Author Topic: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event [EU] - Next Event 29th May 2024  (Read 67502 times)

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Offline King_George

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Re: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event (Monthly) [EU] - Next 01/11/17
« Reply #75 on: November 02, 2017, 12:10:50 am »
Some pictures from the latest Revolutionary war event! Enjoy! :)

Preparing for the event
Siege of Toulon
13 of Vendémiaire, the streets were cleared with a whiff of grapeshot

Battle of Lodi

Battle of Castiglione

Battle of Arcole

« Last Edit: November 02, 2017, 12:13:29 am by King_George »

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event (Monthly) [EU] - Next 29/11/17
« Reply #76 on: November 27, 2017, 06:33:20 pm »

Next Event - 18:45 GMT on Wednesday 29th November!

Where - 33rd_Egypt_Campaign_Event

Having seen the benefits of Britain's profitable colonies, France's Directory listened to Bonaparte's idea to invade Egypt; expelling the ruling Mamelukes and establishing a modern style of government sympathetic to France would strengthen their trade and weaken Britains position. Early success however against the Mameluke dynsaty was overshadowed by the defeat of the French fleet at the hands of Nelson. After a relatively short period of occupation the French forces were eventually forced to leave for good with British forces landing and laying siege to Alexandria.

Please note that this Event will be replacing our Wednesday Conquest Event for this date only, our usual Conquest will continue to take place after this date.

Event Stages:

Stage 1 - Battle of the Pyramids - Objective Siege (Hold the Square!) (10mins)
Classes - Line for France, Cavalry for Mamelukes
French troops have 2 lives and must attempt to hold the square for the duration of the timer, Mameluke cavalry have unlimited lives.
July 1798. Napoleons expedition into Egyptian territory is halted near the capital of Cairo, by a considerable Mameluke force. Observing that the enemy forces largely consist of cavalry, Napoleon employs one of his major military reforms for the first time - the divisional square; such huge formations could protect his all important horse and baggage train, whilst his canon stationed at the corners could be used to devastating effect. But do his infantry have the nerve to stand fast against the unrelenting attack of the many thousands of horseman?

(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Line)
(30-35) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line) + (Arty)
(15-20) - Suisse (Line)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Line)
(15-20) - [GI]2e/6eGreH (Line)

Total: (90-120)
(10-15) - [GI]1e_Crb (Cav)
(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Cav)
(10-15) - 10thJBH (Cav)
(10-15) - [QRA]1st (Cav)
(15-20) - 3pp (Cav)

Total: (55- 80)


Stage 2 - Landing at Aboukir bay - Coastal Siege(10mins)
Classes - Lines, Lights
Normal Teams, Normal Siege
Determined to drive out the last remanents of Napoleons Expedition in egypt at Alexandria, British forces attempt a landing at Aboukir bay. A small French force holds the beach head, their artillery however may prove to be the British downfall as the landing parties make their way ponderously inland.

(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Line)
(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Lights)
(30-35) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line) + (Arty)
(15-20) - Suisse (Line)
(15-20) - 3pp (Line)

Total: (100 -120)
(10-15) - [GI]1e_Crb (Line)
(10-15) - 10thJBH (Lights)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Line)
(10-15) - [QRA]1st (Line)
(15-20) - [GI]2e/6eGreH (Line)

Total: (55- 80)


Stage 3 - Battle of Alexandria, fight amongst the ruins - Normal Battle (10mins)
Classes - Line, Lights & Cav
Normal Battle
Having successfully landed the British press on towards Alexandria, the French however sieze the initative and commence their own attack in one final pitched battle. The offensive hit home in the early hours of the morning, with french columns primarily attacking the british center and right flank in force - attempting to drive a wedge here and break the british line.

(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Cav)
(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Lights)
(30-35) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line)
(15-20) - Suisse (Line)

Total: (75 -100)
(10-15) - [GI]1e_Crb (Cav)
(10-15) - 10thJBH (Lights)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Line)
(10-15) - [QRA]1st (Line)
(15-20) - [GI]2e/6eGreH (Line)
(15-20) - 3pp (Line)

Total: (70- 100)


Stage 4 - Battle of Alexandria, fight amongst the ruins - Normal Battle (10mins)
Classes - Line, Lights & Cav
Normal Battle
The inital french attack is met with some early success, with one french column passing through the line towards the old roman ruins; the 42nd highland regiment defends the ruins fiercly, capturing a standard.

