Author Topic: UFC - NW  (Read 46735 times)

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Offline Theodin

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #480 on: March 25, 2021, 05:31:48 am »
I played good with 80 ping on a 14 inch monitor with 3 autist marines screaming behind me so obviously all that matters is skill and ping and hardware is irrelevant 300%
Ah yes
Also I’d gladly duel Mikey!!

1x NA Duel- Runner up |  3x 3v3- 3rd place (Seadderol Deflatriots) (Ez Money) (71st Guards + Russian) | 1x Duel League- 4th place | 1x Regimental Groupfighting- 1st place (71st)  l  1x 2v2- 3rd Place (Vortex/Theodin) | TNWL Season 2 - 1st Place l 1x 2v2- 1st Place (Theodin/Elite) l 2x NANWL-
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Offline Mexican

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #481 on: March 25, 2021, 05:46:48 am »
if suns and pedro are the only examples of "good" players (never saw them as early picks for draft leagues or many "accolades") with 65+ ping, after they both have like 5k+ hours on the game, then it only further proves the argument that ping BOTTLENECKS PLAYER ABILITY. Your game is literally less responsive, what you see on your screen is delayed by .072 seconds to what is actually happening in the server. Considering how crucial timing, momentum, and range is in the meta that everyone has now adapted, differences are magnified much further compared to 3-5 years ago.

Furthermore, Duel skill doesn't transfer to groupfighting skill. The number of mistakes made is much greater in groupfighting. Punishing them to give your overall team an advantage is very crucial, whereas dueling at this point is a battle of attrition (ping still matters tho lmfaooo). Pushing strategies and Reaction blocks to lunges both are very hampered the higher ping you get.

But of course, when everyone resides in the midwest and the east coast, it's no problem in the community I guess looooooooool. Gee, I wonder why its been the same people at the "top" level for years and years without any new faces?? Circlejerk much? The pace and movement that y'all play and practice on leaves no room for your higher ping teammates to shine.

Try playing for months on end with high ping vs players who have practiced years on low ping on high stakes matches and see if the claim of "ping has a minor impact on melee strategy" rings true. Then maybe I won't insult you for your lack of education lmfaoooo
« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 06:04:40 am by Mexican »
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Offline Stroke0fd34th

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #482 on: March 25, 2021, 06:02:34 am »
I agree with Mexicant's original statement regarding his pleasure for matches to be split up by ping barriers. It is a real issue that seldomly is talked about. People with low ping play with training wheels!

It isn't a "real issue", especially in dueling, unless you're getting like 120+ ping or there's a ping difference of 80+. I've played with high ping when servers were in Dallas, the West Coast duel server, EU, etc. In my experience, the biggest complainers about ping are players who are either trash or extremely mediocre regardless. If you don't have the skills, the ping doesn't matter. Every good player I know has been able to find success regardless of having high or low ping, and if you can't, then you probably just aren't as good as you think.

Once you reach 70 ping you literally cannot block close range up downs without prediction. It is also a smaller window for chambers and block chambers without playing predictively. This is hilarious you would say this because the time you were among the top duelists was post switch from Dallas to Chicago server standard. Furthermore when you have that high ping, backstabs on moving targets do not even register the same as on screen and the server. The people with high ping who are able to play literally are so good at prediction that they overcame unbelievable barriers in comparison to the babies with sub 30 ping.

I placed back-to-back 2nd place in the NA Duel League when the servers were in Dallas and I was playing with 65-70 ping. I can easily post dozens of screenshots of ft7's I've won with high ping, much higher than even 70.

Hell, even when I beat AsianP I did it while spiking to 120

And that's still not even the highest ping I've won at.

Ping isn't what placed me among the top duelists. But I wouldn't expect someone who's never even sniffed the top 30 as either a groupfighter or a duelist to know that.

You can list difficulties of having 70 ping all you want, you aren't educating me about it, I've played with it, and I did well with it, you've just been mediocre your entire time playing and instead of realizing it's because you just aren't that good, you blame your ping.

lol u were good pre 2016 but you were no where near top duelist. You were literally a no name until mid-late 2015. Also, you even had a meme about you where you can't groupfight. Congrats you did well with a cancer duel style which is the new aids meta that no one wants to play which also almost exclusively relied on a mechanic not meant to be programmed into the game, which is essentially just you being the master of exploiting faulty code. Now get off of your high horse and stop trying to make personal attacks to fulfill your fragile ego. I literally got back and played in a casual reg forever just last year. I also had like 100 ping for the entirety of last year. I was also definitely top 30 easily right before I left for Shadowverse.

