Author Topic: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot "1st Notts" [EU] [Est. 2016].  (Read 557881 times)

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Offline maskmanmarks

  • Major General
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  • Posts: 4228
  • Colonel of the 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment
    • View Profile
  • Nick: 45thN_Col_Maskman_Peritz
  • Side: Neutral

(Click on the titles to read the desired subject)


His most Britannic Majesty's 45th Regiment of foot was raised on the 26th March 2016 by Vegetarian.
It is a semi-serious competitive regiment that is English speaking and accepts all nationalities, Recruits
have to attend one Line-battle and one training before becoming an official member of the regiment,
so that you show you are dedicated enough to be active. The history of this regiment is as twisted and
long as an olive branch with our first Colonel Vegetarian forming the regiment in 2016. The regiment
changed hands multiple times until in 2017, Nova seized control of the regiment including both
companies with the help of notable officers and NCOs, namely Flibbit, Maskman and Flasheart in a
blood coup resulting in the disbandment of the Light Infantry. With the formation and dissolution of
several companies such as cavalry and artillery, a successful merge with Mitchell's 10th in 2020 has
guaranteed the 45th Nottinghamshire a place in the top five largest and best casual competitive
regiments within the NW scene. Ever since, for three years straight the regiment has stayed a steady
course towards great internal glory slowly becoming the power house it is today, a regiment with three
separate companies hosting daily events being able to field a total 50-60 players at any given point.

        The 45th Nottinghamshire is lead by Colonel Nova and boasts three detachments each with their own
events which Nova oversees and leads. The 45th Nottinghamshire is well-rooted both in the casual and
competitive scenes with the regiment hosting its own successful Thursday event as well as preforming
very well in many regimental tournaments and leagues such as RGL, GLBT, RMT and Kincaids 2v2. The
Regiment can be broken up into three separate detachments, The Centre Company is lead by Major
Maskman and Lieutenant Mitchell. The Lights company is lead by Lieutenant Jack and finally the
Grenadier company (Grens) lead by Ensign Jerome. For tournament and group fight matches only the
very best from each company will be selected for attendance, the Grenadiers making up the backbone
of the roster for competitive events.The regiment boasts an experienced cadre of NCOs who are
invaluable in keeping good order in the line, such as Company Sergeant Major Valley and Lefty (Grens
and Lights), Colour Serjeant Floris and Natty (Grens and Line), as well as many other junior NCOs
often leading their respective companies on the ground whilst the officers and Battalion staff, tend to
the regiment's administrative work. Special thanks to Flasheart, the most loved uncle of the regiment!


Our Goals in Napoleonic Wars

The 45thN will mainly focus on participating in weekly-based line battles and sieges. The Regiment
will mainly focus on improving their shooting and melee to compete in future 1v1s and 2v2s against
other regiments. The 45thN is a very competitive regiment. We came 2nd in the 2nd division of GLBT.
We do very often groupfighting events as well as tournaments. Trainings will also be organized
throughout the week to get our members to their peak performance in the game. On the other hand,
we will be jumping onto public servers to have a laugh and to enjoy ourselves, We want to accomplish
in Napoleonic Wars to become a fun mature regiment to keep the entertainment at its highest peak!
If you are interested in joining this regiment, please add one of our officers on Steam.

Recruit Guidebook

The individuals of the regiment are constantly cheerful when a new member joins in. We will willingly
welcome all those who show interest by joining the regiment. Once joined the regiment, Recruits are
expected to show great dedication and motivation towards the regiment as well as improving their
melee and shooting in-game. If you are active within 2 weeks, you will be promoted to Private and
from there, you will slowly but surely progress through the ranks whilst showing melee skills and
discipline. If you, however, encounter a problem within the regiment or your not to sure about
something, then do please contact one of the Commanding Officers or a Non-Commissioned Officer
as they will always be available at your disposal and would really want to help.


Early History

The history of The Sherwood Foresters goes back to 1741, when England was committed to War
against France in Europe and later in Asia and America. In this year a new Regiment was raised and
commanded by a Colonel Houghton. By 1745 the Regiment was in Gibraltar and under the command
of a Colonel Warburton, while two years later it was serving in Nova Scotia. In 1751 numerical titles
were introduced and the Regiment became the 45th. The aggressive actions of the French against
the English in Canada resulted in the 45th being called out on active service. It was one of the
regiments that won undying fame in storming and capturing from the French the Naval Arsenal of
Louisburg, a stronghold that had been heavily and extensively fortified.

The 45th Regiment served for twenty years in Canada, and for its gallantry at Louisburg was later
awarded the first of the long roll of battle honours that now adorn the Colours. Although not present
as a unit, the 45th was represented by its grenadier company in the British force that the gallant
Wolfe led up the St. Lawrence River to capture Quebec and thus seal the doom of French rule in

The Regiment Returns Home

On returning home the Regiment served for some years in Ireland and when the American War Of
Independence broke out, was among the reinforcements sent to New York in 1776. It fought at Long
Island, Philadelphia, Brandywine, Germantown, and in other places, suffering losses but always
exhibiting a high degree of courage and fortitude. After the War, the 45th reduced to less than 100
all ranks, returned home to Nottingham. The citizens of Nottingham requested that the Regiment
should be called "The Nottinghamshire Regiment" and His Majesty agreed, providing 300 men were
recruited in the county.

With volunteers from the Nottinghamshire Militia and the influence of local landowners, the
stipulated number was soon obtained. Between 1786-1794 and 1795-1802, the 45th was in the
West Indies almost constantly engaged in fighting the French for possession of those islands -
Martinique, Dominica and Les Saints being captured. Unfortunately yellow fever took a far heavier
toll of the Regiment than did the enemy. After a brief period at home the 45th was soon on active
service again.

The Regiment was despatched to South America in 1807, where it took part in
the attack on Buenos Aires, when every man of the small British force had to fight for his life in the
street fighting that followed the capture of the town. After this action the Regiment embarked for
The Peninsular War

The following year the 45th Regiment became part of the Peninsular Army, under Sir Arthur
Wellesley, the future Duke of Wellington. The 45th was present at the opening battle, at Rolica in
1808, and served without a break in all Wellington's famous battles until the siege of Toulouse in
1814, winning no less than thirteen battle honours. The nickname, "The Old Stubborns", was
bestowed on the regiment for its conspicuous bravery at the battle of Talavera. In that battle the
French flung themselves in dense masses upon the advanced posts of the British Army, which were
held by the 45th, who opposed the enemy with such firmness and courage that the enemy troops
were first checked and then brought to a standstill. Retiring slowly, the 45th held up the enemy
attack so completely that the entire sting was taken out of it, and the British were able to win a
great victory. Wellington, describing the battle in his official report said: "Upon this occasion the
steadiness and discipline of the 45th Regiment were conspicuous".

In the Battle of Busaco, the 45th Regiment again distinguished itself leading the attack on a dense
column of the enemy troops, which had reached the crest of the hill. The attack, made with the
bayonet, was so fierce that the enemy was driven pell-mell down the slopes, leaving some
hundreds on the ground killed and wounded. "1 can assure you 1 never witnessed a more gallant
charge", wrote Wellington in his despatches. In the siege of Badajoz, a detachment of the 45th
succeeded in getting into the Castle first and the red coat of an officer of the 45th was hoisted in
place of the French flag to indicate the fall of the Castle. This feat is commemorated on the 6th
April each year when red jackets are flown on Regimental flag staffs and at Nottingham Castle.

Change in Title

The secondary title 'The Sherwood Foresters' was granted to the 45th in 1866 by Queen Victoria;
the Nottinghamshire Militia having previously been granted the title of "The Royal Sherwood
Foresters" in 1813.

In 1867, the 45th formed part of the British force that, under General Sir Robert Napier
(afterwards Lord Napier of Magdala), fought in the Abyssinian campaign. This was one of the
most remarkable exploits in the history of the British Army. Magdala, the capital, was a
fortified city perched on the summit of a huge rock with almost perpendicular sides, and
approachable on one side only. It was situated four hundred road less miles from the coast in
the midst of a great range of mountains, over which the troops had to climb, and in some
places had to haul their guns and limbers up by ropes. The 45th marched 300 miles in 24
days and actually covered 70 miles in 4 days over a mountain pass 10,000 feet high to be
present at the capture of Magdala.



