Author Topic: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!  (Read 875133 times)

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Offline Johan

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #810 on: August 13, 2013, 05:41:59 pm »

The 5. Lützowsches Freikorps is recruiting! We do enforce discipline in our ranks so we expect our members to be disciplined and mature. We'll have trainings and linebattles weekly to keep ourselves ready to fight for our beloved fatherland! We'll be using realistic ranks, tactics and formations, so a lot of tactic will be discussed during a training.

My aim in this regiment is to create a disciplined, mature & realistic yet fun regiment for the community. So in general if you're looking for a disciplined regiment, the 5. Lützowsches Freikorps is for you!

The 5thFKI takes pride in the fact that we are the largest and oldest European based Freikorps regiment in the community. We field 20+ members each event and have 6 events per week, which ofcourse includes Trainings and Linebattles, ocasionally sieges aswell.

5thFKI Forums
5thFKI Youtube Channel

Offline Gurkha

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #811 on: August 14, 2013, 12:42:59 am »

33rd Regiment of Foot's Website (Join Here)

33rd Regiment of Foot's Teamspeak server:

We are a British Line Infantry Regiment that has expanded into different companies such as line, light infantry and artillery. Our aim is to create a regiment that will provide a professional but enjoyable Napoleonic Wars experience for all kinds of players. Our goal is to triumph over our enemies through discipline, skill and determination. We also aim to be a disciplined regiment however this should interfere with us having fun. A high level of discipline will lead to improved trainings which in turn will lead to more enjoyable linebattles through an increase of performance and skill in the field.

We have accepted and still continue to accept members of all nationalities and have prided ourselves in having one of the most incredibly diverse roster of different nationalities in the community, with the only requirements that you speak and understand English to about an intermediate degree and the ability to meet and attend the training and event days.

The 33rd focuses on training and developing different skill sets required to be a successful and effective regiment on the battlefield such as various formation, melee and shooting and this reflects this in our regular regimental company trainings and battlefield proven tactics, but not our application process. No one will ever be denied enlistment due poor skills, lack of experience or shown little to no improvement; all we want from you three things activity, maturity and respect for fellow regiment members and other members of the community. Among our ranks we have some of the talented and most experienced players in the game who hand down their insightful knowledge of the game to the newest of recruits, who too will soon follow to become seasoned veterans of the game.

English is the universal language spoken in the regiment and is used for orders during events and trainings, but we are a very friendly and international regiment. We have a very large player base and our members come from all over Europe, to ensure our members are playing at their best in EU servers. We host promotions and demotions that happen very regularly, if a member shows a high degree of loyalty and maturity as well as a understanding of regimental tactics you will be promoted to a NCO rank. From here you will gain responsibility for maintaining formation. Also upon being promoted to NCO rank you will begin to be further taught your role and regimental tactics in a more advanced format. If you continue to show that you posses leadership skills and are growing at a respectable rate you will be potentially given a higher NCO position and possibly an officer role.

We pride ourselves in being one of the most professional and organised regiments in the community, we carefully keep track of our members and maintain an up to date regiment roster. Any inactive players among our ranks are removed from the regiment within a month, so our roster always features active members thus shows our actual numbers.

If you are interested in joining us, post a recruitment application on our website and wait for a response.

For any further information or enquires please come to our teamspeak and ask for MrSt3fan, Bobmalog  or Gurkha!

33rd Regiment of Foot's Teamspeak server:

Offline ClearlyInvsible

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #812 on: August 14, 2013, 01:08:53 am »

My name is Kayaker and I live in the United States in the EST time zone.  I presently play with the 60th Royal American Regiment with the rank of "rifleman".  The problem is that I can play with them in the afternoons but not in the evenings since they are a European unit. 

My interest is playing with a rifle regiment that plays a NA (north america schedule) so I can round out my playing time with night games.

I am quite experienced having played the game for a couple of years and understand the various line movements and command procedures. Plus I consider myself a good shot with the rifle.

