Author Topic: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!  (Read 874330 times)

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Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4560 on: December 17, 2018, 09:39:33 am »

December 2018

The 33rd is as ever, openly Recruiting! We attend multiple events every week; four of which we run ourselves with no commitment beyond one event a week required to stay on our Roster.

We maintain four active companies - two of which are Line with Lights and Cavalry to support, with 163 members on the strength as of December this year. The company system allows us to contribute a large presence as one whole regiment in our events, whilst maintaining smaller communities in which individual members can play their part and make a difference!

Welcoming New, Experienced, Relaxed or Competitive  players - Enlist with the Duke of Wellingtons Own Today!

Please Note that the regiment takes a break from events (hosting & attending) between Thursday 20th December 2018 & Tuesday 1st January 2019. Our last event therefore will be Conquest on 19/12/18 and we will return in January with our Historical event on 02/01/2019!

Roster Update

Regiment Roster

The Light Company  -  active service

The Light Company is a melee focused company, made up of not only 33rd veterans but also up and coming members looking to fight at a more competitive level. During events the Light company acts as a guarilla force, being able to take any enemy regiment one on one, whether it be a line, cav, or light force often utilising ambush tactics. The Lights are the most "Free" in terms of formation and rules of any company/class, They have no need to walk in line but instead can spread out to 5 man spaces and can take cover behind trees and rocks. Due to the flexibility required in game and being a limited number company, activity and skill are equally important when considering to apply to the Light company.

"The Pattern"   

CO's: 2
NCO's: 3
Enlisted: 18
Recruits: 1
Triallists: 1

(Spaces Available for Trial: 0)

The Cavalry Company  -  active service

The Cavalry Company is comprised of light cavalry, is versatile and acts as a support group during events. Due to our unique ability to move across the battle in a short space of time we are able to act as scouts to inform our fellow companies of potential threats and create ambushes, use hit and run tactics to disrupt and disorganize the enemy and use brute force engagements to remove threats and pin the enemy down. Our formations and method of fighting allow members to use their own initiative and skills whilst simultaneously working with fellow company members and remaining as one unit. Similarly to the Lights we are a limited number company so close teamwork, discipline and commitment are must have attributes.

"The Unfortunate Gentleman"

CO's: 1
NCO's: 3
Enlisted: 15
Recruits: 4
Triallists: 0

(Spaces Available for Trial: 2)

No.2 Centre  -  active service

The No.2 centre company "The Dukes Own" is one of the line companies of the 33rd and is also presently the default company, in to which most new members enlist - as such many new faces come and go from within their ranks. The majority of its members however represent a solid core of active players, familiar to each other and ranked Fusilier or above. The company upholds the core values of the regiment to a high standard, setting an example to the new members who enter the community of the regiment. Trainings and warm-ups are focused appropriately depending on the coming event by a highly experienced set of staff; these may consist of anything from basic melee techniques and groupfighting do's and dont's, to company drill in single or even double rank. You will find yourself welcome within the ranks of No.2 Company if you are mature, disciplined and have a good standard of melee  - or are willing to learn!

"The Dukes Own"

CO's: 2
NCO's: 3
Enlisted: 39
Recruits: 9

No.3 Centre Company  -  active service

The 33rd's No.3 Company "The KGL" joined the battalion in October 2017 and are commanded by Captain Blaze. Their numbers have grown steadily since then and they have developed into a solid line company of the 33rd, able to act alone or in support of other companies. The companies single ranked drill is exemplary and their ability to square up to an enemy line 1 on 1 and fire effectively is well practiced! Its members have close ties, built up from experiences in prior NW regiments; during events the company teamspeak is relaxed and light-hearted banter encouraged but kept balanced with a disciplined approach, when called for by its staff.

"The KGL"   

CO's: 2
NCO's: 2
Enlisted: 20
Recruits: 9

No.8 Centre Company  - Reserves
"The Invalids"

Enlisted: 29

For Comprehensive Roster see here -

33rd Hosted Events

Event Schedule

Tuesday LOTR Campaign event
- 19:00GMT -
- 140-180 players -

Weekly Lord of the Rings themed campaign style event;
each side take turns to attack territories and fight on specific maps.
Includes Battle, Conquest, Siege and Capture the Flag game modes.

Wednesday Conquest event
- 19:00GMT -
- 120-160 players -

Weekly Conquest with scripts to enforce conquest rules. Replaced once a month
by our Historical event, attendees to this Event have priority.

Wednesday Monthly Historical Event
- 18:45GMT -
- 160-200 players -

Monthly Event usually on the first Wednesday of every month at 18:45GMT;
a mix of Gameplay and Roleplay orientated rounds to play out various historical scenarios.

Saturday Line-only event
- 19:00GMT -
- 140-180 players -

Weekly Line-only event using a range of Custom maps with no FiC or RiC.

Sunday Line Battle event
- 19:00GMT -
- 140-180 players -

Weekly Event with 1 slot of Lights & Cavalry on each team, majority Lines. No FiC or RiC allowed.

Internal Events & Trainings

Monday Warm-ups
- 18:15GMT -
Training or Groupfight before event, not company specific.
Monday 2eLéger Infantry Only Battle
- 19:00GMT -
Lights and Lines only.