(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Cav)
(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Lights)
(30-35) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line)
(15-20) - Suisse (Line)

Total: (75 -100)
(10-15) - [GI]1e_Crb (Cav)
(10-15) - 10thJBH (Lights)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Line)
(10-15) - [QRA]1st (Line)
(15-20) - [GI]2e/6eGreH (Line)
(15-20) - 3pp (Line)

Total: (70- 100)


Stage 5 - Battle of Alexandria, Stand Fast 28th! - Objective Siege (Hold the Line!) (12mins)
Classes - Line for UK, Line and Cav for France
Admin controlled to Start, then proceed with normal objective siege
The french having begun their attack on the ruins, the british right flank finds itself cut-off from the rest of the british line and totally surrounded; the 28th Foot are hard pressed as they are attacked from both front and rear, strung out in a two rank-deep line. Famously the regiment is given the order for the front rank to stay as they are and the rear to about face, in a desperate attempt to survive the attack.

(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Line)
(30-35) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line)
(15-20) - Suisse (Line)
(10-15) - 10thJBH (Line)
(15-20) - 3pp (Line)

Total: (100 -120)
(10-15) - [GI]1e_Crb (Cav)
(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Cav)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Line)
(10-15) - [QRA]1st (Line)
(15-20) - [GI]2e/6eGreH (Line)

Total: (55- 80)


Please note that this Event makes use of Server-side scripts which alter the appearance/equipment of some units, so as a result some client-side mods might not work as intended!

Continuing on from the Revolutionary war event of 1793 to 1796, we move on to Napoleons Campaign in Egypt on the 29th of this month! (first post updated)

Unfortunately the event is currently full, but don't hesitate to get in contact if interested however as I can contact you first if we have any regs drop.

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event (Monthly) [EU] - Next 03/01/18
« Reply #77 on: January 01, 2018, 07:13:01 pm »
With the New Year our first event back will be based on the Prussian campaign of 1806, including rounds on the battles of Jena & Auerstadt and some other minor actions (see the main post)

I haven't as yet updated the regs on the teams on the main post, since there are a couple of Line infantry spots yet to be filled.

Line Spots Available for our event this Wednesday! (03/01/18)

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event (Monthly) [EU] - Next 03/01/18
« Reply #78 on: January 02, 2018, 02:41:23 pm »
03/01/18 - Prussian Campaign 1806 Teams/Rounds

Next Event - 18:45 GMT on Wednesday 3rd January!

Where - 33rd_Prussian_Campaign_1806!

Napoleon's campaign against the Prussians in 1806 represented the first half of the war of the fourth coalition, formed against France shortly after the third coalitions' defeat at Austerlitz in 1805. The campaign was one of lightning speed, with some small isolated actions before and a final decisive twin set of battles at both Jena and Auerstadt. The experienced Grande armee once again displayed it's versatility and speed in this short campaign with the destruction of most the Prussian forces and capture of Berlin taking only 19 days.

Please note that this Event will be replacing our Wednesday Conquest Event for this date only, our usual Conquest will continue to take place after this date.

Event Stages:

Stage 1 - Rearguard at Schliez - LineBattle Siege (10mins)
Classes - Line, Lights, Cav
Siege with LineBattle Rules - attackers/defenders move out from spawn in formations of 5+
On October 9th French troops clash with a Prussian/Saxon division near the village of Schliez, in time however it becomes clear that Bernadottes 1st corps vastly outnumbers the Allied divison so they begin to withdraw. As an aggressive prusuit ensues headed by Murat's cavalry, one Prussian batallion finds itself pinned between French cavalry behind and Infantry in front - they must fight for their very survival as they are attacked on all fronts.

(5-10) - KHJ (Lights)
(10-15) - 33rd Light coy (Lights)
(10-15) - [QRA]1st (Line)
(20-25) - [GI]2e/6eGreH (Line)
(20-25) - 3pp (Line)
(10) - SPACE (Line)
(10) - SPACE (Line)

Total: (85 - 110)
(10-15) - 33rd Cav coy (Cavalry)
(10-15) - [GI]1erCrb (Cavalry)
(30-40) - 33rd (Line)
(15-20) - VG_Gre (Line)

Total: (65-90)

Stage 2 - Action at Saalfeld - Battle (10mins)
Classes - Line, Lights, Cavalry.
Normal Battle
Underestimating the strength of the French corps approaching, Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia deploys his forces with their back to the river Saale on the 10th of October. Marshal Lannes swiftly takes advantage of the blunder and attacks the enemy positions in force.

