Author Topic: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]  (Read 115486 times)

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #1050 on: May 06, 2016, 11:59:20 pm »

Kongeriget Danmark

Due to the ever changing world situation new decisions have been made by his majesty King Christian X of Denmark and his government.

From the age of 8 to 16 Danish children will be required to attend special boy and girl scout clubs, here they will be taught about the glory of the Danish Monarchy and Kingdom and how it is a holy duty to defend our great nation from outside intruders and dangerous ideas and also to obey all orders given by the king. The boys are also to undergo physical training to improve their condition and from the age of 12 will be taught the basics of gun handling and military formations, this is to improve their quality when they one day enter the Danish armed forces!, the girls are to be taught First aid, household management and work in the Danish industry.

Student battalions are also to be formed where Danish male students are to spend 2 hours each day doing military exercise and every year 1 month is to be completely dedicated to military training and drill, incase of war these young men are to work as support units for our main forces.

Police Presence in Copenhagen is to be heavily increased to improve the security of the Danish people and Royal family, the police is to be heavily equipped with Rifles and machine guns any unrest or criminal activity is to he harsly dealt with, the security of the Danish people will not be put at risk!

The Mandatory military training for men between the age of 16-35 is to be increased from 1 week a year to 3 weeks a year.

A young member of the Danish boy scouts.
One of the Newly created Student battalions!
The Danish Police, Keeping a watchful eye on the street.

Offline Reznov

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #1051 on: May 07, 2016, 02:42:45 pm »
Devlet-i Aliyye-i Osmâniyye
"Devlet-i Ebed-müddet"

Diplomatic matters:

The Gracious Sultan Mehmed VI and Shah of Persia; Ahmad Shah Qajar, in all their mercy and kindness have set up a free Egyptian Government, under the former Khedvah of Egypt Abbas Himi II of Egypt who was deposed by the tyrannical British in 1914. We promise the Egyptian people Freedom and independence if they help us in our righteous war against the British and Ethiopian barbarians! The people of Islam must rise up together and fight the oppressors that hold the land of Allah hostage! Long live the Sultanate of Egypt! Long live Sultan Abbas Himi I of Egypt!

Offline Ted

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #1052 on: May 08, 2016, 03:51:27 pm »

Deutsche Demokratische Republik

The Government of the DDR would like to point out that Spain has just declared war on the peaceful nation of France and therefor on the Paris Pact, including Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. This will not go unpunished!

The German Democratic Republic is outrageous on the Danish attempts to infiltrate Germany.

The DDR offers a trade agreement to the noble Empire of Persia.

The DDR offers a trade agreement to the glorious Ottoman Empire.

The DDR offers a trade agreement to the rightful Kingdom of Ethiopia.

The DDR offers a trade agreement to the majestic Portugal.

The DDR offers a trade agreement to its peaceful neighbour Switzerland.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 03:56:25 pm by Ted »
Dat kid who put up a global banlist back in Betty's times.
Former Regiments: 7te Kurmarkische Landwehr, 6te Ulanen, kk Kürassierregiment Nr.4, kk Bombardier-Regiment Nr.3, kk AR Nr.2, GGR Nr.4, Artillerie im Kö.Preuß.IR Nr.33.

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #1053 on: May 08, 2016, 08:21:21 pm »

Glorious People's Republic of France

France extends offers of trade to many of Europe's nations. Despite our ideological differences, trade must continue in Europe. Furthermore, we implore the nations of Europe to recognize the Democratic Republic of Germany as the one true German state. It is imperative that the wars be ended with haste, and trade must flourish once again. We also implore the world to recognize the governments of Belgium and the Netherlands as the one true governments as well as engaging in cordial relations with trade. It is for the best.

The Glorious People's Republic of France has been invaded by the Spanish imperialists. Only recently did a previous Franco-Spanish war end with peace, yet they have invaded us once again! The French people will not tolerate this, and we will not stop until the People's Army marches in the streets of Madrid!

The Glorious People's Republic of France focuses on Light Machine Guns.
The Glorious People's Republic of France focuses on Light Artillery.

The Glorious People's Republic of France declares war on the Kingdom of Spain.

The Glorious People's Republic of France offers trade agreements to the Kingdom of Spain, Ottoman Empire, Kingdom of Greece, Kingdom of Bulgaria, Kingdom of Romania, Persia, Republic of China, Empire of Japan, Republic of Albania, Principality of Montenegro, United States of America, Republic of Brazil, & the British Empire.