Saturday Warm-ups
- 18:15GMT -
Training or Groupfight before event, not company specific.
Saturday New England Army Event (Mod)
- 20:00GMT -
Mod cycles each week, with an emphasis on Roleplay.

Wednesday Warm-ups
- 18:30GMT -
Training before Wednesday Event for every Company.
Sunday Warm-ups
- 18:15GMT -
Training before Sunday Event for every Company.

Competitive Matches & Groupfights
Arranged as and when by our Competetive Staff (commonly on Tuesdays)
- Add [33rd]Spoons, [33rd]Ry4n or [33rd]Kincaid to arrange matches -


Competitive Update

Competitive update
Infantry Groupfights

Date           Team        Score      Vs         Details     

04/11/18       33rd       15-  6       IVe_45e       6 vs 6     
08/11/18       33rd       15-  0       Nr19            7 vs 7
17/11/18       33rd       15-  2       3pp              7 vs 7
18/11/18       33rd       15-  9       Nr13            8 vs 8   
27/11/18       33rd       15-10       NotSwedish   8 vs 8 
28/11/18       33rd       15-14       23e              6 vs 6

        Monthly Total:   6 - 0


Offline Chainsor

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4561 on: December 18, 2018, 06:10:52 pm »

5th Line Battalion, 1st Hussars



The King's German Legion has been one of the first Regiments in the linebattle / Napoleonic Wars community, and has ever since fought bravely in many battles. The roots of the Kings German Legion go far back and show 8 years of Linebattle and Napoleonic Wars experiance, starting back in the Half Life Mod Battlegrounds 2, over Mount&Musket and Mount and Blade: Napoleonic Wars. Now the King's men from Hannover have also found their way to Holdfast Update: we are holding off on Holdfast for now until it has matured a bit more.

Under the motto; "hard drill, high skill", the King's German Legion has made itself a name for it's outstanding discipline and order over the years.
We are participating in high quality linebattle events and devote a great deal of effort to performing in a historically accurate way.

All men of the King's German Legion are to hold up these high standards of discipline and always act with honour and good conduct.
Knowledge and skill are things to be learned, honed and perfected, but honour comes from within. As such, we have no skill requirements, but an effective training program designed to teach all the skills required, while serving as a honoured and valued soldier in His majesty's army.

          Historically the King's German Legion consists of infantry, artillery and cavalry. On occasion we have already brought Light Infantry or Cavalry to the battlefield in the past, but remained with one existing battalion, the 5th Line Infantry. In September 2016 his majesty and the staff saw it fit to expand the existing structures of the Legion by opening a new cavalry detachement, the 1st Hussar Battalion. Newly formed it soon became a vital part of the whole regiment and had proven their value on the battlefield.

Our 5th  Line Battalion of the King's German Legion has become well renowned for it's excellent discipline and fighting ability since the old days of Battlegrounds 2. While the 1st Hussars are a quite young cavalry battalion they show the same devotion towards discipline and skill as the infantry and has ever so fought bravely and faithfully against all enemies of the crown. Fighting for honour and glory of His majesty King George the third.

The newest addition towards the King's German Legion is the 2nd Light Battalion. Historicly these men were the bravest amongst the Light Infantry at the battle of Waterloo, defending the position of La Haye Sainte against the french, being completely outnumbered and lacking essential supplies. At the end of the battle only 40 men of the battalion survived but they fulfilled their task: they held La Haye Sainte against the french. In this huge footsteps the newly formed 2nd Light Battalion in Holdfast seeks to perform just as brave and honourable as these chosen men did by high skill, outstanding discipline and historical accuracy. Currently not in service

However, its not all about the line battles, the community within the regiment is an important part. Not only do we fight together on the battlefield against whoever dares to challenge the King's men from Hannover, we also play many different games together, just hang out in Teamspeak, have a chat and a jolly good time.
And given our great infrastructure, we are also able to host additional game servers - should a particular game be very popular within the Regiment.

As of now the following servers are permanently available:
  • Teamspeak:
    our TeamSpeak 3 server, not only a place where trainings are held, but rather a social hub we use for general purpose communications

  • Holdfast (Public): [KGL]Public Linebattle
    The public Linebattle server is always worth a visit if you enjoy administrated battles with discipline and to get a historical impression of the fights back in the days. As one of the most experianced public linebattle regiments, we are happy to welcome you there!
  • Holdfast (Public): [KGL] Groupfighting
    A groupfighting server for you to train your skill
  • Holdfast (Public): [KGL] Team Deathmatch
    A TDM server for you to hang out and enjoy your time in the game
  • Holdfast (Public): [KGL] Naval Battle & Costal Siege
    A Naval Battle server for you to enjoy the Naval Battles in Holdfast
  • Holdfast (Private): [KGL]Train
    our private server for trainings, events and linebattles
  • Holdfast (Private): [KGL]Event
    Our private event server of the regiment in Holdfast

