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Re: BoP: Estia (Out-Of-Character Thread)
« Reply #45 on: January 01, 2017, 02:57:24 pm »
I'm in as well!

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Re: BoP: Estia (Out-Of-Character Thread)
« Reply #46 on: January 02, 2017, 06:39:39 am »
I'm in as well!
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Re: BoP: Estia (Out-Of-Character Thread)
« Reply #47 on: January 02, 2017, 08:38:30 am »

BoP: Estia is ready for applications. Please consult the Guidelines for some guidance when creating your nation and please begin posting your nation applications.

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Re: BoP: Estia (Out-Of-Character Thread)
« Reply #48 on: January 02, 2017, 09:04:11 am »
Do we post on here?

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Re: BoP: Estia (Out-Of-Character Thread)
« Reply #49 on: January 02, 2017, 09:05:10 am »

Offline BabyJesus

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Re: BoP: Estia (Out-Of-Character Thread)
« Reply #50 on: January 02, 2017, 10:12:57 am »
Nation name: Kingdom of Astra
Government Type and Features: Despotic monarchy, the oldest legitimate son of the current ruler is considered the heir
Royal House (If Applicable):House Thrawn
Starting Ruler and Family (Ruler + Minimum 2, Maximum 4)(If Applicable): Aldaran Thrawn, Literally the king:26
Melita, daughter of wealthy merchant and wife to the king:21
Altes Thrawn, son of the King:4
Chilon Thrawn, Brother to the King: 19
Ismene, daughter to the King: 1

Aspects of Culture, Religion, Way of Life, and other Attributes:
Astra is a peaceful nation that makes it living off of trade with natives and other nations. The trade routes between the 2 cities, Norhurse and Aldrose, are littered with bandits and thieves, making trade difficult and dangerous. This led to the rise of the "Order of Maius" mercenary group. Said to be blessed by the war-god, this group is the best of the best. Very few have crossed blades with this group and lived to tell the tale. In the rare times that the Kingdom of Astra goes to war, past Kings have often hired the Order of Maius to bolster their numbers. However, their strength has given Astra a false sense of security. Astras land forces are severely lacking and poorly maintained. Thier ships however, are always fully maintained.

The Kingdom of Astra has sent a number of expeditions to distant regions, looking for new trading partners and even suitable places for a new city.
The people of Astra worship a number of Gods. There are many myths and stories associated with each of the Gods. There are numerous great heros. Both the cities of Norhurse and Aldrose have large temples with statues of each God (except Mordarr who gets no love). Each year tributes are placed in front of each statue. Many smaller temples can be found in other smaller cities or villages in the kingdom. Low-key greek mythology

Odis :god of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, justice, king of the Gods
Esyn :Queen of the gods and the goddess of marriage and family
Atos :God of the seas, earthquakes, and tidal wave
Giella ::Goddess of fertility, agriculture, nature, and the seasons
Tilmus :God of wisdom, reason, intelligent activity, literature, handicrafts and science, defense and strategic warfare
Ofaris :God of light, prophecy, inspiration, poetry, music and arts, medicine and healing
Utrix :Goddess of the hunt, virginity, archery, the moon, and all animals
Ytris :Goddess of love, beauty, and desire
Maius :God of war, violence, and bloodshed
Uknos :god of fire and the forge
Vitar :god of commerce, communication, borders, eloquence, diplomacy, thieves and games
Tona :Goddess of the hearth and of the right ordering of domesticity and the family
Jantyx :god of wine, celebrations, and ecstasy
Modarr :God of the Underworld and the dead
Women do housework and stuff. Men do everything else. you know typical gender stereotypes. Sons usually follow in their fathers footsteps and do what they did for a living. Men are usually loyal to their wives due to fear of being punished by the goddess Esyn.

Most of the country is uneducated with the exception of the wealthy. Wealthy merchants are usually treated with respect. Some are given special advisory positions to the king. Some even are lucky enough to marry into nobility.

