
Would you like to have a small amount of cavalry enabled on any maps that are suitable?

10 (47.6%)
Yes but generals only.
4 (19%)
7 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Voting closed: March 13, 2013, 03:00:32 pm

Author Topic: 15th Humans vs Bots Server (UNBANS WILL NOT BE GRANTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES)  (Read 307168 times)

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Offline Triple25mm

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Steam account: [33rd] Tough Puppy
Player name: 33rd_LCpl_Tough_Puppy
Server: 15th Humans vs. Bots server
Time: So long ago I can't remember :/
Why i was banned: I have no idea. I remember seeing a couple of people get banned just before me, and I wondered what they had done. Then I was banned - no reason giving; no place to go to ask for an unban. I had a different name at the time (Triple25mm instead of Tough Puppy). I did not break any rules that I'm aware of, and I certainly was not trolling. I had only been on the server for ~5 minutes.

Thankyou for your time!

Offline Mr_Etherton

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Still best server in nw  8) Glory to le 15th

thanks we know  8)

awks when you are 15th YR. unless Cenkris is your Col? are you Vixen pieter?

Offline [15th]Harvain

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I can give out one cd key for free, add me on steam if you are interested. I will tell you how to change your CD key, so you will be able to connect on the  15th HvB server.


You are still alive? Small wonders this world still has.
Co-killer of the Iron Europe mod for Napoleonic Wars.

Offline Conscious

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Ban Request

Reason: Griefing with rockets. Destroying defenses. Attempting to Team Kill.
Name: Skiipon
Time and Date: Approx. 6:35PM EST


Thank you

Offline [15th]Harvain

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Ban Request

Reason: Griefing with rockets. Destroying defenses. Attempting to Team Kill.
Name: Skiipon
Time and Date: Approx. 6:35PM EST


Thank you

Thanks for the post, our server doesn't have the ability to team-kill, but we'll get them for the griefing. We had a sapper troll around the same time and I was trying to find who was trolling the rocket arty but they left before I could.
Co-killer of the Iron Europe mod for Napoleonic Wars.

Offline NagaPrince

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Hey I used to frequent this server, and did a little bit recently, but I have some suggestions and constructive criticism I would like to share. For I feel the server is great, and its an awesome idea, but the execution currently prevents it from being better and is currently stifled.

I feel that frankly the bot amount is to little, and many of the maps available are unfriendly to the player-led bot army.

The multiple maps I've played, some were just literally littered with 20+ artillery. Really, do you honestly need that much? That's over-kill, and it stifles any significance that at in another scenario five would have on a defensive map, which one being lost would be a critical blow to the defender's, which is really what these maps should offer at a maximum. Furthermore, some maps are so rigged that the bot-army just can't win. The amount of trenches, river placement, and strategic hills; its such an uphill fight the AI is simply shot down on bayonet charges, and usually not to the player commanders own fault, they're simply not led good as a medium, though its not even that easy to lead them either.
I know they win, though I honestly have never seen so then when I used to play here, and the time I spent last night. Also, defender's should have limited-lives instead of immortality, since it removes any pressure that might which be exerted upon player's and it infinitely makes the attacker's job harder, since they can never quite run them down into dust. Its actually disproportionate in advantage, since an entire side of player's never-dying will be leaps and bounds superior to one divided and led by 5 player's. I read some player commentary that night suggesting it was better in a way of reminiscence that the server once supported that too. I can't quite remember that portion of the past.

