Al-Kaesh Elitas Brigade Rebels
Captain Bawo - Abdul-Al Salman
Marksman Ynotic - Nassir-Al Mustapha Mahmadu
Gunner Thunder - Ahmedo
Gunner Ketchup - Aziz Enis
Fighter Surtur - Abdul-Nasser Altair
Fighter Jon snow - Al-Hakimo
Carpenter Hugsen - El-Hamdi
Al-Kaesh Elitas Brigade
The Al-Kaesh Elitas Brigade was raised in the year of 2013 by Captain Abdul-Al Salman in South-East Syria, to combat the rising threat of the Islamic State Jew's. The Elitas Brigade quickly found succsess in their lightning quick raids on the Southern border of ISIS controlled ground, with equally good defensive campaigns on the Eastern front, commanded by Captain Abdul-Al Salman; a force of only 8 Al-Kaesh Rebel's repelled over 80 militants in only 3 hours. This brave action gained the young commander some influence in the region, causing more and more young men to flock to the banner daily. They're currently holding a small territory in the South-Eastern borders of ISIS held territory, and launching raids from there. They rose, will you?