  • Napoleonic Wars (Public): ♞Cavalry Groupfight Server - EU
    We recently took over hosting of the Cavalry_Groupfight_EU Server
  • Napoleonic Wars (Public): [KGL]TeamDeathmatch
    A TDM server with custom maps for you to hang out and enjoy your time in the game
  • Napoleonic Wars (Public): [KGL]CommanderBattle
    A Bot Linebattle server enhanced with custom bleeding/medic, flags and music scripts
  • Napoleonic Wars (Public): [KGL]Swordfighting
    A Server dedicated to sword combat (no muskets, no pistols)
  • Napoleonic Wars (Private): [KGL]Train
    our private server for trainings, events and linebattles
  • Napoleonic Wars (Private): [KGL]Train_2
    our private server for trainings, events and linebattles
  • Napoleonic Wars (Private): [KGL]Train_3
    our private server for trainings, events and linebattles
  • Napoleonic Wars (Private): [KGL]WednesdayLB
    Our private event server of the regiment
          Screenshots from NW
See more pictures and videos
 in our gallery
  • Colonel Zauberfisch
  • Major Ryan
  • Lieutenant Xeroz (Officer in reserve)
  • Lieutenant Deluxe (5th Line Bataillon, Commanding Officer)
  • Cornet Quinn (1st Hussars, Commanding Officer)
  • NCOs and Enlisted men can be found at roster on our website

Enlist today into the ranks of the King's German Legion


Offline Sir_John_Murder

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4562 on: December 21, 2018, 08:41:29 pm »
Want to join a Chill small reg then join the 60thRA 

Offline [51e]Slt_Nos_Thalia

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4563 on: December 29, 2018, 08:34:47 pm »
Hi i am actually looking for a regiment. my username : Az.
I use ts and i probably have a shitty mic X)
also im french but im also an english speaker maily when it come to type a text ^^

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4564 on: January 03, 2019, 02:30:21 pm »

January 2019

The regiment has had another fine year of activity in NW. A tip of the hat to our Competitive team which has undertaken 101 recorded groupfights over the course of 2018, an incredible effort with a win/loss ratio of 3.9!!

Wishing everyone an excellent 2019, Happy New Year from the 33rd.

The 33rd is as ever, openly Recruiting! We attend multiple events every week; four of which we run ourselves with no commitment beyond one event a week required to stay on our Roster.

We maintain four active companies - two of which are Line with Lights and Cavalry to support, with 153 members on the strength as of January 2019. The company system allows us to contribute a large presence as one whole regiment in our events, whilst maintaining smaller communities in which individual members can play their part and make a difference!

Welcoming New, Experienced, Relaxed or Competitive  players - Enlist with the Duke of Wellingtons Own Today!

Roster Update

Regiment Roster

The Light Company  -  active service

The Light Company is a melee focused company, made up of not only 33rd veterans but also up and coming members looking to fight at a more competitive level. During events the Light company acts as a guarilla force, being able to take any enemy regiment one on one, whether it be a line, cav, or light force often utilising ambush tactics. The Lights are the most "Free" in terms of formation and rules of any company/class, They have no need to walk in line but instead can spread out to 5 man spaces and can take cover behind trees and rocks. Due to the flexibility required in game and being a limited number company, activity and skill are equally important when considering to apply to the Light company.

"The Pattern"   

CO's: 2
NCO's: 2
Enlisted: 17
Recruits: 0
Triallists: 0

(Spaces Available for Trial: 4)

The Cavalry Company  -  active service

The Cavalry Company is comprised of light cavalry, is versatile and acts as a support group during events. Due to our unique ability to move across the battle in a short space of time we are able to act as scouts to inform our fellow companies of potential threats and create ambushes, use hit and run tactics to disrupt and disorganize the enemy and use brute force engagements to remove threats and pin the enemy down. Our formations and method of fighting allow members to use their own initiative and skills whilst simultaneously working with fellow company members and remaining as one unit. Similarly to the Lights we are a limited number company so close teamwork, discipline and commitment are must have attributes.

"The Unfortunate Gentleman"

CO's: 1
NCO's: 3
Enlisted: 14
Recruits: 2
Triallists: 0

(Spaces Available for Trial: 5)

No.2 Centre  -  active service

The No.2 centre company "The Dukes Own" is one of the line companies of the 33rd and is also presently the default company, in to which most new members enlist - as such many new faces come and go from within their ranks. The majority of its members however represent a solid core of active players, familiar to each other and ranked Fusilier or above. The company upholds the core values of the regiment to a high standard, setting an example to the new members who enter the community of the regiment. Trainings and warm-ups are focused appropriately depending on the coming event by a highly experienced set of staff; these may consist of anything from basic melee techniques and groupfighting do's and dont's, to company drill in single or even double rank. You will find yourself welcome within the ranks of No.2 Company if you are mature, disciplined and have a good standard of melee  - or are willing to learn!

"The Dukes Own"

CO's: 2
NCO's: 2
Enlisted: 35
Recruits: 14

No.3 Centre Company  -  active service

The 33rd's No.3 Company "The KGL" joined the battalion in October 2017 and are commanded by Captain Blaze. Their numbers have grown steadily since then and they have developed into a solid line company of the 33rd, able to act alone or in support of other companies. The companies single ranked drill is exemplary and their ability to square up to an enemy line 1 on 1 and fire effectively is well practiced! Its members have close ties, built up from experiences in prior NW regiments; during events the company teamspeak is relaxed and light-hearted banter encouraged but kept balanced with a disciplined approach, when called for by its staff.

