Author Topic: Fart's Melee Rating List (NA) *Updates Made Whenever I Feel Like It*  (Read 114563 times)

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8=====================D ~ ~ ~ ~

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Re: Fart's Melee Rating List (NA) *Updates Made Whenever I Feel Like It*
« Reply #1172 on: February 01, 2019, 05:23:46 am »

do you ever stop spewing shit out of your mouth?



IDK you tell me
old gen vs new gen, you seem to talk a lot more despite not using a microphone  :P

"stepping down from leading" = "joining the biggest bandwagon at the time" (92nd)

wow! the great windflower theorem

"i hate bandwagon regiments"

(hypocrisy  ::) )

also PSG did not "always" beat or tie the 84e and associate renames. The score between both regiments was more so even but in the 84e's favor.

you did beat us during our purges but at our height with Damien + Marceaux + Jangofett we did 8-2 you guys consistently and even landed a 9-1 sometime in 2014.

im sure we even dealt losses to the PSG in leagues...
1. he does use a mic.
2. id ask damien but he doesn't exist anymore, he clearly remembers labeling the PSG as one of the 'warmup' regiments to 1v1 prior to 1v1ing bigger name regiments such as the 58e/3eVolt/71st at the time...
1. rarely
2. I think damien was smoking crack or something he had some garbage tier leading ahaha the 84e never had shit on us after Mockingjay left in our early early history.

lol you don't have anything left to say so you're resorting to spewing whatever you can, MATT did point that out earlier.  ::)

in accordance to leading in the 84e and the associate regiments, the leading order was as follows


each leader was competent and able but Damien pulled the most wins for the 84e/associate regiments, he was the best leader skill-wise in 1v1s at the time

7-3'd the 63e Grd line, tied 58e with players averaging 150 hours...list goes on

I deleted all of my screenshots awhile ago but im sure some former 84e have a collection of our 1v1 record, we surely 8-2'd and 9-1'd you guys several times

the only huge loss I quite remember was an 8-2 against the 111e yet this was after the 5th or so purge/exodus...Marceaux's leading not Damien's and was not prime 84e members (our height)
you surely did not 8-2 and 9-1 us many times like you are proclaiming and Marceaux was the most skilled leader of that regiment.

you're right I do not have anything left to say, you are the one talking to me, so stop.

no Marceaux was not, Damien had waaaay more wins (was more active for much longer) and won or tied against upper tier regiments at the time of our height

and yes we did 8-2 and 9-1 you several times, at this point in time of NW you're just lucky the old 84e vanished from existence and im one of the only active ones left who remember all of this  :-\

as i said before, you left what you created for a bandwagon yet you shit on bandwagons

"you don't know what you're talking about"

you have zero credibility you're only roasting "bandwagon" regiments out of envy at this point.
What are you even talking about? The 92nd was hardly a bandwagon it's second time around, many people abandoned it after the first week and I stayed in it until the very end which only Coconut and I did pretty much. Please stop talking to me you flyweight.


ahahaha yes it was a bandwagon

it had Jackie and Zzehth the two players everyone heralded as the "Best of NA" at the time most people wanted to play with them or be around them hence they would join the 92nd the regiment itself was invite only for a time which made recruitment and entry to the regiment selective

the regiment had a host of ex 12th, 9y and 1stFKI members in it

and you did stay in it until it died but you were not in it for long, it disbanded shortly after  :)

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Re: Fart's Melee Rating List (NA) *Updates Made Whenever I Feel Like It*
« Reply #1173 on: February 01, 2019, 05:29:38 am »
click here to join the 84th

Offline Windflower

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Re: Fart's Melee Rating List (NA) *Updates Made Whenever I Feel Like It*
« Reply #1174 on: February 01, 2019, 05:37:18 am »

do you ever stop spewing shit out of your mouth?