(10-15) - [GI]1erCrb (Cavalry)
(5-10) - KHJ (Lights)
(10-15) - [QRA]1st (Line)
(20-25) - [GI]2e/6eGreH (Line)
(20-25) - 3pp (Line)
(10) - SPACE (Line)

Total: (75 - 100)
(10-15) - 33rd Cav coy (Cavalry)
(10-15) - 33rd Light coy (Lights)
(30-40) - 33rd (Line)
(15-20) - VG_Gre (Line)
(10) - SPACE (Line)

Total: (75-100)

Stage 3 - Battle of Auerstadt, First Contact - Hold the Square! (10mins)
Classes - Lines, Cavalry
Roleplay Siege
Marshal Davout's 3rd corps advances in the direction of Auerstadt unaware of the large concentration of Prussian forces advancing towards him, his advance guard making contact with Prussian cavalry in the early hours of the 14th of October - a thick fog masking the Prussian movements. The French infantry must hold their position against the cavalry, forming square until more French troops can support them.

(10-15) - [GI]1erCrb (Cavalry)
(10-15) - 33rd Cav coy (Cavalry)
(5-10) - KHJ (Cavalry)
(10-15) - [QRA]1st (Cavalry)
(20-25) - 3pp (Cavalry)

Total: (55 - 80)
(10-15) - 33rd Light coy (Lights)
(30-40) - 33rd (Line)
(15-20) - VG_Gre (Line)
(20-25) - [GI]2e/6eGreH (Line)
(10) - SPACE (Line)
(10) - SPACE (Line)

Total: (95-120)

Stage 4 - Battle of Auerstadt, Defence of HassenHaussen - Siege (8mins)
Classes - Lines, Lights, Cavalry
Normal Siege
With the morning fog broken and the arrival of another Prussian division under marshal Blucher, the french troops fall back to the village of HassenHausen; it's low walls and buildings will have to serve as an effective defence against the overwhelming Prussian forces massing to attack.

(10-15) - [GI]1erCrb (Cavalry)
(5-10) - KHJ (Lights)
(10-15) - [QRA]1st (Line)
(20-25) - [GI]2e/6eGreH (Line)
(20-25) - 3pp (Line)
(10) - SPACE (Line)

Total: (75 - 100)
(10-15) - 33rd Cav coy (Cavalry)
(10-15) - 33rd Light coy (Lights)
(30-40) - 33rd (Line)
(15-20) - VG_Gre (Line)
(10) - SPACE (Line)

Total: (75-100)

Stage 5 - Battle of Jena, Ney's Offensive - LineBattle Siege (10mins)
Classes - Line, Lights, Cav
Siege with LineBattle Rules - attackers/defenders move out from spawn in formations of 5+
At around the same time as the engagement at Hassenhausen, the battle of Jena begins to slowly take shape; With his flanks secured, Napoleon slowly moves his other divisions across the river Saale and into his center. Ney however with his troops in position early attacks the Prussian line prematurely and quickly finds himself isolated without support. The Prussians waste no time taking advantage of his plight, enveloping his division on all sides. In a desperate attempt to survive the French form into a rough square, and hope to hold out until reinforcments can arrive.

(10-15) - [GI]1erCrb (Cavalry)
(10-15) - 33rd Cav coy (Cavalry)
(5-10) - KHJ (Lights)
(10-15) - [QRA]1st (Line)
(20-25) - 3pp (Line)
(10) - SPACE (Line)

Total: (65 - 90)
(10-15) - 33rd Light coy (Lights)
(30-40) - 33rd (Line)
(15-20) - VG_Gre (Line)
(20-25) - [GI]2e/6eGreH (Line)
(10) - SPACE (Line)

Total: (85-110)

Stage 6 - Battle of Jena, Skirmish Lines (15mins)
Classes - Line
Admin Controlled Battle - All form up at spawn
With Ney's division saved by the arrival of Marshal Lannes, a steady fire fight ensued without either side appearing to gain advantage. Both sides deploy large amounts of skirmishers to screen their main forces.

