Author Topic: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!  (Read 875587 times)

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Offline maskmanmarks

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4860 on: January 18, 2022, 08:21:59 am »
Sup guys! I'm looking for a reconstruction regiment in eu and cis region to truly reproduce historical battles and a regiment itself. I'm not really interested in line battles and group fights tho. If your regiment matches this description pls dm me :)

So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

Offline RKR Official

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4861 on: February 01, 2022, 02:42:44 pm »

Here's our informational video about the RKR:

The Regiment des Kaiserreichs also known as the RKR is looking for recruits. You do not have to be experienced in line battles or even with the game in general. We participate in line battle events and siege events every weekend.

We are a fairly relaxed regiment, however, we still require a certain level of discipline during events. We also do not require that you come to every event and you can also go to EU and NA and OC events

If you do not wish to necessarily join right away as a recruit or just want to see what our regiment is like, we do accept mercenaries for our events.

As of this moment, we play as the following classes:
•   Musketierkompanie – Line Company
•   Jägerkompanie – Skirmisher Company
•   Artilleriekompanie – Artillery Company
•   Kavalleriekompanie – Cavalry Company

Our Discord

--For more information or if you have interests in joining our Regiment, contact me on steam.--

Furst von Nordenfeld- Wolf

If I happen to be offline, please add one of the following staff members:

EU Region:

Freiherr von Adler - McCuller

NA Region:

Freiherr von Adler - McCuller

OC/SEA Region:

(Regiment Founder & Leader) Kaiser von Magnerheim - Magnapulse321

Graf von Luzonbach - Legatus

Freiherr von Krieger - NobblerGobbler

« Last Edit: February 02, 2022, 11:51:22 am by RKR Official »

Offline maskmanmarks

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4862 on: February 07, 2022, 01:24:28 pm »

(Click on the titles to read the desired subject)


His most Britannic Majesty's 45th Regiment of foot was raised on the 26th March 2016 by Vegetarian.
It is a semi-serious competitive regiment that is English speaking and accepts all nationalities, Recruits
have to attend one Line-battle and one training before becoming an official member of the regiment,
so that you show you are dedicated enough to be active. The history of this regiment is as twisted and
long as an olive branch with our first Colonel Vegetarian forming the regiment in 2016. The regiment
changed hands multiple times until in 2017, Nova seized control of the regiment including both
companies with the help of notable officers and NCOs, namely Flibbit, Maskman and Flasheart in a
blood coup resulting in the disbandment of the Light Infantry. With the formation and dissolution of
several companies such as cavalry and artillery, a successful merge with Mitchell's 10th in 2020 has
guaranteed the 45th Nottinghamshire a place in the top five largest and best casual competitive
regiments within the NW scene. Ever since, for three years straight the regiment has stayed a steady
course towards great internal glory slowly becoming the power house it is today, a regiment with three
separate companies hosting daily events being able to field a total 50-60 players at any given point.

        The 45th Nottinghamshire is lead by Colonel Nova and boasts three detachments each with their own
events which Nova oversees and leads. The 45th Nottinghamshire is well-rooted both in the casual and
competitive scenes with the regiment hosting its own successful Thursday event as well as preforming
very well in many regimental tournaments and leagues such as RGL, GLBT, RMT and Kincaids 2v2. The
Regiment can be broken up into three separate detachments, The Centre Company is lead by Major
Maskman and Lieutenant Mitchell. The Lights company is lead by Lieutenant Jack and finally the
Grenadier company (Grens) lead by Ensign Jerome. For tournament and group fight matches only the
very best from each company will be selected for attendance, the Grenadiers making up the backbone
of the roster for competitive events.The regiment boasts an experienced cadre of NCOs who are
invaluable in keeping good order in the line, such as Company Sergeant Major Valley and Lefty (Grens
and Lights), Colour Serjeant Floris and Natty (Grens and Line), as well as many other junior NCOs
often leading their respective companies on the ground whilst the officers and Battalion staff, tend to
the regiment's administrative work. Special thanks to Flasheart, the most loved uncle of the regiment!


Our Goals in Napoleonic Wars

The 45thN will mainly focus on participating in weekly-based line battles and sieges. The Regiment
will mainly focus on improving their shooting and melee to compete in future 1v1s and 2v2s against
other regiments. The 45thN is a very competitive regiment. We came 2nd in the 2nd division of GLBT.
We do very often groupfighting events as well as tournaments. Trainings will also be organized
throughout the week to get our members to their peak performance in the game. On the other hand,
we will be jumping onto public servers to have a laugh and to enjoy ourselves, We want to accomplish
in Napoleonic Wars to become a fun mature regiment to keep the entertainment at its highest peak!
If you are interested in joining this regiment, please add one of our officers on Steam.

Recruit Guidebook

The individuals of the regiment are constantly cheerful when a new member joins in. We will willingly
welcome all those who show interest by joining the regiment. Once joined the regiment, Recruits are
expected to show great dedication and motivation towards the regiment as well as improving their
melee and shooting in-game. If you are active within 2 weeks, you will be promoted to Private and
from there, you will slowly but surely progress through the ranks whilst showing melee skills and
discipline. If you, however, encounter a problem within the regiment or your not to sure about
something, then do please contact one of the Commanding Officers or a Non-Commissioned Officer
as they will always be available at your disposal and would really want to help.


Early History

The history of The Sherwood Foresters goes back to 1741, when England was committed to War
against France in Europe and later in Asia and America. In this year a new Regiment was raised and
commanded by a Colonel Houghton. By 1745 the Regiment was in Gibraltar and under the command
of a Colonel Warburton, while two years later it was serving in Nova Scotia. In 1751 numerical titles
were introduced and the Regiment became the 45th. The aggressive actions of the French against
the English in Canada resulted in the 45th being called out on active service. It was one of the
regiments that won undying fame in storming and capturing from the French the Naval Arsenal of
Louisburg, a stronghold that had been heavily and extensively fortified.

The 45th Regiment served for twenty years in Canada, and for its gallantry at Louisburg was later
awarded the first of the long roll of battle honours that now adorn the Colours. Although not present
as a unit, the 45th was represented by its grenadier company in the British force that the gallant
Wolfe led up the St. Lawrence River to capture Quebec and thus seal the doom of French rule in

The Regiment Returns Home

On returning home the Regiment served for some years in Ireland and when the American War Of
Independence broke out, was among the reinforcements sent to New York in 1776. It fought at Long
Island, Philadelphia, Brandywine, Germantown, and in other places, suffering losses but always
exhibiting a high degree of courage and fortitude. After the War, the 45th reduced to less than 100
all ranks, returned home to Nottingham. The citizens of Nottingham requested that the Regiment
should be called "The Nottinghamshire Regiment" and His Majesty agreed, providing 300 men were
recruited in the county.

With volunteers from the Nottinghamshire Militia and the influence of local landowners, the
stipulated number was soon obtained. Between 1786-1794 and 1795-1802, the 45th was in the
West Indies almost constantly engaged in fighting the French for possession of those islands -
Martinique, Dominica and Les Saints being captured. Unfortunately yellow fever took a far heavier
toll of the Regiment than did the enemy. After a brief period at home the 45th was soon on active
service again.