🥇 RGL S9 🥇
🥇 NW 2v2 Season II 🥇
🥈2nd Place in NWBC S5 2022  🥈
🥈2nd Place in Division B of GLBT 🥈
🥈2nd Place in MDGL 2021 🥈
🥉3rd Place in NWBC S4 2020 🥉
🥉3rd Place in RGT S11 2022 🥉
🥉3rd Place in MRGL S1 2020🥉
🥉3rd Place in EIC S4 2021🥉
🥉3rd Place in EIC S5 2022🥉



Colonel Maskman
Major Mitchell


Commissioned Officers
Captain HMitchell
Lieutnenat Wolf115
Ensign Pumti

Non-Commissioned Officers
Colour Serjeant Watson
Corporal Vladdleco
Corporal DarkBG
Corporal JammyD0dger
Lance Corporal Bissenbacker
Lance Corporal Ody
Acting Lance Corporal Ben

Field Surgeon Berba
Field Surgeon Polka

KingsGuard Andy
KingsGuard Cookiez
KingsGuard Edward Hay
KingsGuard Fwuffy
KingsGuard Gringo
KingsGuard Greaves
KingsGuard Glenn
Kingsman haschtrollet
KingsGuard Lil'Sebastian
KingsGuard Headless
KingsGuard Iuff
KingsGuard Kabraxis
KingsGuard Kubus
KingsGuard Luca
KingsGuard Poberta
KingsGuard Jake
KingsGuard Ralof
KingsGuard Saitama
KingsGuard Shadow
KingsGuard Soli
KingsGuard YouKnowWho
KingsGuard Zeus
KingsGuard Ziggecigar

Kingsman Akiira
Kingsman Bagetak
Kingsman Bob
Kingsman Darki
Kingsman Dylan Monk
Kingsman Fireboy
Kingsman Garch
Kingsman Griggs
Kingsman Houdini
Kingsman Rundeen
Kingsman Shotwatffel
Kingsman JaimeYES
Kingsman MerKat Peritz
Kingsman Veto

Guardsman Anheuern
Guardsman Biggie
Guardsman C1oud
Guardsman Colonel Sanders
Guarsdman Dom
Guardsman Edward Teach
Guardsman Hellstaff
Guardsman Horde
Guardsman Commissar Jingles
Guardsman Krabby
Guardsman Lord Orange
Guardsman Mac
Guardsman Melbury
Guardsman Mr.Anderson
Guardsman Norseman
Guardsman Pancake
Guardsman Platinum
Guardsman Peyton
Guardsman Phil
Guardsman Romanski
Guardsman Stormki
Guardsman Wilma
Guardsman Zenepl

Veteran Anton Shooman
Veteran Barry
Veteran Bosvark
Veteran Billy White
Veteran Calgon
Veteran Dayman
Veteran Didelyn
Veteran Emre1ez
Veteran Gustav
Veteran Governor
Veteran Jenkzzzz
Veteran Jurre
Veteran HMitchell
Veteran Killme.exe
Veteran KingRich
Veteran Mano
Veteran Mattboi
Veteran Mechanic007
Veteran Nao
Veteran Source
Veteran Soulja Boy
Veteran Sparky
Veteran SiegeMaster 
Veteran Sista_Rodrigo
Veteran SwissG
Veteran Totenflak
Veteran Thomas
Veteran TobbenTheLi
Veteran Warden
Veteran ZhenGe

Regular British Panda
Regular Burgent
Regular Cashew
  Regular Cenker
Regular Curtis
Regular Dio
Regular Djukin§
Regular Fred2
Regular Hangman
Regular Henri
Regular Hellbrud
Regular Ideed
Regular JollyCanadian
Regular Maxonvien
Regular Parmiskca
Regular KiteTheBird
Regular S0loguitar
Regular SugarTits
Regular Stacc
Regular Stefan0350
Regular Silvertitan44
Regular Robb
Regular TiredJake
Regular Xattos
Regular Vixca

Private Bobandy
Private Butt Sparkles
Private Cairdac
Private Dia
Private DankMemes
Private D0ctor
Private DrPepper
Priavte Emil
Private Ellia
Private fleischmann
Private Hauptmann
Private Idestroke
Private Lacey Boi
Private Legend
Private Mercian
Private Modesto
Private Odlaw
Private StarBuck
Private Stefan
Private SirVictorian
Private SlutBag
Private Sojobo
Private Tost
Private Teemo
Private WelshGuy
Private Winchester

Recruit B0boman
Recruit Bohy
Recruit Blake
Recruit Bucx
Recruit Brainbow
Recruit Brown
Recruit Chicken
Recruit Cereberus
Recruit Cubash
Recruit dominator2367
Recruit Doki
Recruit Ironclad
Recruit John
Recruit JingeKing
Recruit Kaiser
Recruit MaskSlayer
Recruit Mediry
Recruit Motion
Recruit Osas
Recruit Phailur
Recruit Philip
Recruit PinkEye
Recruit Jan Moody
Recruit Saturn
Recruit Simo
Recruit Shuffles
Recruit Spartan
Recruit Stark
Recruit Zeiron


Commissioned Officers
Captain Jack Hanselmitch

Non-Commissioned Officers
Colour Serjeant Maggoty Bread
Corporal Inferno
Lance Corporal Lord Aperion

Chosenman BonkyMonkey
Chosenman Lefty
Chosenman DragonKnight
Chosenman Maverick
Chosenman Prom
Chosenman Raf
Chosenman Ryuko
Chosenman Jacster
Chosenman Hysteria

Marksman Mr Canadian

Ranger Harry Viez
Ranger TomSnow
Ranger Petrovick
Ranger Flasheart

Guardsman BulSovMan
Guardsman S0loguitar

Veteran Ajax
Veteran David Beckonsfield
Veteran Cookiez
Veteran Fennidian Dragon
Veteran Koalamund
Veteran KingJeb
Veteran Maximu5
Veteran NikoBagrationi
Veteran R_V_S
Veteran Sergeant44

Regular Andbre
Regular Flexi
Regular Grimmy
Regular Gurki
Regular Theodred
Regular Zigny

Private Felix
Private F1nn28
Private Klein (rik)
Private NickyJ
Private Swaggles
Recruit Mirko
Recruit Rumenii
Recruit Wasahii

Commissioned Officers
Colonel Maskman

Lieutenant Smallest

Ensign Achilles

Non-Commissioned Officers

Company Serjeant Major sHype
Serjeant Jakob
Serjeant Fenton
Corporal Ilypa
Corporal Troister
Lance Corporal Flo


Head Grenadier Narrow
Surgeon Janne

Veteran Grenadier Floris
Veteran Grenadier Jerome
Veteran Grenadier Mr_T
Veteran Grenadier Nedim
Veteran Grenadier Snikk

Grenadier Albert
Grenadier Marquez
Grenadier Jacko
Grenadier Ryan
Grenadier Teddy
Grenadier Timlef
Grenadier Yovko
Grenadier 19boboy97

Guardsman KamataHan
Guardsman Kong
Guardsman JonnyBoy
Guardsman Winter

Veteran Aras
Veteran Alucard
Veteran Shadow

Regular Browarx
Regular Crusher
Regular Higen
Regular Kennedy
Regular Louis
Regular Vemon

Private Alatriste
Recruit Axiom
Private bunter igel
Private Dren
Private Shneider
Private Ruler

Recruit AralZ
Recruit Blacktham



Commissioned Officers
Captain Pepsiwonder

Non-Commissioned Officers

Company Sergeant Major Saphyro


Veteran Trooper Beeatyrr
Veteran Trooper Arachon
Veteran Trooper Olof

Trooper Anta
Trooper ClassyBoomer
Trooper Gotfri
Trooper John
Trooper LifeDream
Trooper MERMAN
Trooper Minatoor
Trooper Ser Perry
Trooper SMONKA
Trooper Ternoer