« Last Edit: January 05, 2017, 01:43:14 am by BabyJesus »
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Re: BoP: Estia (Out-Of-Character Thread)
« Reply #51 on: January 02, 2017, 02:16:14 pm »
Name: The Kingdom of Altmar


Important Banners of Altmar
Royal Standard
Standard of the Council
Order of Light Everlasting
Government Type and Features:

- First male heir succession laws
- Females never take the thrown
- In the event of no male heirs, next male blood relative can ascend the thrown (Opens possibility to civil wars)
- King holds power but has an advisory body/government of 9 Lords and the head of the church.
   - Master of War
   - Master of Coin
   - Master of Law
   - Master of Whisperers
   - Master of Ships
   - Master of Learning
   - Master of Commerce
   - Master of Diplomacy
   - Master of the Watches

Royal House (If Applicable):
Campbells of Altmar

Starting Ruler and Family (Ruler + Minimum 2, Maximum 4)(If Applicable):
King James Campbell III - 46
Crown Prince Malcolm Campbell - 18
Princess Flora Campbell - 15

Aspects of Culture, Religion, Way of Life, and other Attributes:

The small coastal Kingdom of Altmar lies of either side of the mouth of Biting Bay in Sarkia and is home to tall, fair haired people with pale skin. The men are often bearded or mustached and board of shoulder whilst the women are fair and slim. This contrast comes from the highly male lead hierarchy. These are a mercantile people with a strong sense of pride for their kingdom.

The Pre-Unification Years

Many years before unification the mouth of Biting Bay was fought over by many different tribes and people for what limited resources there were to fight over and the strength it gave to those that could control the trade flowing through the mouth. For decades few were able to fully control the mouth, with it trading hands over and over. This was until 194 C.E. when Malcolm Campbell, Lord of the Campbells, built a great fort at at Natural habour point of Altmar. This new fort proved to be the turning point of the many bitter struggles that had gripped the area. It proved to be a perfect point from which Lord Malcolm could project his power from. With the natural habour allowing him to build a strong navy and the fort keeping him firmly rooted to the area the western half of the pass feel to the Campbells in 212 C.E.. Lord Malcolm though did not live to see the conquest of the eastern half and died in 214 C.E. of illness. His son, Lord Malcolm II, over saw the conquest and settling of the Eastern half of the pass in 232 C.E. firmly cementing the Campbell hold on the Biting Pass.

The Forging of a Kingdom

The conquest of the pass had been costly in both man power and coin for the Campbells and the need to strengthen the wealth of his people was obvious. Lord Malcolm II set off on was was known as the "Great Forging", a project of fort building and ship building which would last nearly 50 years and see the coming and passing of 4 lords in total. The fort of Altdorf, in the natural habour of Altmar, saw a transformation from a simple coastal fort to a great coastal city. The hold on the pass by the Campbells and the natural habour meant that trade was funneled into the city, helping the boom. The material rich lands of the Eastern pass and the fish rich waters around Altdorf helped fuel the population growth and prosperity was held in place by the constant flow of trade.

In 463 C.E. Lord Robert II was crowned King Robert I of Altmar by the Great Prophet in the Temple of Light. This saw the creation of the official Kingdom of Altmar, named after the natural habour that had allowed the Campbell rise to power in the area. No one truly understands why King Robert I chose to have himself crowned King. Some believe it was for further strengthen his power after a falling out with his council. Other that the Great Prophet had foreseen his coronation in a vision. Whatever the reason the Kingdom of Altmar now stood as testament to the Campbell legacy.