IDK you tell me
old gen vs new gen, you seem to talk a lot more despite not using a microphone  :P

"stepping down from leading" = "joining the biggest bandwagon at the time" (92nd)

wow! the great windflower theorem

"i hate bandwagon regiments"

(hypocrisy  ::) )

also PSG did not "always" beat or tie the 84e and associate renames. The score between both regiments was more so even but in the 84e's favor.

you did beat us during our purges but at our height with Damien + Marceaux + Jangofett we did 8-2 you guys consistently and even landed a 9-1 sometime in 2014.

im sure we even dealt losses to the PSG in leagues...
1. he does use a mic.
2. id ask damien but he doesn't exist anymore, he clearly remembers labeling the PSG as one of the 'warmup' regiments to 1v1 prior to 1v1ing bigger name regiments such as the 58e/3eVolt/71st at the time...
1. rarely
2. I think damien was smoking crack or something he had some garbage tier leading ahaha the 84e never had shit on us after Mockingjay left in our early early history.

lol you don't have anything left to say so you're resorting to spewing whatever you can, MATT did point that out earlier.  ::)

in accordance to leading in the 84e and the associate regiments, the leading order was as follows


each leader was competent and able but Damien pulled the most wins for the 84e/associate regiments, he was the best leader skill-wise in 1v1s at the time

7-3'd the 63e Grd line, tied 58e with players averaging 150 hours...list goes on

I deleted all of my screenshots awhile ago but im sure some former 84e have a collection of our 1v1 record, we surely 8-2'd and 9-1'd you guys several times

the only huge loss I quite remember was an 8-2 against the 111e yet this was after the 5th or so purge/exodus...Marceaux's leading not Damien's and was not prime 84e members (our height)
you surely did not 8-2 and 9-1 us many times like you are proclaiming and Marceaux was the most skilled leader of that regiment.

you're right I do not have anything left to say, you are the one talking to me, so stop.

no Marceaux was not, Damien had waaaay more wins (was more active for much longer) and won or tied against upper tier regiments at the time of our height

and yes we did 8-2 and 9-1 you several times, at this point in time of NW you're just lucky the old 84e vanished from existence and im one of the only active ones left who remember all of this  :-\

as i said before, you left what you created for a bandwagon yet you shit on bandwagons

"you don't know what you're talking about"

you have zero credibility you're only roasting "bandwagon" regiments out of envy at this point.
What are you even talking about? The 92nd was hardly a bandwagon it's second time around, many people abandoned it after the first week and I stayed in it until the very end which only Coconut and I did pretty much. Please stop talking to me you flyweight.


ahahaha yes it was a bandwagon

it had Jackie and Zzehth the two players everyone heralded as the "Best of NA" at the time most people wanted to play with them or be around them hence they would join the 92nd the regiment itself was invite only for a time which made recruitment and entry to the regiment selective

the regiment had a host of ex 12th, 9y and 1stFKI members in it

and you did stay in it until it died but you were not in it for long, it disbanded shortly after  :)
2nd reformation =/= the first
I was in it Nov - May.

NAPL season 1 saw the greatest regiment winning
ribbit 🐸 cute? 😳 im not cute 😓 i mean my parents 👨‍👩‍👧 call me cute ☺️ but honestly 👉👈 ive never ❌ heard it 👂 from someone else 🗣 before 🥰 thanks i guess? 😳

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Re: Fart's Melee Rating List (NA) *Updates Made Whenever I Feel Like It*
« Reply #1175 on: February 01, 2019, 05:55:44 am »
where is the melee list salt  # wastee

Offline Stroke0fd34th

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Re: Fart's Melee Rating List (NA) *Updates Made Whenever I Feel Like It*
« Reply #1176 on: February 01, 2019, 06:10:14 am »
I'm not freaking out about my place on the list, mr "rage and blame your failures on others" it's just obvious that I'm the best player by far now and alot of people won't acknoweldge it cuz I was a major troll.

If there was a data set of who has dropped 40+ frags the most in the past year, I would be ahead astronomically lol its not even close.

The difference between 94 and 92 is a lot

I calculated me, yoshies, and godfreids scores from 5 of the groupfight pictures that rafael posted. I was only in 4 of them, so I had to use this recent groupfights score in the calculations

MATT's past 5 groupfights:

Godfreids past 5 groupfights:

Yoshies past 5 groupfights:

In all 5 of their gfs, they had their same consistent low, 29-30 ping. 2 of the gfs in my sample are from when I had 70 ping on wifi, with no headphones, or mousepad. (not making this shit up lol)

MATT top fragged: 4 out of 5 gfs
Godfried top fragged : 0 out of 5 gfs
Yoshie top fragged: 0 out of 5 gfs

MATT total kills: 190
godfried total kills: 110
yoshie total kills: 164

MATT total deaths: 80
godfreid total deaths: 95
yoshie total deaths: 94

MATT K/D: 2.37
godfreid K/D: 1.15
yoshie K/d: 1.74

MATT duel tournament wins 2018: 2
Godfreid duel tournament wins 2018: 1
yoshie duel tournament wins 2018: 0

and the one duel tournament win that godfreid got could have gone to me but I memed too hard.

couple things

1)I won Anthony's Duel tournament and the North American Duel League which were the biggest duel events in 2018. I didn't bother competing in the other 2 because they were too small.