My suggestions are: is to simply remove the maps from rotation that are overflowing with defenses. I might even post photos as examples, or these examples are actually within this thread already. To reiterate: No map should have more than multiple cannons, at that point, we have a large contingent of player's raining artillery upon the dumb bot's that simply stand there in large concentrations which no amount of player handling could adapt too. Its quite preposterous really, I even have to go as far as to say, its not good map-making. The entrenchments which sometimes involve an uphill slow-walk, to a dirt-inverted mound to a small upward climb into a fenced trench where dozens of players are firing off their muskets, then the flag is surrounded by its own trench I've seen, and then the blistering amount of cannon-fire which I'm at this point being repetitive of is occurring in constant frequency. It needs to be fixed. I'd even suggest, remove BP points because the defensive structures are so elegant, and aided even by the natural terrain and water-walking that defending player's don't need anymore leverage as is. Any BP at this point just prevents the Bot's from maneuvering fairly towards the player. I'd honestly suggest half the map rotation be those random maps spawned from generation it seems from the other Bot-Server, and give player's 300 BP. That'd be awesome. Not Maginot-Line fortifications that the five-attacker's have no hope of taking its flag when the entirety of the team is amongst it.

My second suggestion is from what I've seen, correct me, the player-to-bot relativity is for every one player, there is two bots. This just isn't enough. The Bot's aren't good enough against concentrated players, with unlimited lives to, to uplift from their defensive postures into desperation. Even with limited lives, I'd suggest that the ratio needs to be every three bots for one player. So instead of what I see being typically being 70-90 players versus 160 Bots, to 90-defenders versus 250-bots. At a minimum. Its obvious how easily they get destroyed, I'd find it hard to argue against my proposal. That hasn't never been seen by me, maybe the Mount and Blade servers can't handle it, I don't know, but as of now, the attacker's are ground into dust. 9/10 from my overall length of experience: The Defender's win.

If not that proposal, I propose a maximum of ten players on the defending side instead of the 5-player limit. If you could even make it so that only five players have bot's, and the other five don't so they can go commando, that'd be awesome.

Sorry for my long post, and I mean it in the deepest search for better gameplay for this server which I respect and like.

Thank You.

Offline Bagration_king

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Hey Folks!

I used to participate in this server very often a couple of months ago and then for some time I stopped playing M&B-NW. When I tried connecting to the server recently, it told me that I am banned? Can an administrator please look into this? I am quite disappointed that I cannot connect to my favorite NW server for a reason unknown to me.

Thank you!

Offline [15th]Harvain

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Hey I used to frequent this server, and did a little bit recently, but I have some suggestions and constructive criticism I would like to share. For I feel the server is great, and its an awesome idea, but the execution currently prevents it from being better and is currently stifled.

Sorry for my long post, and I mean it in the deepest search for better gameplay for this server which I respect and like.

Thank You.

We allowed unlimited lives because of 3 reasons. The first is that Siege in itself once a certain amount of time is left, will not allow new players who join to spawn in (it varies but its usually 5 minutes left in a round, but most that final 2 minutes) and the second reason is because there has been no difference between the win ratios for either team since allowing unlimited lives for defenders. Most players never die that much per round anyway and it allows players who are newer (which is a lot) to be able to continue playing, hopefully improving themselves. The final reason is because when we allowed only 10 lives for defenders, most attackers never played to cap the flag, but to get into the spawn(s) and kill for the entire round in a vain attempt to somehow get as an example, 50 players to die 10 times each or a total of 500 deaths in a round to somehow win. Even with unlimited lives, defenders have to wait 30 seconds per life. So if you die 10 times, you have been out of the game for 5 minutes of the total 20 minutes per round.

All maps are winnable by both teams. It comes down to the players on both and how they work together. There are some maps, at least 10 of our 22 that bots should ALWAYS win on. There are 5 maps bots should NEVER win on and 7 that are maps that it easily could be either.

Bot ratio is 1:2, but really it's every 5 defenders = 10 bots up to 200. So if it's 47 defenders, that's 90 bots. The ratio is fine, player skill varies round to round and map to map. There are days I see defenders lose all day, other days I see them win so easily, it's "boring" as many people would put it. The game is old, not getting updated and Siege mode in itself is a mode that is bugged, the ratio is the best way to ensure that its fair and that the server can also handle what is happening. If we have 100 defenders, 5 commanders and 200 bots, that's over 300 characters (also include horses, they count towards overall lag) that's more going on than any other server currently or previously been in the game.