For the most part the years leading up to 800 C.E. were peaceful. However a dark spot in Altmar history was the Civil War that raged between 512 C.E. - 517 C.E. between the East of the Pass and the West of the Pass. Upon the death of King James II with no male heir his daughter ascended the thrown as Queen Fenella. This caused massive uproar in the Council that had strongly opposed the coronation. In response Fenella ordered the dissolution of the Council all together and declared single rule. The Council members, excluding the Great Prophet, fled to the Altlow where they raised their banner in rebellion. The ensuing war saw the defeat of Queen Fenella. Her was arrested and forced to abdicate and hand the thrown the her cousin who became King John. Upon his crowning King John was made to sign an agreement with the Council forbidding the any Female heirs from taking the thrown. Since then peace, only disturbed by the odd Pirate, held throughout Altmar.

During Altmar's history the eastern half of the pass as had a number of Barbarian incursions and on the rare occasion raiders coming up the pass to try and plunder the shipping lanes. Altmar's Legions and Navy have had their teeth sharpened countless times butchering these rare events with ease; their suppressor arms and tactics making short work of the raiding parties that dare to stray too close.

The Council and Lords

The Altmar Council system is very simple to those who understand it. Nine great Lords rule over their respective states under the hand of the King. Each lord is designated a position on the council in order of importance with each position holding a number of duties, such a Master of Ships, that they must attend to. Alongside the nine great lords the head of the church, the Great Prophet, also sits. This council of ten are the next step down from the King himself and are considered his "Government".

The Council was established in 465 C.E. so that Robert I could better control his new kingdom. Robert I had found that controlling a kingdom needed much more care than simply commanding the land as a Lord. 6 of Robert's closest friends who had helped him establish the kingdom were appointed to the council in its foundation. They were made the Masters of War, Coin, Law, Whisperers, Ships and Learning. As the kingdom developed the need for new posts emerged. The duties of the Master of Coin were reduced and the post of Master of Commerce was established. When new kingdoms were found the Master of Diplomacy was established. Last to be established was the Master of the Watch. In 524 C.E. as uniformed Vigiles was established in Altdorf to act as both a police force and as fire fighters. This idea soon spread to the whole of Altmar and the Master of the Watch was established to lay down the structure, rules, uniforms and such details for all of Altmar's Vililes. Along side them he was also in charge of the Garrison Cohorts; know as Urban Cohorts.

Each Lord is also considered a military commander and holds the rank of Legatus and preside over one of the Kingdom's Eight Legions. The King himself presides over the 1st Legion. The last Lord, who holds the post of Master of Ships, commands the Navy. This system of councilor generals means that power is deeply centralised within the Kingdom and held on to through a large deal of trust and understand. Should a Lord rebel he has the possibility oh having a full Legion at his disposal.


The Altmarish people have a deeply mercantile based culture. This developed from their age long hold of the Biting Pass. Almost 50% of the population is involved in business directly related to trade. All first male children are taught the trade of their father from a young age so that they might take over the management of the family upon their father's passing. The second sons of families would be expected to forge their own life for themselves as the family business would never be split among children. It is these second sons that fill out the ranks of many large institutes such as the navy and the army. This strong male inheritances ideals leave the women of Altmar with few choices in life. Many become wives of merchants in the hope to sail though the Pass but are often disappointed to find that no ship will take a woman on board for fear of bad luck.

Due to the strong mechanical nature of the Kingdom many traditions and festivals are linked with the sea and the seasons that allow for the movement of Altmar's ships and land caravans. Each season is welcomed with a great festival across all of the Kingdom. Every lunar month also sees large gatherings of Altmar's people in celebration of the passing of the moon that controls the tides.

Vast amounts of wealth move through Altdorf along with thousands of different people from across the world. These people bring with them a wealth that can not be priced: Knowledge. In 683 C.E. King Robert IV ordered the construction of a vast Collage in Altdorf. When it was finally finished in 712 C.E. this vast amounts of knowledge begun to be recorded and pored into it's great vaults and library. This unfathomable horde of wealth however is one that is squandered. Under the orders of Robert IV these vaults and libraries were locked away from the people.