Offline The Mighty McLovin

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #1054 on: May 08, 2016, 08:42:23 pm »
Deutsches Übergangsregierung

"Nieder mit den Kommunisten!"

The GiG shall never accept that the Democratic Republic of Germany is the true German state. Any nations led by Communists are illegitimate.  We urge all nations, if they are not purged by the Communist poison, to halt trade with Germany until the rightful Deutsches Übergangsregierung government takes over the throne of Germany. A blockade from all nations of Europe, would strangle Germany's economy and lead to the faster demise of Communist Germany.

Members of the GiG army

~Präsident Wilhelmder Deutsches Übergangsregierung
« Last Edit: May 10, 2016, 04:42:47 pm by The Mighty McLovin »

Offline Vald

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #1055 on: May 08, 2016, 09:38:11 pm »

Kongeriget Danmark

The Kingdom of Denmark declares its neutrality in the ongoing conflict between the communist nations of Europe and Austria-Hungary and the Russian Empire, we vow to not follow an aggressive policy towards any of these nations, as long as they do not violate our sovereign territory and independence. However if any nations decides to violate our neutrality or that of our allies we are prepared to defend ours and their sovereignty.

His majesty would like to apologize to the DDR for attempting to conduct Espionage in Berlin, he would like to assure the DDR and all the other communist nations of Europe that no Danish agents will be sent into their nations to commit acts of terror or Espionage, we hope we can return to the good relations we have had with the DDR in the past.

We pray for a quick end to the conflicts that have been ravaging Europe for the last 2 years, and hope the warring nations will be able to agree to a peace treaty.

The Kiel Canal will be re-opened
« Last Edit: May 08, 2016, 09:41:11 pm by Vald »

Offline Cazasar

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #1056 on: May 08, 2016, 09:40:56 pm »
The U.S.A reminds everyone that whoever trades with communist Nations is a sworn enemy of the U.S.A.

We will not accept any trade proposal by communist nations and advice every other nation to do the same.
Cazasar interacting with the boys
me and cazasar interacting

Offline Shmaloshefer

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #1057 on: May 10, 2016, 09:14:08 pm »

Glory to the Motherland!

Tsar Mikhael Alexandrovich addresses Switzerland:
First you send spies to my glorious empire, secondly you do not apologize for it, but have the audacity to blame me of such wrongdoings? You will receive none of your spies back, they are enemies of The Russian Empire, who tried to harm it. They (the Swiss spies) will be treated as citizens guilty of treason, seeing as they were caught attempting to harm our sacred lands. Your embassy will be closed within a fortnight of this date, at the end of which it will be demolished, like our great empire's trust in you. Your officials will find their own way back, because our government will not assist in any way. If your officials will remain on Russian soil in 16 days, they will be treated as citizens guilty of treason.
When this war ends we will settle our score, but in the meanwhile; keep a tight watch over your tiny nation.

Tsar Mikhael Alexandrovich addresses the rest of the nations:
I hereby denounce Switzerland for it is treacherous and untrustworthy. I advise all nations to disassociate themselves from Switzerland.

By the grace of God,
Mikhael Alexandrovich, Emperor of Russia.

Offline Volk

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #1058 on: May 11, 2016, 06:11:16 am »
June 1st-30th

The GiG and the "Freikorps" groups form an alliance!

The Kingdom of Denmark expands it's mandatory military training.
The Kingdom of Denmark institutes mandatory military service for minors!

The Ottoman Empire forms the Khedivate of Egypt!

The Glorious People's Republic of France declares war on the Kingdom of Spain.
The Kingdom of Spain declares war on the Glorious People's Republic of France.

The Glorious People's Republic of France focuses on Light Machine Guns and Light Artillery.

The UBSR focuses on Heavy Artillery and Heavy Machine Guns.

The Kingdom of Denmark re-opens the Kiel Canal.

Misc. News

-The King of Ethiopia was sent a mysterious package this past month. A mysterious carpet was unraveled to reveal... a Banana.

-Smuggling activities of goods into Communist Europe have skyrocketed in the past months.

-Danish Interior agents have raided the Swiss Embassy due to suspicions of possible espionage. No news has been released about the situation.

-Large numbers of foreign ships have been spotted lurking the waters near the former Dutch East Indies. Possible invaders or just trade vessels misidentified?


