Author Topic: Leib Grenadier Regiment König Friedrich Wilhelm III (1.Brandenburgisches) Nr.8  (Read 4842 times)

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Offline Ripoll

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Leib Grenadier Regiment König Friedrich Wilhelm III (1.Brandenburgisches) Nr.8


We are a infantery regiment of Iron Europe, we are part of the Simulation community Nova Simulatio. We are all spanish speakers and we only recruit spanish speakers no matter their nationality. We reacreate as much as we can while we are having fun too, there is not required to join other regiments of simulatio nova to join this one.



The regiment owes its existence to the military disaster of 1806. After the battle of Jena and Auerstädt against the troops of Emperor Napoleon I and the following defeats and surrenders the commander of the fortress of Kolberg, Colonel von Lucadou began in November 1806 the establishment of the "Provisional Pomeranian grenadier battalion." This battalion, which soon after its commander, Captain Baron. was v. Wald Rock, named, consisted mainly of the remains of the regiments Pirch (No. 22) and vac. Puttkammer (No. 36) associated Grenadier Battalion East, which had officially surrendered at Prenzlau. However, at that time many soldiers fled across the Prussian army from French captivity, made their way on their own and rallied back to take up the fight again. Kolberg was one of the few forts that held the French state.

Until the conclusion of the armistice in July 1807 the fortress was steadfast (from April 1807) defend von Gneisenau under the new military commander and later reformers Neidhardt. From the Infantry Battalion Forest Rock, the second Pomeranian and 3 Neumark reserve battalion and the battalion of light v. Schill were placed on 26.08.1808 two new formations that have been appointed in recognition of their services to the body with body Infantry Regiment Grenadier Battalion and was one of the Garden. (First) bosses were always the Prussian kings until 1918. Second chiefs were later inside the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Alexandrine (1865-1892) and Alexandra (1892-1918).

In the Napoleonic wars 1812/14, the regiment in numerous skirmishes and battles was constantly fighting and moved to Paris. In the battle of Wartenberg (3 October 1813) is the II Battalion recorded heavy losses from the rest. During the subsequent parade of General von York this took off his hat with the words: "This is the brave battalion II, before the whole world must have respect". In the battle of Leipzig, the Second Battalion captured a drum stick, it led to 1918.

After Napoleon's return in 1815, the regiment fought at Ligny and Waterloo.   

In the revolution of 1848, the body-Grenadierein were used to street fighting in Berlin and received - as well as the then Prince and future Emperor and King William ("grapeshot Prince") - a nickname: "the bloodhounds."

1860 the king gave the regiment the signature FWR on the epaulettes and awarded the body Grenadier Regiment. 1861 is renamed Body Guard Grenadiers Regiment (1st Brandenburg) No 8 and the presentation of the III for signature in memory of the founder, King Frederick William III, whose name gets 1889 as an addition.

In the War of 1864 against Denmark, Brandenburg stormed the entrenchments III and VII with chaff, the brigade commander, General von Raven fell.

As part of the first Army under Prince Friedrich Karl took the body Grenadiers part in the campaign of 1866 against Austria. In the battle of Gitschin the regiment fought bravely against numerically superior Austrians and Saxons - and thereby won another victory. Because of this suffered heavy losses, especially among the officers, it was hardly involved in a few days later held Battle of Hradec Kralove as a reserve, but moved in the following period until the gates of Vienna.

In the war against France 1870/71, the body Grenadiers were distinguished in many skirmishes and battles, especially in Spichern, Vionville, Gravelotte, Orleans and Le Mans.


1808 Von Horn
1811 V. Tippelskirch
1812 V. Zielinski
1813 V. Zepelin
1816 V. Grabow
1832 V. Werder
1839 De Marées
1845 Von Chamier
1849 V. Hoffmann
1849 Manstein
1852 Sydow
1857 Marshal v. Sulicki
1859 V. Bojanowsky
1863 Berger v.
1866 Girodz v. Gaudy
1870 V. L'Estocq      

Campaigns, battles, skirmishes

1807 Against France (Gren. Bat forest rock and Inf Corps of Schill.). 14.3. to 2.7. Vertdg. Colberg.
1812 Against Russia: 19.7. Eckau. 27.9. Eckau. 20.9. Mesothen. 30.9. Listening pitcher. 1.10. Garossenkrug.
29.10. Samsonkrug. 15.11. Soon, yard long beans. 16.11. Dahl churches.
1813 Against France: 2.5. Gr. Görschen. 3.5. Lindenau. 7.5. Colditz. 19.5. Königswartha. 20th and 21.5. Bautzen.
19.8. Hörselberg. 21.8. Lowenberg. 26.8. at the Katzbach. 30.8.   Boleslawiec. 4.9. High church. 22.9. Bischoff Werda.
3.10. Wait castle. 16.10. Moeckern. 17.10. Gohlis. 21.10. Freiburg ad U. 26.10. Hörselberg near Eisenach. 01/03/
1814 Against France: Simmering 29.1. Brienne. 1.2. Vitry. 3.2. La Chaussée .4.2. Chalons. 11.2. Montmirail
12.2. Château Thierry. 22.2. Mery. 9.3.Laon. 14.3. Berry au Bac. 27.3. Trilport. 28.3. Claye. 30.3. Paris.
1815 Against France. 16.6. Ligny. 18.6. Wavre. 1.7. St. Germain. 2.7. Chatillon.
1846 Use in the province of Posen.
1848 18.3. street fighting in Berlin. From 1848-50 use of the regiment in the province of Posen.
1850 I. Bat. used in Hesse-Cassel. 8.11. Bronzell.
1864 Against Denmark. 28.3.-17.4. Siege of Düppel. 18.4. Storming of the Düppel.
1866 Against Austria. 29.6. Gitschin. 3.7. Hradec Kralove.
1870 Against France. 6.8. Spichern. 16.8. Vionville-Mars-la-Tour. 18.8. Gravelotte-St. Private. 1
9.8.-27.10. Einschlßg. of Metz. 7.10. Bellevue. 6.11. Provenchères (F). 7.11. Bretenay (II and F.).
28.11. Beaune le Rolande. 3.-4.12. Orléans. 7.12. Revoy.  8.12. Gien and Briare (6th & 8th Company, and F.) 6.1.
1871 Azay-Mazange. 10.-12.1. Le Mans.



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Sry, but im the Leader of the  Leib Grenadier Regiment Nr8!

Offline Ripoll

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Sry, but im the Leader of the  Leib Grenadier Regiment Nr8!

i reserved it, check in the official regiment list post
« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 06:33:06 pm by Ripoll »