2)My groupfighting style isn't frag focused. I just don't like spamming or footlancing. I create opportunities for teammates to get kills by letting them bait/work off me if pushing, and if Kiting I just drag as many players as I can and survive as long as I can/sometimes win the smaller engagements I create. There's more to groupfighting than kills, and there's usually players with playstyles better suited for mass-fragging on my team, all I gotta do is create time for them to work and opportunities for them to exploit. And I still come out of most groupfights with a solid KD regardless of my playstyle/position.

Also I've been playing with a broken mouse since November lol

Kills win games

Kills win games, but killing the same 3-5 outnumbered players over 15+ rounds doesn't make someone good.

If you want to gauge someones actual groupfighting skill, see how they do in a 2v2-5v5

Too small? They had 20-30 players and one was for money,  also the only difference between those tournaments and anthonys big tournament was that anthonys had an extra 20 noobs to act as filler.

Baiting for your team isnt difficult and me and other great pushers do it all the time, you dont go out of your way to "bait" for your team, the situation just springs up where you distract a guy for a few seconds so your teammate can backstab them.

Thats great you can kite and drag people for a while before getting updowned...just  that every other decent blocker in the community can do that and your ability to block up downs is FAR from the ability that players like cwater, rune, and the messiah of blocking anthony can do.

There isnt more to gfing than kills. Thats exactly what it is. Kill the enemy team. Dont die. Thats great you can drag or be a "support" player but the hardest role in gfing is getting kills and frags because the team depends on you to win the groupfight. Which i do.

Also I dont bait my teammates, im actually the one hard charging on the right ahead of my teammates forcing the enemies on the flank to be separated so we can updown them and get kills.

I dont kill the same 3-5 people every round, most my kills come from target switching and updowns, I dont specificaly target anyone and I dont think youve analyzed my playstyle every round of every groupfight to be able to tell me how I play. You are just creating bullshit because you cant frag like I can.

Lol, "actual groupfighting skill"

Here we go, NW community changing the goal posts as always, first it was "dueling isnt actual skill, gfing is" now its "2v2s and 5v5s are actual skill!!!"

Regimental groupfights are the most common event in NW and regiments last a lot longer than tournaments and small groupfighting teams and leagues so the ability to do well in reg gfs is what matters the most.

19 and 26, yes, they were too small for me to bother with. And who cares, I didn't/don't need toucan's $20.

I dont kill the same 3-5 people every round, most my kills come from target switching and updowns, I dont specificaly target anyone and I dont think youve analyzed my playstyle every round of every groupfight to be able to tell me how I play. You are just creating bullshit because you cant frag like I can.

That wasn't specifically directed at you. It was a general assessment of players who frag by being on their lines pushing side, and response to BabyJ.  Most of the time it's the same ~3-5 (depends on attendance) getting overwhelmed. That isn't hard. I did that last night and got almost 30 frags, that's with me sitting out for 1/3 of the groupfight because my ping was 150, and I could've gotten more had I stayed pushing but I switched to the kiting side to help that out for the last 4-5 rounds.

Also as a general fact, changing the way you kill 3-5 players...doesn't mean you aren't killing the same 3-5 players

Here we go, NW community changing the goal posts as always, first it was "dueling isnt actual skill, gfing is" now its "2v2s and 5v5s are actual skill!!!"

I'm not the "NW community" and how I judge skill has remained the same through out my time playing. 1)Dueling -> As long as it isn't pure s keying and patience play I find to be the best indicator of a persons skill as it best demonstrates mechanical knowledge and application. 2) Small, generally tournament sized groupfights -> the larger the groupfight the more the numbers and momentum have an impact, and the less individual skill matters. By contrast, the smaller the groupfight the more individual skill matters the harder it is to just overwhelm good players. 3) Regimental Groupfights -> for reasons stated.

