Author Topic: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.  (Read 10028 times)

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Offline JollyCanadian

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I'm putting suicide rates in young men down to a lack of wonderlust and ambition. The systems were currently raised in are perfected machines designed to create worker bees. The young man biologically is designed to improve and overtake as is all evolution and evolving but we aren't allowed to do so and become frustrated / disillusioned. The majority get distracted and fall into the trap of the machine others are generally left behind and are at their own devices.

But you're only useful while you can work for the machine, as rates of suicide in older men is just as bad (I believe no expert ) once you untangle yourself out of debt, get your kids on their feet & have time to think I guess you revert back.

If you're too busy you don't have time to be depressed, if you've got something constantly calling you it helps. I believe boredom & depression are linked and could be the gateway into a spiral.

 After all our brains are problem solvers. And somewhere along the line the idea of death becomes the correction to your life's issues.
A well put statment.
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Offline Sgt.Winters

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I'm putting suicide rates in young men down to a lack of wonderlust and ambition. The systems were currently raised in are perfected machines designed to create worker bees. The young man biologically is designed to improve and overtake as is all evolution and evolving but we aren't allowed to do so and become frustrated / disillusioned. The majority get distracted and fall into the trap of the machine others are generally left behind and are at their own devices.

But you're only useful while you can work for the machine, as rates of suicide in older men is just as bad (I believe no expert ) once you untangle yourself out of debt, get your kids on their feet & have time to think I guess you revert back.

If you're too busy you don't have time to be depressed, if you've got something constantly calling you it helps. I believe boredom & depression are linked and could be the gateway into a spiral.

 After all our brains are problem solvers. And somewhere along the line the idea of death becomes the correction to your life's issues.
To some degree, this makes sense. You let your mind wander while being unproductive and bored can lead to some morbid thoughts, which can often manifest into harm.

Would you say that men are, by the Evolutionary Theory, more driven then women to accomplish goals and whatnot?  Statistics show that 69.67% of US suicides are men, with it slowly narrowing down in the past decade. Going off this, could we formulate some sort of model to figure out why young women are increasingly driven to suicide as well?

An interesting statistic showed that around 15% of these suicides are American Indians and Alaskan Natives. Could there possibly be a correlation between ethnicity and location?

Offline Earth Bby

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I'm putting suicide rates in young men down to a lack of wonderlust and ambition. The systems were currently raised in are perfected machines designed to create worker bees. The young man biologically is designed to improve and overtake as is all evolution and evolving but we aren't allowed to do so and become frustrated / disillusioned. The majority get distracted and fall into the trap of the machine others are generally left behind and are at their own devices.

But you're only useful while you can work for the machine, as rates of suicide in older men is just as bad (I believe no expert ) once you untangle yourself out of debt, get your kids on their feet & have time to think I guess you revert back.

If you're too busy you don't have time to be depressed, if you've got something constantly calling you it helps. I believe boredom & depression are linked and could be the gateway into a spiral.

 After all our brains are problem solvers. And somewhere along the line the idea of death becomes the correction to your life's issues.
To some degree, this makes sense. You let your mind wander while being unproductive and bored can lead to some morbid thoughts, which can often manifest into harm.

Would you say that men are, by the Evolutionary Theory, more driven then women to accomplish goals and whatnot?  Statistics show that 69.67% of US suicides are men, with it slowly narrowing down in the past decade. Going off this, could we formulate some sort of model to figure out why young women are increasingly driven to suicide as well?

An interesting statistic showed that around 15% of these suicides are American Indians and Alaskan Natives. Could there possibly be a correlation between ethnicity and location?

I think we all live very artificial lives (men/women). We are still evolutionarily too immature to keep up with the demands of modern living. We are expected to work 9-5, monday - friday without question, if you trip you will fall, most people live pay check - pay check. Living in a City is expensive but it's where the best jobs are, if you want to get ahead you're either going to lose your head or pick up some unhealthy habits / mental illness.

