Author Topic: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!  (Read 874245 times)

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Offline Ryner

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #1845 on: July 24, 2014, 11:48:12 pm »
Post the updated one, then.

Once I get back.

Offline 42nd Hunter

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #1846 on: July 25, 2014, 12:16:12 am »

"... there are no troops in the British service
more steady in battle than the Scotch regiments
- French General Foy

Paintings of the chaotic battle of Quatre Bras,
which the Black Watch suffered heavy casualties

Captain Celtic
Lieutenant Rezagh
Recruiting Serjeant Hunter




Events Schedule:
Tuesday - Siege Event 7pm GMT
Wednesday - Training at 6.30 GMT & Linebattle 7pm GMT
Friday - NA Linebattle 8pm EST
Saturday - Training 6pm GMT & Linebattle 7.30pm GMT
Sunday - Linebattle - 7pm GMT

Modifications & Reskin:
We use the fantastic Epic Enhancement Mod along with our own Regimental submod which gives the Officer a kilt, gives the Colour Serjeant a kilt, bonnet feathers and backpack and gives the rankers their bonnet feathers back:


Colour Serjeant:

About Us & Recruitment

Founded on the 10th of April 2012, after the release of Mount&Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars, as the 42nd Regiment of Foot - the Black Watch from veterans from the Mount&Musket mod of Warband, choosing to represent the most senior and - arguably - most famous Highland Regiment. The Regiment has since gone through the rocks and weathered many storms, nearly crashing and coming to an end once or twice. However through comradeship and combination of "play for fun" and historical immersion the Regiment has come out the better through it's trials. With a sense of historical appreciation and immersion, we can structure our Regiment through the use of historically accurate Ranks and formations. Now, while we realize it is only a game the history and appreciation of the historical 42nd and modern Black Watch is never far away. Upon acceptance of enlistment we provide our recruits with a Field Manual, that explains the basics of the Regiment, our codes of conducts and hand-made drawings of our formations.

King's and Regimental Colours of the Black Watch

Now the Regiment is a strong, solid unit which boasts good attendance and performances at Events and Linebattles. The 42nd prides itself of a sense of friendship and community, being much more than a Regiment we present ourselves as a gaming community which, infact, play 90% of game-time outside of Warband. While discipline and structure is used during Training, Events and Linebattles we still retain an ethos of banter and relaxation in TeamSpeak and within the community in general.

'In a Highland Regiment every individual feels that his conduct is the subject of observation and that,
independently of his duty, as one member of a systematic whole he has a separate and individual reputation to sustain,
which will be reflected on his family and district or glen.
- A 19th Century Black Watch historian

Wish to join the ranks of the 42nd Black Watch Highlanders?
Don the bonnet and kilt and proudly represent your Clan on the battlefield 'neath baying bagpipes?
We seek all able bodied lads of Highland stock!

Enlist Now!

A feather bonnet worn by the Black Watch,
with the famous Red Hackle and Egypt campaign cap-badge

Offline Orcaryo

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #1847 on: July 25, 2014, 12:29:58 am »

The 91st Argyllshire Highlanders is a unique collection of Napoleonic Wars veterans and newcomers alike. Some of our members have been playing since early twenty-twelve, while others have just began playing this year. We strictly follow a set of rules based on discipline and authority. While linebattles and trainings require a very serious following of orders and commands with a strict silence, with the minor exception for the 'permission to speak' phrase, our group activities and horsing-around requires members to simply have fun. With experienced leadership and a playerbase that spans years of gaming, the 91st is an ideal group for players of all skill-levels to join.

Interested in joining a disciplined, serious, and active regiment?
The 91st seeks disciplined players for its ranks and files.
Take the King's Shilling and Enlist Today!




Colonel - Col
Lieutenant Colonel - LtCol
Major - Maj
Captain - Cpt
Lieutenant - Lt
Ensign - Ens

Non-Comissioned Officers                 

Serjeant Major - SjtM
Colour Serjeant - CSjt
Serjeant - Sjt
Corporal - Cpl
Lance Corporal - LCpl

Enlisted Men

Kingsman - Kgm
Regular - Rgl
Private - Pte
Cadet - Cad
Recruit - Rec

   George III ordered John, Duke of Argyll, to raise a kilted regiment of 1,100 men. The Duke requested assistance from his kinsman, Duncan Campbell, and on the 9th of July, 1794, they were formally gazetted into the British Army as the 98th (Argyllshire Highlanders) Regiment of Foot, later to be renumbered as the 91st. On the 5th of May, 1795, the regiment embarked for South Africa to capture the Dutch colony in the Cape of Good Hope.