"The KGL"   

CO's: 2
NCO's: 2
Enlisted: 21
Recruits: 10

No.8 Centre Company  - Reserves
"The Invalids"

Enlisted: 24

For Comprehensive Roster see here -

33rd Hosted Events

Event Schedule

Tuesday LOTR Campaign event
- 19:00GMT -
- 140-180 players -

Weekly Lord of the Rings themed campaign style event;
each side take turns to attack territories and fight on specific maps.
Includes Battle, Conquest, Siege and Capture the Flag game modes.

Wednesday Conquest event
- 19:00GMT -
- 120-160 players -

Weekly Conquest with scripts to enforce conquest rules. Replaced once a month
by our Historical event, attendees to this Event have priority.

Wednesday Monthly Historical Event
- 18:45GMT -
- 160-200 players -

Monthly Event usually on the first Wednesday of every month at 18:45GMT;
a mix of Gameplay and Roleplay orientated rounds to play out various historical scenarios.

Saturday Line-only event
- 19:00GMT -
- 140-180 players -

Weekly Line-only event using a range of Custom maps with no FiC or RiC.

Sunday Line Battle event
- 19:00GMT -
- 140-180 players -

Weekly Event with 1 slot of Lights & Cavalry on each team, majority Lines. No FiC or RiC allowed.

Internal Events & Trainings

Monday Warm-ups
- 18:15GMT -
Training or Groupfight before event, not company specific.
Monday 2eLéger Infantry Only Battle
- 19:00GMT -
Lights and Lines only.

Saturday Warm-ups
- 18:15GMT -
Training or Groupfight before event, not company specific.
Saturday New England Army Event (Mod)
- 20:00GMT -
Mod cycles each week, with an emphasis on Roleplay.

Wednesday Warm-ups
- 18:30GMT -
Training before Wednesday Event for every Company.
Sunday Warm-ups
- 18:30GMT -
Training before Sunday Event for every Company.

Competitive Matches & Groupfights
Arranged as and when by our Competetive Staff (commonly on Tuesdays)
- Add [33rd]Spoons, [33rd]OdaCao or [33rd]Kincaid to arrange matches -


Competitive Update

Competitive update
Infantry Groupfights

Date           Team        Score      Vs         Details     

...details to be confirmed... 

        Monthly Total:   1 - 2


Offline Eamon

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4565 on: January 03, 2019, 05:12:52 pm »

January 2019

The regiment has had another fine year of activity in NW. A tip of the hat to our Competitive team which has undertaken 101 recorded groupfights over the course of 2018, an incredible effort with a win/loss ratio of 3.9!!

Wishing everyone an excellent 2019, Happy New Year from the 33rd.

The 33rd is as ever, openly Recruiting! We attend multiple events every week; four of which we run ourselves with no commitment beyond one event a week required to stay on our Roster.

We maintain four active companies - two of which are Line with Lights and Cavalry to support, with 153 members on the strength as of January 2019. The company system allows us to contribute a large presence as one whole regiment in our events, whilst maintaining smaller communities in which individual members can play their part and make a difference!

Welcoming New, Experienced, Relaxed or Competitive  players - Enlist with the Duke of Wellingtons Own Today!

Roster Update

Regiment Roster

The Light Company  -  active service

The Light Company is a melee focused company, made up of not only 33rd veterans but also up and coming members looking to fight at a more competitive level. During events the Light company acts as a guarilla force, being able to take any enemy regiment one on one, whether it be a line, cav, or light force often utilising ambush tactics. The Lights are the most "Free" in terms of formation and rules of any company/class, They have no need to walk in line but instead can spread out to 5 man spaces and can take cover behind trees and rocks. Due to the flexibility required in game and being a limited number company, activity and skill are equally important when considering to apply to the Light company.

"The Pattern"   

CO's: 2
NCO's: 2
Enlisted: 17
Recruits: 0
Triallists: 0

(Spaces Available for Trial: 4)

The Cavalry Company  -  active service

The Cavalry Company is comprised of light cavalry, is versatile and acts as a support group during events. Due to our unique ability to move across the battle in a short space of time we are able to act as scouts to inform our fellow companies of potential threats and create ambushes, use hit and run tactics to disrupt and disorganize the enemy and use brute force engagements to remove threats and pin the enemy down. Our formations and method of fighting allow members to use their own initiative and skills whilst simultaneously working with fellow company members and remaining as one unit. Similarly to the Lights we are a limited number company so close teamwork, discipline and commitment are must have attributes.

"The Unfortunate Gentleman"

CO's: 1
NCO's: 3
Enlisted: 14
Recruits: 2
Triallists: 0

(Spaces Available for Trial: 5)

No.2 Centre  -  active service

The No.2 centre company "The Dukes Own" is one of the line companies of the 33rd and is also presently the default company, in to which most new members enlist - as such many new faces come and go from within their ranks. The majority of its members however represent a solid core of active players, familiar to each other and ranked Fusilier or above. The company upholds the core values of the regiment to a high standard, setting an example to the new members who enter the community of the regiment. Trainings and warm-ups are focused appropriately depending on the coming event by a highly experienced set of staff; these may consist of anything from basic melee techniques and groupfighting do's and dont's, to company drill in single or even double rank. You will find yourself welcome within the ranks of No.2 Company if you are mature, disciplined and have a good standard of melee  - or are willing to learn!