Men & Women share the fact they are both Human and Humans aren't perfect.

I know little of American Natives & Alaskans.

Offline MrTiki

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An interesting statistic showed that around 15% of these suicides are American Indians and Alaskan Natives. Could there possibly be a correlation between ethnicity and location?
The main connection between ethnicity/location and suicide is primarily socioeconomic. That's not just to say absolute wealth but also financial security or lack thereof. With Alaska and extreme rural communities social isolation also comes into it which is a huge risk factor.

Off the top of my head (and excluding factors like age and sex):
The biggest protective factors are a partner, kids or barring that living with others, pets, a stable work environment etc.
Biggest risk factors are recent bereavement, relationship breakdown, loss of job/bankruptcy, access to the means.

Obviously that's kind of a separate topic to the main question being asked, as while social media, shitty world news etc may make people depressed, other than in very fringe cases it doesn't cause suicide.
Rates of suicide among youths are increasing substantially, but the 40-60 ish group still has the highest rate afaik, despite many of these problems described affecting them far less.
I imagine it's social isolation and job insecurity beginning at a much younger age that are having such an impact on younger age groups, but it's hard to measure either objectively.

Offline Sgt.Winters

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The main connection between ethnicity/location and suicide is primarily socioeconomic. That's not just to say absolute wealth but also financial security or lack thereof. With Alaska and extreme rural communities social isolation also comes into it which is a huge risk factor.
Isolation playing a major role makes sense. The states with the highest rates of suicide are Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, and New Mexico, where people are known to be seclusive/poor.

Off the top of my head (and excluding factors like age and sex):
The biggest protective factors are a partner, kids or barring that living with others, pets, a stable work environment etc.
Biggest risk factors are recent bereavement, relationship breakdown, loss of job/bankruptcy, access to the means.
The protective factors are what a majority of people would consider to be their primary sources for happiness and whatnot. In spite of this, I've heard and read about plenty of men (and rarely women) that offed themselves regardless. I don't have a statistic to show for it, but it is odd. Guess it goes to show that some people can't be helped.

Obviously that's kind of a separate topic to the main question being asked, as while social media, shitty world news etc may make people depressed, other than in very fringe cases it doesn't cause suicide.
Rates of suicide among youths are increasing substantially, but the 40-60 ish group still has the highest rate afaik, despite many of these problems described affecting them far less.
I imagine it's social isolation and job insecurity beginning at a much younger age that are having such an impact on younger age groups, but it's hard to measure either objectively.
Not sure if this is a US based phenomenon, but talks about suicide inside school classrooms (as well as mine) have become a practical colloquialism. It is integrated heavily into the culture as some sort of way for us to vent at each other in a dark manner. Even if they are depressed, students actively joke about it, and the teachers will almost never take action. I wouldn't know much about the 40-60 group, but an educated guess would point me towards a failed/mediocre career, marriage and children (or lack thereof), physical/mental ailments, and divorce.

I suppose I could provide an anecdote for that age group. About ten years back, a family friend got divorced and lost both his parents within a very short time. He became numb on the inside, and proceeded to withdraw himself from almost all contact for the next five years. Even now when I see him, he rarely cracks a smile or joke, and looks pale as fuck. It's very sad to see.

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It's very much a thing in the UK too, I guess memes are fairly international and a lot of it is rooted in that, jokes about depression etc which border on being not really being jokes, which in itself is half of the joke etc.

But yeah there's a massive gulf between what people often talk about as depression (usually low mood) and actual major depressive episodes, and then again between those and suicidal intentions (not just casual thoughts which many if not most people have). Then there's an even smaller subsection who act on those and smaller again who die from it.

Mental health as a whole is a very interesting field; I couldn't face working in it myself, but I have some friends who do. There's still so much we really don't understand but there's a lot of scope for improvement in treatment which is exciting in it's own right.