Due to the large movements of different peoples though Altmar like in any other nations some people choose to stay. Citizenship in Altmar can only be gained by two means: By birth right and by service to the Legion or Navy. By doing this Altmar's military are able to keep a steady stream of recruits moving into the ranks to replace those leaving.

The King's seat of power lies in Altdorf, the capital city of the Kingdom of Altmar, which lies in the natural habour of Altmar . The city is a key center of trade and the wealthiest of all of Altmar's cities, as a result it is heavily fortified.


The religion is the worship of the great creator Eru Ilúvatar, who is said to have been the first being in the known world, under the Order of Everlasting Light. It is said that Eru Ilúvatar created the world by spinning his music into those creatures roams the earth, flies in the sky and swims in the oceans, rivers and lakes. He also created the moon to tame the oceans and the sun to give his creations light and warmth. All of Altmar's people are known as his children as they were all created in his image. The One, The All High and The Father of All are also titles for Eru Ilúvatar.

The priest hood of the order is based on a simple hierarchic. The lowest priests are called Apostles, the next being Preachers, followed by Teachers, Lesser Prophets, Prophets and the head of the Order the Great Prophet. 

However such is their devotion and the people's devotion that there is little room for other religion. So little that it is deemed illegal and heretical to practice other religions. Citizens who convert to other faiths are burned at the stake by witch hunters, know unofficially as the Legion of Light.


The Altmar currency has been developed and refined over years of practice. The currency is split into a number of different coins ranging from a half copper penny, the smallest coin that is rectangular in shape, to the golden sovereign. The vast amounts of foreign currencies that flow through Altdorf and the Kingdom as a whole would be impossible to manage if it were not for the Bank of Altferm.

Altferm lies on the most North Eastern tip of the Capital Province and operates the Great Pass Toll. No ship is able to pass in and out of the Biting Pass without facing the Toll. Failure to pay results in the ship and good being sized by the squadron of Altmar naval ships that prowl the waters. Due to the vast amounts of foreign currencies passing through the toll the Bank was established to deal with the problem. The constant flow of monies go directly into the Kingdom's coffers allowing for them to remain healthy. On numerous occasions thought  the Lord of Altferm has had to order the Town Watch to mass arrest members of the bank for embezzling the toll. Altdorf is also the only city with no tariffs imposed on goods. Across the rest of the Kingdom small tariffs are imposed to encourage trade to flow through Altdorf keeping power centralised to the King.

Altmar holds a strong grip on the trade of four particular raw materials and goods: Fish, Salt, Fur and Grain. The economy, though strong, relies far too strongly on the flow of trade though the Pass. When this dips the consequences can be dire.


The Altmar military is entirely professional Army and Navy. The names and structure have been unchanging in almost 500 years, only the technology used has changed. By 800 C.E. there were only 4 operational Legions in action. The remainder being disbanded and replaced with Auxiliary Cohorts.

The Army, called the Legion, is split into two halfs: The citizens of Altmar who make up the Legionary Cohorts and the non-citizens of Altmar who make up the Auxilary Cohorts. All Legionaries and Auxilary swear allegiance to the King for 20 years minimum service. The Legion is made up of a number of different Legions which split down in Cohorts and Centuries. A Century of men is 80 Legionaries strong and commanded by a Centurion, Optio, Tesserius, and standard bearer the Signifer. Six Centuries formed a Cohort and ten Cohorts, plus a small cavalry unit the Equites Legionis, form a Legion numbering approximately 4800 foot and 120 cavalry on paper.

The Legion's symbol is an Eagle, born aloft by the Aquilifer, and is the pride of a Legion. It represents the same Eagle that adorns the Altmar Royal Standard. The Command staff of the unit was made up of 8 men. The Praefectus Castorum was the most senior career officer who has risen from the rank. Above him were the six staff officers, five Tribuni Angusticlavii and one Tribunus Laticlavius. The Trubunus Laticlavius is normally the son of the Legitus who commanded the whole Legion. This is so that he could be ready to take the place of his father when his father became too old to carry on his duties and retired from the Legion and the Council. The remaining Tribunes are normally sons of lesser lords appointed in the hope of claiming glory for the family as well as learn vital life and command skills.