"The Dukes Own"

CO's: 2
NCO's: 2
Enlisted: 35
Recruits: 14

No.3 Centre Company  -  active service

The 33rd's No.3 Company "The KGL" joined the battalion in October 2017 and are commanded by Captain Blaze. Their numbers have grown steadily since then and they have developed into a solid line company of the 33rd, able to act alone or in support of other companies. The companies single ranked drill is exemplary and their ability to square up to an enemy line 1 on 1 and fire effectively is well practiced! Its members have close ties, built up from experiences in prior NW regiments; during events the company teamspeak is relaxed and light-hearted banter encouraged but kept balanced with a disciplined approach, when called for by its staff.

"The KGL"   

CO's: 2
NCO's: 2
Enlisted: 21
Recruits: 10

No.8 Centre Company  - Reserves
"The Invalids"

Enlisted: 24

For Comprehensive Roster see here -

33rd Hosted Events

Event Schedule

Tuesday LOTR Campaign event
- 19:00GMT -
- 140-180 players -

Weekly Lord of the Rings themed campaign style event;
each side take turns to attack territories and fight on specific maps.
Includes Battle, Conquest, Siege and Capture the Flag game modes.

Wednesday Conquest event
- 19:00GMT -
- 120-160 players -

Weekly Conquest with scripts to enforce conquest rules. Replaced once a month
by our Historical event, attendees to this Event have priority.

Wednesday Monthly Historical Event
- 18:45GMT -
- 160-200 players -

Monthly Event usually on the first Wednesday of every month at 18:45GMT;
a mix of Gameplay and Roleplay orientated rounds to play out various historical scenarios.

Saturday Line-only event
- 19:00GMT -
- 140-180 players -

Weekly Line-only event using a range of Custom maps with no FiC or RiC.

Sunday Line Battle event
- 19:00GMT -
- 140-180 players -

Weekly Event with 1 slot of Lights & Cavalry on each team, majority Lines. No FiC or RiC allowed.

Internal Events & Trainings

Monday Warm-ups
- 18:15GMT -
Training or Groupfight before event, not company specific.
Monday 2eLéger Infantry Only Battle
- 19:00GMT -
Lights and Lines only.

Saturday Warm-ups
- 18:15GMT -
Training or Groupfight before event, not company specific.
Saturday New England Army Event (Mod)
- 20:00GMT -
Mod cycles each week, with an emphasis on Roleplay.

Wednesday Warm-ups
- 18:30GMT -
Training before Wednesday Event for every Company.
Sunday Warm-ups
- 18:30GMT -
Training before Sunday Event for every Company.

Competitive Matches & Groupfights
Arranged as and when by our Competetive Staff (commonly on Tuesdays)
- Add [33rd]Spoons, [33rd]OdaCao or [33rd]Kincaid to arrange matches -


Competitive Update

Competitive update
Infantry Groupfights

Date           Team        Score      Vs         Details     

...details to be confirmed... 

        Monthly Total:   1 - 2


Maybe fight some actually competitive regiments tho

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4566 on: January 03, 2019, 05:47:48 pm »
Maybe fight some actually competitive regiments tho

The regs we fought most this year (at least 3 times) are below, fairly good spread I'd say :)

Offline NickyJ

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4567 on: January 03, 2019, 05:57:04 pm »



To supply Soldiers for our Volunteer Battalion
with the Rifle Brigade in London.
There is a Place in the Ranks for You!
If you are fit, come and fill it!!

You need not be Irish in order to join.
You become Irish by adoption.

Below are the companies to enlist into and their typical roles within the 16th Middlesex (London Irish) Rifle Volunteer Corps:


                                                          "A" Company

Skirmishers. Light infantry and riflemen units. Through the use of rifles and skirmish lines, deliver powerful volleys unto the enemy. Survivability is key component of skirmishers and being able to reload and fire promptly, utilising cover and terrain, is part of the normal routine of a skirmisher's duties.

                                                          "B" Company

Line. Line infantry units. With proficiency with the bayoneted musket comes determined engagements from the line through bayonet and ball. Line infantry carry out the advance in close formation and order, often in support of friendly units to follow up with or protect.

                                                          "C" Company

Artillery. Artillery and line infantry units. Cannons, howitzers, mortars, and explosive crates are all part of the arsenal of the artillery. Artillerymen must have keen awareness of the battlefield around them, from spotting incoming fire from enemy artillery as well as locating enemy infantry to destroy.

                                                          "D" Company

Cavalry. Cavalry units. Cuts down the enemy with fervor through decisive charges. With a horse comes more speed across the battlefield often screening the enemy for friendly units to advance and take ground. The sword is the cavalryman's most trusted tool, with lance and musket often accompanying his kit.

Hurry  up !       Apply  at  once !
Or you may not get a part allotted to you, and forever regret it.

Add any of the following London Irish officers to enlist.



-Tuesdays 8PM EST, A Tuesday Linebattle [] .

-Fridays 8PM EST, A Friday Linebattle [] .