There isnt more to gfing than kills. Thats exactly what it is. Kill the enemy team. Dont die.
That's essentially a shit simple description of groupfighting. This is what I would tell a recruit attending their first groupfight so as not to confuse them and make them overthink what they're about to experience.

In conclusion, I don't, and will never view overwhelming outnumbered enemies as a significant skill. If you weren't on the pushing side and instead were in say mid, the pushing side would still function fine without you, because it's a numbers game. Sure that person who replaced you might not drop 46 kills in 37 rounds, but the pushing side will be alright.

aand the rest of it you're responding to shit I didn't say (didn't say you baited teammates, didn't even comment about your playstyle), or is something I don't think merits a response soo...

Offline Rutger Müller

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Re: Fart's Melee Rating List (NA) *Updates Made Whenever I Feel Like It*
« Reply #1177 on: February 01, 2019, 06:28:42 am »
<--- will literally 7-0 everyone here

Offline Windflower

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Re: Fart's Melee Rating List (NA) *Updates Made Whenever I Feel Like It*
« Reply #1178 on: February 01, 2019, 06:35:12 am »

NAPL season 1 saw the greatest regiment winning
ribbit 🐸 cute? 😳 im not cute 😓 i mean my parents 👨‍👩‍👧 call me cute ☺️ but honestly 👉👈 ive never ❌ heard it 👂 from someone else 🗣 before 🥰 thanks i guess? 😳

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Re: Fart's Melee Rating List (NA) *Updates Made Whenever I Feel Like It*
« Reply #1179 on: February 01, 2019, 06:35:35 am »
<--- will literally 7-0 everyone here
No one can stop God and anime

1x NA Duel- Runner up |  3x 3v3- 3rd place (Seadderol Deflatriots) (Ez Money) (71st Guards + Russian) | 1x Duel League- 4th place | 1x Regimental Groupfighting- 1st place (71st)  l  1x 2v2- 3rd Place (Vortex/Theodin) | TNWL Season 2 - 1st Place l 1x 2v2- 1st Place (Theodin/Elite) l 2x NANWL-
 71st, Nr8(LG) l 1x 4v4- 1st Place (RussianFury, Waste, NickCole, Theodin) l 1x Cav Joust- 2nd Place l 1x 4v4-
 3rd Place (Theodin, AsianP, Sleek, Godfried, Lurvy) l 1x 5v5 - 1st Place (RussianFury, Yoshie, Krastinov, Jorge, Theodin - Thanos and his children)


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Re: Fart's Melee Rating List (NA) *Updates Made Whenever I Feel Like It*
« Reply #1180 on: February 01, 2019, 06:53:09 am »
I'm not freaking out about my place on the list, mr "rage and blame your failures on others" it's just obvious that I'm the best player by far now and alot of people won't acknoweldge it cuz I was a major troll.

If there was a data set of who has dropped 40+ frags the most in the past year, I would be ahead astronomically lol its not even close.

The difference between 94 and 92 is a lot

I calculated me, yoshies, and godfreids scores from 5 of the groupfight pictures that rafael posted. I was only in 4 of them, so I had to use this recent groupfights score in the calculations

MATT's past 5 groupfights:

Godfreids past 5 groupfights:

Yoshies past 5 groupfights:

In all 5 of their gfs, they had their same consistent low, 29-30 ping. 2 of the gfs in my sample are from when I had 70 ping on wifi, with no headphones, or mousepad. (not making this shit up lol)

MATT top fragged: 4 out of 5 gfs
Godfried top fragged : 0 out of 5 gfs
Yoshie top fragged: 0 out of 5 gfs

MATT total kills: 190
godfried total kills: 110
yoshie total kills: 164

MATT total deaths: 80
godfreid total deaths: 95
yoshie total deaths: 94

MATT K/D: 2.37
godfreid K/D: 1.15
yoshie K/d: 1.74

MATT duel tournament wins 2018: 2
Godfreid duel tournament wins 2018: 1
yoshie duel tournament wins 2018: 0

and the one duel tournament win that godfreid got could have gone to me but I memed too hard.

couple things

1)I won Anthony's Duel tournament and the North American Duel League which were the biggest duel events in 2018. I didn't bother competing in the other 2 because they were too small.