(10-15) - [GI]1erCrb (Line)
(5-10) - KHJ (Line)
(10-15) - [QRA]1st (Line)
(20-25) - [GI]2e/6eGreH (Line)
(20-25) - 3pp (Line)
(10) - SPACE (Line)

Total: (75 - 100)
(10-15) - 33rd Cav coy (Line)
(10-15) - 33rd Light coy (Line)
(30-40) - 33rd (Line)
(15-20) - VG_Gre (Line)
(10) - SPACE (Line)

Total: (75-100)

Please note that this Event makes use of Server-side scripts which alter the appearance/equipment of some units, so as a result some client-side mods might not work as intended!


Bump - Teams now updated and Line Spots Available for our event this Wednesday! (03/01/18)

Offline Lors Snow

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Re: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event (Monthly) [EU] - Next 03/01/18
« Reply #79 on: January 02, 2018, 03:40:39 pm »
Regiment Name: 13th Roayl Scots
Preferred Nation: UK
Preferred Class: Line /light inf
Estimated Attendance:10+
Contact Steam ID:
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event (Monthly) [EU] - Next 03/01/18
« Reply #80 on: January 02, 2018, 04:42:59 pm »
Regiment Name: 13th Roayl Scots
Preferred Nation: UK
Preferred Class: Line /light inf
Estimated Attendance:10+
Contact Steam ID:
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes

Accepted as Line - see you Wednesday!

One small Line spot Available

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event (Monthly) [EU] - Next 31/01/18
« Reply #81 on: January 23, 2018, 06:53:23 pm »


Next Event - 18:45 GMT on Wednesday 31st January!

Where - 33rd_Eylau_Event!

In late 1806 The Grande armee settled in for winter quarters in occupied Poland, after dealing a severe blow to the Prussian forces at Jena/Auerstadt. The new Campaign in 1807 however began early in January, with the Russians under Bennigsen attempting to turn the French left wing; after some manoeuvring the multitude of French corps forced the combined Prussian and Russian forces to withdraw to the North East. In early February with all his forces finally concentrated, Benngisen decides to make a stand at the town of Eylau. Napoleon confidently pursues on all fronts, with his army corps spread out - potentially too far out to effectively support each other; this later develops into the ultimate decider for one of the most bloodiest battles of the Napoleonic Wars.

Please note that this Event will be replacing our Wednesday Conquest Event for this date only, our usual Conquest will continue to take place after this date.

Event Stages:

Stage 1 - Struggle for Eylau, First day - Siege (10mins)
Classes - Line, Lights, Cavalry
Normal Siege
On the 7th of February 1807 with the arrival of Augerau's corps, French troops outside the town of Eylau now have the strength to press the Russian rear-guard as it covers the main Russian armies retreat. The engagement quickly escalates into a bitter struggle for the town and the shelter it will offer the victor, against the cold night closing in. The action continues into the night, the Russians making the French troops pay dearly for every building and street.

(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Cavalry)
(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Lights)
(15-20) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line)
(10-15) - Suisse (Line)
(10) 1º Batallon Galicia (Line)
(5-10) - 8te (Line)
(5) - 40e (Line)
(5) - LA (Line)

Total: (80 - 110)
(10-15) - VG_Cav(Cavalry)
(10-15) - [QRB]70th (Lights)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Line)
(10) - [QRB]1st (Line)
(10-15) - GI_2e (Line)
(15-20) - 3pp (Line)
(15-20) - 63e (Line)

Total: (80 - 110)

Stage 2 - Augerau's Offensive - Battle (10mins)
Classes - Line, Lights, Cavalry
Normal Battle - use Double ranks/columns
On the morning of the 8th both armies draw themselves up to give battle on opposite ridges, Eylau still under French occupation in the centre. The French army is in a vulnerable position with two of its corps yet to make an appearance on the field, the allies having the numerical advantage. Napoleon regardless seizes the initiative and orders Augerau’s corps out of Eylau to attack the Russian centre, hoping to occupy the enemy long enough for Davout’s corps to arrive on the field and attack their flank. A storm which would be present most of the day shrouds the Russians as the French march blindly towards their positions.