-Saturdays 8PM EST, A Saturday Linebattle [] .

-Training on off days typically on Monday and/or Thursday; 1v1's and special events also take place on off days.


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4th artillery Regiment
« Reply #4568 on: January 22, 2019, 09:12:35 pm »
A regiment dedicated to artillery. fun and chil

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4569 on: February 05, 2019, 10:21:07 am »

February 2019

The 33rd is as ever, openly Recruiting! We attend multiple events every week; four of which we run ourselves with no commitment beyond one event a week required to stay on our Roster.

We maintain four active companies - two of which are Line with Lights and Cavalry to support, with 149 members on the strength as of February this year. The company system allows us to contribute a large presence as one whole regiment in our events, whilst maintaining smaller communities in which individual members can play their part and make a difference!

Welcoming New, Experienced, Relaxed or Competitive  players - Enlist with the Duke of Wellingtons Own Today!

Roster Update

Regiment Roster

The Light Company  -  active service

The Light Company is a melee focused company, made up of not only 33rd veterans but also up and coming members looking to fight at a more competitive level. During events the Light company acts as a guarilla force, being able to take any enemy regiment one on one, whether it be a line, cav, or light force often utilising ambush tactics. The Lights are the most "Free" in terms of formation and rules of any company/class, They have no need to walk in line but instead can spread out to 5 man spaces and can take cover behind trees and rocks. Due to the flexibility required in game and being a limited number company, activity and skill are equally important when considering to apply to the Light company.

"The Pattern"   

CO's: 2
NCO's: 4
Enlisted: 14
Recruits: 1
Triallists: 0

(Spaces Available for Trial: 4)

The Cavalry Company  -  active service

The Cavalry Company is comprised of light cavalry, is versatile and acts as a support group during events. Due to our unique ability to move across the battle in a short space of time we are able to act as scouts to inform our fellow companies of potential threats and create ambushes, use hit and run tactics to disrupt and disorganize the enemy and use brute force engagements to remove threats and pin the enemy down. Our formations and method of fighting allow members to use their own initiative and skills whilst simultaneously working with fellow company members and remaining as one unit. Similarly to the Lights we are a limited number company so close teamwork, discipline and commitment are must have attributes.

"The Unfortunate Gentleman"

CO's: 1
NCO's: 3
Enlisted: 13
Recruits: 3
Triallists: 0

(Spaces Available for Trial: 5)

No.2 Centre  -  active service

The No.2 centre company "The Dukes Own" is one of the line companies of the 33rd and is also presently the default company, in to which most new members enlist - as such many new faces come and go from within their ranks. The majority of its members however represent a solid core of active players, familiar to each other and ranked Fusilier or above. The company upholds the core values of the regiment to a high standard, setting an example to the new members who enter the community of the regiment. Trainings and warm-ups are focused appropriately depending on the coming event by a highly experienced set of staff; these may consist of anything from basic melee techniques and groupfighting do's and dont's, to company drill in single or even double rank. You will find yourself welcome within the ranks of No.2 Company if you are mature, disciplined and have a good standard of melee  - or are willing to learn!

"The Dukes Own"

CO's: 2
NCO's: 2
Enlisted: 35
Recruits: 13

No.3 Centre Company  -  active service

The 33rd's No.3 Company "The KGL" joined the battalion in October 2017 and are commanded by Captain Blaze. Their numbers have grown steadily since then and they have developed into a solid line company of the 33rd, able to act alone or in support of other companies. The companies single ranked drill is exemplary and their ability to square up to an enemy line 1 on 1 and fire effectively is well practiced! Its members have close ties, built up from experiences in prior NW regiments; during events the company teamspeak is relaxed and light-hearted banter encouraged but kept balanced with a disciplined approach, when called for by its staff.

"The KGL"   

CO's: 2
NCO's: 2
Enlisted: 23
Recruits: 6

No.8 Centre Company  - Reserves
"The Invalids"

Enlisted: 23

For Comprehensive Roster see here -

33rd Hosted Events

Event Schedule

Tuesday LOTR Campaign event
- 19:00GMT -
- 140-180 players -

Weekly Lord of the Rings themed campaign style event;
each side take turns to attack territories and fight on specific maps (voted by teams)
Includes Battle, Conquest, Siege and Capture the Flag game modes.

Wednesday Conquest event
- 19:00GMT -
- 120-160 players -

Weekly Conquest with scripts to enforce conquest rules.
Alternates week on week with our Historical event.

Wednesday Monthly Historical Event
- 18:45GMT -
- 160-200 players -

Replaces our Wednesday Coqnuest event twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd wednesdays of each month.
A mix of Gameplay and Roleplay orientated rounds to play out various historical scenarios in depth.

Saturday Line-only event
- 19:00GMT -
- 140-180 players -

Weekly Line-only event using a range of Custom maps.
No FiC or RiC & OA is elligible for a revive.

Sunday Line Battle event
- 19:00GMT -
- 140-180 players -

Weekly Event with a single slot of Lights & Cavalry on each team, with majority Lines.
No FiC or RiC & OA is elligible for a revive.