Recruit Aureliano
Recruit Carlos
Recruit Esteban
Recruit Feodoras
Recruit Flibbit
Recruit Goodfellows
Recruit Leo
Recruit Mvh22
Recruit Pedro
Recruit Preacher
Recruit Kudonides
Recruit Kreative
Recruit Reznov
Recruit SkyUser
Recruit Simon
Recruit Theodore Crazi
Recruit Yanai
Recruit Zafkiel

Commissioned Officers

Non-Commissioned Officers
Serjeant GlennofNW
Serjeant StickyToffeePudding


Veteran Gunner Soulja Boy
Bomber Poberta
Bombadier MsEricson
Mommy Bomber Iuff

Total Count of the Regiment

Commissioned Officers: 6
NCO's: 17
Enlisted: 309
Total Active Strength: 331
« Last Edit: April 03, 2023, 02:00:58 am by maskmanmarks »
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

Offline maskmanmarks

  • Major General
  • **
  • Posts: 4228
  • Colonel of the 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment
    • View Profile
  • Nick: 45thN_Col_Maskman_Peritz
  • Side: Neutral
Re: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot. Recruiting Since 2017. (V.2)
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2020, 01:16:28 pm »


Serjeant Clikenforce

Lance Corporal Eastwind

Field Surgeon RealFix

Veteran Reservist Bluemoon
Veteran Reservist Vengeance
Veteran Reservist Vemon

Reserve Aeneas
Reserve Anubis
Reserve MushyPeas
Reserve Nisse
Reserve Aldo Frezzotti
Reserve Alex
Reserve Auredegos
Reserve Adam
Reserve Asian
Reserve Ballin
Reserve Ben
Reserve BerlinStukov
Reserve BernardBagdadhi
Reserve Candy
Reserve ChameKaze
Reserve CombatLeaderZ
Reserve Chadderz
Reserve Chris
Reserve Croxy
Reserve Crimsonist
Reserve Dayerino
Reserve Dank Memes
Reserve Farris
Reserve Edward Grant
Reserve Don Neto
Reserve Blacktham
Reserve Eios
Reserve EpicGamerMan
Reserve EpicPizza
Reserve FireFighter
Reserve Galava
Reserve Gandalf
Reserve Grey Beard
Reserve Hellstaff
Reserve Henri
Reserve Ichcook
Reserve Ink
Reserve Isaac
Reserve Jeffery Schlupp
Reserve KertaB
Reserve Killey
Reserve Kungen
Reserve Leyla
Reserve Lowry Peritz
Reserve Lizi Rus
Reserve Mazicore
Reserve Max1m
Reserve Morwin
Reserve Magallanes
Reserve Magnus
Reserve Mozart
Reserve Moose
Reserve MightyPain
Reserve Markus
Reserve Mvh
Reserve Nock
Reserve NeDge
Reserve Noodles
Reserve Oblivious
Reserve Odegard
Reserve Oliver
Reserve phDeadLift
Reserve Rekt
Reserve Rico
Reserve PantherKnight
Reserve PedoBear
Reserve Pedro
Reserve Peanutbutter
Reserve Poirette
Reserve Pigg
Reserve Pressure
Reserve Quek
Reserve R[0]nin
Reserve Rivers
Reserve Ruftys
Reserve Ruben
Reserve Sergej
Reserve Sojobo
Reserve Szkrider
Reserve Soldier Guy
Reserve Sista_Rodrigo
Reserve Sulu
Reserve Stack
Reserve Supercrash
Reserve Slipperydogfish
Reserve Subutai
Reserve R4gnar
Reserve Tally
Reserve Weisman
Reserve Wdx
Reserve Zebaad Peritz
Reserve Zombi


2020 Christmas Message


The 45th Nottinghamshire within the year of 2020 has risen from the very bottom to top tier in all aspects of regimental life. This post will be outlining the year of 2020 and how our glorious regiment has shaped both the casual and the competitive communities. Each company will have a short overview of what happened throughout the year before coming to the concluding overview

The Centre Company Holding the Line at a Role Play Event

The Centre AKA ‘The Dogshit’

The Centre company lead by Major Maskman and Lieutenant Mitchell is the largest company within the Regiment often standing as the backbone of the army, wherever the Centre Company goes the army follows. The Centre finely balances DAILY casual competitive and role play events allowing an aspect of novelty to our line battles keeping people interested, returning daily to this game eight years on after its release.  The Centre Company boasts 100 active members bringing a 25-30 man line to casual line battles and about 20 to groupfights and 1v1s. Competitively the company saw action in NWBC, making the backbone of the army and ultimately managing to win a well deserved third place. The company grew from humble origins to the monstrosity that is now and couldn’t have done so without the motivation and involvement of its Officers, Maskman and Mitchell - the dynamic duo. Big household names within the Centre Company consist of CSjt Cookie LCpl Fietta Kingsman Poberta and Headless - these people being the glue that holds us together - a special shout out to them.

The Centre

45thN 15- 9 17pp
45thN 7 - 3 45e
45thN 15 - 11 Nr13
45thN 6 - 15
45thN 2 - 8 15thYR
45thN 14 - 15 17pp
45thN 3 - 15 27th

The Grenadiers AKA ‘the Boys’

The Grenadier Company is lead by Lieutenant Jerome and Ensign Valley consisting of the best and most active infantry players in the 45th Nottinghamshire. The Grenadiers’ performance throughout the year in competitive events is without a doubt the biggest reason for the rise of the 45thN within the competitive and even casual community. The Grenadier Company boasts 35 active members all committed to the weekly group fights and 1v1s they participate in with the ability to muster 20 - 25 for these type of competitive events. Throughout the year the company has grown from strength to strength with the addition of strong characters within the leadership as well as skill amongst the enlisted members, namely Lance Corporal Jacko and Acting Lance Corporal Ryan as well as Regular Troister and Veteran ClaSh. This can most aptly be reflected by looking at our tournament placings throughout the year, with us at the beginning of the year finishing a meagre 2nd at the GLBT Division B tournament to the Grenadiers finishing top of the group in MRGLS1, going straight to the Semis and then onwards to the finals.

All the additions to the Grenadiers have been players who are willing to contribute to the regimental dynamic and to the community, with the Grenadier player bases being vocal and active in not only competitive events but the majority actively taking part in casual and role play events. The deep involvement of many of those enlisted in grenadiers within all aspects of regimental life is truly admirable.
Many house hold names within the Grenadiers range from distinguished key NCOs such as Colour Serjeant ‘Chess Champion’ Floris and Serjeant Yovko to the true heroes of the company, Veteran Nurse Lone"The Doug”Doge, Veteran Kraz and Grenadier Midget Mauri with special mentions to the dogs of the company Corporal Flo and Guardsman ‘Twice Demoted’ Fenton.

Jerome Leading the Boys

45thN 5- 0 92nd

45thN 5 - 1 2ndHess
45thN 5 - 0 10th
45thN 15 2Lr
45thN 5- 2 56e
45thN 37 18th

45thN 1 - 15 14e
45thN 3 - 15 15thYR
45thN 4 - 15 92nd
45thN 9 - 15 96y
45thN 3 - 15 18th
45thN 15 - 8 2Lr
45thN 15 - 7 IVe Corps
45thN 15 - 9 Nr13
45thN 15 - 3 56e

45thN 15 - 1 56e
45thN 15 - 2 45e
45thN 159 27th
45thN 15 - 12 96y

The Light Infantry AKA ‘Nothing of Value Was Lost’

The Light Company of the 45th Nottinghamshire, led by Captain Hanselsmitch and Ensign Lefty, has grown tremendously throughout this past year both in numbers and in experience. What started off as a far more casual branch of the regiment originally headed by Bernard, has now become an integral piece on the battlefield, whilst managing to maintain a very laid back attitude on Teamspeak and amongst the group. The brilliant atmosphere within the company stems from an extremely competent NCO cadre (Flash, Prom and Raf) as well as the large core of extremely experienced veteran lights that can perform brilliantly and have the tactical awareness to adapt flexibly to our mobile playstyle, often without even needing to be told to do so by the officers.

