Author Topic: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!  (Read 874548 times)

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Offline 42nd Hunter

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #2175 on: September 24, 2014, 10:44:33 pm »

"... there are no troops in the British service
more steady in battle than the Scotch regiments
- French General Foy

Paintings of the chaotic battle of Quatre Bras,
which the Black Watch suffered heavy casualties

Captain Celtic
Lieutenant Rezagh
Recruiting Serjeant Hunter




Events Schedule:
Tuesday - Siege Event 7pm GMT
Wednesday - Training at 6.30 GMT & Linebattle 7pm GMT
Friday - NA Linebattle 8pm EST
Saturday - Training 6pm GMT & Linebattle 7.30pm GMT
Sunday - Linebattle - 7pm GMT

Modifications & Reskin:
We use the fantastic Epic Enhancement Mod along with our own Regimental submod which gives the Officer a kilt, gives the Colour Serjeant a kilt, bonnet feathers and backpack and gives the rankers their bonnet feathers back:


Colour Serjeant:

About Us & Recruitment

Founded on the 10th of April 2012, after the release of Mount&Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars, as the 42nd Regiment of Foot - the Black Watch from veterans from the Mount&Musket mod of Warband, choosing to represent the most senior and - arguably - most famous Highland Regiment. The Regiment has since gone through the rocks and weathered many storms, nearly crashing and coming to an end once or twice. However through comradeship and combination of "play for fun" and historical immersion the Regiment has come out the better through it's trials. With a sense of historical appreciation and immersion, we can structure our Regiment through the use of historically accurate Ranks and formations. Now, while we realize it is only a game the history and appreciation of the historical 42nd and modern Black Watch is never far away. Upon acceptance of enlistment we provide our recruits with a Field Manual, that explains the basics of the Regiment, our codes of conducts and hand-made drawings of our formations.

King's and Regimental Colours of the Black Watch

Now the Regiment is a strong, solid unit which boasts good attendance and performances at Events and Linebattles. The 42nd prides itself of a sense of friendship and community, being much more than a Regiment we present ourselves as a gaming community which, infact, play 90% of game-time outside of Warband. While discipline and structure is used during Training, Events and Linebattles we still retain an ethos of banter and relaxation in TeamSpeak and within the community in general.

'In a Highland Regiment every individual feels that his conduct is the subject of observation and that,
independently of his duty, as one member of a systematic whole he has a separate and individual reputation to sustain,
which will be reflected on his family and district or glen.
- A 19th Century Black Watch historian

Wish to join the ranks of the 42nd Black Watch Highlanders?
Don the bonnet and kilt and proudly represent your Clan on the battlefield 'neath baying bagpipes?
We seek all able bodied lads of Highland stock!

Enlist Now!

A feather bonnet worn by the Black Watch,
with the famous Red Hackle and Egypt campaign cap-badge

Offline Saga

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #2176 on: September 25, 2014, 12:45:50 am »
~About the 3rd (East Kent) Regiment Of Foot~

The 3rd East Kent is a European and North American line infantry regiment. We strive to be one of the most elite, disciplined and well trained regiments in this community. Though of course no matter of your skill level, if you have the will to be in the Buffs then we want you! No matter whether you are new to the game or a veteran, the Buffs will provide everyone with an equal great experience that will make every player grow in one way or another. The Buffs is a highly disciplined regiment; we believe a well organized structure is the most important thing to keeping a regiment effective and professional. This is why unacceptable behavior is most likely dealt with suspension or discharge from the regiment. Furthermore, in the Buffs you are rewarded for your actions. Show that you're skilled and you may be rewarded with a medal to wear in teamspeak and the website. Show that you're a leader, and you might become a Non Commissioned Officer. We are not just a regiment of players who want to succeeded in the game. We are a community who play various games other than NW. We host "The Napoleonic Groupfighting Tournament" and have our team of our best take part in it. Our goal is to provide our members a memorable, professional, and well played line battle experience. 

"Veteri Frondescit Honore"
"Its Ancient Honour Flourishes"

If you are interested in joining a serious, disciplined and skilled regiment, enlist for service with "The Buffs" today!
♔ ♔ ♔

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #2177 on: September 25, 2014, 03:20:05 am »

52nd 'Oxfordshire' Regiment of Foot




Second Lieutenant



Colour Serjeant




Chosen Man


            Welcome to the 52nd 'Oxfordshire' Regiment of Foot, we are a light infantry regiment playing skilled in both line and skirmishing tactics.
Our community has been around for a good 18 months with the same core members, so many of our players know a great deal of both the game and the Napoleonic Wars overall.