The Regiment was despatched to South America in 1807, where it took part in
the attack on Buenos Aires, when every man of the small British force had to fight for his life in the
street fighting that followed the capture of the town. After this action the Regiment embarked for
The Peninsular War

The following year the 45th Regiment became part of the Peninsular Army, under Sir Arthur
Wellesley, the future Duke of Wellington. The 45th was present at the opening battle, at Rolica in
1808, and served without a break in all Wellington's famous battles until the siege of Toulouse in
1814, winning no less than thirteen battle honours. The nickname, "The Old Stubborns", was
bestowed on the regiment for its conspicuous bravery at the battle of Talavera. In that battle the
French flung themselves in dense masses upon the advanced posts of the British Army, which were
held by the 45th, who opposed the enemy with such firmness and courage that the enemy troops
were first checked and then brought to a standstill. Retiring slowly, the 45th held up the enemy
attack so completely that the entire sting was taken out of it, and the British were able to win a
great victory. Wellington, describing the battle in his official report said: "Upon this occasion the
steadiness and discipline of the 45th Regiment were conspicuous".

In the Battle of Busaco, the 45th Regiment again distinguished itself leading the attack on a dense
column of the enemy troops, which had reached the crest of the hill. The attack, made with the
bayonet, was so fierce that the enemy was driven pell-mell down the slopes, leaving some
hundreds on the ground killed and wounded. "1 can assure you 1 never witnessed a more gallant
charge", wrote Wellington in his despatches. In the siege of Badajoz, a detachment of the 45th
succeeded in getting into the Castle first and the red coat of an officer of the 45th was hoisted in
place of the French flag to indicate the fall of the Castle. This feat is commemorated on the 6th
April each year when red jackets are flown on Regimental flag staffs and at Nottingham Castle.

Change in Title

The secondary title 'The Sherwood Foresters' was granted to the 45th in 1866 by Queen Victoria;
the Nottinghamshire Militia having previously been granted the title of "The Royal Sherwood
Foresters" in 1813.

In 1867, the 45th formed part of the British force that, under General Sir Robert Napier
(afterwards Lord Napier of Magdala), fought in the Abyssinian campaign. This was one of the
most remarkable exploits in the history of the British Army. Magdala, the capital, was a
fortified city perched on the summit of a huge rock with almost perpendicular sides, and
approachable on one side only. It was situated four hundred road less miles from the coast in
the midst of a great range of mountains, over which the troops had to climb, and in some
places had to haul their guns and limbers up by ropes. The 45th marched 300 miles in 24
days and actually covered 70 miles in 4 days over a mountain pass 10,000 feet high to be
present at the capture of Magdala.



🥇 NW 2v2 Season II 🥇
🥈2nd Place in Division B of GLBT 🥈
🥈2nd Place in MDGL 2021 🥈
🥉3rd Place in NWBC S4 2020 🥉
🥉3rd Place in MRGL S1 2020🥉
🥉3rd Place in EIC S4 2021🥉



Colonel Nova
Major Maskman


Commissioned Officers
Captain Mitchell

Non-Commissioned Officers
Company Serjeant Major Wolf115
Serjeant Glenn
Lance Corporal Bram
Lance Corporal StickyToffeePudding
Lance Corporal Pumti
Lance Corporal Smallest

Field Surgeon Berba
Field Surgeon Polka

KingsGuard Andy
KingsGuard Cookiez
KingsGuard Dom
KingsGuard Dothor
KingsGuard Edward Hay
KingsGuard Gringo
KingsGuard Greaves
Kingsman haschtrollet
KingsGuard Headless
KingsGuard Kabraxis
KingsGuard Luca
KingsGuard Poberta
KingsGuard JammyD0dger
KingsGuard Jake
KingsGuard Jobana
KingsGuard Ralof
KingsGuard Soli
KingsGuard YouKnowWho
KingsGuard Zeus
KingsGuard Ziggecigar

Kingsman Akiira
Kingsman Bagetak
Kingsman Bob
Kingsman Darki
Kingsman Dylan Monk
Kingsman Fireboy
Kingsman Griggs
Kingsman Houdini
Kingsman Flag Kubus
Kingsman JaimeYES
Kingsman MerKat Peritz
Kingsman Ody
Kingsman Saitama
Kingsman Shadow
Kingsman Veto

Guardsman Anheuern
Guardsman Edward Teach
Guardsman Commissar Jingles
Guardsman Lil'Sebastian
Guardsman Lord Orange
Guardsman Melbury
Guardsman Norseman
Guardsman Peyton
Guardsman Phil
Guardsman Romanski
Guardsman Stormki
Guardsman Shotwatffel
Guardsman Wilma
Guardsman Zenepl

Veteran Barry
Veteran Bosvark
Veteran Billy White
Veteran Calgon
Veteran Dayman
Veteran Diredog
Veteran Didelyn
Veteran Garch
Veteran Governor
Veteran Iuff
Veteran Jurre
Veteran Huldrake
Veteran Killme.exe
Veteran Kong
Veteran KingRich
Veteran Mac
Veteran Mano
Veteran Mattboi
Veteran Mr.Anderson
Veteran Nao
Veteran Rundeen
Veteran Source
Veteran Soulja Boy
Veteran SwissG
Veteran Totenflak
Veteran Thomas

Regular Bissenbacker
Regular BigBaggins
Regular Burgent
Regular Cashew
  Regular Cenker
Regular Colonel Sanders
Regular Curtis
Regular Dio
Regular Emre1ez
Regular Hangman
Regular Henri
Regular Hellbrud
Regular JollyCanadian
Regular Maxonvien
Regular Mercian
Regular Kartex
Regular KiteTheBird
Regular S0loguitar
Regular SugarTits
Regular Stefan0350
Regular Silvertitan44
Regular TobbenTheLi
Regular TiredJake
Regular Xattos
Regular Vixca

Private Ascential
Private Apolovich
Private Baguette
Private Cairdac
Private Chantakey
Private Coutinho
Private Como
Private DankMemes
Private D0ctor
Private DrPepper
Private C1oud
Private Hauptmann
Private Kapow
Private Lacey Boi
Private Legionpvp
Private Lucas
Private Mechanic007
Private ooooof
Private StarBuck
Private Smylie
Private SirVictorian
Private Stacc
Private Tost
Private WakkoZakko
Private WelshGuy
Private Weisman
Private Winchester

Recruit 20AndiGandi00
Recruit Bayoneto
Recruit Butt Sparkles
Recruit Cereberus
Recruit Charon
Recruit Doki
Recruit Foltes
Recruit Fittens
Recruit Fischel
Recruit fleischmann
Recruit Gazz
Recruit Idestroke
Recruit Ironclad
Recruit John
Recruit Nick
Recruit Pipo
Recruit Rika
Recruit Rubeen
Recruit Teemo
Recruit Spartan

Commissioned Officers
Captain Jack Hanselmitch
Lieutenant Raf

Non-Commissioned Officers
Colour Serjeant Lord Flasheart
Corporal Inferno
Lance Corporal Ryuko

Chosenman BonkyMonkey
Chosenman Lefty
Chosenman DragonKnight
Chosenman Maverick
Chosenman Jacster
Chosenman Hysteria
Chosenman Maggoty Bread

Marksman Mr Canadian

Ranger Harry Viez
Ranger Petrovick

Guardsman BulSovMan
Guardsman S0loguitar

Veteran Ajax
Veteran David Beckonsfield
Veteran Cookiez
Veteran Koalamund
Veteran KingJeb
Veteran Maximu5
Veteran Fennidian Dragon
Veteran NikoBagrationi
Veteran R_V_S