The Lights have grown into an absolute threat during events, making regiments have to consider very carefully if they want to expose themselves to the company’s ever-improving shooting and maneuvering. The Lights also partook in their first-ever competitive tournament this year, aiding in gaining third place in the NWBC and learning new lessons that will be applied in the future.

A special mention aswell to two people who has really put in the effort to bring a good vibe to the company, ZiggeCigarr and Hysteria. Firstly Hysteria, the silent sniper who keeps succeding in geting the long range shots and continues to bring improve in all matters regarding the game. Ziggecigarr is most likely the most dedicated enlisted player in the company who continues to improve in all matters of the game. God bless both of you.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone of our lads back next year. On behalf of the leadership of the company, it has been an honor to lead you throughout the year. We like to believe that our company has become a close-knit group of friends, and we would never have it any other way.

Lights Boys in action

45thN 3 - 7 2Lr

The Cavalry AKA ‘The Simp Squadron’

The Cavalry Company is lead by Horseguard Ericson and Veteran Trooper Waxo and Pepsiwonder, it being overseen by the Battalion Staff. The Company is relatively new by any standard and has a 25 active man roster. Although half the company is composed by North Americans that doesnt take away from their deadliness on the battlefield often top fragging in any line battle and consequently carrying their team. With 2021 on the horizon new challenges face the cavalry company and their leap into the competitive cavalry scene where they will no doubt start at humble beginnings. The aim is to bring the 45thN brand to dominate the cavalry scene as it has the infantry scene, a tough challenge especially with many already existing well established cavalry regiments at the top. With the Hussars Season 2 Cup on the horizon as well as a potential League 2 being formed - competitively for the 45thN Cavalry squadron the best is yet to come.

Cavalry Squadron preparing for a brutalising charge

Special Mentions

The 45th Nottinghamshire does not only offer daily NW events but other aspects of the regiment deserve a special mention that have seamlessly contributed to regimental life and the growth of the 45thN community. Most notably the formation of three independent NPP groupfighitng teams as feeders for our casual players to get introduced and involved in the competitive scene -  this service requires countless hours of player trainings and player management. The NPP series was formed by Clikenforce and now is run by CSjt Cookie, Lt Mitchell and trainer Melsyo it goes without saying that the effort to get more people involved competitively in a game thats eight years old is admirable - thank you.



45thN Hosted pick ups is another aspect of the regiment that deserves a special mention it being hosted at least once a day - it being open to the whole community  for players at any skill level with about half of the player base being with the 45th Nottinghamshire, although trolly at times - many pick ups sessions do increase the skill of many players especially those who are new to the groupfighiting scene. These pick ups are very much community driven being hosted on 45thN TS and Servers, though just a bit of fun the community appreciates pick ups as a more casual replacement of WBMM. Special thanks to Melsyo of the 15thYR and Ilypa of the 92nd for cohosting these with the 45th Nottinghamshire.



The 45thN also hosts seasonal internal tournaments with cash prizes, something that is exclusive to the 45th Nottinghamshire. Thanks to our generous patrons, especially 19boboy97, we can afford to host tournaments with big cash prizes on top paying for our multiple servers as well as our TS. Our notable tournaments throughout the year:

45thN Randomised 3v3 Tournament 30 Euro Cash Prize
45thN Duel Tournament 10 Euro Cash Prize
2v2 15thYR 45thN Tournament 30 Euro Cash Prize
45thN Internal Groupfighting Tournament 80 Euro Cash Prize
45thN Duel Tournament 10 Euro Cash Prize

Big Pickups

Overview of the Year

2020 is the year that the 45th Nottinghamshire sky rocketed from a meagre casual regiment to one of the best and biggest casual competitive community regiments. We grew from a regiment with two companies of a combined attendance of 20 at the beginning of the year to an all time high attendance of 74 in early December across all four of our companies. The 45th Nottinghamshire was very much the dark horse for NW in 2020 and is now very much a top tier contender both casually and competitively . We have managed to raise over 500 euro in the past five months something that the Battalion Staff is very pleased about and is commensurate with the dedicated player base and community we have and for that we are very grateful. Running a regiment like the 45th Nottinghamshire is very time consuming - it being like an actual job for a lot of the officers as we have to dedicate multiple hours daily to manage day to day operations. As with any job it can be very deflating but our motivation is maintained through our members’ enthusiasm and the fact that these daily events bring so much enjoyment to so many in these dark wintery corona times motivates us further to get more INVOLVED

Cool Videos of the 45thN throughout the Year

lonedoge's videos


Achilles' Videos


Dothor's Videos


Shotwaffel's Videos



Thank You

I would like to thank the leadership team too for upholding their duty to the regiment, believe it or not within this regiment we have standards and on behalf of the battalion staff its a pleasure working with many of the officers and NCOs with most going over and beyond the call of duty deeply involving themselves with all aspects of the regiment and for that I am glad and grateful. The Battalion Staff within the 45th Nottinghamshire work tirelessly behind closed doors to ensure the smooth running of the regiment and thus haven’t been at the forefront of the regiment yet are the most indispensable part of the leadership. I would like to firstly thank MrBjarzi, often referred to as 45thN HR, for overseeing the Cavalry Company as well as managing the Light infantry for the better part of the year and for more importantly being constantly involved and present in all aspects of regimental life. Colonel Nova deserves an entire paragraph dedicated to himself only but as I fear we have surpassed 2,0000 words already I will keep it short and sweet. Nova is the calm collected captain navigating his ship, his home, through rough choppy waters towards the sunlit uplands. Novas discretion, talent for diplomacy and good decision making makes him the MOST respected player in the regiment and best commanding officer I personally have ever had, and on behalf of the regiment - a huge thank you.

Now to all our members - the BIGGEST thanks goes to you, to all those who we have lost and gained on the way, as much as the leadership accommodates the regiment and does a service to all of us in running the regiment, it is mainly you guys that make the regiment what it is and each everyone of you contribute and shape what the regiment has become throughout the year and its clearly reflected in the core values and principles of the regiment, something that we all can be very proud of and for that we are eternally grateful. As much as this is a big regiment and that we individually may not seem to give you much attention, the leadership cannot begin to express the amount of gratitude we have for you individually and for your loyalty and servitude. Thank you all for this great community we have and that YOU have built. 2020 has been a game changer for the 45th Nottinghamshire,  the sky is the limit for 2021

The Battalion Staff,

Colonel Nova
Major Maskman
Regimental Serjeant Major MrBjarzi

Regimental 2v2 Victory Message

Regimental Update

🥇 NW 2v2 Season II 🥇

The 45th Nottinghamshire is very proud to have won its First Gold Medal in the NW 2v2 Tournament Season II hosted by Kincaid. This post will be brief overview as to how the regiment has preformed in the past months since our Summer update during the 2v2 Tournament as well as how the regiment will be gearing up for RGL S8.

How the Infantry as a whole prepared for the 2v2 Tournament

Pictures of the our Trainings


After our respectable performance in EIC S4 earlier in the year where we managed to secure a 3rd Place 🥉 after a very close semi final vs the 92nd, the 45th Nottinghamshire Infantry both Centre and Grenadier Companies trained often side by side each other in both regimental trainings and also casual line battle events fighting many other regiments. The Centre Company more specifically professionalised and became a menace to face off against in many of these practiced line battle based events. With the help of our newest Centre NCOs, such as LCpl StickyToffeePudding, LCpl Smallest and LCpl Pumti, our centre company dramatically transformed as we actually started to train the most basic formations to our newest recruits where we also spent hours honing their skills in the most basic melee scenarios. The idea of the old 45th Nottinghamshire Centre Company dog shit was thrown out in favour of a professional fighting force with more than capable leadership under Captain Mitchell and Company Serjeant Major Wolf that can hold their own against any other regiment in a line battle scenario often withstanding the most brutal of barrages from the enemy.

