Author Topic: Leib-Grenadier-Regiment "König Friedrich Wilhelm III.“ Champions of NA  (Read 165414 times)

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Offline Min

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Re: Leib-Grenadier-Regiment "König Friedrich Wilhelm III.“ NAPL Champions!
« Reply #1260 on: September 02, 2017, 05:17:22 am »
Alright wastee let's debunk a few points shall we?

Btw I'm pretty sure he is talking about my conversation with shinto who didn't post it because I told him not to. What I talked about with Shinto, and I told him this, were my personal views not my views as a regimental leader.

Referencing the logs stated above, you did say that you refused to give permission towards shinto posting said logs along the lines of, "I'm not willing to let my regiment know my personal opinions." That in itself does state the situation in terms of honesty of regiment leader to the leader's respective regiment.

I never said vortex deserved it, I said it wasn't justified but it also was not unjustified because he has been a massive piece of shit to both LG and 45e since the start of the feuds. Vortex said people can't hurt him on the internet and continued to shit talk, so that is why I don't think what certain people did to him and said about him was unjustified especially when he knew what guys he was dealing with.

Kind of a contradictory statement, the inquiry shinto sent was a yes or no question. Regarding the "shit talk" Vortex has presumed upon his own towards LG and 45e. The point of the matter is, one regiment leader insulting the ability of the other regiment leader (Quoting, outlead, outshot, outmelee'd) must be very detrimental to your mental health isn't it? Considering you're willing to attack the person personally seeking revenge. In a sense, it's like getting called bad on a duel server and then wishing death upon the person.

I said AsianP is insecure about his dad 2 months ago and asked my guys to stop, which btw is me trying to get them to stop which Shinto said we never did and they have evidence we never did. Was insecure the right word to use? Probably not but it is what came to mind.

You sent an identical message to several LG members as a PSA regarding the situation with the AsianP memes. What's funny is you try to claim you were against the memes in the first place and you attempted to "stop" the memes entirely. But coming not only from my own eyes but from several testimonies of LG members, you did embrace the meme at one point just like the original sources. Promising to "punish" members who continue to make fun of these memes never really came, an example being the verse Archer dropped on the 3e thread. (Punishment was kick from the regiment, but you downgraded that to a demotion. Demotions do not hold any weight whatsoever unless the demotee held an NCO rank or higher prior.) Further, the word insecure does highlight how you felt towards the situation in general. Words can have many meanings, but putting it into the syntax of an individual does portray how they really feel. :/

The 3eVolt are skewing my words and others words just for personal gain, this shit stopped a long time ago and they are just bringing back up now for the most part after their fall from the best NA title. I'm not sure how much of this is sincere, and how much of it is simply political.

None of this is any political gamble. Seeing the amount of people you have lied too within itself does speak who is skewing the words here for personal gain.

Not to mention they let one of the people who spread asians facebook into their regiment because he said sorry, and were openly willing to talk to orcaryo and let him in the 3eVolt but refused to talk to Russian or I unless it was over FSE private messages

"One of the people," great reference to me Waste. What is quite funny is the date and time the meme was first being created I wasn't even online LOL. I will admit I did send it to Vetro on steam, but that only happened because Vetro was kicked out of the channel prior. (Didn't know what the link contained in itself either.) The link to the facebook page was posted within the public teamspeak chat for those within the channel. I was even poked the link from one of the LG members who is responsible for orchestrating the search for the link. Seems to me this whole blaming a 3e member simply to mask the reputation coming from the action's of one's regiment is simply pathetic.

Narcissism does hold its fruits, pride is a great barrier when it comes towards external reasoning and protecting oneself from feeling inferior or in "the wrong."
1 - I never said the regiment can't know my personal views

2 - I stand by what I said

3 - I was against it, I told people to stop. We weren't exactly sure how to handle the situation at first it had gotten so out of hand. We run our regiment and decide when people deserve to be kicked and with the threats there's been pretty much no dead dad memes anymore. This only came back up because after two months you decided to send that steam log to 3e members.

