Author Topic: Blitz_craig 's Historical Maps [29 Total]  (Read 49166 times)

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Blitz_craig 's Historical Maps [29 Total]
« on: November 11, 2012, 08:38:27 pm »

100 Days Campaign 1815
Papelotte (Waterloo)
Plancenoit (Waterloo)
6th Coalition 1813-1814
Citadelle de Bitche
Grosser Garten (Dresden)
Halle Gate (Leipzig)
Spandau Zitadelle
Torhaus Dolitz (Leipzig)
Russian Campaign 1812
Bagration Fleches (Borodino)
Crossing the Berezina
Raevsky Redoubt (Borodino)
Danube Campaign 1809
Festung Kufstein
Malborghetto Blockhaus
Peninsular War 1808-1814
San Sebastian
The Seminary (2nd Oporto)
Duellists (Film)
Leuthen (7 Years War)
Martello Tower
North & South Modification
Jenkins Ferry
Monocacy Junction

Important Note! If you would like to modify any of the above maps it is permissible but please identify them as maps modified from an original on my thread when listing credit on this or any other forum or website. Many of the maps on this thread have not been play tested with large numbers of players and may need further edits to improve game-play balance.


100 Days Campaign 1815

Ligny (Battle, Conquest)
Napoleon's last victory. Fought at the same time as the battle of Quatre Bras, which was just a few miles away. The allies were prevented from linking up and the Prussians had to go it alone in a battle of attrition with the French main army along the Ligny Brook. The French prevailed late in the day when a massive assault of the Imperial Guard finally dislodged the Prussians and forced them to retreat. The map only portrays the village of Ligny and omits the other two that straddled the Ligny Brook, St. Amand and St. Amand la Haye, since the size of the whole battlefield could not fit within the scale of the game without significant loss of detail. Also, Ligny Brook is about twice as wide in the map as it actually was in reality. It is unfordable except in the shallow area in front of the Bois de Loup.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe 

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Papelotte (Waterloo) (Battle, Siege)
Papelotte was the third walled farm complex on the field of Waterloo that anchored the far left of Wellington's line. It was garrisoned by a battalion of Nassauers and held out for the duration of the battle. The map closely resembles the actual Papelotte including the rather elaborate, multi-storied gatehouse. No artillery is provided. The buildings will have to be taken by storm.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000023002a1ba0004210900003ca000006a8900007a7b 

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Download Link (Siege):

Plancenoit (Waterloo) (Battle, Siege)
1815...At the height of the battle of Waterloo the French have finally succeeded in capturing the farmhouse at the center of the Anglo-Allied line. Now the French will send their horse artillery to the top of the ridge to pound the British infantry squares into a bloody pulp. However, the Prussians, long thought to be out of the campaign after their defeat at Ligny, have been seen emerging out of the Paris wood on the French right flank. Napoleon sends elements of the imperial guard to intercept them. The village of Plancenoit will provide a convenient anchor point for a defense on this part of the battlefield. If the guard can hold off the Prussians long enough for the rest of the army to deliver the coup de grace on the British, Napoleon may yet win the campaign and preserve his tenuous rule over France since coming back from exile.

Defenders spawn behind the church in Plancenoit. The attackers spawn on the other side of Lasne brook and must take a somewhat circuitous route to come to grips with defenders in the village. This will give them time to prepare defenses in the village streets, such as barricades. The objective flag for the attackers to capture is in front of the church just beyond the graveyard.

Historical Painting by Adolf Northern

256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000023002a1ba0004210900003ca000006a8900007a7b 

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Download Link (Siege):

Wavre (Battle, Siege)
After his victory over the Prussians at Ligny, Napoleon sends Marshall Grouchy with 30,000 men to pursue the retreating Prussians in order to prevent them from reforming and joining forces with Wellington's army. As the sound of fighting erupts at Waterloo miles away, Grouchy's subordinates urge him to march to the sound of the guns. However, he insists on following Napoleon's orders to the letter and continues further north to engage the Prussian rear guard just across the Dyle River at Wavre. Unknown to Grouchy is the fact that the main body of the Prussian army is already in transit towards Waterloo. In order to intercept them he will have to quickly push aside a Prussian corps under General Thielmann guarding three bridges over the Dyle. Two at Wavre and another at the Bierge Mill not far to the west.