Regular Andbre
Regular Grimmy
Regular Gurki
Regular Roenez
Regular TomSnow
Regular Theodred
Regular Zigny

Private Felix
Private Migurdia
Private Klein (rik)
Private NickyJ
Private Swaggles
Private Sergeant44

Recruit Imgetka

Commissioned Officers
Major Maskman

Non-Commissioned Officers
Colour Serjeant Ryan
Serjeant Yovko
Corporal Fwuffy
Corporal Nightwing
Lance Corporal Eastwind

Veteran Grenadier Head Nurse lonedoge
Head Grenadier Achilles

Veteran Grenadier Cody
Veteran Grenadier Fenton
Veteran Grenadier Flo
Veteran Grenadier Floris
Veteran Grenadier Jerome
Veteran Grenadier Mauri
Veteran Grenadier Nedim
Veteran Grenadier Snikk
Veteran Grenadier Vemon

Grenadier Albert
Grenadier Fietta
Grenadier Mr_T
Grenadier Jacko
Grenadier Jakob
Grenadier Surgeon Janne
Grenadier Timlef
Grenadier 19boboy97

Guardsman Biggie
Guardsman Galava
Guardsman MushyPeas
Guardsman Nisse
Guardsman Pancake
Guardsman JonnyBoy
Guardsman sHype
Guardsman Winter

Veteran Mech

Private Alatriste
Private Marquez
Private Steinmann



Commissioned Officers

Non-Commissioned Officers
Corporal of Horse Pepsiwonder

Farrier Yanai

Veteran Trooper Beeatyrr
Veteran Trooper Arachon

Trooper ClassyBoomer
Trooper Gotfri
Trooper Minatoor
Trooper Ser Perry
Trooper SMONKA

Recruit Anta
Recruit Mvh22
Recruit Preacher
Recruit Kudonides
Recruit Reznov
Recruit Saphyro
Recruit SkyUser
Recruit Theodore Crazi

Commissioned Officers

Non-Commissioned Officers
Colour Serjeant Klahk


Field Surgeon Prometheus
Sapper Cabbage

Lance Corporal Ajax

Gunner German Gunner
Gunner BigBig

Private Maximus
Private Markus

Private MadDog
Private Stryker
Private Bluebat
Private Drew

Recruit Azuris
Recruit Crooked
Recruit Grassweed
Recruit Levis
Recruit Tots

Total Count of the Regiment

Commissioned Officers: 5
NCO's: 14
Enlisted: 283
Total Active Strength: 309

We are recruiting! Add Kubus or maskmanmarks on steam to try us out at one of our numerous daily events
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

Offline Jayke

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Offline ArtOfKilling

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4864 on: March 01, 2022, 12:14:02 pm »

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4865 on: March 01, 2022, 12:28:16 pm »

February 2022

The 33rd is as ever, openly Recruiting! We host five unique events to attend alongside numerous others specifically scheduled each week, with no commitment beyond attending one event a week to stay on our Roster. We maintain three active companies - Line with Lights and Cavalry to support, with 120 members on the strength as of February 2022.


First and foremost congratulations are in order to all newly commissioned officers and non-commissioned officer appointments. Giorno & Henry, all long-serving and dedicated members, promoted to Corporal and Serjeant respectively. Burnes has been lifted from the ranks, still on the staff as recognition for his responsibilities in the wider regiment, whilst Stypa has been elevated to the rank of lieutenant for his unwavering dedication to No2 company and formerly No3 company. Many congratulations to them and we thank them all for their hard work to this community!

Our Events have undergone a slight overhaul, with our Saturday event now alternating between our usual Line-only and a revival of our siege event, last hosted in 2017. Conquest has also returned every other Wednesday, replacing LOTR after it's successful 6 month tenure. Ours and the 92nd's Sunday event has also finished it's 2 month campaign in the Peninsular, successfully fielding 3 servers and approximately 500 players! We have now returned to our usual remit of 2 servers and maximum of 400 players. We look forward to continue playing these events going forward, keeping our hosting schedule nice and fresh.

There's a great deal to cover since our last update so I'll just cover the main bits that have been going on with the 33rd. Since October we have completed two tournaments (RGL & Cav 5v5), both of which we came 2nd in 2nd League so well played to our Cavalry and Infantry teams respectively; The RGL finish in particular was so close, with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place only being decided by a matter of one or two rounds - exciting stuff! Our EGS team also continues to compete in EGS L2 with varying success, but each new tournament has brought the team closer together and with an improved performance overall - see here for TheHunter's coverage on our tournament matches. We look forward to our upcoming participation in NWBC over the coming weeks and our competitive schedule is still open for regular groupfights, against any of our 3 infantry teams or Cavalry team.
Battle Cry of Freedom

Battle Cry of Freedom has also been announced for which we will be prepared, hosting at least two weekly events and a public Siege server for at least the first month from release. Anyone wishing to join the 33rd Volunteer Infantry on this journey from release do get in touch! We will be temporarily amending our NW event schedule to facilitate these additional events, details of which will be provided shortly. Needless to say we are excited and eagerly await how the wider community responds to the game and its release.

Here's to a good 2022 - God Save the King & his 33rd Regiment!

Welcoming New, Experienced, Relaxed or Competitive  players - Enlist with the Duke of Wellingtons Own Today!

European Groupfighting Series S3

The Regiment after our Sunday Event

Battle Cry of Freedom

Regiment Roster

Battalion Staff

Lieutenant Colonel     
Corporal Major     
Serjeant Major

Infantry Officers         

Colour Serjeant


Lance Corporal
Chosen Man
LCpl. / Chsn.

Cavalry Troop Officers         

Staff Corporal
Corporal of Horse
Lance Corporal of Horse

Life Guard
Veteran Trooper
Horse Guard


Battalion Staff

LtCol. Kincaid
Maj. Cedric
Adj. Burnes
Staff: 3

  Light Company 

Lt. Alec

Sjt. CommissarBadger

Cpl. Giorno

Chsn. Barro

Kgn. Matt
Kgn. Salzar
Kgn. Sticklitz

Vet. Carolus
Vet. D-DayDan
Vet. SirLegion
Vet. Umbra

Mrks. Burgundy
Mrks. Bonokiller
Mrks. Coco
Mrks. Eazy-E
Mrks. Regulation
Mrks. Supak
Mrks. TurkishPanda

Pte. Gangstaboy
Pte. Snowy
Pte. Swagged Out Custard

Rct. BooksofWar
Rct. Conorrob
Rct. Darkling
Company Strength: 24


Lt. Stypa

CSjt. PapaWeymar
Sjt. Aldrich
Sjt. Henry

Cpl. Crying Noob
Cpl. Richard

Kgn. Ariva
Kgn. TheHunter
Kgn. Sneakyfellow

Vet. Azazel
Vet. GoldenThiZ
Vet. Madwolf
Vet. Vald3maR

Fus. DaOgre
Fus. Deadwulf
Fus. Jorvasker
Fus. Kryzhogra
Fus. Levi

Pte. Acikbeyaz
Pte. Alistair
Pte. B4sky
Pte. DancingPiper
Pte. DrAcular
Pte. Enkabard
Pte. EnigmaUK
Pte. Freaky
Pte. GreenGamer
Pte. Lord Tim
Pte. MrLol
Pte. Obi
Pte. Reid
Pte. Shagman
Pte. Slice
Company Strength: 33

