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Offline Ewoksson

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The Napoleonic Role Play Campaign
« on: July 16, 2018, 07:38:38 pm »

The NRP Campaign was an idea first brought up by the former Head Admin Scandypandy around December last year in an attempt to focus the effort to bring the Napoleonic Role Play server to life again after a severe decline in active admins and players. The idea was worked on internally for several months until the also former Head Admin SacrificialLamb launched the first event which served as a test on the 7th July 2018. The success of the first battle led to us continuing the campaign and it's still going strong now supervised by Head Admin Joeriig, which also served as one of the original concept makers. The NRP server has never been about being linked to a regiment, even if it's hosted by a member of the 59th Regiment of Foot, thus NRP staff is entirely within it's own sovereignty. Our admins bear all kinds of banners and our mindset is to judge by character, not by background. The Management and the Admins of the Napoleonic Role Play server rarely use external forums to promote events or ourselves, but we'd find it unfortunate if players miss out on our events which always fills the server to the brink and require us to cap the server at 250. Further information about the campaign is available on our Forums, and we use our Discord to allow for faction communication.

Overview of the Campaign
The NRP Campaign is a war simulation game that will attempt to play out smaller-in-scale representation of the real campaign(s)that Napoleonic armies enacted in a fictional world with original lore, the participants of the campaign being role play characters made by the players who will participate in either soldier, general(officer) or faction leader roles. These fictional characters will be role played by their players to whatever extent their players crafted them to in this early 1800’s Napoleonic Era, be it the dutiful second-in-command, the nervous conscript, the steely eyed medic or to the thousands of other personality and character variations that players come up with for their characters and are encouraged to do so to the best of their ability.

These characters may permanently die if they participated in the losing side of a battle too much or they may even shape the history of their faction if they take special action in either helping their team during the battle in some way, giving morale or they may find themselves rewarded and recognized for playing their character in an immersive and good manner. Some may even find themselves rising into an official officer role if they get enough recognition for their talents. These actions will be recognized by the admins who will be in charge of watching the battlefield and teams for such shining stars but characters may be put forward as candidates by the other players who bear witness to the actions of their comrades.

The Campaign is divided into 3 factions in a state of total war with eachother, lorewise representing a variation or an extension of the ingame factions of France, United Kingdom and Russia. They are named “La Grande République (The Great Republic)”, “The Crown Colonies” and the “Rossiyskiy Soyuz (Russian Union)” Each have a different set of unique traits and abilities that will encourage a different playstyle by the leaders, but mechanically will play out mostly the same way in normal engagements with slight variations and advantages (Or disadvantages) to take into account by the officers in-charge. This will encourage only the best tacticians and strategists to succeed if they correctly press their factions advantages in battle while exploiting the disadvantage of the other. The campaign does not support official alliances between factions as for a faction to secure its future, it must dominate the island by destroying annihilating both of its rivals.

All RP characters will be tied to one existing faction with faction switching not allowed on the same character. Players may only have one main character during the campaign but are encouraged to play an alternate character during the engagements not involving the faction their character is tied to.

The Campaign Map and Army Traits

The Campaign takes place in both a strategical level on an “out of game” war map consisting of faction owned tiles and also on a tactical level that will be a head on battle engagement between two factions in game. Factional armies will move across the map with the shared objective of all 3 factions being the destruction of the other two. Army actions can only be determined by the Faction Leader, if the faction leader is unable to be present to make an action a replacement from among the generals may decide for him until he is available. The actions will be taken with all leaders together present with the staff included, as the turns can go by quickly if no engagements happen in a faction turn and all leaders will need to be together to hasten the campaign map phase. Army locations on the map will be tracked by staff during a campaign session and in-between battles.

The Campaign will be turn based with each faction completing their actions on their turn before it goes to the other. If an engagement begins on a factions turn, then the campaign map turn will freeze until the engagement is finished on the tactical level and decided on the closest campaign battle day in the week, after which the next faction will able to make its move and etc. The campaign map turn begins with the Russian Union, then the Grand Republique and finally the Crown Colonies. When it is back to the Russian Union a full campaign map turn is considered over (This is crucial for traits and abilities where full map turns are important).