Western Front

"The Second Peninsular War"

The wars in the west have not been won. In fact the war between Italy and France has been all but forgotten. Completely overshadowed by the chaos in Germany as well as by the new war with Spain. The French have not forgotten however.

In North Africa, the French Colonial Army launched a moderate offensive with shelling lasting 5 days. The offensive ended in a textbook stalemate, the French gaining some land off of the Italians but not enough to constitute it being a "victory" for either side. The French took 72 thousand casualties while the Italians took 77 thousand casualties.

After a long period of silence, the French guns suddenly boomed throughout the first week of June. For 5 days and 5 nights the French guns roared, battering the Italian positions with heavy concentrated fire. Unfortunately for the French, the attack that followed was a disorganized failure, doing nothing more than just contributing to the hundreds of dead being piled up in No Man's Land. The offensive was an utter failure on all sections, ending inconclusively with 96 thousand French casualties and 56 thousand Italian casualties.

Further south, the Spanish encroachment into France has been met with a major obstacle. A significant French army has made a hasty advance to meet the Spanish Army. With both sides not willing to attack, trench lines are once again being dug, forming yet another front line in this already complicated mess of wars and conflicts. Blood will follow.

Anglo-Turkish War

"The Siege of Mecca"

The war in the Near East continues, with more blood being spilled and more shocks and surprises from the region.

Following their utter rout in Egypt, the British Empire was not about to be outdone by the "sick man of Europe". With great haste and fantastic energy, the British Army of the Levant pressed forward in an offensive against the Ottoman Turks in the Levant. What they were met with was little resistance. Reports circulate that at some places the Turkish battle lines were all but abandoned! The British had no opposition! Unwilling to let this opportunity slip, the British pressed forward with lightning like speed, quickly advancing on the city of Jerusalem. Now, only mere miles away, the British Army has Jerusalem in their sights. They need only take it.

However, not all is fine and dandy for the British Empire. Following their great rout in Egypt, the British Empire watched helplessly as the Ottoman Army marched into the Egyptian city of Cairo. In a remarkable turn of events the Ottoman Empire has formally formed the Khedivate of Egypt as part of their campaign to sanction Egyptian separatist movements! The recently deposed Abbas II of Egypt was put back into power by the Turkish forces, with a small but promising government looking to regain de facto control over now British Egypt. The British remain unable to be found in Egypt.

The situation in Mecca looks bleak for the Ethiopians as well. Having successfully taken the holy city, the Ethiopian Royal Army began its march northward in an attempt to capture more territory from the recently pushed back Ottomans. The Ethiopians found themselves suddenly surrounded on a front encompassing the entire city. It was a siege! Hundreds, if not hundreds of thousands of Turkish & Arabic troops surrounded the holy city of Mecca, determined to defeat or even starve out the Ethiopian invaders and retake their city. The Ethiopian attempt to break this siege before it even started was halted abruptly. Because of the suddenness of the siege, the Ethiopian Royal Army was unable to properly set up for true offensive operations. The attacks were a bloody mess, the Turkish defenders making short work of the Ethiopians and their new toys. Ethiopian tanks and vehicles littered the landscape, while scores of Ethiopian storm troopers were seen in bloody clumps and piles, many burned to death by accidental explosions from friendly flamethrower crews. The Ottomans took 61 thousand casualties, barely a dent compared to the size of their army, while the Ethiopians took 96 thousand casualties.

Ethiopia does have good news for once however. Wild and shocking reports circulate throughout the region as stories of foreign troops invading Turkish lands on the *other* side of the Bosphorous shakes up the Ottoman military. Indeed, these rumors appear to have merit to them as it is confirmed that a large Ethiopian army has begun an invasion by land into Ottoman Empire "proper", putting them within striking distance of the Turkish capital city of Constantinople!! Rumors circulate throughout the region as to how the Ethiopians managed to invade via land. Some say it was pure dumb luck that they found a place to invade and simply disembarked and continue on foot. Others say intrigue inside the Ottoman military or even navy allowed them to invade with ease. Others put the blame on neighboring countries like Bulgaria, though these rumors have yet to be confirmed. What is confirmed is the fact that the Ottoman Empire is in a dangerous position. With an enemy army bearing down on their capital city, if they do not act fast the Anglo-Turkish War could be over - by Ethiopian Victory...

German Civil War!

"White Army - Black Barons"

The German Civil War, originally a war of diplomacy and words, has finally taken a turn for the worst. Or, depending on who you ask, the best.