"Oh no its not my innate ping advantage im ALL SKILL"
"Oh no i dont have better odds in certain speed contests or defense timings oh no not at all"

I have never claimed to be best gfer or duelist ever and to insinuate that I have is just blatant slander and strawmanning

I am simply making the claim that people with low ping get away with things others would normally not be able to get away with, and it forces a change in playstyle for the higher ping players almost entirely. Then low pingers circle jerk that they are gods when they can make game decisions that are just simply not available for their opponents. It's like playing yugioh with a 7 card hand against an opponent who can only have a 5 card hand. Changing the meta in a way like changing it to medium or finding a way to control for latency would make a real determination for who is the best in competition.

If you think ping doesn't offer multiple decisions that is not afforded to your opponent I question your understanding of game theory in general

Edit: After looking at 2015 footage you had 29 ping then too lol

I only came back to the game in mid-2015, good to know I wasn't a no-name for very long. Yes, I had a MEME about me, started by BabyJ, so what? And I wasn't near the top duelist, but people copied my style and it became the new meta...hmmmmmm...ok. No, you were never top 30 in your entire time playing. And you didn't even do any actual duel tournaments or leagues, which is my point, you don't have a proper perspective on who was the top, who was near the top etc. You weren't involved enough in that side of things.

My innate ping advantage in action


There's more but I don't really feel like looking through all my screenshots.
And, none of that is intended as bm to the players in those screenshots, the point is just that there are other factors than "ping". Nor is it intended to look like all I did was win at super high ping, I did take some losses too during that time, against LeBrave, Drake, Tiberias.

And me saying you weren't top 30, or that you were mediocre is no more of a "personal attack" than you saying I was "nowhere near the top duelist", or a "no-name". Talk about fragile ego lol, stop being such a crybaby bitch. < That's a personal attack btw, just so you can see the difference.

And where did I insinuate, that you said you were the best gfer or duelist? Did you just feel like crying about slander and straw-manning so much that you had to make that up? All I did was make a statement that you were never in the top 30, and that you were mediocre, which both are true, what I insinuated (and stated above) is that your lack of participation and accomplishment as either a competitive group fighter or duelist makes your assessments and statements about who was the top and who wasn't, suspect at best.

Bad players are bad regardless of ping, and good players are good regardless of ping, now ping difference matters, but like I've already said unless you have a crazy ping difference from the person you're playing against, you really have nothing to be complaining about. To diminish people's abilities based on ping is sad.

The same guys you complain about having low ping and circle-jerking
Still do well with high ping on a different combat speed against people with lower pings. You just have never been on that level, so to you, ping seems like a bigger factor.
And I'm not saying ping ISN'T a factor, but if you think changing who has high ping and who has low ping is going to drastically change who's in even the top 30 and who isn't, then you're delusional.

I had 29-32 ping sometimes, but on most servers (the ones in Dallas like NAGF, Pub Duel & NA Duel League Servers) I had 65-70 ping
2015 NAGF

James moved from 70 ping to 30 ping and whoop de doo look at the difference.
there was a difference?

But tbh law is generally correct, low pingers usually will have an advantage over high pingers and to say this is not the case is just blatantly false I don't even know how people are denying this.

It's not that advantage doesn't exist. It's that Law over-blows its significance.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 06:59:38 am by Stroke0fd34th »

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #483 on: March 25, 2021, 06:17:28 am »
Thanks Godfried for giving an example from 6 years ago vs ~average players with an average ping of (74+54+56+49+55+55)/6 = ~57.2 ping


now heres a game where you lose (also bottomfrag) where the meta is blockchambering (which you yourself have abused frequently) and with avg opponent ping of (46+23+35+27+33)/5 = 32.8, about a 34.8% reduction. I would say this mirrors the drop in average ping for east coasters as a result of the switch from dallas to chicago for almost every server. Timing becomes more important the more competitive groupfighting becomes
« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 06:23:30 am by Mexican »
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Offline Stroke0fd34th