The 45th Nottinghamshire further to this had a huge influx of new recruits over the summer (mainly thanks to LCpl Pumti), 80% of whom were drafted straight into the Centre and underwent our weekly trainings learning and in some cases relearning the most basic commands and formations with some of the more veteran players training more in the melee as aspect of the game. The Centre Company over the past few months have proven themselves to be the true backbone of the Regiment often pulling 30+ players to any casual event and more for competitive regimental matches. The Staff thank you especially for where the Centre Company leads the Army Follows! 

How we actually preformed in our 2v2s Matches

Screenshots of the Infantry in action


Some Videos of our Matches


The 45th Nottinghamshire took every match in the 2vs2 League seriously often coming out in force bringing at least 50 Infantry members to every match doing Gods's Work. Our team, The Iron Crusaders played in total 6 matches commandingly winning 5 of the 6 matches whilst tieing the final match against the 77y and Friends. The Infantry within the 45th Nottinghamshire approached every match with an admirable level of respect and professionalism which was often mirrored back to us by the vast majority of our opponents. Our toughest matches were versus the 96y 77y Coalition as well as the Final versus the 15thYR 77y Coalition as these were the closest and most difficult, however the 45thN 92nd Derby will remain the most memorable match as both regiments brought 60 players each and was the largest and debatably the most anticipated match of the tournament. The 45th Nottinghamshire emerged stronger as we built up our confidence and our skill from match to match and ultimately we remain undefeated in the NW 2v2 Season II Tournament.

Not a single match felt like a waste of time of was unfun, it was a pleasure to play versus some of the top regiments and teams in the scene and we thank you for that, GG WP to all!. Ultimately the 45th Nottinghamshire won both the most matches in the tournament whilst also losing the least amount of rounds in compared with any other team, consequently this pushed us to the top of the league and allowed us deservedly to claim the Gold medal after a very respectable and consistent performance across the board.

| Score table |

|                            Team                            |
|  Won  |
|  Lost  |
|  Draw  |
|  Rounds  |
The Iron Crusaders (45th)
77y & Friends (15th & 77y)
Gordon's Highlanders (92nd)
Team #4 (71st & 96y)
Team #3 (16th & 33rd)
Team #7 (7th & 19th)
Team #5 (17pp & 55th)

Muster Roll

NCOs who were promoted due to their loyalty and respective skills:

Serjeant Ryan -> Colour Serjeant Ryan

Lance Corporal Fwuffy -> Corporal Fwuffy
Lance Corporal Nightwing -> Corporal Nightwing

Grenadier Sticky -> Lance Corporal Sticky
Acting Lance Corporal Pumti -> Lance Corporal Pumti
Acting Lance Corporal Smallest -> Lance Corporal Smallest

     Enlisted who were promoted due to their exceptional performance in the 2v2:

Grenadier Company

Veteran Grenadier Head Nurse lonedoge -> Head Grenadier Head Nurse lonedoge
Veteran Grenadier Achilles -> Head Grenadier Achilles

Veteran Galava -> Guardsman Galava
Veteran Pancake-> Guardsman Pancake

Centre Company

  Guardsman Flag Kubus -> Kingsman Flag Kubus

Veteran Commissar Jingles -> Guardsman Commissar Jingles
Veteran William Melbury -> Guardsman William Melbury

Regular Garch -> Veteran Garch
Regular Rundeen -> Veteran Rundeen

Private Cashew -> Regular Rundeen
Private TobbenTheLi  -> Regular TobbenTheLi
Private KiteTheBird -> Regular KiteTheBird
Private FishFucker47 -> Regular FishFucker47

Recruit Mechanic007 -> Private Mechanic007
Recruit Weisman -> Private Weisman

A Final Thank You

The 45th Nottinghamshire has been around for longer for more than 5 years, and although we very much value the amazing community aspect of the regiment, in many ways all the work we collectively as the staff put into the regiment has been working and anticipating for this very moment - our first Gold Medal in a line battle tournament. The tournament win certainly isn't comparable to an NWL, EIC or even an RGL but for a regiment that was initially formed for purely casual events out of very humble beginnings this is a big milestone for the Leadership, the Enlisted and for the Regiment as a whole. Ultimately newer regiments cannot expect to enter the scene and start winning EICs and RGLs with mediocre unproven leadership but this milestone for the regiment as a whole proves that the 45th Nottinghamshire is indeed capable of replicating this unbeaten performance in other more major tournaments, Rome wasn't built in a day.

This tournament wouldn't have been possible without our more than capable leadership team with many of our junior NCOs stepping up to lead and manage the regiment in their specific areas. Corporal Nightwing and Corporal Fwuffy deserve more than a special mention as they very often helped carry the leading aspect of the tournament, with Fwuffy having to bare leading at the back of the Grenadier Line which can be confusing more often than not, whilst Nightwing helped managed the melee within the Centre Company which often decided rounds and matches, the staff thanks you both for your exceptional skills and a large bearing of this victory falls upon your shoulders. There are too many NCOs to thank personally that not only span across the Infantry Battalion within the Regiment but also across the Cavalry, Light Infantry and Artillery Companies within the regiment, though this was not your tournament - many of the NCOs got involved and supported the boys on the ground. Finally a huge thank you to the all the enlisted in the regiment for it is upon your shoulders that act as a rock, upon which we build our church. As much as the its the leadership that guides you, its down to your individual skill, determination and dedication to the regiment that carries us in the actual matches, your commitment and involvement to the cause has been unparalleled unlike any other tournament we participated in, and for that Thank You. Call the Banners, brandish your muskets and gather for RGL gentlemen, for the Sky is the limit!.

For the Glory and the Honour of the 45th Nottinghamshire

Yours Sincerely,
The 45thN Nottinghamshire Battalion Staff.

2021 Christmas Message


The 45th Nottinghamshire has completed survived and thrived in yet another year of NW developing growing and competing at the highest level within all our companies. This post will be outlining the year of 2021 and how our glorious regiment has shaped both the casual and the competitive communities. Each company will have a short overview of what happened throughout the year before coming to the concluding overview.

The Centre Company Forming up at a Role Play Event

45th Nottinghamshire Regimental Victories during 2021
🥇 NW 2v2 Season II 🥇
🥈2nd Place in MDGL 2021 🥈
🥉3rd Place in MRGL S1 2021🥉
🥉3rd Place in EIC S4 2021🥉

The Centre AKA ‘The Dogshit’

The Centre Company, lead by Captain Mitchell and Ensign Wolf, is the largest company within the Regiment often standing as the backbone of the army, wherever the Centre Company goes the army follows. The Centre finely balances DAILY casual competitive and role play events allowing an aspect of novelty to our line battles keeping people interested, returning daily to this game eight years on after its release. 2021 has shaped the Centre Company greatly as for the first time the old idea of the old 45th Nottinghamshire Centre Company dog shit was thrown out in favor of a professional fighting force with more than capable leadership that can hold their own against any other regiment in a line battle scenario often withstanding the most brutal of barrages from the enemy. The Centre Company has developed not only competitively with the average individual skill of our members being raised to a higher standard but it has also grown into its own community with projects such as PRY and SF acting as the glue that molds together a wider community.
The Centre Company boasts 100 active members bringing a 30-35 man line to casual line battles and about 20 to group fights and 1v1s. Competitively the company saw action in EIC and the 2v2 tournament getting placements in both tournaments, 3rd and 1st place respectively. The company grew from the  monstrosity that was at the start of the year to a streamlined professional fighting force and couldn’t have done so without the motivation and involvement of its NCOs namely Sjt Glenn and now Sjt Pumti, two NCOs that have been essential to not only the companys' but also the wider regiment's development

The Centre

2v2 Matches
45thN 7- 1 71st x 96y
45thN 6 - 2 19th x 7th
45thN 7 - 1 55th x 17pp
45thN 8 - 0
33rd x 16th
45thN 6 - 2 92nd
45thN 4 - 4 15thYR x 77y