Campaign actions for armies are simple, the army can either be ordered to “Move”, which will result in it moving to the tile that the faction leader designated to move to, or it can “Defend”, which means it will stay on the tile it’s already on till it’s the faction’s next turn. An army can move 3 friendly tiles plus 1 hostile tile at a time during their turn. If the hostile tile that the army moves to has an enemy army and is engaged, the army that attacked it may not move further. If the hostile tile has no army then the tile is automatically conquered and the army may not move further in its turn.  In the Crown Colonies case, an army may not move over land to a sea bordering territory then embark on the sea on the first turn.

The Crown Colonies have a special trait when it comes to moving armies. They have the ability to move across the sea. In order to move across the sea the army in question must be on a tile bordering the sea and the faction leader must designate the tile he wishes to sail the army to before it embarks. The tile he designates must be one bordering the sea, however the Russian tile of R10 will not be suitable to land on because of its geography while the western coast of the Grande Republique cannot be landed upon until the garrisoned fort in F12 is taken. It takes 1 full map turn to embark on the ships from the coast, until completed the army will still be open to attack on the tile. The embarked army will land on the designated tile after 2 full map turns pass, during which it cannot change course or engaged. When it lands it will be during the first phase of the campaign turn (Russian Phase) so it will be vulnerable to attack in enemy territory, so choose your landing zone wisely.

Each faction has a number of “Armies”. These designate the moving units of the faction that is able to enact the action of taking the enemy’s tiles in order to defeat it. When an army arrives at a hostile tile without a present enemy army or garrison, the tile is automatically conquered. If the tile contains an enemy army then the both armies enter into an engagement, when this happens the campaign map turn is frozen until the engagement is resolved in the closest battle day. An engagement is a battle set out in two geographically similar maps consisting of 3 rounds each, with the one getting to 4 winning. If the rounds end in a stalemate of 3-3 then a bonus round will be given. An engagement will always be between 2 opposing armies as armies cannot stack upon a single tile.

Armies will be placed on any friendly tiles before the campaign begins, the other 2 factions will not know where the enemy armies are until the campaign begins.

If an attacking army loses an engagement with an enemy army or garrison, it automatically retreats to the tile it attacked from. A defeated defending army retreats to an adjacent friendly tile of the faction leader’s choosing. A defeated army will also earn a permanent modifier that it lost an engagement. If it ever loses a second engagement it will be considered destroyed with the all the soldiers in it considered kill in action. If an officer was apart of a destroyed army and participated in the engagement it was destroyed in, then the officer has a 33 % chance of dying. A six sided die will be rolled by staff to determine if if the officer in question has lost his life. If the officer dies, he loses the character and must make a new one to continue leading and may not participate in the next engagement with his new officer, he must wait for the following one to lead. A destroyed army will respawn in the faction capital after 3 full map turns pass. In the Russians case the army can spawn in any friendly tile.

If an army moves into a hostile “Garrisoned” tile then it will automatically engage with the garrisoned army and the campaign map will freeze. Garrisoned tiles are tiles marked on the map as having a steady garrison and must be taken in order to advance into the tiles adjacent to them. They contain a garrison that automatically replenishes after it is taken, so the previous owner or another faction must fight to retake it. The 2 Garrisoned tiles are “F12 and U26” The fort in F12 was made by the French to protect against possible sea incursions by the Colonies while the one in U26 was made by the British to buy time against a possible land invasion from the north by the French. The French Capital tile is considered a garrisoned tile per its trait.

If an army attacks a garrisoned tile that also has an enemy army on it, then the attackers must need to win 5 rounds in an engagement instead of 4 to succeed in the engagement, while the defenders only need to win 3.

General Etiquette
All players are heavily encouraged to read upon the lore for the factions on the forum in order to familiarize themselves with the bearing and background their characters may have gone through in the game universe. Below is trait section for all the factions with their main details in the above sections. Also given below are short guides for assisting on playing out your characters.

Role playing in a non-intrusive and immersive way using your character is encouraged, but not required. Officers are encouraged to type their orders to their men as frequently as they can while providing necessary exposition in order to encourage and give morale to their men while official soldiers are encouraged to engage in banter with their comrades and engaging in behavior they find suitable to their character without annoying or proving purposefully detrimental to the team. Successful role play will help characters get chosen among other players and will help providing an overarching story that everyone will participate in, be it the heroics of an individual soldier defending the corpse of its horse to the zeal-inspiring trio of pep talking musicians facing a hail of bullet fire. Such actions will be recorded and archived for all to see.

