Author Topic: Bot Survival NA - Sponsored with Quantum Impulse Gaming  (Read 275567 times)

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Re: Bot Survival NA
« Reply #525 on: December 18, 2015, 01:42:43 am »
Nickname: WorstNANickCole
GUID: 484235
Steam: if it doesn't work just look up NickCole.
How active can you be?: usually active on weekends a lot sometimes in the week.
Current Regiment/Clan: 2e[NA],92nd[EU]
Admin experience: Ref some leagues like NLC,TNWL, NWPC. Multiple Melee Tournaments like Several of Lemon's melee Tournaments, etc. Some Linebattle Events like 22e 3v3, FH Gaming, and several others that I forgot. Regimental servers like 26th, Nr11, 22e, 34e, etc.
Why do you want this role?: I want to help out the server to make sure it runs smoothly and to make sure that everyone has a good time. Also, want to help make the server grow and to be the most fair and fun admin. I was force to do this by Glenn. xD

Offline [BBG] Alpha

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Re: Bot Survival NA
« Reply #526 on: December 18, 2015, 01:54:15 am »
Admin Applications

Reply #353 - Line_Infantry
Nickname: Line_Infantry
GUID: 283059
Steam: Hexen_Reaper
How active can you be?: Every day, and often late nights.
Current Regiment/Clan: I was in the 32nd for 2+ years. No longer Active in that respect.
Admin experience: I've been an Admin on several dueling servers(and others) for Warband, as well as a few other servers for the 32nd. Also years as being an admin in various other MP games.
Why do you want this role?: I tend to be on Late night (6:00PM - 6:00AM Eastern time) and I do not see any other admins around at this time. And I'd like to offer my services to this wonderful gamemode. Glory to the Front line!

Reply #374 - BelluMan1991
Reply #392
Reply #420
Reply #474
Hello everyone,

I am applying as admin for this server since I found its community really sympathic and would like to improve it  :)

Alright here the infos

Nickname: BelluMan1991 (alias Manowar1991)
GUID: 631422
Steam: falloutman95
How active can you be?: Often, depends of the work missions
Current Regiment/Clan: None
Admin experience: LaughingStone's Jailbreak Server (summer 2014=
Why do you want this role?: As i said, to improve this server community and to make players enjoy the gaming atmosphere.

Reply #395 - NagaPrince - Truthfully every admin I talked to said yes to your admin application. However I am denying it, simply because you have been inactive on steam and we'd require active players to be admins. If you have time and can become active again, make another application.
Hey y'all, nice place.

Nickname: NagaPrince
GUID: 923557
Steam: NagaPrince
How active can you be?: At most several hours, several days a week. I frequent Mount and Blade servers/mods overall, but I've taken a liking to this particular server.
Current Regiment/Clan: TJB, just joined recently for Line Battle's.
Admin experience: None, but I've had experience in battlefield tourneys as an officer a bit on organized servers. BFEWAW, Campaigns 9-18, and 1-2 more some time later.
Why do you want this role?: I want this role because frankly the lack of adminship on the Bot Server; I play during the day, or at night usually, and regardless I can't find an Admin in site to bring order to the sheer chaos that erupts on the server. Whether its one player wasting the 250 BP on tnt, or the constant, and I mean constant barrage of "hitler did nothing wrong", or the endless map votes every 3-5 minutes, because one person died early or just decides they don't like the map. I want to help out and improve the environment so people don't have to deal with the enormity of issues that begets a server reaching a certain size. The server is always reaching numbers from what little I've played around 80, and that's awesome, and I can't wait to see more bot's allowed on the server too. Honestly, at most, if I was admin, I'd like to be those admins on other Napoleonic servers that time to time, increase the bot-size by a lot, one round for one make all the bot's cavalry, or seamen, etc. That's really it.

Thank you for giving me a chance to apply.