The map has an option for siege set-up which should do well to portray what was essentially a delaying action on the part of the Prussians. The objective flag is astride the road leading west to Waterloo between Wavre and Bierge. The defenders spawn behind the towns of Wavre and Bierge and the attackers spawn in a clearing near the road going north into Wavre. The Map is designed for both infantry and cavalry.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe 

Download Link (Battle):!
Download Link (Siege):

6th Coalition 1813-1814

Citadelle de Bitche (Siege)
The Citadelle de Bitche was designed by the famous French military engineer Vauban and built at a strategic crossroads by the village of Bitche in the foothills of the Vosges mountains near the French and German border. During the French Revolutionary wars in 1793 it successfully held off the Prussian besiegers. In 1814 when France was invaded again, the Prussians this time only blockaded it. The citadels defenders did not surrender until the Congress of Vienna. Again in 1870 during the Franco-Prussian War, the citadel was besieged by Prussia's allies, the Bavarians. Even with more modern rifled breach loading artillery levelled against it, the citadel held out until the end of the war. The key to its impregnability lay in the fact that a good portion of its walls were carved out of a solid sandstone ridge, making it virtually cannon proof. I have made the upper walls nondestructable to reflect this. However, the lower walls can be destroyed providing access points to stairwells and ramps. Attackers spawn behind the farms and their artillery is mounted on the higher elevations. Can you conquer the "Bitche"?


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe 

Download Link:!

Grosser Garten (Dresden) (Battle)
By 1813 Napoleon has hastily rebuilt his Grande Army after the Russian disaster and concentrated it in the territory of his reluctant Saxon ally. A new coalition of Russians, Prussians, and Austrians now outnumber Napoleon and converge on his supply depot at Dresden, the Capitol of the Kingdom of Saxony. If they can capture it, they will force the French out of central Europe and undoubtedly cause more defections from the Confederation of the Rhine. However, just before they launch their attack Napoleon arrives to bolster the garrison with reinforcements and constructs a series redoubts just outside the old city walls. Redoubt #2 is located near the Grosser Garten (Grand Garden). It surrounds the Sommer Palais (Summer Palace), one of the residences of the King of Saxony. The battle of Dresden will rage in the Grand Garden and in the suburbs of the city for the next two days. Thanks to good interior lines of communication, the outnumbered French are able to beat off the poorly coordinated Russian, Austrian, and Prussian attacks and inflict severe casualties. The coalition retreats back to Bohemia to regroup and plan for a new place to strike.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe 

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Halle Gate (Leipzig) (Siege)
It is the fourth day of fighting at the battle of Leipzig and the allies of the 6th coalition have pushed the French and their remaining allies on to the city of Leipzig itself. Fierce battles erupt around the gates of the city as the coalition seeks to capture as many prisoners from the Grande Army as they can. The only avenue of escape lies to the west in the form of a narrow causeway over marshy ground culminating in the bridges near the village of Lindenau. The Halle Gate is the closest to the Grande Army's escape route. If the coalition can break through here, they could possibly bag Napoleon's entire army.

The mission for the attackers is to capture the outer Halle Gate (aka The Gerber Gate), cross the bridge, fight your way up Gerber street, and capture the inner Halle Gate that provides access to the city of Leipzig. The defenders must keep the attackers out of Leipzig long enough for the Grande Army to escape to the west.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe 

Download Link:!

