Author Topic: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot "1st Notts" [EU] [Est. 2016].  (Read 556740 times)

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The 45th Nottinghamshire has completed survived and thrived in yet another year of NW developing growing and competing at the highest level within all our companies. This post will be outlining the year of 2021 and how our glorious regiment has shaped both the casual and the competitive communities. Each company will have a short overview of what happened throughout the year before coming to the concluding overview.

The Centre Company Forming up at a Role Play Event

45th Nottinghamshire Regimental Victories during 2021
🥇 NW 2v2 Season II 🥇
🥈2nd Place in MDGL 2021 🥈
🥉3rd Place in MRGL S1 2021🥉
🥉3rd Place in EIC S4 2021🥉

The Centre AKA ‘The Dogshit’

The Centre Company, lead by Captain Mitchell and Ensign Wolf, is the largest company within the Regiment often standing as the backbone of the army, wherever the Centre Company goes the army follows. The Centre finely balances DAILY casual competitive and role play events allowing an aspect of novelty to our line battles keeping people interested, returning daily to this game eight years on after its release. 2021 has shaped the Centre Company greatly as for the first time the old idea of the old 45th Nottinghamshire Centre Company dog shit was thrown out in favor of a professional fighting force with more than capable leadership that can hold their own against any other regiment in a line battle scenario often withstanding the most brutal of barrages from the enemy. The Centre Company has developed not only competitively with the average individual skill of our members being raised to a higher standard but it has also grown into its own community with projects such as PRY and SF acting as the glue that molds together a wider community.
The Centre Company boasts 100 active members bringing a 30-35 man line to casual line battles and about 20 to group fights and 1v1s. Competitively the company saw action in EIC and the 2v2 tournament getting placements in both tournaments, 3rd and 1st place respectively. The company grew from the  monstrosity that was at the start of the year to a streamlined professional fighting force and couldn’t have done so without the motivation and involvement of its NCOs namely Sjt Glenn and now Sjt Pumti, two NCOs that have been essential to not only the companys' but also the wider regiment's development

The Centre

2v2 Matches
45thN 7- 1 71st x 96y
45thN 6 - 2 19th x 7th
45thN 7 - 1 55th x 17pp
45thN 8 - 0
33rd x 16th
45thN 6 - 2 92nd
45thN 4 - 4 15thYR x 77y

EIC Matches
45thN 10- 0 IVe_2eGren
45thN 7 - 3 19th
45thN 7 - 5 96y
45thN 4 - 4 77y
45thN 9 - 1
45thN 8- 2 3pp
45thN 7- 3 13e
45thN 3 - 7 15thYR
45thN 6 - 8 92nd

The 45th Nottinghamshire Centre and Grenadier Company at the 2v2 Tournament

The Grenadiers AKA ‘the Serial Losers'

The Grenadier Company is led by Major Maskman and Colour Serjeant Ryan and consists of our best and most active infantry players in the 45th Nottinghamshire. The Grenadiers’ performance throughout the year in competitive events has been respectable coming First in the 2v2 Tournament as well as coming 3rd in both MRGL as well as EIC. The Grenadier Company currently boasts 30 active members all committed to the weekly group fights and 1v1s they participate in with the ability to muster 15 - 20 for these types of competitive events. Throughout the year the company has grown from strength to strength with the addition of strong characters within the leadership as well as new talented Centre Players transferred into the Grenadiers on account of their raw skill and performance during the Grenadier Trials
All the additions to the Grenadiers have been players who are willing to contribute to the regimental dynamic and to the community, with the Grenadier player bases being vocal and active in not only competitive events but the majority actively taking part in our casual and role-play events. Training is something that we as a regiment has been focusing on this year with the Grenadiers playing a vital role in helping namely Sjt Yovko and LCpl Achilles helping run the trainings, this will be something we plan to emphasize more in the coming year.