4 - Who have I lied to

5 - You were a part of it, people have said you were, don't try to deny it. Also from what I've been told the link was only poked to people it was not posted in chat.

I'm mainly curious why you decided to blow all this up right now suns, when it was starting to look like events might resume again. Especially when I thought you liked the LG seeing as you would come sit in our team speak everyday

1 - If you allow Shinto to post the steam logs we can all be the judge of that. :/

2 - Stand by a contradictory statement? Okay.

3 - You aren't against something if you aid the cause. I. e. making jokes along with the memes. (LG members confirmed this many occasions.)

4 - Several, many, few, depends what you and the individual consider. Fact of the matter is, you have lied and have been caught several times. Most recent as of my knowledge is Sanders.

5 - You've said before you aren't 100% sure if I did partake in it and at the same time started it. People said I was apart of it to cover up themselves, haven't you seen this already? Furthermore, I don't even have access to a facebook account, or even own one. I simply cannot search facebook profiles lol. Can't deny your members started it, not me. :/

On the side, I showed Vortex and AsianP the gyazo with you stating how AsianP was being "insecure" about his father's death a month ago. This only escalated due to the variety of proofs involved in constructing this response. (ie, my gyazo, shinto's logs, etc)

You can't particularly state what my opinion on the regiment is through assumption, or how I feel. Yes, I do come into the teamspeak everyday. Pretty sure you can reason why, old friends perhaps?

I like several people within the LG, but the deception hovering around the decisions leadership has taken, that did not sit well with me.

I will say my opinion of several people has definitely changed from pre to post NAPL time periods, however.
1 - "7:27 PM - [LG] Wastee: so I'd like to keep my private views different from the regiment"   personal views vs views as a regimental leader I don't hide how I feel from my members, but I do tell them we can't act certain ways even if that's how we feel because of differing views and if I said how I personally feel about a lot of these things this would be a lot worse, I just know how to contain myself to better others
3 -  I am against it because we made it stop?
4 - Please provide more specifics
5 - Once again I wasn't there I only know what I was told

this is fun

1 - Give Shinto permission to post the logs, let everyone else be the judge.

2 - kek can't count LOL

3 - You can claim you're against it because you made it "stop." The meme itself hasn't stopped. It has continually resurfaced for months now.

4 - Lied to several people, several members have explained to me the various situations as well as their reasoning. Have yet to hear your side, but seeing the conflicting inquiries on how you've flat out lied to several people. (Relayed from AsianP, from Sanders) Pretty much leaves me to the basic prediction...

You aren't exactly as what many would call, "trustworthy."

5 - So if you're going to listen to one side of the argument rather than the other you believe it is enough to deduce a sound conclusion?
You're pretty much posting the same thing re worded everytime now rather than answering me

Meme did stop no one has reported about it in a long time

Still waiting for who I lied to and what my lie was

You're pretty much deflecting everything off of yourself as an answer towards my inquiries.

Still waiting on a response. :/
I'm asking questions, you're making statements

To the one question you did have, I'm listening to both sides of the argument, one side it just being stubborn and not bringing fourth facts

how about we bring fifth facts

"I enjoy fucking kids." -AsianP2017

Offline Theodin

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Re: Leib-Grenadier-Regiment "König Friedrich Wilhelm III.“ NAPL Champions!
« Reply #1261 on: September 02, 2017, 05:17:54 am »
Alright wastee let's debunk a few points shall we?

Btw I'm pretty sure he is talking about my conversation with shinto who didn't post it because I told him not to. What I talked about with Shinto, and I told him this, were my personal views not my views as a regimental leader.

Referencing the logs stated above, you did say that you refused to give permission towards shinto posting said logs along the lines of, "I'm not willing to let my regiment know my personal opinions." That in itself does state the situation in terms of honesty of regiment leader to the leader's respective regiment.