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #484 on: March 25, 2021, 06:28:11 am »
Thanks Godfried for giving an example from 6 years ago vs ~average players with an average ping of (74+54+56+49+55+55)/6 = ~57.2 ping


now heres a game where you lose (also bottomfrag) where the meta is blockchambering (which you yourself have abused frequently) and with avg opponent ping of (46+23+35+27+33)/5 = 32.8, a whole 43% reduction. This I would say about mirrors the drop in average ping for east coasters as a result of the switch from dallas to chicago for almost every server

And? You realize my screenshot from NA Groupfight wasn't about how well I was doing vs average players with an average of 57 ping right? It was purely to show what kind of ping I used to get on Dallas.

And what is the screenshot of me losing and bottom fragging supposed to prove? Other than the average ping seems to be lower than it used to be...which is a good thing.
If your point is that I did better because the average ping was higher back then than it is now, I'm going to stop you right there because there are way more factors involved than that, and trying to reduce it all to ping is retarded.

Offline Mexican

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #485 on: March 25, 2021, 06:34:50 am »
Thanks Godfried for giving an example from 6 years ago vs ~average players with an average ping of (74+54+56+49+55+55)/6 = ~57.2 ping


now heres a game where you lose (also bottomfrag) where the meta is blockchambering (which you yourself have abused frequently) and with avg opponent ping of (46+23+35+27+33)/5 = 32.8, a whole 43% reduction. This I would say about mirrors the drop in average ping for east coasters as a result of the switch from dallas to chicago for almost every server

And? You realize my screenshot from NA Groupfight wasn't about how well I was doing vs average players with an average of 57 ping right? It was purely to show what kind of ping I used to get on Dallas.

And what is the screenshot of me losing and bottom fragging supposed to prove? Other than the average ping seems to be lower than it used to be...which is a good thing.
If your point is that I did better because the average ping was higher back then than it is now, I'm going to stop you right there because there are way more factors involved than that, and trying to reduce it all to ping is retarded.

stop strawmanning, ping isnt everything, but a large factor
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Offline Stroke0fd34th

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #486 on: March 25, 2021, 06:38:57 am »
Thanks Godfried for giving an example from 6 years ago vs ~average players with an average ping of (74+54+56+49+55+55)/6 = ~57.2 ping


now heres a game where you lose (also bottomfrag) where the meta is blockchambering (which you yourself have abused frequently) and with avg opponent ping of (46+23+35+27+33)/5 = 32.8, a whole 43% reduction. This I would say about mirrors the drop in average ping for east coasters as a result of the switch from dallas to chicago for almost every server

And? You realize my screenshot from NA Groupfight wasn't about how well I was doing vs average players with an average of 57 ping right? It was purely to show what kind of ping I used to get on Dallas.

And what is the screenshot of me losing and bottom fragging supposed to prove? Other than the average ping seems to be lower than it used to be...which is a good thing.
If your point is that I did better because the average ping was higher back then than it is now, I'm going to stop you right there because there are way more factors involved than that, and trying to reduce it all to ping is retarded.

stop strawmanning, ping isnt everything, but a large factor

lol. Tells me to stop straw-manning but confirms I was right about the point he was trying to make. Alright.

Ping isn't a large factor. You're using 1 screenshot, and making an assumption on it without having even seen the match. That's honestly dumb as fuck. How am I supposed to take you seriously?

Offline Fartknocker

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #487 on: March 25, 2021, 06:39:40 am »

UFC NW Fight Night 3
Whenever You Can
Main Card:
*Wastee vs. Godfreid*
*Cwater vs. Jaax*
Lawbringer vs. James (Catchweight bout)
Hawkince vs. Pedro
Piktonss vs. Vlad
Under Card:
Theodin vs. Mikey
Camden vs. Red Viper
Shinto vs. Knives
Stryker vs. Pickle
Glenn vs. Hunteh

63e pawn in an anti-63e world.

Offline Mexican

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #488 on: March 25, 2021, 06:41:12 am »
Thanks Godfried for giving an example from 6 years ago vs ~average players with an average ping of (74+54+56+49+55+55)/6 = ~57.2 ping


now heres a game where you lose (also bottomfrag) where the meta is blockchambering (which you yourself have abused frequently) and with avg opponent ping of (46+23+35+27+33)/5 = 32.8, a whole 43% reduction. This I would say about mirrors the drop in average ping for east coasters as a result of the switch from dallas to chicago for almost every server

And? You realize my screenshot from NA Groupfight wasn't about how well I was doing vs average players with an average of 57 ping right? It was purely to show what kind of ping I used to get on Dallas.

