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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #3270 on: May 05, 2018, 02:57:13 am »
Steven you will note the use of the word ‘relative’. Europe is quite peaceful if you look at the previous centuries.

Council you said that Russia intervened because nobody needs destabilisation. Yet participating in wars tend to increase instability. You said that crimea had a choice even though Russia moved troops into the region before the vote took place. If you think that is democracy then you probably think Anschluss was perfectly reasonable. You also slipped up with your rhetoric by using the word “conquering”.

You also say that the revolution was western-sponsored but provide no evidence for that accusation and seem to just pander to the entire anti west, Russia can do no wrong propaganda train that Putin has rolling.

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #3271 on: May 05, 2018, 03:01:28 am »
Steven you will note the use of the word ‘relative’. Europe is quite peaceful if you look at the previous centuries.

Council you said that Russia intervened because nobody needs destabilisation. Yet participating in wars tend to increase instability. You said that crimea had a choice even though Russia moved troops into the region before the vote took place. If you think that is democracy then you probably think Anschluss was perfectly reasonable. You also slipped up with your rhetoric by using the word “conquering”.

You also say that the revolution was western-sponsored but provide no evidence for that accusation and seem to just pander to the entire anti west, Russia can do no wrong propaganda train that Putin has rolling.
Can you prove the intervention? Before the Crimea conflicts started, there was a Russian Naval Base with 5 000 soldiers in it. Democratically elected? Mate, the government was occupied by bandits and freaks during the West&Co sponsored revolution , to understand this you need to see their speeches.
What war are you talking about? The war started after the Crimea question.
The fact of the sponsoring doesn’t need any evidence since the West&Co are still openely giving the money and etc.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2018, 03:09:11 am by Council »

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #3272 on: May 05, 2018, 03:12:08 am »

better to be a national socialist than to be red commie scum, better dead than red even.
I’ve heard something same
He ended bad.

Offline Toffee

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #3273 on: May 05, 2018, 03:14:48 am »
I can prove the intervention because it’s a readily admitted fact if you read these two sources–present)
In the first link it even says that Putin admitted that special forces had been involved.

Russian troops were also in the Ukraine before the referendum was held.

The fact that you refuse to give evidence for the revolution being western controlled means that you don’t have any. Just because the west sponsor the current Ukrainian government that doesn’t mean that there is evidence of foul play previously. Of course he US would want to arm their allies which have had their sovereignty threatened.

You really do fall for everything that Putin tells you. Must be hard to admit that the government you devote yourself to is a charade.

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #3274 on: May 05, 2018, 03:24:56 am »
I can prove the intervention because it’s a readily admitted fact if you read these two sources–present)
In the first link it even says that Putin admitted that special forces had been involved.

Russian troops were also in the Ukraine before the referendum was held.

The fact that you refuse to give evidence for the revolution being western controlled means that you don’t have any. Just because the west sponsor the current Ukrainian government that doesn’t mean that there is evidence of foul play previously. Of course he US would want to arm their allies which have had their sovereignty threatened.

You really do fall for everything that Putin tells you. Must be hard to admit that the government you devote yourself to is a charade.
Both links doesn’t work.
Ofcource the troopers were there, i told there was and there’s a Russian Navy Base in Crimea.
In that case it’s normal the russian troopers were there, they didn’t hurt anyone. By they way, I’ve read the number of the russian troopers and I found there were 16 000 of them.
The third link in my previous post answers about the evidence.
I don’t appreciate Putin, what a drama) I’m just saying the war and first blood were started by ukrainians.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2018, 03:26:34 am by Council »

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #3275 on: May 05, 2018, 03:29:56 am »
GVe a good night

Offline Toffee

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #3276 on: May 05, 2018, 03:34:46 am »
The direct links don’t work but the page offers to direct you to the right ones anyway.

There may have been a naval base there but that’s irrelevant if you know that the Russians took control of key locations before the referendum was called. You would know that if you had read anything about the topic instead of just repeating the same old lines.

You must be joking now because the article you linked argues that the US didn’t fund the revolution. You must be desperately trying to find any headline that supports your argument. It says that the money was spent on various different democracy funding and aid being sent to Ukraine to help development and shows that the figure given by the accuser is pretty dubious.

Russia took control of the Crimea illegally and took advantage of a country in crisis. Yes that’s been done by the west many a team and they’ve received their due criticism, as should Russia.

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #3277 on: May 05, 2018, 04:27:51 am »
Longest period of relative peace in Europe was the 19th century if you're looking at the continent as a whole, not just its North-Western portion.

Offline Toffee

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #3278 on: May 05, 2018, 04:37:45 am »
Longest period of relative peace in Europe was the 19th century if you're looking at the continent as a whole, not just its North-Western portion.
Technicalities. Europe has been very peaceful in contrast to the majority of the past, agree? We haven’t had a war between two major European powers for 70+ years. The 19th century saw the Napoleonic Wars which raged for more than a decade and a half as well as the Crimean war and the Franco-Prussian war. Sure there has been conflict in certain regions but considering the destruction that previous wars have brought such as WW2, we’re not doing so bad

Offline Olafson

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #3279 on: May 05, 2018, 08:55:03 am »
Russia sucks and should burn in hell.