Faction Traits and Special Abilities
The Crown Colonies
  • May travel their armies over sea and travel to another sea bordering tile, the sail time being 2 full campaign turns and the time to embark their armies on their ships being 1 turn. (Until the embarking turn is completed, the army is static on the tile it is embarking from and is open to attack)
  • Have access to a third default army that only possesses defensive capabilities and stays destroyed after being wiped out the first time. It is also destroyed if cut off from the capital. The defensive army may not sail.
  • Have “Mayor’s Mandate” which allows them to declare a new capital from a tile adjacent to the old capital to a maximum of two times.
The Grande République
  • Has three defensive tiles around its capital that all need to be captured before an assault on the capital is made, the capital also containing a garrisoned army.
  • Gains an increase of 20 in building points (with base 100 for all factions) for enemy tile it conquers, but lose the extra BP if its tiles are reconquered but the BP may not go down its default number when core tiles are lost.
  • Has “Military Masterminds” which gives the Republique 40 seconds at the beginning of every round to gain a head start on positioning their men or just allow them to organize their units. Peace will be active and enemy team will wait in spawn.
The Rossiyskiy Soyuz
  • Has no capital, being able to stay undefeated until it is cornered to 1 last tile, after which it is considered defeated for good.
  • Because of the harshness of its territory and to simulate the dangers an enemy army faces when going deep into the land of the Russians, the Union gains 20 extra bp (base 100) for each default Union tile it loses to enemy hands. The bp will be lost when the tile is regained.
  • Once per engagement with an enemy army, the Russians may use “Mass Assault”. They will gain a boost of manpower resulting in a 2 - 1 Russian ratio against the enemy faction but the entirety of the Russian army will be composed of partizani (Not line militia) while the heavily outnumbered enemy faction will have access to their cavalry, artillery and sappers. Though if the Mass Assault is successful, the victory will be considered 2 round wins instead of 1, being high risk and high reward. Only the commanding general of the Russian army may decide to use it as he sees fit.
  • Unlike the other factions, the Union will gain another extra army if it captures a further 6 enemy tiles, totaling 12 controlled tiles. If it gains control of more than 12 tiles it will not be getting any more bonus armies. (To make it clear, the maximum number of extra armies the other factions can get is 1 while for the Russian Union its 2)
  • If 80 percent of the Union's cavalry is wiped out during a round of battle, they will not have access to cavalry the next round. They will have resupplied their cavalry by the time the following round begins. (Regardless of starting numbers, if the cavalry is reduced to 2 horses by the end of the round, it will still be considered wiped out)

Defensive Faction Traits
The Crown Colonies have the trait of “Mayors Mandate” which allows them to move their capital to a friendly land tile that was adjacent to their previous capital and declare it their new capital with a new faction leader. They may only do this two times! After the second time a new capital is taken the faction will be considered defeated. They start with 2 default armies and 1 defensive army that is only able to defend and move on friendly tiles, it may not set move on hostile tiles so it may only engage an enemy army if attacked first. The defensive army cannot sail. If the defensive army is cut off from the capital by enemy tiles or if the first capital falls, the defensive army is destroyed. If the defensive army is destroyed once because of this or by battle it may not respawn again.

The Grande République have three defensive tiles (F2, F3, F4) protecting the capital that must all be taken in order to invade the capital, which is considered a garrisoned tile. If the assault on the capital fails then the army must take damage and retreat just as it would per normal army rules and will be destroyed if it already sustained a previous loss. They start with 2 default armies.

The Rossiyskiy Soyuz have the advantage of not having a capital at all. In order to defeat the Union for good, all except 1 tile needs to be in enemy hands. When cornered to one last tile, the Union will be considered defeated. They start with 1 default army.

If a faction controls 6 enemy tiles then an extra army will spawn at its capital. This army will follow normal army rules. If the faction loses control of its conquered territories and has less than 6 enemy tiles in their hands then the new army will dissolve immediately because of resupply issues. By exception of the Russian Union, a faction does not get a second extra army when they control more than 6 enemy tiles. The Russian Union gains a second extra army when they control 12 tiles. Reconquered core tiles do not count as controlled enemy tiles if retaken by the original owner.