I never said vortex deserved it, I said it wasn't justified but it also was not unjustified because he has been a massive piece of shit to both LG and 45e since the start of the feuds. Vortex said people can't hurt him on the internet and continued to shit talk, so that is why I don't think what certain people did to him and said about him was unjustified especially when he knew what guys he was dealing with.

Kind of a contradictory statement, the inquiry shinto sent was a yes or no question. Regarding the "shit talk" Vortex has presumed upon his own towards LG and 45e. The point of the matter is, one regiment leader insulting the ability of the other regiment leader (Quoting, outlead, outshot, outmelee'd) must be very detrimental to your mental health isn't it? Considering you're willing to attack the person personally seeking revenge. In a sense, it's like getting called bad on a duel server and then wishing death upon the person.

I said AsianP is insecure about his dad 2 months ago and asked my guys to stop, which btw is me trying to get them to stop which Shinto said we never did and they have evidence we never did. Was insecure the right word to use? Probably not but it is what came to mind.

You sent an identical message to several LG members as a PSA regarding the situation with the AsianP memes. What's funny is you try to claim you were against the memes in the first place and you attempted to "stop" the memes entirely. But coming not only from my own eyes but from several testimonies of LG members, you did embrace the meme at one point just like the original sources. Promising to "punish" members who continue to make fun of these memes never really came, an example being the verse Archer dropped on the 3e thread. (Punishment was kick from the regiment, but you downgraded that to a demotion. Demotions do not hold any weight whatsoever unless the demotee held an NCO rank or higher prior.) Further, the word insecure does highlight how you felt towards the situation in general. Words can have many meanings, but putting it into the syntax of an individual does portray how they really feel. :/

The 3eVolt are skewing my words and others words just for personal gain, this shit stopped a long time ago and they are just bringing back up now for the most part after their fall from the best NA title. I'm not sure how much of this is sincere, and how much of it is simply political.

None of this is any political gamble. Seeing the amount of people you have lied too within itself does speak who is skewing the words here for personal gain.

Not to mention they let one of the people who spread asians facebook into their regiment because he said sorry, and were openly willing to talk to orcaryo and let him in the 3eVolt but refused to talk to Russian or I unless it was over FSE private messages

"One of the people," great reference to me Waste. What is quite funny is the date and time the meme was first being created I wasn't even online LOL. I will admit I did send it to Vetro on steam, but that only happened because Vetro was kicked out of the channel prior. (Didn't know what the link contained in itself either.) The link to the facebook page was posted within the public teamspeak chat for those within the channel. I was even poked the link from one of the LG members who is responsible for orchestrating the search for the link. Seems to me this whole blaming a 3e member simply to mask the reputation coming from the action's of one's regiment is simply pathetic.

Narcissism does hold its fruits, pride is a great barrier when it comes towards external reasoning and protecting oneself from feeling inferior or in "the wrong."
1 - I never said the regiment can't know my personal views

2 - I stand by what I said

3 - I was against it, I told people to stop. We weren't exactly sure how to handle the situation at first it had gotten so out of hand. We run our regiment and decide when people deserve to be kicked and with the threats there's been pretty much no dead dad memes anymore. This only came back up because after two months you decided to send that steam log to 3e members.

4 - Who have I lied to

5 - You were a part of it, people have said you were, don't try to deny it. Also from what I've been told the link was only poked to people it was not posted in chat.

I'm mainly curious why you decided to blow all this up right now suns, when it was starting to look like events might resume again. Especially when I thought you liked the LG seeing as you would come sit in our team speak everyday

1 - If you allow Shinto to post the steam logs we can all be the judge of that. :/

2 - Stand by a contradictory statement? Okay.

3 - You aren't against something if you aid the cause. I. e. making jokes along with the memes. (LG members confirmed this many occasions.)

4 - Several, many, few, depends what you and the individual consider. Fact of the matter is, you have lied and have been caught several times. Most recent as of my knowledge is Sanders.

