Author Topic: Lancers :/  (Read 10608 times)

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Offline Angelus Lapsus Revan

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Re: Lancers :/
« Reply #45 on: February 04, 2013, 07:03:58 pm »
You know nothing about me, my regiment nor skill of both, so don't even try to say that i'm just noob or i can't play. I won't answer to your "message". First stop hating and offending.
I'm not hating on you or your regiment.

And yes I do know something about you, since you put up a thread about how lancers are OP, I know that you don't have skill.

You attack my class and how it's OP when,
1. You're not really experienced in the game. ( I'm only saying this because you put up a thread on how OP Lancers are, when a experienced player would not whine at all)

Again, I've been dealing with people like you since the MM days, mainly infantry players, but still some Cavalry players.

Another player I can think of who would kick my butt here n there a lot of times is a player named KillerMongoose.
And this was back in the MM days....where lancers were considered "more op".

And sure experienced players would probably get upset if they get killed a lot by a certain class.....but they still wouldn't whine about it.

I've been getting my horse shot from under me from a far, medium, short distance by Infantry since MM.
I've been getting killed when my face is in the dirt when I get dehorsed since MM.
I've been getting dehorsed by Hussars since MM.
I've been getting killed by Hussars since MM.
I've been getting killed by Heavy Cav since MM.

And I have never once made a thread on how a certain class is OP.

"Hello my name is rock I think scissors is ok but paper should be nerfed."

« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 07:07:49 pm by Angelus Lapsus Revan »
5arge, not a God damn idiot.

Offline SaddamAZR

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Re: Lancers :/
« Reply #46 on: February 04, 2013, 07:10:21 pm »
Lol...Another person saying Lancers are OP. I've been dealing with this since the MM days.

Lancers are 'almost' as fast as hussars....but hussars can still kick a lancers ass.
It's that speed they have.... ::)
There is a way to kill skilled lancers....I'm a skilled lancer...and I've been killed many times by, for example, Pepper of the 1erPLG, who uses hussar mainly, and Griffith of the 256th(?)...Who also always uses hussar. We all have fun fighting each other because we all know we're so skilled. We all know that we need to concentrate a lot to make sure we get the other.

"it's almost impossible to do it with hussar"....I can tell you right now, that, you don't know what you're talking about.

"The best way to change it is to make lancers able only to couch the lance, make the lances really slower or give lancers heavy horses." don't know what you're talking about. Only being able to use couched lance?

1. You never played Lancer or haven't played Lancer class enough to know how stupid this sounds.
2. Veteran/Skilled Lancers don't really like using couched lance...simply because it doesn't have a lot of reach as a simple thrust of a lance does.
3. Give Lancers slower horses? don't know what you're talking about.

My advice to you is, now don't get mad, to get some skill.
Yes...some skill.

I've dealt with too many noob players from both the Cav classes and mainly infantry classes saying how OP Lancers are.

I've also dealt with a good chunk of players who are actually good at the game.
And can also deal with lancers.
Both good Infantry Players and Cavalry players.
I already gave you two examples of some of the best Cavalry players I've seen, Pepper and Griffith.

Good Infantry players?
There is,
Chester, LittleGuy, Ghosty, Colonys.

Why don't all of these good veteran players don't whine/complain about lancers and you do?
Because they know how to play the game.
Because they're actually good at the game.

So go get some skill please.

Anyone who whines about any in-game class is like if someone were to say

"Hello my name is rock I think scissors is ok but paper should be nerfed."

That's how silly you sound.
Get skill. Get skill. Get skill.

Like someone already said on Page One....lancers were already nerfed from MM.....
If you get enough whiny/noobish/ no skilled players to complain about something that they don't understand....then the highers will change it...because majority rules..

And as a experienced cavalry player....(Since Cavalry is the minority in this community) we really have no say in anything.
And it really pisses me off when some noobish player(s) comes whining about Lancers.
Especially the little weirdos who have rarely played as Lancer, Rarely played as lancer but yet have a full understanding of it.

We Lancers already have it hard enough.
With the Infantry being able to shoot us from afar, middle, or short distance.
With Infantry being able to kill us when we get dehorsed and we have our faces in the ground.

With Hussars having the upper hand in speed and killing us whilst on top of horses.
With Heavy Cavarly having their very tough horse, being able to take more hits.

Let us lancers have what we have!
Lancers are far from being OP, in MM it was different story mainly because then couched lance outreached bayonet (meaning inf with unloaded guns were free kills for lancer) and ability to block with lance made skilled lancers impervious to hussars. However, now their horses are even crappier and they cannot block with lance and bayonets got longer.
Lancers mainly backstab infantry (which cannot make them OP since any class can backstab), while against cavalry they have upper hand against heavy cav while hussars can easily keep out of lances range or dodge it until they get an opening, when lancer dies because he cannot block.