Cape of Good Hope
   The 98th Highlanders arrived at Simonstown in September of 1795 as part of a force of around 4,500 men under the command of Sir Alured Clarke, an ambitious officer who sought great military renown in the conquest of the Dutch colony, but luck fell against him. His second-in-command landed forces and had driven the Dutch off their defensive position in front of Cape Town. After a cautious disembarkation lasting ten days, Sir Alured faced the vastly outnumbered Dutch at Wynberg, who retreated after giving one volley, which killed one seaman and wounded 17 others total. So the 98th, technically, was baptized in fire, settling down as the garrison for seven unhappy years, where they faced heatstroke and disease, and a uniform change which served no better in the climate than their original.
   Upon the regiments renumbering to 91st, they had left Cape of Good Hope to the Dutch after the Treaty of Amiens, and gathered at Bexhill in May of 1803. Depleted in numbers after sending men to replenish garrisons in India, it took them years to be restored to strength, as well as have their old uniform returned to them. The boosts in confidence had inspired the 91st during their return to England as part of the forces gathered in hopes to defeat Napoleon if the admirals ever allowed him to cross the British Channel. In 1805, the Highland Brigade was sent to Hannover, but they were sent back to Kent in 1806. Throughout all of these relocations, they had remained a very good regiment. They were inspected ceaselessly and earned the 'Strong Approbation' of the generals. The Commander-in-Chief, H.R.H and Duke of York, was 'Highly Pleased' with them in 1805. Even more so, Sir John Moore was 'Extremely Well-Pleased'; and before they left Dublin in June of 1808 to join the amassing army in Portgual, they paraded for the Lord Lieutenant.

The Peninsular War
   The campaign in Portugal was disappointing for the 91st. The light company was engaged at Rolica, but the regiment as a whole was in reserve and had not engaged in either major battle. It was again in the reserve division for Sir John Moore's march to Salamanca which disrupted Napoleon's whole campaign; and it came into its own at last when the reserve division became the rearguard for the retreat which culminated in Moore's victory at Corunna. The 91st had more than their fair share of privations and forced marches and losses while in the rearguard. At Corunna itself, though 'in the very centre of the line and next to the Guards', they were not heavily engaged. 'Corunna', nevertheless, was a worthily won Battle Honour to be placed on the Colours beside 'Rolica' and 'Vimeira'.

       Now the 91st embarked on the Welcheren campaign. From September 3rd to 23 December 23rd, an army of 40,000 men lay encamped there because the generals could not agree on what to do with them. During these four months no less than 35,000 of them passed through the military hospitals or the grave. By September 23rd, after only three weeks, the 91st had only 246 rank and file fit for duty. From disease the regiment lost a total of 218 dead - far more than all their casualties in the Corunna campaign. They rejoined Wellington in 1812, thus missing Vitoria, but were with the 6th Division at Sorauren on 28th and 30th of July, 1813, in what Wellington called 'bludgeon work', they played a decisive part in dislodging Marshal Soult from the positions he hoped to hold in the Pyrenees. On the first day the 91st suffered 115 killed and wounded out of a total strength of 821 . On the second day, when the brigaded light companies bore the brunt, they got off lightly, but clearly played their full part in what even Wellington called 'desperate fighting', adding that he had 'never known the troops behave so well'.
   'Pyrenees' was another battle honour on the 91st Colours which was well and truly earned. They were to win five more in France: 'Nivelle', 'Nive', 'Orthes', 'Toulouse', and 'Peninsula'. The first three were not costly, and the only distinction was the promotion in the field of the Adjutant, Lieutenant MacNeil of Colonsay after he had had two horses killed under him at the passage of the Nivelle.
   At Toulouse, on 10th of April, 1814, Soult put up a last fight, which cost Wellington almost 5,000 casualties. Sir Denis Pack's Highland Brigade led an attack brilliantly, ending with the 42nd and 78th holding three captured enemy redoubts, and the 91st in close support in a farmyard behind. The crunch came when a French column, 6,000 strong, counter-attacked. The 42nd were driven back in disorder, but the prompt support of the 91st gave them time to reform; and the two battalions together successfully retook the position. When the 91st got back to the farmhouse the other wing was in trouble; they sallied out, restored the position, and incidentally rescued a large party of the 78th who had been surrounded. Every general present reckoned that only the prompt and vigorous support afforded by the Argyllshire Regiment had saved the Brigade. So the war ended for the 91st in a blaze of glory, with nine battle honours on the Regimental Colour.