(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Cavalry)
(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Lights)
(15-20) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line)
(10-15) - Suisse (Line)
(10) 1º Batallon Galicia (Line)
(5-10) - 8te (Line)
(5) - 40e (Line)
(5) - LA (Line)

Total: (80 - 110)
(10-15) - VG_Cav(Cavalry)
(10-15) - [QRB]70th (Lights)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Line)
(10) - [QRB]1st (Line)
(10-15) - GI_2e (Line)
(15-20) - 3pp (Line)
(15-20) - 63e (Line)

Total: (80 - 110)

Stage 3 - The last stand of the 14eme - Siege with LineBattle Rules (10mins)
Classes - Lines, Lights, Cavalry
Siege Gamemode but with all the rules used in Normal Battle - move out in lines of 5+
Blinded by the snow storm the various division of Augerau’s corps become scattered as they encounter the Russians, many falling back to Eylau before the onslaught of Russian artillery and musketry. One Regiment, the 14th Line stand firm bravely but as regiments either side begin to retreat the 14th find themselves surrounded. To protect themselves as best they can the infantry forms square and prepare to fight to the last man – the 14eme do not Surrender!

(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Cavalry)
(10-15) - VG_Cav(Cavalry)
(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Lights)
(15-20) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10) 1º Batallon Galicia (Line)
(5-10) - 8te (Line)
(5) - 40e (Line)
(5) - LA (Line)

Total: (70 - 95)
(10-15) - [QRB]70th (Lights)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Line)
(10) - [QRB]1st (Line)
(10-15) - GI_2e (Line)
(15-20) - 3pp (Line)
(15-20) - 63e (Line)
(10-15) - Suisse (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line)

Total: (90 - 125)

Stage 4 - Bennigsen's counter offensive - Siege (10mins)
Classes - Line, Lights, Cavalry
Normal Siege
With Augerau’s attack stalled his men are thrown back with heavy casualties, retreating to Eylau. The Russians under Bennigsen waste no time in taking advantage of the situation and launch a counter attack against the frail French center sheltering at Eylau. Napoleon historically commits his guard to hold the town at all costs.

(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Cavalry)
(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Lights)
(15-20) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line)
(10-15) - Suisse (Line)
(10) 1º Batallon Galicia (Line)
(5-10) - 8te (Line)
(5) - 40e (Line)
(5) - LA (Line)

Total: (80 - 110)
(10-15) - VG_Cav(Cavalry)
(10-15) - [QRB]70th (Lights)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Line)
(10) - [QRB]1st (Line)
(10-15) - GI_2e (Line)
(15-20) - 3pp (Line)
(15-20) - 63e (Line)

Total: (80 - 110)

Stage 5 - Murat's cavalry charge - Admin controlled Battle (10mins)
Classes - Russia:Line / France:Cavalry
Admin controlled round - Russia form up at spawn, France directed into two columns
With the French centre now as frail as ever and Ney’s corps not yet arrived, the situation for Napoleon looks dire indeed. It is at this point that a fresh Prussian corps now arrives on the field to support the Russian troops, leaving the fate of the battle in little doubt. However Napoleon now famously commits his final reserve; 11,000 cavalry under Marshal Murat to hammer the allied centre hard and buy him time for Ney and Davout’s corps to deploy on the field. Will the best cavalry France has to offer, seated on the best steeds in Europe be enough to stall the overwhelming allied forces?

(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Line)
(15-20) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line)
(10-15) - Suisse (Line)
(10) 1º Batallon Galicia (Line)
(5-10) - 8te (Line)
(5) - 40e (Line)
(5) - LA (Line)
(10-15) - [QRB]70th (Line)
(10) - [QRB]1st (Line)

Total: (90 - 120)
(10-15) - VG_Cav(Cavalry)
(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Cavalry)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Cavalry)
(10-15) - GI_2e (Cavalry)
(15-20) - 3pp (Cavalry)
(15-20) - 63e (Cavalry)

Total: (70 - 100)

Stage 6 - Murat's charge, on to the guns! - Siege with LineBattle rules (10mins)
Classes - Russia:Lines, Lights, Artillery / France:Cavalry
Normal Siege
Murat’s cavalry having broken through much of the infantry to the front, both columns now push onwards, threatening the Russian second line and much of their artillery.