5 - You've said before you aren't 100% sure if I did partake in it and at the same time started it. People said I was apart of it to cover up themselves, haven't you seen this already? Furthermore, I don't even have access to a facebook account, or even own one. I simply cannot search facebook profiles lol. Can't deny your members started it, not me. :/

On the side, I showed Vortex and AsianP the gyazo with you stating how AsianP was being "insecure" about his father's death a month ago. This only escalated due to the variety of proofs involved in constructing this response. (ie, my gyazo, shinto's logs, etc)

You can't particularly state what my opinion on the regiment is through assumption, or how I feel. Yes, I do come into the teamspeak everyday. Pretty sure you can reason why, old friends perhaps?

I like several people within the LG, but the deception hovering around the decisions leadership has taken, that did not sit well with me.

I will say my opinion of several people has definitely changed from pre to post NAPL time periods, however.
1 - "7:27 PM - [LG] Wastee: so I'd like to keep my private views different from the regiment"   personal views vs views as a regimental leader I don't hide how I feel from my members, but I do tell them we can't act certain ways even if that's how we feel because of differing views and if I said how I personally feel about a lot of these things this would be a lot worse, I just know how to contain myself to better others
3 -  I am against it because we made it stop?
4 - Please provide more specifics
5 - Once again I wasn't there I only know what I was told

this is fun

1 - Give Shinto permission to post the logs, let everyone else be the judge.

2 - kek can't count LOL

3 - You can claim you're against it because you made it "stop." The meme itself hasn't stopped. It has continually resurfaced for months now.

4 - Lied to several people, several members have explained to me the various situations as well as their reasoning. Have yet to hear your side, but seeing the conflicting inquiries on how you've flat out lied to several people. (Relayed from AsianP, from Sanders) Pretty much leaves me to the basic prediction...

You aren't exactly as what many would call, "trustworthy."

5 - So if you're going to listen to one side of the argument rather than the other you believe it is enough to deduce a sound conclusion?
You're pretty much posting the same thing re worded everytime now rather than answering me

Meme did stop no one has reported about it in a long time

Still waiting for who I lied to and what my lie was

You're pretty much deflecting everything off of yourself as an answer towards my inquiries.

Still waiting on a response. :/
I'm asking questions, you're making statements

To the one question you did have, I'm listening to both sides of the argument, one side it just being stubborn and not bringing fourth facts
To be fair, unless you consent to your steam logs being posted here, they really can't bring facts forward.

also what min said I support

1x NA Duel- Runner up |  3x 3v3- 3rd place (Seadderol Deflatriots) (Ez Money) (71st Guards + Russian) | 1x Duel League- 4th place | 1x Regimental Groupfighting- 1st place (71st)  l  1x 2v2- 3rd Place (Vortex/Theodin) | TNWL Season 2 - 1st Place l 1x 2v2- 1st Place (Theodin/Elite) l 2x NANWL-
 71st, Nr8(LG) l 1x 4v4- 1st Place (RussianFury, Waste, NickCole, Theodin) l 1x Cav Joust- 2nd Place l 1x 4v4-
 3rd Place (Theodin, AsianP, Sleek, Godfried, Lurvy) l 1x 5v5 - 1st Place (RussianFury, Yoshie, Krastinov, Jorge, Theodin - Thanos and his children)

Offline Wastee

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Re: Leib-Grenadier-Regiment "König Friedrich Wilhelm III.“ NAPL Champions!
« Reply #1262 on: September 02, 2017, 05:18:29 am »
Alright wastee let's debunk a few points shall we?

Btw I'm pretty sure he is talking about my conversation with shinto who didn't post it because I told him not to. What I talked about with Shinto, and I told him this, were my personal views not my views as a regimental leader.

Referencing the logs stated above, you did say that you refused to give permission towards shinto posting said logs along the lines of, "I'm not willing to let my regiment know my personal opinions." That in itself does state the situation in terms of honesty of regiment leader to the leader's respective regiment.