Spandau Zitadelle (Siege)
As the remnants of the Grande Army limp back from the disastrous Russian campaign, commander of the Prussian Auxiliary Corps, General Yorck, seizes on the opportunity to declare his force as neutral, thereby avoiding hostilities with the advancing Russian Army and hopefully inspiring a war of liberation from French domination in Prussia. His gamble works and Prussia soon formally joins the new 6th coalition against Napoleon. However, garrisons of French troops still remain in the fortresses inside Prussia. They have orders to hold out as long as they can to buy time for a new Grande Army to be formed and sent to Central Europe to oppose the new coalition. The fortress town of Spandau is located just to the west of Berlin. The French cannot hold the whole town but instead decide to concentrate in it's citadel that is surrounded by the waters of the Havel and Spree rivers as well as the Havel See or Lake. The levels of the later are controlled by sluice gates at the rivers. Defenders must hold out long enough for a new Grande Army to form and at the same time hopefully avoid captivity themselves by winning concessions from the besiegers. The attackers spawn next to the church inside the walls of the town of Spandau. Defenders spawn in the citadels boat-house, storehouse, and armory buildings that surround the flag.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe 

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Torhaus Dolitz (Leipzig) (Siege)
1813... The 6th Coalition converge on Napoleon and the Grande army at Leipzig after he changes his base of operations to that city. Fighting erupts both to the north and south of the city. The Pleisse river guards the French flank in the south. A large manor house complex and mill near the village of Dolitz occupy one of the river's crossing points. It is garrisoned by Polish troops under Marshall Poniatowski. If the Austrians under Schwartzenberg can win a quick victory and secure the bridges here, the entire flank of the southern front will be rolled up. However, the Poles fight fanatically and by the time the Austrians finally take the position, the southern front moves back closer to Leipzig and the danger is over.

The rivers on the map are impassable for the attackers, the bridges are all destructible except the mill and gatehouse bridges, and the objective flag is located in front of the Schloss (large manor house). The Torhaus (gatehouse) is the building with its own bridge entry running through it. Using and supporting pioneers on the bridges will be critical for the attacker to be successful.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000023002a1ba0004210900003ca000006a8900007a7b 

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Russian Campaign 1812

Bagration Fleches (Borodino) (Siege)
The Bagration Fleches were a series of field fortifications that secured the center of the Russian lines at Borodino. They were called fleches because of their arrow like shape; fleche being the French word for arrow. Russian general Prince Bagration was in command of this sector of the battlefield. After numerous bloody assaults, Marshall Davout's corps finally succeeds in capturing the fleches and the crossroads at the Semonovskoye village beyond. The Russian army is in danger of being cut in two. Davout asks Napoleon to commit the imperial guard to finish the Russians. However, Napoleon is reluctant to release his best troops so far away from friendly territory. The opportunity to decisively defeat the Russian army is missed. The objective of this siege map is to duplicate Davout's accomplishment of capturing the crossroads.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000023002a1ba0004210900003ca000006a8900007a7b 

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Crossing the Berezina (Conquest)
A conquest map portraying a famous incident in Napoleons retreat from Russia. With the Russian army closing in from the south on both sides of the Berezina river, the French and their allies fight desperate holding actions to keep the Russians away from two crude trestle bridges they had built to enable their shattered army to continue its march west. The defenders win if they keep the attackers away from the bridgeheads on either side of the river. The attacker spawns on both sides of the river and must fight their way to the bridges. The river is inaccessible and can only be crossed via the bridges.

Historical Painting by Alma-Tadema

256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000023002a1ba0004210900003ca000006a8900007a7b 

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Maloyaroslavets (Battle, Conquest)
Russia, October 1812... With winter fast approaching, supplies dwindling, and no sign of the Russians coming to the negotiating table, Napoleon decides to begin a retreat to shorten his lines of supply. Instead of going back directly west through the lands devastated by Russia's scorched earth policy and his own army's advance, he decides to head south toward the warmer and more fertile Ukraine were supplies will be more plentiful. The scouts of General Dokturov's Corp to the south of Moscow report to him of a large enemy force heading his direction. He guesses correctly that it must be the advance columns of the entire Grande Army looking for an escape route to more hospitable territory. He rushes with his corps to the nearest blocking point at Maloyaroslavets, just across the Luzha river. Here he finds that the French have already established a small bridgehead in the town. Dokturov sends for reinforcements and decides to hold his ground. Reinforcements continue to arrive for both sides as a savage battle erupts over the town of Maloyaroslavets. It changes hands several times but the Grande Army's small bridgehead remains intact. The Russians decide to fall back further south to a new defensive line near Kaluga. Napoleon's rapidly weakening army can not risk another major battle with the Russians. They are forced to go over the same route in which they came with tragic results.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe 