Along side the Legions, made up of citizens, is the Auxiliary made up of non citizens. These man are the specialists of the Army such as Archers, Slingers and Calvary as well as a few Infantry only units. A Calvary Cohort of Auxiliary is 500 men strong along with its commander, the Prefectus Cohortis. There are also part mounted Cohorts split 480 foot and 120 horse. An all foot Cohort of Infantry follows the same structure as the Legion but stops at the Cohort and is also commanded by a Perfectus Cohortis. He is normally a Centurion who had proved his worth and been promoted to this more prominent command. Should an Auxiliary serve Altmar for 20 years he receives a plot of land, pension and citizenship for himself and his offspring.

The Legion and Cohorts fight in close formations that have been brutally drilled into them from day one of recruitment. These formations and the unwavering discipline that is maintained within the Legion result in the brutally efficient fighting force. One of their famous feats is the ability to construct a marching camp called a Castra. This fort can be constructed in as little as 4 hours when needed. The Legion is also used to construct roads and brigades in time of both peace and war as well as partake in large civil projects during peace time.

The Navy however is where the true strength of Altmar lies. Though they have an effect land force the Navy is what holds the nation together. It is strong, modern and maintained at a constant state of readiness. It is divided in into a number of Squadrons each commanded by a Navarch. A Squadron can vary in size from large formations to small units but is most commonly a unit of 10 to 12 vessels of equal ability.  Each ship itself is commanded by a Trierarch. The Navy, unlike the Legion, is not a place for political advancement or favours but a solely professional force where promotion is based on skill and experience. The navy, like the Legion, has a service requirement of 20 years but unlike the Legion citizens and non-citizens are not split. Also a big difference from the Legion is that though non-citizens are required to serve 20 years, they can receive citizenship for themselves and their family after 10 years of good service.


« Last Edit: January 03, 2017, 07:15:01 am by Bravescot »

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Re: BoP: Estia (Out-Of-Character Thread)
« Reply #52 on: January 02, 2017, 09:28:41 pm »
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Re: BoP: Estia (Out-Of-Character Thread)
« Reply #53 on: January 02, 2017, 10:51:12 pm »
Name: Kingdom of Griffsmaw
Flag/Banner: Kingdom flag: (WIP, will be finished by the time I form it if I do) / Dynasty flag:
Government Type and Features: Mercantilistic Heredical Kingdom with late-tribal influence
Royal House: House Thryssed
Starting Ruler and Family: Krachar Thryssed, king-claimant of Griffsmaw. At 46 years old, he's an experienced, hardened, and unwavering leader who considers the voices of his family and subjects in his actions. He's worked hard to advance his realm, having sailed far around the world (as far as his ships and crews could realistically take him), researching the ways of life of foreigners, and slowly introducing foreign influence into his own realm. His wife, Hildar, was the daughter of Krachar's most powerful vassal, and they've sired three children: two twin sons, Jormund and Trachar (20), and a daughter, Yosilda (18), before she died. While the sons are equally tough, wily, and adventurous, Yosilda is delicately diplomatic, mirroring her mother, though she, too, possesses the adventurous attitude of Krachar. Jormund, having been born first, is the designated heir by right of law, but Trachar will likely remain influential in the politics of his brother's realm. Krachar also has a brother, Yorto, who is a well respected druid in Krachar's realm. The Thrysseds have managed to retain a sizable portion of the kingdom due to their history, strength, influence, and their possession of lands once belonging to the first King of Griffsmaw.
Aspects of Culture, Religion, Way of Life, and other Attributes: The Kingdom of Griffsmaw was formed by Garon the Griffin, a near-mythological figure in their culture, after he united the tribes of his would-be realm. His line ruled the kingdom for generations, but when it eventually died out, so did the bond that kept the kingdom together. The tribes separated, and have mostly forgotten their brotherly bonds, with House Thryssed inheriting the empty seat of the Griffin's line, High Roost, due to a fortunate marriage to a daughter of a Griffsmaw king.