   At Waterloo they were left far on the right flank; and though they got the campaign medal, that great battle was never inscribed on their Colours. One more fragment of military glory nevertheless came their way.
   They saw their first and last action at the disastrous night attack on the fortress of Bergen-op-Zoom in 1814, and thanks to Ottley's training did very well. All four of the assaulting columns successfully stormed the outer walls, only to be thrown back by superior numbers of veteran French troops manning the inner defenses. The battalion withdrew in admirable order, leaving 13 officers and an unrecorded number of men wounded and losing altogether 45 killed or mortally wounded. So far as is known, the Surgeon and Assistant Surgeon were the only unwounded to fall into enemy hands; and Sergeant-Major Cahill was commissioned in the field for saving the Regimental Colour when the Ensign carrying it went down. So, having unexpectedly found a niche in military history, the 2nd Battalion came home to be disbanded after sending 240 men to the 1st Battalion for the Waterloo campaign.

Officers, No.1 Company
Colonel James MacTavish

NCO's, No.1 Company
Corporal Samson Smith
Lance Corporal Andrew Macrae
Lance Corporal James Campbell

Battalion strength: 1 Officers.
3 NCO's.
32 Enlisted men.
9 Cadets.

Recruits will not be
shown on the roster.

Recruits: Approx. 30

Enlisted men, No.1 Company.
Kingsman Graham MacBeth
Kingsman John Lindsay
Kingsman Preston Campbell
Regular Gaven Smith
Regular Isaac Palmer
Regular John Walker
Regular William Jones
Private Alexander Fraser
Private Alexander Thompson
Private Andrew MacLeod
Private Barnet McFlair
Private Connor MacCleod
Private Daniel Forest
Private Donald McGrigor
Private Eaden Cameron
Private Fergus MacTavish
Private Henry Richardson
Private Henry Ross
Private Jack Churchill
Private James White
Private John Connel
Private John Kirk
Private John Sinclair
Private John Trigger
Private Nigel Rorke
Private Patrick MacTavish
Private Reese Williams
Private Thomas Noble
Private Victor Shane
Private William Connel
Private William Courage
Private William McDaniel

Cadets, No.1 Company.
Cadet Adam Lowdan
Cadet Alister Montgomery
Cadet Archibald Campbell
Cadet Daniel Fraser
Cadet Donald McGrigor
Cadet Edmund Crowley
Cadet James Clark
Cadet William Kerr
Cadet William Nelson

Officers, Light Company
Lieutenant James McFarland

NCO's, Light Company


Battalion strength: 1 Officers.
- NCO's.
- Enlisted men.

Enlisted men, Light Company.


Cadets, Light Company.


-Monday: Training at 8pm EST
-Tuesday: 71st Linebattle at 8pm EST
-Wednesday: Training at 8pm EST
-Thursday: Europe at War Linebattle at 8pm EST
-Friday: Europe at War Linebattle at 8pm EST
-Saturday: Trainings & Linebattles
-Sunday: Free day/Make up day

Steam Contacts:
-[91st] Audiate
-[91st] CJH
-[91st] Achillies
-[91st] Habsburger


-We use realistic/historical names,
do not use your full real name unless
you feel comfortable doing so.

-You can also click here for a list
of historically accurate and
appropriate names, however, please
inform an officer on your choice as to
prevent duplicate uses of names.

Courtesy of Zzehth:

91st Skin:
Courtesy of Hinkel:

Light Company:
-The light company is an additional unit in the 91st
that prioritizes ranged engagements with either
musket or rifle, and relies on fine positioning and
skirmishing maneuvers to shoot down as many
enemies as possible before the battalion company
engages the enemies in melee.
-Relying on the battalion company for many
involved engagements, the light company focuses
on flanking advancing enemy lines and prioritizing
NCO's and Officers with the hope of rendering
many enemy lines helpless and ultimately useless
during the heated thick of battle.
-With light infantry tactics--spreading out and using
trees and small rocks for cover--the light company
has to rely on quickly moving towards allied infantry
if threatened by advancing enemy infantry or cavalry.
-Consisting of some of the best shots in the
regiment, this company is the sword and shield to
the battalion company.