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Download Link (Conquest):

Raevsky Redoubt (Borodino) (Siege)
This map is of the infamous Death Redoubt (aka Great Redoubt or Raevsky Redoubt) that secured the center right of the Russian lines at Borodino. The redoubt occupied the highest ground on the Russian position and therefore had to be taken. It was eventually taken by a cavalry regiment (Saxon Gardedukorps) near the end of the battle. Some say it was actually French Cuirassiers but this is a matter of debate. Defenders spawn in between the double palisade. Attackers spawn in the ravine out of site of the Russian or defenders artillery.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000023002a1ba0004210900003ca000006a8900007a7b 

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Danube Campaign 1809

Aspern-Essling (Siege)
This map is an extremely condensed version of the battle of Aspern-Essling between the Austrians under archduke Charles and the French commanded by Napoleon. However, the map contains all of the major landmarks of the battle including the granary and the walled churchyard initially defended by the French. The villages are much closer than they are in reality for game-play reasons and the space in between is defended by field fortifications. The ground in front of the field fortifications is divided by a swampy patch of low ground. The river banks are inaccessible to both attacker and defender. The attacker spawns on the plain and must capture the bridgehead between the villages. The defenders spawn on the island of Lobau on the other side of the pontoon bridge.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000023002a1ba0004210900003ca000006a8900007a7b 

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Festung Kufstein (Siege)
The Festung Kufstein is a fortress in the former Austrian Tyrol. Napoleon has given the Tyrol to his Bavarian allies after defeating the Austrians at the battle of Ulm in 1805. In 1809 Austria invades Bavaria again hoping to reclaim their lost territory. Native Tyroleans rise up against their Franco-Bavarian occupiers with support from elements of the Austrian army. They attack garrisons all over the Tyrol and besiege the Festung Kufstein. It holds out for an entire month until a relief force is sent after the Austrians are defeated at the battle of Wagram.

The fortress is only loosely based on the actual Festung Kufstein because of prop limitations and game-play considerations. The covered bridge across the river is destructible including its roof. Defenders spawn in the fortresses highest buildings. Attackers spawn behind the farms. The terrain of the fortress will have to be vigorously scouted before weak points can be found in its defences.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe 

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Malborghetto Blockhaus (Siege)
This one is an alpine scene based on an incident that took place in the Austrian campaign of 1809. An army under Eugene De Beauharnais, Napoleon's step son and King of Italy, was attempting to link up with the Grande Army in Austria before the battle of Wagram. In order to do this they would have to cross a pass guarded by an Austrian fortification called the Malborghetto Blockhaus. It was defended by two companies of Grenzers who died to the last man defending it. Try and change history by successfully defending the blockhouse.

Historical Painting by Albrecht

256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000023002a1ba0004210900003ca000006a8900007a7b 

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Ratisbon (Siege)
This is a siege that took place in the 1809 campaign. After the Austrians were defeated at the battle of Eckmuhl, the main Austrian army withdraws north across the Danube via the massive stone bridge at Ratisbon (aka Regensburg). In order to put some distance between themselves and the pursuing Grande Army, they leave behind a garrison in the town to contest the crossing. The defenses of Ratisbon are outdated and medieval. To save time Napoleon decides not to conduct a formal siege and orders the walls to be assaulted with scaling ladders. The objective of the attackers is to scale the walls of Ratisbon, fight your way through town, cross the river, and capture the fortifications on the north bank.

Historical Painting by Thevenin

256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe 

Download Link:!