Reply #417 - Raven von Wolf
Nickname:Raven von Wolf
GUID: Raven/Lucifer
Steam: Archangel Lucifer von Drakul
How active can you be?: Most everyday various hours during weekdays 3pm - 9pm pacific time and on weekends like 7am-ish- 10pm-ish
Current Regiment/Clan: The Grand Principality of Drakonheim -GPoD- and it's sub-group the 83rd Death Korps Infantry Regiment 83rd_DKIF
Admin experience:I had been an admin on a roleplay server for ~one year till i decided to leave after that i hung out with admins from various servers so I never really forgot how to admin but then again some policies may be different.
Why do you want this role?: Well I play M&B almost everyday and i'm usually playing napoleonic wars on the BBG bot survival server or NA official 1 but mainly bot survival. I consider my self active and there have been times that there is no admin on and then people break the rules and such and I have no power to stop them I try to tell them but that only goes so far. So all in all I want a position as admin to help enforce the rules when no one else is around to do so.
Accepted - Convinced us to overturn ruling

Reply #421 - James
How active can you be?: Everyday. Weekdays about 2 hours and weekends a lot more.
Current Regiment/Clan: No main regiment, however I have just joined a few mod regiments.
Admin experience:None.
Why do you want this role?: I want this role because this is the server I play on most and almost al the time there are no admins on when there needs to be and I think that I can resolve the issues and would be a good admin. As well as this I want to give the server and people who made it something back for all their great work to say thank you for making such an amazing server and I would like to help improve it by becoming an admin on it. I also would like this role as I think it would not just benefit me but the people who play on it as I will help make their gaming experience a great one.

Reply #445 - Warhero20131
Steam username : Warhero20131

Why I want to become an Admin: I want to become an admin because I'm Mature, I'm fair, and when they want a challenge I would Increase the bots and keep it fun.

About me: I'm active, I've been in multiple Regiments, and I am in Highschool

Reply #456 - Gandalf
Nickname: _ (Or Gandalf)
Steam: Gandalf The Black (Really Goofy picture)
How active can you be?: Everyday :)
Current Regiment/Clan: None atm
Admin experience: Was a head admin on Nappys Serious RP
Why do you want this role?: Most of the time when I am on The only Admin I see is Inbred_Dickwad and I want to be one of the few administrators on the server because people are always complaining about maps and bots. There is also lots of trolls.

(Also posted one on TW site.)

Reply #457 - Nicholas_PRIME
Nickname: Nicholas_PRIME (if you wanted in game name its 99thRoF_Capt_Nicholas_PRIME

GUID: 621399

Steam: Nicholas PRIME

How active can you be?: I am on most afternoons form 4pm onwards (Sydney, AUS)

Current Regiment/Clan: 99thRoF

Admin experience: im an admin of our trainning server and have been taught by multiple other admins

Why do you want this role?: First to make it more fun by dealing with people who delay or troll and i would also enjoy making everything run smoothly
Modify message

Reply #473 - PaulyB
How active can you be?:Every day!!!
Current Regiment/Clan:was in 1stEB but now looking to move over to USMC have had chats with a couple of the admins
Admin experience: to be honest haven't admined in a year or so last experience was on the old 63e siege server, was trained how to admin on the 101tEB servers back a couple of years ago, and know the rules completely so no training required.
Why do you want this role?: i would like this role because i love this server and play it every day! its the only server i play on anymore as have learnt all the maps and feel its the best social and team server, i feel i could be a great asset to the team as I'm always on and get a lot of hours in when no other admin is on, Im social and friendly and also enforce the rules even though i am just a player at the moment, i feel i have the time and ability to be a good admin and everyone will get on with me, I've already got a good amount of friends on the server and get on well with a couple of the admins :),plus am uk timezone most of the year am in usa for 1-4 weeks every 6 months so could be active from 8am uk time like 3am onwards us time
if you need any info on me or i need to add anything please let me know
Postponed - I am aware that you are currently on vacation and was asked to postpone your evaluation until you get back. Enjoy your Christmas.