The GiG, formerly based in London, has finally made its way onto mainland Germany! A large British fleet sailed into the harbor of Hamburg, docking and quickly dropping off a significant corps of soldiers. The city, as a threat to any would be resistance, was shelled immediately by the big guns of the British ships in harbor. While the barrage only lasted for 30 minutes, many hundreds of people were killed, instilling fear into both the Communists as well as the common people. The GiG forces quickly took control of the city, as Communist opposition all but fled in the face of such a naval invasion. Quickly hoisting the flag of the GiG above the slightly damaged city hall, the city was proclaimed to be the capital of the anti-communist GiG. The surrounding region was quickly occupied as the irregular defenders fled in terror. The GiG finally, with a great flourish and already hundreds dead, has begun their anti-communist campaign in Germany.

More bitter news rings from the Communist German government however. The Communist Government has begun a deadly campaign of forced "protective custody". Militiamen, irregular troops, and agents of the interior stormed into various villages, hamlets, towns and cities in Germany's northern regions. Quickly erecting makeshift POW style camps, the civilian population of the regions were detained and imprisoned in these camps for "protection". Rumors and reports of Communist atrocities spread like wildfire. Villages looted, razed and destroyed by the Communists, entire families killed, some shot on sight for resisting commands by German Interior agents. Many reports even possibly confirm the mass burning of entire villages and people, with some being burned alive in their homes while others were literally burned at the stake! These actions are not limited to Germany's northern regions either. As it turns out, the reports began to surge from all over Germany, with stories of entire villages ransacked in search of possible dissenters and conspirators. The Communists of Germany have begun a reign of terror on their own population.

The majority of the brutality however stems from Germany's northern regions. In other regions the "terror" is benign, a mere inconvenience to the people in exchange for security. In Pommerania however, the Freikorp's recent successes with attacks on the Communist government have appeared to have caused retribution to be dealt to the region. As a result the Freikorps has seemingly gone into retreat. However this turned out to be a ruse as suddenly news broke that the Freikorps have finally come out of hiding and taken control of 2 small regions of Germany! By the coast of the Baltic Sea, the Freikorps have quickly overthrown the meager Communist garrisons and "liberated" the regions. In more startling news, the Freikorps and the GiG have come into an uneasy alliance with each other, apparently united in their struggle against a common enemy! As news spreads of both GiG liberation and Freikorps liberation, rumors of defections and German commoners turning over to other factions spreads throughout Germany. While the war of blood and steel has yet to begin, the war of hearts and minds has begun.

The revolution is not dead from a military standpoint however. A massive German offensive into Russian occupied West Prussia was met with great German success, albeit minor. After a mighty shelling 15 days and nights long, German storm troopers rushed forward in an offensive matched with gas and brutal close quarters combat. However, the great offensive was embarrassingly sloppy, with entire sections receiving conflicting orders. The confusion was not as bad as the confusion seen on the Russian side however, who were simply dumbstruck and unable to mount any sort of organized defense at all. In short, the offensive was a sloppy mess, with the Germans only winning by being slightly less sloppy than their Russian counterparts. The Russians took 86 thousand casualties, mainly due to the sheer efficiency of the newer gas used by the German Army. The German Army took 38 thousand casualties but were unable to capitalize on their gains due to time constraints. The offensive continues.

In Silesia, the Russians managed to find themselves a smashing victory against the French Communist Army aiding the Germans. With superior technology and gas, the Russian defense was well put together and insurmountable, leading to great disaster for the unorganized and exhausted French. The Russians took only 28 thousand casualties while the French took a whopping 98 thousand casualties.

In Bohemia, another German offensive with 15 days of shelling was seen, with equally messy and equally devastating results. The German Army launched a concentrated offensive into the borderlands of Austria and Bohemia, striking at the Austrian army recently brought to battle. Once again the Germans won through superior gas and lesser mediocrity. The Austrians, despite being caught completely unaware and ill-prepare, put up a great defense in the face of insurmountable odds. Unfortunately for the Austrians, they were pushed back. The German offensive was a success, however once again this great success was hampered by time constraints. The Germans took 43 thousand casualties while the Austrians took 76 thousand casualties.

In the Baltic Sea, the German Navy launched a surprise attack on the Russian Navy of the Baltic, which has been sitting idle in the waters near the Gulf of Ladoga for a long time. The superior German Navy, with better training and better quality everything, crossed the Russian fleet's T and effectively damaged the Russian fleet. Unable to outmaneuver the sudden attacker, the Russian Navy was forced to withdraw. The German Navy suffered 3 ships lost and minor damage, as well as time wasted fighting, while the Russian fleet suffered 7 ships lost and moderate damage.