What we aim to do within this regiment is to create a fun, but at the same time, disciplined experience for everyone who wishes to take part.
To join this regiment, all you need to do is contact one of its members, leave a post in this thread, or send a personal message to this account.

Of course, we have a set of ground rules to keep the experience of this regiment civil and mature. The rules we set out to follow are these:

  • Always respect other players. No matter what regiment they might be in.
  • No racism. With the first rule pointing towards respect, this should be obvious.
  • During events, a strict chain of command will be followed. So no arguing with people above your rank.
  • No cheating. Quite elementary, cheating ruins the game for others.

So with that being said, if you are interested in joining the 52nd 'Oxfordshire' Regiment of Foot, there is multiple ways to do so.
The easiest being to post a reply in this thread.
Other ways include; Sending a personal message to 52ndOfficial, adding any of our members on Steam, talking to them in-game or joining our teamspeak:
Anyone is welcome to join and you do not require any previous regimental experience. All we ask is that you act acording to our rules.  So sign up today!

Our members:
       Sjt. Penn            ChM. Viper
ChM. Ceres97
ChM. Larsson
ChM. GlacialGriffin
Pte. MakeCake
            Pte. Pumpa_Paj
Pte. Rath
Pte. Metts
Pte. Malcolm
Pte. MagicianFlury
            Pte. Blackdogtom
Pte. TerrorFish
Pte. Meerkat
Pte. GameFreaker
Pte. JohnnyMoustache
            Pte. Jowel
Pte. Tallest
Pte. Icey
Pte. Otto
Pte. Gunther
            Pte. Yimkin
Pte. Sven_Axeman
Pte. Aellion
Pte. Greybeard

Total: 25 (1 NCO, 24 Enlisted)



The history of this regiment was increasingly entwined with the 43rd (Monmouthshire) Regiment of Foot from the year 1803, when they became Light Infantry.
Battalions of the 43rd and 52nd served together under 'Black Bob' Craufurd in the famous Light Division in the Peninsula
In the Cardwell infantry reforms of 1881 they were united as the Oxfordshire Light Infantry.

The 43rd received the order to train in the light role in July 1803, joining General Moore's brigade at Shorncliffe in June 1804.
Training was greatly assisted by the model set for them by the 52nd Light Infantry, and by the transfer of personnel from that regiment.
In 1804 orders were issued raising second battalions for both regiments.
In August 1806  the 2nd battalion of the 52nd took part in the expedition to Copenhagen under the command of Major-General Sir Arthur Wellesly, the future Duke of Wellington and soon to be their commander in the Peninsula.
In August 1808 the 2/43rd and the 2/52nd landed in Portugal as part of a force under Sir Arthur, and were deployed near the village of Vimeiro with the force covering the ongoing landings.
On August 21st the French attacked, and in the ensuing fighting three companies of the 2/52nd clashed with the enemy. The battle itself turned out to be a British victory.

In October 1808, Lieutenant-General Sir John Moore marched part with part of the British Army in Portugal into Spain, reaching Salamanca by early December. A 10,000 strong reinforcement was by this time on the high seas heading for Corunna. With them, in the '1st Flank Brigade', were the 1/52nd. Their brigade commander was Robert Craufurd. By December 20th 1808 the reinforcements had been landed and had joined Moore, bringing the strenght of his army to 25,000 men. With it he advanced deeper into Spain in search for the French; but he found to his dismay that an enemy army 200,000 strong, led by the Emperor Napoleon himself, had defeated the Spanish, entered Madrid, and was now marching upon him. He decided to fall back on his base at Corunna, intent on embarking his army and returning it to Portugal. The retreat was conducted in fearsome winter weather, over almost impassable mountain roads.
Moore turned his force at Corunna, and in the ensuing battle lost his life. Thus died the general who had supervised the training of the first Light Infantry regiments, both of which had battalions in the combat that was to be his last battle.
With the French checked, Moore was buried in the citadel while his army embarked, its destination no longer Portugal but England.

Back in England, both battalions of the 52nd quartered at Deal. Little time elapsed before the 1/52nd, together with battalions from the 43rd and 95th, embarked and sailed again for Portugal. They formed what was termed a 'light brigade' under the command of Robert Craufurd. As soon as they landed in Lisbon, they were joined up with the British Army in Spain - once again commanded by Sir Arthur Wellesley.
Despite a spectacular final forced march the brigade reached Talavera too late to participate in the battle fought there on 27-28 of July 1809. They were soon assigned to outpost duty, and from this point on were nearly always the first troops in contact with the enemy. Their first task was to cover the withdrawal of the army from the Talavera position back into Portugal.