Reply #483 - happygogojuice
How active can you be?: active almost every day and into the night (nolife)
Current Regiment/Clan:none used to be in 111e
Admin experience:NONE
Why do you want this role?: beacuse im on the server a lot and there are not a lot of admions on. i see that other players need help and there is notbhing that anyone can do. id like to hopefully take a admin position to further help there game expierence. also there are a lot of abusive players such as braking my sapper defencements ect an d making it not fun for everyone.

ps im not sure if the apalacation goes here but im kinda new to this type of websight format but i have about 642 hours playing mount and blade
thanks nic

hi  was just banned from bbg bot survival NA i would like a unban beacuse i was stacking tnt but every one was dieing and i know its agents the rules but since every one was just about dead i see no harm in what i was doing. normally i dont stack tnt but i thought i would go out with a bang no pun intenned. the admin corparial something i forget his name never game me a warning like a good admin should he simply just banned me right then and there and i do not agree with his decision
please let me know so i can go back to the server i only play on
thanks nic

Reply #395 - Stevebot
80 People in server right now, no admin, people blowing up defences with TNT, general trlling etc...

So heres my application

Nickname: Steven
How active can you be?: Afternoons NZ time, which would be late night US, very early morning EU
Current Regiment/Clan: None
Admin experience: 33rd_Siege for about a year, Generals At War commander battle server
Why do you want this role?: Because I've been playing on this server for the last 2 hours and haven't seen a single admin, so I guess you guys are short-staffed, and I've admined the most popular EU siege server so I'm more than familiar with how to do it. In fact right now 2 people are having a kick poll war with each other cos theyre disagreeing over how gets to sue the cannon so, ya know, probs need someone on to sort these things out

Reply #526 - WorstNANickCole
Nickname: WorstNANickCole
GUID: 484235
Steam: if it doesn't work just look up NickCole.
How active can you be?: usually active on weekends a lot sometimes in the week.
Current Regiment/Clan: 2e[NA],92nd[EU]
Admin experience: Ref some leagues like NLC,TNWL, NWPC. Multiple Melee Tournaments like Several of Lemon's melee Tournaments, etc. Some Linebattle Events like 22e 3v3, FH Gaming, and several others that I forgot. Regimental servers like 26th, Nr11, 22e, 34e, etc.
Why do you want this role?: I want to help out the server to make sure it runs smoothly and to make sure that everyone has a good time. Also, want to help make the server grow and to be the most fair and fun admin. I was force to do this by Glenn. xD

Thank you everyone for posting admin applications. If you are wondering why your applications were denied; reasons range from.

A. Inactivity
B. Disrespectful
C. Prior Offenses (Depending on severity of offenses)
D. Majority Vote
E. Generic Reasons
F. We couldn't find your steam profile among the other 76,000 names that would popup.
G. Simply did not know you via in game or did not believe we could trust you with the responsibility.

If you have any comments, questions, concerns, complaints, feel free to leave a message on this thread or private message me. I am open minded and we may overturn our ruling if convinced.

In any case, congratulations to our new admin(s)

One more thing before I forget, Volk has resigned as an admin and Hellghast has been removed for inactivity. There will be a few more removed soon for their own inactivity as well so plenty of spots will be open.

- For those who create admin applications, we ask that you link your steam profiles so we can actually find you. This will greatly help us evaluate players who wish to become admins. Thank you.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
« Last Edit: December 18, 2015, 02:43:36 am by [BBG] Alpha »
It does not matter if you are the happiest person.. An unfortunate weeper.. A powerful beast.. Or a terrifying creature.

We are all equal, in the eyes of the Reaper.

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Re: Bot Survival NA
« Reply #527 on: December 18, 2015, 02:10:14 am »
u gotta say happy holidays so u dont offend people
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Offline [BBG] Alpha

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Re: Bot Survival NA
« Reply #528 on: December 18, 2015, 02:19:54 am »
u gotta say happy holidays so u dont offend people

I do what I want, when I want, and how I want.

Besides, I enjoy the holiday that the Roman's and Pegans used to have a week of unrestrained violence, pillaging, rape, murder, arson, without the court system being allowed to even open its doors.
It does not matter if you are the happiest person.. An unfortunate weeper.. A powerful beast.. Or a terrifying creature.

We are all equal, in the eyes of the Reaper.