I never said vortex deserved it, I said it wasn't justified but it also was not unjustified because he has been a massive piece of shit to both LG and 45e since the start of the feuds. Vortex said people can't hurt him on the internet and continued to shit talk, so that is why I don't think what certain people did to him and said about him was unjustified especially when he knew what guys he was dealing with.

Kind of a contradictory statement, the inquiry shinto sent was a yes or no question. Regarding the "shit talk" Vortex has presumed upon his own towards LG and 45e. The point of the matter is, one regiment leader insulting the ability of the other regiment leader (Quoting, outlead, outshot, outmelee'd) must be very detrimental to your mental health isn't it? Considering you're willing to attack the person personally seeking revenge. In a sense, it's like getting called bad on a duel server and then wishing death upon the person.

I said AsianP is insecure about his dad 2 months ago and asked my guys to stop, which btw is me trying to get them to stop which Shinto said we never did and they have evidence we never did. Was insecure the right word to use? Probably not but it is what came to mind.

You sent an identical message to several LG members as a PSA regarding the situation with the AsianP memes. What's funny is you try to claim you were against the memes in the first place and you attempted to "stop" the memes entirely. But coming not only from my own eyes but from several testimonies of LG members, you did embrace the meme at one point just like the original sources. Promising to "punish" members who continue to make fun of these memes never really came, an example being the verse Archer dropped on the 3e thread. (Punishment was kick from the regiment, but you downgraded that to a demotion. Demotions do not hold any weight whatsoever unless the demotee held an NCO rank or higher prior.) Further, the word insecure does highlight how you felt towards the situation in general. Words can have many meanings, but putting it into the syntax of an individual does portray how they really feel. :/

The 3eVolt are skewing my words and others words just for personal gain, this shit stopped a long time ago and they are just bringing back up now for the most part after their fall from the best NA title. I'm not sure how much of this is sincere, and how much of it is simply political.

None of this is any political gamble. Seeing the amount of people you have lied too within itself does speak who is skewing the words here for personal gain.

Not to mention they let one of the people who spread asians facebook into their regiment because he said sorry, and were openly willing to talk to orcaryo and let him in the 3eVolt but refused to talk to Russian or I unless it was over FSE private messages

"One of the people," great reference to me Waste. What is quite funny is the date and time the meme was first being created I wasn't even online LOL. I will admit I did send it to Vetro on steam, but that only happened because Vetro was kicked out of the channel prior. (Didn't know what the link contained in itself either.) The link to the facebook page was posted within the public teamspeak chat for those within the channel. I was even poked the link from one of the LG members who is responsible for orchestrating the search for the link. Seems to me this whole blaming a 3e member simply to mask the reputation coming from the action's of one's regiment is simply pathetic.

Narcissism does hold its fruits, pride is a great barrier when it comes towards external reasoning and protecting oneself from feeling inferior or in "the wrong."
1 - I never said the regiment can't know my personal views

2 - I stand by what I said

3 - I was against it, I told people to stop. We weren't exactly sure how to handle the situation at first it had gotten so out of hand. We run our regiment and decide when people deserve to be kicked and with the threats there's been pretty much no dead dad memes anymore. This only came back up because after two months you decided to send that steam log to 3e members.

4 - Who have I lied to

5 - You were a part of it, people have said you were, don't try to deny it. Also from what I've been told the link was only poked to people it was not posted in chat.

I'm mainly curious why you decided to blow all this up right now suns, when it was starting to look like events might resume again. Especially when I thought you liked the LG seeing as you would come sit in our team speak everyday

1 - If you allow Shinto to post the steam logs we can all be the judge of that. :/

2 - Stand by a contradictory statement? Okay.

3 - You aren't against something if you aid the cause. I. e. making jokes along with the memes. (LG members confirmed this many occasions.)

4 - Several, many, few, depends what you and the individual consider. Fact of the matter is, you have lied and have been caught several times. Most recent as of my knowledge is Sanders.

