Author Topic: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.  (Read 42132 times)

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Offline Grey

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Re: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.
« Reply #165 on: April 27, 2016, 08:19:00 am »
1st Texas Volunteer Infantry is recruiting! We average 15-25 per event. We do 3 events on the weekend with a training on wednesday. We are a laid back regiment with a come as you wish attitude.
Add either Philip Work
Or me
And we will get you squared away!

PS. Here are some screens from our recent event

Offline KermitTheFrog

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Re: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.
« Reply #166 on: April 30, 2016, 05:50:56 pm »


The QR was founded by KermitTheFrog/Nero on April 21st, 2016 and officially joined the Dixieland Army. Since then, recruitment has been underway and we reached a milestone of 10 members 6 days after founding. More recently, we have been assigned to Braggs Brigade in the Dixieland Army, and we hope to become more engaged in the NaS community in the weeks to come. We look forward to playing with you!

Interested in joining the QR? Send me a private message, or contact me via Steam!

Offline MrTapani

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Re: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.
« Reply #167 on: May 02, 2016, 08:03:59 pm »
Hey i'm MrTapani and im searching for a EU based regiment in North and South to join in.

I've played Napoleonic wars (including mount and musket) for 1500 hours. Im quite new to the whole N&S but it seems quite similar in many ways to NW.

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Re: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.
« Reply #168 on: May 02, 2016, 08:53:38 pm »
Hey i'm MrTapani and im searching for a EU based regiment in North and South to join in.

I've played Napoleonic wars (including mount and musket) for 1500 hours. Im quite new to the whole N&S but it seems quite similar in many ways to NW.

Hey welcome to North and South, I may be able to find you a nice EU Union regiment about 15 - 20 + active per events add this guy on steam :)

Offline Colonel Francis

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Re: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.
« Reply #169 on: May 22, 2016, 11:28:24 pm »

5th Georgia Volunteer Regiment

Hello there! If perhaps you are looking for a active, large, and old veteran regiment, then I would highly suggest the 5th Georgia Volunteer Regiment. We have been in North and South since NaS 0.4 and we look forward to striving ahead in future updates. We attend events mostly everyday, ranging from different types. Such as Line Battles, Sieges, 1v1s, or even Brigade Fun events. We average around sixteen people per event and are looking to expand. We host two companies within our regiment. Company A "Clinch Rifles, who primary job is to skirmish and conduct sharpshooting fun. However, if you do not like doing such jobs, we also have Company B "Griffin Light Guards". This Company's job is to conduct line operations and interact with melee in events. If you like such sensation, then Co.B is perfect for you.

If you seriously thinking of joining, there is no application nor serious process of becoming a member of the 5th Georgia. If you would to see for yourself or even fully join, then please add myself on steam (General Francis [5thGA]). Until then, I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield![/font][/size]

Offline zombieMan

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Re: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.
« Reply #170 on: May 24, 2016, 08:10:24 am »