Peninsular War 1808-1814

Almaraz (Siege)
In 1812 just before the impending battle of Salmanca against the French Marshall Marmont, Wellington orders a raid on the only bridge capable of transporting an army across the Tagus river that bisects Spain from east to west. He sends a force under the command of general Hill to destroy the pontoon bridge near the village of Almaraz. The French have constructed the bridge to replace the old Arbalat bridge destroyed earlier in the war by the Spanish. The bridge would allow Marshall Suchet, commander of French forces in the south, to potentially link up with Marmont in the north, tipping the balance against Wellington before the battle. The bridge is guarded by two hilltop fortifications on both sides of the river along with earthworks at or near the bridgeheads. The objective of the attackers is to capture the southern redoubt (larger of the two). Hint...Destroying the pontoon bridge will severely slow down reinforcements coming from the north bank where most of the defenders spawn.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe 

Download Link:

Badajoz (Siege)
1812....Badajoz is a fortress city near the Spanish border with Portugal. Wellington must take the city to secure his advance into Spain. The clever French garrison commander, general Phillipon, has dammed the stream in front of the walls to further constrict and funnel any attack into a dangerous killing ground. When the final assault comes the British army and their allies suffer over 3,000 casualties in the span of just a few hours. The attacking soldiers, enraged by the loss of so many of their comrades, go bezerk and murder 4,000 Spanish civilians in a 3 day orgy of violence and theft. The French garrison retreats across the river and takes refuge in the citadel that guards the bridge. They surrender on terms a few days later.

The map portrays the southern end of the city where the heaviest fighting took place around the breaches and the moorish castle ladder assault. The dammed stream was also there creating a substantial water obstacle for the attackers. The attackers spawn in the trenches and the defenders spawn in the courtyards inside Badajoz. The objective flag is in the main square in front of the large church.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000023002a1ba0004210900003ca000006a8900007a7b 

Download Link:

Burgos (Siege)
This is a recreation of a Peninsular War battle that was lost by the Duke of Wellington and precipitated a chaotic retreat back to Portugal in the year 1812. Burgos had an old hilltop castle that was modified by the French with two concentric rings of fortifications.  They also built a huge Battery Napoleon to guard the main northern road back to France. Therefore, the British had to seize it to secure their lines of communications and continue their liberation of Spain. Initial bombardment by the British failed to make any breaches in the walls because of the terraced nature of the walls being supported by so much earth. Also, their batteries were easily silenced by the French since they were so close to the walls. The British then resorted to digging mines which were successful in breaching the first ring of defenses. News that a huge French relief force was approaching then forced the British to abandon the siege. Objective of the map is to capture the Battery Napoleon before time runs out.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000023002a1ba0004210900003ca000006a8900007a7b 

Download Link:!

San Sebastian (Siege)
Spain 1813... The coastal fortress city of San Sebastian is the last remaining stronghold in French hands in the north of Spain.  Wellington must eliminate this last Napoleonic toe-hold before he can cross the Pyrenees and invade southern France.  Breaches are soon made in its walls but attempts to storm them are repulsed with heavy losses. The city has seen very little guerilla activity during the course of the Peninsular War. As the siege drags on, rumors circulate in the British and Portuguese trenches outside the city walls that San Sebastian is politically liberal and has pro-French sympathies. Burning to punish its stubborn resistance, British and Portuguese troops finally succeed in forcing their way through the breaches during the next assault. Five days of rape, murder, and looting follow as San Sebastian burns to the ground. What's left of the French garrison retreats into the hilltop citadel. There they hold out until generous terms are offered allowing them to march out of the city with full honors.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe 

Download Link:!