  Centre Company 

Rct. Chigur
Rct. Cuttsy
Rct. Derpy
Rct. Dickinson
Rct. Fitz
Rct. Glennson
Rct. Jentlemen
Rct. Moraine
Rct. NapoleonBlownapart
Rct. Night
Rct. Ralph Wiggum
Rct. Ripsipiirakka
Rct. RulerofSweden
Rct. Unwilling
Rct. Welsh
Recruits: 15


Lt. King George

Vet. Adamoo138
Vet. Flashcoms
Vet. FilthyMezla
Vet. Kaiser
Vet. Getmos
Vet. Lastash
Vet. OdaCao
Vet. PeanutDonkey
Vet. Scarhead
Vet. Ser Twenty

Pte. AngrySteve
Pte. CoolHair
Pte. DawnofWar
Pte. Douggie
Pte. Drako
Pte. Duke
Pte. Gandulf
Pte. Hakeswill
Pte. Henk
Pte. Hopeless Knight
Pte. Mighty
Pte. Sharpshooter
Pte. ToxicMarine
Pte. Varys
Pte. Wonshu
Reserves: 26

  Cavalry Troop 

Cpt. Tylerus
Crt. Duffman

Far. Mekol

VetTrp. Ace
VetTrp. Grekos
VetTrp. Johnson
VetTrp. Uganda

HGrd. Mark8269
HGrd. Michael Smolik

Hsm. Alexander
Hsm. Loyal Piper
Hsm. SirCloudy

Trp. BlackHawk
Trp. Harbinger
Trp. Krishna
Trp. PrezPlayz
Trp. Seba
Trp. Troll Prezes
Trp. Warder
Trp. Wonsz

Rct. BojovaCici
Rct. Pacr
Troop Strength: 22

Battalion strength - 120 officers and other ranks.

Event Schedule

Monday Double-rank Event (Monthly)
- 19:00GMT -
- 160-200 players -

Monthly Line-only, Double-rank event using a range of Custom maps.
RP Ruleset & Ranged damage reduction (70%) to reduce shooting
casualties (double rank).

Wednesday Conquest Event
- 19:00GMT -
- 120-160 players -

Conquest event utilising scripts to force base spawning rules.
FiC and RiC permitted on flags areas, Lights, Cavalry and Artillery
special classes.

Wednesday Historical Event
- 19:00GMT -
- 160-200 players -

Replaces our Wednesday Conquest event twice a month, on the 1st and
3rd Wednesdays of each month. A mix of Gameplay and Roleplay orientated
rounds, to play out various historical scenarios in depth.
Ranged damage reduction (70%) to reduce shooting casualties (double rank)

Saturday Siege Event
- 19:00GMT -
- 120-160 players -

Siege Event allowing each line to field 1 or 2 artillermen and a
sapper each with each event consisting of 2 maps & 4 rounds.
Alternates week on week with our Siege Event.

Saturday Line-only Event
- 19:00GMT -
- 160-200 players -

Line-only event using a range of Custom maps with No FiC or RiC
& OA is eligible for a revive.
Alternates week on week with our Siege Event.

Sunday Line Battle Event
- 19:00GMT -
- 160-200 players -

Weekly Event co-hosted with the 92nd, utilizing flag-spawning scripts
to keep all players in the action.
No FiC or RiC.

Internal Events & Trainings

Wednesday Warm-up
- 18:30GMT -
Training before our Official Event for
every Company.
Sunday Warm-up
- 18:30GMT -
Training before our Official Event for
every Company.

Competitive update
Infantry Groupfights October - January

2021 Scores to-date


Offline The Musket Soldier

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4866 on: March 02, 2022, 03:22:03 am »
An old NW player here looking for a NA Reg, any help?

Offline maskmanmarks

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4867 on: March 02, 2022, 06:39:31 am »
Add GlennofNW on steam^^

He leads one of the biggest and best NA regiments atm called the 84th Highlanders
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

Offline Chuckster

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4868 on: March 08, 2022, 08:18:36 pm »
Im looking for a good eu regiment

Offline maskmanmarks

  • Major General
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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4869 on: March 09, 2022, 04:33:13 am »

(Click on the titles to read the desired subject)


His most Britannic Majesty's 45th Regiment of foot was raised on the 26th March 2016 by Vegetarian.
It is a semi-serious competitive regiment that is English speaking and accepts all nationalities, Recruits
have to attend one Line-battle and one training before becoming an official member of the regiment,
so that you show you are dedicated enough to be active. The history of this regiment is as twisted and
long as an olive branch with our first Colonel Vegetarian forming the regiment in 2016. The regiment
changed hands multiple times until in 2017, Nova seized control of the regiment including both
companies with the help of notable officers and NCOs, namely Flibbit, Maskman and Flasheart in a
blood coup resulting in the disbandment of the Light Infantry. With the formation and dissolution of
several companies such as cavalry and artillery, a successful merge with Mitchell's 10th in 2020 has
guaranteed the 45th Nottinghamshire a place in the top five largest and best casual competitive
regiments within the NW scene. Ever since, for three years straight the regiment has stayed a steady
course towards great internal glory slowly becoming the power house it is today, a regiment with three
separate companies hosting daily events being able to field a total 50-60 players at any given point.

        The 45th Nottinghamshire is lead by Colonel Nova and boasts three detachments each with their own
events which Nova oversees and leads. The 45th Nottinghamshire is well-rooted both in the casual and
competitive scenes with the regiment hosting its own successful Thursday event as well as preforming
very well in many regimental tournaments and leagues such as RGL, GLBT, RMT and Kincaids 2v2. The
Regiment can be broken up into three separate detachments, The Centre Company is lead by Major
Maskman and Lieutenant Mitchell. The Lights company is lead by Lieutenant Jack and finally the
Grenadier company (Grens) lead by Ensign Jerome. For tournament and group fight matches only the
very best from each company will be selected for attendance, the Grenadiers making up the backbone
of the roster for competitive events.The regiment boasts an experienced cadre of NCOs who are
invaluable in keeping good order in the line, such as Company Sergeant Major Valley and Lefty (Grens
and Lights), Colour Serjeant Floris and Natty (Grens and Line), as well as many other junior NCOs
often leading their respective companies on the ground whilst the officers and Battalion staff, tend to
the regiment's administrative work. Special thanks to Flasheart, the most loved uncle of the regiment!


Our Goals in Napoleonic Wars

The 45thN will mainly focus on participating in weekly-based line battles and sieges. The Regiment
will mainly focus on improving their shooting and melee to compete in future 1v1s and 2v2s against
other regiments. The 45thN is a very competitive regiment. We came 2nd in the 2nd division of GLBT.
We do very often groupfighting events as well as tournaments. Trainings will also be organized
throughout the week to get our members to their peak performance in the game. On the other hand,
we will be jumping onto public servers to have a laugh and to enjoy ourselves, We want to accomplish
in Napoleonic Wars to become a fun mature regiment to keep the entertainment at its highest peak!
If you are interested in joining this regiment, please add one of our officers on Steam.

Recruit Guidebook

The individuals of the regiment are constantly cheerful when a new member joins in. We will willingly
welcome all those who show interest by joining the regiment. Once joined the regiment, Recruits are
expected to show great dedication and motivation towards the regiment as well as improving their
melee and shooting in-game. If you are active within 2 weeks, you will be promoted to Private and
from there, you will slowly but surely progress through the ranks whilst showing melee skills and
discipline. If you, however, encounter a problem within the regiment or your not to sure about
something, then do please contact one of the Commanding Officers or a Non-Commissioned Officer
as they will always be available at your disposal and would really want to help.