45thN 5- 0 16th
45thN 5- 0 77y
45thN 0- 5 71st
45thN 2- 7 92nd

EIC Matches
45thN 10- 0 IVe_2eGren
45thN 7 - 3 19th
45thN 7 - [color= green]3 33rd[/color]
45thN 7 - [color= green]5 96y[/color]
45thN 4 - 4 77y
45thN 9 - 1
45thN 8- 2 3pp
45thN 7- 3 13e
45thN 3 - 7 15thYR
45thN 6 - 8 92nd

45thN 15 - 12 96y
45thN 15- 1 56e
45thN 154 55th
45thN 15- 2 45e
45thN 15- 9 27th
45thN 15- 0 2Lr
45thN 1115 92nd

45thN 15 - 0 96y
45thN 15 - 0 55th
45thN 15 - 8 71st
45thN 12 - 15 13e
45thN 4 - 15 15thYR
45thN 10 - 15 92nd

Grenadier Trials

The Light Infantry AKA ‘Nothing of Value Was Lost’

The Light Company of the 45th Nottinghamshire, led by Captain Hanselsmitch and Ensign Raf, has maintained its active strength and event quality throughout this past year. What started off as a far more casual branch of the regiment originally headed by Bernard, has now become an integral piece on the battlefield, whilst managing to maintain a very laid back attitude on Teamspeak and amongst the group. The brilliant atmosphere within the company stems from an extremely competent NCO cadre such as CSM Ryuko and LCpl Prometheus managing the day to day operations within the Lights. The large core of extremely experienced veteran lights continue to perform brilliantly and have the tactical awareness to adapt flexibly to our mobile playstyle, often without even needing to be told to do so by the officers.

The Lights have grown into an absolute threat during events, making regiments have to consider very carefully if they want to expose themselves to the company’s ever-improving shooting and maneuvering
We are looking forward to seeing everyone of our lads back next year. On behalf of the leadership of the company, it has been an honor to lead you throughout the year. We like to believe that our company has become a close-knit group of friends, and we would never have it any other way.

Lights Boys in action


The Cavalry AKA ‘The Simp Squadron’

The Cavalry Company is led by Staff Corporal of Horse PepsiWonderand HorseGuard Saphyro, it being overseen by the Battalion Staff. The Company has now been actively serving within the regiment for over a year now and isn't new by any standard. With the departure of the old cavalry leader Ericson, the cavalry has been soaring above and beyond expectations despite the slow hard grind as we slowly rebuild the cavalry under more capable stable committed leadership.  With 2022 on the horizon new challenges face the cavalry company as they attempt to leap back into the competitive cavalry scene where they will no doubt start at humble beginnings, competitively for the 45thN Cavalry squadron the best is yet to come.

Cavalry Squadron preparing for a brutalising charge

The Artillery Company
The Artillery Company AKA ‘Dead’


Special Mentions

The 45th Nottinghamshire does not only offer daily NW events but other aspects of the regiment deserve a special mention that have seamlessly contributed to regimental life and the growth of the 45thN community. Most notably the formation of three independent regimental group fighting teams as feeders for our casual players to get introduced and involved in the competitive scene -  this service requires countless hours of player trainings and player management. The NPP series, the SF series and PRY are all invaluable to the regiment it goes without saying that the effort to get more people involved competitively in a game that is eight years old is admirable for all those involved in these extra melee trainings - thank you.

45thN Groupfighting Teams


45thN Hosted pickups is another aspect of the regiment that deserves a special mention it being hosted at least once a day - it being open to the whole community  for players at any skill level with about half of the player base being with the 45th Nottinghamshire, although trolly at times - many pick ups sessions do increase the skill of many players especially those who are new to the groupfighiting scene. These pick ups are very much community-driven being hosted on 45thN TS and Servers, though just a bit of fun the community appreciates pick ups as a more casual replacement of WBMM. Special thanks to Melsyo of the 15thYR and Ilypa of the 92nd for cohosting these with the 45th Nottinghamshire. The 45th Nottinghamshire also along side hosting these extra events for the wider NW community has been hosting the weekly 45thN Thursday Event as well as the 45thN x 1stRG Monday Line Only, both events which we will carry on into the new year.

45thN Infantry Battalion at the 45thN Thursday Event

45thN Infantry Battalion at the Line Only Event

45thN Pickups


The 45thN also hosts seasonal internal tournaments with cash prizes, something that is exclusive to the 45th Nottinghamshire. 2021 saw the hosting of our most ambitious regimental internal tournaments with our most notable tournaments being:

45thN Randomised 2v2 Tournament 30 Euro Cash Prize
45thN Internal Fantasy League 150 Euro Cash Prize
45thN Internal Draft League 160 Euro Cash Prize