Internal Events & Trainings

Monday Warm-ups
- 18:15GMT -
Training or Groupfight before event, not company specific.
Monday 2e Linebattle
- 19:00GMT -
Unofficial event playing as either lights or arty, not company specific.

Saturday Warm-ups
- 18:15GMT -
Training or Groupfight before event, not company specific.
Saturday New England Army Event (Mod)
- 20:00GMT -
Mod cycles each week, with an emphasis on Roleplay.

Wednesday Warm-ups
- 18:30GMT -
Training before Wednesday Event for every Company.
Sunday Warm-ups
- 18:30GMT -
Training before Sunday Event for every Company.

Competitive Matches & Groupfights
Arranged as and when by our Competetive Staff (commonly on Tuesdays)
- Add [33rd]Spoons, [33rd]OdaCao, [33rd]Kincaid or [33rd]Tylerus (Cav only) to arrange matches -


Competitive Update

Competitive update
Infantry Groupfights

Date           Team        Score      Vs         Details     

09-01-19       33rd       15-9       Vegan           6v6 
13-01-19       33rd       15-2       3pp           7v7 
15-01-19       33rd       15-13     45e           10v10   
16-01-19       33rd       7  -15     91st           9v9   
18-01-19       33rd       13-15     3pp           7v7 
23-01-19       33rd       15-1       POL           8v8
24-01-19       33rd       15-13     Thugs           6v6   
27-01-19       33rd       15-3       23rd          11v11   
28-01-19       33rd       15-1       3pp          10v10   
29-01-19       33rd       15-5       Sofia          7v7 
30-01-19       33rd       15-7       Nr13          7v7

        Monthly Total:   9 - 2

Cavalry Groupfights

Date           Team        Score      Vs         Details     

06-01-19       33rd       6  -  4       10th       7v7
23-01-19       33rd       3  -  7       1erRC     8v8

        Monthly Total:   1 - 1


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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4570 on: February 05, 2019, 01:03:49 pm »
Might be looking for something Not 100% sure yet. Pm me. (Wont be the most active member btw)

Offline Ry@n

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4571 on: February 06, 2019, 04:09:02 pm »

The Royal Irish Regiment, until 1881 the 18th Regiment of Foot, was an infantry regiment of the line in the British Army, first raised in 1684. Also known as the 18th (Royal Irish) Regiment of Foot and the 18th (The Royal Irish) Regiment of Foot, it was one of eight Irish regiments raised largely in Ireland, its home depot in Clonmel. It saw service for two and a half centuries before being disbanded with the Partition of Ireland following establishment of the independent Irish Free State in 1922 when the five regiments that had their traditional recruiting grounds in the counties of the new state were disbanded. 

Regimental Ranking System

Commissioned Officers
Colonel   Col
Lt. Colonel   LtCol
Major   Maj
Captain   Cpt
Lieutenant   Lt
Non-Commissioned Officers
Adjutant    Adj
Serjeant Major   Sjt-Maj
Colour Serjeant   CSjt
Serjeant   Sjt
Corporal   Cpl
Enlisted Men
Lance Corporal   LCpl
Grenadier   Gren
Kingsman   Kgm
Regular   Rgl
Private   Pte
Recruit   Rct

Early History

The regiment saw action at the Siege of Kaiserswerth in 1702, the Battle of Schellenberg in July 1704 and the Battle of Blenheim in August 1704 during the War of the Spanish Succession. It also took part in the Battle of Ramillies in May 1706, the Battle of Oudenarde in July 1708 and the Battle of Malplaquet in September 1709.
The regiment also won the right to display the King's arms on their colours along with the harp and crown. The regiment was sent to Gibraltar, which was being blockaded by Spain, in 1727. In 1751, the regiment was officially ranked as the 18th Regiment of Foot – although it was older than all but six other line regiments, it had not been placed on the English establishment until 1689, lowering its precedence.
The regiment was in Ireland during the majority of the Seven Years' War and was ordered to America on 1 January 1767. The regiment arrived at Philadelphia on 11 July 1767 under the command of Lieutenant Colonel John Wilkins. The regiment remained at Philadelphia, although a small detachment was sent to Fort Pitt later that summer. The majority of the regiment under Wilkins was ordered to Illinois in early 1768 and remained in Illinois until April 1772 when Fort de Chartres was abandoned. A small detachment under Captain Hugh Lord, remained at Fort Gage (Kaskaskia), Illinois until May 1776 when it was ordered to Detroit in anticipation of an American attack on that post. The rest of the regiment was present in Boston, where the grenadier company participated in the Battle of Lexington and Battle of Concord in April 1775 during the American Revolutionary War as well as the Bunker Hill in June 1775, its first formal combat in more than 50 years. A detachment of the Royal Irish along with a detachment of the Royal Fencible Americans were sent to Penobscot, Maine to cut wood for the garrison in the early Autumn 1775.

French revolutionary wars and Napoleonic wars

In 1783 there was a mutiny by 500 mainly Irish soldiers in the 104th Regiment based at Fort George in Guernsey. Both the regiment (the Royal Irish) and the Guernsey Militia turned out with six pieces of artillery. Volleys of shots were fired by the rebels, but when the militia outflanked the rebels, they surrendered. The Government of Guernsey gave a public thanks to the regiment and militiamen, awarding them 100 guineas. The regiment returned to Gibraltar later in the year, where it remained until the Siege of Toulon in 1793 during the French Revolutionary Wars. The regiment also saw action at the Battle of Alexandria in March 1801. The 1st Battalion served in Jamaica and the 2nd Battalion served in Curaçao during the Napoleonic Wars.