2)My groupfighting style isn't frag focused. I just don't like spamming or footlancing. I create opportunities for teammates to get kills by letting them bait/work off me if pushing, and if Kiting I just drag as many players as I can and survive as long as I can/sometimes win the smaller engagements I create. There's more to groupfighting than kills, and there's usually players with playstyles better suited for mass-fragging on my team, all I gotta do is create time for them to work and opportunities for them to exploit. And I still come out of most groupfights with a solid KD regardless of my playstyle/position.

Also I've been playing with a broken mouse since November lol

Kills win games

Kills win games, but killing the same 3-5 outnumbered players over 15+ rounds doesn't make someone good.

If you want to gauge someones actual groupfighting skill, see how they do in a 2v2-5v5

Too small? They had 20-30 players and one was for money,  also the only difference between those tournaments and anthonys big tournament was that anthonys had an extra 20 noobs to act as filler.

Baiting for your team isnt difficult and me and other great pushers do it all the time, you dont go out of your way to "bait" for your team, the situation just springs up where you distract a guy for a few seconds so your teammate can backstab them.

Thats great you can kite and drag people for a while before getting updowned...just  that every other decent blocker in the community can do that and your ability to block up downs is FAR from the ability that players like cwater, rune, and the messiah of blocking anthony can do.

There isnt more to gfing than kills. Thats exactly what it is. Kill the enemy team. Dont die. Thats great you can drag or be a "support" player but the hardest role in gfing is getting kills and frags because the team depends on you to win the groupfight. Which i do.

Also I dont bait my teammates, im actually the one hard charging on the right ahead of my teammates forcing the enemies on the flank to be separated so we can updown them and get kills.

I dont kill the same 3-5 people every round, most my kills come from target switching and updowns, I dont specificaly target anyone and I dont think youve analyzed my playstyle every round of every groupfight to be able to tell me how I play. You are just creating bullshit because you cant frag like I can.

Lol, "actual groupfighting skill"

Here we go, NW community changing the goal posts as always, first it was "dueling isnt actual skill, gfing is" now its "2v2s and 5v5s are actual skill!!!"

Regimental groupfights are the most common event in NW and regiments last a lot longer than tournaments and small groupfighting teams and leagues so the ability to do well in reg gfs is what matters the most.

19 and 26, yes, they were too small for me to bother with. And who cares, I didn't/don't need toucan's $20.

I dont kill the same 3-5 people every round, most my kills come from target switching and updowns, I dont specificaly target anyone and I dont think youve analyzed my playstyle every round of every groupfight to be able to tell me how I play. You are just creating bullshit because you cant frag like I can.

That wasn't specifically directed at you. It was a general assessment of players who frag by being on their lines pushing side, and response to BabyJ.  Most of the time it's the same ~3-5 (depends on attendance) getting overwhelmed. That isn't hard. I did that last night and got almost 30 frags, that's with me sitting out for 1/3 of the groupfight because my ping was 150, and I could've gotten more had I stayed pushing but I switched to the kiting side to help that out for the last 4-5 rounds.

Also as a general fact, changing the way you kill 3-5 players...doesn't mean you aren't killing the same 3-5 players

Here we go, NW community changing the goal posts as always, first it was "dueling isnt actual skill, gfing is" now its "2v2s and 5v5s are actual skill!!!"

I'm not the "NW community" and how I judge skill has remained the same through out my time playing. 1)Dueling -> As long as it isn't pure s keying and patience play I find to be the best indicator of a persons skill as it best demonstrates mechanical knowledge and application. 2) Small, generally tournament sized groupfights -> the larger the groupfight the more the numbers and momentum have an impact, and the less individual skill matters. By contrast, the smaller the groupfight the more individual skill matters the harder it is to just overwhelm good players. 3) Regimental Groupfights -> for reasons stated.

There isnt more to gfing than kills. Thats exactly what it is. Kill the enemy team. Dont die.
That's essentially a shit simple description of groupfighting. This is what I would tell a recruit attending their first groupfight so as not to confuse them and make them overthink what they're about to experience.