The Guide the different Factions
The Crown Colonies
As the Crown Colonies are an alliance of different colonies and towns of British origin with a military scheme nearly identical to the British Army at that time, players already familiar with the “British” way to do things may feel themselves at home when role playing their characters. Compared to the revolutionaries of France, British characters should feel more accepting of the clergy, God and old nobility with a majority portion of their officer class consisting of this noble class. As the colonists possess a decentralized nature compared to their French neighbors and are far from Royal authority, players are encouraged to give their characters some rebellious fire when it comes to political authority, perhaps some colonists had a bad run in with the law, or came from the mainland to seek escape from the iron fist of the crown or perhaps some are Irish immigrants seeking to find a land finally suitable to grow anything other than potatoes.

Going in line with the corrupt and rivalry filled nature of the colonies, with the mayors and individual towns nearly going to war with each other before their neighbors pushed them into an alliance, officers of the faction are encouraged to dabble in treachery and work against one another (out of sight of and without receiving the ire of your faction leader) in order to attain the most amount of individual glory and honor, while soldiers of a regiment are encouraged to belittle and engage in rivalry with other regiments and to “go against the grain”. Basically by a colonist’s logic if your infantry line is doing the same thing as an allied infantry line, then something is seriously fucking wrong!

Such glory hounding actions by these officers and soldiers if successful in the end to win a battle may be rewarded by the recording it into the history of the campaign even if its detrimental to the rest of the team, and those responsible may even be recognized as future generals and viable faction leaders for the colonies and be made a Mayor-General…incase the old one dies of course…somehow.

God save the Colonies!

The Grande République
The Republic is the most centralized faction, with causes pushing it to be so in order to avoid chaos in its ranks. As its ranks will be filled with citizens and soldiers usually found in the armies of the Empire of France, its philosophy and culture will be more akin to mainland Europe and be affected by revolutionary ideas from France, mainly a distaste for old European royalty, ideas championing for secularism and increased individual rights for the common man and the law code set by Napoleon, who himself is an inspiration of the normal man fighting against fate and rising above all.

The rank and file of the Republic is composed of disciplined levy troops trained heavily in the militaristic fashion befitting a society ruled by the warrior class. As a soldier of the Republic it is apt for you to behave in a more disciplined fashion than your redcoat enemies or the Russian barbarians. This means that the official soldier will find himself acting as a junior NCO of sorts, assisting his officer with enacting his orders, repeating what needs to be repeated and helping along any conscript (Pub) by pointing him in the right direction…with a bayonet if so required.

This also means that military psychology will take hold, with a more pragmatic and darker way of living with the ever looming threat of total war and the rigors of a militaristic Spartan like existence to protect your piece of island rock. Contrasts to previous vocations or lifestyles the characters once experienced in an old life compared to their current predicament can be roleplayed. What does the tailor that used to patch up the dress of local noble ladies think about having to become a professional soldier to protect his newly owned cabbage farm, does the retired officer think back to his days fighting in the mainland for the Empire fondly or is the island more representative of the revolution of his youth that Napoleon reversed by crowning himself Emperor?
It is for you to decide.

Vive la République!

The Rossiyskiy Soyuz
Made up of scores of different families and tribes who followed their noble chiefs, lords or patriarchs on the promise of new land away from the harsh rule of the Tsar and the deadly short life of rural Russia, the Rossiyskiy Soyuz is made up of made bickering Slavs who tried to toil away isolated in their own parcel of land on the island using their outdated tools and implements and continuing the same kind of feudal serfdom that they have for centuries under their rulers.

The general culture and psychology of these Slavic peoples has been static for the past few hundred years, though the ones on the island have developed an uncharacteristic ferocity and independence not usually found under the Tsar’s subjects. Even though disunited and apart from each other with dozens of feuds and much bickering between the bloodlines, all Union members will rush to their guns, axes and pitchforks when the one piece of land they’ve found on this Earth not to be tainted with bad harvest, corrupt royal linages or marauding professional armies from the more “advanced” European powers is in danger of being lost from their hands.

