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Offline Scandypandy

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NRP Campaign 3.0
« on: January 30, 2019, 11:15:40 pm »
The third iteration of the NRP Public Campaign has been is starting soon!
It is the pleasure of the NRP Admin Team and wider Community to announce the beginning of NRP Campaign 3.0.

Our previous two campaigns have been a resounding success, and 3.0 is shaping up to be our most ambitious one yet.

NRP Campaign 3.0 is based on the 7 Weeks War between Prussia and Austria, in an ahistorical scenario which serves as a simplified conflict to decide whether Austria or Prussia will ascend to masters of Germany.
With dedicated writers, all developments in the campaign and significant events will be written up in an immersive fashion as players will serve the Prussian or Austrian armies in a war for domination.

The NRP Campaign: What is it?
The NRP Campaign is essentially a hybrid of public and organised regimental play. NRP has been the largest community of public-driven battle roleplays in the NW Community for several years, providing large scale wargames with enough rules to bring immersion and organisation without the rigid and limited aspect of regimental-based gameplay.

A Campaign will be set either in a historical or fictional setting, and the players through their actions will be able to decide the outcome.
Every single layer of the Campaign is fully controlled by players, and driven by players.

-Each faction has a Command Structre, which players can apply to become part of
-Command Structures can select generals for specific lines or units, which players can all become
-Each faction has a designated Leader who acts as the go-between for their faction and the admin team

There are victory conditions and mechanics in place to allow for a tactical progression of the campaign based on the outcomes of battles, allowing for an immersive and dynamic experience unparalleled in Napoleonic Wars.

NRP Campaign Battles: How do they work?

Battles in the NRP Campaign are similar to those you would see in a typical regimental match, only with adjustments for immersion, fun and breathing room to accommodate the public nature of the server.
Each line is lead by an officer, however there are few limits as to who can join what line beyond the Officer Slot itself. Players are free to pick and choose whatever unit they please, however of course limits are placed on unit allowances for the sake of balance.
Units will then follow their officer and his orders, and the rest is up to the players!

In a typical NRP Battle, expect to see;

-Up to 250 Players battling it out in immersive Napoleonic Warfare
-A representation of cohesion and morale as lines or command may dissolve should an Officer fail to keep his men in order when the casualties start piling up
-Handcrafted maps designed to allow for choke points and killing fields, ensuring that any battle's tide can be turned by smart leadership
-Truly dynamic gameplay; no NRP Battle is the same as any other, and even the lowly ranker can watch the battle unfold before him in a myriad of layered tactical incidents
-Organisation with room to breathe; as an officer, you are free to employ unorthodox or risky methods if you believe it's in your best interest. Fire in charge, officer targeting, sapper forting and artillery guarding are all permitted provided they are not done with the intention of trolling or disrupting play!

Officers are encouraged to use the NRP Discord which has been specifically tailored to make co-operative play amongst different officers viable and extremely useful.

Should I bring my Regiment?
NRP has always supported Regimental Play through our lenient rules on regimental recruitment. Both our discord, forum and server allow for regimental recruitment, however on the server itself recruitment messages are limited to once per map. With a server full of over 200 players, there's no better place to find some potential recruits.
Several regiments have continually been supported or even born from NRP, and it's always been our belief that while we remain a staunchly public server the Regimental Scene of NRP provides an excellent "next level" for casual public players to aspire to. Regiments who commit to regular play on NRP and who bring a large number of people to the server are often even asked if they'd like to reserve an officer or general slot during a Battle.
Note that Regiments are not given total control over any single unit nor can it be guaranteed that all of them can play together; if all cavalry slots are filled or a line is far too big, NRP will not begin to force players out of their roles to accommodate Regimental members. However, reserved and officer slots WILL be given to Regimental Leaders if they are approved.
We hope to find the balance between public and competitive play, and the NRP Campaign can be an excellent place for some relaxed but competitive practice for your regiment, as well as advertising your regiment to hundreds of people.

The NRP Campaign-How does it progress?
We have devised a ruleset and mechanics which allow the NRP Campaign to progress based on two key things;
-Decisions made by the Command Structure of Each Faction
-The Outcome of Battles themselves

Each NRP Campaign has a Campaign Map which factions where armies are displayed. Faction Leaders can command armies to take various actions, and when two armies clash-or when an army reaches a major settlement-a battle or siege ensues.
The two prior campaigns have given us much experience in making this system as streamlined yet deep as possible, making the off-server tactical decisions as important as the server-side battles themselves.

Checks and balances are all in place to prevent snowballing, and a continuous narrative is provided to keep everyone immersed in what's going on.

If you'd like to see one of our (smaller) Campaign Battles underway, here's a recording:

Essential Information

NRP Website:
NRP Discord:
NRP Steam Group:

If you have any questions, head over to our forums or discord and get in touch with a member of the Community Staff.

