a quick pace; on reaching the rocks, he soon found it manifest that Dunne's report was not exaggerated; a number of Frenchmen were in possession of this cluster, and so soon as we approached within range, we were made to appreciate the effects of their fire, for our column was raked from front to rear. The moment was critical, but Wallace, without being in the least taken aback, filed out the grenadeiers and First battalion companies, commanded by Captains Dunne & Dansey, and ordered them to storm the rocks, while he took out the Fifth battalion company, commanded by Captain Oates, also out of the column, and ordered that officer to attack the rocks at the opposite side assailed by Dunne and Dansey. This done, Wallace placed himself at the head of the remainder of the 88th, and pressed on to meet the French column.
At this moment the four companies of the 45th, commanded by Major Gwynne, a little to the left of the 88th, and in front of the regiment, commenced their fire, but it in no way arrested the advance of the French column, as it, with much order and regularity mounted the hill, which at this point is rather flat. But here, again, another awkward circumstance occurred. A battalion of the Fifth Portuguese Infantry, under Colonel Douglas, posted on a rising ground, on our right, and a little in our rear, in place of advancing with us, opened a distant and ill-directed fire, and one which would exactly cross the path of the 88th, as that corps was moving onward to meet the French column, which consisted of three splendid regiments, viz, the 2nd Light Infantry, the 36th, and the 70th of the Line.

Wallace, seeing the loss and confusion that would infallibly ensure, sent Lieutenant John Fitzpatrick, an officer of tried gallantry, with orders to point out to this regiment the error into which it had fallen; but Fitzpatrick had only time to take off his hat, and call out "Vamous commarades." when he received two bullets,-one from the Portuguese, which passed through his back, and the other in his left leg from the French, which broke the bone, and caused a severe fracture; yet this regiment continued to fire away, regardless of the consequences, and a battalion of militia, which was immediately in rear of the 8th Portuguese, took to their heels the moment the first volley was discharged by their own countrymen!
Wallace threw himself from his horse, and placing himself at the head of the 45th and 88th, with Gwynne of the 45th, on the other side of him, and Captain Seton of the 88th, at the other, ran forward at a chaining pace into the midst of the terrible flame in his front. All was now confusion and uproar, smoke, fire, and bullets, officers and soldiers, French drummers and French drums knocked down in every direction; British, French, and Portuguese mixed together; while in the midst of all was to be seen Wallace,fighting,-like his ancestor of old! - at the head of his devoted followers, and calling out to his soldiers to "press forward!" Never was defeat more complete, and it was a proud moment for Wallace and Gwynne when they saw their gallant comrades breaking down and trampling under their feet this splendid division, composed of some of the best troops the world could boast of. The leading regiment, the 36th, one of Napoleon's favourite battalions, was nearly destroyed; upwards of two hundred soldiers, and their old colonel, covered with orders, lay dead in a small space, and the face of the hill was strewed with dead and wounded, which showed evident marks of the rapid execution done at this point; for Wallace never slackened his fire while a Frenchman was within his reach.

He followed them down the edge of the hill, and then he formed his men in line, waiting for any orders he might recieve, or for any fresh body that might attack him. Our gallant companions the 45th, had an equal share in the glory of this short but murderous fight,; they suffered severely, and the 88th lost nine officers and one hundred and thirty five men. The 8th Portuguese also suffered but in a less degree than the other two regiments, because their advance was not so rapid, but that regiment never gave way, nor was it ever broken; indeed there was nothing to break it, because the French were all in front of the 45th and 88th, and if they had the broken the Portuguese they must first have broken the two British regiments, which it is well known they did not!

Excerpt from "The Adventures of the Connaught Rangers-Volume 1" by Ensign William Grattan.

Officers of the Battalion.

Major Alexander Wallace

Captain John Kavanaugh
Lieutenant James MacDonald-Quartermaster.
Ensign Frederick Hill

Non Commissioned Officers
of the Battalion.

Serjeant William Burgh
Serjeant Nicholas Josephs
Corporal John Casey
Corporal Humphrey Arendale

59 men on the rolls.
Cpt. Kavanaugh's Company.
Battalion company.
Captain-Lieutenant John Kavanagh
Ensign Frederick Hill
Colour Serjeant James MacDonald
Serjeant Nicholas Josephs
Corporal Douglas Hill
Lance Corporal Buttwo
Lance Corporal Dietfrisky
Private Charinty
Private Veggisten
Private John Longshore - RESERVE
Private Walko
Private Apples - RESERVE
Private Jorvasker
Private Arnold Welker
Private Oak
Private Benjamin Martin
Private Simix
Private Cilawyn
Private The Respected Man
Private James von Hamm
Private Yorkist
Private Herumies
Private Abbott - RESERVE
Private Whitecalvin - RESERVE
Private Sigity
Private Isiah Tongue
Private Wilhelm - RESERVE
Private Shortshorts
Private James Kavanagh
Private OneAckJack
Private Menno - RESERVE
Private Ace
Private Sparky
Private Cajo
Private Falendor
Private Jack Spears
Private Owen Fitzpatrick
Volunteer Frederik
Volunteer Tragic
Volunteer Flesh
Volunteer Patrick Nagel
Volunteer Platen
Volunteer JHood
Company strength-39.