Battery History
The Cherokee Artillery unit was organized on Aug. 10, 1860 and, in April of 1861, were ordered to join Gen. Phillip's Brigade of Georgia Troops at Big Shanty. On June 13, 1861 they were mustered into state service for the war as Co. A of Stovall's Battalion of Artillery (later known as the 3rd Georgia Battalion).
GeorgiaOn Aug. 10, 1861 they departed for Virginia with three 6 pounder guns furnished by the State of Georgia and one iron rifled gun from the Noble Foundry in Rome, Georgia. During October and November of 1861, The Cherokee Artillery was stationed at Goldsboro, North Carolina, and from November of 1861 until September of 1862, they served in eastern Tennessee guarding against Union and Pro-Union forces. In September and October of 1862 they were involved in the Kentucky Campaign, though not in action. Then, sometime during October or November, of 1862 they returned to eastern Tennessee.
Van Den CorputIn January of 1863, the unit was ordered to Vicksburg, Mississippi where they served as an artillery battery at Warrenton until May of 1863. On May 16, 1863 they fought in the Battle of Champion Hill, Mississippi where all of their guns were captured except the iron Noble gun. On July 4, 1863 the majority of the company surrendered with the Army of Vicksburg. Sgt. Johnson and a section, plus the iron rifled gun, were with Ector's Brigade east of Jackson, Mississippi. In September of 1863, the company was paroled, reorganized, and re-equipped.
In November of 1863 they fought in the Battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. At the Battle of Chattanooga on November 24th, the Cherokee had four 12 pounder Napoleons and was part of Carnes’ Artillery Battalion, Stevenson’s Division of Breckenridge’s Corps. At about 10am, after a dense fog lifted, the Cherokee opened fire throwing 33 shells into Hooker’s assaulting columns on the western slope.
On May 15, 1864 at Resaca, Georgia, the company advanced 80 yards in front of fortifications to a natural depression. Upon unlimbering their cannons, they were immediately overrun by two Union brigades. The Cherokee Artillery fought to save their guns but they were overwhelmed. In the Atlanta Campaign they had no cannons, so their troops were parceled out to reinforce depleted companies. In December of 1864 they served in the Nashville Campaign. On April 12, 1865 the company was captured in the Battle of Salisbury, North Carolina along with the other 1,700 defenders by Stoneman's 16,000 Union troops. They were sent north to a prisoner-of-war camp at Camp Chase, Ohio where they were eventually paroled and sent home by October of 1865.

Rank Organization
Lt. Colonel
First Lieutenant
Second Lt.

Sergeant Major
First Sergeant
Corporal First Class
Lance Corporal

Private First Class

tags will be [CLA]Rank-name

Want to join?
Add me on steam:  jabames
teamspeak info to be given when we talk in steam.

Offline 2ndFLOfficial

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Re: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.
« Reply #171 on: June 03, 2016, 10:56:20 am »

Who are the 2nd Florida Infantry?
The 2nd Florida Infantry are a regiment for the North and South Modification in the Dixieland Army Old Brigade. We are a formiddle infantry regiment and are a successor to the 1stGeorgiaSharpshooters. We are a disciplined but enjoyable regiment within the community, and we welcome anyone that wants to join.

As a part of this community we want you to get the most out of it. That is why on our teamspeak we have multiple gaming and social channels, so that you can play with other members and know the community better.

*You must be able to speak and understand English to join the 2nd Florida Infantry

These are the in-game tags worn by members of the 2nd Florida Infantry.
Example: DA_2ndFL_Col_Hubert


The 2nd Florida was organized on April and July 1861 and mustered into Confederate service for 12 months near Jacksonville, Florida on July 13, 1861 and joined Lee's Army of Northern Virginia in the late summer. They fought at the Battles of Williamsburg, Seven Pines, Gaines Mill, and Malvern Hill in 1862.
In late 1862, the 2nd Florida Infantry Regiment was assigned to E.A. Perry's newly formed Florida Brigade alongside the 5th and 8th Florida. Perry's Brigade served under Anderson’s Division of Longstreet’s First Corps, of the Army of Northern Virginia.

They fought in the Battles of Second Manassas, Sharpsburg, and Antietam from Aug-Sep 1862. Colonel David Lang took command of the Florida Brigade and led them at Fredricksburg in Dec 1862 and Chancellorsville in May 1863. Under Col. Lang's command the Florida Brigade fought at Gettysburg in July 1863. They were attached to Picket's Division, and took part in the famous attack on the Union center on the 3rd day.
After the Battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania in 1864, the Brigade was joined by the victors of the Battle of Olustee, the 9th, 10th, and 11th Regiments. General Joseph Finegan, the famous commander of Florida forces at Olustee, took command of the Florida Brigade, then known as “Finegan’s Brigade”.

In the last year of war the Florida Brigade fought at Cold Harbor in June 1864 and Petersburg during the winter. The Florida Brigade retreated with the Army of Northern Virginia and surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865. By the time of surrender, the regiments were the size of modern day platoons or companies. The 2nd, 5th, and 8th surrendered 68, 53, and 32 men respectively. The 9th, 10th, and 11th surrendered 124, 162, and 23. Most of the 11th had been cut off in the Army’s retreat and had previously surrendered.