The Seminary (2nd Oporto) (Siege)
Just after the Battle of Corunna in 1809, Napoleon orders Marshall Soult to take both an infantry and cavalry division and invade Portugal. His instructions are to capture both the city of Oporto and the capital of Lisbon. Soult encounters a large number of Portuguese militia and a few regulars entrenched north of the former city and easily sweeps them aside inflicting 8,000 casualties on the defenders in the first battle of Oporto. The British quickly send another expeditionary force under General Arthur Wellesley to assist the Portuguese and prevent the French capture of Lisbon. They arrive a few weeks later and march to the south bank of the Douro River just across from the now French occupied city of Oporto but are unable to cross since the French have destroyed all the bridges. Portuguese peasants inform the British that there are ample wine barges on the other side of the river that are capable of transporting a large amount of men. A British task force crosses the river in a small peasant skiff and retrieves the barges. Before the French realize what is happening, the British have transported the entire 3rd Regiment of Foot (The Buffs) to the north shore to occupy a walled seminary just to the east of Oporto threatening French communications with Spain. The small British garrison in the seminary withstand several large assaults by the French while more British troops continue to cross the river. Realizing he himself will soon be outnumbered Soult manages to escape with most of his army to Spain.

The British or defenders spawn on the river bank just below the rear of the seminary. The French attackers spawn behind the hills.  Defending artillerists will have to cross back over to the south bank of the Douro to use their cannon which are located in the convent as there are no artillery pieces available in the seminary.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000023002a1ba0004210900003ca000006a8900007a7b 

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Zaragoza (Conquest)
The bloodiest siege of the Napoleonic Wars. Saragossa is a city with an old medieval wall and several gates but only one is available for the attackers to enter the city. The defenders spawn on the opposite side of the map behind the Aljaferia (moorish palace). The two teams will fight over the garrisonalbe buildings in the city to earn points. These are the monastery, convent, hospital, church, archbishops palace, and barracks.

Historical Painting "Surrender of Saragossa"

256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000023002a1ba0004210900003ca000006a8900007a7b 

Download Link:!


Duellists (Film) (Battle, Duel)
This map was made primarily for duelling although it is currently set up as a battle map. Some of the scenes in the map may look familiar depending on what films you have seen.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000023002a1ba0004210900003ca000006a8900007a7b 

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Leuthen (7 Years War) (Battle, Conquest, Siege)
Frederick the Great's most decisive victory over the Austrians in the Seven Years War (1756-1763). Yes, it has nothing to do with the Napoleonic Wars but neither does Minden which was made for the game by the developers. Originally this Leuthen map was made for the "Shot & Shell" port to Warband Napoleonic Wars but that has gone back to a modification of the Native Warband. The map is very flexible and supports multiple game modes.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe 

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Martello Tower (Naval Siege)
Martello Towers were fortifications built during the Napoleonic Wars for coastal defense. They were especially numerous on the coasts of England because of fears of a potential French invasion. They consisted of a round sometimes octagonal multi-storied tower with the heavy guns mounted on the top. Lower floors contained storage and living quarters for its garrison. Attackers will man the artillery located on the ships off the coast and send landing parties via boats to the shore to seize the defenders flag located at the top of the tower. The shorelines below the cliffs are inaccessible to defenders to give the attackers a secure place to land.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe 

Download Link:!

North and South Maps
The following 3 maps are made for the North & South Mod for Warband Napoleonic Wars. They use scene props that are specific to the North and South module and therefore will not translate well to Napoleonic Wars or other modules without extensive editing.

Jenkin's Ferry (Siege)
April 1864...In what would become know as the Red River Campaign, Union armies were to launch simultaneous offensives from Little Rock, Arkansas and New Orleans, Louisiana meeting in the middle at Shreveport, thereby, cutting off Texas from the rest of the Confederacy and eliminating resistance to the Union in Louisiana. The southern prong however was turned back after its naval support could no longer make its way north due to the lower than normal levels of the Red River. This left the smaller northern prong led by general Steele in southern Arkansas alone to face the combined weight of all Confederate forces in the Trans-Mississippi theater. He wisely decided to retreat to his fortified base at Little Rock. His progress was slow on the rain sodden, muddy roads and he was forced to pause to build a pontoon bridge in order to cross the water swollen Saline river at a place called Jenkin's Ferry. Steele receives word that the Confederate main force has been sighted and will be on him in a few hours. He does not have time to finish the bridge and cross with his entire force so he will have to prepare a defense of felled trees (abatis) and makeshift barricades of logs, fence rails, sacks, and boxes, hoping he can hold off the rebels long enough. He assigns 4,000 infantry to man the defenses while the bridge construction is being competed. The Confederates have over 10,000 troops for the attack but the swampy terrain on the flanks only allows them to send in 3-4,000 men at a time. After attacks by numerous Confederate brigades fail to break the Union lines, the rebels call off further assaults. They have taken 1,000 casualties to the Unions 700. All of the Confederate brigade commanders involved in the separate attacks are either killed or wounded. Many other Confederate wounded are shot by the 2nd Kansas Colored Infantry in retaliation for the murder of black soldiers trying to surrender during earlier engagements in the campaign. Jenkin's Ferry is not the largest battle fought in the Civil War but certainly one of the more violent.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x000000023002a1ba0004210900003ca000006a8900007a7b 