My requirements would be as follows:

1. To play with a senior regiment that is well behaved and follows orders. 

2. An enlightened command structure that uses strategy and tactics to win and not throw away lives just to maintain a standard battle plan. 

3. A disciplined unit that sticks to the game and does not spend their time on TS before or during the LB using vulgar, sexist or racist language.

4. A group interested in the military history of the game.

I am not a youngster - I am old enough to be the father or grandfather of most of the players - so I do bring a very mature level to the game.
Besides playing Napoleonic, I am also involved with a "Blood and Iron" regiment in the Franco Prussian War mod.  so I also know Line regiment formations and commands. 

Besides all the serious stuff mentioned above, I enjoy the game and the chats and have a wealth of knowledge on military history from all different eras.

Thank You for your interest,


You could try the 95th.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2013, 01:15:07 am by ClearlyInvsible »
"No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it."- Andrew Carnegie
“A man who has no conscience, no goodness, does not suffer.” - Khaled Hosseini
Faggots will burn in hell anyway, who cares.

Offline Menelaos

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #813 on: August 14, 2013, 01:22:43 am »

Offline ClearlyInvsible

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #814 on: August 14, 2013, 01:29:30 am »
You could try the 95th.

Ah good point.

Go to the KPR then. I know their CO Kolakhan, he's a cool dude.
"No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it."- Andrew Carnegie
“A man who has no conscience, no goodness, does not suffer.” - Khaled Hosseini
Faggots will burn in hell anyway, who cares.

Offline JeanValjean

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #815 on: August 14, 2013, 06:56:07 am »
Hello, i am looking for an artillery regiment. I would very much prefer this regiment to be small. I have decent experience with the cannons and have been on the siege sever as a cannoner for the past couple of weeks. PM me if you have more questions or you want me to join.

Thank you for your time,

Offline MrZebra

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #816 on: August 14, 2013, 11:29:31 am »


                                                       The 19th Coalition of Line are looking for many skilled soldiers in our battle. But we do have some requirements for our                                                        regiment


« Last Edit: August 14, 2013, 12:21:17 pm by MrZebra »

Offline LeChapeau

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members
« Reply #817 on: August 14, 2013, 03:27:53 pm »

Freikorps Light Infantry is recruiting!

The Freikorps light infantry is looking for motivated and active players who want to join our ranks. We accept both experienced and new players, and although the current members are primarily European (from over five countries), we accept people of all nationalities.

As a light infantry regiment, we offer players the possibility to vary their playstyles. Some nations allow their light infantry the choice between varying weapons, and sometimes we play as line infantry or jaegers/riflemen instead. We strive to hone our skills in all aspects of the game, and believe this allows people to keep enjoying the game.

We play together with a cavalry detachment, and believe a balance between individual skill and good co-operation is the key to winning victories in linebattles.
Aside from Napoleonic Wars, we have a bustling community in which some of us play other games together as well. We firmly believe in good morale and mutual understanding within the regiment.

For more information, see our topic on these forums:

How do you join?

Just go to
and follow the guidelines.
Or send me a PM if you have any more questions.

Offline Godders

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #818 on: August 14, 2013, 03:38:23 pm »
Hey all, I'm looking for people who are interested in creating an artillery regiment/want to create a artillery detachment in an existing regiment. I would want this to be an EU regiment and english speaking. I've got experience leading the 33rd artillery for a good number of months. PM me if you are interested :)

Offline Eazy-E

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #819 on: August 14, 2013, 05:08:55 pm »
Hello, probably wrong place but I'm looking to invite for a Regiment who are having a 1v1 Linebattle tonight! If you are having a 1v1 tonight, please send me a message on fse if I can come along. thanks

Offline Eatjello

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #820 on: August 14, 2013, 10:35:14 pm »

Eatjello's Forlorn Hope  is Recruiting, Don't like Strict Regiments Plz Read!

If you said, “YES, that’s me!” Well then, read on my friend.

I've found that Line Battles and Sieges for Napoleonic Wars are both very fun and challenging. In addition, the game offers a highly competitive opportunity and a large community to play with and against.