Early History

The history of The Sherwood Foresters goes back to 1741, when England was committed to War
against France in Europe and later in Asia and America. In this year a new Regiment was raised and
commanded by a Colonel Houghton. By 1745 the Regiment was in Gibraltar and under the command
of a Colonel Warburton, while two years later it was serving in Nova Scotia. In 1751 numerical titles
were introduced and the Regiment became the 45th. The aggressive actions of the French against
the English in Canada resulted in the 45th being called out on active service. It was one of the
regiments that won undying fame in storming and capturing from the French the Naval Arsenal of
Louisburg, a stronghold that had been heavily and extensively fortified.

The 45th Regiment served for twenty years in Canada, and for its gallantry at Louisburg was later
awarded the first of the long roll of battle honours that now adorn the Colours. Although not present
as a unit, the 45th was represented by its grenadier company in the British force that the gallant
Wolfe led up the St. Lawrence River to capture Quebec and thus seal the doom of French rule in

The Regiment Returns Home

On returning home the Regiment served for some years in Ireland and when the American War Of
Independence broke out, was among the reinforcements sent to New York in 1776. It fought at Long
Island, Philadelphia, Brandywine, Germantown, and in other places, suffering losses but always
exhibiting a high degree of courage and fortitude. After the War, the 45th reduced to less than 100
all ranks, returned home to Nottingham. The citizens of Nottingham requested that the Regiment
should be called "The Nottinghamshire Regiment" and His Majesty agreed, providing 300 men were
recruited in the county.

With volunteers from the Nottinghamshire Militia and the influence of local landowners, the
stipulated number was soon obtained. Between 1786-1794 and 1795-1802, the 45th was in the
West Indies almost constantly engaged in fighting the French for possession of those islands -
Martinique, Dominica and Les Saints being captured. Unfortunately yellow fever took a far heavier
toll of the Regiment than did the enemy. After a brief period at home the 45th was soon on active
service again.

The Regiment was despatched to South America in 1807, where it took part in
the attack on Buenos Aires, when every man of the small British force had to fight for his life in the
street fighting that followed the capture of the town. After this action the Regiment embarked for
The Peninsular War

The following year the 45th Regiment became part of the Peninsular Army, under Sir Arthur
Wellesley, the future Duke of Wellington. The 45th was present at the opening battle, at Rolica in
1808, and served without a break in all Wellington's famous battles until the siege of Toulouse in
1814, winning no less than thirteen battle honours. The nickname, "The Old Stubborns", was
bestowed on the regiment for its conspicuous bravery at the battle of Talavera. In that battle the
French flung themselves in dense masses upon the advanced posts of the British Army, which were
held by the 45th, who opposed the enemy with such firmness and courage that the enemy troops
were first checked and then brought to a standstill. Retiring slowly, the 45th held up the enemy
attack so completely that the entire sting was taken out of it, and the British were able to win a
great victory. Wellington, describing the battle in his official report said: "Upon this occasion the
steadiness and discipline of the 45th Regiment were conspicuous".

In the Battle of Busaco, the 45th Regiment again distinguished itself leading the attack on a dense
column of the enemy troops, which had reached the crest of the hill. The attack, made with the
bayonet, was so fierce that the enemy was driven pell-mell down the slopes, leaving some
hundreds on the ground killed and wounded. "1 can assure you 1 never witnessed a more gallant
charge", wrote Wellington in his despatches. In the siege of Badajoz, a detachment of the 45th
succeeded in getting into the Castle first and the red coat of an officer of the 45th was hoisted in
place of the French flag to indicate the fall of the Castle. This feat is commemorated on the 6th
April each year when red jackets are flown on Regimental flag staffs and at Nottingham Castle.

Change in Title

The secondary title 'The Sherwood Foresters' was granted to the 45th in 1866 by Queen Victoria;
the Nottinghamshire Militia having previously been granted the title of "The Royal Sherwood
Foresters" in 1813.

In 1867, the 45th formed part of the British force that, under General Sir Robert Napier
(afterwards Lord Napier of Magdala), fought in the Abyssinian campaign. This was one of the
most remarkable exploits in the history of the British Army. Magdala, the capital, was a
fortified city perched on the summit of a huge rock with almost perpendicular sides, and
approachable on one side only. It was situated four hundred road less miles from the coast in
the midst of a great range of mountains, over which the troops had to climb, and in some
places had to haul their guns and limbers up by ropes. The 45th marched 300 miles in 24
days and actually covered 70 miles in 4 days over a mountain pass 10,000 feet high to be
present at the capture of Magdala.



🥇 NW 2v2 Season II 🥇
🥈2nd Place in Division B of GLBT 🥈
🥈2nd Place in MDGL 2021 🥈
🥉3rd Place in NWBC S4 2020 🥉
🥉3rd Place in MRGL S1 2020🥉
🥉3rd Place in EIC S4 2021🥉



Colonel Nova
Major Maskman


Commissioned Officers
Captain Mitchell

Non-Commissioned Officers
Company Serjeant Major Wolf115
Serjeant Glenn
Lance Corporal Bram
Lance Corporal StickyToffeePudding
Lance Corporal Pumti
Lance Corporal Smallest

Field Surgeon Berba
Field Surgeon Polka

KingsGuard Andy
KingsGuard Cookiez
KingsGuard Dom
KingsGuard Dothor
KingsGuard Edward Hay
KingsGuard Gringo
KingsGuard Greaves
Kingsman haschtrollet
KingsGuard Headless
KingsGuard Kabraxis
KingsGuard Luca
KingsGuard Poberta
KingsGuard JammyD0dger
KingsGuard Jake
KingsGuard Jobana
KingsGuard Ralof
KingsGuard Soli
KingsGuard YouKnowWho
KingsGuard Zeus
KingsGuard Ziggecigar

Kingsman Akiira
Kingsman Bagetak
Kingsman Bob
Kingsman Darki
Kingsman Dylan Monk
Kingsman Fireboy
Kingsman Griggs
Kingsman Houdini
Kingsman Flag Kubus
Kingsman JaimeYES
Kingsman MerKat Peritz
Kingsman Ody
Kingsman Saitama
Kingsman Shadow
Kingsman Veto

Guardsman Anheuern
Guardsman Edward Teach
Guardsman Commissar Jingles
Guardsman Lil'Sebastian
Guardsman Lord Orange
Guardsman Melbury
Guardsman Norseman
Guardsman Peyton
Guardsman Phil
Guardsman Romanski
Guardsman Stormki
Guardsman Shotwatffel
Guardsman Wilma
Guardsman Zenepl

Veteran Barry
Veteran Bosvark
Veteran Billy White
Veteran Calgon
Veteran Dayman
Veteran Diredog
Veteran Didelyn
Veteran Garch
Veteran Governor
Veteran Iuff
Veteran Jurre
Veteran Huldrake
Veteran Killme.exe
Veteran Kong
Veteran KingRich
Veteran Mac
Veteran Mano
Veteran Mattboi
Veteran Mr.Anderson
Veteran Nao
Veteran Rundeen
Veteran Source
Veteran Soulja Boy
Veteran SwissG
Veteran Totenflak
Veteran Thomas