EIC Matches
45thN 10- 0 IVe_2eGren
45thN 7 - 3 19th
45thN 7 - 5 96y
45thN 4 - 4 77y
45thN 9 - 1
45thN 8- 2 3pp
45thN 7- 3 13e
45thN 3 - 7 15thYR
45thN 6 - 8 92nd

The 45th Nottinghamshire Centre and Grenadier Company at the 2v2 Tournament

The Grenadiers AKA ‘the Serial Losers'

The Grenadier Company is led by Major Maskman and Colour Serjeant Ryan and consists of our best and most active infantry players in the 45th Nottinghamshire. The Grenadiers’ performance throughout the year in competitive events has been respectable coming First in the 2v2 Tournament as well as coming 3rd in both MRGL as well as EIC. The Grenadier Company currently boasts 30 active members all committed to the weekly group fights and 1v1s they participate in with the ability to muster 15 - 20 for these types of competitive events. Throughout the year the company has grown from strength to strength with the addition of strong characters within the leadership as well as new talented Centre Players transferred into the Grenadiers on account of their raw skill and performance during the Grenadier Trials
All the additions to the Grenadiers have been players who are willing to contribute to the regimental dynamic and to the community, with the Grenadier player bases being vocal and active in not only competitive events but the majority actively taking part in our casual and role-play events. Training is something that we as a regiment has been focusing on this year with the Grenadiers playing a vital role in helping namely Sjt Yovko and LCpl Achilles helping run the trainings, this will be something we plan to emphasize more in the coming year.


45thN 5- 0 16th
45thN 5- 0 77y
45thN 0- 5 71st
45thN 2- 7 92nd

EIC Matches
45thN 10- 0 IVe_2eGren
45thN 7 - 3 19th
45thN 7 - [color= green]3 33rd[/color]
45thN 7 - [color= green]5 96y[/color]
45thN 4 - 4 77y
45thN 9 - 1
45thN 8- 2 3pp
45thN 7- 3 13e
45thN 3 - 7 15thYR
45thN 6 - 8 92nd

45thN 15 - 12 96y
45thN 15- 1 56e
45thN 154 55th
45thN 15- 2 45e
45thN 15- 9 27th
45thN 15- 0 2Lr
45thN 1115 92nd

45thN 15 - 0 96y
45thN 15 - 0 55th
45thN 15 - 8 71st
45thN 12 - 15 13e
45thN 4 - 15 15thYR
45thN 10 - 15 92nd

Grenadier Trials

The Light Infantry AKA ‘Nothing of Value Was Lost’

The Light Company of the 45th Nottinghamshire, led by Captain Hanselsmitch and Ensign Raf, has maintained its active strength and event quality throughout this past year. What started off as a far more casual branch of the regiment originally headed by Bernard, has now become an integral piece on the battlefield, whilst managing to maintain a very laid back attitude on Teamspeak and amongst the group. The brilliant atmosphere within the company stems from an extremely competent NCO cadre such as CSM Ryuko and LCpl Prometheus managing the day to day operations within the Lights. The large core of extremely experienced veteran lights continue to perform brilliantly and have the tactical awareness to adapt flexibly to our mobile playstyle, often without even needing to be told to do so by the officers.

The Lights have grown into an absolute threat during events, making regiments have to consider very carefully if they want to expose themselves to the company’s ever-improving shooting and maneuvering
We are looking forward to seeing everyone of our lads back next year. On behalf of the leadership of the company, it has been an honor to lead you throughout the year. We like to believe that our company has become a close-knit group of friends, and we would never have it any other way.

Lights Boys in action


The Cavalry AKA ‘The Simp Squadron’

The Cavalry Company is led by Staff Corporal of Horse PepsiWonderand HorseGuard Saphyro, it being overseen by the Battalion Staff. The Company has now been actively serving within the regiment for over a year now and isn't new by any standard. With the departure of the old cavalry leader Ericson, the cavalry has been soaring above and beyond expectations despite the slow hard grind as we slowly rebuild the cavalry under more capable stable committed leadership.  With 2022 on the horizon new challenges face the cavalry company as they attempt to leap back into the competitive cavalry scene where they will no doubt start at humble beginnings, competitively for the 45thN Cavalry squadron the best is yet to come.

Cavalry Squadron preparing for a brutalising charge

The Artillery Company
The Artillery Company AKA ‘Dead’


Special Mentions

The 45th Nottinghamshire does not only offer daily NW events but other aspects of the regiment deserve a special mention that have seamlessly contributed to regimental life and the growth of the 45thN community. Most notably the formation of three independent regimental group fighting teams as feeders for our casual players to get introduced and involved in the competitive scene -  this service requires countless hours of player trainings and player management. The NPP series, the SF series and PRY are all invaluable to the regiment it goes without saying that the effort to get more people involved competitively in a game that is eight years old is admirable for all those involved in these extra melee trainings - thank you.

45thN Groupfighting Teams


45thN Hosted pickups is another aspect of the regiment that deserves a special mention it being hosted at least once a day - it being open to the whole community  for players at any skill level with about half of the player base being with the 45th Nottinghamshire, although trolly at times - many pick ups sessions do increase the skill of many players especially those who are new to the groupfighiting scene. These pick ups are very much community-driven being hosted on 45thN TS and Servers, though just a bit of fun the community appreciates pick ups as a more casual replacement of WBMM. Special thanks to Melsyo of the 15thYR and Ilypa of the 92nd for cohosting these with the 45th Nottinghamshire. The 45th Nottinghamshire also along side hosting these extra events for the wider NW community has been hosting the weekly 45thN Thursday Event as well as the 45thN x 1stRG Monday Line Only, both events which we will carry on into the new year.

45thN Infantry Battalion at the 45thN Thursday Event

45thN Infantry Battalion at the Line Only Event

45thN Pickups


The 45thN also hosts seasonal internal tournaments with cash prizes, something that is exclusive to the 45th Nottinghamshire. 2021 saw the hosting of our most ambitious regimental internal tournaments with our most notable tournaments being:

45thN Randomised 2v2 Tournament 30 Euro Cash Prize
45thN Internal Fantasy League 150 Euro Cash Prize
45thN Internal Draft League 160 Euro Cash Prize

Big Pickups

Overview of the Year

2021 is the year that the 45th Nottinghamshire really made its mark as a consistent regiment with players in all of our companies representing the regiment with events daily. As one of the oldest standing casual and competitive regiment we have managed to raise over 1500 euros in the past year something that the Battalion Staff is very pleased about and is commensurate with the dedicated player base and community we have and for that we are very grateful. Running a regiment like the 45th Nottinghamshire is very time-consuming - it being like an actual job for a lot of the officers as we have to dedicate multiple hours daily to manage day-to-day operations. As with any job it can be very deflating but our motivation is maintained through our members’ enthusiasm and the fact that these daily events bring so much enjoyment to so many in these dark wintery corona times motivates us further to get more INVOLVED

Cool Videos of the 45thN throughout the Year

Sources videos


Achilles' Videos


Kartex's Videos


Garch's Videos



Thank You

I would like to thank the leadership team too for upholding their duty to the regiment, believe it or not within this regiment we have standards and on behalf of the battalion staff its a pleasure working with many of the officers and NCOs with most going over and beyond the call of duty deeply involving themselves with all aspects of the regiment and for that I am glad and grateful. The Battalion Staff within the 45th Nottinghamshire work tirelessly behind closed doors to ensure the smooth running of the regiment and thus haven’t been at the forefront of the regiment yet are the most indispensable part of the leadership. I would like to firstly thank Sjt Pumti and Sjt Yovko for being constantly involved and present in all aspects of regimental life, often going over and beyond their responsibilities in their respective companies. Colonel Nova deserves an entire paragraph dedicated to himself only but as I fear we have surpassed 2,0000 words already I will keep it short and sweet. Nova is the calm collected captain navigating his ship, his home, through rough choppy waters towards the sunlit uplands. Novas discretion, talent for diplomacy and good decision making makes him the MOST respected player in the regiment and best commanding officer I personally have ever had, and on behalf of the regiment - a huge thank you.

