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Offline Yoshiee

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #526 on: March 27, 2021, 12:38:39 am »
Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #527 on: March 27, 2021, 12:39:32 am »
Two people release a stab at the same time. You think RNG decides who wins that? In a ping difference match, one person almost always has quick attack (pokemon +1 priority) on every move they do outside of being stunned. Ping difference puts someone on the back foot in the decisionmaking process.
RNG and ping are factors, like movement, stab type, the previous stab, the stab sequence, the performance of your physical inputs, your nervous system! Much more goes into deciding which stab lands than simply ping. I have sub 20 ping and have had multiple occurrences in which I stab at the same as someone else and still lose, because ping isn't the only factor in this game. Ping difference really only puts someone on the back foot in the decision making process if you let it - the people who are the best at the game are always the people that have the mental edge on everyone else. That, in my mind, is really the biggest factor in deciding performance, which is why those people still perform with higher than normal ping.

Styles make fights
^ this is also a significant factor which plays more of a difference than ping

1x NA Duel- Runner up |  3x 3v3- 3rd place (Seadderol Deflatriots) (Ez Money) (71st Guards + Russian) | 1x Duel League- 4th place | 1x Regimental Groupfighting- 1st place (71st)  l  1x 2v2- 3rd Place (Vortex/Theodin) | TNWL Season 2 - 1st Place l 1x 2v2- 1st Place (Theodin/Elite) l 2x NANWL-
 71st, Nr8(LG) l 1x 4v4- 1st Place (RussianFury, Waste, NickCole, Theodin) l 1x Cav Joust- 2nd Place l 1x 4v4-
 3rd Place (Theodin, AsianP, Sleek, Godfried, Lurvy) l 1x 5v5 - 1st Place (RussianFury, Yoshie, Krastinov, Jorge, Theodin - Thanos and his children)

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #528 on: March 27, 2021, 12:48:48 am »
Peak NW 2021

Offline Fartknocker

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #529 on: March 27, 2021, 12:51:04 am »
This is a reminder to try to get your duels done soon
63e pawn in an anti-63e world.

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #530 on: March 27, 2021, 01:01:32 am »
I want to input that I both have good ping and am a bad player, thus disproving Lawbringer. case closed.
movement keyer

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #531 on: March 27, 2021, 01:10:11 am »
I want to input that I both have good ping and am a bad player, thus disproving Lawbringer. case closed.

Offline Stroke0fd34th

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #532 on: March 27, 2021, 01:11:53 am »
Godfried your examples and arguments are hilariously bad and have almost no substance.

You argue that it's not that big a deal because you did good in 2014 on an na gf server when you had 68 ping, and also used the example of playing in EU as a means to compare. First off you have to be retarded to think the EU example is even comparable, or even substantial in the case of the picture of the match stats provided by you from NWWC so far. EU makes use of medium combat speed, and you have to be a retard to think that meta is the same as the NA one. EU meta from medium combat speed is less punishing to ping difference due to stabs being slower to come at you. People hold stabs far more and don't spam in the EU meta because it is so much easier to chamber, forcing a meta of positioning and teamwork. Second off, the picture of NA sweats doing good against europeans is almost instantly disproved by looking at who you have faced so far. You beat Turkey (who have nearly the same ping as the NA's on british servers), The Czech, who are in a similar situation to the Turks, and neither are well known in the EU community. All your arguments have equated to fringe cases, ethos arguments with weak backing and do not hold up when scrutinized, and attempting to attack our arguments through "ur bad u dont know what ur talking about" instead of addressing the real meta and game theory discussion. You present a "get good" along with the other low ping circle jerkers, but even if we were to just not say anything and do such a thing, we would have to put in far more effort and play in such a way just to EQUAL the low pingers. Things like footlancing, close range updown blocks, and other crucial mechanics which allow low pingers to accel in groupfight settings are either just mechanically x2 - 3x as hard due to timing closures, or just blatantly physically impossible.

Your entire experience in this current stun chamber spam meta was with 29 -35 ping. We seem to both agree that ping matters but is only part of the picture, but to say that ping is a miniscule effect in the current fastest speed meta is blatantly wrong. There are mechanical hampers that make certain basic actions within a groupfight far more risky for the higher ping, and far less risky for the far lower pings. It has a far higher impact compared to any match done in Europe. Maybe the issue is that I haven't said what the solution should be, with it having to be either change to medium speed or go back to Dallas where everyone had 40-60 ping aside from specifically Texans and people who live in literal Northern Maine.