Regular Bissenbacker
Regular BigBaggins
Regular Burgent
Regular Cashew
  Regular Cenker
Regular Colonel Sanders
Regular Curtis
Regular Dio
Regular Emre1ez
Regular Hangman
Regular Henri
Regular Hellbrud
Regular JollyCanadian
Regular Maxonvien
Regular Mercian
Regular Kartex
Regular KiteTheBird
Regular S0loguitar
Regular SugarTits
Regular Stefan0350
Regular Silvertitan44
Regular TobbenTheLi
Regular TiredJake
Regular Xattos
Regular Vixca

Private Ascential
Private Apolovich
Private Baguette
Private Cairdac
Private Chantakey
Private Coutinho
Private Como
Private DankMemes
Private D0ctor
Private DrPepper
Private C1oud
Private Hauptmann
Private Kapow
Private Lacey Boi
Private Legionpvp
Private Lucas
Private Mechanic007
Private ooooof
Private StarBuck
Private Smylie
Private SirVictorian
Private Stacc
Private Tost
Private WakkoZakko
Private WelshGuy
Private Weisman
Private Winchester

Recruit 20AndiGandi00
Recruit Bayoneto
Recruit Butt Sparkles
Recruit Cereberus
Recruit Charon
Recruit Doki
Recruit Foltes
Recruit Fittens
Recruit Fischel
Recruit fleischmann
Recruit Gazz
Recruit Idestroke
Recruit Ironclad
Recruit John
Recruit Nick
Recruit Pipo
Recruit Rika
Recruit Rubeen
Recruit Teemo
Recruit Spartan

Commissioned Officers
Captain Jack Hanselmitch
Lieutenant Raf

Non-Commissioned Officers
Colour Serjeant Lord Flasheart
Corporal Inferno
Lance Corporal Ryuko

Chosenman BonkyMonkey
Chosenman Lefty
Chosenman DragonKnight
Chosenman Maverick
Chosenman Jacster
Chosenman Hysteria
Chosenman Maggoty Bread

Marksman Mr Canadian

Ranger Harry Viez
Ranger Petrovick

Guardsman BulSovMan
Guardsman S0loguitar

Veteran Ajax
Veteran David Beckonsfield
Veteran Cookiez
Veteran Koalamund
Veteran KingJeb
Veteran Maximu5
Veteran Fennidian Dragon
Veteran NikoBagrationi
Veteran R_V_S

Regular Andbre
Regular Grimmy
Regular Gurki
Regular Roenez
Regular TomSnow
Regular Theodred
Regular Zigny

Private Felix
Private Migurdia
Private Klein (rik)
Private NickyJ
Private Swaggles
Private Sergeant44

Recruit Imgetka

Commissioned Officers
Major Maskman

Non-Commissioned Officers
Colour Serjeant Ryan
Serjeant Yovko
Corporal Fwuffy
Corporal Nightwing
Lance Corporal Eastwind

Veteran Grenadier Head Nurse lonedoge
Head Grenadier Achilles

Veteran Grenadier Cody
Veteran Grenadier Fenton
Veteran Grenadier Flo
Veteran Grenadier Floris
Veteran Grenadier Jerome
Veteran Grenadier Mauri
Veteran Grenadier Nedim
Veteran Grenadier Snikk
Veteran Grenadier Vemon

Grenadier Albert
Grenadier Fietta
Grenadier Mr_T
Grenadier Jacko
Grenadier Jakob
Grenadier Surgeon Janne
Grenadier Timlef
Grenadier 19boboy97

Guardsman Biggie
Guardsman Galava
Guardsman MushyPeas
Guardsman Nisse
Guardsman Pancake
Guardsman JonnyBoy
Guardsman sHype
Guardsman Winter

Veteran Mech

Private Alatriste
Private Marquez
Private Steinmann



Commissioned Officers

Non-Commissioned Officers
Corporal of Horse Pepsiwonder

Farrier Yanai

Veteran Trooper Beeatyrr
Veteran Trooper Arachon

Trooper ClassyBoomer
Trooper Gotfri
Trooper Minatoor
Trooper Ser Perry
Trooper SMONKA

Recruit Anta
Recruit Mvh22
Recruit Preacher
Recruit Kudonides
Recruit Reznov
Recruit Saphyro
Recruit SkyUser
Recruit Theodore Crazi

Commissioned Officers

Non-Commissioned Officers
Colour Serjeant Klahk


Field Surgeon Prometheus
Sapper Cabbage

Lance Corporal Ajax

Gunner German Gunner
Gunner BigBig

Private Maximus
Private Markus

Private MadDog
Private Stryker
Private Bluebat
Private Drew

Recruit Azuris
Recruit Crooked
Recruit Grassweed
Recruit Levis
Recruit Tots

Total Count of the Regiment

Commissioned Officers: 5
NCO's: 14
Enlisted: 283
Total Active Strength: 309

We are recruiting! Add Maskman on steam to try us out at one of our numerous daily events
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?

Offline visionairy

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4870 on: April 20, 2022, 09:26:32 pm »
Hi im looking for a small regiment i can help with and be friends with..

i have 967 Hours in the game and went to multiple events

Name: Visionairy

Experience: Lots :D Mostly Played with Infantry Or Lights            (no CAV)

Time: EU
« Last Edit: April 20, 2022, 09:28:19 pm by visionairy »

Offline Scottish Unicorn

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4871 on: April 20, 2022, 09:35:07 pm »
Hi im looking for a small regiment i can help with and be friends with..

i have 967 Hours in the game and went to multiple events

Name: Visionairy

Experience: Lots :D Mostly Played with Infantry Or Lights            (no CAV)

Time: EU
I've sent you a steam friend request :)

Offline Linueax

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4872 on: April 22, 2022, 04:37:05 pm »
Hey Guys,

Im Looking for an Regiment i have 329 hours playtime i already was in 3 Regiments if you are Intrested and wanna know more about me add me on Discord or on Steam.

Discord: ImLutrax#1111

Offline PurplePanda

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4873 on: April 23, 2022, 01:30:49 am »
Hey Guys,

Im Looking for an Regiment i have 329 hours playtime i already was in 3 Regiments if you are Intrested and wanna know more about me add me on Discord or on Steam.

Discord: ImLutrax#1111

msg'd, I am Arm1n on discord.

Offline maskmanmarks

  • Major General
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  • Colonel of the 45th Nottinghamshire Regiment
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  • Nick: 45thN_Col_Maskman_Peritz
  • Side: Neutral
Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4874 on: April 27, 2022, 02:58:53 pm »

(Click on the titles to read the desired subject)


His most Britannic Majesty's 45th Regiment of foot was raised on the 26th March 2016 by Vegetarian.
It is a semi-serious competitive regiment that is English speaking and accepts all nationalities, Recruits
have to attend one Line-battle and one training before becoming an official member of the regiment,
so that you show you are dedicated enough to be active. The history of this regiment is as twisted and
long as an olive branch with our first Colonel Vegetarian forming the regiment in 2016. The regiment
changed hands multiple times until in 2017, Nova seized control of the regiment including both
companies with the help of notable officers and NCOs, namely Flibbit, Maskman and Flasheart in a
blood coup resulting in the disbandment of the Light Infantry. With the formation and dissolution of
several companies such as cavalry and artillery, a successful merge with Mitchell's 10th in 2020 has
guaranteed the 45th Nottinghamshire a place in the top five largest and best casual competitive
regiments within the NW scene. Ever since, for three years straight the regiment has stayed a steady
course towards great internal glory slowly becoming the power house it is today, a regiment with three
separate companies hosting daily events being able to field a total 50-60 players at any given point.