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Monocacy Junction (Battle, Siege)
July 1864...General Lee's Army of Northern Virginia is pinned down by Grant at Petersburg and is under increasing pressure as he tightens his noose around that city. To draw off Union troops taking part in the siege, Lee orders Jubal Early's Army of the Shenandoah to make an attack on the Capitol, Washington. As Early moves his 14,000 man force into Maryland, he extorts $200,000 from the town of Frederick to spare it from being sacked. The only Union force prepared to stop him from reaching Washington is a scratch force of some 5,800 men under the command of general Lew Wallace. Many of Wallace's troops are inexperienced 100 day men. However, the first installment of reinforcements sent north by Grant have just arrived in the form of one battle hardened brigade commanded by general Ricketts of VI corps. Wallace sets up a defensive position behind the Monocacy river. There are two bridges he must defend plus a ford. The bridges are defended by blockhouses and redoubts while the ford is watched by some Union cavalry. The Confederates attempts to seize the bridges are repulsed, but a large force they send to the ford succeeds in gaining a foothold on the other side of the river. Fierce fighting for possession of the Worthington and Thomas farms that secure the Union flank rages for hours until numbers finally prevail and the flank collapses sending the Yankees fleeing to Baltimore. The road to Washington is now open but Early's men are exhausted from the hard fight and spend the night on the battlefield. This gives time for more Union reinforcements to arrive in the forts protecting Washington. Early arrives at Washington's defenses two days later only to find the forts well garrisoned. The delaying action at Monocacy has saved Washington.

The map is set up as a siege which should work well for portraying the delaying action of a superior force. The objective flag is in the yard of the mill complex that guards the main road to Washington. Defenders spawn in the camp next to the stone mill. Attackers spawn across the river behind the grove of trees on the Best farm. The river is impassable except by the bridges and ford. The covered bridge is destructible but the rail bridge is not.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe 

Download Link (Battle):
Download Link (Siege):!

Secessionville (Siege)
June 16th, 1862....After successfully capturing the ports of Beaufort and Port Royal, General David Hunter's Department of the South now has set its sights on capturing the cradle of secession itself, Charleston. To complete the task he sends two Union divisions under the direct command of General Henry W. Benham. Benham lands a division sized force at the southeast edge of James Island just a few miles south of Charleston. Here he encamps on the Grimball Plantation. The closest Confederate position is Tower Battery, named so because of the 75 foot observation tower located just beyond it. This fortification protects a peninsula protruding towards Charleston's inner harbor. At the end of the peninsula is a summer village used by wealthy southern planters to escape the heat called Secessionville.  Confederates manning the Tower Battery position delight in lobbing shells into the Union camp. Benham recognizes the strategic importance of the position and decides to launch a "reconnaissance in force" although he has not received any orders from Hunter to make an attack. He sends roughly 3,500 troops to assault Tower Battery. The Confederates have only a few hundred defenders in the battery at first but reinforcements arrive via footbridge at Secessionville just before the attack begins. The battle rages for the next three hours and includes some hand to hand fighting at the top of Tower Battery's parapet. The Union attack fails with heavy losses and General Benham is brought up on charges of acting without orders. However, Benham's court-martial never proceeds as the Lincoln administration is reluctant to punish commanders for being aggressive.