Offline George385

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Here in Australia, it is pretty ingrained in our society, culture and education system that suicide is the cowards way out and is a selfish thing to do. As a result, our suicide rates, particularly among youths, are drastically lower than other countries. When I visited Canada for 3 months in 2017, I learned that suicide is all too common there.

Its up to you whether Australian society's attitude toward suicide is justified by our comparatively low suicide rates, but to the rational person the main objective would obviously be to reduce suicide, and so it is difficult to condemn Australian society on that.

I am 20 years old and throughout my high school career I learned of about 3 or 4 suicides happening to high schoolers in my area (a fairly large area in Australia's largest city by population). I knew one of them decently well in primary school, though he passed away at the age of 19 and after we had finished our grade 12 diplomas.

Due to my work area (high class criminal legal defense), I see suicide quite a lot. Whether its victims of crime not being able to cope with having to be a witness at a trial or people almost certainly facing large criminal penalties, it is an alarming thing in the criminal law world (and presumably so in the civil and family law world too). But, work must go on. Many courts here in Australia are finally precautions beyond simple counselling in an attempt to prevent these suicides, but I fear the trend will be ongoing for quite some time.

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2019, 11:19:50 am »
wow, this is just pitiful

the key to happiness as a young person these days is simple: adopt the most important aspects of the greatest generation and baby boomers. for the former, it would be learning through the lessons of hardship and for the latter, looking out for your best interests above all else.

concerning yourself with these three "key issues" youve listed is such a telling example of the underlying desire for instant gratification this generation is obsessed with. take a good look at what youre doing right now and so many on "r/teenagers" apparently do: you're wrapping yourself up in issues that could consume an entire lifetime of study, all at the same time, and all wanting whatever your desired hubristic outcome this instant or else youre going to throw the ultimate twelve gauge temper tantrum. even the topic of teen suicides and the many facets of it all is a topic that will take decades to fully understand; many issues like this can only be understood looking back at everything in the aggregate.

disparage the boomers with the "me, me, me" attitude all you want, but the "now, now, now" attitude we have is infinitely more dangerous.

here's some advice since youre a brand new "adult"
1: if you can not afford something, do not buy it.
save up for the things you want. do not finance anything, not even a car. buy a used car in the 2,000-4,000 range and learn to work on it yourself. this applies to college too. do not go to school unless you can afford it. do not take a loan, do not use credit cards, do not get swallowed in this semitic system of moneylending. the bible has been warning us of this for over 1600 years.
this principle really encompasses most things, because unless you were born to a rich family, chances are you will have no wealth to call your own at the start of your adult life. that means you must start building it up as soon as you can. you must go straight into the workforce which is really the first step to a successful life, not starting with negative tens of thousands of dollars due to student loans.

2: focus on yourself.
it is not selfish. someone that focuses on them self and becomes very successful is now in a position to do a lot more good than some 20-something who is so concerned about the state of the world, so depressed by all the perceived evil, that he eats a 9 millimeter pill. that person is now in a position to do nothing, because he's dead.
there's a second aspect to this as well: do not concern yourself with the fact that there's someone else out there who is making more money than you or had/has an easier/better life than you. this is a sore loser's attitude. you should want to surpass that person, want your kids to have that good upbringing, but realize that you are not entitled to that outcome. be humble for a minute and realize that you are, in fact, not better or more deserving than that better-off person, because if you were, you would have the material evidence to prove it.

