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Offline Theodin

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Re: Dutch, German & French Elections Thread, or The General Political Thread
« Reply #120 on: February 10, 2017, 04:13:54 am »
>putting real professors in the same boat as social studies professors

I am assuming that most Professors actually do something useful. You know, Physics, Math, History and stuff.

Well, a lot of people now days take stupid uni courses like Religious Studies, Gender Studies and shit like that. They are bound to produce leftist thoughts simply because of the very natures of courses in contrast with right-wing ideals. Useless courses, but its what people take. Actual scientist are left leaning generally because conservative governments only care about science so long as they don't contradict the policy of their government. Trump clamping down on climate change is an example of this. If you're a professional on the subject, and you can clearly see the evidence of evolution or climate change. Why would you actively support a political party who refuses to accept these facts so as to not anger their constituents?

But lets face it. Probably just the DNC and George Soros sending "donations" to all of the universities across the western world.

Are they really? I know that at the local universities here, there are way to many people studying business/economy and stuff like that and way to few people studying anything actual sciency. A lot of people are afraid of Mathematics. Not saying economy is not science, but you get what I mean. Everyone is studying something business related and engineers and scientists are struggling to find replacements.
Overall, there are to many students, the universities are overflowing and a lot of jobs that do not require any higher education do not find enough workers. (I guess that's where refugees are supposed to step in or something, I don't know)

I am exaggerating ofc, its not all that bad, but this is where the current trend is leading to anyway.
1. Your definition of useful is loaded and completely uneducated.
2. You're ignoring a significant number of professors.
3. Either European universities are completely different than North American ones, your perspective sucks, or you're just completely mislead.

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Offline Cazasar

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Re: Dutch, German & French Elections Thread, or The General Political Thread
« Reply #121 on: February 10, 2017, 06:38:15 am »
When you actually put effort in posting and no one responds to you. Feels bad man.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2017, 11:15:13 am by Cazasar »
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Offline Edwin

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Re: Dutch, German & French Elections Thread, or The General Political Thread
« Reply #122 on: February 10, 2017, 11:12:48 am »
Calling Conway a "stormfag"

 ;D ;D ;D

Was there another incident on the train?  :'( Do tell us Fraud, we're here for you and your brave tales of fighting Islamophobia!

Offline Hadhod

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Re: Dutch, German & French Elections Thread, or The General Political Thread
« Reply #123 on: February 10, 2017, 12:11:38 pm »
You can savely say that left tendencies have been in charge of the agenda setting in most of western society. And Campuses are mostly politically left, look at student movements and most professors. In Germany a mathematics prof was fired because he let his students calculate how likely it is that a terrorist is also a muslim.
As a student at a German university I can promise you there are most certainly right wing student movements and clubs. At my University there are at least 2 that are known for being right wing (not extremist, just very conservative) and 1 more is being rumoured to be too. I have to agree that there are more left leaning organisations around, though.
I don't know the circumstances of that incident with the teacher but whatever the reason, doing something like that (giving such a task to students) is just absolutely tasteless.

Again, those groups (or lesser groups) are (in my subjective view) in charge of agenda setting, or atleast the public media output follows a "left" mainstream. Since we are on a international forum this is hard to proof for all countries, so I can only talk about German media. For example, media outlets were asked to not talk about the heritage if they reported any sort of crime related to immigrants.

This, again, is NOT the case for all media outlets. You can see tendencys though.
Who asked the media to not publish heritage? Leftist extremists? Certainly not. It was probably the government to prevent any more right wing hate crimes like there have been a ton of in Saxony with the refugee camp burnings.

There is a difference between actually discussing different opinions (wich is sometimes happening here) and outright refusing to listen to someone because you assume you have the moral highground(wich is happening here most of the time, from BOTH sides).
Unlike you most right wing people are brainwashed into oblivion and refuse to listen to any arguments. I very rarely encounter left wing extremists on the internet but they are the same, I guess the internet is just an outlet for all the hate people don't dare to let lose in public.

I know its a shitty personal experience argument, but every time I try to talk about the problems that occur with bringing over a million immigrants into your country in less then 2 years I get called a nazi or im being "intolerant".
That is unfortunately a very German problem, undoubtedly fueled by our past. Yes there are problems with the way the situation was handled, but I am proud of our chancellor, that she as the only western leader stood up for the principles, morals and values the EU stands for. Sure we could have closed our doors and not let people in, after all it's not our problem if they all die in their puny conflict down there, right? But that goes against everything we have been trying to achieve in Europe for the past 70 years.
I have talked to refugees, my parents are taking care of a family from Afghanistan/Pakistan who fled here, because they married against their family's wishes. The husband got beaten up, shot and stabbed multiple times (nearly deaf and blind, broken bones all over, permanent limp). And no they were not poor, they owned a general goods store before they fled the country, but what does money mean if you have to fear for your and your family's safety. If we are closing the gates to people like them who have done nothing to deserve their fate, how can we say we are for human dignity, for the equality of men, for liberty...
Sure there are problems and yes, there will be even more problems in the future for Germany because we showed empathy and "loved our neighbour". But I rather have these problems than become an intolerant (and yes I think the word is applicable here unlike in your case) society like Hungary or Poland who turn away from the values of the western world to "protect" what's left of their shitty nationalistic countries.