256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x0000000130010e0e0005fd84000011c60000285b00005cbe 

Download Link:!
« Last Edit: March 19, 2024, 04:55:42 pm by Blitz_craig »

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Re: Blitz_craig 's Historical Mapping Thread...(17 downloads)
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2012, 09:46:33 pm »
All of them wonderful, especially ''Burgos''

Offline Stunned Lime

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Re: Blitz_craig 's Historical Maps...(17 downloads)
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2012, 05:55:24 pm »
Yea these look sick :D

Offline Dom13WorstNW

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Re: Blitz_craig 's Historical Maps...(17 downloads)
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2012, 12:40:15 am »
                                             Really nice maps I hope to see some on the servers some day.

Offline Pancakes

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Re: Blitz_craig 's Historical Maps...(17 downloads)
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2012, 04:49:35 am »
[92nd] Andrew Gordon: I am Zzehth, Head Organizer of the NWL, Host of the 92nd Linebattle and NA tournaments
[92nd] Andrew Gordon: I do not troll.
[92nd] Andrew Gordon: But alright.

Honestly Zzehth Do you really think we give a fuck ?

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Re: Blitz_craig 's Historical Maps [25 downloads]
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2012, 10:08:41 am »
Simply fantastic....

Offline Blitz_craig

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A new map has been added to the list, The Seminary at Oporto. See first post in the thread for details.

Offline Gokiller

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hmm, I must say the combination of the spanish props with the Venice buildings is rather weird. But the lay-out of the map looks sweet. :)

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The actual seminary building complex is still standing in Oporto. It has large, white colored, sort of neo-classical buildings near the riverbank but its surrounding wall and outbuildings were a biege stucco color. I thought about making the entire seminary complex out of white colored buildings but I wanted to stay true to the original buildings even if it was less attractive.

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A new map has been added to the list, Halle Gate (Leipzig). See first post in the thread for details.

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Re: Blitz_craig 's Historical Maps [27 downloads]
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2013, 01:51:28 am »
A new map of the Russian campaign, Maloyaroslavets, has been added to the list. See the the first post in the thead for details.

Offline kpetschulat

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Re: Blitz_craig 's Historical Maps [28 downloads], New Map! Maloyaroslavets.
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2013, 02:30:49 am »
Wow, those maps are amazing. Great work! You should try and make a Ligny map! :D

Offline Comrade Temuzu

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Re: Blitz_craig 's Historical Maps [28 downloads], New Map! Maloyaroslavets.
« Reply #12 on: February 11, 2013, 10:31:05 am »
Torhaus Dolitz looks like an amazing map, not sure how it's gameplay-wise, but the gimmicky buildings are awesome. Grosser Garten has great details to it aswell.

Offline Blitz_craig

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Re: Blitz_craig 's Historical Maps [28 downloads], New Map! Maloyaroslavets.
« Reply #13 on: February 11, 2013, 05:45:12 pm »
Torhaus Dolitz looks like an amazing map, not sure how it's gameplay-wise, but the gimmicky buildings are awesome. Grosser Garten has great details to it aswell.

When you are making a historical map a lot of the buildings on the list in the map editor aren't going to match what you need to recreate so I find that combining buildings and scratch building with walls and planks to get the size and shape you need is the only option. Schloss Dolitz is about six or seven buildings on the prop list combined. Also, I think siege maps don't always need to be forts. They can be terrain maps with choke points to funnel attackers like bridges.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 06:40:09 pm by Blitz_craig »

Offline Comrade Temuzu

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Re: Blitz_craig 's Historical Maps [28 downloads], New Map! Maloyaroslavets.
« Reply #14 on: February 11, 2013, 08:11:42 pm »
Word, word. I did something like that in Beach v2, especially the center-piece building. Originally the map had a crapload of swivel guns, but for reasons unknown they were removed from the final release.

Ah, makes me want to scene for NW again.