The members of the Rossiyskiy Soyuz will be more ignorant, passionate and emotional compared to the other two powers, with strength being respected in the individual man and hordes following the leaders they’ve chosen among the battlefield, usually following the greatest (Or loudest) warriors. Bravado and fearless determination in the face of total defeat is expected for the average Slav, something he probably faced every minute back home in the mainland. Controlled chaos of the horde is expected and encouraged from the officers who think they can control this stampede of destruction.

The Rossiyskiy Soyuz will be destroyed before it falls!

The Optional NRP Campaign Mod
  • Download the NRP Campaign mod here: or via our Forums. However, you might need to sign up to the forums or log in before the download button becomes available. The download speed isn't limited as it is with other third party sites via our site and the download is as fast as possible for you.
  • Rename the original "Napoleonic Wars" folder in modules to anything you like to back it up before extracting the downloaded zip archive. You can only play multiplayer by making Mount & Blade: Warband think the mod is the original module, thus the new mod need to be named Napoleonic Wars. You can find all your modules in here: DRIVE:\Programs\Steam\steamapps\common\MountBlade Warband\Modules. If you installed Steam in another directory, then you should look there instead.
  • Paste the new "Napoleonic Wars" folder from the NRP Campaign zip archive containing the mod into your modules directory.

How to Participate?
The Napoleonic Role Play server is always open for anyone, anytime, as long as you keep to our server rules and the rules of the various role plays. The server will never be password protected for regimental events or other events without a way for public players to sign up. You don't even have to create a character application or participate in the internal faction discussion on our Discord, even if we suggest you do for the sake of being able to have a say in the grand strategy of things. The campaign battles are announced via our Steam Group and by Discord announcement on beforehand. There are no set dates as of now, but expect at least 1 event related to the campaign per week.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2018, 10:02:02 pm by Ewoksson »
Do you feel self-destructive or cynical towards the game/community in which you belong? Feel the need to frequently chime in with clever insults and belittle others in order to feel better or superior?
I can properly diagnose you with the Napoleon Complex by rooting out the causes. Common ones are; having a small pee-pee and being weak irl. My services are free of charge!

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Re: The Napoleonic Role Play Campaign
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2018, 10:15:47 pm »
Good, looks a bit like the 33rd one but good luck nonetheless :D

Offline Scandypandy

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Re: The Napoleonic Role Play Campaign
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2018, 10:38:20 pm »
Well, this Campaign was conceived and has been in development before either of the other two, however we're absolute thrilled that it's catching on! I recall speaking with the Head Admin of Minisiege (Quickone, I believe at the time) and the two of us being quite excited for it to launch!
 This sort of innovation is exactly what NW needs to breathe some life into the public scene beyond NRP and Minisiege holding things together! NRP has always been keen on providing unique and structured public play on a massive scale, and this is our way of taking it to the next level!  ;D

We also pride ourselves on our accessibility; anyone may enter the events and campaign regardless of whether they're playing for a regiment or solo! A lot of public players feel that complex events as this are gated by Regiments (who can prove to be an extremely toxic experience if you join the wrong one) and thus we're happy to keep this open to the public above all else.

The campaign has been underway for a few weeks now, but there's nothing stopping you signing up as either a rank and file soldier or an Officer for one of the armies!
The Campaign in practice has proven to be an even greater success than it was in theory; unlike any other server in all of Napoleonic Wars, you can take part in massive battles with up to 250 players with most Campaign Battles averaging between 190-230 players!

Allegiance to a Faction is much more than just picking a team to play for; as each battle has weight and strategic value associated with it, fighting for every scrap of land has been described as not only immersive, but even "emotionally engaging" by several of our players.
Some quotes by our players in regards to the Campaign include:

"I feel much closer to everyone now that we have all fought and bled together when the stakes were high and there was glory to be won!" -bk2

"I would say that the NRP campaign is like the best way to use the potential of NW in term of teamplay and tactics. The stakes of every battle make every rounds more interessants because every one want victory at all costs, and the teams usually fight together for this, giving us the best shows" -Gokibouri

"Just when I was starting to bore with NW, suddenly there's pretty much new mode that lets me fight in events and battles with actual consequences of defeat/victory. The new units are also excellent!" -59th Darkslayer

"There's something very magical about playing with 250 other players, seeing huge lines firing volleys at one another and knowing that the battle you're fighting in is part of a larger war. Watching Officers try and use proper tactics to gain supremacy over the enemy knowing full well that defeat may be costly on a larger scale is something that I can't recommend enough."