On September 27th 1810 the light Division held part of the British position above the village of Sul. French forces attacked and struck the British centre first, but was bloodily repulsed. They next struck at that part of the British left held by the Light Division, pressing Craufurds rifleman back up the slope from Sul as they 'fired and retired' to rejoin the division's line beyond the crest. The oncoming French now came under fire from the guns as they climbed to the crest of the ridge, which appeared to them to be held by only the riflemen, gunners and a single horesman. The horseman was Craufurd, waiting until the French had reached the crest. A captain of the 1/52nd described what happened next:

`... He turned round, came up to the 52nd, and called out
"Now 52nd, revenge the death of Sir John Moore! Charge! Charge! Huzza!"
and waving his hat in the air, he was answered by a shout that appalled the enemy
and in on instant of the brow hill bristled with two thousand bayonets wielded by steady English hands
which soon buried them in the bodies of the fiery Gaul!´

Both the 1/43rd and the 1/52nd poured a murderous fire into the French before they closed with the bayonet, and drove them back down the slope in the complete rout.
Some 1,200 Frenchmen were killed, wounder or captured, including a general and 61 other officers; the Light Division's casualties amounted to 132 all ranks.

Late 1812, every opportunity was taken to relax after the arduous campaigning of 1812. Regimental histories make note of the entertainments enjoyed, which included a 'Light Division Theatre'. The 43rd were a a joyous set - dandies of the army: the great encouragers of dramatic performances, dinner parties and balls, of which their headquarters was the pivot. The 52nd were highly gentlemanly men, of a steady aspect, they mixed little with other corps, but attended the theatricals of the 43rd with circumspect good  humour, and now and then relaxed, but were soon again the 52nd.

When the Peninsular War was at its end, the 52nd were sent to Belgium, where it took part in the battle of Waterloo and the ultimate defeat and exile of Napoleon.
When battle honours for the Peninsular War were awarded the 43rd and 52nd, who had marched and fought side by side first in the Flank Brigade, the Light Brigade and then  Light Division, received almost identical honours. They were PENINSULA, VIMIERA, BUSACO, FUENTES D'ONOR, CIUDAD RODRIGO, BADAJOZ, SALAMANCA, VITTORIA, NIVELLE, NIVE and CORUNNA. Only the 52nd received the battle honours ORTHES and TOULOUSE.

Penn and shitz

Offline MasterFox

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #2178 on: September 26, 2014, 11:59:10 pm »
Hello there!
Looking for a regiment! Served in a number of regiments previously but just had a break! Served at Sergeant, Ensign and 2nd Lieutenant ranks previously.
Looking for a serious but friendly regiment who battle regularly and take it fairly seriously.
Professional Englishman.
Former Officer of the 40th Regiment of foot
Formerly an NCO of the 1tes/1te

Offline William

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #2179 on: September 26, 2014, 11:59:35 pm »
Hello there!
Looking for a regiment! Served in a number of regiments previously but just had a break! Served at Sergeant, Ensign and 2nd Lieutenant ranks previously.
Looking for a serious but friendly regiment who battle regularly and take it fairly seriously.
Check out my YT channel where I post NW com/c/CluelessWill
god damn, Anthony is smart, he was able to get the shit AEF to tie with the best reg in the game. The tactical geniusness needed to pull off such a feat is insane. He's the Erwin Rommel of NW.
i always get an erection when i check my subscrptions and see that phresh cluelesswill vid
It won't be FSE developing it, so it will come out!

Offline Leviathan

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #2180 on: September 28, 2014, 08:23:54 pm »