The formula we have used and tweaked a little coming up on 3 years has allowed our server to continue to have a population and those players who are grateful to have a constant place to play the game keep us willing to spend the time and money to continue hosting it. We've considered pretty much what you have said and more in the past, but with how the game has been for the past year, we feel that our current formula is the correct way to finish out the days of NW until that final day whenever it might be.

We do have some more maps in the works, but those are slowly being worked on and only being worked on as a gift to the players who still continue to play on our server, whether that is our regulars or those who only play it when another server crashes.
Co-killer of the Iron Europe mod for Napoleonic Wars.

Offline Conscious

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Ban Request

Reason: Deliberate imbalance in order to win.
Name: Team
Time and Date: Approx. 8:00PM EST - 10/23/15


Reason: Racism
Name: RIPinPieceNagger
Time and Date: Approx. 7:30PM EST - 10/23/15


Thank you!

Offline BabyJesus

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Hey Folks!

I used to participate in this server very often a couple of months ago and then for some time I stopped playing M&B-NW. When I tried connecting to the server recently, it told me that I am banned? Can an administrator please look into this? I am quite disappointed that I cannot connect to my favorite NW server for a reason unknown to me.

Thank you!
No unbans will be given, even to the most loyal of fans!
1st NWPC S2(21st)|(1st) 5v5 Draft~NA GroupFighting Tournament  |1st♕Rex's 6v6 Tournament | 1st TNWL S2(71st) | 1st NWL S5 (58e) | 3rd place Sleeks 5v5 (Highschoole DxD)
You are by far the best average player to touch this game.
Quote from: Risk
The BEST average player of all time

Offline [15th]Harvain

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Ban Request

Reason: Deliberate imbalance in order to win.
Name: Team
Time and Date: Approx. 8:00PM EST - 10/23/15


Reason: Racism
Name: RIPinPieceNagger
Time and Date: Approx. 7:30PM EST - 10/23/15


Thank you!

The first part, they were dealt with, the per usual daily thing of temp-bans. 2nd part was dealt with as well, but you'll see a new version of the name, always do.
Co-killer of the Iron Europe mod for Napoleonic Wars.

Offline Bagration_king

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Hey Folks!

I used to participate in this server very often a couple of months ago and then for some time I stopped playing M&B-NW. When I tried connecting to the server recently, it told me that I am banned? Can an administrator please look into this? I am quite disappointed that I cannot connect to my favorite NW server for a reason unknown to me.

Thank you!
No unbans will be given, even to the most loyal of fans!
Can I be told why I was banned though? I tried connecting for the first time in months just a few days ago and I found that I was banned. Is it possible that I was mistakenly banned? I don't recall getting into any sort of trouble.

Offline [15th]Harvain

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Hey Folks!

I used to participate in this server very often a couple of months ago and then for some time I stopped playing M&B-NW. When I tried connecting to the server recently, it told me that I am banned? Can an administrator please look into this? I am quite disappointed that I cannot connect to my favorite NW server for a reason unknown to me.

Thank you!
No unbans will be given, even to the most loyal of fans!
Can I be told why I was banned though? I tried connecting for the first time in months just a few days ago and I found that I was banned. Is it possible that I was mistakenly banned? I don't recall getting into any sort of trouble.

No name given, no player ID given. No idea, but if you banned and can't join, you weren't banned for no reason.
Co-killer of the Iron Europe mod for Napoleonic Wars.

Offline Kazak Dağ Adamı

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hello, as someone with too many trolls around. i like to say that i back this no-unban policy. not so many organisations would dare to make a better experience with the consequence resulting in less customers

Offline [15th]Harvain

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hello, as someone with too many trolls around. i like to say that i back this no-unban policy. not so many organisations would dare to make a better experience with the consequence resulting in less customers

*shrugs* if less customers is being anywhere from 3rd to 1st best pop EU prime time daily in the end days of NW and 1st/2nd during the almost dead hours of NA prime time. We'll take it. Most bans nowadays are temp ones anyway, people cant read/count it seems till after they are banned or never.
Co-killer of the Iron Europe mod for Napoleonic Wars.