Commanding Officers

Lieutenant Colonel





Non-Commissioned Officers

Colour Sergeant


Enlisted Men
Private First Class



Special Ranks
Special Ranks

Rank Icons will be updated as soon as possible.
Roster to be announced.

Event Schedule



Day off
Day off
Possible Event
Day off
Possible Event
DA Event
DA Siege

21.00 PM (GMT)
21.00 PM (GMT)
21.00 PM (GMT)
21.00 PM (GMT)

Steam Contacts

Steam: Col Hubert
Steam: Major Pancake
Steam: Sergeant Major Euripides

Offline Clausewitz

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Re: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.
« Reply #172 on: June 12, 2016, 10:20:52 pm »

The 6th Alabama Regiment of Cavalry is a European and North American based regiment, We are a disciplined regiment but still have fun, we encourage a light-hearted atmosphere and good banter. We do not tolerate trolls. We are a new regiment, hoping to grow and become a quality Cavalry regiment in the N&S Community. We're looking for experienced Cavalrymen to join the ranks! As we are in need of officers! You don't have to have played that much on N&S, just be able to give commands and lead the regiment in certain aspects.

Join Here!

Offline Northern Ranger

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Re: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.
« Reply #173 on: June 17, 2016, 04:41:09 am »

Regimental History

This regiment was organized at New York City October 11, 1861, but its organization not completed until October 29, 1861, when the German Rangers were united with the Sigel Rifles. The former were in course of recruiting under Col. Emil Von Schoening under authority from the War Department dated July 27, 1861; at the time of the consolidation part of the Honved Regiment, Col. Edward Count Wratislaw, had already been merged into the German Rangers. Companies A, B, C, D, E, F and G were formed of the latter, and H, I and K of Companies A, C and D of the Sigel Rifles. Company B of the latter was merged in Companies H, I and K of the new organization, of which Col. Paul Frank of the Sigel Rifles was appointed Colonel. The companies were recruited in New York City and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years, between August 3 and November 5, 1861. At the expiration of its term of service in August, September and October, 1864, the men entitled thereto were discharged, and the regiment retained in service, but consolidated into six companies, the old Companies E, F, G, H, I and K becoming new Companies A, B, C, D, E and F, respectively, and a new Company G was formed of recruits received in the field.
The regiment left the State November II, 1861; served in French's Brigade, Stunner's Division, Army of the Potomac, from November, 1861; in the same, 3d, Brigade, Richardson's, 1st, Division, 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, from March 13, 1862; in the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 2d. Corps, from August, 1862; in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps, from September, 1862; in the Consolidated Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps, from July, 1864; in the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps, from November 2, 1864; and it was honorably discharged and mustered out, commanded by Col. Henry M. Karples, July 1, 1865, at Alexandria, Va.
During its service the regiment lost by death, killed in action, 8 officers, 82 enlisted men; of wounds received in action, 6 officers, 56 enlisted men; of disease and other causes, 199 enlisted men; total, 14 officers, 337 enlisted men; aggregate, 351; of whom I officer, 107 enlisted men, died in the hands of the enemy.