Regimental History:
From 1688 to 1751 the regiment was known by the name of its various colonels. The regiment saw service in the Flanders from 1694 to 1697, before moving to Ireland. In 1701 the regiment moved to the continent of Europe, and took part in the War of the Spanish Succession. In 1709 the unit returned to England, moving to Minorca in 1725.
In 1751 a royal warrant assigned numbers to the regiments of the line, and the unit became the 17th Regiment of Foot. It saw service during the French and Indian War at Louisbourg in 1758, Ticonderoga in 1759, and in Caribbean engagements in 1761 and 1762. Following that war it also saw duty during Pontiac's Rebellion before eventually returning to England in 1767. The 17th were again in service during the American War of Independence, landing in Boston on New Year's Day 1776. The regiment's performance at the Battle of Princeton was commemorated in the addition of an unbroken laurel wreath to its insignia. Several companies were captured at the Battle of Stony Point by a daring night-time bayonet charge by "Mad" Anthony Wayne. The regiment moved to Nova Scotia before returning to England in 1786.
A royal warrant dated 31 August 1782 bestowed county titles on all regiments of foot that did not already have a special designation "to cultivate a connection with the County which might at all times be useful towards recruiting". The regiment became the 17th (Leicestershire) Regiment of Foot.
The regiment was increased to two battalions in 1799 and both battalions served in the Netherlands before the second was disbanded in 1802. In 1804 the 17th moved to India, and remained there until 1823. In 1825 the regiment was granted the badge of a "royal tiger" to recall their long service in the sub-continent.


Total Strength: 35

Officers: 2

Captain Jammy
Lieutenant MrTiki

NCOs: 3
Colour Sergeant Afroman
Sergeant Leviathan
Corporal Tavish

Enlisted: 30

Guardsman Gesha17 
Guardsman Gishank
Guardsman Martijn 
Guardsman Aecuss 
Guardsman Rexxar
Guardsman Bern
Guardsman Yovko
Fusilier Fsboberg
Fusilier Drace
Fusilier Biohazard
Fusilier Mecoo
Fusilier Godfather
Regular SeniLiX
Regular FrostFox898
Private FireFork
Private Ulmer
Private Phillli
Private Firefoxbobby
Private Dentures
Private Killer
Private Smithy
Cadet Hawk
Cadet PhilmacFLy
Cadet Onii
Cadet Feaylad
Recruit Learines
Recruit ArtemisDeimos
Recruit GNFelix
Recruit Evans
Recruit Irishrover

Event Times:
Trainings on Thursdays and Saturdays, regular Linebattles on Saturdays, other events mixed throughout the week
Most events begin at 19:00GMT


Regimental Trailer

How to Join:
Fill out the application form in the "Join Us" tab on our website -

TeamSpeak 3 server:

The information about the enlisted CO's/NCO's is rather outdated, however we are still looking for people for a disciplined and fun regiment :)!

Offline InfamousBeats

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #2181 on: September 28, 2014, 10:18:01 pm »
Like gurls and pancakes? Join the ninetyturd. Every minute you are not signing up, a baby panda dies.

Save yourself a baby panda, join the 93rd today!

Offline Conway

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #2182 on: September 30, 2014, 02:18:21 am »
The 3rdKGLI'm is looking for new cadets to join the 3rdKGL! You see if we get more cadets who provided are bad Gummy will be forced for the first time in several months use my server for training! And I think everyone likes training! Also Atrezi can go flag bearer if he get 25+ and if its on Sunday several people will get to play the trumpet (Max Skirms is 15). So clearly joining the 3rdKGL will not only make my time in the regiment more fun you can also get kinda good at melee!

Message is join 3rdKGL by sending me a PM, now share this message to 5 friends in the next 10 mins or your reg will disband and Scotland will vote Yes!

Offline 42nd Hunter

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #2183 on: October 01, 2014, 12:08:18 am »
A bit late for the vote though.

Offline Conway

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #2184 on: October 01, 2014, 02:57:46 am »
I have friends who have friends....none of them can change the vote but ye know its bound to happen!

Offline PrideofNi

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #2185 on: October 01, 2014, 09:18:24 am »
Steam: [K-KA] PrideofNi

Join us.

Offline Conway

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #2186 on: October 01, 2014, 08:25:32 pm »
Steam: [K-KA] PrideofNi

Join us.
LAME!!!! U don't even have a cool image like the 33yKGL
« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 08:28:04 pm by Conway »

Offline GloryCharge

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #2187 on: October 01, 2014, 10:33:20 pm »
The 8e Imperial Guard

We are Napoleon's finest soldiers and France's finest heroes.

ENLIST TODAY: Colonel McMahon's Steam

Offline 42nd Hunter

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #2188 on: October 01, 2014, 10:51:40 pm »
I have friends who have friends....none of them can change the vote but ye know its bound to happen!

Well I don't so Ha.... Oh wait  :'( :'(

Offline Conway

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #2189 on: October 01, 2014, 11:07:07 pm »
I have friends who have friends....none of them can change the vote but ye know its bound to happen!

Well I don't so Ha.... Oh wait  :'( :'(
I don't either man  :'( :'( :'( wanna *sniff* hug?