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #3280 on: May 05, 2018, 09:33:57 am »
So funny to see how russian is trying to call Ukraine an agreessor when they started an operation to clear the separatists in their own country. Russia believes they're supreme law in a region, so they must order other countries in CIS what they have to do, funny. From the start of ATO it's our own business, there wouldnt be anything if Russia havent sent people to kill our citizens. If russian comes to my land and starts talking shit and supporting the separatism - he's a criminal! If he starts killing citizens, soldiers and policemen, he must die or sentenced to serious punishment for his deeds. And the only argument since 2014 among russians is that we're all fascist, while it's them, who came to our country with weapons.


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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #3281 on: May 05, 2018, 10:14:40 am »
Russia sucks and should burn in hell.

Of course the person whose nazi grandfather was captured by the Soviets would say that ::)

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #3282 on: May 05, 2018, 10:44:32 am »
Remember kids, promoting seperatism within the Russian Federation means three years prison time, promoting seperatism towards it means a premiership, a medal and a meet-and-greet with Putin.
Well, the conquering of the Crimea was a strategic move, since the pro-american ukrainian president Piotr Poroshenko was planning to let the NATO’s build a base there. You don’t need to be into the politics to understand the simple fact - No one needs destabilization in that region. Please don’r forget the Crimea Autonomy had and has a right to choose their own way of the development. They made a choice, under ~90% voted for the reunification with Russia.
Pre-history of the Ukrainian local conflict:
Everything was good until Piotr issued a law about “restriction of the russian language”. After the idiotic law was half-accepted few regions which were ~80% russian-talking resisted it and defended a right to speak the language of their ancestors.

Like, absolutely none of this is correct and you get names, facts and even timeline wrong. There has never been a law about restricting the Russian language.

Mate, the government was occupied by bandits and freaks during the West&Co sponsored revolution , to understand this you need to see their speeches.

Also not true. The previous cabinet resigned and the parliament elected a new one which had majority support. Even if you disagree with the way the presidency was handled, the fall of the cabinet was perfectly democratic and constitutional.

My father was in Kiev few days ago. The situation is really awful.

Let me guess. Nazi militia's roaming the streets to slit the throat of anyone who dares to utter a word of Russian?

Offline McPero

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #3283 on: May 05, 2018, 12:29:57 pm »
For terrorists inside the Germany army is of little use,  and terrorist states that army could be useful against arw far away. What eastern invasion? Russia?

Yes, Russia, the country to our east that has been invading people.

Germany doesn't needs own military, if Russia strikes them USA will save them. If European union is Holy Roman Empire than Germany is Habsburgs.

Are you nine years old?

Last time 'Russia' was threat to Europe it was in WWII. After that Soviet Union would be able to invade Europe and take if it wasn't for USA having nukes. But as the time went on Soviet Union became weaker and weaker compared to USA and USA military was exaggerating Soviet power so they would get more and more funds, but in reality there was never balance of power, USA always had big advantage. In case of nuclear war Soviet union would have done a lot less damage to USA even USA has nicely packed mega cities while Russia is more decentralized from that point of view. Only advantage Russia/Soviets always had was more cost efficient equipment, devices, ect. ... because they were forced into that, US military isn't. The reason new technologies are usually first used in military is not because military would be most important but because military usually has the army and builds devices no matter the cost of production, because you will never make profit from a bomb exploding so you can't evaluate it's 'selling price' (unless you get some resource from winning some war, which usually is not the case).

Only 'invasion' Russia did since WW2 into Europe was Ukraine because they were trying to join NATO (at least half of the country did). Imagine today Mexico decides to join into alliance with Russia and let's Russia build military bases there I bet we would see no violence there ...

So no Europe is in no danger from the Russia. Only threat is USA which basically has Europe occupied since 1945.

And before you start saying 'whataboutism', we are talking about why Germany (doesn't) need military not about Russia invading Ukraine, so I can talk about USA all i want.

No I'm 10.

Longest period of relative peace in Europe was the 19th century if you're looking at the continent as a whole, not just its North-Western portion.
Technicalities. Europe has been very peaceful in contrast to the majority of the past, agree? We haven’t had a war between two major European powers for 70+ years. The 19th century saw the Napoleonic Wars which raged for more than a decade and a half as well as the Crimean war and the Franco-Prussian war. Sure there has been conflict in certain regions but considering the destruction that previous wars have brought such as WW2, we’re not doing so bad
Europe has never been so peaceful as it is since 1945 until now. Only time period Europe might have been more peaceful was inside Roman Empire for some time. Middle ages were basically constant wars among nobles, religions, hordes. New age from 1492-1815 was also constant wars. After Napoleon you got bunch of revolutions, formation of Italy and Germany, Crimean war, Balkan Wars, Bismarck's march on Paris in 1871. Even if there wasn't as much war in Europe, European countries were involved in wars around the Globe which effect's European population. It is true though these few wars since 1945 were pretty brutal compared to wars in middle ages and new age.

Russia took control of the Crimea illegally and took advantage of a country in crisis. Yes that’s been done by the west many a team and they’ve received their due criticism, as should Russia.
West received criticism by some people, but that was basically all it happened. On the other hand you have media that defends western illegal actions and is heavily biased with information (not saying Russian media is any better). While Russia is criticized by most of the media and get sanctions and actual punishment. So yes let's criticize Russia a bit more and keep ignoring fact west get's away with most of illegal stuff, that makes a lot of sense.

« Last Edit: May 05, 2018, 12:53:05 pm by McPero »

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Re: The General Political Thread - Brexit poll (#FSEXIT)
« Reply #3284 on: May 05, 2018, 12:51:15 pm »
I would support an invasion of a country that wants to join into an alliance with Russia.

There is only one good thing about Russia. Their 3D Artists are cheap.