(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Line)
(15-20) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line)
(10-15) - Suisse (Line)
(10) 1º Batallon Galicia (Line)
(5-10) - 8te (Line)
(5) - 40e (Line)
(5) - LA (Line)
(10-15) - [QRB]70th (Line)
(10) - [QRB]1st (Line)

*** Each Reg on Russia may take 1 artilleryman ***

Total: (90 - 120)
(10-15) - VG_Cav(Cavalry)
(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Cavalry)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Cavalry)
(10-15) - GI_2e (Cavalry)
(15-20) - 3pp (Cavalry)
(15-20) - 63e (Cavalry)

Total: (70 - 100)

Please note that this Event makes use of Server-side scripts which alter the appearance/equipment of some units, so as a result some client-side mods might not work as intended!


Our next event will follow on from the 1806 campaign, into 1807 and the Battle of Eylau!

I haven't as yet updated the regs on the teams on the main post as I'm still confirming with the events regular attendance, but if you are interested feel free to apply of course.

Offline Dius

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Re: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event (Monthly) [EU] - Next 31/01/18
« Reply #82 on: January 23, 2018, 08:19:09 pm »
Regiment Name: 85e Bataillon de Carabiniers (85e de Ligne)
Preferred Nation: FR
Preferred Class: Light
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Contact Steam ID:
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes
Quote from: Tardet
Tout le monde pensait que les 85e dominaient dans la relation de couple 31e-85e alors qu'en faite, ceux qui ont pu voir de l'intérieur savent que c'était le 31e qui portait la culotte, et de loin.
Je me souviendrais toujours du moment, à la fin de la réunion de disband du 85e, on se pose la question de savoir si on doit continuer ou pas, on discute pendant bien une heure voir plus, les 31e écoutent sagement sans rien dire. Avant de finir, on se dit que bon, on va quand même leur demander leur avis parce que c'est des potes et des mecs qui nous ont toujours soutenus.
Marc : 'Ah bha nous on avait tablé sur votre disband depuis plus d'un mois, du coup non, on est plutôt surpris en soi.'
L'EM du 85e en PLS, Dius et RzR qui dab devant leur PC. Merci, bonsoir.

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Re: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event (Monthly) [EU] - Next 31/01/18
« Reply #83 on: January 23, 2018, 11:16:15 pm »
Regiment Name: 57th Turkish Regiment
Preferred Nation: France
Preferred Class: Lines, Lights, Cavalry
Estimated Attendance: 15 Line, 13 Light, 12 Cavalry
Contact Steam ID: General DeliTürk and LtCol Ibrahim Pasha
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Sure

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Re: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event (Monthly) [EU] - Next 31/01/18
« Reply #84 on: January 24, 2018, 02:08:08 pm »
Regiment Name: 85e Bataillon de Carabiniers (85e de Ligne)
Preferred Nation: FR
Preferred Class: Light
Estimated Attendance: 10-15
Contact Steam ID:
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Yes

Regiment Name: 57th Turkish Regiment
Preferred Nation: France
Preferred Class: Lines, Lights, Cavalry
Estimated Attendance: 15 Line, 13 Light, 12 Cavalry
Contact Steam ID: General DeliTürk and LtCol Ibrahim Pasha
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Sure

I'm afraid that the attendance to our Conquest event (that is usually on a Wednesday) always gets first refusal to this event and both the Lights & Cav have confirmed they will be attending.

Kralkop - you are a regular line at our conquest event so you have a reserved spot for this class if you want it?

Dius - If you wish to attend as Line I can let you know as soon as I've heard from our regular attendance to see if there's space for you?

Thanks both for applying.

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Re: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event (Monthly) [EU] - Next 31/01/18
« Reply #85 on: January 24, 2018, 02:31:16 pm »
Thanks Kincaid but our Bataillon play only light infantry.
Quote from: Tardet
Tout le monde pensait que les 85e dominaient dans la relation de couple 31e-85e alors qu'en faite, ceux qui ont pu voir de l'intérieur savent que c'était le 31e qui portait la culotte, et de loin.
Je me souviendrais toujours du moment, à la fin de la réunion de disband du 85e, on se pose la question de savoir si on doit continuer ou pas, on discute pendant bien une heure voir plus, les 31e écoutent sagement sans rien dire. Avant de finir, on se dit que bon, on va quand même leur demander leur avis parce que c'est des potes et des mecs qui nous ont toujours soutenus.
Marc : 'Ah bha nous on avait tablé sur votre disband depuis plus d'un mois, du coup non, on est plutôt surpris en soi.'
L'EM du 85e en PLS, Dius et RzR qui dab devant leur PC. Merci, bonsoir.