More details-including some of the unique and innovative mechanics which are coming with NRP Campaign 3.0-will be added to this post once they are revealed to the rest of the NRP Community.

If you have any questions, feel free to post them in this thread.

Offline TichePotato

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Re: NRP Campaign 3.0
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2019, 07:05:29 pm »
You say writers - what exactly do you mean? What will be written up? Am I just going to be playing along to a pre-written script or something?
And when you say that there's discord integration, can my reg use teamspeak? How will that work out? I personally prefer discord, but our leader is a staunch teamspeak advocate. The stuff about officers and whatnot sounds good though, I'll poke my corporal to apply.

Offline Scandypandy

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Re: NRP Campaign 3.0
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2019, 07:34:07 pm »
You say writers - what exactly do you mean? What will be written up? Am I just going to be playing along to a pre-written script or something?
And when you say that there's discord integration, can my reg use teamspeak? How will that work out? I personally prefer discord, but our leader is a staunch teamspeak advocate. The stuff about officers and whatnot sounds good though, I'll poke my corporal to apply.

Nothing about the Campaign is scripted, it's all dynamic!
Our writers aren't there to dictate what you should do, but rather to immortalise what you've done.
When a particular officer, line, individual or group (whether it be a regiment, a unit or a rag-tag team of survivors) accomplish something noteworthy, our writers-provided they're informed of what happened-will write something up describing the event for our records.
This means that people have an immersive incentive to strive for greatness in the Campaign.

Here's an example:
…But we had to take it. ‘If the English control the straits, they control everything’. That`s what they told us. ‘If we take Isle de Burly, then we will take the entire Commonwealth’. He had the gall to sound so sure, even after the first assault had been shredded by those wretched rockets. I approached him and said, ‘Sir, if we launch another attack, they only thing we will be taking is more casualties!’ Needless to say, I was assigned to the next wave.”

-Corporel Marie Le Pen, First Republican Army

“From every house, from every window, out jumped an Englishman. They would run up just to the edge of the melee, and look you dead in the eyes as they shot you- easily within lance or bayonet range. We fought in the Soyuz, we fought in the Colonies, but it was like we had never fought anything at all when we were matched against those Englishmen.”

-Privé Auguste Gusteau, First Republican Army
This describes two events of the last campaign, in which a misguided counter-attack sent doubt rippling through the minds of many of the French Officers. The battle itself was extremely brutal for the French, in which they were caught in a bloodbath when English troops ambushed them whilst entering an enclosed part of a town. What followed was a shattering defeat that sent the French Faction in a downward spiral.
Of course, separate posts exist to glorify successful actions or tactical brilliance displayed by officers or soldiers.

As for discord, and teamspeak, we prefer people use out discord.
The simple reason is that a massive majority of Line Officers will be using our Discord which is essential for co-operation and cohesion. The NRP Discord provides a private voice+text channel for each faction and while we don't prevent regiments who play the events from using their teamspeak, more often than not they struggle to act in cohesion with the rest of the team which can lead to their line being destroyed. The NRP Discord is one of the largest Napoleonic Wars discords and we have a dedicated community staff who serve to accommodate those who play in our events and I personally would suggest using the discord for sake of immersion, fun and performance.

Offline Woeski

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Re: NRP Campaign 3.0
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2019, 08:26:42 pm »
I loved the previous campaign. I will be playing this one as well for sure!
Just a little unsure why Fire in Charge is allowed though  ???

For Prussia!

Offline Scandypandy

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Re: NRP Campaign 3.0
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2019, 09:00:19 pm »
I loved the previous campaign. I will be playing this one as well for sure!
Just a little unsure why Fire in Charge is allowed though  ???

For Prussia!

Fire in charge is one of several unconventional rules NRP allows for a few reasons, one of which is immersion. Simply put, a charge on NRP is very different to a charge in an organised regimental event. Expect much more chaos and adrenaline than meticulously planned executions via bayonet. We have scripts which remove all ammunition from players when an "All Charge" is ordered, meaning that if anyone has a loaded musket they can let off a shot-but only one.
It means that whilst in the chaos of a massed charge there are still a few bullets flying, which adds both to the immersion and the risk!

Offline Scandypandy

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Re: NRP Campaign 3.0
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2019, 05:36:58 pm »
I’m here to bring you a huge update for NRP Campaign 3.0, with a major feature reveal.

As the first public server to bring a Multiplayer Campaign to Napoleonic Wars, we continually strive for ways to innovate and improve on our formula.
While people have enjoyed following the Campaigns in the past as the factions duke it out over the map, we wanted to find a way to streamline the way the off-server aspects of the Campaign were handled.