Big Pickups

Overview of the Year

2021 is the year that the 45th Nottinghamshire really made its mark as a consistent regiment with players in all of our companies representing the regiment with events daily. As one of the oldest standing casual and competitive regiment we have managed to raise over 1500 euros in the past year something that the Battalion Staff is very pleased about and is commensurate with the dedicated player base and community we have and for that we are very grateful. Running a regiment like the 45th Nottinghamshire is very time-consuming - it being like an actual job for a lot of the officers as we have to dedicate multiple hours daily to manage day-to-day operations. As with any job it can be very deflating but our motivation is maintained through our members’ enthusiasm and the fact that these daily events bring so much enjoyment to so many in these dark wintery corona times motivates us further to get more INVOLVED

Cool Videos of the 45thN throughout the Year

Sources videos


Achilles' Videos


Kartex's Videos


Garch's Videos



Thank You

I would like to thank the leadership team too for upholding their duty to the regiment, believe it or not within this regiment we have standards and on behalf of the battalion staff its a pleasure working with many of the officers and NCOs with most going over and beyond the call of duty deeply involving themselves with all aspects of the regiment and for that I am glad and grateful. The Battalion Staff within the 45th Nottinghamshire work tirelessly behind closed doors to ensure the smooth running of the regiment and thus haven’t been at the forefront of the regiment yet are the most indispensable part of the leadership. I would like to firstly thank Sjt Pumti and Sjt Yovko for being constantly involved and present in all aspects of regimental life, often going over and beyond their responsibilities in their respective companies. Colonel Nova deserves an entire paragraph dedicated to himself only but as I fear we have surpassed 2,0000 words already I will keep it short and sweet. Nova is the calm collected captain navigating his ship, his home, through rough choppy waters towards the sunlit uplands. Novas discretion, talent for diplomacy and good decision making makes him the MOST respected player in the regiment and best commanding officer I personally have ever had, and on behalf of the regiment - a huge thank you.

Our Infantry at the Flag Spawning Event

Now to all our members - the BIGGEST thanks goes to you, to all those who we have lost and gained on the way, as much as the leadership accommodates the regiment and does a service to all of us in running the regiment, it is mainly you guys that make the regiment what it is and each everyone of you contribute and shape what the regiment has become throughout the year and its clearly reflected in the core values and principles of the regiment, something that we all can be very proud of and for that we are eternally grateful. As much as this is a big regiment and that we individually may not seem to give you much attention, the leadership cannot begin to express the amount of gratitude we have for you individually and for your loyalty and servitude. Thank you all for this great community we have and that YOU have built. The 45thN has exceeded all expectations in regards to regimental life in general in 2021, bring on 2022 for the sky is the limit/size].

The Battalion Staff,

Colonel Nova
Major Maskman

Some Extra 45thN Videos recorded by people outside the regiment

« Last Edit: December 30, 2021, 01:46:28 am by 45thN Official »


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Where’s the 92nd vs 45thN RGL match

Also hope poberta is better now!

Offline maskmanmarks

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Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year Everyone.

Enjoy the much deserved break, see you all in the new year  :)

Where’s the 92nd vs 45thN RGL match

Also hope poberta is better now!

Its in our tournament match history in the post^^
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

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drip is real
Ban kubitch of nw warband because is childish moron unhappy antisocial person, have at 2023 meeting with lawyer about him.  kubus mental disease

Offline Glenn

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Glad to be apart of SF, PRY, and Centre company for a majority of the year!
click here to join the 84th

Offline fireboy

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Glad to be apart of SF, PRY, and Centre company for a majority of the year!


[AEF/55th]Anthony 7:12 PM:
you have such a basic style/skillset
but you have the highest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GFing IQ i know

Offline Dusbled

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I hope to have many many Cav 1v1's in 2022  8)

Offline Ry@n

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Great post!  :-*  8)

Offline flo

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if it wasnt for flo id have had a fantastic tournament. I hope he doesnt have a compilation

Offline Glenn

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Glad to be apart of SF, PRY, and Centre company for a majority of the year!



I’m stealing from the mall.
click here to join the 84th

Offline Mitchell

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Where’s the 92nd vs 45thN RGL match
dont make a fool out of urself
Stop looking at my posts Fietta #RentFree

The Master of stack, the voice of racism.


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Where’s the 92nd vs 45thN RGL match
dont make a fool out of urself
Only fool here is you on battlefront

Offline Kong

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Glad to be apart of SF, PRY, and Centre company for a majority of the year!



go back to protecting bath and body works from looters bozo