Eatjello's Forlorn Hopew is a group of gamers that enjoy a semi mature environment with, I'm able to offer events DAILY. leaders of our group work to provide a atmosphere of mutual respect that produces a great gaming environment.

A few perks of the regiment:

-We will our own Private Teamspeak.

-We will have our own sever for training

-There are many opportunities to move up in the Forlorn Hope, including, but not limited to skill, how active you are, and being a good teammate.

We have rules like any other regiment & expect you to follow them.

•PTS will be strictly not enforced, I will be using a casual systerm of tactical chatter during line battles or other events, breaking this rule will just get u removed from the channel and told to chill out.

•Be active on teamspeak & attend trainings/linebattles when U can.

•Behave in a tactful & proper manner during training, linebattles & public servers.

•Respect other members of the [EJFH] & members of other regiments. (You cant be expected to like everyone in the regiment but that does not mean you have to show it.)

•Do not “Expect” To live long in this Unit, there is no medic, we may leave the Bagpiper play "Bonnie Dundee" over your dead body

•No dishonoring the Regiment in any way, shape or form. if you think it’s a stupid idea don’t do it, if you don’t think it’s a stupid idea then Definitely Don’t Do It!

•Know the difference between “Fun” & “Trolling”.

By the way, did I say we have DAILY events? WE DO! Yes, as a respectable and active North American and Napoleonic Wars regiment we attend various events with other regiments within the community. Attendance is not mandatory, we just ask you partake in the events that you enjoy (this is a game after all).

Furthermore, as a group of friendly gamers we also come together to play other games outside of NW like Total war, Planet Side,ROA2 or RS , Arma 2(dayz) and 3, and many others.

In closing, we are an open community that offers a chance to come together in participating in the many adventures that, not only Napoleonic Wars provides, but many other games as well!

Heres a video of me leading a line  ;D

I hope you found this helpful and take us into consideration!

If you would like to join the Forlorn Hope please add any of the following on steam and let them know! Thanks!


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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #821 on: August 15, 2013, 03:13:35 am »
Hello! Glad to see you stopping by our thread! We are the 1st Royal Marines a jolly and well led regiment raving for a fight with the Frenchies! The 1st RM is recruiting all young and old players to fill the ranks add Skip_The_Pie on steam and tell them Shark sent you! Thats all not too much detail, keeping it short. Thanks for stopping by and hope this catches someones eye! GOD SAVE THE KING!! ;)

Offline Althalus

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #822 on: August 15, 2013, 03:41:38 am »
Hello! Glad to see you stopping by our thread! We are the 1st Royal Marines a jolly and well led regiment raving for a fight with the Frenchies! The 1st RM is recruiting all young and old players to fill the ranks add Skip_The_Pie on steam and tell them Shark sent you! Thats all not too much detail, keeping it short. Thanks for stopping by and hope this catches someones eye! GOD SAVE THE KING!! ;)

Well guys, this is his thread now, we'd all better stop posting.

Offline Madbull

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #823 on: August 15, 2013, 03:48:14 am »
Founded in the 10th of April 2012, after the release of Mount&Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars, as the 42nd Regiment of Foot - the Black Watch from veterans from the Mount&Musket mod of Warband, choosing to represent the most senior and - arguably - most famous Highland Regiment. The Regiment has since gone through the rocks and weathered many storms, nearly crashing and coming to an end once or twice, however through comradeship and common sense of "play for fun" the Regiment has come out the better through it's trials. With a sense of historical appreciation and immersion, we can structure our Regiment through the use of historically accurate Ranks and formations. Now, while we realise it is only a game the history and appreciation of the historical 42nd and modern Black Watch is never far away.

 As far as we're aware, we are one of the few Regiments to actually create and use it's own program, made and coded by it's own member, for the use of Attendances. We also play using custom re-skinned texture models for the ingame 42nd, which gives the unit a much more seen-battle feel, while giving the Officers kilts.