I don't think you are actually retarded enough to not understand the game theory of if two people who play perfectly, while one person has low ping while the other has high ping, the low pinger wins 100% of the time. So I think you are genuinely just protecting your ego or trying to stop any form of movement away from you benefitting from one of the lowest pings in the game.

In order as bolded.

1) You're a retard. Like I already told mexicant, the screenshot wasn't about me doing good, it was in response to your edit that I had 29 ping back then. All it was doing was showing I had 68 ping. You're just so insecure about how badly you do that if someone's positive in a screenshot you think it's a brag.
Like how goddamn stupid can you be? Even just from the context of what I wrote beside the screenshot....but it is what it is, I don't expect very much from you.

2)All this proved is how little research you did, before writing it. That was possibly the dumbest thing you wrote in that body of text. But again, at this point I don't really expect anything more.

3) Your game theory and meta argument amount to nothing. "If two players are playing perfectly.." isn't a practical scenario, that is just pure theory, and I'm not going to debate theory when I know the practical situation is drastically different. On the practical side of things, the better player wins the vast majority regardless of ping. Unlike yourself, I've been involved in the competitive side of things long enough to have seen it, while you're operating on pure theory. And the only ones seeming to struggle in the meta are you and Mexicant.

4) Do tell me more about my entire experience while ignoring everything I've posted to the contrary.

5) Changing the combat speed to medium won't change anything, and making the average ping higher than it is, is the dumbest solution I've heard to a non-problem in a while. In any MOBA or FPS, the highest form of competition is the LAN tournament, because if you want the highest level of competition, you bring the average down, not push it up.

6) No, I just think what you're saying is stupid. You blatantly ignore all the practical evidence or call it "fringe/statistical outliers" and circle back to theory. You don't even consider that perhaps you and Mexicant are the outliers, that most players even at your ping don't struggle nearly as much as you guys seem to, and that there might be a reason for that.

1) Ok I stand corrected, yet I find this still puzzling as if you really were "top tier" back when you had 68 ping, you would have a far better picture to prove it with. Also you said you had a multitude of experiences with high ping why don't you have a pic of something like a groupfight where ping was no hamper on you? I think you don't because you are just resorting to "I say so" arguments. So we can establish that you Godfried in fact had only started becoming big name once you switched to 29 ping. Either that or you just are a bad debator. Your original argument was that ping does not make or break a player, yet you provided no evidence beyond this picture and one where you were ping spiking (not a consistent change in ping) in a duel tournament (which based off of referencing people like maccle's ping, was a chicago server, leading to you still at a default having low ping.). You have still failed to provide good evidence that is not plagued with hesitations.
2) You literally wrote "I can't come up with an argument or discussion against this so I'm gonna call it and you retarded" If you know so much, care to explain in words big man?

3) Yes it is not a practical scenario, but in a meta where there is a defensive (unintentionally programmed in by the developers btw) move that is a guaranteed kill if timed correctly (affected by ping) (and not mashed out, of course but this is also influenced by ping) what can the person with lower ping realistically do with a higher win rate % on a person who theoretically has reached a point where feinting does not work on them? In this sense we can get a general sense of where different pathways can lead in the decision making process, and it is very bleak. Also you inserted more "Im a big man and I say so" at the end. Also why don't you tell me about all the high pingers that do so well nowadays? How many can you name? Wanna look at the league table right now?

4) You haven't posted shit bro all your examples are legit fringe cases and pics out of time or a failure of an example when taken into context

5) We can't get LAN because this is an online game with 0 money in it. Also to say the purpose of LAN is to reduce average ping rather than ping equalize for making a competitive setting is LOL

6) yes of course all those top tier west coast players in the current draft league really aren't hampered bro

Oh wait the only person who fits that category and is doing decent is Cytiuz in 8th place at a near 1.0 kd followed by Pedro in 36th place with a sub 1.0 kd

Wow so many

game theory of if two people who play perfectly, while one person has low ping while the other has high ping, the low pinger wins 100% of the time
this is both massively incorrect and also completely unreasonable - ping is certainly a factor in melee but to claim that it's the deciding factor is just unreasonable and displays a limited knowledge of game dynamics

Two people release a stab at the same time. You think RNG decides who wins that? In a ping difference match, one person almost always has quick attack (pokemon +1 priority) on every move they do outside of being stunned. Ping difference puts someone on the back foot in the decisionmaking process.