Light Co. Steam Contacts:
-[91st] Orcaryo


Made by Zzehth

Made by Carson

"#WalkoEatsShoes" by Dom13

Made by Audiate


Made by Edward

Made by KingWizard

Made by Skills4Evil



« Last Edit: July 26, 2014, 05:37:04 pm by Orcaryo »

Offline TheGamerAndy

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Want to join a fun and active regiment
« Reply #1848 on: July 25, 2014, 11:55:19 pm »
The 67te is a fun and active regiment.  We will be doing about 3-4 line battle's a week with the rest of the days being used for other activities.  If you want to join you can reach the the Col and others on steam there names will be below.
we will take NA AND EU players
Col Steam: Ppeede
LtCol Steam: Batmanfan26
Maj Steam: Punisher3320
Maj skype: ArcticxProdigy

Offline Earth Bby

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Re: Want to join a fun and active regiment
« Reply #1849 on: July 26, 2014, 12:01:16 am »
The 67te is a fun and active regiment.  We will be doing about 3-4 line battle's a week with the rest of the days being used for other activities.  If you want to join you can reach the the Col and others on steam there names will be below.
we will take NA AND EU players
Col Steam: Ppeede
LtCol Steam: Batmanfan26
Maj Steam: Punisher3320
Maj skype: ArcticxProdigy


Offline FrithBiscuit

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #1850 on: July 26, 2014, 12:02:18 am »
can i add u on skype
Past: 63e CdB, 43rd Ens, 28th Lt, 1stElbe Lt

Offline Earth Bby

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #1851 on: July 26, 2014, 12:05:50 am »

Offline Ryner

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #1852 on: July 26, 2014, 01:26:34 am »

  The 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne was founded in 1805 by Régis Bathélemy Mouton-Duvernet this soon lead them to become a garrison for the central west side of France in Limoges this was one of the most popular cities outside of Paris. After being stationed in Limoges and a few outlying town for over a year the 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne finally saw action in 1806.

Battle of Jena-Auerstedt

This was thge main battle in the capaign to occupy Prussia by Napoleon. The French forces consisted of 120,000 men, almost all infantry; due to this, the battlefield was mostly mud and rocky terrain. This was a disadvatge to the French because the Prussian forces could create a stronger defensive line but, from the start of the battle Prussia wasn't in a good state of command. There where multiple officers with the same rank, for example the Chief of Staff was held by three different officers. This meant mass confusion compared to the very organized Frnech forces.

In the battle the French made the first move, A corps of infantry and cavalry were on the move to the right. At this time there was a lot of fog, so the Prussians where not aware of the approaching Frencg troops. Yet, as soon as the fog lifted the Prussians became aware of the French advances. In response, the Prussians moved to the closest village and fotified themselves. The French decided to assualt a portion of the Prussian defenses and managed to wipe out much the defenders there and by doing so successfully pushed the remaining Prussians back from the outlying villages. After this event Napoleon ordered his cavalry to flank and subsequently destroyed the Prussian forces... The 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne saw victory for the first time since being formed.

Battle of Eylau

After the battle of Jena-Auerstedt and occupation of Prussian lands, the 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne were sent to the battle of Eylau a few months later. The battle of Eylau was fought in the 7th and 8th of Feb. 1807. This battle was between Russian and French forces. The battle was considered undecided because of several factors. The IV Corps and the French cavalry were the first French formations to reach the plateau before Eylay around 14:00 on the 7th. The Russian rearguard under Prince Bagration occupied positions on the plateau about a mile in front of the Eylau.

The French prompytly assualted these positions and were repulsed. Baration's oreders were to offer stiff resistance in order to gain time for Benningsne's heavy artillery to pass through Eylau. During the afternoon, the French were reinforced by Marshal Augereau's corps and the Imperial Guard, totaling about 45,000 soldiers. Under preasure of the superior forces, Bagration conducted an orderly retreat to join the main army. The retreat was covered by yet another rearguard detachment led by Barclay de Tolly. After the French had gathered their forces they sent two columns to either side of the Russian forces and four in the center. The Russian were swiftly delt with by combined Artillery and small arms fire.

