
Does NW melee suck?

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Author Topic: Why do people think this game is hard  (Read 6411 times)

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Offline Crescent Glow

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Re: Why do people think this game is competitive?
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2014, 08:21:50 pm »
Chosen1, I don't get you. Looking through your past posts before you came back...it appears that you participated in the creation of a Crimean War Mod. Although it was unsuccessful, you spent your time on it. Do you really think NW is as shit as you are describing it now if you invested so much of your time making models and textures for a mod for the very game you are bashing? Not to mention you are using a forum for it.

I know you're probably trolling, but it's just odd that you come back and post these useless things.


Offline Locust

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Re: Why do people think this game is competitive?
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2014, 08:42:03 pm »
Why do people think this game is competitive and difficult?

Melee hardly requires skill, for fucks sakes there's only 2 attack directions. My grandpa could be a "pro" at melee and he doesn't even know what a computer is. Bayonet duels are pretty much a test of who does something stupid first

Also, regimental linebattles are a terrible way of testing the skill of a regiment. From what I've seen, the more you abuse the rules (FOL, not being in a complete line etc.) and the map layouts, the more likely you are to win.

I don't play this game anymore, I'm just curious to hear from the le epic melee gods xD about why they think they are the shit for winning at what is the equivalent of the special olympics.

"Melee hardly requires skill, for fucks sakes there's only 2 attack directions. My grandpa could be a "pro" at melee and he doesn't even know what a computer is. Bayonet duels are pretty much a test of who does something stupid first"
I really cant tell if you are trolling with this statement are you are that blatantly ignorant. I'm guessing you have never been in a regiment that has brand new players in it. It is quite evident that they are no where near as good as the other more experienced players. You know why? Because Mount and Blade isn't CoD and takes time to get better at. Ask anyone with half a cerebral cortex and they can tell you I'm right. You dont just pick up the game an become good at it in a few hours. Also, its not all about dueling. Learning how to groupfight is a very important thing to learn and takes many hours to get good at working with your team.

"Also, regimental linebattles are a terrible way of testing the skill of a regiment. From what I've seen, the more you abuse the rules (FOL, not being in a complete line etc.) and the map layouts, the more likely you are to win."
I do agree with you when regiments do break the rules and/or pick an unfair map it doesn't show how good you are. However, that's not the games fault. If 1v1s are played properly then it is a great tool to determine which regiment is better skilled overall. Look at the 91st vs 92nd 1v1 for an example

Finally, I don't understand why you even bothered to post on the forum for this game on why it sucks and takes no skill to learn. It just seems you are either trolling or looking for a fight because you have nothing better to do.

Offline Chosen1

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Re: Why do people think this game is competitive?
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2014, 08:58:31 pm »
Chosen1, I don't get you. Looking through your past posts before you came back...it appears that you participated in the creation of a Crimean War Mod. Although it was unsuccessful, you spent your time on it. Do you really think NW is as shit as you are describing it now if you invested so much of your time making models and textures for a mod for the very game you are bashing? Not to mention you are using a forum for it.

I know you're probably trolling, but it's just odd that you come back and post these useless things.


Yes, I used to develop a mod but I hardly got anything done and I had no motivation to because I was pretty much the only one working on it. Audiate was a useless sack of shit

"Melee hardly requires skill, for fucks sakes there's only 2 attack directions. My grandpa could be a "pro" at melee and he doesn't even know what a computer is. Bayonet duels are pretty much a test of who does something stupid first"
I really cant tell if you are trolling with this statement are you are that blatantly ignorant. I'm guessing you have never been in a regiment that has brand new players in it. It is quite evident that they are no where near as good as the other more experienced players. You know why? Because Mount and Blade isn't CoD and takes time to get better at. Ask anyone with half a cerebral cortex and they can tell you I'm right. You dont just pick up the game an become good at it in a few hours. Also, its not all about dueling. Learning how to groupfight is a very important thing to learn and takes many hours to get good at working with your team.

Mount and Blade melee is not difficult though, I was able to pick it up in my first few hours of playing. Maybe for some people it's hard to understand, but how hard can 2 attack directions be?

Also, what happens when two equally 'skilled' melee players fight each other? What else can they do besides chambering to try and 1 up the other? In native and cRPG atleast, there's always something you can do to improve your skill like learning a new feint or tactic. In NW, feinting or anything besides s-keying is pointless because there are only 2 fucking ways you need to block.