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Re: Bot Survival NA
« Reply #529 on: December 18, 2015, 05:14:21 am »
Forgot to congratulate the new admins NickCole and Stevebot welcome to the club
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Offline Commander Bondage

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Re: Bot Survival NA
« Reply #530 on: December 18, 2015, 05:17:19 am »
send nudes
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Offline Stevebot

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Re: Bot Survival NA
« Reply #531 on: December 18, 2015, 12:51:06 pm »
Because I'm already bored of nothing but random generated maps I've made a start on a D-Day inspired map that may or may not be finished at some point, just whipped up the basic foundation before bed.
"Kiss my ass and my anus, 'cause it's finally famous"- Nicki Minaj

Offline Glenn

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Re: Bot Survival NA
« Reply #532 on: December 18, 2015, 04:06:01 pm »
Because I'm already bored of nothing but random generated maps I've made a start on a D-Day inspired map that may or may not be finished at some point, just whipped up the basic foundation before bed.

Looking good homie, keep up the good stuff
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Offline Sgt.Winters

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Re: Bot Survival NA
« Reply #533 on: December 18, 2015, 06:31:19 pm »
Because I'm already bored of nothing but random generated maps I've made a start on a D-Day inspired map that may or may not be finished at some point, just whipped up the basic foundation before bed.
Nice job Steve

Offline ~NickCole~

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Re: Bot Survival NA
« Reply #534 on: December 18, 2015, 08:07:39 pm »
Because I'm already bored of nothing but random generated maps I've made a start on a D-Day inspired map that may or may not be finished at some point, just whipped up the basic foundation before bed.
It Looks awesome af!

Offline Commander Bondage

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Re: Bot Survival NA
« Reply #535 on: December 18, 2015, 08:32:05 pm »
steve jobs
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Offline Stevebot

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Re: Bot Survival NA
« Reply #536 on: December 19, 2015, 06:33:40 am »
Had D-Day on for 2 rounds, made some changes

-Humans are now attacking instead of defending
-Bots will stay in the bunker and fire on the attackers
-Cav have a tendency to throw themselves off the top of the bunker in a mass suicide attempt

Will try another test tomorrow and see how the changes go after I can convince the bot cav that life is worth living
"Kiss my ass and my anus, 'cause it's finally famous"- Nicki Minaj

Offline Glenn

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Re: Bot Survival NA
« Reply #537 on: December 19, 2015, 06:36:53 am »
Had D-Day on for 2 rounds, made some changes

-Humans are now attacking instead of defending
-Bots will stay in the bunker and fire on the attackers
-Cav have a tendency to throw themselves off the top of the bunker in a mass suicide attempt

Will try another test tomorrow and see how the changes go after I can convince the bot cav that life is worth living

Lol that last statement
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Re: Bot Survival NA
« Reply #538 on: December 19, 2015, 06:42:16 am »
Nickname: Tomoe_the_headless_Mami and Homura_the_hopeless_Akemi.
GUID: 968027
Steam: Homura the hopeless Akemi
How active can you be?: I play in the server every day, since 5 pm to 100 pm (GMT -6)
Current Regiment/Clan: Suprema Regencia (26 Infantería de Hibernia, 20 Artillería de Zaragoza)
Admin experience: None
Why do you want this role?: Well, I really enjoy playing in this server (actually, I'm playing on it while I do the request xD), its my favourite in al NW servers because here some people organized will lead all the players to the Victory!
I want to help this server to grow, help the players to have a very fun time and the trolls a very bad one xD , attend the polls of the players and accept or decline it if they're fair to others, apply always the stablished rules, taking those as my Bibble (or something more sacred). Being always in the server if someone need my help or other admins.
And for the las thing, I think that this role is forothers fun, not mine, because I played on this server to and the most important thing, I think, is fun, becuase in one way or another this is a game, but this role is a responsability, a very big one.
For today is all, hope can I join the BBG admins club!
Good night and happy holidays :D (and sorry for my taco english D:)
« Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 06:45:41 am by HanekawaSama12 »

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Re: Bot Survival NA
« Reply #539 on: December 20, 2015, 05:27:37 am »
just tested Steve's new map, so dope
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