The earliest traditions of the Griffsmaw tribes is built upon three principles for survival: the hunt, the catch, and the feast. Thus, the society has a focus on tools, weapons, and sailing, and their feasting is boasted as a result. The more modernized tribe of Thryssed has begun forging simple swords alongside axes, and sees equal importance in bow and spear. Though they are primarily provided for from the wilds of woods and seas, which their religion has partly been influenced by, Krachar Thryssed wishes to introduce farming to Griffsmaw, seeking hardy crops that can withstand the winters. Additionally, he wishes to bring organized military formations to his realm, as the warriors of Griffsmaw are historically disorganized, with sword, spear, and bow standing heel and toe, and has spent several years seeking foreign military officers to help revolutionize their means to fight. Though disorganized, fighting warriors of the Griffsmaw region are extremely hardy, having spent years of their life in the forests, tamed and untamed, and at sea. Even the women of Griffsmaw are skilled fighters, with the best archers removing the breast of their bow arm after they have several children, as to better defend themselves while their husbands hunt and fish.

Long ago, the people who would settle the Griffsmaw followed the God of their eastern neighbors, Eru Ilúvatar. However, the beliefs of the Griffsmaw settlers and of the Atlmarish ancestors differ in a crucial way: Eru Ilúvatar, after creating all, vanished completely, leaving his domain to different aspects, each entrusted to rule over their portion of Eru Ilúvatar's creation. These gods are of the forests, the mountains, the skies, and the seas, some merciful and others diabolical. There are many gods, chiefly, Grayr (Grey-or), the God of the Sky, a great draconic griffin who lives in the sun and hunts in the clouds; Makthutile (Mak-thu-ti-lay), the Woman of the Waters, a great siren who rules over all seas and serves her husband and king, Neptralyr (Nep-tra-leer), the Forgotten Lord of the Deep; and Tragol (Tra-goal), the Man of Rock, who rules over the mountains, forever seeking precious metals and gems. There are dozens other gods, though these are among the most celebrated. Additionally, a spirit known as the Leshyr (Lesh-er) rules over the forests, and punishes villagers who do not keep the forest bed tidy and healthy, and who rewards their good actions with bountiful hunt. Religious ceremony is conducted by druids, or wise men, who are respected by the people and feared by their enemies. Legends state that druids possess the direct power of the gods as a result of ritual animal sacrifices, and as thanks for guiding their people to the Griffsmaw. As killing another man during peacetime is seen as an offense to the gods, grudges are settled with fist fights at most, and table games at least, and the sacrifice of another man is seen as a direct insult to the gods, and as the worship of dark beings, like Neptralyr, who warped the mind of Makthutile to wage war on the world.

Most tribes of Griffsmaw believe in the Stride of Garon, the belief that man is above beast in only one way: they have the power to influence the worlds of both. Thus, it is the goal of followers of the Stride to better their homes and their own well being while preserving the homes and well being of animal life.