In conclusion, I don't, and will never view overwhelming outnumbered enemies as a significant skill. If you weren't on the pushing side and instead were in say mid, the pushing side would still function fine without you, because it's a numbers game. Sure that person who replaced you might not drop 46 kills in 37 rounds, but the pushing side will be alright.

aand the rest of it you're responding to shit I didn't say (didn't say you baited teammates, didn't even comment about your playstyle), or is something I don't think merits a response soo...

You can't blame the kiting side anymore for doing bad, today I played on the kiting side every round and went 46-28, and from my obsevation its actually easier to get kills on the kiting side, people are  W keying into you and you can target switch constantly and get lots of kills. As we all know in NW, s keying away gives you a huge advantage, so no more excuses for doing bad on the kiting side. This was my FIRST time playing on the kiting side too.

Getting kills is how you win a groupfight. Theres nothing else to say, thats literally what it is. Nobody cares how great you think you are at "supporting" others, the few players getting kills is what wins the rounds, someone whos a 92 shouldnt be delegated to a noob task such as "support", a 92 rated player is suppose to be someone whos spinning around getting lots of kills winning rounds ,not s keying and blocking,  you are right its a numbers game in large groupfights, thats why you only block and cant be trusted with footlancing because then youll die and your team will be outnumbered. Your role is literally "just block and let the good players get all the kills".

"In conclusion, I don't, and will never view overwhelming outnumbered enemies as a significant skill."

Well today I was on the outnumbered side every round and did almost as good as I normally do. So you putting up average scores at gfing isn't because of the part of the map you play on its because of YOU. Shocker I know right, its very damaging to ones ego to admit that maybe its your fault for not doing great and not the games or someone elses fault?

I assumed you were talking about me, because its become a meme in the community that all I do is get worthless kills during a groupfight.

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Re: Fart's Melee Rating List (NA) *Updates Made Whenever I Feel Like It*
« Reply #1181 on: February 01, 2019, 07:01:23 am »
Well guys, we titled waste so hard in rocket league he disbanded the LG. have fun gaymers. He shut down the ts, closed the server, kicked all the officers on the steam groupchats.


Also i'm a Major General, that's cool.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2019, 07:03:44 am by RussianFury »

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Re: Fart's Melee Rating List (NA) *Updates Made Whenever I Feel Like It*
« Reply #1182 on: February 01, 2019, 07:02:46 am »
Well guys, we titled waste so hard in rocket league he disbanded the LG. have fun gaymers. shut down the ts, closed the server, kicked all the officers on steam groupchats.


it was a good run

click here to join the 84th

Offline Rutger Müller

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Re: Fart's Melee Rating List (NA) *Updates Made Whenever I Feel Like It*
« Reply #1183 on: February 01, 2019, 07:29:28 am »
Yo that was a cool mini series bro :(
Had darf mawl n stuff

Offline Stroke0fd34th

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Re: Fart's Melee Rating List (NA) *Updates Made Whenever I Feel Like It*
« Reply #1184 on: February 01, 2019, 09:39:29 am »
I'm not freaking out about my place on the list, mr "rage and blame your failures on others" it's just obvious that I'm the best player by far now and alot of people won't acknoweldge it cuz I was a major troll.

If there was a data set of who has dropped 40+ frags the most in the past year, I would be ahead astronomically lol its not even close.

The difference between 94 and 92 is a lot

I calculated me, yoshies, and godfreids scores from 5 of the groupfight pictures that rafael posted. I was only in 4 of them, so I had to use this recent groupfights score in the calculations

MATT's past 5 groupfights:

Godfreids past 5 groupfights:

Yoshies past 5 groupfights:

In all 5 of their gfs, they had their same consistent low, 29-30 ping. 2 of the gfs in my sample are from when I had 70 ping on wifi, with no headphones, or mousepad. (not making this shit up lol)

MATT top fragged: 4 out of 5 gfs
Godfried top fragged : 0 out of 5 gfs
Yoshie top fragged: 0 out of 5 gfs

MATT total kills: 190
godfried total kills: 110
yoshie total kills: 164

MATT total deaths: 80
godfreid total deaths: 95
yoshie total deaths: 94

MATT K/D: 2.37
godfreid K/D: 1.15
yoshie K/d: 1.74

MATT duel tournament wins 2018: 2
Godfreid duel tournament wins 2018: 1
yoshie duel tournament wins 2018: 0

and the one duel tournament win that godfreid got could have gone to me but I memed too hard.

couple things

1)I won Anthony's Duel tournament and the North American Duel League which were the biggest duel events in 2018. I didn't bother competing in the other 2 because they were too small.