It is my pleasure to introduce the NRP Campaign Map.

The Campaign Map is a live-map which shows you exactly what’s going on. With custom sprites specifically created by our Campaign Team, you will be able to track every army/battle/event or movement that happens throughout the campaign with ease.
Gone are the days of awkwardly photoshopping a ready-made map to show new moves, this new map makes the post-battle paperwork a fraction of the work required previously.

To give you a little insight, I’ll explain exactly what you’re seeing:

Armies and Occupation
Armies are represented by their custom animated sprites which have the name of the army underneath. Armies and their strength are listed in the side panel.
Armies can be simply dragged and dropped around the map to represent their movement.

As for occupation, it is now simply handled by flags-these can also be dragged and dropped! It will be much easier to co-ordinate and follow grand campaigns using this tool; the sprites and names could even be edited to represent NW Regiments if they become a big enough part of the Campaign!

Battle History
In the side panel to the left, all battles and their results will be recorded so you can keep an eye on how things are progressing.
Any serious developments, news snippets or announcements will also be listed here.

Railroads, Forts and Other Icons
You’ll notice a lot of different icons such as forts, cities or railways. These represent in-game mechanics which we’re still perfecting through our simulated campaigns on testing weekends. These can also be added, moved or edited very easily and this functionality will be extremely useful for the future.

Perhaps the most exciting thing about the introduction of this unique new feature is the possibilities for the future; by streamlining the most complicated part of the Campaigns, the possibility for other Campaigns/Events/Simulated Wars are endless and we plan to capitalise fully on this; expect much, much more from NRP!

In the meantime, don’t forget that the Faction Leaders are going to be picked and announced tomorrow.
If you want to have a chance to lead Prussia to her Ascendance or maintain control of Germany as the Austrian Emperor, be sure to apply on our forums at

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with myself (Steam: Scandypandy) or our staff over on discord (

Offline WaterPolo

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Re: NRP Campaign 3.0
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2019, 08:19:34 pm »
This Campaign is going to be extremely exciting! The amount of work put into this Campaign is like no other. The Napoleonic Role Play server once again offers people the great experience of playing in a line battle without having to be in a regiment! The server is alot more relaxed. Server is almost 4 years old, and almost everyone who owns the Napoleonic Wars DLC knows about it. We're still alive, and we're not going anywhere! Thanks everyone who's supported the Server in the past and the present.
Long Live NRP

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Re: NRP Campaign 3.0
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2019, 08:34:07 pm »
Non Cannon lore

After defeating the Common Wealth and the GR with the CF as the rifle officer Doctor Noob wasn't satisfied teaching and a college anymore in the Rehinland anymore had heard. Another great conflict was coming up and set out to join. He heard alot of friends in line we're heading to Prussia even his old 2nd command of the rifles. But he felt a calling too Austria and met up with the old cav general. With a the drums of war booming he is heading off into another fight.

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Re: NRP Campaign 3.0
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2019, 08:52:45 pm »
Look forward to this event!

Offline Woeski

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Re: NRP Campaign 3.0
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2019, 11:43:14 am »
The admins told me I should post some of my screenshots of the previous campaign.


Offline Ewoksson

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Re: NRP Campaign 3.0
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2019, 12:22:33 am »
The campaign will begin 16th of March.
Do you feel self-destructive or cynical towards the game/community in which you belong? Feel the need to frequently chime in with clever insults and belittle others in order to feel better or superior?
I can properly diagnose you with the Napoleon Complex by rooting out the causes. Common ones are; having a small pee-pee and being weak irl. My services are free of charge!

Offline Woeski

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Re: NRP Campaign 3.0
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2019, 10:04:58 am »
The campaign will begin 16th of March.

How do you know?

Offline Ewoksson

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Re: NRP Campaign 3.0
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2019, 08:14:38 pm »
The campaign will begin 16th of March.

How do you know?
It was announced in the #announcement channel on the Discord last Sunday.
If we ignore the fact I am the Discord owner and people can probably trust my words.  :)
Do you feel self-destructive or cynical towards the game/community in which you belong? Feel the need to frequently chime in with clever insults and belittle others in order to feel better or superior?
I can properly diagnose you with the Napoleon Complex by rooting out the causes. Common ones are; having a small pee-pee and being weak irl. My services are free of charge!

Offline WaterPolo

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Re: NRP Campaign 3.0
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2019, 10:43:56 pm »

Offline Woeski

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Re: NRP Campaign 3.0
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2019, 07:21:48 pm »
The campaign will begin 16th of March.

How do you know?
It was announced in the #announcement channel on the Discord last Sunday.
If we ignore the fact I am the Discord owner and people can probably trust my words.  :)

Can't believe I missed that.
Anyways, now we got an extra 3 replies on this post.