Our Infantry at the Flag Spawning Event

Now to all our members - the BIGGEST thanks goes to you, to all those who we have lost and gained on the way, as much as the leadership accommodates the regiment and does a service to all of us in running the regiment, it is mainly you guys that make the regiment what it is and each everyone of you contribute and shape what the regiment has become throughout the year and its clearly reflected in the core values and principles of the regiment, something that we all can be very proud of and for that we are eternally grateful. As much as this is a big regiment and that we individually may not seem to give you much attention, the leadership cannot begin to express the amount of gratitude we have for you individually and for your loyalty and servitude. Thank you all for this great community we have and that YOU have built. The 45thN has exceeded all expectations in regards to regimental life in general in 2021, bring on 2022 for the sky is the limit/size].

The Battalion Staff,

Colonel Nova
Major Maskman

Some Extra 45thN Videos recorded by people outside the regiment

March 2022 Update

March 2022

The regiment continues to develop at an impressive rate recruiting beginners to well-established veterans swubsequently  strengthening our ranks as we assimilate involved players into our core. Due to the successes of the regiment this past month there were a few key promotions made within the NCO corps, namely the recently gazzetted Corporal of Horse Saphyro and Lance Corporal Louis. With the support of their fellow officers, these new NCOs have been doing an excellent job of being an NCO in and out of combat, therefore, earning their respective ranks rank.

As a whole, the regiment has made great strides this month, with the improvement of both melee, formations and attitude is evident. This can be best seen by the NWBC Tournament where we have managed to secure top of the group having not lost a single match, playing 24 rounds in total and winning 20 of them.  A huge part of our success is our Centre Company, a company that has recently more specifically professionalised and became a menace to face off against in many of these practiced line battle based events. Further to that, our fastest growing company - the cavalry company is the company of the month, almost doubling their active numbers within a month and attaining more than respectable results in both casual LB events and competitive events, this is no doubt due
to, Lieutenant Pepsiwonder who earned his more than deserved promotion last month.

Now to round off the month an important announcement was made, our upcoming 6th Anniversary event will be had in the coming weeks, we want to make this event really special and unique, not being just a casual Linebattle. This special event will attempt to get the whole regiment and as much of the rest of the community as possible involved, we plan to take last years anniversary event to a whole new level of involvement. This newly introduced monthly regimental update is by no means hype that we ourselves are believing or perhaps an outlet to brag about our success. This post is more about appreciating what our members have achieved on and off the field as we attempt to reinvigor some regimental pride, even during this period of this game - something that is sorely lacking in many regiments today. Ultimately its the ordinary people within the community that make what we have built extraordinary, and we within the staff thank you for it

We are now introducing NCOs/Officers of the month and player of the month, where we ask them about their feelings concerning the regiment and their ambitions moving forward.

  Lieutenant PepsiWonder - The 45th Nottinghamshire cavalry squadron has had a good month. Although this month has seen fewer events than we'd liked, especially in the competitive cavalry group fights, we have seen excellent results in the 92nd flagspawning events, the 33rd historical and conquest events, and of course in NWBC. With our limited members we have for the past 4 weeks been hitting far above our weight, helping our teams to dominate and achieve victory in our events. As our roster now start getting experienced core members, together with a growing list of recruits I am very proud to be leading the 45th Nottinghamshire Cavalry towards  the NWBC playoffs, on wards and upwards men!

  Ensign Wolf115 - March has been a turbulent month for the centre company. While we have been attracting a bunch of new players to the game and the company, March has also been the start of our NWBC campaign. This has presented the centre leadership with a fun challenge to try and get these new players in shape for something as competitive as NWBC. As we have been rolling out of the Covid period and coming closer and closer to the summer months we are very proud to still be able to field 20-30 players for near to daily events.

  Lance Corporal Louis - I am very proud to represent a
regiment that appeals to both the more casual and competitive-minded players within the regiment and defining the direction of the types of events, this regiment is very nostalgic of the old 63e with their Guard and Centre Companies and is one of the last proper large NW regiments that does things with a certain type of professionalism that isnt common nowadays. Besides that, competitive results have definitely been on the uptrack and I am extremely pleased with how things are going - CAMS ON COCKS OUT

  Grenadier Surgeon Janne - The 45th Nottinghamshire truly has become the pinnacle of what NW should represent. We're not only the Biggest and Richest community in the game, we are also The Best. Our Grenadiers are one of the most feared in the game currently, Our Centre provides players to numerous events and our Cavalry is taking shape as the next big thing..

The 45th Nottinghamshire in action


Click on the screenshots to increase their size.



We are still looking for new members. Recruitment might close soon for an undetermined period, so do not hesitate any longer and get involved  enlist for the 45th Nottinghamshire today.

RGL Champions & Last Ever Post

Regimental Update

🥇 RGL Season 9🥇

The 45th Nottinghamshire is very proud to have won its First Gold Medal in a major tournament, that being the most prestigious and respected Regimental Groupfighting League Season 9 hosted by Chriseh. This post will also be a brief overview as to how the regiment has preformed in the past months as well as plans for the future.

How the Infantry as a whole prepared for the RGL

Pictures of the our Trainings


After our respectable performance in EIC S5 last year where we managed to secure a 3rd Place 🥉 after a very close semi final vs the 15thYR that ran into over time   ;), the 45th Nottinghamshire Infantry both Centre and Grenadier Companies trained often side by side each other in both regimental trainings and also casual line battle events fighting many other regiments. With the help of our newest Grendadier NCOs, such as Cpl Troister , Cpl Ilypa and Cpl Fenton, our grenadier company dramatically refound our old lost spirit after a time of inactivity - our new and replenished grenadier company started training in weekly groupfights week in week out against other top regiments. During this RGL, it was not only the stalwart loyal core of players who expectedly participated in this tournament but also our new additions that strengthened our roster namely, Pte Bunter Igel, as well as Pte Dren and Pte Axiom with Pte Blacktham making a return to his international home as he continued his search for regimental palmares. Special shoutout to Drake who was with us for the preseason before RGL but had to leave because he thought we weren't going to win. This Gold medal and this post goes out to you.
How we actually preformed in our RGL Matches