2)My groupfighting style isn't frag focused. I just don't like spamming or footlancing. I create opportunities for teammates to get kills by letting them bait/work off me if pushing, and if Kiting I just drag as many players as I can and survive as long as I can/sometimes win the smaller engagements I create. There's more to groupfighting than kills, and there's usually players with playstyles better suited for mass-fragging on my team, all I gotta do is create time for them to work and opportunities for them to exploit. And I still come out of most groupfights with a solid KD regardless of my playstyle/position.

Also I've been playing with a broken mouse since November lol

Kills win games

Kills win games, but killing the same 3-5 outnumbered players over 15+ rounds doesn't make someone good.

If you want to gauge someones actual groupfighting skill, see how they do in a 2v2-5v5

Too small? They had 20-30 players and one was for money,  also the only difference between those tournaments and anthonys big tournament was that anthonys had an extra 20 noobs to act as filler.

Baiting for your team isnt difficult and me and other great pushers do it all the time, you dont go out of your way to "bait" for your team, the situation just springs up where you distract a guy for a few seconds so your teammate can backstab them.

Thats great you can kite and drag people for a while before getting updowned...just  that every other decent blocker in the community can do that and your ability to block up downs is FAR from the ability that players like cwater, rune, and the messiah of blocking anthony can do.

There isnt more to gfing than kills. Thats exactly what it is. Kill the enemy team. Dont die. Thats great you can drag or be a "support" player but the hardest role in gfing is getting kills and frags because the team depends on you to win the groupfight. Which i do.

Also I dont bait my teammates, im actually the one hard charging on the right ahead of my teammates forcing the enemies on the flank to be separated so we can updown them and get kills.

I dont kill the same 3-5 people every round, most my kills come from target switching and updowns, I dont specificaly target anyone and I dont think youve analyzed my playstyle every round of every groupfight to be able to tell me how I play. You are just creating bullshit because you cant frag like I can.

Lol, "actual groupfighting skill"

Here we go, NW community changing the goal posts as always, first it was "dueling isnt actual skill, gfing is" now its "2v2s and 5v5s are actual skill!!!"

Regimental groupfights are the most common event in NW and regiments last a lot longer than tournaments and small groupfighting teams and leagues so the ability to do well in reg gfs is what matters the most.

19 and 26, yes, they were too small for me to bother with. And who cares, I didn't/don't need toucan's $20.

I dont kill the same 3-5 people every round, most my kills come from target switching and updowns, I dont specificaly target anyone and I dont think youve analyzed my playstyle every round of every groupfight to be able to tell me how I play. You are just creating bullshit because you cant frag like I can.

That wasn't specifically directed at you. It was a general assessment of players who frag by being on their lines pushing side, and response to BabyJ.  Most of the time it's the same ~3-5 (depends on attendance) getting overwhelmed. That isn't hard. I did that last night and got almost 30 frags, that's with me sitting out for 1/3 of the groupfight because my ping was 150, and I could've gotten more had I stayed pushing but I switched to the kiting side to help that out for the last 4-5 rounds.

Also as a general fact, changing the way you kill 3-5 players...doesn't mean you aren't killing the same 3-5 players

Here we go, NW community changing the goal posts as always, first it was "dueling isnt actual skill, gfing is" now its "2v2s and 5v5s are actual skill!!!"

I'm not the "NW community" and how I judge skill has remained the same through out my time playing. 1)Dueling -> As long as it isn't pure s keying and patience play I find to be the best indicator of a persons skill as it best demonstrates mechanical knowledge and application. 2) Small, generally tournament sized groupfights -> the larger the groupfight the more the numbers and momentum have an impact, and the less individual skill matters. By contrast, the smaller the groupfight the more individual skill matters the harder it is to just overwhelm good players. 3) Regimental Groupfights -> for reasons stated.

There isnt more to gfing than kills. Thats exactly what it is. Kill the enemy team. Dont die.
That's essentially a shit simple description of groupfighting. This is what I would tell a recruit attending their first groupfight so as not to confuse them and make them overthink what they're about to experience.