Wall Street Journal

"Diplomatic Embargo"

The economy and industry of the world continues to chug along gleefully. However, the huge all-encompassing wars that have engulfed Europe stifle the previously exponential growth of Europe's economies. It appears recent events have finally taken their toll.

The nations least affected by the recent events are those on the fringes of the conflict zone known as Europe. Nations in the western hemisphere and the Far East have seen little to no damage to their economies. The industries of Japan and America continue to work and produce. High production means high demand for raw materials, and the distance from war allows trade of said materials to flourish. The developing economies of Mexico, China, & other smaller countries continue to grow as well.

Other nations, while not 100% affected by the recent conflict, have noticed some sharp changes to their economical potential. The new Swedish Empire has grown tremendously via annexation of essentially all of Scandinavia. The British Empire and its vast colonial possessions power the sprawling economical machine and further enrich the coffers of Great Britain. The Russian Empire, despite a huge war against Germany and Austria, maintains a steady economy, not seeing any decline however not seeing any improvement as well. These nations, although not tremendously affected by recent events, are beginning to see their economies slowly stagnate. The recent capture of the Suez Canal, foreign embargoes, blockades, and war damages are all noted as causes for the stagnation and impairment of these massive economies.

A recent new development has been the birth of Left-wing Socialist/Communist nations in Europe, namely France, Germany, and the Low Countries. Indeed, the diplomatic effects of the births of these nations have been shown to impair or even stop altogether economic growth. The Glorious People's Republic of France, though better received by the nations of Europe diplomatically, joins the other 3 mentioned Communist nations in sharing the same symptom of "Diplomatic Embargo": No other nation will recognize their government as legitimate. Because of this, no trade can be officially sanctioned by the nations of Europe, which in turn shatters the economies of these Communist nations. While free trade between these Communist nations has been seen to somewhat remedy the problem, the economic pressure from these de facto embargoes is simply too much for the lone Communist economies to bear.

However, these diplomatic embargoes work both ways. The massive industrial giant that is Germany, because of these diplomatic issues, does not trade with any other nation besides France and the Low Countries. While detrimental for the Communists, it is also detrimental for other European nations as well. The small Republic of Switzerland, lodged in between Communist France, Germany, and Royal Italy, has seen startling economic decline following the de facto embargoes on Communist nations. Another key nation, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, also is noted to have economic troubles looming in the distance because of said embargoes. Added with the constant pressure of manpower losses, occupation of land, disruptions of trade, and other key factors, the Austrian economy is beginning to deteriorate. The same can be said for other European nations: Denmark, Spain, and Italy are other nations showing the same symptoms of economic disruption as a result of the wars and political strife. The Balkans, through trade between one another, have been doing decently, however they too suffer from manpower losses and disruptions of trade. The Ottoman Empire has also been noted to have been declining economically.

In short, while other nations on the fringes of the world and Europe continue to chug along nicely in terms of economy, recent political strife and war has battered much of Europe's economy as well as the world's. Manufactured goods from Germany cannot get to the markets of Europe and beyond, while raw materials from nations like the Russian Empire, China, & regions of the British Empire cannot make it to the developing economies of Europe as well as the highly demanding industries of Europe. Europe is having many economical problems, all linked to war and political strife. A quick and timely end to the wars, the German Civil War, or even just truces between all would greatly boost the economies of Europe. The only way for Europe to begin to fully recover however, is through assured peace. The wars of Europe must end, trade must be established again between nations, and the trade routes of the world must become safe and active once more. Whether this means negotiation and diplomacy, or quick and ruthless victory in war is for the nations of Europe to decide.




The date is July 1st, 1916. (7/1/1916)

The Khedivate of Egypt has been formed!

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #1059 on: May 11, 2016, 07:26:59 am »
Sorry, wrong thread
Dat kid who put up a global banlist back in Betty's times.
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Offline The Mighty McLovin

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #1060 on: May 11, 2016, 05:17:47 pm »

Self-Declared State of the Königreich von Deutschland

The Deutsches Übergangsregierung proclaims the self-declared state of the Königreich von Deutschland (Kingdom of Germany). The former members of the German Interim Government will form the basis of the new government of the German Kingdom.