The 52nd regiment was organized in the early summer of 1861, shortly after the return of the three-months' troops under the first call of President Lincoln for 300,000 men. It was essentially a German organization, being formed by the consolidation of two skeleton regiments, viz.: the German Rangers and Sigel Rifles, both of which were recruited in New York City.
It was mustered into the United States service on October 25, 1861, with Col. Paul Frank commanding, and 1,000 men, rank and file. The regiment started for the seat of war on November 2d, and went into camp at Bladensburg, Md., near Washington, D. C. After one month's drill, it marched into Virginia and encamped at Fairfax Seminary, near Alexandria, Va., where it was assigned to the Third Brigade (General French), First Division (General Richardson), Second Corps (General Sumner). During winter quarters it underwent continuous drill until March 10, 1862. On March 11th, the division broke camp, and advanced to the line of the Rappahannock, by way of Manassas, after which it countermarched to Alexandria, Va., where it embarked on transports and sailed to Shipping Point, near Yorktown.
At the siege of Yorktown, and at the battle of Williamsburg, the regiment was held in reserve. But in the advance on Richmond, at the battle of Fair Oaks, the regiment lost 125 men killed and wounded. During the Peninsular campaign, the Fifty-second had a large sick list, and lost a number of men of typho-malaria or swamp fever. During the Seven Days' Battles, at Fraser's Farm, White Oak Swamp, and Malvern Hill, the regiment lost 34 men killed and wounded. After encamping awhile at Harrison's Landing, it left for Washington on transports, and marched to join Pope's army, on the campaign at Second Bull Run. The Fifty-second participated in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, losing 29 killed and wounded in the latter engagement. Returning to Virginia, it was engaged at the battle of Fredericksburg, where it lost 43 men, including the major and adjutant.
At Chancellorsville the regiment suffered severely for the number engaged, entering the battle with less than 200 men, of whom about 40 were killed and wounded.
The corps broke camp about the middle of June, and entered upon the Gettysburg campaign. Our regiment lost about 20 men, disabled from marching and fatigue before reaching the battlefield. On the evening of the second day, the Fifty-second was engaged from 5 to 8 o'clock. It fought on the left of the Third Brigade (Zook's) of the First Division, and lost a great many men in the woods between the Wheatfield and the Peach Orchard. Being forced back, it left many wounded in the Wheatfield. The regiment lost its lieutenant colonel, major, a greater part of its line officers, the color bearer, and about 30 enlisted men. I think almost one-half of its whole number were killed or wounded, as the regiment went into the fight with less than 100 men. Major Venuti was among the killed. On the third day no loss was sustained.
About the end of August we marched to Mitchell's Station, near the Rapidan River, and went into camp. There we received 800 recruits with muskets, drafted men and substitutes, which made the ranks of the Fifty-second look like a new regiment.
On October 2d, we broke camp, and after marching and countermarching to Culpeper and Brandy Station, had a skirmish at Auburn (Coffee Hill) with a part of Gen. J. E. B. Stuart's Cavalry, which had encamped during the night in the midst of our division. After the fight at Bristoe Station, we marched back to Centreville. On this retreat the regiment lost nearly 150 of its new men, mostly taken prisoners. Marching back to the Rappahannock in November, the Fifty-second was engaged at Mine Run, where it lost several men. Recrossing the river, it went into camp at Stevensburg, Va., where it established winter quarters. The winter was passed in drills and reconnoissances.
On May 3, 1864, the regiment crossed the Rapidan, on the Wilderness campaign. In the fighting about Spotsylvania Court House, from May 9th until May 18th, it lost 164 men, killed and wounded. Among the killed were six line officers.
March resumed to North Anna, South Anna, and Totopotomoy Rivers; lost 10 men. Battle of Cold Harbor; loss of many men. Crossed the James River; marched to Petersburg; battle of June 16th, 18th, and 22d; lost a number of men. Flank march to Deep Bottom, in July and August; two battles, in which some casualties occurred. Battle of Reams' Station, where we lost 15 men. Siege of Petersburg; fall and winter campaign and temporary camp on the extreme left of the Army of the Potomac. Part of the regiment was discharged on expiration of term of enlistment, and part of the Seventh New York Volunteers, and Thirty-ninth New York Volunteers were incorporated with the Fifty-second.
March 27, 1865, broke camp and the last campaign began; battle at the White Oak Road, and battle at the South Side Road, with a loss of about 25 men. Pursuit of Lee's army. Battle of Farmville, Va., where we lost 2 men, the last battle in which the Fifty-second participated. Surrender of Lee's army.
Returning to Washington, the regiment encamped near Arlington Heights, Va., and marched in the Grand Review through Washington on May 25, 1865. It remained in camp until July 3d, when it broke camp for Home, Sweet Home. It was mustered out of service July 12, 1865.
The Fifty-second Regiment New York Volunteers served three years, nine months and fifteen days. Of 1,800 enlisted men and officers, whose names are on its roll of honor, it lost over 1,000 men by bullets or disease. A great number were discharged from general hospitals and returned, in all about 250 men, of whom only 10 men were of the original regiment that left New York in November, 1861.
The regiment captured two flags, but never lost one. The Fifty-second is one of the 300 fighting regiments mentioned for great bravery arid gallantry in the book known as " Regimental Losses in the War." It was a purely German organization, and maintained its position on the right of the Third Brigade, First Division, Second Corps of the Army of the Potomac, from first to last.