In conclusion, I don't, and will never view overwhelming outnumbered enemies as a significant skill. If you weren't on the pushing side and instead were in say mid, the pushing side would still function fine without you, because it's a numbers game. Sure that person who replaced you might not drop 46 kills in 37 rounds, but the pushing side will be alright.

aand the rest of it you're responding to shit I didn't say (didn't say you baited teammates, didn't even comment about your playstyle), or is something I don't think merits a response soo...

You can't blame the kiting side anymore for doing bad, today I played on the kiting side every round and went 46-28, and from my obsevation its actually easier to get kills on the kiting side, people are  W keying into you and you can target switch constantly and get lots of kills. As we all know in NW, s keying away gives you a huge advantage, so no more excuses for doing bad on the kiting side. This was my FIRST time playing on the kiting side too.

Getting kills is how you win a groupfight. Theres nothing else to say, thats literally what it is. Nobody cares how great you think you are at "supporting" others, the few players getting kills is what wins the rounds, someone whos a 92 shouldnt be delegated to a noob task such as "support", a 92 rated player is suppose to be someone whos spinning around getting lots of kills winning rounds ,not s keying and blocking,  you are right its a numbers game in large groupfights, thats why you only block and cant be trusted with footlancing because then youll die and your team will be outnumbered. Your role is literally "just block and let the good players get all the kills".

"In conclusion, I don't, and will never view overwhelming outnumbered enemies as a significant skill."

Well today I was on the outnumbered side every round and did almost as good as I normally do. So you putting up average scores at gfing isn't because of the part of the map you play on its because of YOU. Shocker I know right, its very damaging to ones ego to admit that maybe its your fault for not doing great and not the games or someone elses fault?

I assumed you were talking about me, because its become a meme in the community that all I do is get worthless kills during a groupfight.

I'll start with the most autistic thing and work from there.

My point ->
In conclusion, I don't, and will never view overwhelming outnumbered enemies as a significant skill. If you weren't on the pushing side and instead were in say mid, the pushing side would still function fine without you, because it's a numbers game. Sure that person who replaced you might not drop 46 kills in 37 rounds, but the pushing side will be alright.

Your direct response to that quote ->
Well today I was on the outnumbered side every round and did almost as good as I normally do. So you putting up average scores at gfing isn't because of the part of the map you play on its because of YOU. Shocker I know right, its very damaging to ones ego to admit that maybe its your fault for not doing great and not the games or someone elses fault?

This is just straight up autism. You're either under the impression I said you couldn't play the kiting side (which I never did)...or you're under the impression that you being able to play well on the kiting side makes overwhelming and outnumber players a skill. Which....I shouldn't need to tell you how stupid that is.

If anything your performance proves my point, especially the part where I said if you weren't on the pushing side, it would be alright....and, it was...because it's a numbers game. Outnumbering and overwhelming a group of players doesn't take skill. It just doesn't. If you can beat outnumbered and overwhelmed players, you're average, if you can't, you're below average. Holding off and surviving/winning while outnumbered takes skill. That's why the only skilled parts of a groupfighting line is the kiting side and mid...cause if you mess up on the pushing're  just bad, plain and simple.

You're a good player, so you can play either side... ...I never said you were a bad player. I too happen to do very well regardless of where I play, and have been able to do so for years.

Shocker I know right, its very damaging to ones ego to admit that maybe its your fault for not doing great and not the games or someone elses fault?

My groupfighting style isn't frag focused.

Damn, you're right, wish I didn't blame the game and my teammates so much for my groupfighting scores...if only I had the intelligence to look at how I ever will my ego possibly recover after that hard truth...

You're also grossly mischaracterizing my playstyle saying all I do is block and s key. If that was the case I wouldn't drop 25-30 frags on average or go positive. I would always have 0 kills and be deep in the negative lol. Common sense isn't so common I guess.

I understand though:
I dont think youve analyzed my playstyle every round of every groupfight to be able to tell me how I play. You are just creating bullshit..

someone whos a 92 shouldnt be delegated to a noob task such as "support", a 92 rated player is suppose to be someone whos spinning around getting lots of kills winning rounds

a 92 rated player should be able to perform among the best regardless of situation, whether it be in a groupfight or duel. Not just someone who can spin around a lot and getting lots of kills.