Groupfighting is a good test of skill I guess, but half of the community is garbage at this easy melee anyway. lol. funny but sad

"Also, regimental linebattles are a terrible way of testing the skill of a regiment. From what I've seen, the more you abuse the rules (FOL, not being in a complete line etc.) and the map layouts, the more likely you are to win."
I do agree with you when regiments do break the rules and/or pick an unfair map it doesn't show how good you are. However, that's not the games fault. If 1v1s are played properly then it is a great tool to determine which regiment is better skilled overall. Look at the 91st vs 92nd 1v1 for an example

Both of those regiments are dead. Two of the only actually skilled regiments to exist in this community.

Also, if you wanted to test the skill of a regiment for real, why not just melee? Getting kills with the musket is based entirely on luck
« Last Edit: December 04, 2014, 09:00:10 pm by Chosen1 »
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Offline Crescent Glow

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Re: Why do people think this game is competitive?
« Reply #19 on: December 04, 2014, 09:01:10 pm »
They're back? Well that's good I guess. I haven't played this game in months

 But it seems to me like they are nowhere near as good as they used to be.
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Re: Why do people think this game is competitive?
« Reply #20 on: December 04, 2014, 09:09:14 pm »
OK, I get what you are trying to say about how melee is easy. In my honest opinion, yes it is  RELATIVELY easy. But, what makes the game competitive is the units and or teams created by the community. Meleeing effectively as unit is way harder than just learning to fight 1v1. Almost every game with a multiplayer scene is competitive..NW only has multiplayer. Also, Some players think it is fun to win. I, myself, thinkt he only way to have fun in this game anymore is to win those competitive match ups.

I would hardly compare groupfighting to that of the special Olympics. Go look at regiments that perfected the groupfight like 14e, 92nd, 91st, 71st, 12th, and many others. When you watch them fight they fight as a UNIT not as an individual. Look here, go join a remotely decent regiment that plays competitively and you will see.
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Re: Why do people think this game is competitive?
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2014, 10:14:44 pm »
You say Mount and Blade melee is easy? ANY half decent Native player would whoop your ass all day long. I'm sure most NW players would too, to be fair, but saying that Mount and Blade melee is easy is retarded. Sure, the basics of NW are easy, as you said, two directions. However, once you factor in chambering, holds, holding chambers, dolphin diving, kicks etc it becomes much more complex.
Going further than that, the whole point of NW is not a 1v1 duel. Duelling a player can take ages if they're roughly the same skill level, but the whole point of this game is the teamwork. Groupfighting is one example of that, but it's not about that either, it's simply one competitive scene that has developed to hone people's skills. Real skill comes from the communication, leadership and teamwork involved in a proper linebattle. Not a 1v1 lb, but a fully fledged linebattle with skirmishers, cavlary and artillery as well, all coordinated through teamspeak to destroy shit. THAT is where the game becomes so much more than other FPS games. That is where the game is at it's most enjoyable, but unfortunately most lbs are disorganised with regiments having to react to the movement of regiments on their team as well as the opposite team, with half of them ignoring the rest of their team.
Coordinating and planning 100 players of 7 regiments/groups and 4 classes of troops is difficult in and of itself, but it's where the real experience is. It factors in the grasp of tactics of the commander, the tactics of each leader in moving, positioning, engaging and making their own decisions, the teamwork of each regiment and the individual skills in melee of a player.

Sure, it might not be your cup of tea, but there's plenty of reasons that people enjoy playing it, and the myriad of competitive outlets that are on offer are part of the enjoyment of it.
Compare it to CoD/CS:S/BF/WoW/LoL/DotA2 etc, which all have competitive scenes, and I think you'll see that NW has at least the same level of competition, we simply don't have the player-base to support the same levels of competitions, and you aren't going to get enough players who are at the highest level to draw that big of a crowd.

Offline Chosen1

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Re: Why do people think this game is competitive?
« Reply #22 on: December 04, 2014, 11:13:06 pm »
You say Mount and Blade melee is easy? ANY half decent Native player would whoop your ass all day long. I'm sure most NW players would too, to be fair, but saying that Mount and Blade melee is easy is retarded. Sure, the basics of NW are easy, as you said, two directions. However, once you factor in chambering, holds, holding chambers, dolphin diving, kicks etc it becomes much more complex.

 ;D It's funny how you typed "etc" when that's really all there is to it. It's the easiest shit ever. Chambering down and upstabs is insanely easy, and you don't need to be a 'pro' to know when to block and when not to block.

From reading your post I can tell you haven't played anything but NW, but come on, atleast try to expose yourself to other games if you are going to type up this stupidity

Also, I'm one of the better NA native and cRPG players. I've been playing warband since 2010, and I could probably shit on everyone here in a duel, even with my 150+ ping

Going further than that, the whole point of NW is not a 1v1 duel. Duelling a player can take ages if they're roughly the same skill level, but the whole point of this game is the teamwork. Groupfighting is one example of that, but it's not about that either, it's simply one competitive scene that has developed to hone people's skills. Real skill comes from the communication, leadership and teamwork involved in a proper linebattle. Not a 1v1 lb, but a fully fledged linebattle with skirmishers, cavlary and artillery as well, all coordinated through teamspeak to destroy shit. THAT is where the game becomes so much more than other FPS games. That is where the game is at it's most enjoyable, but unfortunately most lbs are disorganised with regiments having to react to the movement of regiments on their team as well as the opposite team, with half of them ignoring the rest of their team.
Coordinating and planning 100 players of 7 regiments/groups and 4 classes of troops is difficult in and of itself, but it's where the real experience is. It factors in the grasp of tactics of the commander, the tactics of each leader in moving, positioning, engaging and making their own decisions, the teamwork of each regiment and the individual skills in melee of a player.

You're right about one thing; there aren't hardly any linebattles like that anymore. When the community was full of MM vets, linebattles were awesome. Now, alot of veterans are gone and linebattles are nowhere near as competitive as they used to be. Groupfighting is competitive, yes, I'll give you that. But for all these ''pros'' who put so much hype into these linebattles and duels need a reality check. The game is not that difficult as you make it out to be.

Sure, it might not be your cup of tea, but there's plenty of reasons that people enjoy playing it, and the myriad of competitive outlets that are on offer are part of the enjoyment of it.
Compare it to CoD/CS:S/BF/WoW/LoL/DotA2 etc, which all have competitive scenes, and I think you'll see that NW has at least the same level of competition

Now that gave me a good chuckle.  ;D

It's especially hilarious because those games require some kind of skill. Native and cRPG, yes. NW? Quit kidding yourself
« Last Edit: December 04, 2014, 11:14:38 pm by Chosen1 »
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Offline Josef Lenin

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Re: Why do people think this game is competitive?
« Reply #23 on: December 04, 2014, 11:22:57 pm »
I completely agree. The only game out there that require skill, all have to have 4 block directions. CSGO, DOTA2 have nothing on cRPG
In fact, I only think there should be blocking, and no attacking. In fact there shouldn't even be a shooting mechanic. Keyboards? More like S-key neckbeard warriors should kill themselves.
As a person with no life, this issue of attacking in two directions in a video game in order to determine one's skill is extremely important to me.

Tbh. I have to respect you for being by far the most successful forum troll on here.

Offline Chosen1

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Re: Why do people think this game is hard
« Reply #24 on: December 04, 2014, 11:25:29 pm »
Troll? Not really. Just because I have a conflicting opinion doesn't mean I'm trolling.

And I did not says CSGO and DOTA are easier than cRPG. I said it was on par. but unfortunately even in cRPG some of the very best of the best have left as the mod is almost dead
« Last Edit: December 04, 2014, 11:29:26 pm by Chosen1 »
9-11 Coaster.

Find out what it's like to spin, glide, skim and fly like a giant airplane when you experience "United Airlines Flight 175"® – the only flying roller coaster of its kind in the world. Riders are taunted by a head-first, face-down inverted crash into the twin towers… and that's just the beginning. Experience the full force and power of riding down the twin towers, all on one of the deadliest tracks in the world.

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Re: Why do people think this game is competitive?
« Reply #25 on: December 04, 2014, 11:26:27 pm »
I completely agree. The only game out there that require skill, all have to have 4 block directions. CSGO, DOTA2 have nothing on cRPG
In fact, I only think there should be blocking, and no attacking. In fact there shouldn't even be a shooting mechanic. Keyboards? More like S-key neckbeard warriors should kill themselves.
As a person with no life, this issue of attacking in two directions in a video game in order to determine one's skill is extremely important to me.

Tbh. I have to respect you for being by far the most successful forum troll on here.

lol ok

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Re: Why do people think this game is hard
« Reply #26 on: December 04, 2014, 11:30:30 pm »
Atleast we still have swords and related four direction weapons. Two attack directions on a bayonet is understandable for the NW team. But for player gameplay it is simpler than four directions. But I guess a bayonet swipe from left to right or right to left is out of the question here. Now I wonder how a mod would be that could pull it off.
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Hello.. I have a problem... It says I don't have Mount&Blade Warband: Napoleonic War and I have to buy it
Try joining a regular Napoleonic Wars server and then re-running the installer.

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Re: Why do people think this game is hard
« Reply #27 on: December 04, 2014, 11:34:38 pm »

Offline Josef Lenin

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Re: Why do people think this game is hard
« Reply #28 on: December 04, 2014, 11:39:18 pm »
theis es an fairy serus isue jacket

Offline JackieChan

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Re: Why do people think this game is hard
« Reply #29 on: December 04, 2014, 11:40:15 pm »