Screenshots of the Infantry in action


The 45th Nottinghamshire remained unbeaten in our run of fixtures within RGL S9. Only having to play four games against the top regiments within the game, every match and even round counted in the end. After a strong start against the infamous 55th with a 10-2 lead in our first match, outmatching the 55th in open melee and rotations, the 45thN in classic 45thN chocke fashion managed to bring it to 14-14. At this intense round, Pte Axiom won us the game getting a key pick on Hypno which allowed us to collapse their flank so quickly that the 55th could not regroup. The stand out players in this match were VGren Flo and Cpl Achilles both players showing personality and characteristics keeping their heads cool in the face of another humiliating chongi.
The second RGL match was against our longest adversaries the 15thYR where by after a 3-0 lead to us thanks to Cpl Troister finding some key picks in rotations, the game petered out abit with rounds being exchanged as each regiment landed blow after blow insequence until a 14-12 lead for the 45thN. Many rounds during the match came not down to rotations but by playing the line and collapsing a flank. At 14-12 HGren Narrow finds the winner with the craziest pick on firefly ive ever seen and probably the best pick of the tournament given the context, where he runs down the line skipping past two opponents managing to find firefly's back as he is unexpectadly backstabed, this is then followed up by quick picks on Hertz from Lt-Col Maskman and HSurg Janne as the 15thYR were still dazed consequently lead to a full collapse of the flank and sealing the victory for the 45th Nottinghamshire. Lt-Col Maskman and Cpl Achilles were the notable players of this match, often staying alive to the end showing experience and composure in the face of an adversary who they were used to losing to. Maskman notably dropping a cheeky 30 bomb  :P
The third RGL match was against the 96y, a slightly more chilled match but a competitive match nonetheless where we played a more inexperienced lineup. This match is notable as we managed to do a duel round at the end where Rgl Crusher beat the RGL record of player to die the fastest dying in less than a second, other than that Crusher managed to finish the game actually positive along with Cpl Fenton, that being a first for both of them - shame the same cant be said about Rgl Vemon. Pte Dren and Vet Shadow both respectively top scoring and clutching in difficult circumstances.
The final RGL match was a winner takes all match vs 15thYR and an absolute banger - both sides fielding a humongous 21v21. This was the final match of the final RGL whereby both regiments would play their last competitive match against each other. Each round was full of pressure and saw much anticipation and action with many rounds coming down to razor thin margins and small mistakes that cost either side dearly The history, animosity and provenance of this match up was not what made this final great, nor was it the prospect of winning an RGL as glorious as it is, but the context of what this match meant for the future of NW as this was the end of the line for many of either side's players and for both regiments as a whole. The match started with a 4-2 lead to the 15thYR as the 45thN started off slugish - after a quick reminder what this match means and some tactical changes from Ensign Smallest and some steller preformances from the feared spanish flank VGren Mr_T and HGren Marquez , the 45thN managed to pull ahead with a commanding lead to 13-7. However in very true 15thYR fashion as seen with their RGLS6 and their greatest comeback from a 5-14 scoreline in RGLS7, it is never over till it is truly over with the 15thYR. The Snappers lads managed bring it back all the way to a 14-13 scoreline for the 45thN. Naturally quite rattled, it seemed like all the momentum was with the 15thYR and a choke was inevitable. This sentiment was carried into the 28th round with 3 45thN players being picked simulataneously across the line, being three players down - a play maker was needed. HSurg Janne was the man of the moment proceeding to collapse their flank picking three of their players in quick succession giving the 45thN a life line. In the ensuing rotation Pte Bunter Igel manages to get stuck in causing mayhem on their passive flank managing to run down 4 15thYR players including a criminal TK on Mr T! These huge plays from these two heroes managed to turn the tide leading to a well deserved glorious 45thN victory and subsequent huge screams and ear rape in the TS. The players who preformed most notably were Cpl Fenton and Rgl Kennedy, both of whom outpreformed expectations giving their all to the regiment. Special mention to Serjeant Jakob for being the top frag and main shot caller in rotation, almost reaching a 40 bomb.

Muster Roll

NCOs who were promoted due to their loyalty and respective skills:

Colour Serjeant sHYpe -> Company Serjeant Major sHype

Corporal Fenton  -> Serjeant Fenton

Veteran Grenadier -> Lance Corporal Flo

     Officers who were promoted due to their exceptional performance:

Lieutenant Colonel Maskman -> Colonel Maskman

Ensign Smallest -> Lieutenant Smallest

Corporal Achilles  -> Ensign Achilles


A Final Thank You & Goodbye

The 45th Nottinghamshire has been around for longer for more than 7 years, and although we very much value the amazing community aspect of the regiment, in many ways all the work we collectively as the staff put into the regiment has been working and anticipating for a golden medal in a major tournament like RGL. But having played at a top level for so long I have come to realise - it isnt just about the Gold medal at the end of the day, it is about the journey - the wins and losses, the near disbandment's and rebuilds and most importantly the friends made and lost along the way. Huge shout out to all the past Grenadier NCOs and Officers that were not active or present to witness this major success, namely Ensign Jerome, Colour Serjeant Floris, Serjeant Yoko
, Serjeant Clickenforce and Cpl Fwuffy DJBabo, all of whom played a crucial part in our journey to this moment and most importantly, friends whom I will never forget.
This RGL, namely the last match was an absolute banger and a roller coaster of emotions ranging from anxiousness, confident, despair, exhilaration and now a feeling of emptiness. regardless it is an amazing match that is commensurate to what NW deserves as a farewell.  But, having covered the fact pattern of the final match in the section above I want to say a few words personally to my players, my regiment, our adversaries and our community.
It is around 2am now my time and I have class at 9am tomorrow but I know I won't be able to sleep without writing this post and getting it off my chest. The 45th Nottinghamshire Grenadier company will not continue playing NW at a top level and will be effectively be disbanding and going dormant for the foreseeable future, something I never thought I would be saying but I am no longer reluctant to say. The 45thN as a regiment came from humble beginnings back in 2016 and never quite had a break through competitively in NW until 2019, and with inexperienced unproven leadership and raw talent amongst its ranks we had to learn the hard way getting absolutely battered in most tournaments from the most competitive RGLs to the most casual Linebattle cups, each defeat made us as a regiment stronger and the passion we have shown as we grew together as a regiment will never be forgotten. The passion from victory to victory and defeat to defeat (mostly defeats ngl  ;D) is forever etched in my mind. This RGL drew out that kind of passion and emotion in me again, and I guess the feeling of empitiness stems from the fact that I know there wont be anything like this again with the same group of players on NW atleast...
To NW itself and the many opponents I have spent fighting not only in game but on the forums, I would like to thank espeically Gi's 15thYR, Pieter's 92nd, Vegi's 55th, Dan's 17th and Desant's 96y. The bulk of our matches were against you and there was never a dull moment fighting your regiments - thank you for being so consistent and competitive giving us more than a fair matchup everytime we played you. This RGL is a great way to end my regimental competitive journey with an unbeaten run in RGL 🥇 .  I could not have asked for a more fairytale ending for the Grenadier company and I could not have asked for a better group of friends those past and present to have carried out this journey with me, where often at times of despair they reminded me that the night is darkest before the dawn. What a great way to see off NW - I would not have it any other way. Now to all our members - the BIGGEST thanks goes to you, to all those who we have lost and gained on the way, it is mainly you guys that make the regiment what it is and each everyone of you contribute and shape what the regiment has become throughout the years and its clearly reflected in the core values and principles of the regiment, something that we all can be very proud of and for that we are eternally grateful.  Best of luck to all of you in your future endeavors.

Thank you to all of you who have been affiliated or have played in the 45thN past and present - stay in touch. Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.

Our biggest matches the 45thN Grens played

Most defeats but wholly unforgettable moments. Theres more but here are the important ones - im sure I missed a couple

For the Glory and the Honour of the 45th Nottinghamshire

Yours Sincerely,
Colonel Maskman
« Last Edit: April 06, 2023, 01:19:23 pm by maskmanmarks »
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

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Re: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot. Recruiting Since 2017. (V.2)
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2020, 01:29:36 pm »
nice thread

Offline FlorisW

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Re: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot. Recruiting Since 2017. (V.2)
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2020, 01:48:11 pm »
Thread looks so good, really clean. Skaen is a beast!

Offline Sellsword_Pedro

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Re: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot. Recruiting Since 2017. (V.2)
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2020, 05:35:31 pm »
noob regiment

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Re: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot. Recruiting Since 2017. (V.2)
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2020, 07:46:11 pm »
Nice thread!

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Re: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot. Recruiting Since 2017. (V.2)
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2020, 10:26:58 pm »
Ayyy noice new thread fellow Peritz Brother!  8)


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Re: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot. Recruiting Since 2017. (V.2)
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2020, 11:33:11 pm »
Glad you guys like it. :)

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Re: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot. Recruiting Since 2017. (V.2)
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2020, 12:14:17 am »
I like the effort you put into the thread and the text! Keep it up!

Offline maskmanmarks

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Re: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot. Recruiting Since 2017. (V.2)
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2020, 12:48:03 am »
Ayyy noice new thread fellow Peritz Brother!  8)

thank you dad xx

Private Boris


You shall never be forgotten BORIS
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

Offline Rikkert

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Re: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot. Recruiting Since 2017. (V.2)
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2020, 12:52:22 am »
AYO THIS THREAD IS KINDA CUTE NGL (maybe close the old thread btw)

Offline Mitchell

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Re: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot. Recruiting Since 2017. (V.2)
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2020, 04:49:10 am »
Nice thread lads, well done  :D

Offline maskmanmarks

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Re: 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment of Foot. Recruiting Since 2017. (V.2)
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2020, 02:42:13 am »
Nice thread lads, well done  :D

Thanks Mitch xx
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?