Need some more tangible material from the Campagin?

Below you will find the Campaign Map from our second Weekly Update. The Grande République have invaded the other two factions, and will be meeting an army of the Crown Colonies in Battle as well as an army of the Rossiyskiy Soyuz. These 3 custom factions-described in the first post-all have their own armies and officers for various selected lines are selected before battles begin.

The Roster can be seen on either side of the map, indicating officers who will be present and the Faction Leader themselves. Every week this map is updated with territorial changes, deaths of officers and other strategic details.

Here is an example of the new Units included in the optional mod:

« Last Edit: July 16, 2018, 10:41:43 pm by Scandypandy »

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Re: The Napoleonic Role Play Campaign
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2018, 11:01:34 pm »
Looks very well put together! I wish NA could have something of this caliber.

Offline Scandypandy

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Re: The Napoleonic Role Play Campaign
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2018, 11:39:01 pm »
Looks very well put together! I wish NA could have something of this caliber.

Thank you! A massive part of its success is the fact that it is open to the public. While some may fear that playing with public players may lead to tactical errors, in practice a lot of people have loved it since "morale" seems to have become a mechanic of its own! The cohesion of a line and ability of an Officer to communicate now has a direct affect on the line he leads, we've seen many engagements decided by a broken morale of players not used to regimental battles leading to lines retreating or scattering just like you'd see in the likes of Total War.

It's extremely accessible but really quite deep if you get into it!
The best way to check out more is on our forums over at

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Re: The Napoleonic Role Play Campaign
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2018, 12:35:18 pm »
This looks great! Very well put together modification and I can see a lot of work has been put in to make this thing a reality. This is most certainly the type of thing that was required to invigorate public play on NW and you've certainly developed a very detailed and in-depth idea here from the previous things we've attempted in this game. Very well done and I wish you fellows all the best in the running of this, but I must say it's certainly brought a lot of people back into the game as you guys are easily filling 250 slots every time a battle is hosted - which in this stage of the games life span is a very impressive sight to see in a public server and I can't quite put a time in my head, even in the games prime years ago, that I've saw a stable 250 slot server - it certainly must be a powerful piece of kit you're running this on!

Here's from us at Minisiege, best of luck and I hope you guys continue to do as well as you have been with this!

Offline Scandypandy

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Re: The Napoleonic Role Play Campaign
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2018, 02:22:45 pm »
This looks great! Very well put together modification and I can see a lot of work has been put in to make this thing a reality. This is most certainly the type of thing that was required to invigorate public play on NW and you've certainly developed a very detailed and in-depth idea here from the previous things we've attempted in this game. Very well done and I wish you fellows all the best in the running of this, but I must say it's certainly brought a lot of people back into the game as you guys are easily filling 250 slots every time a battle is hosted - which in this stage of the games life span is a very impressive sight to see in a public server and I can't quite put a time in my head, even in the games prime years ago, that I've saw a stable 250 slot server - it certainly must be a powerful piece of kit you're running this on!

Here's from us at Minisiege, best of luck and I hope you guys continue to do as well as you have been with this!

Hi Gretel-cheers! The Campaign has been a huge success and it is wonderful to see the popularity of it. The amount of positive feedback in the form of youtube videos (courtesy of Gambling Gamer), all sorts of player-made content and generally people feel immersed and attached to what goes on.
As I'm sure you and the fellas know over at Minisiege, it hasn't been the easiest of rides to keep NW kicking-since without the Public Servers such as NRP and Minisiege the community as a whole hits the dirt-and innovative stuff is what keeps the players coming back.

It's been a while since I dipped into Minisiege, maybe I'll take a look! In the meantime, it'd be great to see you fellas pop in for one of the Campaigns, they're usually announced via our discord (

In the meantime, enjoy a Youtube Video created by one of the players surrounding one of the more important battles!

The "Battle of U20" was in many ways a "Waterloo" moment, with the seemingly unstoppable French Army being met by the British army in order to hopefully halt their advance.