Battle of Friedland

One year later Napoleon saw action in Russia once agin and the 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne played a vital role, being one of the assualt units. The battle started on the 1st of June 1807. The Russian forces, under General Golitsyn, had driven the French Cavalry outpost from Friedland on June the 13th, and Benningsen's main body began to occupy the town. The army of Napoleon marched on Friedland, but remained dispersed on its various routes, and the first stage of the engagement became a purely situational battle. Knowing that Napoleon was within the supporting distance of at least three corps, Lannes sent aides galloping off with pleas for help. Furthermore he waged an expert delaying action to fix Benningsen in place. With never more than 26,000 men, Lannes forced Benninsen to commit progressively more troops across Alle to defeat him. Showing a bold front, the shifting troops where needed to stop the Russian advancedm, engaed the Russians first in the Sortlack Woons and in front of Posthenen (2:30-3:00 A.M. on the 14), Lannes held Benningsen in place until the French massed 80,000 troops on the left bank of the river. Both sides now used their cavalry freely to cover the formation of line of the battle, and a race between the rival squadrons for the possenssion of Heinrichsdorf ended in favor of the French forces under Groucchy and Nounsouty. Beeningsen was tarpped and had to fight. Having thrown all of his pontoon bridges at or near the bottleneck of the villae of Friedland, Benningsen had unwittlingly trapped his troops on the west bank.

Battle of Wagram

After two years of the 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne an d it's fellow regiments being garrisoned in Germany a battle against the Austrains would occur that was a very imprtant military engaement of the Napoleonic Wars. Thsi was the battle of Wagram and started on the 5th of July 1809. Napoleon had and army numbering around 165,000 while Austrains only numbered around 140,000. This led to problems on the right flank where Naploen had around 20,000 more men than the Austrians. The battle started when the Austrian cavalry began assualting the outlying outposts of the French camps. The next day Napoleon marched in a a flat area and decided to camp there, waging that he could see most of what was going on around his forces. The Austrains responded by positioning forces in three towns. This could would cover the attack and defense. It was considered a sound plan, because Napoleon now had nowhere to run. Soon Napoleon oredered an assualt of the town to right of the Austrian defenses. He took 45,000 men and marched, amoung the 45,000 were the 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne and the Imperial Guards. Davout charged his men and and after a few volleys quickly took the town. Now with 38,000 of Napoleon's Imperial Guard on their right flank the Austrians were in a vunerable position. Seeing this, Napleon sent all of his cavalry ( around 20,000 horsemen ) on the attack and simultaneously ording his artillery to fire. This quickly sent most of the Austrian forces into a rout... all but 80,000 men of their Elite Guard who attempted to retake the town they had lost. Their attempt, though valiant, was futile. Out of the 80,000 Guards, 20,000 were killed and 50,000 were wounded. This conculded the battle.

The 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne has a very long and rich history in the Napoleonic Wars Community. Originally founded by Diplex, and continued by Karth in September of 2012. The 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne provides a highly structured, but enjoyable and realistic regimental expericance for Napoleonic Wars, along with other Games and Modifications. In the 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne we expect those wishing to join to join with the expectation of improving at the game, being disiplined, following orders of their superiors, and expressing their ideas and thoughts to the Colonel and Officer Staff if something doesn't feel quite right. We are constantly growing, being one of the few regiments that offer both North American and European events we are home to wide wide range of players from all over the European and American continents. In the end we're a tight night community of players that desire to have fun!

*Note, some ranks have counter parts to represent different companies please inquire here




Chef de Battalion         




Aide de Camp

Ajudant Chef


Sergeant Major         



Caporal Fourrier de Première

Caporal Fourrier


Soldat de Première

Soldat de Deuxième


Offline FrithBiscuit

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #1853 on: July 26, 2014, 01:49:27 am »
Past: 63e CdB, 43rd Ens, 28th Lt, 1stElbe Lt

Offline Stefiboy

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #1854 on: July 26, 2014, 02:41:10 am »
Everyone's putting their whole threads in here...  ::)

Cough* Cough* Audiate

Offline Ryner

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #1855 on: July 26, 2014, 04:25:51 am »

I have another if it would please you, master.

Offline InfamousBeats

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #1856 on: July 26, 2014, 11:21:11 am »

I have another if it would please you, master.


Next on Frith's thread voting: Will Ryner finally win the love of the British homo erotic boy? Watch tomorrow at 6 PM GMT to find out.

Offline Earth Bby

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #1857 on: July 26, 2014, 12:30:38 pm »

Add me on steam for details
 [44th] Marks

Offline CrumpetAwesome

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #1858 on: July 26, 2014, 12:46:44 pm »

Add [2pp]S0n0faDutch on steam for further details

Offline InfamousBeats

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  • Nick: 63e_Conseilleur_Infamous
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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #1859 on: July 26, 2014, 01:17:34 pm »

Join Ninetyturd today. kthx