And what is the screenshot of me losing and bottom fragging supposed to prove? Other than the average ping seems to be lower than it used to be...which is a good thing.
If your point is that I did better because the average ping was higher back then than it is now, I'm going to stop you right there because there are way more factors involved than that, and trying to reduce it all to ping is retarded.

stop strawmanning, ping isnt everything, but a large factor

lol. Tells me to stop straw-manning but confirms I was right about the point he was trying to make. Alright.

Ping isn't a large factor. You're using 1 screenshot, and making an assumption on it without having even seen the match. That's honestly dumb as fuck. How am I supposed to take you seriously?
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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #489 on: March 25, 2021, 06:43:39 am »

UFC NW Fight Night 3
Whenever You Can
Main Card:
*Wastee vs. Godfreid*
*Cwater vs. Jaax*
Lawbringer vs. James (Catchweight bout)
Hawkince vs. Pedro
Piktonss vs. Vlad
Under Card:
Theodin vs. Mikey
Camden vs. Red Viper
Shinto vs. Knives
Stryker vs. Pickle
Glenn vs. Hunteh

Wanna help the Wiki, join the Discord! Here are also the FSE Thread and Taleworlds Thread.

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #490 on: March 25, 2021, 06:48:17 am »

UFC NW Fight Night 3
Whenever You Can
Main Card:
*Wastee vs. Godfreid*
*Cwater vs. Jaax*
Lawbringer vs. James (Catchweight bout)
Hawkince vs. Pedro
Piktonss vs. Vlad
Under Card:
Theodin vs. Mikey
Camden vs. Red Viper
Shinto vs. Knives
Stryker vs. Pickle
Glenn vs. Hunteh

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #491 on: March 25, 2021, 07:00:55 am »
i will duel knives if he agrees to live up to his name and only use the partizani butterknife

Offline Phil The Thril

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #492 on: March 25, 2021, 08:39:49 am »
Thanks Godfried for giving an example from 6 years ago vs ~average players with an average ping of (74+54+56+49+55+55)/6 = ~57.2 ping


now heres a game where you lose (also bottomfrag) where the meta is blockchambering (which you yourself have abused frequently) and with avg opponent ping of (46+23+35+27+33)/5 = 32.8, a whole 43% reduction. This I would say about mirrors the drop in average ping for east coasters as a result of the switch from dallas to chicago for almost every server

And? You realize my screenshot from NA Groupfight wasn't about how well I was doing vs average players with an average of 57 ping right? It was purely to show what kind of ping I used to get on Dallas.

And what is the screenshot of me losing and bottom fragging supposed to prove? Other than the average ping seems to be lower than it used to be...which is a good thing.
If your point is that I did better because the average ping was higher back then than it is now, I'm going to stop you right there because there are way more factors involved than that, and trying to reduce it all to ping is retarded.

stop strawmanning, ping isnt everything, but a large factor

lol. Tells me to stop straw-manning but confirms I was right about the point he was trying to make. Alright.

Ping isn't a large factor. You're using 1 screenshot, and making an assumption on it without having even seen the match. That's honestly dumb as fuck. How am I supposed to take you seriously?
For someone that is majoring in philosophy and is always touting their superior intellect, you are shockingly bad at rhetoric.
Nice Guy. Tries Hard. Loves The Game.


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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #493 on: March 25, 2021, 09:46:24 am »
Book smart not street smart

Offline Fartknocker

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Re: UFC - NW
« Reply #494 on: March 25, 2021, 01:03:53 pm »

UFC NW Fight Night 3
Whenever You Can
Main Card:
*Wastee vs. Godfreid*
*Cwater vs. Jaax*
Lawbringer vs. James (Catchweight bout)
Hawkince vs. Pedro
Piktonss vs. Vlad
Under Card:
Theodin vs. Mikey
Camden vs. Red Viper
Shinto vs. Knives
Stryker vs. Pickle
Glenn vs. Hunteh

63e pawn in an anti-63e world.