The Königreich von Deutschland will begin the Communist Cleansing of Hamburg, issuing the following laws:
     - All Communist businesses, land or anything originally took from the nobles, will be handed back to the nobles in Hamburg.
     - Anyone convicted of being a Communist, will be imprisoned in prisons all across Hamburg. High-ranking members and teachers will be shot.

A Communist agitator being shot by German troops

The Königreich von Deutschland announces the formation of the Zustance Geheimpolizei (State Secret Police), recruited members originally from the Police Force in Hamburg, who will be tasked with the job of arresting Communist agitators, killing high-ranking members or teachers and putting down Communist riots within Hamburg. They will be equipped with military rifles from the military.

Policemen of the Zustance Geheimpolizei

The The Königreich von Deutschland will remove all Communist propaganda, and replace them with the ideals of Pan-Germanism. König Wilhelm belives that all the German states should be united under a single banner, a single nation. The Germanic Peoples, united under a single firm leader, could achieve greatness. Propaganda posters supporting Pan-Germanism will be printed and spread throughout Hamburg, along with schools being ordered to taught teachings of Pan-Germanism and the history of Germany, the greatest nation on Earth!

Pan-Germanism Propaganda
Pan-Germanism Propaganda

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #1061 on: May 12, 2016, 07:13:18 pm »

Deutsche Demokratische Republik

The DDR condemns the action of the GiG.

The bombardment of a not defended city as well as the execution of teachers is a horrible crime and will not be tolerated. The GiG is finally showing its real face - a face of destruction and horror

The DDR does not recognize the Königreich.

The DDR issues the spreading of Anti-Gig propaganda.

The Government of the German Democratic Republic points out that those taken into protective custodity will be treated well.

They will be kept in protective custodity for their own and everyone's else safety.

The Government issues the spreading of new pro-communist propaganda material all over the country.



To remember and honor the heroes fighting for our freedom, the 1st March now is an official holiday called "Tag der Nationalen Volks Armee"

The Government orders the Freikorps to lay down their weapons immediately. If they do not do so they will be seen as traitors to the state.

The Government points out that the DDR indeed has achieved a great Pan-German, united nation - the GiG instead is invading Germany.

The DDR invites an Austrian ambassador for peacetalks. We have defended ourselves, now it is time for peace.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 07:16:31 pm by Ted »
Dat kid who put up a global banlist back in Betty's times.
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Offline The Mighty McLovin

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #1062 on: May 12, 2016, 08:00:14 pm »

Self-Declared State of the Königreich von Deutschland

The Kingdom of Germany and the United States have signed a trade agreement; the US will send over war materiel to Germany, including money and war equipment.

- King Wilhelm of Germany
- President Woodrow Wilson of the United States

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #1063 on: May 12, 2016, 08:16:27 pm »

His Majesty Alfonso, and the government of Spain are outraged with the current antics in Europe. Although we fully
support Swiss neutrality, a "neutral" nation should not be sending agents to foreign lands. We feel that sanctions must be imposed
if Switzerland wishes to be taken seriously. Spain increases the tax on all Swiss goods by 25% until further notice

The leaders of Spain also wish to further warn nations of the threat of Communism. It has lead to an unstable Europe. To add to the political disruption,
the Spanish government has received word from refugees that Communist governments (especially those of France and Germany) do not treat their
citizens well. French and German citizens are reported to be starved if they do not work, and prisoners in state custody are often left to rot in cells.
This cannot continue, and the good people of Europe cannot and should not continue to live with these atrocities. Therefore, Spain is formally
declaring war on the Paris Pact. We again ask all nations that oppose the Communist disease do the same, and support our cause

Spain begins to focus on the production of light artillery and machine guns
Spain begins publishing anti-communist propaganda throughout the country once again
« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 08:21:25 pm by Emperor Napoleon »

Offline Vald

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Re: BoP: Europe 1914 [Round 3]
« Reply #1064 on: May 12, 2016, 08:21:42 pm »

Kongeriget Danmark

His majesty King Christian X has two important announcements to make!
First of all due to Slesvig-Holsten now being part of the Danish realm we have chosen a new national animal, from now on the Husum Swine will be known as the official Danish national animal due to its importance to the Danes living in Slesvig-Holsten while it was under German occupation.
The Husum Swine, a glorious animal!

We also have Chosen a new national dish, Roast Pork with brown sauce potatoes and red cabbage! always good with a Tuborg Pilsner!
« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 08:24:45 pm by Vald »