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Re: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event (Monthly) [EU] - Next 31/01/18
« Reply #86 on: January 25, 2018, 12:41:42 pm »
Thanks Kincaid but our Bataillon play only light infantry.

Fair enough, probably for the best anyways as I think we've been a bit generous with the numbers we have accepted this time around - Teams updated on the main post :)

Event Full!

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Re: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event (Monthly) [EU] - Next 31/01/18
« Reply #87 on: February 04, 2018, 06:35:57 pm »
Event Media



Updated the Events Media section - put the most recent cast in aswell; 3rd down on the left :) Next event will likely be 7th March but will update when we know for sure!

Offline Skittykiller

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Re: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event (Monthly) [EU] - Next 07/03/18
« Reply #88 on: February 07, 2018, 10:00:04 pm »
Regiment Name: 15e Regiment D’Infanterie de Ligne
Preferred Nation: France
Preferred Class: Lines
Estimated Attendance: 20 to 35
Contact Steam ID:
Read the Rules and Accept them?: Sure

For whenever your next event is.

Offline 33rdKincaid

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Re: 33rd Wednesday Historical Event (Monthly) [EU] - Next 07/03/18
« Reply #89 on: February 28, 2018, 11:31:09 pm »

Next Historical Scenario
Next Event - 18:45 GMT on Wednesday 7th March!

Where - 33rd_Penninsular_Campaign

It's 1809 on the Portugese border and the Anglo-Portugese army under Lord Arthur Wellesley has repelled two invasions into Portugal. The time is now right for the allies to take the fight back over the border and into French occupied Spain, however vast enemy corps still outnumber the comparatively small Anglo-Portuguese army. The Marshalls of France in command of a professional force of veterans of Austerlitz, Jena and Eylau are confident of a swift decisive victory.

- changed this scenario from last time to include some action in 1809, then moving on to 1811/12

Please note that this Event will be replacing our Wednesday Conquest Event for this date only, our usual Conquest will continue to take place after this date.

Event Stages:

Stage 1 - Battle of Talavera, Skirmish Lines - Battle (10mins)
Classes - Lights
Normal Battle
By July 1809 british troops joined forces with a Spanish force under General Cuesta at the city of Talavera; Cuesta's spaniards holding the city on the right flank of the field with Wellesley's forces spanning the centre and Left. On the Morning of the 28th July Victors I corp starts to probe the allied left and centre before the main attack - both armies sending out skirmishers to screen their forces.

(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Lights or Light Dragoons)
(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Lights)
(30-35) - 33rd Line Companies (Lights)
(10-15) - 92nd (Lights)
(10-15) - 32nd (Lights)

Total: (70 - 95)
(10-15) - 1eCrb (Lights or Light Dragoons)
(5) - KHJ (Lights)
(5-10) - 10thJBH (Lights)
(20-25) - 3pp (Lights)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Lights)
(10-15) - GI_2e (Lights)
(10-15) - 1st elvN (Lights)

Total: (70 - 100)

Stage 2 - Battle of Talavera, Holding the Centre - LineBattle Siege (8mins)
Classes - Line, Lights, Cavalry
Siege with LineBattle Rules
By midday French Columns of attack by Marshal Victor hit the British centre, the first attack failing against the 2-rank deep british Line. The second however narrowly breaks through, routing the british centre; noticing the danger Wellesley brings up fresh battalions to plug the gap. The 29th and 48th Foot must hold the ridge alone or the battle will surely be lost.

(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Cavalry)
(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Lights)
(30-35) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10-15) - 92nd (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line)

Total: (70 - 95)
(10-15) - 1eCrb (Cavalry)
(5) - KHJ (Lights)
(5-10) - 10thJBH (Lights)
(20-25) - 3pp (Line)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Line)
(10-15) - GI_2e (line)
(10-15) - 1st elvN (Line)

Total: (70 - 100)

Stage 3 - Battle of Fuentes D'Onoro - Normal Siege (8mins)
Classes - Lines and Lights
Normal Siege - UK have 5 Lives
Currently besieging Almeida, The Anglo-Portuguese fight a defensive action to hold off a relief force under Marshal Massena. The british line is anchored in the centre by the village of Fuentes de'Onoro, a sprawling set of poor buildings with high ground to the rear. Any fighting in the tight streets and alleyways will no doubt be hand-to-hand and brutal.