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Re: BoP: Estia (Out-Of-Character Thread)
« Reply #54 on: January 03, 2017, 02:01:12 am »
well rip i was finishing my nation (history/culture stuff) and my google crashed and i lost it all. Rip
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Re: BoP: Estia (Out-Of-Character Thread)
« Reply #55 on: January 03, 2017, 12:44:06 pm »
Name: Tribes of the Zorn (how original).
Government Type and Features: (something close to a) tribal confederation: the chief of a tribe acts as representative for his/her tribe in the Council, the chief of the strongest tribe is the Head of the Council, which means he/she has veto power. The chiefs of the tribes are chosen by the people themselves (usually the strongest person).
Royal House (If Applicable): House Darran (has been the Head of the Council for as long as everyone remembers).
Starting Ruler and Family (Ruler + Minimum 2, Maximum 4)(If Applicable):
  • Harald Darran, current Head of the Council - 42 years old.
  • Alvar Darran, son of Harald Darran - 14 years old.
  • Kóri Darran, daughter of Harald Darran - 14 years old.
Aspects of Culture, Religion, Way of Life, and other Attributes:
Many ages ago, the very few tribes that lived on the island in the north-west (not a name, just referring to the island in the north-west on the map) left their home as it was inhospitable. They sailed away in a random direction, hoping to find a better place to live. Lucky as they were, they sailed towards The Zorn. They settled on the first island they encountered, which they then called Baleria, and resumed with their lifes, only this time on more favorable lands. During the ages after the discovery of The Zorn, a pair of other small islands next to Baleria were colonized, as there was a lack of space and resources. The tribe system was then introduced, because it was too hard for one person to manage and rule over all the islands.

What the Tribes of the Zorn do now, is no different from what they did the last few ages. Under the rule of Harald Darran and Harald's father before him, the Tribes of the Zorn have merged all their navies into one massive navy, and started building multiple new war ships to lead the navy during a raid. Harald Darran also made a plan to spend more time and money on settling the other islands of The Zorn, as rumours had spread that there are new resources hiding on those islands. This plan has however not been executed just yet.

Culture, way of life
The Tribes of the Zorn look, act and live very much like the vikings our world has known. For the Tribes of the Zorn, the only way to become wealthy and honorable, is to fight for the navy. Men who don't fight for the navy are usually 'at the bottom of the pyramid', most of the times they are just ignored by everyone. The Women of the Zorn are very much capable of taking over the men's tasks when they're out on a raid. Because of this, it is not uncommon that a women is chosen to be the leader of a tribe rather than a man.
Although some men prefer fighting with bows, most men wield heavy weapons like axes. The soldiers of the navy are lightly armoured, but tend to wear a lot of fur over their armor to stay warm.
The Tribes of the Zorn know only one god, which is the God of the Sea. All the important moments of life (birth, marriage, death etc.) take place next to the sea. When the sea is rough, the Tribes of the Zorn think the God of the Sea is telling them that it's time for a new raid. When the sea is normal, the God of the Sea is telling the Tribes of the Zorn to just continue whatever they're doing.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2017, 12:05:10 pm by Theodoor »

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Re: BoP: Estia (Out-Of-Character Thread)
« Reply #56 on: January 03, 2017, 09:31:36 pm »
Quote major Rome/Macedon-like empire has sprung up yet, no Viking-like people have existed yet, the components of primitive black powder have not been discovered yet...


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Re: BoP: Estia (Out-Of-Character Thread)
« Reply #57 on: January 04, 2017, 04:39:55 am »
Is it safe to guess that with only 4 people caring and the Exalted Poll being 11 vs 6 in favour of Volk just stopping that Estia is never going to happen?

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Re: BoP: Estia (Out-Of-Character Thread)
« Reply #58 on: January 04, 2017, 04:59:36 am »
Though unfortunate as I like the idea of this, that does seem to be the case. Usually GM's would accept player apps by 24 hours, especially when they've been online far earlier.

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Re: BoP: Estia (Out-Of-Character Thread)
« Reply #59 on: January 04, 2017, 08:51:47 am »
Though unfortunate as I like the idea of this, that does seem to be the case. Usually GM's would accept player apps by 24 hours, especially when they've been online far earlier.
Only B-Scot has PM'd me his Private one, and I'm still deliberating on it.

Edit: Not only that, but none of these apps are final. I can't jump the gun only to have to go back and edit every nation due to "forgot to add X".
« Last Edit: January 04, 2017, 08:53:54 am by Volk »