 Now the Regiment is a strong, solid unit which boasts good attendance and performances at Events and Linebattles. The 42nd prides itself of a sense of friendship and community, being much more than a Regiment we present ourselves as a gaming community which, infact, play 90% of game-time outside of Warband. While discipline and structure is used during Training, Events and Linebattles we still retain an ethos of banter and relaxation in TeamSpeak and within the community in general.

Event Schedule
      Monday - Linebattle 7pm GMT
Wednesday -  Training 6pm GMT & Linebattle 7pm GMT
Saturday - Training 6pm GMT & Linebattle 7pm GMT
Sunday - Linebattle - 7pm GMT

In addition to the above, we often have "Mod Nights" and other dedicated gaming sessions.    
1: Register here-

2: Head over to the “Recruitment” section and Read the Code of Conduct.

3: After you have read the Code of Conduct, fill out your Application.

4: Wait to be accepted! Give at least a 24hour period.
If you have any questions make sure to add [42nd] Madbull on steam.

Offline King_Of_California

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #824 on: August 15, 2013, 03:33:24 pm »


We are the 1st California Volunteer Infantry. California never historically took part in the Napoleonic Wars according to contemporary historians. We know this to be false because Ezra Pound has written many books proving that California actually sent in the 1st Volunteer Infantry in an attempt to defeat those pesky Brits once and for all! California would have won if not for the fact that they got lost and wound up in Tunisia. Close enough.

About Us
We are a just for fun regiment that is looking for members of all experience levels as long as they are willing to have fun and try strategies that will not always result in a victory. Such as a 20 man pike charge for Mother Russia California. We only ask that you listen to all orders, no matter how stupid.

1. Always attack, never defend
2. Never surrender
3. Fight to the death
4. Never die
5. Listen to crazy orders

Teamspeak info will be found on the steam page.

Our rankings are simple and few because we feel the unit should operate as a team effort instead of some imperialistic fascist dictatorship.
The rankings are as follows:
1. Officer
2. Volunteer
Got it?
The current officer to volunteer ratio is 1:10


Most of the 1st California was recruited from August to October 1861, with the exception of Company K, which was organized the following February. Many of its companies were formed from companies of the California Militia taken intact into federal service others from individuals drawn from the militia. James H. Carleton served as colonel, Joseph R. West as lieutenant colonel and Edwin A. Rigg as major. It came under the command of the Department of the Pacific (later it would come under the Department of New Mexico). After some training at Camp Downy[1] near Oakland and Camp Latham near Los Angeles. Companies D, F and G were sent to establish and garrison Camp Wright, in November 1861. Detachments from the camp captured Daniel Showalter's party near Warner's Ranch, November 20-29, 1861. In December, 1861, five companies of the regiment were sent to Fort Yuma on the Colorado River and the others to various posts around Southern California.[2]

The regiment was assigned to a force called the California Column, which was commanded by Carleton and composed of one infantry regiment (the 5th) and parts of two cavalry regiments (the 1st and 2nd) of California volunteers and a company of Regular artillery. The Column was formed to drive the Confederate Army of New Mexico out of the eastern part of the New Mexico Territory. Due to supply problems, the force did not move out until February 1862. The 1st Infantry saw fighting at the Battle of Picacho Pass (only Company I) and the Battle of Apache Pass (this battle was against Apache warriors, not Confederates). The regiment continued marching across the New Mexico Territory to Fort Craig. Picacho Pass was the only engagement against Confederate forces, since they had retreated back into Texas before the California Column reached eastern New Mexico and they made no attempt to recover the territory they lost.

For the remainder of the war, the 1st California Infantry was engaged in garrison duty dispersed in posts across New Mexico Territory and Texas and fighting Apache and Navajo Indians in these places and in the Utah Territory. The unit was mustered out on October 21, 1866.

NA Regiment History: *KPR*Einherjar, 1st_Cali_Ronald_Reagan, [OP]Tsar_Einherjar, [1stCali]Gov_Einherjar, [1erTron]Obst_Thanet
EU Regiment History: Nr24_Fus_Einherjar, [36eRIL]LtCol_Einherjar