3: accept reality.
we, as a generation, have been given a shit hand... but is it really as bad as previous generations? are we the children of kulaks under stalin? are we children growing up in the great depression? are we the children of serfs under the tsar? they had no say in what the last generation did to the state of the world and neither do we, but by any account inherited worlds that were much worse than ours. today, we live in the point of history with the most material wealth and the greatest access to all the world's knowledge yet the least amount of gratitude it seems. if you can truly accept the hard truths that nothing is fair in this world and no one is created equal, you can finally be free from helplessness.

for better or for worse, my credentials on the matter:

i'm 19 with 2 years full-time working experience and, factoring in my benefits, my salary is close to $50,000. i have a higher net worth than both of my parents combined. up until i started handling my parents' finances, I had more cash on hand and more in my IRA than the both of them combined. i've been able to travel to several countries in europe as well as many places around the USA, coast to coast. i still have enough money to indulge in my hobbies as well as give to charity and offer "0% interest loans" to friends and family members. i did not go to college, I left the home and went straight into the workforce at age 17. the only reliance i've had on my parents since then are as follows: they store my rifles, i stay there for the holidays, and we share a phone bill. i will eventually go to college full time, but only after i have saved up a sufficient amount to pay for it, which is likely to be in about 2 years.

does this sound like boomer talk? it is. so what?
do you want to live your own life like i'm doing or the life of every other 18, 19, 20 year old?
Rock the casbah

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2019, 11:24:24 pm »
Life is shit, deal with it

1: Don't be poor
2: Be an asshole (Also poor people deserve to be poor)
3: Life is shit, don't strive for it to be better because other people had/have it worse

My credentials are that I'm very privileged compared to most people my age, or even in general
Thanks for the words of wisdom. Now that you've enlightened them, I'm sure everyone will walk into a 50k job without going to college. Obviously these opportunities are always there and by you typing out that loving message everyone will see the world for the cheery place that it is, full of opportunity and money!

If you're going to be a prick, find a different thread for it.

Offline csderp

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2019, 11:44:49 pm »
I'm sure everyone will walk into a 50k job without going to college. Obviously these opportunities are always there and by you typing out that loving message everyone will see the world for the cheery place that it is, full of opportunity and money!

you really encompass that sore loser attitude i wrote about. i assume we're in the same age bracket/peer group, so by that, i am your competition. you should want to beat me, either by doing what i've done better or going your own path. from my perspective, with that sorry ass post, you're no competition at all just like 90% of my peers.

perhaps you should've started working on your apprenticeships at 15. you could be an apprentice by 18 -- that's anywhere between 12 and 25 bucks an hour right out of high school depending on your trade -- and then you'd be a journeyman by 24. you should've joined the military, 3 of the 5 branches are well-disguised welfare organizations and take anyone anyway. you should've maybe volunteered to work with the peace corps, go help people overseas and come back wiser and more worldly.

while you may not want to be an electrician, or a military man, or an aid worker for the rest of your life, the job experience, the soft skills you acquire, how your work/professional personality develops and also the connections you make with the people you meet are infinitely more valuable than good grades and a little degree. even STEM degrees are so oversaturated these days that you really have to have something that distinguishes you amongst your peers other than just doing well academically.

i'm not being a prick, i'm saying things mommy and daddy should've taught their kids instead of letting them soak up and absorb whatever poison the public schools put out.

If you're going to be a prick, find a different thread for it.

this hugbox mentality is why kids dont become adults well into their 20s.
Rock the casbah

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #25 on: September 08, 2019, 11:57:05 pm »
This is ridiculous. I never met someone who committed suicide over fucking global warming
It's the same old thing since 1916
In your head, in your head they're still fighting
With their tanks and their bombs
And air bombs and their guns
In your head, in your head they are dying...

Offline csderp

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #26 on: September 09, 2019, 01:52:38 am »
This is ridiculous. I never met someone who committed suicide over fucking global warming
apparently the intellectuals over on r/teenagers are so overwhelmed by the idea
Rock the casbah

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #27 on: September 09, 2019, 03:41:24 am »
I'm sure everyone will walk into a 50k job without going to college. Obviously these opportunities are always there and by you typing out that loving message everyone will see the world for the cheery place that it is, full of opportunity and money!

you really encompass that sore loser attitude i wrote about. i assume we're in the same age bracket/peer group, so by that, i am your competition. you should want to beat me, either by doing what i've done better or going your own path. from my perspective, with that sorry ass post, you're no competition at all just like 90% of my peers.