You know nothing about me, my regiment nor skill of both, so don't even try to say that i'm just noob or i can't play. I won't answer to your "message". First stop hating and offending.
Revan might not be the sharpest pencil in the drawer, but hes got a point.
As have been shown before, lancers get crappier horses than other classes. They cannot harm aware infantry (since blocking down is easy, and trying to couch lance aware infantry will just get you stabbed), once they get their horses reared they're dead and they cannot go toe to toe with hussars. Really, they're only good against heavy cavalry and dragoons (everyone's good against dragoons though).
Considering heavy cavalry goes thru infantry as hot knife thru butter, I consider that a fair trade-off.

Yep, i totally agree with you guys. Every unit has advantages and disadvantages and there is a way to defeat ANY unit. Lancers are much weaker than those from MM and IMO all horsemen classes are balanced (except Dragoon, which is quite difficult to fight against other cav unit).

Offline KillerMongoose

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Re: Lancers :/
« Reply #47 on: February 04, 2013, 07:11:59 pm »
I remember when I used to think lancers were OP but after a while I decided that instead of complaining about it, I would get better and improve myself and learn to defeat them. As a hussar I managed to become the bane of lancers and found myself responsible for more than a few dead lancers. To beat a lancer requires timing, maneuvering, and some balls. If you just charge straight at them you will most certainly die a painful, agonizing death. Revan can testify on my behalf I'm sure. Dragoons who do drive-bys are the real assholes :P

Offline Angelus Lapsus Revan

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Re: Lancers :/
« Reply #48 on: February 04, 2013, 07:37:01 pm »
I remember when I used to think lancers were OP but after a while I decided that instead of complaining about it, I would get better and improve myself and learn to defeat them. As a hussar I managed to become the bane of lancers and found myself responsible for more than a few dead lancers. To beat a lancer requires timing, maneuvering, and some balls. If you just charge straight at them you will most certainly die a painful, agonizing death. Revan can testify on my behalf I'm sure. Dragoons who do drive-bys are the real assholes :P
Yes, KillerMongoose! I most certainly agree with you.

Matim, take it from this awesome player.

Whenever I saw him or anyone who I  knew would be a challenge, I would get excited instead! Because I knew we both had skill, I knew we both can easily kill each other.

When you get skill (Not hating on you), instead of saying classes are OP....You'll be excited when you face your enemies.
And much as I hate Dragoons.....I still think they take skill.

Matim, would you like to go practice on some servers? Probably my regiments server or the 1erPLG's Cav Groupfighting server?
Instead of me seeing people who have no skill and complain about classes....I'd like to see everyone who plays this game be good at it and know what to do.

I don't know much about being Hussar or Heavy Cav, since I don't really play them.
But I'm sure after a good chunk of rounds of me and you practicing, I think you'll get it.

Or we could even bring some Hussar or Heavy Cav player to join us.
5arge, not a God damn idiot.

Offline Smithy91

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Re: Lancers :/
« Reply #49 on: February 05, 2013, 01:32:12 am »
Seems that you have difficulty in manouvering your horse to enable you to kill lancers easily, remember that their weakness is their right hand side of their horse, and of course, to their rear. Someone mentioned about 'stalling' a lancer's horse by running in front of him, this is by far my favourite tactic when fighting vs the bruhlans in our trainings.

I myself do not use the lance often, I prefer my light cavalry sabre, and i'm sure that people, if asked will testify that my sabre can really cause stress to my bruhlans when we're working on our anti cav trainings. Using a sword, especially the longer heavy cavalry sword can be an instant horse killer, most lancers go for the kill, so release slightly later than if you were to swing for the horse's mouth when at full speed.

As i'm sure your aware, dismounted lancers are near useless in public play or LB's, equipped with only a lance that cannot block, and a sword that their proficiency is lacking in, they are often cut down easily. Just remember, don't always go for the kill vs a lancer.

A point you seem to be missing out on as well, is the fact that lancers are anti cavalry. Calling that they are OP because, when you are cavalry, they are killing well...ridiculous. Myself and Killermongoose used to have these 'friendly' converssations on the old MM forums :P And I too can testify that he has learnt the skills needed to defeat lancers in 1 v 1 combat.

My final point, is that your examples so far, have been based on tournaments and groupservers, including well led, experienced and well trained cavalry. I'd suggest you step back, train up on the official battle servers, then re-enter them. As said, these guys are experienced and well trained cavalry players, so making threads stating that you are getting destroyed by them, is again, an invalid use of a thread imo.

Hope some of this may have helped, like Rev said, if you want to go up against some lancers, i'm sure we Bruhlans, 1stPLG or the FK can help you out if you message us :)

- Smithy