East vs West tournament, 15 rounds on East, 15 rounds on West, let's see how it goes. Let's settle it the practical way. Put the theory to the test.

I'll take


Lawbringer and Mexicant can assemble their West Coast team. I guarantee they get dominated on both servers.

lol "i cant win this argument so lets settle this in a stacked battle"

1) That screenshot wasn't intended to show I was "top tier" back then...what do you not get about that? What do you mean I should have a better one to prove something I wasn't trying to prove.  You ignored all 11 other screenshots in the post of me dueling on EU and West Coast and went right to the NAGF one and say I haven't backed up my claim that ping doesn't make or break a player. Again, when I placed 2nd in the NA Duel Tournament both S1 and 2 I had 65-70 that was 2015. I's a group fight if you want



2) Sure I'll point out all the stupidity in your massive assumption if that's what you really want. A) You didn't watch the matches or know how they played against us so your assumption that they just played passively and didn't try to ping abuse us with face hugging and spamming is a big LOL, and even if the medium speed is slower, we also play with much higher ping on average than you do. B) Your assumption that they had the same ping as us, or that we played on a UK server vs them is another LOL C) Those are the teams we played against officially, we've played against many other teams with far lower ping than them (Like Belgium who averaged like just over 20). You act like all the teams in EU just sit there and we're able to chill with our high ping. You don't know enough about what you're talking about, to be talking about it.
And your point that "neither are well known in the EU community" kind of supports my argument. If ping was REALLY that big of a factor, they shouldn't need an all-star roster to put us down. They should be able to do it on their substantially lower ping...but like I've been saying, there's much more to it.

3) That entire post highlights how little you understand about the game, there's a lot more options and counters than what your describing, the decision-making seems bleak to you because of where your knowledge caps out. Cytiuz and Pedro both do fine, but there's not a ton of high pingers who play (which makes changing server locations to accommodate them all the more pointless).

4) How are the examples "fringe" cases? You don't even have a standard established but you're calling things fringe.

5) I'm not suggesting we do a LAN. You realize that bringing the average down is what maximizes the competitive setting right? Because it does the best job of eliminating RNG elements.

6) Wew measuring purely on KD, high IQ play. Ignore all the ingame impact they have.

lol "i cant win this argument so lets settle this in a stacked battle"

"lol I know my theories wrong so I'll decline the practical test."
« Last Edit: March 27, 2021, 01:43:41 am by Stroke0fd34th »

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #533 on: March 27, 2021, 01:23:58 am »
ping important, good ping = good player
ur all wrong sorry :(
I'm just a squirrel trying to get a nut, baby.

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #534 on: March 27, 2021, 01:26:43 am »
I have evidence to prove you all wrong.

Theo went from 30-50ping to 11-15 ping. He still cannot up attack or block properly.
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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #535 on: March 27, 2021, 01:55:30 am »
I have evidence to prove you all wrong.

Theo went from 30-50ping to 11-15 ping. He still cannot up attack or block properly.
yeah but has he ever actually tried to up attack?

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #536 on: March 27, 2021, 02:45:10 am »
This has reached the point where there it more than I would like to read
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You are by far the best average player to touch this game.
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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #537 on: March 27, 2021, 02:51:06 am »
sign up

Offline Theodin

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #538 on: March 27, 2021, 03:06:54 am »
I have evidence to prove you all wrong.

Theo went from 30-50ping to 11-15 ping. He still cannot up attack or block properly.
yeah but has he ever actually tried to up attack?
perhaps not  :-\

1x NA Duel- Runner up |  3x 3v3- 3rd place (Seadderol Deflatriots) (Ez Money) (71st Guards + Russian) | 1x Duel League- 4th place | 1x Regimental Groupfighting- 1st place (71st)  l  1x 2v2- 3rd Place (Vortex/Theodin) | TNWL Season 2 - 1st Place l 1x 2v2- 1st Place (Theodin/Elite) l 2x NANWL-
 71st, Nr8(LG) l 1x 4v4- 1st Place (RussianFury, Waste, NickCole, Theodin) l 1x Cav Joust- 2nd Place l 1x 4v4-
 3rd Place (Theodin, AsianP, Sleek, Godfried, Lurvy) l 1x 5v5 - 1st Place (RussianFury, Yoshie, Krastinov, Jorge, Theodin - Thanos and his children)

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #539 on: March 27, 2021, 03:07:24 am »
This has reached the point where there it more than I would like to read
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