perhaps you should've started working on your apprenticeships at 15. you could be an apprentice by 18 -- that's anywhere between 12 and 25 bucks an hour right out of high school depending on your trade -- and then you'd be a journeyman by 24. you should've joined the military, 3 of the 5 branches are well-disguised welfare organizations and take anyone anyway. you should've maybe volunteered to work with the peace corps, go help people overseas and come back wiser and more worldly.

while you may not want to be an electrician, or a military man, or an aid worker for the rest of your life, the job experience, the soft skills you acquire, how your work/professional personality develops and also the connections you make with the people you meet are infinitely more valuable than good grades and a little degree. even STEM degrees are so oversaturated these days that you really have to have something that distinguishes you amongst your peers other than just doing well academically.

i'm not being a prick, i'm saying things mommy and daddy should've taught their kids instead of letting them soak up and absorb whatever poison the public schools put out.

If you're going to be a prick, find a different thread for it.

this hugbox mentality is why kids dont become adults well into their 20s.

You sound like a simple-minded retard. And it is hilarious you attempt to call yourself an adult at 19. You're still a little boy with no more knowledge of the world and life than a 13 year old child. Depression and success by society's standards do not always correlate. Look at Robin Williams and countless other rich and famous people that have committed suicide. Your just a COG in the machine like everyone else so stop acting like you know what you're talking about.

Live your life like your in competition to be the best all the time and see how much true happiness you really find. Materialism is programmed into your brain and you have the audacity to come here and say people are pussys for not striving to be rich and falling into depression. You clearly don't know anything about depression in the first place, teenager.

No one wants to live your b.s life kid so just stfu. Your "credentials" made me cringe harder then I have in quite some time.

You're the type of guy to hit up underage girls and try to flex with your "credentials" because any real adult would literally laugh in your face if you said this shit in person.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2019, 07:37:51 am by Marceaux »

Offline Sgt.Winters

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #28 on: September 09, 2019, 03:52:10 am »
I'm sure everyone will walk into a 50k job without going to college. Obviously these opportunities are always there and by you typing out that loving message everyone will see the world for the cheery place that it is, full of opportunity and money!

you really encompass that sore loser attitude i wrote about. i assume we're in the same age bracket/peer group, so by that, i am your competition. you should want to beat me, either by doing what i've done better or going your own path. from my perspective, with that sorry ass post, you're no competition at all just like 90% of my peers.

perhaps you should've started working on your apprenticeships at 15. you could be an apprentice by 18 -- that's anywhere between 12 and 25 bucks an hour right out of high school depending on your trade -- and then you'd be a journeyman by 24. you should've joined the military, 3 of the 5 branches are well-disguised welfare organizations and take anyone anyway. you should've maybe volunteered to work with the peace corps, go help people overseas and come back wiser and more worldly.

while you may not want to be an electrician, or a military man, or an aid worker for the rest of your life, the job experience, the soft skills you acquire, how your work/professional personality develops and also the connections you make with the people you meet are infinitely more valuable than good grades and a little degree. even STEM degrees are so oversaturated these days that you really have to have something that distinguishes you amongst your peers other than just doing well academically.

i'm not being a prick, i'm saying things mommy and daddy should've taught their kids instead of letting them soak up and absorb whatever poison the public schools put out.

If you're going to be a prick, find a different thread for it.

this hugbox mentality is why kids dont become adults well into their 20s.
This sounds like the typical "pull your bootstraps up" shit I keep hearing.

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #29 on: September 09, 2019, 04:04:29 am »
This is ridiculous. I never met someone who committed suicide over fucking global warming
slightly different, but i know people who dont want kids because of the way the earth may become... Environmentalists feel strongly for it and some people (not saying it's right or wrong) don't want to live in a world ruined by certain countries, i wont name them to be polite, but this is what people believe and is a more common thing than u may realise.