5 - You've said before you aren't 100% sure if I did partake in it and at the same time started it. People said I was apart of it to cover up themselves, haven't you seen this already? Furthermore, I don't even have access to a facebook account, or even own one. I simply cannot search facebook profiles lol. Can't deny your members started it, not me. :/

On the side, I showed Vortex and AsianP the gyazo with you stating how AsianP was being "insecure" about his father's death a month ago. This only escalated due to the variety of proofs involved in constructing this response. (ie, my gyazo, shinto's logs, etc)

You can't particularly state what my opinion on the regiment is through assumption, or how I feel. Yes, I do come into the teamspeak everyday. Pretty sure you can reason why, old friends perhaps?

I like several people within the LG, but the deception hovering around the decisions leadership has taken, that did not sit well with me.

I will say my opinion of several people has definitely changed from pre to post NAPL time periods, however.
1 - "7:27 PM - [LG] Wastee: so I'd like to keep my private views different from the regiment"   personal views vs views as a regimental leader I don't hide how I feel from my members, but I do tell them we can't act certain ways even if that's how we feel because of differing views and if I said how I personally feel about a lot of these things this would be a lot worse, I just know how to contain myself to better others
3 -  I am against it because we made it stop?
4 - Please provide more specifics
5 - Once again I wasn't there I only know what I was told

this is fun

1 - Give Shinto permission to post the logs, let everyone else be the judge.

2 - kek can't count LOL

3 - You can claim you're against it because you made it "stop." The meme itself hasn't stopped. It has continually resurfaced for months now.

4 - Lied to several people, several members have explained to me the various situations as well as their reasoning. Have yet to hear your side, but seeing the conflicting inquiries on how you've flat out lied to several people. (Relayed from AsianP, from Sanders) Pretty much leaves me to the basic prediction...

You aren't exactly as what many would call, "trustworthy."

5 - So if you're going to listen to one side of the argument rather than the other you believe it is enough to deduce a sound conclusion?
You're pretty much posting the same thing re worded everytime now rather than answering me

Meme did stop no one has reported about it in a long time

Still waiting for who I lied to and what my lie was

You're pretty much deflecting everything off of yourself as an answer towards my inquiries.

Still waiting on a response. :/
I'm asking questions, you're making statements

To the one question you did have, I'm listening to both sides of the argument, one side it just being stubborn and not bringing fourth facts

how about we bring fifth facts
shut up min you're 5'2

i'm just kidddingggggggg

"I may never make a list, and I may never make the hall of fame, but by God, I made the competitive mailing list" - Undisclosed Gamer

Offline Min

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Re: Leib-Grenadier-Regiment "König Friedrich Wilhelm III.“ NAPL Champions!
« Reply #1263 on: September 02, 2017, 05:21:59 am »
Alright wastee let's debunk a few points shall we?

Btw I'm pretty sure he is talking about my conversation with shinto who didn't post it because I told him not to. What I talked about with Shinto, and I told him this, were my personal views not my views as a regimental leader.

Referencing the logs stated above, you did say that you refused to give permission towards shinto posting said logs along the lines of, "I'm not willing to let my regiment know my personal opinions." That in itself does state the situation in terms of honesty of regiment leader to the leader's respective regiment.

I never said vortex deserved it, I said it wasn't justified but it also was not unjustified because he has been a massive piece of shit to both LG and 45e since the start of the feuds. Vortex said people can't hurt him on the internet and continued to shit talk, so that is why I don't think what certain people did to him and said about him was unjustified especially when he knew what guys he was dealing with.

Kind of a contradictory statement, the inquiry shinto sent was a yes or no question. Regarding the "shit talk" Vortex has presumed upon his own towards LG and 45e. The point of the matter is, one regiment leader insulting the ability of the other regiment leader (Quoting, outlead, outshot, outmelee'd) must be very detrimental to your mental health isn't it? Considering you're willing to attack the person personally seeking revenge. In a sense, it's like getting called bad on a duel server and then wishing death upon the person.

