The 2te Szeckler Grenz-Infanterie Regiment are a Transylvanian Széklys light infantry regiment of the Austrian Empire. We are a NA regiment formed October 8th, 2012, after the collapse of the 1stWPI. We are a part of the NEC and specialize in skirmishing and artillery. The 2teSGI participates in all NEC events, i.e. Tuesday events at 8 PM and Friday events at 9 PM. Training is scheduled as required.
Interested in joining the 2teSGI? Contact Crossphazer or Scorch065 on the forum or on steam.
For more information about the regiment, our ranks and our medals, find us on the NEC Teamspeak at!
Generalfeldwachtmeister Scorch065
Oberst Crossphazer
Oberstleutnant ChaosRevenge
Major Bajoues
Hauptmann DaveTheGrave
Hauptmann BobTheSheep
Leutnant hbjones
Kadett Fearmonkey
Zugsführer LiquidPlasma
Zugsführer Savakov
Korporal Holoman
Gefreiter Shemashko
Gefreiter ErcoleNicoli
Gefreiter Inden
Gemeiner Lightdark
Gemeiner Monoolho
Gemeiner SargeantKeys
Gemeiner lbMan
Gemeiner SixAs
Gemeiner Schuttle
Surrounded [/spoiler]