Yeah sure, the left is just more intelligent than the right! Not like the left EVER ignores facts right?!  *stares at obvious issues with mass immigration* ::)
Look at the the people who vote AfD and march with Pegida and you have your answer.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2017, 12:13:31 pm by Hadhod »

Offline Cazasar

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Re: Dutch, German & French Elections Thread, or The General Political Thread
« Reply #124 on: February 10, 2017, 12:27:33 pm »
Could you give me links to these "tons" of camp burnings? I heard of Freital, but I wasnt aware of any others.

It was the goverment that told them to not publish heritage yes, but I still think it A: happened out of tendencies to protect ones own agenda and B: its not helping any actual public discussion about the topic.

Towards your bigger wall of text: I do not disagree with that. But I do believe that most of the people that came into our country are NOT infact fleeing from Muslim oppression or war but simply come here due it being a better style of living.

"Look at the the people who vote AfD and march with Pegida and you have your answer."
Look at the Amadeus Antonio Stiftung and Islam Apologists and you have the same.

My point is, extremists on both sides are shit, ad hominems are shit, lets look at facts instead:

Islam is homophobic

Islam is sexist
>Islam is not in lign with our basic rights

Many Immigrants are from radical muslim countries AND believe in Islam and the teachings of the Koran
>those people should not live here.

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Offline Olafson

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Re: Dutch, German & French Elections Thread, or The General Political Thread
« Reply #125 on: February 10, 2017, 01:55:40 pm »
1. Your definition of useful is loaded and completely uneducated.
2. You're ignoring a significant number of professors.
3. Either European universities are completely different than North American ones, your perspective sucks, or you're just completely mislead.

1.) Don't care. anything that involves your own opinion and is not primarily using the scientific method should not be featured on a PUBLIC university .
2.) I am ignoring a significant number of professors, I am not going to count all of the different fields people can specialise in.
3.) I guess they are, the whole educational system is different after all. But I don't know what exactly you are referring to, so I can not tell. I am sure they have a lot of things in common, but also a lot of differences.
Edit: As I am reading right now, there is a huge difference in funding in the US and Germany. (As I expected). German Universities are almost completely state funded, while in the US, some universities are almost completely privately funded. I guess you can see where that leads to. Also remember, Germany has no tuition fees, while the US has enormous fees.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2017, 02:07:13 pm by Olafson »

Offline Hadhod

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Re: Dutch, German & French Elections Thread, or The General Political Thread
« Reply #126 on: February 10, 2017, 02:00:21 pm »
Could you give me links to these "tons" of camp burnings? I heard of Freital, but I wasnt aware of any others.

It was the goverment that told them to not publish heritage yes, but I still think it A: happened out of tendencies to protect ones own agenda and B: its not helping any actual public discussion about the topic.

Towards your bigger wall of text: I do not disagree with that. But I do believe that most of the people that came into our country are NOT infact fleeing from Muslim oppression or war but simply come here due it being a better style of living.

"Look at the the people who vote AfD and march with Pegida and you have your answer."
Look at the Amadeus Antonio Stiftung and Islam Apologists and you have the same.

My point is, extremists on both sides are shit, ad hominems are shit, lets look at facts instead:

I agree, it is not a good idea to keep heritage hidden, because it looks like the government is trying to be apologetic towards refugees, an argument that is often used in the context of discussion such as ours (like you just proved).

Yes, that might very well be the case, but who can blame them for that. If I was in their shoes, and don't see a way of living a good life in my country, I would certainly try to move to a better place as well. We have the  Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, BAMF) for that who decide the different cases. The family I described above will most likely be sent back to Afghanistan because they are not "fleeing from religious or political oppression". Just let that sink in, a man that got nearly beaten to death...

I have never heard of that Institution before but I agree Islam apologists (I hope we mean the same thing here, as you didn't define what exactly you mean with that) are a problem too. That however doesn't change the fact that the majority of right wing voters are under educated, unemployed people. I know what I am talking about I live in Mecklenburg Vorpommern where the AfD has 20% of the seats and guess what, MV is one of the poorest states with the 2nd highest unemployment rate in Germany (only surpassed by Bremen). Just compare the unemployment rates with the map of the voting outcomes last year.

That we can agree on, extremism is never a good thing.

Islam is homophobic.
Yes, so is Christianity, but through internal reforms tolerance to homosexuals is starting to rise in the churches (especially in the Protestant churches).
Islam is sexist.
So is Christianity. Yet again the religion is trying to reform that.

Islam is not in line with our basic rights.
By your logic neither is Christianity. Should all Christians be deported then? I hope you see the logical fallacy here in your argument.