I said AsianP is insecure about his dad 2 months ago and asked my guys to stop, which btw is me trying to get them to stop which Shinto said we never did and they have evidence we never did. Was insecure the right word to use? Probably not but it is what came to mind.

You sent an identical message to several LG members as a PSA regarding the situation with the AsianP memes. What's funny is you try to claim you were against the memes in the first place and you attempted to "stop" the memes entirely. But coming not only from my own eyes but from several testimonies of LG members, you did embrace the meme at one point just like the original sources. Promising to "punish" members who continue to make fun of these memes never really came, an example being the verse Archer dropped on the 3e thread. (Punishment was kick from the regiment, but you downgraded that to a demotion. Demotions do not hold any weight whatsoever unless the demotee held an NCO rank or higher prior.) Further, the word insecure does highlight how you felt towards the situation in general. Words can have many meanings, but putting it into the syntax of an individual does portray how they really feel. :/

The 3eVolt are skewing my words and others words just for personal gain, this shit stopped a long time ago and they are just bringing back up now for the most part after their fall from the best NA title. I'm not sure how much of this is sincere, and how much of it is simply political.

None of this is any political gamble. Seeing the amount of people you have lied too within itself does speak who is skewing the words here for personal gain.

Not to mention they let one of the people who spread asians facebook into their regiment because he said sorry, and were openly willing to talk to orcaryo and let him in the 3eVolt but refused to talk to Russian or I unless it was over FSE private messages

"One of the people," great reference to me Waste. What is quite funny is the date and time the meme was first being created I wasn't even online LOL. I will admit I did send it to Vetro on steam, but that only happened because Vetro was kicked out of the channel prior. (Didn't know what the link contained in itself either.) The link to the facebook page was posted within the public teamspeak chat for those within the channel. I was even poked the link from one of the LG members who is responsible for orchestrating the search for the link. Seems to me this whole blaming a 3e member simply to mask the reputation coming from the action's of one's regiment is simply pathetic.

Narcissism does hold its fruits, pride is a great barrier when it comes towards external reasoning and protecting oneself from feeling inferior or in "the wrong."
1 - I never said the regiment can't know my personal views

2 - I stand by what I said

3 - I was against it, I told people to stop. We weren't exactly sure how to handle the situation at first it had gotten so out of hand. We run our regiment and decide when people deserve to be kicked and with the threats there's been pretty much no dead dad memes anymore. This only came back up because after two months you decided to send that steam log to 3e members.

4 - Who have I lied to

5 - You were a part of it, people have said you were, don't try to deny it. Also from what I've been told the link was only poked to people it was not posted in chat.

I'm mainly curious why you decided to blow all this up right now suns, when it was starting to look like events might resume again. Especially when I thought you liked the LG seeing as you would come sit in our team speak everyday

1 - If you allow Shinto to post the steam logs we can all be the judge of that. :/

2 - Stand by a contradictory statement? Okay.

3 - You aren't against something if you aid the cause. I. e. making jokes along with the memes. (LG members confirmed this many occasions.)

4 - Several, many, few, depends what you and the individual consider. Fact of the matter is, you have lied and have been caught several times. Most recent as of my knowledge is Sanders.

5 - You've said before you aren't 100% sure if I did partake in it and at the same time started it. People said I was apart of it to cover up themselves, haven't you seen this already? Furthermore, I don't even have access to a facebook account, or even own one. I simply cannot search facebook profiles lol. Can't deny your members started it, not me. :/

On the side, I showed Vortex and AsianP the gyazo with you stating how AsianP was being "insecure" about his father's death a month ago. This only escalated due to the variety of proofs involved in constructing this response. (ie, my gyazo, shinto's logs, etc)

You can't particularly state what my opinion on the regiment is through assumption, or how I feel. Yes, I do come into the teamspeak everyday. Pretty sure you can reason why, old friends perhaps?

I like several people within the LG, but the deception hovering around the decisions leadership has taken, that did not sit well with me.