Interested In Joining?
If you have an interest in joining the 52nd New York then please add t If you have any questions before applying, please don't hesitate to ask us.

52ndNY Corporal North

28th Massachusetts Sergeant Major North

Offline Brodo Swaggins

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Re: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.
« Reply #174 on: July 20, 2016, 11:12:54 am »
1st Carolina Infantry Is Recruiting. We are a North and South Reg. and new. I looking or an officer and ranker's right now. We will have events mostly everyday and you don't need to attend every event but its nice if you could.

Offline Colonel Francis

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Re: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.
« Reply #175 on: July 24, 2016, 11:41:54 am »
5th Georgia Volunteer Regiment

Hello there! If perhaps you are looking for a active, large, and old veteran regiment, then I would highly suggest the 5th Georgia Volunteer Regiment. We have been in North and South since NaS 0.4 and we look forward to striving ahead in future updates. We attend events mostly everyday, ranging from different types. Such as Line Battles, Sieges, 1v1s, or even Brigade Fun events. We average around sixteen people per event and are looking to expand. We host two companies within our regiment. Company A "Clinch Rifles, who primary job is to skirmish and conduct sharpshooting fun. However, if you do not like doing such jobs, we also have Company B "Griffin Light Guards". This Company's job is to conduct line operations and interact with melee in events. If you like such sensation, then Co.B is perfect for you.

If you seriously thinking of joining, there is no application nor serious process of becoming a member of the 5th Georgia. If you would to see for yourself or even fully join, then please add myself on steam Franics [5thGA]. Until then, I look forward to seeing you on the battlefield!

Offline DarkBG

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Re: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.
« Reply #176 on: August 12, 2016, 12:28:33 am »
Hi, Im looking for a EU regiment in North and South. I have community and i can bring from 2 to 5 people in regiment. If you needs more recruits and good fighters free to add me on steam:
Everyone from us is good at mele :)


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Re: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.
« Reply #177 on: August 12, 2016, 01:26:06 am »
Hi, Im looking for a EU regiment in North and South. I have community and i can bring from 2 to 5 people in regiment. If you needs more recruits and good fighters free to add me on steam:
Everyone from us is good at mele :)

Hello, I believe that the 19thVA would be a good fit for you and your guys.

We're a relaxed regiment while still keeping a certain level of discipline in the regiment. We are melee-orientated and most of us come from NW.

I'll speak with you on Steam about this more in depth later.


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Re: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.
« Reply #178 on: August 13, 2016, 03:36:07 pm »
Alright, I'm looking now for an N&S one. Many people asked why I didn't play. I'll just do it.

What I am seeking is a relaxed and fun based regiment. No over the top discipline needed but mature. No basic trolling etc. Also not an all too big one.
Doesn't matter which faction it is.

What I can offer is, I can make threads of good quality, signatures and other forum work. I have 4k hours on Warband, so I'm an experienced player.
I will follow the rules at any time and obey the orders. And I will never surrender.  ;D

If you think you want to have me in your regiment, just hit me up on Steam. -

Also, it must be an EU regiment. I cannot attend NA linebattles.


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Re: Post here if looking for a Regiment or Members.
« Reply #179 on: August 13, 2016, 03:42:26 pm »
Alright, I'm looking now for an N&S one. Many people asked why I didn't play. I'll just do it.

What I am seeking is a relaxed and fun based regiment. No over the top discipline needed but mature. No basic trolling etc. Also not an all too big one.
Doesn't matter which faction it is.

What I can offer is, I can make threads of good quality, signatures and other forum work. I have 4k hours on Warband, so I'm an experienced player.
I will follow the rules at any time and obey the orders. And I will never surrender.  ;D

If you think you want to have me in your regiment, just hit me up on Steam. -

Also, it must be an EU regiment. I cannot attend NA linebattles.

I'll speak with you regarding this on Steam.