(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Line)
(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Lights)
(30-35) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10-15) - 92nd (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line)

Total: (70 - 95)
(10-15) - 1eCrb (Line)
(5) - KHJ (Lights)
(5-10) - 10thJBH (Lights)
(20-25) - 3pp (Line)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Line)
(10-15) - GI_2e (line)
(10-15) - 1st elvN (Line)

Total: (70 - 100)

Stage 4 - Battle of Fuentes D'Onoro, Rescuing the 7th Division - Objective Siege (15mins)
Classes - Line, Lights, Cav for UK, Cavalry for France
Artillery Escort - UK have 2 lives and must protect their artillery trains whilst they retrieve the artillery pieces and then retreat to the flag. French Cavalry have unlimited lives.
On the british right flank a few miles away from Fuentes D'Onoro, the Light Division executes a fighting retreat against French cavalry to save the cut-off 7th Division. Amidst the confusion a horse artillery battery is caught off guard and almost captured - a contignent of Infantry is close by however and attempt to retrieve the battery and lead them to safety.

(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Cavalry)
(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Lights)
(30-35) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10-15) - 92nd (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line)
(10-15) - 1st elvN (Line)
(10-15) - GI_2e (line)

Total: (90 - 125)
(10-15) - 1eCrb (Cavalry)
(5) - KHJ (Cavalry)
(5-10) - 10thJBH (Cavalry)
(20-25) - 3pp (Cavalry)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Cavalry)

Total: (50 - 70)

Stage 5 -  Storming Cuidad Rodrigo  - Siege (10mins)
Classes: Lines, Lights, 5x arty
Admin Controlled to Start, then Normal Siege  -  France occpy the walls, hold fire until UK charge. UK Form up in the trenches approaching the main breach, when the 'Forlorn hope' is ordered forward proceed with Normal Siege.
To gain entrance to Spain this huge fortified city must be taken, and with fresh French corps regrouping in Spain the siege cannot be drawn-out; The Fort must be taken by storm, whatever losses are incurred.

(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Line)
(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Lights)
(30-35) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10-15) - 92nd (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line)

Total: (70 - 95)
(10-15) - 1eCrb (Line)
(5) - KHJ (Lights)
(5-10) - 10thJBH (Lights)
(20-25) - 3pp (Line)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Line)
(10-15) - GI_2e (line)
(10-15) - 1st elvN (Line)

Total: (70 - 100)

Stage 6 - Battle of Salamanca - Battle (10mins)
Classes - Line, Lights, Cavalry
Normal Battle
Near Salamanca the armies of the French and British manouver parrallel to eachother and within eachothers sight. After spotting a gap in the French column of march Wellinton throws his army quickly on the offensive, pushing hard in the centre. If successful here he will have split the French army completely in two and severly weakened the French position in the Penninsular.

(10-15) - 33rd Cavalry Company (Cavalry)
(10-15) - 33rd Light Company (Lights)
(30-35) - 33rd Line Company (Line)
(10-15) - 92nd (Line)
(10-15) - 32nd (Line)

Total: (70 - 95)
(10-15) - 1eCrb (Cavalry)
(5) - KHJ (Lights)
(5-10) - 10thJBH (Lights)
(20-25) - 3pp (Line)
(10-15) - VG_Gre (Line)
(10-15) - GI_2e (line)
(10-15) - 1st elvN (Line)

Total: (70 - 100)

Please note that this Event makes use of Server-side scripts which alter the appearance/equipment of some units, so as a result some client-side mods might not work as intended!

Our next event will move on from 1807 and the battle of Eylau last month to the Peninsular campaign, focusing on the actions from 1809 up to 1812.

I haven't as yet updated the regs on the teams on the main post as I'm still confirming with the events regular attendance, but if you are interested feel free to apply of course. At present we have a Cav spot available (also a regular spot in our weekly conquest event - feel free to apply here if you fancy the conquest aswell!)