        The 45th Nottinghamshire is lead by Colonel Nova and boasts three detachments each with their own
events which Nova oversees and leads. The 45th Nottinghamshire is well-rooted both in the casual and
competitive scenes with the regiment hosting its own successful Thursday event as well as preforming
very well in many regimental tournaments and leagues such as RGL, GLBT, RMT and Kincaids 2v2. The
Regiment can be broken up into three separate detachments, The Centre Company is lead by Major
Maskman and Lieutenant Mitchell. The Lights company is lead by Lieutenant Jack and finally the
Grenadier company (Grens) lead by Ensign Jerome. For tournament and group fight matches only the
very best from each company will be selected for attendance, the Grenadiers making up the backbone
of the roster for competitive events.The regiment boasts an experienced cadre of NCOs who are
invaluable in keeping good order in the line, such as Company Sergeant Major Valley and Lefty (Grens
and Lights), Colour Serjeant Floris and Natty (Grens and Line), as well as many other junior NCOs
often leading their respective companies on the ground whilst the officers and Battalion staff, tend to
the regiment's administrative work. Special thanks to Flasheart, the most loved uncle of the regiment!


Our Goals in Napoleonic Wars

The 45thN will mainly focus on participating in weekly-based line battles and sieges. The Regiment
will mainly focus on improving their shooting and melee to compete in future 1v1s and 2v2s against
other regiments. The 45thN is a very competitive regiment. We came 2nd in the 2nd division of GLBT.
We do very often groupfighting events as well as tournaments. Trainings will also be organized
throughout the week to get our members to their peak performance in the game. On the other hand,
we will be jumping onto public servers to have a laugh and to enjoy ourselves, We want to accomplish
in Napoleonic Wars to become a fun mature regiment to keep the entertainment at its highest peak!
If you are interested in joining this regiment, please add one of our officers on Steam.

Recruit Guidebook

The individuals of the regiment are constantly cheerful when a new member joins in. We will willingly
welcome all those who show interest by joining the regiment. Once joined the regiment, Recruits are
expected to show great dedication and motivation towards the regiment as well as improving their
melee and shooting in-game. If you are active within 2 weeks, you will be promoted to Private and
from there, you will slowly but surely progress through the ranks whilst showing melee skills and
discipline. If you, however, encounter a problem within the regiment or your not to sure about
something, then do please contact one of the Commanding Officers or a Non-Commissioned Officer
as they will always be available at your disposal and would really want to help.


Early History

The history of The Sherwood Foresters goes back to 1741, when England was committed to War
against France in Europe and later in Asia and America. In this year a new Regiment was raised and
commanded by a Colonel Houghton. By 1745 the Regiment was in Gibraltar and under the command
of a Colonel Warburton, while two years later it was serving in Nova Scotia. In 1751 numerical titles
were introduced and the Regiment became the 45th. The aggressive actions of the French against
the English in Canada resulted in the 45th being called out on active service. It was one of the
regiments that won undying fame in storming and capturing from the French the Naval Arsenal of
Louisburg, a stronghold that had been heavily and extensively fortified.

The 45th Regiment served for twenty years in Canada, and for its gallantry at Louisburg was later
awarded the first of the long roll of battle honours that now adorn the Colours. Although not present
as a unit, the 45th was represented by its grenadier company in the British force that the gallant
Wolfe led up the St. Lawrence River to capture Quebec and thus seal the doom of French rule in

The Regiment Returns Home

On returning home the Regiment served for some years in Ireland and when the American War Of
Independence broke out, was among the reinforcements sent to New York in 1776. It fought at Long
Island, Philadelphia, Brandywine, Germantown, and in other places, suffering losses but always
exhibiting a high degree of courage and fortitude. After the War, the 45th reduced to less than 100
all ranks, returned home to Nottingham. The citizens of Nottingham requested that the Regiment
should be called "The Nottinghamshire Regiment" and His Majesty agreed, providing 300 men were
recruited in the county.

With volunteers from the Nottinghamshire Militia and the influence of local landowners, the
stipulated number was soon obtained. Between 1786-1794 and 1795-1802, the 45th was in the
West Indies almost constantly engaged in fighting the French for possession of those islands -
Martinique, Dominica and Les Saints being captured. Unfortunately yellow fever took a far heavier
toll of the Regiment than did the enemy. After a brief period at home the 45th was soon on active
service again.

The Regiment was despatched to South America in 1807, where it took part in
the attack on Buenos Aires, when every man of the small British force had to fight for his life in the
street fighting that followed the capture of the town. After this action the Regiment embarked for
The Peninsular War

The following year the 45th Regiment became part of the Peninsular Army, under Sir Arthur
Wellesley, the future Duke of Wellington. The 45th was present at the opening battle, at Rolica in
1808, and served without a break in all Wellington's famous battles until the siege of Toulouse in
1814, winning no less than thirteen battle honours. The nickname, "The Old Stubborns", was
bestowed on the regiment for its conspicuous bravery at the battle of Talavera. In that battle the
French flung themselves in dense masses upon the advanced posts of the British Army, which were
held by the 45th, who opposed the enemy with such firmness and courage that the enemy troops
were first checked and then brought to a standstill. Retiring slowly, the 45th held up the enemy
attack so completely that the entire sting was taken out of it, and the British were able to win a
great victory. Wellington, describing the battle in his official report said: "Upon this occasion the
steadiness and discipline of the 45th Regiment were conspicuous".

In the Battle of Busaco, the 45th Regiment again distinguished itself leading the attack on a dense
column of the enemy troops, which had reached the crest of the hill. The attack, made with the
bayonet, was so fierce that the enemy was driven pell-mell down the slopes, leaving some
hundreds on the ground killed and wounded. "1 can assure you 1 never witnessed a more gallant
charge", wrote Wellington in his despatches. In the siege of Badajoz, a detachment of the 45th
succeeded in getting into the Castle first and the red coat of an officer of the 45th was hoisted in
place of the French flag to indicate the fall of the Castle. This feat is commemorated on the 6th
April each year when red jackets are flown on Regimental flag staffs and at Nottingham Castle.

Change in Title

The secondary title 'The Sherwood Foresters' was granted to the 45th in 1866 by Queen Victoria;
the Nottinghamshire Militia having previously been granted the title of "The Royal Sherwood
Foresters" in 1813.

In 1867, the 45th formed part of the British force that, under General Sir Robert Napier
(afterwards Lord Napier of Magdala), fought in the Abyssinian campaign. This was one of the
most remarkable exploits in the history of the British Army. Magdala, the capital, was a
fortified city perched on the summit of a huge rock with almost perpendicular sides, and
approachable on one side only. It was situated four hundred road less miles from the coast in
the midst of a great range of mountains, over which the troops had to climb, and in some
places had to haul their guns and limbers up by ropes. The 45th marched 300 miles in 24
days and actually covered 70 miles in 4 days over a mountain pass 10,000 feet high to be
present at the capture of Magdala.