Many Immigrants are from radical muslim countries AND believe in Islam and the teachings of the Koran
>those people should not live here.
As long as these immigrants do not break the law while practising their religion they are allowed to keep their opinions and religion, that is part of our Grundgesetz (Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany), you know that. Your personal opinion whether or not Muslims belong to Germany is irrelevant in that matter.
I agree however that Islam, if it wants to coexist with other religions and atheists in the western world, is in dire need of reforms or it will further the already exists conflicts.

Offline Cazasar

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Re: Dutch, German & French Elections Thread, or The General Political Thread
« Reply #127 on: February 10, 2017, 02:16:12 pm »
Hadhod we are not really disagreeing are we? You are simply raising the point that Christianity is also bad(wich I agree with, while also stating that most Christians dont really practice their religion) and that we shouldnt blame people for trying to improve their condition of life. Still, dont disagree with that.

Islam is homophobic.
Yes, so is Christianity, but through internal reforms tolerance to homosexuals is starting to rise in the churches (especially in the Protestant churches).

"Islam is homophobic!" "Yea, but protestantism is reforming though!" wat

You should inform yourself about the Amadeus Antonio Stiftung, its led by an Ex Stasi Member is basically the tip of the cancer berg that is radical SJW´s :^)
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Offline Hadhod

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Re: Dutch, German & French Elections Thread, or The General Political Thread
« Reply #128 on: February 10, 2017, 02:31:38 pm »
Hadhod we are not really disagreeing are we? You are simply raising the point that Christianity is also bad(wich I agree with, while also stating that most Christians dont really practice their religion) and that we shouldnt blame people for trying to improve their condition of life. Still, dont disagree with that.
Then I must have articulated myself wrongly here. I didn't say Christianity is bad, I stated that parts of the Christian believes are outdated (thus bad) and should therefore be reformed (like the anti homosexual part you mentioned).

"Islam is homophobic!" "Yea, but protestantism is reforming though!" wat
I should have probably quoted if altogether to make for easier formatting. With those comments I was trying to say that Christianity and its values (whatever you may think of it) is/are an integral part even of today's western society despite being old. That is because it was reformed time and time again. Islam needs these reforms too or in the long run western ideology and Islam will not be able to coexist.
Despite Islam being outdated in many of its thoughts, being part of and living out that religion is not against the law, so as I said, your opinion whether or not Muslims should be allowed in Germany is not relevant. You can't simply disallow religion that's not how our constitution works.

You should inform yourself about the Amadeus Antonio Stiftung, its led by an Ex Stasi Member is basically the tip of the cancer berg that is radical SJW´s :^)
They must be rather small to never make it into any news or talks I have read and had over the past years.

Offline Rutger Müller

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Re: Dutch, German & French Elections Thread, or The General Political Thread
« Reply #129 on: February 11, 2017, 03:27:32 am »
But lets face it. Probably just the DNC and George Soros sending "donations" to all of the universities across the western world.



Life isn't a videogame, stormfag. Soros is not the big meanie at the end.

Soros' little buddy was handpicked by Trump to effectively be in-charge of US Gov revenue.
how is he a stormfag? wat

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Re: Dutch, German & French Elections Thread, or The General Political Thread
« Reply #130 on: February 11, 2017, 01:50:01 pm »
But lets face it. Probably just the DNC and George Soros sending "donations" to all of the universities across the western world.



Life isn't a videogame, stormfag. Soros is not the big meanie at the end.

Soros' little buddy was handpicked by Trump to effectively be in-charge of US Gov revenue.
how is he a stormfag? wat

Bottom-most book is an actual copy of Mein Kampf btw.

Offline Edwin

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Re: Dutch, German & French Elections Thread, or The General Political Thread
« Reply #131 on: February 12, 2017, 09:16:31 am »
Good man Conway, you're getting yourself a proper education with books like that.

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Re: Dutch, German & French Elections Thread, or The General Political Thread
« Reply #132 on: February 12, 2017, 02:07:18 pm »
I'm disappointed. Apparently Trump is a fascist but we haven't sent out the death squads or burned any books yet.

Starting to regret my vote  :'( woulda been nice to burn required reading for class cause its evil.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 02:09:54 pm by AP0CALYPS3 »

Offline Rutger Müller

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Re: Dutch, German & French Elections Thread, or The General Political Thread
« Reply #133 on: February 12, 2017, 03:23:52 pm »
Apparently Trump is a fascist
I don't get it?

Offline Theodin

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Re: Dutch, German & French Elections Thread, or The General Political Thread
« Reply #134 on: February 12, 2017, 05:35:21 pm »
I'm disappointed. Apparently Trump is a fascist but we haven't sent out the death squads or burned any books yet.

Starting to regret my vote  :'( woulda been nice to burn required reading for class cause its evil.
I've been sitting here with my Hitler Youth uniform, Art Of The Deal, and MAGA hat for a while. When're you invading Canada? I'm getting impatient.

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