Sjt Burghs company.
Light Company.
Serjeant William Burgh
Corporal Casey
Corporal Humphrey Arendale
Lance Corporal Jake
Lance Corporal Eoin MacGregor
Private Dark Oakheart
Private Mercer
Private Desparin
Private Frank
Private Galloglaigh
Private Baldrick
Private JT
Private Wajual
Private Sanserof
Private Andrew Oak
Private Noobkiller
Private Robert Falke
Private One Ack Jack

Company Strength-19men.


Number 5. Custom ingame flag for the 9e' which I run for a while as a light regiment. I can't remember how this is put ingame, but...errr here you go.

Anyway, there was lots of other stuff I worked on but like I said, image links expire.

You might find some bits and bobs in these threads.

Anything I made for someone else, I suppose you should try and ask them if you can use what they commissioned, but that is between you and them.

Anything you do use, I would recommend backing up to ensure the image isn't deleted as so many have been.

Finally, if you look through my posted topics you might find a few more threads, 9e' and 3rd Foot Guards for instance. The images have expired but the history write-ups and table layouts should still hold up.

P.S. I compild a lot of custom skins in this thread, links may or may not have expired. Have at it.

Have fun chaps.

Offline JollyCanadian

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Re: The James Grant archive, splendid threads from times of yore.
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2021, 06:25:20 pm »
Highly recommend going here and adding your things to the wiki
5x NACR Elect | Current: Glenn's Husband|ex- 84th/15e/17th/30th(OG)/USMC/58e/26e/

Offline Eazy-E

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Re: The James Grant archive, splendid threads from times of yore.
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2021, 11:44:31 pm »
I remember you James! Welcome back to NW. Your 3rdFG thread was really great, definitely ahead of its time - there's nothing more fun than making regiment threads and back then they were much less formulaic, consider yourself a pioneer 8)

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Re: The James Grant archive, splendid threads from times of yore.
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2021, 12:14:52 am »
alright  8)

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Re: The James Grant archive, splendid threads from times of yore.
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2021, 12:49:03 pm »
You always had a talent of making these beautiful threads! Some really good memories, best of luck Jezza.

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Re: The James Grant archive, splendid threads from times of yore.
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2021, 07:39:38 pm »
You always had a talent of making these beautiful threads! Some really good memories, best of luck Jezza.

James you old Dog! Its been far too long, I can't see you on my Steam list. Changed your name?

I remember you James! Welcome back to NW. Your 3rdFG thread was really great, definitely ahead of its time - there's nothing more fun than making regiment threads and back then they were much less formulaic, consider yourself a pioneer 8)

Cheers mate, I remember you too. Hope you've been well.

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Re: The James Grant archive, splendid threads from times of yore.
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2021, 12:15:35 am »
You always had a talent of making these beautiful threads! Some really good memories, best of luck Jezza.

James you old Dog! Its been far too long, I can't see you on my Steam list. Changed your name?

I remember you James! Welcome back to NW. Your 3rdFG thread was really great, definitely ahead of its time - there's nothing more fun than making regiment threads and back then they were much less formulaic, consider yourself a pioneer 8)

Cheers mate, I remember you too. Hope you've been well.

You three are a blast from my prepubescent past

Offline John Price

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Re: The James Grant archive, splendid threads from times of yore.
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2021, 10:09:39 am »
Ahh yes I remember these thread designs. Good to see you kicking around again. Also I've got a bottle of Jim Beam in my kitchen and I can definitely see the resemblance!

That 9e banner though, puts the one I made for 18e to shame. I should deffo get a proper one made like that at some point, really nice.
Knightmare is from Albania, no?
Sorry, I can't accept this team.

Offline James Grant

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Re: The James Grant archive, splendid threads from times of yore.
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2021, 10:58:16 am »
You always had a talent of making these beautiful threads! Some really good memories, best of luck Jezza.

James you old Dog! Its been far too long, I can't see you on my Steam list. Changed your name?

I remember you James! Welcome back to NW. Your 3rdFG thread was really great, definitely ahead of its time - there's nothing more fun than making regiment threads and back then they were much less formulaic, consider yourself a pioneer 8)

Cheers mate, I remember you too. Hope you've been well.

You three are a blast from my prepubescent past

Christ, the amount of time I spent on this bloody game back in the day!

Ahh yes I remember these thread designs. Good to see you kicking around again. Also I've got a bottle of Jim Beam in my kitchen and I can definitely see the resemblance!

That 9e banner though, puts the one I made for 18e to shame. I should deffo get a proper one made like that at some point, really nice.

If I still knew how to make banners, I'd offer to make you one but those skills have loooooooong faded away hahahaha.

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Re: The James Grant archive, splendid threads from times of yore.
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2021, 05:29:53 am »
Hey Jezza! So very pleased to see you around on the forums once more, it's been a damn while. You may have not realised it at the time, but your interest in making extremely appealing threads has stuck in many people throughout the years, myself included. Many of the threads I made were always shaped with, in the back of my head, the aim to make them look like yours or Herishey's. I took a bit from both, the charm and uniqueness of your style and the well-ordered, properly sized of Heri (but I always had more trouble with the latest ngl!).

It's really been my nerdy thing throughout the years I spent on FSE (and TW) and although I will gladly admit I don't make the best looking threads, I always try to tell a story between them. You can judge for yourself with my most recent regiment's thread or the monthly updates we post on it. It really got your touch written all over it and I am sure it will make you proud/happy to see you were not the only one to give value to the layout and presentation of the virtual environments we wasted so many of our young hours in.

Glad you seem to be doing well. Hope to get the chance to catch up with you on some occasion.
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