🥇 NW 2v2 Season II 🥇
🥈2nd Place in Division B of GLBT 🥈
🥈2nd Place in MDGL 2021 🥈
🥉3rd Place in NWBC S4 2020 🥉
🥉3rd Place in MRGL S1 2020🥉
🥉3rd Place in EIC S4 2021🥉



Colonel Nova
Major Maskman


Commissioned Officers
Captain Mitchell

Non-Commissioned Officers
Company Serjeant Major Wolf115
Serjeant Glenn
Lance Corporal Bram
Lance Corporal StickyToffeePudding
Lance Corporal Pumti
Lance Corporal Smallest

Field Surgeon Berba
Field Surgeon Polka

KingsGuard Andy
KingsGuard Cookiez
KingsGuard Dom
KingsGuard Dothor
KingsGuard Edward Hay
KingsGuard Gringo
KingsGuard Greaves
Kingsman haschtrollet
KingsGuard Headless
KingsGuard Kabraxis
KingsGuard Luca
KingsGuard Poberta
KingsGuard JammyD0dger
KingsGuard Jake
KingsGuard Jobana
KingsGuard Ralof
KingsGuard Soli
KingsGuard YouKnowWho
KingsGuard Zeus
KingsGuard Ziggecigar

Kingsman Akiira
Kingsman Bagetak
Kingsman Bob
Kingsman Darki
Kingsman Dylan Monk
Kingsman Fireboy
Kingsman Griggs
Kingsman Houdini
Kingsman Flag Kubus
Kingsman JaimeYES
Kingsman MerKat Peritz
Kingsman Ody
Kingsman Saitama
Kingsman Shadow
Kingsman Veto

Guardsman Anheuern
Guardsman Edward Teach
Guardsman Commissar Jingles
Guardsman Lil'Sebastian
Guardsman Lord Orange
Guardsman Melbury
Guardsman Norseman
Guardsman Peyton
Guardsman Phil
Guardsman Romanski
Guardsman Stormki
Guardsman Shotwatffel
Guardsman Wilma
Guardsman Zenepl

Veteran Barry
Veteran Bosvark
Veteran Billy White
Veteran Calgon
Veteran Dayman
Veteran Diredog
Veteran Didelyn
Veteran Garch
Veteran Governor
Veteran Iuff
Veteran Jurre
Veteran Huldrake
Veteran Killme.exe
Veteran Kong
Veteran KingRich
Veteran Mac
Veteran Mano
Veteran Mattboi
Veteran Mr.Anderson
Veteran Nao
Veteran Rundeen
Veteran Source
Veteran Soulja Boy
Veteran SwissG
Veteran Totenflak
Veteran Thomas

Regular Bissenbacker
Regular BigBaggins
Regular Burgent
Regular Cashew
  Regular Cenker
Regular Colonel Sanders
Regular Curtis
Regular Dio
Regular Emre1ez
Regular Hangman
Regular Henri
Regular Hellbrud
Regular JollyCanadian
Regular Maxonvien
Regular Mercian
Regular Kartex
Regular KiteTheBird
Regular S0loguitar
Regular SugarTits
Regular Stefan0350
Regular Silvertitan44
Regular TobbenTheLi
Regular TiredJake
Regular Xattos
Regular Vixca

Private Ascential
Private Apolovich
Private Baguette
Private Cairdac
Private Chantakey
Private Coutinho
Private Como
Private DankMemes
Private D0ctor
Private DrPepper
Private C1oud
Private Hauptmann
Private Kapow
Private Lacey Boi
Private Legionpvp
Private Lucas
Private Mechanic007
Private ooooof
Private StarBuck
Private Smylie
Private SirVictorian
Private Stacc
Private Tost
Private WakkoZakko
Private WelshGuy
Private Weisman
Private Winchester

Recruit 20AndiGandi00
Recruit Bayoneto
Recruit Butt Sparkles
Recruit Cereberus
Recruit Charon
Recruit Doki
Recruit Foltes
Recruit Fittens
Recruit Fischel
Recruit fleischmann
Recruit Gazz
Recruit Idestroke
Recruit Ironclad
Recruit John
Recruit Nick
Recruit Pipo
Recruit Rika
Recruit Rubeen
Recruit Teemo
Recruit Spartan

Commissioned Officers
Captain Jack Hanselmitch
Lieutenant Raf

Non-Commissioned Officers
Colour Serjeant Lord Flasheart
Corporal Inferno
Lance Corporal Ryuko

Chosenman BonkyMonkey
Chosenman Lefty
Chosenman DragonKnight
Chosenman Maverick
Chosenman Jacster
Chosenman Hysteria
Chosenman Maggoty Bread

Marksman Mr Canadian

Ranger Harry Viez
Ranger Petrovick

Guardsman BulSovMan
Guardsman S0loguitar

Veteran Ajax
Veteran David Beckonsfield
Veteran Cookiez
Veteran Koalamund
Veteran KingJeb
Veteran Maximu5
Veteran Fennidian Dragon
Veteran NikoBagrationi
Veteran R_V_S

Regular Andbre
Regular Grimmy
Regular Gurki
Regular Roenez
Regular TomSnow
Regular Theodred
Regular Zigny

Private Felix
Private Migurdia
Private Klein (rik)
Private NickyJ
Private Swaggles
Private Sergeant44

Recruit Imgetka

Commissioned Officers
Major Maskman

Non-Commissioned Officers
Colour Serjeant Ryan
Serjeant Yovko
Corporal Fwuffy
Corporal Nightwing
Lance Corporal Eastwind

Veteran Grenadier Head Nurse lonedoge
Head Grenadier Achilles

Veteran Grenadier Cody
Veteran Grenadier Fenton
Veteran Grenadier Flo
Veteran Grenadier Floris
Veteran Grenadier Jerome
Veteran Grenadier Mauri
Veteran Grenadier Nedim
Veteran Grenadier Snikk
Veteran Grenadier Vemon

Grenadier Albert
Grenadier Fietta
Grenadier Mr_T
Grenadier Jacko
Grenadier Jakob
Grenadier Surgeon Janne
Grenadier Timlef
Grenadier 19boboy97

Guardsman Biggie
Guardsman Galava
Guardsman MushyPeas
Guardsman Nisse
Guardsman Pancake
Guardsman JonnyBoy
Guardsman sHype
Guardsman Winter

Veteran Mech

Private Alatriste
Private Marquez
Private Steinmann



Commissioned Officers

Non-Commissioned Officers
Corporal of Horse Pepsiwonder

Farrier Yanai

Veteran Trooper Beeatyrr
Veteran Trooper Arachon

Trooper ClassyBoomer
Trooper Gotfri
Trooper Minatoor
Trooper Ser Perry
Trooper SMONKA

Recruit Anta
Recruit Mvh22
Recruit Preacher
Recruit Kudonides
Recruit Reznov
Recruit Saphyro
Recruit SkyUser
Recruit Theodore Crazi

Commissioned Officers

Non-Commissioned Officers
Colour Serjeant Klahk


Field Surgeon Prometheus
Sapper Cabbage

Lance Corporal Ajax

Gunner German Gunner
Gunner BigBig

Private Maximus
Private Markus

Private MadDog
Private Stryker
Private Bluebat
Private Drew

Recruit Azuris
Recruit Crooked
Recruit Grassweed
Recruit Levis
Recruit Tots

Total Count of the Regiment

Commissioned Officers: 5
NCO's: 14
Enlisted: 283
Total Active Strength: 309

We are recruiting! Add Maskman on steam to try us out at one of our numerous daily events
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?