Colonel Ry4n:

18th Royal (Irish Regiment of Foot)
Regimental Muster Roll

Commissioned Officers

Colonel. Ry4n
Lieutenant. Smylie

Non-Commissioned Officers

Corporal. Anthony
Corporal. Dom

Commissioned Officers: 2
Non-Commissioned Officers: 2
Enlisted Men: 8
Recruits: 6
Total Strength: 19

Enlisted Men

Grenadier. Matt
Grenadier. R1bazZz

Kingsman. Douglass
Kingsman. Smokey

Regular. Bowie
Regular. Arturek

Private. Pancake
Private. Chada


Recruit. Unitater
Recruit. Frosty
Recruit. Godfreid
Recruit. DarkHawk
Recruit. Amadeus
Recruit. Windflower

Offline MarxeiL

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4572 on: February 10, 2019, 12:54:15 pm »


The 17th Jaeger Regiment was formed on March 20, 2014 by Fenya, Knyaz, AlexanderIII and Jodie. At first, until 2015, the regiment was playing on the cracked/non steam version of the game. In 2015 Fenya stepped down, leaving the game altogether and giving the command to Micor (Miloradovich), who led the regiment until the summer of 2016 and further disbandment. Before the disbanding 17th was rightfully one of the best regiments around in EU and was the best regiment around in CIS Community. After 3 months break, on September 10th, 2016, Miloradovich as well as some veteran staff returned to reform the 17th. At that moment 17th JR had very stable 30-40 people attendance and was TOP-2/TOP-3 regiment at the scene, but with time people started leaving the regiment and the game at all, cause of the simple mechanic and boring things again and again, Miloradovich was one of them, leaving the regiment to Desant and officers. Since that time regiment was fighting around for almost a one year, showing the good, decent results. But again with time it felt more and more boring, match by match, groupfight by groupfight, everybody wanted to win, everybody wanted and believed that russian regiment can be the TOP-1, so was decided to make a huge merge between the two biggest russian regiments - Saints and 17th JR, to make 96y which was supposed to be the best regiment around, for sure it was as well very good EU regiment and the best russian regiment around for at least a year or even more. But, suddenly, it didn't work like we expected, 96y didn't really achieve anything and wasn't really better than 17th JR at his prime. On 8th of February, 2019, cause of problems with communication between leaders and some players, Desant and MarxeiL decided to leave 96y and make 17th JR great again, with more focusing on EU side this time, with making it more international, that's the next step for all of us and we are proud of it.

I'm happy to announce that 17th Jaeger Regiment is back to the battlefield!

Commanding Officers

Plk | Desant 

Pplk | MarxeiL
| 1x 10v10 Winner | 2x 9v9 Winner | 2x 8v8 Winner | 1x 7v7 Winner | 1x 6v6 Winner | 2x 5v5 Winner | 1x 4v4 Winner | 1x 3v3 Winner |
| 1x TDT Winner | 1x NWL (2nd L) Winner | 1x NWL (1st L) Winner | 1x RGT Winner | 2x RGL Winner |
| 1x TDT Runner-up | 1x 8v8 Runner-up | 1x 7v7 Runner-up | 1x NWFL Runner-up | 1x EIC Runner-up | 1x 2v2 Runner-up |

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4573 on: February 12, 2019, 11:40:48 am »

Offline IanTheIdiot

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!
« Reply #4574 on: February 27, 2019, 10:39:07 pm »
We are the 62nd Highland Foot of His Majesty's Army.
We are a new light infantry regiment looking for new recruits, all experience levels welcome. We will mostly use discord for coordination in-game and we have a steam group for event planning.
The 62nd is light infantry meaning, we act both as a vanguard and as a line regiment as necessary. We travel light and maneuverable but hit hard.

Colonel: Appointed to fit needs of the regiment (Can command and train the regiment)
Lieutenant Colonel: Appointed to fit needs of the regiment (Can command and train the regiment)
Major: Appointed to fit needs of the regiment (Can command and train the regiment)
Captain: Appointed to fit needs of the regiment (Can command and train the regiment)
Lieutenant: Make it to 15 events in a row, on time, having commanded at least 10 times and host training at least 5 times. (Can command and train the regiment)
Ensign:At least Seargent Major, approved by Captain or higher. (Can command and train the regiment)
Regimental Seargent Major: Make it to 15 events in a row, on time, having commanded at least 10 times. (Can command the regiment during events)
Seargent Major: Make it to 15 events in a row, on time, having commanded at least 5 times. (Can command squads)
Coulor Seargent: Same as below (Can commands squads)
Seargent: Approval by Captain or up. Decided by trial by combat or performance, etc (Can command squads)
Corporal: Make it to 5 events in a row, on time.
Private 1st Class: Has attended 3 training events and attended 2 events
Private 2nd Class: Has passed basic training and attended one event
Private: Starting Rank.

Steam Group: