
How much Iron is in Europe?

1 litre
99 (11.7%)
10 litres
11 (1.3%)
20 litres
10 (1.2%)
200 litres
16 (1.9%)
400 litres
48 (5.7%)
240.336.676,217765 litres
300 (35.5%) litres
362 (42.8%)

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Author Topic: [NW][M]Iron Europe - WWI Mod (RELEASED) - Old Thread  (Read 1001172 times)

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod
« Reply #195 on: November 16, 2012, 01:18:24 am »
I would like to reserve Füsilier-Regiment Brandenburgisches Nr. 35

Offline Aumashy

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod
« Reply #196 on: November 16, 2012, 01:48:02 am »
Germany has arrived, more to come.

Offline Betaknight

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod
« Reply #197 on: November 16, 2012, 04:09:30 am »
well the conflict is over. Now onto more stuff to do! :D
The first modder for NW.

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod
« Reply #198 on: November 16, 2012, 09:08:20 am »
the sprint will only be a duration right? Otherwise it would totally ruin the game imo.

Or make rifle not fireable while sprinting but then again the normal WW1 run is fine imo.

Offline Llano

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod
« Reply #199 on: November 16, 2012, 12:42:36 pm »
Germany has arrived, more to come.

Offline Googly

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod
« Reply #200 on: November 16, 2012, 02:59:22 pm »
the sprint will only be a duration right? Otherwise it would totally ruin the game imo.

Or make rifle not fireable while sprinting but then again the normal WW1 run is fine imo.
I honestly cannot see what the big deal about sprinting is, you seem to absolutely hate it, you want everyone to walk very slowly for 5 minutes till they reach the other trench? In some areas of the front the trenches were only 50 yards apart. As Rigadoon said, sprinting is vital to this game.

And yes make the rifle non fireable during sprinting, if I was running over no mans land I don't reckon I'd be hip firing my rifle and doing the bolt action whilst making sure I'm not tripping over shrapnel, bodies and wood. But sprinting is needed.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 03:01:55 pm by Googly »

Offline Wolfy

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod
« Reply #201 on: November 16, 2012, 03:01:57 pm »
I think current way of running and walking is fine.It will be a bitch to code(I guess)and will not make that much of a diffrence when people have such weapons a MGs,Rifles and subs

Offline Googly

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod
« Reply #202 on: November 16, 2012, 03:11:06 pm »
I think current way of running and walking is fine.It will be a bitch to code(I guess)and will not make that much of a diffrence when people have such weapons a MGs,Rifles and subs

It won't be a 'bitch' seeing as it's already been done in 2-3 mods. And MG gunners wouldn't really pick up their 30kg MG08 and run with it. And how would the infantry use the SMGs, which are close quarter combat weaponry if when they hop out the trenches they get sniped and mowed down by arty, MGs and accurate quick firing rifles whilst jogging?

What I don't think you realise and understand is the difference between this and NW. In NW you can try dodge and weave by zig-zagging back and forth which ends up in your character going very slow but may help stop you being shot due to the musket being horribly inaccurate. This is due to the gunpowder with a chance the bullet can fly anywhere. I'm sure in real napoloenic times or on sharpe you don't seen soldiers running side to side going 'You can't hit me, Na na na na naaa!'.
In WWI the bullets were now catridges as we know today, brass casings. Barrels were rifled for accuracy, there was no 30 second ramrod reload time, just a 1-2 second pulling the bolt back time. If you want to attempt to run across no mans land against accurate rifles like the Lee-Enfield and Gewehr 98 whilst taking a nice brisk jog, be my guest, I'll gladly let you take my place in the line, I'm sure I'll be stepping over your cold body as you hit the floor  :P

Take North & South as an example. The rifles are more accurate than NW, You don't have to aim as higher as usual in-case of bullet drop, but guns weren't perfect then. However in WWI all you had to do was aim forwards and bam, his down. Why do you think so many died in comparison to Napoloenic battles? Imagine N&S accuracy but 2x that. Try 'jog' into that.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 03:37:48 pm by Googly »

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod
« Reply #203 on: November 16, 2012, 04:40:26 pm »
the sprint will only be a duration right? Otherwise it would totally ruin the game imo.

Or make rifle not fireable while sprinting but then again the normal WW1 run is fine imo.
I honestly cannot see what the big deal about sprinting is, you seem to absolutely hate it, you want everyone to walk very slowly for 5 minutes till they reach the other trench? In some areas of the front the trenches were only 50 yards apart. As Rigadoon said, sprinting is vital to this game.

And yes make the rifle non fireable during sprinting, if I was running over no mans land I don't reckon I'd be hip firing my rifle and doing the bolt action whilst making sure I'm not tripping over shrapnel, bodies and wood. But sprinting is needed.

Sprinting is not needed.

as I mentioned earlier(there I have explained why I don't want sprinting)

the trench warfare is more than just over the top sprint like a cod look a like and then do the melee in the enemy trench and be done in 30 seconds.

The whole POINT of the ww1 warfare was that the charge was the most terrifying they didn't sprint much either because of the barbed wire and they had to look at the ground where they walked.

Honestly sprinting would only ruin the game.

Offline Googly

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod
« Reply #204 on: November 16, 2012, 05:27:02 pm »
the sprint will only be a duration right? Otherwise it would totally ruin the game imo.

Or make rifle not fireable while sprinting but then again the normal WW1 run is fine imo.
I honestly cannot see what the big deal about sprinting is, you seem to absolutely hate it, you want everyone to walk very slowly for 5 minutes till they reach the other trench? In some areas of the front the trenches were only 50 yards apart. As Rigadoon said, sprinting is vital to this game.

And yes make the rifle non fireable during sprinting, if I was running over no mans land I don't reckon I'd be hip firing my rifle and doing the bolt action whilst making sure I'm not tripping over shrapnel, bodies and wood. But sprinting is needed.

Sprinting is not needed.

as I mentioned earlier(there I have explained why I don't want sprinting)

the trench warfare is more than just over the top sprint like a cod look a like and then do the melee in the enemy trench and be done in 30 seconds.

The whole POINT of the ww1 warfare was that the charge was the most terrifying they didn't sprint much either because of the barbed wire and they had to look at the ground where they walked.

Honestly sprinting would only ruin the game.

One word. No.

Mate, let me put this into perspective like I have done already because you don't seem to understand...You climb out of the trench, correct? You still with me here or have you drifted off into imagination land? Good. Right once your over the top, what do you do? Slowly decide to start walking towards the trenches for 5 minutes losing 57,470 men in the process? Then slowly take out your bayonet as the enemy slowly rises their guns but don't fire at you? And the bullets slowly fly out of the barrels completely missing you because your in the Matrix? No. This is reality, Not fairytale. You have to take all the factors in, there will be machine guns, accurate rifles and in these events there won't be 1000 people servers. It'll be like Line battle and siege events, you keep trying till you get there eventually, if you keep jogging and being ripped to shreds by machine gun fire, I'm sure you'll get a few ragequitters after a while, sounds like you would.

Soldiers sprinted, I'm not sure what 'sprint' means to you. I don't mean go 30-40mph in the space of 3 seconds. I mean 2x the normal run speed as an option, go do a test on Napoloenic Wars. Now, jog towards the fortress on a 84e Siege server, I'll come along and watch, see if you survive very long. If bullets land near you or hit you, think what it would be like if those muskets were 3x more accurate, 3x as fast and 3x as deadly as they are? You'd die. Die some more. Die again, then a little bit of death ontop of that, plus some more death with a sprinkle of pain and misery plus, not forgetting the most important ingredient, Death! I don't really understand where you get the 'COD' idea from, so stop relating the two games, they're nothing like each other. If you implement the basic run that is already in NW, keeping it the same, I don't see how having the 'option' to sprint, would 'ruin the game' and make you want to ragequit and run home crying? You think 'Storm' troopers walked briskly? You think they just had a relaxing jog waving at the French 'Alright lads! Good day isn't it? :)' No. They ran, ran and assaulted. Ever heard of 'Blitzkrieg' the Germans didn't name it 'lightning' warfare for nothing. Personally to me, having 'options' doesn't ruin anything. Nothing can ruin this game except moaning players and laser cannons.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 05:38:05 pm by Googly »

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod
« Reply #205 on: November 16, 2012, 05:35:35 pm »
You are right men ran for there bloody lives But the ones that made it to the trench were the ones that take cover and stay low.The ones that ran head on got shot,blow up and trap in wire.So yes we could put a sprint in but is it that importent?Lets face it  VERY few men will live whhen charging and then have to face a fully maned regiment with two other guys.So i going with no sprint and man up.

EDIT:Use spoilers be for you get warned

Offline Murray

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod
« Reply #206 on: November 16, 2012, 05:36:25 pm »
the sprint will only be a duration right? Otherwise it would totally ruin the game imo.

Or make rifle not fireable while sprinting but then again the normal WW1 run is fine imo.
I honestly cannot see what the big deal about sprinting is, you seem to absolutely hate it, you want everyone to walk very slowly for 5 minutes till they reach the other trench? In some areas of the front the trenches were only 50 yards apart. As Rigadoon said, sprinting is vital to this game.

And yes make the rifle non fireable during sprinting, if I was running over no mans land I don't reckon I'd be hip firing my rifle and doing the bolt action whilst making sure I'm not tripping over shrapnel, bodies and wood. But sprinting is needed.

Sprinting is not needed.

as I mentioned earlier(there I have explained why I don't want sprinting)

the trench warfare is more than just over the top sprint like a cod look a like and then do the melee in the enemy trench and be done in 30 seconds.

The whole POINT of the ww1 warfare was that the charge was the most terrifying they didn't sprint much either because of the barbed wire and they had to look at the ground where they walked.

Honestly sprinting would only ruin the game.

One word. No.

Mate, let me put this into perspective like I have done already because you don't seem to understand...You climb out of the trench, correct? You still with me here or have you drifted off into imagination land? Good. Right once your over the top, what do you do? Slowly decide to start walking towards the trenches for 5 minutes? Then slowly take out your bayonet as the enemy slowly rises their guns but don't fire at you? And the bullets slowly fly out of the barrels completely missing you because your in the Matrix? No. This is reality, Not fairytale.

Soldiers sprinted, I'm not sure what 'sprint' means to you. I don't mean go 30-40mph in the space of 3 seconds. I mean 2x the normal run speed as an option, go do a test on Napoloenic Wars. Now, jog towards the fortress on a 84e Siege server, I'll come along and watch, see if you survive very long. If bullets land near you or hit you, think what it would be like if those muskets were 3x more accurate, 3x as fast and 3x as deadly as they are? You'd die. Die some more. Die again, then a little bit of death ontop of that, plus some more death with a sprinkle of pain and misery plus, not forgetting the most important ingredient, Death! I don't really understand where you get the 'COD' idea from, so stop relating the two games, they're nothing like each other. If you implement the basic run that is already in NW, keeping it the same, I don't see how having the 'option' to sprint, would 'ruin the game' and make you want to ragequit and run home crying? You think 'Storm' troopers walked briskly? You think they just had a relaxing jog waving at the French 'Alright lads! Good day isn't it? :)' No. They ran, ran and assaulted. Ever heard of 'Blitzkrieg' the Germans didn't name it 'lightning' warfare for nothing.

You. I like you.

100% Agree. Sprinting is needed, otherwise you'd never survive going over the top. Therefore I strongly hope that Rigadoon will implement Sprinting.

Signature Courtesy of Aumashy

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod
« Reply #207 on: November 16, 2012, 05:38:58 pm »
the sprint will only be a duration right? Otherwise it would totally ruin the game imo.

Or make rifle not fireable while sprinting but then again the normal WW1 run is fine imo.
I honestly cannot see what the big deal about sprinting is, you seem to absolutely hate it, you want everyone to walk very slowly for 5 minutes till they reach the other trench? In some areas of the front the trenches were only 50 yards apart. As Rigadoon said, sprinting is vital to this game.

And yes make the rifle non fireable during sprinting, if I was running over no mans land I don't reckon I'd be hip firing my rifle and doing the bolt action whilst making sure I'm not tripping over shrapnel, bodies and wood. But sprinting is needed.

Sprinting is not needed.

as I mentioned earlier(there I have explained why I don't want sprinting)

the trench warfare is more than just over the top sprint like a cod look a like and then do the melee in the enemy trench and be done in 30 seconds.

The whole POINT of the ww1 warfare was that the charge was the most terrifying they didn't sprint much either because of the barbed wire and they had to look at the ground where they walked.

Honestly sprinting would only ruin the game.

One word. No.

Mate, let me put this into perspective like I have done already because you don't seem to understand...You climb out of the trench, correct? You still with me here or have you drifted off into imagination land? Good. Right once your over the top, what do you do? Slowly decide to start walking towards the trenches for 5 minutes losing 57,470 men in the process? Then slowly take out your bayonet as the enemy slowly rises their guns but don't fire at you? And the bullets slowly fly out of the barrels completely missing you because your in the Matrix? No. This is reality, Not fairytale.

Soldiers sprinted, I'm not sure what 'sprint' means to you. I don't mean go 30-40mph in the space of 3 seconds. I mean 2x the normal run speed as an option, go do a test on Napoloenic Wars. Now, jog towards the fortress on a 84e Siege server, I'll come along and watch, see if you survive very long. If bullets land near you or hit you, think what it would be like if those muskets were 3x more accurate, 3x as fast and 3x as deadly as they are? You'd die. Die some more. Die again, then a little bit of death ontop of that, plus some more death with a sprinkle of pain and misery plus, not forgetting the most important ingredient, Death! I don't really understand where you get the 'COD' idea from, so stop relating the two games, they're nothing like each other. If you implement the basic run that is already in NW, keeping it the same, I don't see how having the 'option' to sprint, would 'ruin the game' and make you want to ragequit and run home crying? You think 'Storm' troopers walked briskly? You think they just had a relaxing jog waving at the French 'Alright lads! Good day isn't it? :)' No. They ran, ran and assaulted. Ever heard of 'Blitzkrieg' the Germans didn't name it 'lightning' warfare for nothing.

Agreed with you on those points. Though I do have to pernickety about the Blitzkrieg point - that was only applicable for WW2 as the advances made in technology enable entire mechanised divisions to speedily thrust through enemy strong-points and secure ground for the infantry.

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod
« Reply #208 on: November 16, 2012, 05:43:16 pm »
Yeah blitzkrieg is based entirely on fast mechanical (tanks,SPG and arty) assault with troops mopping up the mess.

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Re: Iron Europe - WWI Mod
« Reply #209 on: November 16, 2012, 05:44:15 pm »
You are right men ran for there bloody lives But the ones that made it to the trench were the ones that take cover and stay low.The ones that ran head on got shot,blow up and trap in wire.So yes we could put a sprint in but is it that importent?Lets face it  VERY few men will live whhen charging and then have to face a fully maned regiment with two other guys.So i going with no sprint and man up.

EDIT:Use spoilers be for you get warned

Yes very few men will live when charging. Yes that is the 'historically accurate' way. But you haven't considered storm troopers, pioneers etc. Storm troopers did not jog or walk, they had bandoliers of grenades on their chest, if they walked a soldier would have to shoot the bag and he'd go kablooweh along with the rest of his men, that is why they ran. That is why sprinting is needed as an option for certain groups.

Your an infantryman in a NW regiment correct? You know the rules of 'No firing out of line' and 'no officer aiming' and light infantry and rifles can only skirmish correct? Some people may moan 'OMG THATS RUINING THE GAME, WAHHHH THEY KILLING ME.' The sprint option should only be designated to specific groups such as stormtroopers, pioneers because otherwise there would be no point in them being in the game which would in-turn cancel out a huge chunk of the German Army in WWI leaving nothing but one line walking up, getting shot, another line getting shot, then another. That was early war, later in the war leaders started to develop brains, something you seem to have yet too if you think sprinting isn't needed. No offense.