I will say my opinion of several people has definitely changed from pre to post NAPL time periods, however.
1 - "7:27 PM - [LG] Wastee: so I'd like to keep my private views different from the regiment"   personal views vs views as a regimental leader I don't hide how I feel from my members, but I do tell them we can't act certain ways even if that's how we feel because of differing views and if I said how I personally feel about a lot of these things this would be a lot worse, I just know how to contain myself to better others
3 -  I am against it because we made it stop?
4 - Please provide more specifics
5 - Once again I wasn't there I only know what I was told

this is fun

1 - Give Shinto permission to post the logs, let everyone else be the judge.

2 - kek can't count LOL

3 - You can claim you're against it because you made it "stop." The meme itself hasn't stopped. It has continually resurfaced for months now.

4 - Lied to several people, several members have explained to me the various situations as well as their reasoning. Have yet to hear your side, but seeing the conflicting inquiries on how you've flat out lied to several people. (Relayed from AsianP, from Sanders) Pretty much leaves me to the basic prediction...

You aren't exactly as what many would call, "trustworthy."

5 - So if you're going to listen to one side of the argument rather than the other you believe it is enough to deduce a sound conclusion?
You're pretty much posting the same thing re worded everytime now rather than answering me

Meme did stop no one has reported about it in a long time

Still waiting for who I lied to and what my lie was

You're pretty much deflecting everything off of yourself as an answer towards my inquiries.

Still waiting on a response. :/
I'm asking questions, you're making statements

To the one question you did have, I'm listening to both sides of the argument, one side it just being stubborn and not bringing fourth facts

how about we bring fifth facts
shut up min you're 5'2

i'm just kidddingggggggg


edit: alright buddy calm down

"I enjoy fucking kids." -AsianP2017

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Check out my YT channel where I post NW com/c/CluelessWill
god damn, Anthony is smart, he was able to get the shit AEF to tie with the best reg in the game. The tactical geniusness needed to pull off such a feat is insane. He's the Erwin Rommel of NW.
i always get an erection when i check my subscrptions and see that phresh cluelesswill vid
It won't be FSE developing it, so it will come out!

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Those were private steam logs between me and shinto in the hopes of making this situation better. I didn't want them shared because I expressed my personal opinions which could blur other people's views on the situation. My personal thoughts have very little to do with how the regiment acts, I guess shinto didn't care though as he chose to share those with people who aren't even a part of this conflict.

Granted I didn't ask shinto to not share them I just told him he can't post them on FSE, I just figured I could trust him to keep the conversation private.

"I may never make a list, and I may never make the hall of fame, but by God, I made the competitive mailing list" - Undisclosed Gamer

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Those were private steam logs between me and shinto in the hopes of making this situation better. I didn't want them shared because I expressed my personal opinions which could blur other people's views on the situation. My personal thoughts have very little to do with how the regiment acts, I guess shinto didn't care though as he chose to share those with people who aren't even a part of this conflict.

Granted I didn't ask shinto to not share them I just told him he can't post them on FSE, I just figured I could trust him to keep the conversation private.

tfw Waste thinks it's okay to post pictures of vortex and his family because Vortex gave his name, but expects people to keep conversations with him private.

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Hypocrites exist

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debating with purplish was quite fun.

"alright, suns you can win this."

Offline Wastee

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Anyways, none of this will amount to anything and all ties have already been cut so all suns don't post here anymore

"I may never make a list, and I may never make the hall of fame, but by God, I made the competitive mailing list" - Undisclosed Gamer

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debating with purplish was quite fun.

"alright, suns you can win this."
alright this is missing a ton of other dialog and technically i never gave you permission to post this :/

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debating with purplish was quite fun.

"alright, suns you can win this."
Suns can you drop the arguing already you seem like the main person fueling it right now and it doesn't even concern you at all....  :-\

Offline RussianFury

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I hope Bannerlord comes out early 2018.

Also suns, fuck off.